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Full text of "History and genealogies of the families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh, and Brown (illustrated) : with interspersions of notes of the families of Dabney, Reid, Martin, Broaddus, Gentry, Jarman, Jameson, Ballard, Mullins, Michie, Moberley, Covington, Browning, Duncan, Yancey, and others"

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It  would  have  been  pleasing,  indeed,  to  have  finished  without 
error,  but  perfection  need  not  be  expected  of  imperfection.  If  there 
are  not  more  serious  errors  than  here  pointed  to,  we  shall  have 
cause  to  be  glad. 

In  Part  III,  Chap.  4,  Art.  1,  subject,  "Christopher  Harris,"  ap- 
pears the  statement  that  "Two  of  his  sons  married  'daughters'  ", 
when  it  should  read  "  'sisters'  of  the  old  pioneer,  Higgason  Grubbs." 
(See  Supplement.) 

In  Part  III,  Chap.  6,  Art.  1,  subject,  "Robert  Harris,"  it  is  stated 
that  "he  married  Nancy  Grubbs,  a  'daughter'  ",  when  it  should  read 
"  'sister'   of   Higgason   Grubbs."      (See  Supplement.) 

In  Part  III,  Chap.  12,  Art.  1,  subject,  "Christopher  Harris" 
(Rev.),  the  statement  that  he  "married  Elizabeth  Grubbs,  a 
'daughter'  ",  should  read  "  'sister'  of  Higgason  Grubbs."  (See 

In  Part  III,  Chap.  3,  Sec.  4,  Sub-sec.  5,  subject,  "Lucy  Harris," 
it  appears  that  the  subject,  "Lucy  Harris,  married  Thomas  Grubbs, 
who  in  1758  was  in  actual  service  against  the  Indians  on  the  Vir- 
ginia frontier,"  when  the  fact  is,  she  married  Higgason  Grubbs, 
who  came  from  Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  to  Kentucky  among 
the  early  pioneers.      (See  Supplement.) 

In  the  Supplement  appended  additional  matter  relative  to  fam- 
ilies of  this  history  will  be  found,  which  is  divided  into  9  para- 
graphs— ^the  head-lines  thereto  indicate  the  subject  matter  of  each 
paragraph,  w^hich  is  not   otherwise  indexed. 

History  and  Genealogies 






By  W.  H.  MILLER 



Copyright    1906,  by  W.  H.  Miller 





Two  Coetes  Received 

FEB  21  ■»308 

Cuuxitfiil  entry 

CUfeS  /»  XXc,  NO. 

COfY    A. 





In  the  pages  following,  besides  giving  the  lines  of  descent  aS 
far  back  as  traced,  are  brief  narratives,  sketches,  etc.,  of  individual 
members  of  the  families  of  Miller,  Woods,  Harris,  Wallace,  Maupin, 
Oldham,  Kavanaugh,  Brown,  an~d  others.  The  lineage  running  back 
to  one  Miller,  of  Anglo-Scotch-Irish-Franco-German  blood;  Woods, 
an  English  Trooper  of  Scoth-Irish  blood;  Maupin,  a  Frenchman; 
Harris  of  Whales;  Overt'on,  an  English  soldier;  Wallace,  of  the 
Scottish  Clan  Wallace  (Scotch-Irish);  Dabney,  of  French  origin; 
Kavanaugh,  from  Ireland;  Oldham,  Angio-Welsh,  and  Brown,  of 
English  ancestry.  By  intermarrige  these  several  bloods  have  inter- 
mingled and  coursed  into  the  veins  of  people  who  today  are  a  promi- 
nent part  of  tihe  best  citizenship  of  our  great  country,  and  have  all 
along,  in  the  years  gone  by,  held,  and  are  now  occupying,  high 
positions  of  public  trust  in  the  body  politic,  and  in  the  counsels  of 
the  nation  their  influences  are  felt,  as  well  as  filling  prominent 
places  in  the  marts  of  trade  and  commerce  and  agriculture  and 
every  otherwise,  and  have  spread  to  the  remotest  i)ortions  of 
the   globe. 

Among  the  early  mothers  ap^pear  the  names  of  Lynn,  Worsop, 
Campbell,  Overton,  Walters,  Clairbourne,  Glenn,  Anderson,  McCord, 
Bratton,  Rice,  Mullens,  and  others  of  whom  very  little  more  than 
the  mere  name  is  known,  and  sometimes  hardly  that  because  the 
lines  have  not  been  run  out — -made  very  difficult  to  trace  from  the 
fact,  as  it  seems,  that  the  heads  of  the  house  pretty  generally  have 
been  slow  and  careless  in  the  making,  preserving  and  handing  down 
full  and  complete  family  records,  and  often  when  this  was  done  rea- 
sonably well,  by  some  mishap  the  same  were  lost  or  destroyed. 
Therefore,  in  many,  if  not  most  instances,  only  very  meagre  accounts 
can  be  obtained,  especially  of  the  maternal  line,  and  often  the  little 
gathered  does  not  satisfy,  but  only  produces  a  desire  to  know  more 
— there  seems  to  he  no  stopping  place. 

The  data  at  hand  has  been  gotten  from  old  family  and  court 
records,  letters  and  testimony  of  creditable  persons,  and  from  every 
source  considered  reliable,  within  reach,  by  long  and  patient  search 
and  labor.  An  endeavor  has  been  made  to  put  the  facts  together 
in  a  clear  and  comprehensive  shape.  No  doubt  some  errors  occur, 
and  should  be  noted  and  corrected  when  detected.  In  a  work  of 
this  kind  perfection  need  not  be  expected.  All  matters  set  forth  as 
facts  are  known   or  believed   to  be   true   from  substantial   evidence. 

The  work  is  submitted  to  the  liind  and  charitable  judgment  of 
the  families  and  friends,  and  pardon  is  asked  for  shortcomings  and 
imperfections.  It  is  confidently  hoped  that  the  presentation  may 
be  interesting  enough  to  cause  some,  at  least,  to  overlook  the  faults, 
and  that  some  good  may  result. 

This  book  is  divided  into  eight  parts,  and  each  part  into  chap- 
ters, and  the  chapters  into  sections,  for  convenience  and  easy  refer- 
ence.    A  genealogical  table  precedes  each  part..       ,y.^ 

Miller   Family,   p'   '  "  ^  '       //,■ 
Woods   Family,      t'l'h^^^l 
Harris   Family.    ^  iif^.  ^  v  ^*7 
Wallace   Family.  '^  -^  '   '  . 













4:  History  and  Genealogies 

Part  V.  The  Maupin   Family.  «/.  ,'  ir^i-ti 

Part  VI.  The   Oldham  Family.    4-fciC   -^   ^&  I 

Part  VII.  The  Kavanaugh   Family.  5'/r'^  ^ /.  5 

Part  VIII.  The  Brown   Family.     Ci?S¥-L^^-' 

Interspersed  through  the  parts  are  brief  notes  of  the  families  of 
Reid,  Dabney,  Martin,  Gentry,  Jarman,  Jameson,  Ballard,  Mullins, 
Michie,  Moberley,   Covington,  Browning,  Duncan,  Yancey,  etc. 

A  general  index  to  the  whole  is  made,  complete  enough,  it  is 
thought,  to  enable  the  ready  finding  of  any  of  the  contents. 

To  the  following  named  persons  thanks  are  extended  for  ma- 
terial aid  generously  and  kindly  rendered,  viz.: 

Mrs.  Joseph  W.    (Mattie  Maupin)   Bales,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Mrs.  (Susan  Woods)  Matt  M.  Bearden,  of  Elk  River  Mills, 
Fayetteville,  Tenn. 

A.  R.  Bentenstien,  Esq.,  Clerk  of  Court,  Warrenton,  Va. 

J.  L.  Bishop,  Esq.,  attorney-at-law,  Selma,  Ala. 

A.  J.  Broaddus,  Esq.,  Moberley,  Ky. 

Hon.  A.  Rollins  Burnam,  attorney-at-law,  Richmond,   Ky. 

Mrs.  Bettie  Harrish  Bush,  Stanford,  Ky. 

Col.  and  Mrs.  James  W.   Caperton,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Hon.   A.   T.   Chenault,  Richmond,  Ky. 

iMrs.  Margaret  O.  Chenault,  Mt.  Sterling,  Ky. 

Jesse  T.  Cobb,  Esq.,  Clerk  County  Court,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Collins'  History  of  Kentucky. 

W.  E.  Coons,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court,  Culpeper,  Va. 

Mrs.  Sallie  Harris  Wallace  Conroy,  Irvine,  Ky.  • 

William  Q.  Covington,  Esq.,  now  deceased,  Waco,  Ky. 

Joseph  Collins,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Jacob  S.  Collins,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Margaret  Oldham  Doty,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mr.  William  Kavanaugh  Doty,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Robert  L.   (Jane  Arie)   Doty,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Dr.  John  Harris  Duncan,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Mrs.   Mary  Duncan,   Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Brutus  K.    (Laura)    Duncan,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Leslie  Evans,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Thomas  Geddy,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court,  Williamsburg,   Va. 

Richard  Gentry,  Esq.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Miss  Angeline  Gentry,  Richmond,  Va. 

Miss  Sallie  Gentry,  New  Hope,  Va. 

Mrs.  Aileen,  Kavanaugh   Gilbert,  Lawrenceburg,   Ky. 

Judge  John  D.  Goodloe,  Whites  Station,  Ky. 

B.  F.  Golden,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 
iCharles  D.  Grubbs,  Esq.,  Mt.  Sterling,  Ky. 
Miss  Martha  Overton  Harris,  Fulton,  Mo. 
Overton. Harris,  Esq.,  Harris,  Mo. 
Clifford  B.  Harris,  Esq.,  Harris,  Mo. 

John  W.  Harris,  Esq.,  Xortonville,  Kansas. 

Mr.  Harris,  Clerk  Court,  Irvine,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Wm.  J.  Hanna,  Harrodsburg,  Ky. 

Thomas  J.  Hill,  Jr.,  attorney-at-law,  Stanford,  Ky. 

Archibald  W.  Kavanaugh,  Esq.,  Vinton,  Kansas. 

Joseph  Kennedy,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  C.  A.  Lacey,  Houston,  Va. 

Dulaney  M.  Lackey,  Esq.,  Lancaster,  Ky. 

Frank  N.  Lee,  Esq.,  Danville,  Ky. 

John  Lipscomb,  Esq.,  Beans  Creek,  Tenn. 

Life  of  Bishop  Kavanaugh,  by  Bedford. 

l/tshin/  mill    ( Inifa/oi/ics  5 

Mrs.  R.  N.    (Ellen  Miller)    McClain,  Gallatin,  Tenn. 
A.  H.  Martin,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court  Xorfolk  Co.,  Portsmouth,  Va. 
David  G.  Martin,   Esq.,   Boone,  Ky. 
W.  L.  Martin,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court,  Charlottesville,  Va. 
Mrs.  Socrates    (Anna  T).   Maupin,  Lafollette,  Tenn. 
Leland  D.  Maupin,  Esq.,  Waco,  Ky. 
Breckinridge  Maupin,  Esp.,  Kingston,  Ky. 
Julian  H.  Maupin,  Esq.,  Waco,  Ky. 
Calumn  Maupin,  Esq.,   Richmond,   Ky. 
Christopher  Harris  Maupin,  Esq.,  Moberley,  Ky. 
Mrs.  Susan  Chenault  Miller,  Ardmore,  Indian  Territory. 
Col.  Thomas  W.  Miller  (now  dead),  late  of  Stanford,  Ky. 
Malcom  Memmings  Miller,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 
Thomas  Southworth  Miller,  Esq.,  Flat,  Texas. 
Mrs.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller,   Palfurrias,  Texas. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  C.  Miller,  Esq.,  Moberley,  Ky. 
R.  L.  Mitchell,  Esq.,  Clerk  Supreme  Court  Caswell  Co.,  Yancey- 
ville,  X.  C. 

E.  Nelson,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court,  Manassas,  Va. 

Rev.   William   Abner   Oldham,   Nortonville,    Kansas. 

Thompson  B.   Oldham,  Esq.,  Burgin,  Ky. 

Samuel  Oldham,  Esq.,  Zanesville,  Oliio. 

Alf.  V.  Oldham,  Clerk  City  Court,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Abner  Oldham,  Esq.,   Lexington,   Ky. 

Thomas  M.  Oldham,  Esq.,   (now  dead),  Brassfield,  Ky. 

William  Dowell   Oldham,  Esq.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Hon.  John  Samuel  Owsley,  Jr.,  attorney-at-law,  Stanford,  Ky. 

William  N.  Prarott,  Esq.,  Charlottesville,  Va. 

George  W.  Park,  Esq.,  Speedwell,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Dudley  (Bettie  Miller)   Portwood,  Ft.  Worth,  Texas. 

Perriss,  etc..  History  of  Kentucky. 

A.  C.  Quisenberry's  History  of  Families. 

Mrs.  Miriam  Reid,  Red  House,  Ky. 

Forrestus  Reid,  Esq.,  Danville,  Ky. 

Mrs.  John  J.    (Jane  Harris)    Rogers,   Lexington,   Ky. 

Hon.   Charles  H.   Rodes,   Danville,   Ky. 

Dr.  Slaughter's  Notes  on  Culpeper  Co.,  Va.,  by  Raleigh  T.  Green, 
by  permission. 

W.   Rodes  Shackelford,  Esq.,  Richmond,   Ky. 

Mrs.  Sallie  Goodloe  Smith,  Richmond,  Ky. 

John  Speed  Smith,  Esq.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Z.  P.  Smith's  History  of  Kentucky. 

Mrs.  Pattie  Harris  Stone,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Mrs.  G.  B.   (Annie  Maupn)    Stevensoni  Velardeno,  Mexico. 

Miss  Helen  Terrill,  Terrill,  Ky. 

Robert  B.  Terrill,  Esq.,  Deputy  Clerk,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Miss  Annie  Miller  Tevis,  Middlesborough,  Ky. 

O.  T.  Wallace,   Esq.,    (chart).  Point   Levell,  Ky. 

Coleman  C.  Wallace,  Esq.,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  John    (Elizabeth  Jane)    Wallace,  Irvine,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Ann  Wallace,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Tracey  Wallace,  Irvine,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Jennie  Walderschmidt,  Vinton,  Kansas. 

Roy  C  .White,  Esq.,  Circuit  Clerk,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Sallie  M.  Williamson,  Pulaski,  Tenn. 

Hon.  Robert  H.  Winn,  Mt.   Sterling,  Ky. 

C.  W.  Woolfolk,  Esq.,  Clerk  Court,  Orange,  Va. 

Mrs.  John  T.    (Nannie)    Woodford,  Mt.   Sterling,  Ky. 

6  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

G.  M.  Woods,  Esq.,  Tullahoma,  Tenn. 

Woods-McAfee  Memorial,  by  Rev.  Neander  M.  Woods,  by  his 
kind   permission. 

Rev.  Edgar  Woods'  History  of  Albemarle  Co.,  Charlottesville, 
Va.,  by  kind  permission. 

Mrs.   Malinda  Yates,  Trenton,  Mo. 

Miss  Lucy  Miller,  Paris,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Charles   (Mary  Miller)   Stephens,  Paris,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Lillian  Curd  Elliott,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

C.  D.  Bailey,  Esq.,  County  Court  Clerk,  Clarksville,  Tenn. 
Mrs.  Mary  Eliza  Crews,  Glasgow,  Mo. 

Will  M.  Maupin,  Esq.,  Lincoln,  Xeb. 
I       B.  F.  Maupin,  Esq.,  Pulaski,  111. 

Mrs.  Anna  P.  Kavanaugh,   Pine  Bluff,  Ark. 

James  Howard  Boggs,  Esq.,  Nicholasville,  Ky. 

Mrs.  Barry   (Minnie  H.)    Miller,  Dallas,  Texas. 

Miss  Sallie  Yates,  Trenton,  Mo. 

Miss  Mary  Brown  Miller,  Huntsville,  Ala. 

Mrs.  T.  E.    (Mariam  Othelia)    Manning,  Roswell,  New  Mexico. 

D.  R.  Broaddus,  Esq.,  Blue  Springs,  Mo. 
American  Encyclopedia,  edited  by  Riply  and  Dana. 

Mrs.  Jane  Redd  Gentry  Shelton,  44  67  Lindell  Bid.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Mrs.  Oscar  Williams,  Trenton,  Mo. 
Dr.  J.  P.  Oldham,  San  Antonio,  Texas. 

Edmund  McKinney  Oldham,  Esq.,   Brymer,   Burleson   Co.,   Texas. 
Robert   E.   Miller,  Esq.,  Huntsville,   Mo. 
Rufus   P.   McGoodwin,   Esq.,   Danville,   Ky. 
Mrs.  Samuel  E.  Lackey,  Gallatin,  Tenn. 
Mrs.  Bessie  Cale  Broaddus,  El  Paso,  Texas   (Box  230). 
Joe  A.  McMurray,  Esq.,  Valley  Mills,  Texas. 

Mrs.   James   Harrison    (Estelle   Moxley)    Maupin,   Edgerton,   Mo., 
(R.  R.  No.  2). 

Miss  Lillye  Oldham,  Brymer,  Burleson  Co.,  Texas. 
Joel  E.  Gates,  Esq.,  City  Clerk,  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

Mrs.  Dollie  Smith  Lutz,  ,  Mo.     (Letter  fails  to  give  P.  O.) 

Stephen  Collins  Oldham,  venerable   (old  man),  Austin,  Texas. 

Judge  A.  E.  Wilkinson,  Austin,  Texas. 

Judge  W.  Overton  Harris,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Appleton's  Cyclopaedia. 

Dictionary  of  U.  S.  History,  by  Jameson. 

Mrs.  Mary  E.  Grumbine,  Richmond,  Mo. 

Prof.  Grant  B.  Grumbine,  Richmond,  Mo.    (Prin.  Woodson  Inst.) 

Mrs.  Mary  Virginia  Brown  Osburn,   Richmond,  Mo. 

Captain  David  McFadden,  Waco,  Texas. 

Frank  Ish,  Waco,  Texas. 

Most  respectfully, 

Richmond,  Ky.,  May  1,  1906. 

Histori/  (unl   (Inii'dliKili'i', 

Atoni>  mn.^^^orl.  mnko  ii])  the  nnivevso. 

The  many  littles  make  at  hi>t  tlie  wliole: 

Xo  man  is  great,  hut  eaeh  created  soul 

Has,  vet,  -within,  tlie  ])r(nnise  of  ])erfection, 

The  image,  and  tlie  stamp  of  the  divine. 

Adversity  may  hinder,  dwarf  and  crush, 

A  chilling  frost  may  l)light  the  hudding  tiower, 

And  vears  break  down  the  growing  tree  of  greatness 

But,  as  the  cycles  roll,  each  passing  life 

Bequeaths  its  portion  to  the  connnon  good. 

The  generations  piling,  each  on  each, 

Time  writing  still   prosperity  and  failure, 

And   still  recording  effort   and  achievement. 

And  life  and  death,  an<l  shade  and  shine  succeeding, 

Brino-  on  the  world  to  that  milleiiial  age. 

When  every  hill  shall  l)lossom  with  jierfection, 

The  waters  leap  and  dance  for  very  joy. 

And  man  regenerate  stand  great  and  good, 

The  statue  and  tlie  fullness  of  a  (iod. 

K.  0.  :\i. 

Histonj  and  Genealogies 


Pt.  Ch.  Sc.  s.s  s.s.s. 

William  Harris  Miller  and  wife,   Katherine  Oldham Frontispiece. 

Robert    Miller    1       6 

General  John  Miher  and  wife.   Elizabeth  Jones  Goodloe...  1       7 

Major  James  Miller    1       S 

Susannah   Miller,   wife  of   Stanton    Hume   and  Elder  Allen 

Embry    1       9 

Margaret   Miller  and   husband,    Edmund   L.    Shackelford...  1  10 

Malinda  Miller  and  husband.   John   H.   Shackelford 1  11 

Col.   Thomas  Woods  Miller  and  wife,  Mar>'  Jane  Hooker..  1  12 

Col,    Christopher  Ii-vine   Miller  and   wife,   Talitha   Harris..  1  13 

Dr.   Wm.  Jos.   Miller  and  wife,  Louisa  Cath,   Southworth.,  1  14     10     11 

William  M.  Miller  and  wife,  Mary  Jane  Patterson 1  14       2       1 

Dr.  Alexander  Miller   1  15 

William   E.    Woods    2  10     11       2 

Harris   Tyre    3  10 

Margaret   Maupin,    wife   of   John    Harris 3  16 

Thomas 'Berry  Harris  and  wife,  Mary  Francis  Harris 3  10       7 

Robert  Harris  and  wife,   Jael  Ellison    3  17 

Dr.   John  McCord   Harris  and  wife,   Ellen   Anderson 3  IS 

Judge  Christopher  Harris  and   2nd  wife,   Elizabeth   Berry.  3  28 

Ann   Eliza   Harris,   wife  of  Robert   Covington    3  29 

James  Anderson  Harris  and  wife,   Susan   Taylor 3  31 

John   Miller  Wallace   Harris    3  33 

Margaret   Frances  Harris  and  husband,  Jos.  Warren  Moore  3  35 

Mary  Rice  Woods  Harris,  wife  of  Overton   Harris 3  37 

Major   William    Harris 3  37 

Overton   Harris  and   wife,    Susan   Jones    3  38       4       5 

Hon.  John  D.   Harris  and  wife,  Nancy  J.  White    3  39       1 

Malinda    Duncan     3  39 

Elizabeth  Harris,   wife  of  Anderson   Woods 3  40 

Susan  Harris,  wife  of  Dr,  William  H.  Duncan 3  42 

Andrew  Wallace  and  wife,  Clara  Ellen   Tracey    4  12 

Sarah   Harris  "Wallace,   wife  of  Edward   Conroy    4  17 

John   W.    Maupin    5       4       2     12 

Thomas   Collins  Maupin   and   wife,   Annie   Reid  Wallace...  5  11       2       1 

Annie  Maupin   and   husband.   Col.   Geo.   B.    Stevenson 5  11       2       1       6 

Garland  Maupin    5  12       1 

George   Washington    Maupin    5  12     14 

Hezekiah   Oldham   and   wife,    Mary    Kavanaugh 6  16 

Hannah  Woods  Oldham  and   husband.    Hyman   G.   Bush...  6  16       7 

Othniel  Rice  Oldham    6  17 

John   Cabell   Chenault    6  17       7 

Ann  Rice  Oldham,  wife  of  James  Noland   6  18 

Wm.   Kavanaugh  Oldham  and  wife,  J,   Catherine  Brown..  6  19 

William   K.    Oldham    6  23 

Kie   Oldham    6  24 

Thomas   H.   Oldham  and  wife,   Nancy  E.    Smith 6  26 

Margaret  K.   Oldham  and  husband.   Anderson  Chenault.,.  6  27 

Charles   K,    Oldham   and   wife.    Su.san   Catherine   Duncan...   6  28 

Abner  Oldham   and   wife,    Josephine   Emtai-y    6  29 

Mary  Eliz.   Oldham  and   husband,   Capt.   Wm.   B.   Tipton..  6  30 

Caleb   Oldham    6  31 

Thos.  Moberley  Oldham  and  wife,  Sarah  Overton  Harris .  .  6  32 

l/islori/  ami   (ii'iicdhif/ws 


Sallie   Oldham,    wife  of  'riioinas   Mnbii-lcy    (I 

Caleb    Oklhani    Mobprh-y    6 

Elizabflh   Oldham,    wife  ol"  William    Fisher    6 

Nam-y  Oldham,   wife  of  Grubbs   (> 

.lolin    Rice    Oldliaiii     (i 

John  Miller  Kavanaiigh    7 

Jane  Miller  Kavanaugh,   wife   of  Gen.   Joliii    Faulkner   and 

John    "W.    AValker    7 

Arcliiljald   Woods    Kavaniiugh    7 

Mar\-  S.  Brown  and  husband,   Dr.   William  K.   Bitib 8 

Judge   Bernis   Brown    ,S 

Francinna   Brown,   wife  of  Capt.   Jack  Rodes    S 

Frances  Tlionipson   and   liu.sband.   William   T.    Pai'i'otl X 

Bernard  Thompson    S 

Dr.   Charles  Brown   and   wife,  Polly   Brown S 

Benjamin    Hescott    Brown    and    wife.    Judith    Fretwell S 

Mary   Elizabeth   Brown   and   husband.    Dr.    Roberts S 

Burlington  Dabney  Brown  and  wife,   Mary  Ann  Harris...  S 

Samantha  Susan  Brown  and  husband,  Jas.  Nathan  Gentry  S 







Sc.  s.s  s.s.s. 























Historii  and   Genealogies 



Mrs.    (Garland)    Basey IIS 

Magdalene  Woods  McDowell — Bor- 
den  Bowyer,    1706-lSlO 104 

John    Meadows    103 

William    Parrott    101 

Hezekiah  Rice  and  wife,  Mary  Bul- 
lock, lived  together  as  man  and 
wife  75  years. 

Jane   Dulaney   Miller,    1751-1844 93 

William   B.   Miller,    1807-1899 92 

Amanda   Reid   McMurtry,    1811-1907, 

living  at    96 

Robert  Harris,   1787-1SS3    96 

Cornelius   Dabney,    Sr.,   over 90 

Gabriel    Maupin,    1700-1794 94 

Thomas  Maupin,   1758-1855    97 

Michie   Maupin.    1779-1876    97 

Mary  Mullins   Gillespie,   over 90 

Jane   Mullins    Clark,    1754-1844 90 

Stephen  Collins  Oldham,  1815,  liv- 
ing   at     91 

Sarah  Thompson  Brown,  1724-1815..   91 

Polly    Thompson    Brown    92 

B.    B.    Parrott,    living   at 96 

Bettie   Early  Chapman    96 

Lucy   B.    Thompson    91 

Bettie   Thompson    93 

Dr.    Charles   Brown    96 

Lucy   E.    Parrott    Brown 92 

William  T.   Barrott.   living  at 94 

Mourning  Woods  Thorpe,   1783-186 — 
Col.  Thos.  Woods  Miller,  1811-1891..    SO 
MaiT  Jane  Hocker  Miller,   1825-1905,   SO 

Robert    Miller,    1775-1861    86 

Edna     Elizabeth    Miller     Hiu.     1823, 

living   at    83 

Samuel  Lackey.   Sr.,    1746-1830 81 

William  Malcolm  Miller,   1810-18 — ..    8- 

Archibald    Woods.    1749-1836    89 

Mary   Woods    Reid,    1746-1S2S 82 

Hon.  Curtis  P.  Burnam,  1820,  liv- 
ing at    87 

Thomas   Thorpe,    1S00-1SS5    85 

Mare-aret   Maupin   Harris,    1767-1855,  88 

Robert    Harris,    1786-1868 82 

Malinda   Miller    Harris    Yates,    1822, 

living-   at    84 

Pauline  Rodes  Harris,  living  at....  80 
Judge      Christopher      Harris,      1788- 

1871    S3 

Elizabetr   Berry   Harris,    1800-1SS4..  84 

James    Anderson    Harris,    1817-189 — 

over     SO 

Susan   Taylor  Harris,   living  at 80 

Mary  Rice  Woods  Harris,  1795-1876,  SI 
Susan      Harris     Duncan,      180S-1S— , 

over    80 

Richard   Gentry,    1763-1S43    SO 

John  Maupin,   1725-1806    81 

Nicholas   Hocker,    1782-1854    82 

James   Faris,   1822,   living  at 84 

Annie    Reid    Wallace    Maupin,    17 — 

18S0,   over    80 

Cabel    Chenault,    1795-1881    86 

David   Chenault,    1771-1851    80 

P.    P.    Ballard,   1818,   living  at 89 

Jesse  Oldham    89 

Thomp.son     B.      Oldham,      1819,     liv- 
ing at    88 

Hezekiah   Oldham,    1787-1868 81 

Mary   Kavanaugh   Oldham, 1798-1882,   84 

Othniel    Rice    Oldham,    1817-1900 83 

Caleb   Oldham,    1789-1872 83 

Elizabeth  Oldham  Fisher,  1795,  over  80 
Nancy  Oldhain  Grubbs.  1797,  over.  .  80 
Jane     Miller     Kavanaugh-Faulkner- 

Walker.   1809,   over    80 

Jael  Ellison  Harris,  1795-189—,  over  SO 
Sarah  Ann  Kavanaugh  Moore,  over  80 
Bishop   Hubbard  Hinde  Kavanaugh, 

1802-1SS4    82 

Wm.      Barliour     Kavanaugh,      1807- 

ISSS    81 

Robert    Covington,    1760-1847    87 

Wm.    Covington,    1783-1S69    86 

Jeptha   M.   Covington,    1816-1903 87 

Wm.    Q.   Covington,    1820-1906 86 

Coleman  Covington,  1800 — ,  over.  .  .  80 
Sarah   Browning  Duncan.   1742-1824,   82 

Brightberry    Brown    84 

Bettie   Thompson    SO 

Nathaniel    Tliompson    81 

Partlienia    Brown    Hayden    82 

George   B.   Brown    87 

Sikie    Ward    89 

Garland    Brown    84 

Captain   Jesse  Early   SO 

Nancy  Ward   Thompson    SO 

Sarah   Parrott   Stephens   82 

Richard   P.   Ward    S3 

Evaline   Brown   Fretwell    85 

Thomas  H.   Brown    87 

Lucy  T.   Brown    85 

James    D.    Brown    80 

Hisliirii   mill    ((('iiciiloi/icti 


Mary  Ann   Brown    SO 

'I'lieodocla  Karly  StopluMTS    SO 

B.    B.    Thompson    SO 

William    Hodcs    SO 

Will  Rodes,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   over  SO 

T^zaleel    Garth     S2 

Hiram    Parrott    S4 

Mary  Early    Durrett    86 

\\'.    F.    Chapman    SS 

I^avinia    Meadows    Moberley,     ITCo- 

1S44 S4 

Annie    Rice    Oldham.    1T.57-1S40 S3 

Joseph    McDowell,    ITfiS-lS.iS S8 

Col.      Isaac     Shelby     Irvine.      1N20— 

1906,    over    80 

Thos.    Collins   Maupin.    1796-1SS.5 89 

Daniel   Maupin.    1699-17SS S9 

William   Overton   Maupin,   over 80 

Robert    Miller,    1T34-1S06    72 

Daniel    Miller,    1764-1841    77 

Robert  Miller,   1796-1873   77 

Alexander    Lackey,    1780-1854 74 

Nancy    Waller   Broaddus    Pattei'son. 

1S0O-1S76    71 

Robt.   C.   Patterson,   1797-1871 74 

Thomas   Miller,    1779-1849    70 

Malinda    Miller    Hayden    Stone,    liv- 
ing'   at     76 

John   Harris  Miller,   1832-1903 71 

James  Miller,   1834-1905    71 

Daniel    Miller,    1S26-189-,    over.. 70 

Susan  Miller  Smartt,   1S29,  living  at  77 
Susan  Miller  Seawell,  1834,  living  at  72 
Garland     Miller     Woods,      1835,     liv- 
ing   at     71 

Mourning  Woods  Miller  Smith,  181S- 

1SS9    71 

Dr.   Wm.   Joe  Miller,   1829-1899 70 

Dulaney    Miller    Lackey    (celebrated 
Golden   Wedding  in   1903). 

:\Iichael   Woods,    Sr.,    1684-1762 78 

Col.   John   Woods,   1712-1791 79 

Martha  Woods  Wallace,   1720-1790..    70 

Elizabeth    Woods    Boggs,    1813 

Elder   James   Goodloe   Woods,    1S23- 

1S95    72 

Susannah      Woods      Goodloe,      1778- 

1S51    73 

Michael   Woods,   174S-1826    78 

Mary    Rice    Garland    Woods,     176ii- 
1S35    75 

William    Oldham,    1777-1S1!(    72 

Mary   Frances    llairis.    lS27-I!)nr,. ,  .  .   79 

Shelton   Harris,    1S20-1S96    76 

Dr.   John   M.    Harris.    1813-1 S—,  over  70 
Sallic     Wall.icc      llaii-is,     1835,     liv- 
ing   at     71 

Mary     Woods      Harris     Park,     1S22- 

1901    79 

Margaret     Frances     Harris     Mooro, 

1826-1903    77 

Sai-ah       Overton       H.irris      Oldham, 

l.S2S-19()() 72 

John    D.    Harris.    1.S29-1905 76 

Elizabeth     Harris     Woods,    1791-18— 

Salem   Wallace,    1795-1868 73 

Jane    Bratton    Wallace,    1761-1836...   75 

Jane    Reid    Wallace,    1792-1S63 71 

Susan    Ann    Wallace    Busby.     1S16- 

1886    70 

Sallie  Harris   Wallace   Conroy,    1S34, 
living  at    72 

John   M.   Wallar,    1822-1893 71 

Thos.   K.   Wallace,  1831.  living  at...  75 

Daniel   Maupin.    1760-1832    72 

Matthew  Mullins.    1759-1836 77 

William    Chenault,    1773-1844 71 

Capt.    John    Oldham,    1757-1831 74 

Wm.    K.    Oldham,    1821-1899 78 

Margaret     Oldham     Chenault.     1829, 

living  at    77 

'Phomas  M.   Oldham,  nearly SO 

Wm.    K.    Hocker,    1S20-1S97 77 

Jael    Woods    Hocker    Gentry,     1831, 

living   at    75 

Charles    Kavanaugh,    over    70 

Mary   Duncan   Covington,    1764-1841,  77 

Benjamin    Moberley,    1760-183S 78 

Benjamin    Moberley.    Sr 75 

Ezra  M.   Brown    "1 

Lucy    Nally    TO 

M.   S.   Bibl)    TO 

Sukie   Cliildress    "5 

Capt.    Bezabel  Brown    75 

Mary   Brown    "2 

Thomas   W.    Chapman    75 

Fannie   Davis    "5 

C.    B.    Brown    TO 

Polly    Brown    ' ■* 

Francina    Brown    Rodes T4 

Daniel    Maupin.    1727-1801    74 

12  Histoni  and  Gcni'alogies 



Bland   Ballard,    Virginia   Frontier    5  13     Note 

Capt.  William  Briscoe,  Va.  Frontier  (died  in  Madison  Co.,  Ky.)..   4  18 

James   Brown,    Virginia   Frontier    8  1       4 

Lt.  Abraham  Buford.  in  battle  of  Point  Pleasant '. 2  5 

Captain  James  Brown,   Virginia   Frontier    8  1       6 

Major   Brown,    Virginia   Frontier    8  1     12 

John   Buster,  Virginia  Frontier   (died   -820)    2  13       1 

General  Richard  Gentry,  Virginia  Frontier    3  46       3 

Thomas  Grubbs,   Virginia  Frontier   3  3       4 

Randolph   Harris,   Kentucky   Frontier  against  Indians 3  11 

Jeremiah   Harris,    Kentucky   Frontier  agains   tindians 3  1     11 

Major  Overton  Harris,  Black  Hawk  War   3  32 

James  Harris,  Black  Hawk  W^ar  3  38 

Thomas    Jameson.    Virginia    Frontier    

Alexander   Jameson,    Virginia    Frontier    

Colonel   Nicholas   Miller,    Kentucky   Frontier    1  1       4 

Henry  Miller,   General  Wayne's  Army    1  1       5 

Christopher  Miller,   General  Wayne's  Army    1  1       5 

Lt.   William  Miller,   Kentucky  Frontier  at  Estill's  defeat 1  1     10 

Maj.   Anderson  Miller,   Kentucky  Frontier  at  Estill's  defeat 1  1     14 

Ichabod  B.   Miller.   Kentucky  Frontier   1  1     12 

Jacob  Miller.   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,    Frontier 1  1     12 

John  McDowell,   killed  at  Balcony  Falls    2  5       1 

John   McDowell,   Indian   Wars    2  1       6 

Joseph  McDowell,   Indian  T\"ars    2  1       S 

Thomas  McDowell,  killed  in  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  by  Indians 2  1     10 

William   Maupin,   Virginia   Frontier    5  3       5 

John   Maupin,    Virginia   Frontier    5  4 

Daniel   Maupin,    Virginia    Frontier    5  11 

William   Mullins,   Virginia    Frontier    5  13       1 

Matthew   Mullins,    Virginia   Frontier    5  13 

Michael  Woods.   Jr..  Virginia  Frontier   

William  "^^oods.   Ensign.   Virginia  Frontier    

Lt.   William  'W^oods,   Virginia   Frontier    

Col.  James  Woods,  Virginia   Frontier   2  20 

Joshua   Woods,    Virginia    Frontier    

Col.  John  Woods,  Virginia  Frontier,  Indian  and  Colonial  wars...   2  19 

John  Woods,   Virginia   Frontier    

John   Woods,   Virginia   Frontier    2  1     11 

Archibald  Woods,   Virginia   Frontier,   Dunmore  War 2  8 

William  Woods,   Virginia   Frontier    2  6 

John   S.   Wallace,   Virginia  and   Kentucky   Frontier 4  11 

John  Wallace,   Virginia  and  Kentucky   Frontier   

Sam'l  Wallace,  commanded  at  Ft.  Young  French  and  Indian  War  4  1.5       2 


Captain  William  Briscoe,  died  in  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  1830 4  IS 

John  Brown 1  1     '^'-^ 

Captain   Tarleton   Brown    1  1     42 

Benjamin  Brown,   under  Light   Horse  Harry  Lee 8  2 

History  and  Genealogies  13 

Captain  Brightberry  Brown,  at  Yorktown   S  2 

Captain  Bezabel  Brown S  2       2 

Bornard  Brown,  dispatcli  bearer  from  Now  York  to  Charleston..    S  :i 

John    Buster,    (died    1S20)    2  i;',       1 

Colonel  Abraham  Buford,   Virginia   line    2  .'.       1 

Robert  Covington,  Virginia  line   (died  in  Madison  Co.,   Ky.) 7  18       1 

Wm.   Chenault,  Virginia  line   (died  In  Madison  Co..  Ky.,  1803)..,.   5  1.3       9 

Kdward  Garland.   Captan    11th   Virginia    

Peter  Garland.    Captain    6th   Virginia    

Nathaniel  Garland,   Lieutenant  Virginia   Slate   Militia 

Richard  Gentry,  Captain  Virginia  Militia    3  46 

Benjamin   Harris,    Captain  Virginia  Militia    3 

Captain  Robert  Harris.  Virginia  Militia,  went    to  Sunny  Co.,  N.C.   3  3       9 

William   Harris,   Virginia   line    

John  Jameson,  Colonel  of  Dragoons   

Capt,  John  Jouett,  Virginia  line   (died  in  1802) 3  3       9 

Capt.   John  Jouett,   Virginia  line   (died  in   Kentucky) 3  3       9 

Capt.    Robert   Jouett,    Virginia   line    3  3       9 

Capt.  Matthew  Jouett,  Va.  line  (died  in  Fayette  Co.,  Ky..  1827)..   3  3       9 

Capt.   Robert   Jouett,   7th  Virginia    

Adam   Keblinger,    Virginia   line    

John  Lapsley,  wounded  at  Brandywine,  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,   Ky. .   2  47 

Robert  Miller,  at  Y'orktown   (died  in  Orange  Co..  Va.,   1806) 1        4 

Robert  Miller,  Virginia  line   (died  in  the  service 

Lt,  Col.  John  Miller,  at  Y'orktowntdied  in  Madison  Co..   Ky.,1806)   1  14 

James  McDowell    2      5      1 

John  McDowell    2       5       1 

Samuel  McDowell   (settled  in  Mercer  Co.,   Ky.)    2       5       1 

Samuel  McDowell   (settled  in   Fayette  Co.,   Ky.) 2       .5       1 

Judge  William  McDowell    (moved   to  Kentucky   1784) 2       5       1 

Thomas   Marshall    2       ,t       1 

William   McKee    (moved   to  Kentucky,   1793)    2  47       3 

Lt.    Hudson   Martin    3       .5       7 

Capt.   John   Martin    3       5       7 

Cornelius  Maupin.   at  Yorktowii    -t       4       3 

Daniel  Maupin,  at  Y'orktown    5       4       3 

William  Maupin,   at   Yorktown    ■'>       4       4 

Matthew  Mullins,   Sergeant  4th,   8th  and  12  Va.   Foot 5  13 

Matthew  Mullins,  Jr.,    (died  in  Madison  Co.,   Ky.,   1836) .5  13       4 

John  Martin,   Captain   State  Militia    

Coi'poral    Thomas    Martin 

Lt.   Col.   Wm.   Oldham    (killed  at   St.   flairs  defeat,   1791) 6       1       4 

6       2 

Capt.  John  Oldham,  N  .C.  line  (died  in  Estill  Co.,  Ky.,   1832) 6  13b 

Capt.    John   Oldham,    Pennsylvania    Rangers    6  4(» 

Jesse  Oldham,  N.  C.  line  (died  in  Madison  Co..  Ky.,   1814) 6       3 

Ready  Money  Richard  Oldham,  N.   C.  line   (Capt.),   died  in  Madi- 
son   Co.,    Ky.,    1836    6       4 

Major   George   Oldham,    Lee's   Legion    6       2       2 

Moses  Oldham,  N.  C.  line   (moved  to  Montgomery  Co.,  Tenn.»....   6       2       3 

Conway  Oldham,   Virginia  line    6       2       4 

Conway  Oldham.  Virginia  line  (killed  at  Eutah  Springs) 6       2 

james   Oldham,   North   Carolina   line    6       -       5 

Richard  Oldham,  N.   C.  line,   (died  in  Estill  Co..   Ky..   1S34) 6       2       6 

William  Oldham,   North  Carolina   line    6       2       8 

Capt.   Isaac  Oldham    6       2 

6  40 

1^  Histonj  and  Genealogies 

Lt.    Edward    Oldham    g 


6  40 

















Col.    Henry   Pauling    4 

Capt.    Nathan    Reid,    Virginia    line    1 

o         o 

Samuel   Reid    2     29 

Capt.   Robt.   Rodes,   captured  at   Charleston,    S.    C.    (died   in   Mad- 
ison   Co. ,    Ky. )    3       3       'J 

Capt.    Clough   Shelton,    10th   Virginia    

Richard   Snow,    at   Yorktown    

Capt.    Roger   Thompson    s       7     Note 

Lt.    John   Thompson    § 

William  Woods,   Virginia   line    0 

Jolm   Woods.   Virginia   line    

William  Woods,   Virginia   line    

Capt.    Michael   Wallace,   Virginia   line    4 

Malcolm  Wallace,  under  Gen.  Morgan  at  Boston  (died  in  ser.  1775)  4 
Samuel  Wallace,  Va.   (commanded  at  Ft.  Young  in  F.   &  I.  wars)   4 

Jas.   Wallace,  Ensign  3d  Va.,(died  in   Pliiladelphia   in   1776) 4 

Capt.  Adam  Wallace,   10th  Virginia    (killed  at  Waxhaw,   S.   C. ) .  .  .   4 
Capt.  Andrew  Wallace,  8th  Virginia  (killed  at  Guilford  C.H.  17S1)  4 

Capt.  Charles  Yancey,  Virginia  line   7 

Lt.   Layton   Yancey,   Virginia   line    7 

Major  James  Yancey,   Virginia  line    7 

Col.    James   Woods,    Virginia   line    2 

Thomas  Maupin,  Virginia  line   (died  in  Madison  Co.,  Ky..   1S55)..    5       2      B 
Daniel  Maupin,  Va.  line  at  Yorktown   (died  in  Mad.  Co..   Ky.   1832)  5     12 

WAR    OF    1812 

Beverley    Brown     S 

General  Jacob  Brown    8 

Colonel  Barbee  Collins,   Madison  Co.,  Ky 4 

William   Fisher,   Estill   Co.,    Ky 6 

Jesse  Grubbs,   Estill   Co. ,   Ky 6 

Maj.   Overton   Harris,   Madison   Co.,  Ky.  (Black   Hawk  campaign).   3 

James  Harris,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.   (Black  Hawk  campaign) 3 

Robert   Harris,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.    (died  ISS — ) 3 

Archibald   Kavanaugh,   Madison   Co.,    Ky 7 

Cliarles  Kavanaugh,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.    (died  186 — )    7 

Nicholas  Kavanaugh,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.   (went  to  Lone  Jack,  Mo.)   7 

Philemon  Kavanaugh,   Madison   Co.,   Ky ' 7 

Lt.   Thomas  W.   Kavanaugh,    Kentucky    7 

Major   Samuel    McDowell.    Kentucky    2 

Major   James   McDowell,    Kentucky    2 

Joseph   McDowell,   Kentucky    2 

Col.    James   McDowell,    Kentucky    2 

Col.    Walliam   Williams,    Kentucky    2 

Gen.    James   Miller    1 

William   Miller    1 

Moses  Oldham,   Tennessee  line    6 

Thomas  Moberley,    Kentucky    6 

Maj.  Richard  Oldham   (son  of  Lt.   Col.  TVm.   Oldham) 6 

Maj.   Richard  Oldham    ( Ready  Money)    6 

Michael    Woods    2 

Maj.  Charles  Yancey,  Virginia    7 

Col.   Wm.   B.   Yancey,   Virginia    7       2 

Col.   John   Yantis    2     47 







































Ifislori/  and   (Icncnhiijios  15 

Col.    John    MilliT.    ('oniiiKiiHiiiii;    i"    Iiuliiina   and   Ohio 1        1     20 

William    Kavanausli.    KeiUiu-ky    7        S       9 

Asa   Sinith,    Kenliu'ky   5       2      B 


Col.   James  C.   Stonr.   Madison   Co.,   K.v ?>       3  7 

( ;.  B.  F.  Broaddus.  1st  Lt.,  Madison  Co.,   Ky 1     13     3  Note 

Dr.   Franklin   Harris,   Madison   Co.,   Ky 3  4S  5 

Humphrey   Kavanausli.   Madison   Co.,   Ky 7  11  4 

Dr.   William  J.   Chenault,  Madison   Co.,   Ky 5  13  9 

I  lavid    Waller    Chenault,    Madison    Co.,    Ky 5  13  9 

Aaron   Burr  Richard.son,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.    (died) 3  43  1 

Thomas  Jefferson  Richardson,   Madison  Co.,   Ky.   (died)    3  43  1 

General  W.   H.   L.   Wallace    4       -1  7 

Archibald   Woods  White,   Tennessee    1  14  10     7 

Milton    Miller,    Rockcastle   Co.,    Ky 

Wm.   (Big-  Foot)  Wallace,  Texas,   (prisoner  of  Mier,  1S42) 4       3  4 

4     13     37 

Jkla.i.   William   Oldliam,   Texas,    (Mier  Expedition,   1842) 6     1     1'     14 

6     13a     1 

Thomas   Oldham,    Texas,    (Mier   Expedition,    1842)    fi     39       3 

Thomas  Staynor,   Madison   Co.,   Ky o       2      B 

Other  nieml>ers  of  Captain  James  C.  Stone's  company: — William  Guess. 
Corporal.  John  Lawrence,  orderly  Serjeant,  Thomas  H.  Barnes,  3rd  lieu- 
tenant. Green  Clay  Smith,  2nd  lieutenant,  N.  D.  Burrus,  Willis  Garri-son, 
Clifton  Shifflett,  James  P.  Denham,  Philip  Brakehill,  James  Simpson  and 
brother,  Alfred  Williams,  Bradford  Dozier,  David  Amerine,  George  Amerine, 
Joe  Perkins,  William  Prewitt,  Harrison  M.  Taylor,  Howard  Land,  Hiram 
Land,   Merrill  Roberts,   and  Bowen   Denham. 


Fe(deral    Army 

James  L.    Bishop,    (killed  at  Memphis,   Tenn.)    5  12  1 

Dr.    G.    W.    Evans    3  4s  s 

5  13  9 

Col.   John   K.   Faulkner,   Garrard  Co.,   Ky 7  .5  5 

Maj.    William   Goodloe,    Kentucky    2  11  «! 

Gen.   W.   J.    Landrum.   Kentucky    2  47  6 

r,vn.  John  Miller.  Mad.  Co.,   K.   (killed  in  Richmond  battle  1862)..    1  7 

Col.    Samuel   McKee,    1st    Kentucky    2  47  8 

Samuel   McKee  Lapsley   (died   in   1862)    2  47  9 

(Jen.    John   Franklin   Miller    1  1  20 

Col.    Reuben   Munday,   Mardison   Co.,    Ky 5  13  9 

Oscar  Oldham,    Kentucky    fi  H  1 

Capt.    Wm.    E.    Simms.    Kentucky    3  46  12 

Andrew  Wallace,   Estill   Co.,   Ky 4  12 

Gen.   Blew.   Wallace    4  2  9 

Col.   Charles  J.   Walker,   Madison   Co.,    Ky 3  S  1 

Col.   TVilliam   B.    Woods    2  1  11 

Col.   Charles  R.   Woods    2  1  13 

Capt.  Uriah  Wright  Oldham.  Oldham  Co..  Ky.,  Co.   F,  9  Ky.  Cav.   6  2 

John    M.    Cole    5  2  B 

1()  Histori/  mid  (iencaloiiies 

Confederate   Army 

Joseph   Emmerson   Brown    '. 8  1  26 

Gen.   Benjamin  Gratz  Brown    S  1  IS 

Tazewell   Brown,    Albemarle   Co..   Va 5  4  13 

James   D.    Brown,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va 5  4  13 

Allen  Henry  Brown,  Albemarle  Co.,  Va 5  4  13 

William  A.  Brown,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va 5  4  13 

Bernard  Brown,   Albemarle   Co.,   Va 5  4  13 

George  P.   Bright,   Tenn.   troops   (lives  in  Lincoln   Co.,   Ky.) 3  31       2 

James  Howard  Boggs,  Gen.  John   H.   Morgan    2  7       4 

Jake  Bronston,   Capt.   T.  B.  Collins,   Gen.  John   H.   Morgan 6  8       1 

5  13       7 

Lt.  R.  C.  H.  Covington,  Capt.  T.  B.  Collins,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgon  3  29       1 

Charles  Covington,   Capt.  T.  B  Collins,  Gen  John  H.  Morgan 6  S       1 

Serg.   Jos.   Collins,   Capt.  T.  B.   Collins,   Gen.   John  H.   Morgan 6  8       1 

Capt.   Thomas  B.   Collins,  Gen.  John  H.   Morgan 6  8       1 

David  Chenault,  Col.  D.  W.  Chenault,  Gen.  John   H.  Morgan .5  13       9 

Anderson  Chenault,  Col.  D.  W.  Chenault,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan..   5  13       9 

Colljy    Chenault,    Tennessee    Army    5  13       9 

David   Chenault,    Tennessee  Army    5  13       9 

James   Chenault,    Tennessee  Army    5  13       9 

Harvey    Chenault,    Tennessee    Army    5  13       9 

Col.  David  Waller  Chenault,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan    5  13       9 

Jas.  Cosby,  Co.  F  afterward  11  Ky.  Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan..   6  8       1 

Boyle  Doty,  Co.  F  afterward  11  Ky.  Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan.   7  7       1 

Chas.  K.  Doty,  Co.F  afterward  11  Ky.Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan  7  7       1 

A.  J.  Dudley,  Co.  F  afterward  11  Ky.  Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan  7  5       2 

N.  B.  Deatherage.   11  Ky.   Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan 6  17       3 

Joel  T.  Enibry,  Co.F  afterward  11  Ky.Cav.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan  6  10  11 

Henry   Goodloe,    Kentucky    Cavalry    2  11       6 

Robert  Harris  Hume,   11  Ky  Cav.,  Gen.  John   H.  Morgan 3  21       3 

John   M.    Hume,    Kentucky   Cavalry    1  9  Note 

Isham  G.   Harris,   Gen.   Johnston's  staff,   served   in   the  West 3  1  13 

John   Miller  Wallace   Harris,    Ky.    Cav.    under   Morgan 3  33 

Ira   Harris,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va 5  4       2 

William   Harris,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va .5  4       4 

Anderson   Harris,   Madison   Co.,    Ky.,   Gen.  Morgan's   Cav 6  8       1 

William   D.    Jarman,   Albemarle    Co.,   Va 5  4  13 

John  L.   Jarman,   Albemarle   Co.,   Va 5  4  13 

Archibald  W.   Kavanaugh,   Gen.   John  H.   Morgan 7  7       3 

Samuel  E.  Lackey.  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan .  .   1  14  11 

7  7        1 

Samuel   R.    Lapsley.    Kentucky   Cavalry    2  47       9 

John  W.   McPherson,  Gen.  John  H.   Morgan's  Cav 6  10       4 

7  6       8 

James  Miller,  Lincoln  Co.,Ky.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan's  Cav 18       6 

John  H.  Miller,  Lincoln  Co.,Ky.,  Gen.   John  H.   Morgan's  Cav....   18       5 

Wm.   H.  Miller,  Lincoln  Co..Ky.,   Gen.  John  H.   Morgan's  Cav 18       9 

Robt.  Dan.  Miller,  Madison  Co.,Ky.,  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan's  Cav.  1  13       2 

Jas.   C.  Miller,  Madison  Co.,Ky.,   Gen.   John   H.   Morgan's  Cav....   1  13       3 

Thomas   Miller,    Tennessee   Troops    1  14       4 

Garland   Burleigh   Miller,    Tennessee   troops    1  14       4 

Thomas  Garland   Miller,    Tennessee   troops    1  14  10 

Dr.    William  Jo   Miller,    Tennessee   troops    1  14  10 

C.    B.    Maupin,    Albemarle   Co.,    Va 5  1       6 

Lsaac    Maupin,    Albemarle    Co.,    Va 5  4  13 

Corporal  David  Maupin,   Albemarle  Co.,  Va 5  1       6 

Carson  Maupin,  Albemarle  Co.,  Va 5  1       6 

JJishirij   mill   di'iit'iiJoj/ics 


Sergi'aiil    .lanics    U.    lM:nipiti,    All)i'm.iilc    Co.,    \'a 'i        1  11 

Maupin   (son  of  C.  C).  Albemai-le  Co..  Va 5       :!  r, 

William   B.    Maupin,   Alljcniarle   Co.,    Vu •'.        I  1 

Calumn    Maupin.    Madison    Co.,    Ky 'i       (!  3 

Robert   Maujiin    and    tirother,    Missouri    f(n-et>s    .'')       7  3 

—   Maupin.    Missouri   forces    '>       T  3 

Rico    Maupin,    Alliemarle   Co..    V'a 5  11  Note 

Gabriel    Maupin,    Albemarle    Co.,    Va 5  13  Note 

J.    K.    Maupin,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va "i  11  Note 

Jobn   Rice  Maupin,   Alljemarle   Co.,    Va •'  11  Note 

David   Maupin,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va '<  11  Note 

C.   P.   Maupin,   Albemarle   Co..    Va 5  11  Note 

.James   H.   Maupin,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va T)  11  Note 

Gabriel  O.   Maupin,   Albemarle  Co..    Va '■>  11  Note 

B.   T.   Maupin,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va 5  11  Note 

John    D.    Maupin,    Albemarle    Co.,    Va 5  11  Note 

G.   N.   Maupin,   Albemarle  Co.,    Va 5  11  Note 

Thomas  R.   Maupin,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va '>  11  Note 

B.  P.    Maupin,    Albemarle   Co.,   Va .".  11  Note 

Horace  Maupin,   Albemarle  Co.,  Va 5  11  Note 

'I'.   J.   Maupin.   Albemarle   Co.,    Va B       4  4 

N.    J.    Maupin,    Albemarle   Co.,    Va 5  11  Note 

Caldwell  C.   Maupin,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  I'J,  14 

Archibald  Maupin.   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,  Gen.   Morgan's   Cav 5  12  14 

l.t.   Seth  W.  Maupin.   Madi-son  Co.,   Ky.  Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  12  14 

George  W.   Maupin,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  12  14 

Corp.  Joel  W.   Maupin,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  Gen.  Morgan's  Cav....   .5  12  14 

Wm.   King  Maupin,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  12  16 

Sidney  Maupin,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  12  16 

Ed   William   Rolierts,   Madison   Co.,    Ky..   Gen.   Morgan's   Cav 5  12  21 

George  Daniel  Shackelford,   Price's  Army,   wounded   in   battle....   1  11  1 

T.   Snow,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va 5  11  Note 

P.    Snow,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va 5  11  Note 

Capt.  William  Tipton,   Kentucky  Cavalry    6  30  64 

Harris  Thoi'pe,  Madison  Co.,   Ky.,  Gen.  John   H.  Morgan's  Cav...   3  13  1 

Thomas    Thorpe,    Kentucky    1  13  1 

Lt.  Jas.   Tevis,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  Gen.   Jolm   H.   Morgan's  Cav...   3  48  7 

W.    H.   Terrill,   Albemarle  Co.,   Va 5  11  Note 

Capt.   Robt.  Bruce  Terrill,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,   Gen.  Morgan's  Cav.   5  12  17 

John  C.   Terrill,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 5  12  17 

John  \^'.  Via,   Albemarle  Co.,  Va 5  11  Note 

C.  E.   Via,   Albemarle   Co.,   Va 5  11  Note 

M.   P.   Via,   Albemarle   Co.,    Va .5  11  Note 

Durrett  White,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav .5  43  1 

Thomas  K.  Wallace,   Mo..   Price's  Army,   wounded   in   liattle 4  16 

John   Woods,   Albemarle   Co.,   Va .j  11  Note 

'I'homas    Woods.    Albemarle    Co 5  11  Note 

Skidmore  W^oods,  Albemarle  Co..  Va 5  11  Note 

Clifton    Woods,    Albemarle    Co.,    Va 5  11  Note 

Alexander  Woods.   Madison   Co.,    Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's   Cav 6       S  1 

Daniel   White,   Madison   Co.,    Ky.,   Gen.    Morgan's   Cav 6       S  1 

I.t.  Joseph  F.  Oldham,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  Gen.  Morgan's  Cav....   6  11  1 

Thomas  M.    Oldham.   Madison  Co.,  Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's   Cav 6  32 

J.    Presley   Oldham.    Madison    Co.,    Ky 6  31 

Ricliard  Oldham,   Madison  Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 6  11 

James  W.    Oldham.   Madison  Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's  Cav 6  17  1 

Othniel  Rrice  Oldham,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  Gen.  Morgan's  Cav 6  17 

Hezekiah   Oldham,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.   Morgan's   Cav 6  17 


IS  Hisionj  and  GeneaioQics 

Lt.  Charles  K.  Oldham,  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  Gen.  Morgan's  Cav...  6  28 

Abner  Oldham,   Madison   Co.,   Ky.,   Gen.    Morgan's   Cav 6  29 

Lt.   Robert  J.  Park,  Madison  Co.,   Ky.,  Gen.  Morgan's  Civ 6  11  1 

W.    N.    Parrott,    Pickett's    Div.,    wounded   at    Hatcher's    Fain    and 

at  Gettysburg   8  7  7 

C.   B.  Parrott,  Pickett's  Div.,  killed  at  Hatcher's  Run   1S65 S  7  7 

Rev.  Ben  Taylor  Kavanaugh,  Chaplain,   Surgeon  and  Physician..  7  17  2 

Rev.    Hubbard   Hinde   Kavanaugh,   Jr.,   Chaplain    7  17  2 

Lt.    Robert    Hord    Kavanaugh    7  17  2 

Samuel  R.   Lapsley,   color  bearer  at  battle   of   Shiloh 2  47  9 

Lt.    Col.    Ccareleus    (Crill)    Miller,    Indian    Territory 1  14  5 

Frank  Leonard,  died  in  the  sei-vice 1  14  5 

Rush  Williamson,  Tenn..   served  through  the  war 1  14  4 

Thos.   K.  Miller,   Tenn.,   served  in  Va.  and  under  Gen.   Forest....  1  14  4 

Garland   Burleigh  Miller,   Tenn.,   under  Gen.    Forest    1  14  4 

Thomas    Ross,    Tennessee    1  14  4 

Garland  B.   Lipscomb,    Tennessee    1  14  10 

Gen.  Elijah  Gates,  Missouri,  leg  shot  off  in  battle 5  2  B 

Capt.   William  Maupin,   Missouri,   fell   in   battle 5  2  B 

Moses  Oldham,  Co.  K,   15  Texas  Infantry   6  39  3 

Samuel  Zerah  Oldham,   Missouri,   Shelby's   forces 6  40  4 

Capt.   Hilary  V.  Harris,  killed  at  Sailor's  Creek  in  1865 3  49 

W.   Overton   Harris,   corps  of  cadets  Va.   Military  Institute 3  49 

Larkin  Jabes  Cox,  wounded  in  battle  and  died  Nov.  1,  1862 5  2  B 

Coleman  D.   Pattie,   Gen.   John   H.   Morgan    6  5  2 



PART  1. 



Article  1 — Kentucky  and  Madison  County  Items. 

One  of  the  three  counties  into  which  Fincastle  County,  Virginia, 
was  divided,  December  31,  1776,  was  Kentucky  County,  and  Col. 
Richard  Calloway  and  Col.  John  Todd  were  elected  the  first  repre- 
sentatives of  Kentucky  County  in  the  Virginia  General  Assembly. 
Afterwards  Col.  John  Miller,  Gen.  Green  Clay,  Squire  Boom,  and 
Col.  William  Irvine,  living  in  what  was  afterwards  and  is  now  Mad- 
ison County,  were  members  of  the  Virginia  General  Assembly  from 
Kentucky  County. 

In  May,  1780,  the  said  county  was  divided  and  established  into 
the  three  counties  of  Jefferson,   Fayette  and  Lincoln. 

In  October,  1784,  the  part  of  Jefferson  south  of  Salt  River  was 
established  and  named  as  the  County  of  Nelson. 

May  1.  178.5,  Bourbon  County  was  formed  out  of  the  northern 
part  of  Fayette  County. 

August  1,  1785,  out  of  Lincoln  the  counties  of  Madison  and 
Mercer  were  carved  (the  county  of  Madison  then  embracing  a  much 
larger  territory  than  it  does  at  this  day),  extending  and  taking  in 
the  Goose  Creek  waters.  Clay  and  many  other  eastern  and  southern 

May  1,  1788,  Mason  was  carved  out  of  Bourbon,  and  Woodford 
out  of  Favette,  making  at  this  date  nine  counties  into  which  the 
original  Kentucky  County  had  been  carved,  which  comprised  the 
Commonwealth  of  Kentucky,  when  admitted  into  the  Union  as  a 
State,  June  1,  1792,  with  General  Isaac  Shelby,  of  Danville,  her 
first  Governor;  James  Brown,  Secretary  of  State:  John  Logan, 
Treasurer,  and  George  Nicholas.  Attorney  General:  her  constitution 
at  that  time  made  no  provision  for  a  Lieutenant  Governor. 

20  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

The  first  village  of  Kentucky,  and  the  only  one  within  its  bor- 
ders prior  to  the  settlement  at  Harrodsburg  in  177  4-5,  was  in 
what  is  now  Greenup  County,  opposite  the  mouth  of  the  Scioto 
River,  built  by  the  Shawanee  Indians  and  some  French  traders  years 
before  the  French  War  in  17  53,  where  in  1805  stood  the  little  vil- 
lage of  Alexandria,  about  a  mile  below  where  Portsmouth,  Ohio,  is. 
In  1773,  this  Indian  village  consisted  of  about  twenty  log  cabins 
with  roofs,  doors,  windows  and  chimneys  made  of  clap-boards,  and 
some  cleared  ground  around  them. 

Kentucky  was  the  hunting  ground  of  the  northern  and  southern 
tribes  of  Indians  on  which  different  tribes  often  met  and  tried  their 
rights  in  deadly  combat.  The  six  nations  north  of  the  Ohio  River: 
the  Mohawks,  Tuscaroras,  Oneidas,  Onondagas,  Cayugas,  and 
Senecas,  with  the  dependant  or  sub-tribes:  the  Shawanees,  the  Del- 
ewares,  the  Mingos,  the  Wyandotts,  and  others,  and  the  tribes  south 
of  Kentucky:  the  Cherokees,  the  Chickasaws,  and  others,  claimed 
Kentucky  as  their  Hunting  Ground,  and  not  only  fought  one  an- 
other, but  harassed  the  white  settlers  for  years,  till  about  the  year 
179  3.  After  this  year  there  were  only  occasionally  a  te^v  lurking, 
skulking  marauders  spying  through  the  interior  settlements. 

At  different  periods  from  1747  to  1772,  Kentucky  was  visited 
by  various  parties  of  white  men,  adventurers  and  hunters,  but  the 
first  that  gave  any  promise  of  actual,  permanent  settlement  and  im- 
provement was  in  177  3,  when  a  large  number  of  surveys  were  made. 

Kentucky  being  the  Hunting  and  Battle  Ground  of  the  various 
tribes  of  Indians  was  called  the  Dark  and  Bloody  Ground. 

The  first  fort  in  Kentucky  was  erected  March  2  6,  1775,  in  what 
was  afterwards  and  is  now  Madison  County,  about  five  miles  south 
of  the  present  city  of  Richmond,  and  a  little  over  a  mile  in  a  south- 
west direction  from  Estill's  old  station,  on  a  small  branch  of  Tay- 
lor's Fork,  and  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  west  of  Hart's  Fork  of 
Silver  Creek,  upon  a  little  elevated  ground,  about  one  hundred  yards 
from  Bossie's  Trace,  and  called  Twetty's  or  the  Little  Fort.  It  was 
built  of  logs  in  a  square,  six  or  seven  feet  high,  the  day  after  the 
attack  made  by  the  Indians  before  the  break  of  day  upon  the  com- 
panies of  Colonel  Daniel  Boone  and  Captain  William  Twetty,  as  a 
protection  against  further  surprises  and  sudden  attacks  of  the  In- 
dians. The  wounded.  Captain  Twetty,  who  had  been  shot  in  both 
knees,  and  young  Felix  Walker,  were  removed  into  the  fort  and 
there  nursed,  and  the  third  day  after  receiving  the  wound  in  said 
battle,  and  the  second  day  after  the  fort  was  built.  Captain  Twetty 
died,  and  his  body  was  buried  inside  the  fort.  A  portion  of  the 
company  remained  at  the  fort  to  nurse  Walker  until  April  6,  1775, 
when  he  was  well  enough  to  be  moved,  and  was  taken  to  Boones- 
borough,  which  latter  fort,  although  commenced  was  not  completed 
until  June   14,   1775. 

For  several  years  Twetty's,  or  the  Little  Fort,  was  one  of  the 
best  known  and  most  noted  places  in  what  is  now  Madison  County. 

Boones  Fort,  or  Boonesborough,  was  the  second  fort  built  and 
the  first  station  fortified,  and  where  Colonel  Daniel  Boone  and  his 
company  arrived  April  1,  1775,  which  fort  was  completed  .lune 
14,   1775. 

William  Bush,  Jesse  Oldham,  Rev.  Joseph  Proctor,  Peter  Hackett 
and  ten  other  men  in  their  depositions  describe  the  Indian  attack 
and  the  Little  Fort  above  mentioned. 

Harrodsburg  is  reputed  to  be  the  oldest  town  in  the  State  built 
by  white  settlers. 

In   order    of   formation,    Madison   County   was    the    seventh,    and 

nisi  (in/   mill    <lriiciil(H/ics  21 

was  carved  out  of  Lincoln,  and  was  established  by  act  of  the  General 
Assembly  of  Virginia  in  17S5:  the  first  court  was  organized  and 
held  by  Justices  of  the  Peace,  holding  commissions  from  Patrick 
H(>nry,  Govci'nor  of  Virginia,  August  22,  1786,  at  the  house  of 
George  Adams,  and  the  first  court  house  was  erected  at  the  place 
where  Captain  David  Gass'  path  leaves  the  Great  Road,  near  Tay- 
lor's Fork  of  Silver  Creek;  and  it  is  claimed  by  some  that  the  work 
was  done  under  contract  by  Villiam  Golden,  son-in-law  of  Daniel 
Maupin,  Sr.,  (who  died  in  Madison  County  in  180:5).  Mr.  Golden 
lived  to  be  110  years  old  ana  died  just  about  the  beginning  of  or 
a  short  time  before  the  Civil  War. 

This  court  house,  or  county  seat,  was  called  Milford,  or  Old 
Town.  In  1798  the  county  seat  was  removed  to  Ridiniond,  where 
the  first  settlement  and  improvement  of  the  place  had  been  made 
by  Colonel  .Tohn  Miller,  who  granted  50  acres  for  the  town,  which 
was  surveyed  and  laid  off  into  lots  and  streets  by  the  surveyor,  .John 
Crooke.      (See  Part  I,  Chapter  1.) 

At  the  residence  of  Colonel  Charles  Robertson,  at  the  Sycamore 
Shoals,  on  the  Watanga,  a  tributary  to  the  Holston  River,  on  March 
17,  1775,  a  treaty  known  as  the  Treaty  of  Fort  Stanwix  with  the 
chief  warrior  Oconostoto  and  other  prominent  chiefs,  towit:  Atacul- 
lacullah  (or  Little  Carpenter)  and  Savanooko  (or  Coronoh)  of  the 
Overhill  Cherokee  Indians,  was  consummated  by  nine  gentlemen 
from  Granville  and  adjoining  counties  of  North  Carolina,  towit: 
Colonel  Richard  Henderson,  .John  Litterell,  Nathaniel  Hart,  Thomas 
Hart,  David  Hart,  William  Johnston,  John  Williams,  James  Hogg, 
and  Leonard  Hendley  Bullock,  to  whom,  for  10,000  pounds  lawful 
money  of  Great  Britain,  were  deeded  a  large  portion  of  the  beauti- 
ful, fertile  lands  of  Kentucky,  between  the  Cumberland  and  the 
Kentucky  (Chenoco  or  Louisa)  Rivers,  not  less  than  seventeen  mil- 
lion acres,  which  company  was  called  the  Henedrson  Company, 
afterwards  the  Transylvania  Company,  or  Colony,  making  them  pro- 
prietors of  a  magnificent  territory,  and  they  organized  a  form  of 
government  for  their  colony  called  the  Transylvania,  and  the  House 
of  Delegates,  or  representatives  of  this  colony,  assembled  May  23, 
1775,  under  a  large  spreading  elm  tree,  at  Boonesborough,  on  the 
Kentucky  River,  and  held,  on  what  is  Madison  County  soil,  the  first 
legislative  meeting  west  of  the  Allegheny  Mountains. 

After  heated  contest  in  the  court  and  before  the  Virginia  Gen- 
eral Assembly,  the  treaty  and  government  organization  of  this  col- 
ony was  nullified  but  a  considerable  tract  of  land  was  granted  the 
company  by  the  Virginia  General  Assembly. 

Boonesborough  was  established  as  a  town  by  act  of  said  As- 
sembly of  Virginia  in  October  1779;  twenty  acres  had  already  been 
laid  off  into  lots  and  streets  and  fifty  acres  more  directed  to  be 
so  laid  off,  and  five  hundred  and  seventy  acres,  the  balance  of  a 
section,  were  to  be  laid  off  for  a  common  called  Lick  Common. 

The  first  trustees  appointed,  Richard  Calloway,  Charles  Minn 
Thruston,  Levin  Powell,  Edmund  Taylor,  James  Estill,  Edward 
Bradley,  John  Kennedy,  David  Gass,  Pemberton  Rollins,  and  Daniel 
Boone,  gentlemen,  refused  to  act,  and  by  act  of  1787,  Thomas  Ken- 
nedy, Aaron  Lewis,  Robert  Rodes,  Green  Clay,  Archibald  Woods, 
Benjamin  Bedford,  John  Sappington,  William  Irvine,  David  Crews 
and  Higgason  Grubbs,  gentlemen,  were  made  trustees  of  the  town. 

The  historic  elm  under  which  the  first  legislative  council  was 
held,  and  under  which  the  first  sermon  preached  in  Kentucky  was 
delivered,  stood  on  the  Lick  Commons,  and  was.  in   about    1S2N,  cut 


History  and  Genealogies 

down  foi-  its  wood  by  the  servants  of  Samuel  Holley — a  very  un- 
thoughtful  piece  of  work. 

From  its  incipiency  Boonesborough  was  the  main  object  of  In- 
dian hostilities.  Three  days  after  it  was  begun — on  the  6th  of 
April,  177  5 — the  Indians  killed  a  white  man  of  the  fort.  Decem- 
ber 24,  1775,  they  killed  another  and  wounded  one.  April  15, 
1777,  a  simultaneous  attack  was  made  on  Boonesborough,  Harrods- 
burg  and  Logan's  Fort  by  a  large  number  of  Indian  warriors,  in 
which  Boonesborough  suffered  the  loss  of  some  men,  some  corn  and 
some  cattle,  but  the  Indians  were  forced  to  retire.  July  4  of  the 
same  year  the  fort  was  again  attacked  with  fury,  but  without  suc- 
cess, by  about  two  hundred  warriors;  this  seige  lasted  two  days 
and  nights.  August  8,  177  8,  a  third  siege  was  made  by  five  hun- 
dred armed  and  painted  Indian  warriors,  led  by  Canadian  officers, 
with  the  display  of  British  colors,  and  a  surrender  of  the  fort  de- 
manded. At  about  the  same  time  twenty-five  Wyandotts  made  an 
attack  on  Estill's  Station,  and  were  chased  by  Col.  Estill  and  his 
men,  and  led  to  the  bloody  battle  of  Little  Mountain,  near  where 
Mount  Sterling  is,  where  Col.  Estill  and  several  of  his  men  were 
killed  and  a  number  wounded. 

In  August,  179  2,  seven  Indians  made  an  attack  on  the  dwelling 
house  of  Mr.  Stephenson,  in  Madison  County  but  were  finally  re- 
pulsed.    Mr.  Stephenson  was  badly  wounded. 

The  last  Indian  incursion  into  the  county  of  Madison  was  in 
179  3.  After  this  date  there  were  only  a  few  prowling  Indian  thieves 
and  vagabonds. 

The  Long  Hunter's  Road  led  from  Pepper's  Ferry,  on  New  River, 
in  Virginia,  to  Rockcastle  River  in  Kentucky,  distance  316  miles. 
The  Wilderness  Road,  from  Philadelphia  through  the  Valley  of 
Virginia  and  Cumberland  Gap,  to  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio  (Louisville, 
Ky. ) ,  distance  826  miles,  or  208  miles  from  Cumberland  Gap  onto 
the  waters  of  Dick's  River  to  the  Falls,  the  great  traveled  road 
from  Virginia  to  Kentucky,  through  Cumberland  Gap,  Hazel  Patch, 
Crab  Orchard,  and  Logan's  Fort,  to  Danville,  Harrodsburg  and  other 
interior  settlements  in  Kentucky. 

Boone's  Trace  was  cut  from  the  Long  Island  on  the  Holston 
River,  not  far  from  the  place  of  Treaty  of  Fort  Stanwix,  at  the 
Sycamore  Shoals  on  the  Watanga,  a  branch  of  the  Holston,  to 
Boonesborough,  on  the  Kentucky  (Louisa)  River,  by  Colonel  Daniel 
Boone  under  a  bargain  with  the  proprietors  of  the  Transylvania  or 
Henderson  Company,  to  go  before  and  open  the  road    (23  3   miles). 

At  Big  Moccasin  Gap  the  three  roads,  the  Long  Hunter's  Path, 
the  Wilderness  Road,  and  Boone's  Trace,  came  together  and  con- 
tinued the  same  to  the  Hazel  Patch;  here  Boone's  Trace  branched 
off  northward,  through  Boone's  Gap  in  the  Big  Hill,  to  Boones- 

The  Warrior's  Path,  traveled  by  the  Indians  through  the  Hunt- 
ing Ground,  traversed  Kentucky  from  the  villages  of  the  southern 
tribes,  across  the  Cumberland  Mountains  at  its  southern  boundary 
near  the  mouth  of  Buffalo  Creek,  branching  to  the  northern  villages. 
Old  Shawnee  Town  near  the  mouth  of  the  Scioto  River,  the  Mingo 
nation  crossing  the  Ohio  at  the  mouth  of  Cabin  Creek,  a  fork  taking 
down  the  Licking  to  its  mouth,  crossing  there  the  Ohio  to  the  Great 
and  Little  Miami  towns,  and  other  points  in  the  northwest. 

In  the  interesting  and  perilous  pioneer  days  many  of  the  immi- 
grants from  Virginia  and  North  and  South  Carolina  traveled  these 
roads — the  Wilderness,  the  Long  Hunter's  Path,  and  Boone's  Trace. 
Others  from   Pennsylvania   and   northeasterly   parts   came   down   the 

I/isldii/  mill   (iciicdhjijics  33 

Monongahela  and  Ohio   Rivers  to  Lees  Town,  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio 
and  other  roints;   thence  different  routes  to  the  interior. 

Pioneer  Forts  and  Stations  of  Madison  County  and  Adjaeent  Thereto. 

Adams    Station — Garrard    County. 

Bell's  Station — One-half  mile  from  Paint  Tjick  Creek,  enclosed 
one  of  the  most  remarkable  springs  in  the  world,  about  12  feet 
square  at  the  top  and  100  feet  deep,  boiling  up,  pure,  cold  and  fresh, 
and  flowing  off  in  a  large  and  constant  stream. 

Boonesborough    (Daniel   Boone) — Established  in    1775. 

Boone's  Station  (Daniel) — In  Fayette  County,  four  or  five  miles 
Northwest  of  Boonet borough;   established  in  17S:]-4. 

Boone's  Station    (Squire). 

Boone's  Station  (George) — Two  and  a  half  miles  northwest  of 
where  Richmond  is. 

Bush's  Station  (William) — In  Clark  County,  near  Boonesbor- 

Crab  Orchard  Station — On  the  old  pioneer  road  to  Cumberland 
Gap,  in  Lincoln  County. 

Craig's  Station — On  Gilbert's  Creek  in  Loncoln  County. 

Crew's  Station  (David) — One  mile  from  Foxtown  and  one  and 
a  half  miles  from  George  Boone's  Station  in  Madison  County;  es- 
tablished in  1781. 

Estill's  Station — On  Little  Muddy  Creek  in  Madison  County; 
established  in   1782. 

Estill's    (new)    Station — Five   miles  southeast   of   Richmond. 

Grubbs'  Station — Settled  by  Higgason  Grubbs  on  Muddy  Creek, 
in  Madison  County,  prior  to  October,  1792. 

Grubbs'  Station  (Higgason) — On  Tates  Creek,  two  miles  west 
of  Hoy's  Station;  established  in  1781. 

Hoy's  Station — Six  miles  northwest  of  Richmond;  established 
in   1781. 

Hart's  Station — One  mile  above  Boonesborough,  in  the  Kentucky 
River  bottom,  in  Madison  County;   established  in   1779. 

Holder's  Station    (.John) — Two  miles  below   Boonesborough. 

Irvine's  Station — On  headwaters  of  Tates  Creek,  two  miles  west 
of  Richmond;   established  in  1781. 

Kennedy's  Statioi' — In   Garrard  County. 

Locust  Thicket  .  crt — In  Madison  County;  established  prior 
to  1780. 

Marble   Creek   Station — Seven   miles   below    Boonesborough. 

McGee's  Station — On  Cooper's  Run,  in  Fayette  County,  three 
miles  from  Boonesborough.  Aquilla  White  in  his  deposition  states 
that  he  went  to  McGee's  Station  in  the  latter  part  of  1779  and 
moved  away  in  the  spring  of  1780  to  Grubbs'  Station. 

Paint  Lick  Station — Near  the  line  between  Madison  and  Gar- 
rard Counties. 

Strode's  Station — In  Clark  County,  two  miles  from  Winchester. 

Scrivner's   Station — In   Madison   County. 

Shallow  Ford  Station — In  Madison  County,  three  miles  from 

Stephenson's  Station — On  Paint   Lick  Creek. 

Twetty's,  or  the  Little  Fort — About  five  miles  south  of  Rich- 
mond, on  a  small  branch  of  Taylor's  Fork;  the  first  one  built  in 
Kentucky;    erected   in    177.5. 

Tanner's  Station  (.lohn) — Six  miles  northwest  of  Richmond;  es- 
tablished in  1781. 

2-1:  Hidort/  and  Genealogies 

Warner's  Station — On  Otter  Creek,  in  Madison  County,  one  mile 
from  Estill's. 

Warren's   Station    (Thomas) — In   Madison   County. 

Woods'  Station  (Archibald) — On  Dreaming  Creek,  two  miles 
northeast  of  Richmond. 

The  Dunmore  war  resulted  in  a  treaty  of  peace  with  the  six 
nations  of  Indians  north  of  the  Ohio,  in  which  the  Indians  surren- 
dered all  claim  to  Kentucky.  But  on  account  of  renegade  Indians 
and  traitorous  whites,  who  unscrupulously  violated  the  terms  of 
peace,  it  was  difficult  to  enforce  the  treaty  with  all  the  faithful 
efforts  of  the  leading  spirits  on  both  sides  of  the  question. 

Colonel  Daniel  Boone  was  Deputy  Surveyor  of  Madison  County, 
Kentucky.  In  17  88  Aaron  Lewis  and  William  Calk  were  appointed 
by  the  court  to  examine  Daniel  Boone  touching  his  capacity  to 
execute  the  office  of  Deputy  surveyor  of  Madison  County,  Kentucky. 

Article  2 — Schedule  and  Excerpts  of  Depositions  Taken  to  Perpet- 
nate  Testimony  as  to  Land  Boundaries  and  Claims  in  3Iadison 
County,  Kentucky,  in  Her  Infant  Days,  etc. 

(A,  page  82)  Deposition  taken  .luly  24,  1790,  before  George 
Adams  and  .Joseph  Kennedy,  Commissioners  of  the  Court. 

Nathan  Hawkins,  deponent,  7  4  years  old,  sworn:  "I  was  present 
31  or  32  years  ago,  in  the  County  of  Spotsylvania,  when  John  Haw- 
kins married  Elizabeth  Ellis,  daughter  of  William  Ellis,  of  Spotsyl- 
vania." He  tells  of  the  promise  of  William  Ellis  to  give  John  Haw- 
kins certain  negroes  for  marrying  his  daughter,  etc.  John  Hawkins 
died  and  his  widow  married  Robert  Collins. 

(A,  page  150)  Deposition  taken  on  Silver  Creek,  March  3,  17  87, 
before  John  Boyle,  Commissioner  of  the  Court. 

Deponent,  Ambrose  Ross,  sworn,  testifies  relative  to  land  entered 
by  John  Kennedy  on  which  old  man  Ross  lived,  and  Kennedy  was 
to  give  Ross  part  of  it. 

(C,  page  669)  Deposition  taken  on  Muddy  Creek,  July  8,  189  5, 
before  Samuel  Estill  and  James  Hogan,  CoiTmissioners,  and  John 
Snoddy,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

Daniel  Boone,  deponent:  "Agreeable  to  an  f.  der  from  the  Wor- 
shipful Court  of  Madison  to  us,  Samuel  Estill  and  James  Hogan, 
cased  call  Daniel  Boone  to  appear  before  us  on  a  certain  tract  of 
land,  lying  on  Muddy  Creek,  and  took  the  oath  on  a  "sertain"  track 
of  land  and  saith  that  he  made  the  Improvement  in  the  year  1775 
for  James  Wharton,  and  the  Improvement  tree,  showed  to  us,  and 
further  saith  he  never  made  any  other  for  the  said  Wharton,  the 
bushes  stand  spliced  this  day  before  us.  Given  under  my  hand  this 
8th  day  of  July,   1795.  DANIEL  BOONE. 

Samuel  Estill,  James  Hogan,  Commissioners. 
Madison,  towit: 

This  day  Daniel  Boone  appeared  personally  before  John  Snoddy, 
a  Justice  for  the  said  county,  on  the  above  named  Improvement  made 
for  James  Wharton,  and  took  the  oath  required  by  law,  then  testi- 
fied the  above  is  just  and  true,  as  it  stands  stated  above  my  name, 
in  the  presence  of  Samuel  Estill  and  James  Hogan,  Commissioners. 
Sertified  by  JOHN  SNODDY. 

July  the  3d  day,  1795. 

(D,  page  76)      Deposition  taken  on  the  west  side  of  Silver  Creek 

/llsliiril    mil/    < iciiriihii/ii's  25 

at  the  ford   called   St.   Asaphs,    April    29,    179fi.  before   Robert    Cald- 
well and  John   Kennedy,  Coniniissioners  of  the  Court. 

Squire  Boone,  deponent,  respecting  the  claim  of  the  heirs  of 
Andrew  Hannah  for  1,0()U  acres  of  land — the  meeting  place  was 
Boone's  Mill  seat.  He  describes  Gerusha"s  Grove,  where  Squire 
Boone  built  a  cabin  and  besan  to  work  at  a  mill,  bu  fotind  it  not 
convenient  to  go  on  with  it,  and  went  into  the  settl-.  ment  to  move 
his  family  out.  This  was  in  1775.  He  gave  George  Smith  Gerusha's 
Grove  on  Silver  Creek.  Boone  made  it  his  camping  place  with  many 
others  from  Boonesborough  to  St.  Asaph's  Spring.  St.  Asai)h's  Ford 
is  here  at  the  upper  end  of  a  little  island,  at  the  place  known  as 
Boone's  Mill  Seat.  The  cabin  is  on  the  hill  side  close  l^elow  the 
ford  on  the  west  side  of  the  creek.  He  sold  the  cabin  to  .Iosei)h 
Benny.  Squire  Boone,  Col.  Calloway,  Maj.  Hoy  and  others  came  to 
the  place  some  time  in  August,  1775.  He  moved  his  family  out  in 
1775.  He  made  Gerusha's  Grove  in  .July.  1775.  Within  the  dis- 
tance of  a  mile  about  northeast  course  a  black  oak  tree  marked 
"S.  &  B."  In  answer  to  a  question  he  said,  "Before  any  person  gave 
me  any  information  I  asked  if  it  was  not  that  course  and  distance, 
and  they  told  me  nearly.  I  believe  it  was  .James  Harris  on  the 
road  between  Silver  Creek  and  David  Gasses." 

(D,  page  547)  Depositions  taken  on  Station  Camp,  in  179S, 
before  James  Berry,  Robert  Rodes,  Philip  Turner  and  .Joseph  Todd, 
Commissioners  of  the  Court. 

Samuel  Estill,  deponent,  in  matter  of  land  on  Station  Camp  run- 
ning across  Boone's  Trace. 

(D,  page  548)      Deponent,  Joseph  Long,  in  same  case. 

( D,  page  549)  Depositions  taken  on  settlement  of  William  Han- 
cock, plantation  of  James  Turner,  on  the  dividing  ridge  between 
Tates  Creek  and  Otter  Creek,  March  15,  1798,  before  James  Berry, 
Robert  Rodes,  Philip  Turner  and  Joseph  Todd,  Commissioners  of 
the  Court. 

Stephen  Hancock,  deponent.  Some  time  in  1776  he  and  William 
Hancock  and  Richard  Taylor  passed  through  the  place  and  each 
marked  their  initials  on  different  trees.  Deponent  blazed  and 
marked  his  with  powder:    the  others  cut  theirs  in  the  bark. 

James  Turner,  deponent.  In  1782  he  cleared  the  land  de- 
scribed by  Stephen  Hancock. 

John  Weagle,  deponent.  In  1782  he  settled  with  .lames  Turner 
on  this  place. 

William  Chenault,  deponent.  In  1787  he  passed  by  with  Hig- 
gason  Grubbs  two  different  times. 

(D,  page  551)  Deposition  of  Ambrose  Coffee,  taken  at  a  spring 
near  Joel  Estills  fence,  where  stands  a  sugar  tree  marked  "W.  E. 
Sept.  22,  1798,"  before  Asa  Searcy,  Thomas  Collins  and  Robert  Cov- 
ington, Commissioners  of  the  Court,  January  2,  1799. 

About  17  or  18  years  ago  he  camped  near  this  spring,  the  tree 
stood  near  the  trace  from  Boonesborough  to  Station  Camp. 

(D,  page  692)  Deposition  of  Joseph  Proctor,  45  years  old.  taken 
October  7,  1799,  at  David  Trotter's,  on  Muddy  Creek,  and  ad.iacent 
to  what  is  called  Debon's  Run  near  by,  before  Thomas  Collins, 
Daniel  Miller  and  Samuel  Gilbert,  Commissioners  of  the  Court. 

There  were  people  came  out  and  built  cabins  three-fourths  or 
one-half  of  a  mile  above  here  called  Banta.  1  was  there  when  the 
cabins  v.-ere  building  16  or  18  years  ago.  Always  heard  the  branch 
called  Bone's  Run.  Banta's  cabins  stand  on  this  side  of  .Muddy 
Creek,  towards  Boonesborough  on  the  lower  side,  and  the  same  side 
this  branch  runs  in   Muddy  Creek. 

26  Histori/  and  •Genealogies 

(D,  page  692)  Frederick  Referdam,  age  50  years,  same  date, 
^ame  case  and  same  commissioners. 

I  was  passing  frequently  ttirough  tlie  woods  in  17  81.  I  saw  a 
tree  marked  with  the  first  letters  of  Joseph  Deban's  name  standing 
about  a  mile  up  the  branch  from  the  mouth,  on  the  north  side.  In 
the  year  1779  he  heard  of  the  tree  marked  near  800  miles  from  this 
place  on  Muddy  Creek  waters.  Since  he  came  to  Kentucky  he  al- 
ways heard  the  branch  called  Deban's  Run. 

(D,  page  694)  Peter  Hackett,  same  date,  same  case,  same  place 
and  same  Commissioners. 

(D,  page  69  4)      Thomas  Warren,  same,  about  55  years  old. 

About  18  or  19  years  ago  the  Dutch  Company  came  up,  called 
Banta's  Company,  to  build  cabins  above  here,  about  one-half  mile. 
Some  years  after  he  heard  this  branch  called  Deban's  Run,  which 
he  expected  took  its  name  from  some  of  that  company.  It  was  a 
general  thing  at  Estill's  Station  to  call  the  Bald  Hills  about  here 
the  Bald  Hills,  but  some  called  them  Bald  Knobs.  On  the  east  side 
of  the  creek  they  begin  about  one-half  mile  from  here  and  run  very 
thick  on  the  east  side  about  4  or  5  miles,  and  on  the  west  side  they 
begin  about  4  or  5  miles  from  here,  and  that  it  is  4  or  5  miles  to 
the  Knobs  as  called  at  Estill's  Station,  but  might  decently  be  called 
mountains.      Knew  nothing  of  Banta's  beginning. 

(D,  page  69  5)  David  Lynch,  3  8  years  old,  same  date,  case, 
place  and  soforth. 

This  branch  is  the  only  one  he  ever  heard  called  Deban's  Run. 
He  has  been  in  Kentucky  as  his  home  ever  since  1777,  on  Christ- 
mas Eve,  and  from  summer  of  1780  until  this  time  has  been  well 
acquainted  with  these  woods  as  any  place  in  the  State;  never  heard 
it  (the  branch)  called  by  any  other  name  than  Deban's  Run.  Saw 
a  tree  marked  up  the  branch  on  the  north  side;  he  thinks  a  white 
oak.  It  is  S  or  10  miles  to  the  Knobs,  a  south  course.  The  Bald 
Hills  near  here  some  call  Bald  Hills,  some  Bald  Knobs,  begin  on 
the  east  side  of  the  creek  within  one-half  mile  of  here  or  a  mile, 
and  extend  up  the  east  side  5,  6  or  7  miles  with  here  and  there  a 
skirt  of  woods;  between  them  and  the  nearest  part  of  the  mountains 
is  6  or  7  miles  off  from  this  place. 

(Commissioner  Daniel  Miller's  home  was  near  this  place,  and 
near  the  mouth  of  a  branch  of  what  is  called  Hickory  Lick,  and 
near  here  in  about  17  82,  as  related  by  Ambrose  Coffee,  in  his  depo- 
sition below  copied,  Peter  Duree,  John  Bullock  and  John  Bullock's 
wife,  who  was  a  daughter  of  old  man  Duree,  were  killed  by  Indians. 
He  didn't  remember  when  old  Mr.  Duree  died,  but  Henry  Duree  and 
Daniel  Duree  were  killed  at  the  White  Ooak  spring  on  an  early  date, 
and  Copart  was  killed  at  Boonesborough  on  an  early  date.) 

(E,  page  1:^5)  Deposition  of  Joshua  Barton,  taken  March  in, 
1801,  on  land  on  Silver  Creek  adjoining  David  Barton,  heir-at-law 
of  Joshua  Barton,  dec'd  before  Joseph  Kennedy,  John  Barnett  and 
Samuel  Campbell,  Commissioners  of  the  Court,  on  Pre-emption  War- 
rant No.  811.  1,400  acres  John  C.  Owens  on  Silver  Creek  to  ad- 
join David  Barton  and  to  include  1,000  acres  laid  off  for  David  Bar- 
ton's father  under  Henderson  in  177  6.  Was  chain  carrier  at  the 
survey  made  by  John  Kennedy  for  his  father  under  Henderson,  etc. 

(E,  page  158)  David  Maxwell.  Knew  the  place  by  the  ground, 
the  little  draining  and  from  killing  the  buffalo. 

(E,  page  159)  John  Cochran.  Settled  in  the  neighborhood 
about  14  years  ago;  branch  empties  into  Silver  Creek  above  the 
Locust   Bent. 

//is/on/   (I ml    (Iriirdldt/ics  27 

(E,  page  159)  John  Maxwell.  Was  here  in  Ai)iil,  I  "so,  with 
two  sons,  Bazil  and  David.  They  shot  some  hul'talo  at  this  place 
and  Bazil  made  a  location.  Knew  of  no  other  claim  near,  except 
the  Locust  Bent  and  the  Elk  Garden.  Been  here  many  a  time  since. 
I  showed  it  to  Bazil  Maxwell. 

Witnesses  to  their  signatures:      Dudley  Faris,  Samuel  Wallace. 

(E,  page  2;n  )  Deposition  of  Jesse  Gopher  (Goffee)  taken  March 
4,  ISUl,  on  Drowning  Greek,  on  William  Shelton's  Glaim,  1,000  and 
odd  acres  at  beech  tree.  H.  G.,  I.  G.,  1780,  before  John  Harris, 
Daniel  Miller  and  Thomas  Gollins,  Gommissioners  of  the  Gourt. 

In  the  fall  of  17  80  deponent  and  Higgason  Grubbs  came  from  the 
station  where  James  Hendricks  lives  a  buffalo  htinting,  and  fell  in 
upon  Drowning  Greek,  killed  a  buffalo,  then  turned  off  the  creek. 
Game  up  a  clift  nearly  where  Rich.  Estill  now  lives,  through  the 
woods  and  camped  at  a  beech  tree,  he  believes  to  be  the  beech  tree 
we  are  now  at,  and  then  tells  why  he  believes  it. 

(E,  page  230)  Higgason  Grubbs,  same  case.  In  17  80  he  and 
Jesse  Goffee  camped  at  the  root  of  the  beech  tree  where  we  are  now 
tonight,  when  they  went  out  buffalo  hunting,  and  made  the  letters 
H.  G.  I.  G.  and  the  figures  178  0  at  that  time,  also  Oc  for  October, 
on  this  beech  tree.  After  the  location  was  made  for  William  Shel- 
ton  that  he  came  to  hunt  for  this  tree,  and  Thomas  Shelton  and 
Peter  Woods  came  with  me,  and  found  this  tree  very  readily. 

The  witnesses  were  questioned  by  Archibald  Woods. 

(E,  page  22  8)  Littleberry  Proctor,  age  3  6  years,  same  occasion. 
Tells  of  Ambrose  Goffee's,  Old  John  Johnson's,  James  Reid's  entry 
of  500  acres  made  by  James  Estill.  Acquainted  with  the  place  15 
or  16  years. 

(E,  page  231)  Joel  Estes,  same  occasion.  He  claimed  half  of 
James  Reid's  entry. 

Notice  for  these  depositions  published  in  John  Bradford's  Ken- 
tucky Gazette. 

(E,  page  23  2)  Deposition  of  Humphrey  Baker,  2  5  years  old, 
taken  February  7  and  8,  1801,  on  4,000  acres  in  the  name  of  Will- 
iam Mayo,  on  Station  Gamp,  met  at  house  of  Joe  Wells;  adjourned 
to  the  8th  to  house  of  Azariah  Martin,  farmer.  Questioned  by  Green 
Glay.  (Notice  published  in  John  Bradford's  Gazette.)  John  Sap- 
pington,  John  Harris  and  Stephen  Trigg,  Gommissioners  of  the  Gourt. 

Shortly  after  McMullins  and  Garpenter  were  killed  on  Drowning 
Greek,  myself,  Gol.  Estill,  Elick  Reid,  Benjamin  Estill,  Benjamin 
Gooper,  Braxton  Gooper,  Sharswell  Gooper,  Patrick  Woods,  Charles 
Shurley,  Higgason  Harris,  Daniel  Hancock,  Jesse  Noland  and  others 
were  going  to  Station  Gamp,  and  as  we  came  along  Samuel  Estill 
showed  us  an  oak  tree  and  spoke  to  Ben  Estill  and  told  him  to 
take  notice  in  case  he  should  die  that  that  tree  was  the  beginning 
of  James  Estill's  1,000  acre  entry,  etc.  On  this  trip  was  some  dis- 
tance up  the  creek  of  Station  Camp.  Alexander  Reid  killed  a  deer 
some  distance  before  we  crossed  Station  Gamp  Greek. 

(E,  page  234)  Deposition  of  Colonel  John  Grooke,  on  same 
occasion,  before  John  Sappington,  John  Harris  and  Stephen  Trigg, 
Gommissioners  of  the  Court,  at  Azariah  Martin's  house,  February 
8,  1801. 

The  Old  Trace  from  Estill's  Station  to  Miller's  Bottom  went  by 
the  Mulberry  Lick,  Hoy's  Lick,  on  a  branch  of  Station  Camp  Creek, 
just  below  Harris  Massie's  crossing,  main  Station  Gamp,  about  a 
mile  from  the  mouth.  I  know  of  six  Licks  on  Station  Cam]i  or  the 
main  South  Fork  thereof.  One  about  1  ^4  miles  below  near  Hen- 
ton's,   the  second   at    this   place,   the   third   at    the  Long   Ford   on    ilie 

'ii^  Hstoiji  (iiid   Genealogies 

North  Fork  of  Station  Camp,  the  fourth  the  old  lick  on  the  east 
side  of  Station  Camp,  the  fifth  and  sixth  on  the  west  side 
of  the  main  South  Fork  of  Station  Camp,  the  uppermost  one  not 
more  than  four  miles  from   this  place. 

(E,  page  236)  Azariah  Martin,  at  the  same  time  and  place, 
before  the  same  Commissioners;   John  White  also  present. 

Deponent  Martin.  Locating  Licks.  One  about  1  %  miles  below 
here  on  the  east  side  of  Station  Camp  on  the  side  a  noil,  the  sec- 
ond at  Hinton's  about  the  same  distance  on  the  west  side  of  the 
creek,  the  third  this  place,  the  fourth  about  a  quarter  west  of  this 
on  a  branch,  the  fifth  on  the  bank  of  the  creek  about  1,4  mile  above 
here  on  the  west  side,  the  sixth  about  1  V^  miles  from  here  on  the 
bank  of  the  creek  on  the  east,  the  seventh  on  the  bank  of  the  creek 
on  the  west  side  about  2 1^^  miles,  the  eighth  on  the  bank  of  the 
creek  on  the  east  about  4  i/^  miles  from  this  place,  also  the  ninth  on 
the  War  Fork,  called  the  Salt  Lick,  besides  a  number  of  smaller 
deer  licks  too  tedious  for  me  to  recollect  and  point  out  at  present. 
In  April,  1784,  I  came  from  Estill's  Station  in  company  with 
2  Samuel  Estill,  3  Harris  Massie,  4  John  Woods,  5  William  Kava- 
naugh,  6  Nicholas  Proctor,  7  John  Mitchell,  8  William  McCrary,  and 
several  others  (the  others  were  probably  those  named  in  Humphrey 
Baker's  deposition,  towit:  9  Humphrey  Baker,  10  Cal.  Estili, 
11  Alex.  Reid,  12  Benjamin  Estill,  13  Benjamin  Cooper,  14  Braxton 
Cooper,  15  Sharswell  Cooper,  16  Patrick  Woods,  17  Charles  Shurley, 
18  Higgason  Harris,  19  Daniel  Hancock,  20  Jesse  Noland,  which 
composes  a  company  of  twenty  men)  in  pursuit  of  a  *  *  Indian 
camp  near  the  mouth  of  Station  Camp  Creek,  and  I  was  showed  by 
some  of  the  company  at  or  near  the  Blue  Banks,  about  two  miles 
from  this  place,  there  was  the  War  Road  to  our  right  hand.  And 
some  short  time  after  I  came  the  same  way  with  William  Cradle- 
bough  and  passed  by  this  lick  along  this  trace,  and  he,  also,  in- 
formed me  this  was  the  War  Path,  and  he  showed  me  pictures 
made  with  both  red  paint  and  black,  that  he  said  was  done  by  the 
Indians,  and  in  particular  showed  me  marks  and  pictures  at  this 
place,  which  are  now  some  to  be  seen,  and  other  trees  that  had 
them  on  it  were  cut  down  by  my  family. 

The  beginning  tree,  two  or  three  feet  from  the  ground,  is  about 
fourteen  feet  around.  In  my  answer  to  Estill  I  knew  nothing  but 
by  information.     Now  I  say  the  same. 

We  on  that  scout  did  not  follow  this  trace  any,  but  on  my  trav- 
eling here  the  second  time  I  traveled  it  perhaps  between  three  and 
five  miles  up  there,  and  up  the  West  Fork  to  the  Red  Lick,  thence 
to  Estill's  Station.  But  as  to  the  size  of  the  War  Road,  I  can  only 
answer  it  was  a  small  path,  and  from  where  it  came  I  know  not. 

Do  you  know  that  this  lick  is  on  the  War  Road? 

I  know  this  lick  is  on  the  same  trace  that  was  showed  to  me  for 
the  War  Road. 

William  Cradlebough  was  alive,  for  all  I  know  or  ever  heard, 
and  was  living  on  the  head  waters  of  Otter  Creek  two  months  ago 
in  Madison  County. 

(E,  page  240)  Peter  Hackett,  on  the  same  occasion,  Feb.  5  and 
6,  1801,  at  the  house  of  Joseph  Wells,  on  Station  Creek,  before 
Stephen  Trigg  and  Joseph  Boggs,  Commissioners  of  the  Court. 

In  the  fall  of  17  8  0  was  the  first  of  my  being  acquainted  with 
Station  Camp  Creek.  The  fall  after  James  Estill  was  killed  I  was 
over  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek  passing  to  Miller's  Bottom.  We 
saw  sign,  thought  to  be  Indian  sign,  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek, 
going  down  towards  the  Kentucky  River,  along  a  small  path.     Since 

Ilishiill    mill    (Icilfillnil'u'S  29 

that  1  was  going  up  the  river  witli  Slielby  on  a  campaign  after 
Indians  on  the  east  side  of  Station  Camp,  nearly  opjiosite  the  lower 
crossing  on  Station  Camp,  when  I  saw  at  a  lick  at  a  small  distance, 
pcrliaps  not  more  than  V4,'  mile  from  said  crossing,  a  number  of 
Indian  pictures,  which  were  generally  marked  with  black.  I  thought 
that  the  War  Path  went  up  on  the  east  side  of  said  creek,  from 
said  Indian  Picture  Lick,  along  up  the  Fork  which  is  now  called 
the  South  Fork,  but  which  is  called  the  Main  Station  Camp  Creek, 
and  there  was  a  path  cross  the  North  Fork,  at  an  old  lick  above 
the  forks  of  Station  Camp,  which  I  thought  was  the  same  path  called 
the  War  Path,  which  path  I  think  crossed  the  creek  twice. 

The  Trace  from  Estill's  Station  to  Miller's  Bottom  came  out  by 
the  Mulberry  Lick,  from  there  to  Hoy's  Lick  on  the  waters  of  Sta- 
tion Camp,  about  ^2  mile  below,  where  Harris  Massie  now  lives, 
thence  down  Hoy's  Lick  Branch  a  small  distance,  thence  leaving 
Hoy's  Lick  Branch  on  the  right  hand,  and  what  is  now  called 
Crooked  Creek  on  the  right  hand,  thence  down  into  Station  Camp 
Bottom,  thence  the  bottom  to  a  ford,  opposite  to  the  Picture  Lick, 
thence  up  the  Kentucky  River  to  Miller's  Bottom.  I  was  passing 
by  from  one  lick  to  another  about  sixteen  or  eighteen  years  ago, 
and  Samuel  Estill  showed  me  an  old  lick  on  the  bank  of  a  small 
branch,  where  Azariah  Martin  now  lives,  running  into  Station  Camp 
on  the  west  side,  where  Samuel  Estill  told  me  James  Estill  and  him- 
self had  an  entry  of  land  of  1,U0  0  acres  beginning  on  a  large  oak 
standing  on  the  bank  of  the  lick,  from  this  lick  at  which  the  tree 
stands  that  was  the  beginning  to  the  crossing  at  wiiat  I  thought  was 
the  War  Road  above  the  forks  of  Station  Camp  Creek.  At  the  time 
I  went  on  this  campaign  with  Shelby  I  saw  the  pictures  and  they 
appeared  to  be  fresh  done.  I  did  not  examine  whether  they  all  were 
newly  done,  but  my  idea  is  now  that  the  blazes  on  which  the  marks 
were  had  not  been  done  a  great  while.  But  powder  marks  may 
appear  to  be  newly  done  when  they  have  been  done  a  great  while. 

There  was  a  trace  that  came  down  from  Hoy's  Lick  to  what  is 
called  Hinton's  Lick  on  the  waters  of  Station  Camp,  thence  across 
some  small  ridges  bearing  up  Station  Camp  by  where  Joseph  Wells 
now  lives,  thence  across  Station  Camp  nearly  opposite  to  where 
Joseph  Wells  now  lives,  thence  to  Miller's  Bottom.  It  is  about  lYz 
miles  between  the  two  crossings  of  Station  Camp  from  Hoy's  Lick 
to  Miller's  Bottom.  There  was  a  trace  led  past  both  the  beginning 
lick  showed  me  and  the  lick  where  Hinton  lives.  It  was  a  com- 
mon thing  from  my  early  settling  in  this  country,  and  from  my 
general  knowledge  of  the  woods,  for  buffalo  traces  to  lead  from 
one  lick  to  another,  and  from  licks  much  frequented  by  game  for 
traces  to  lead  from  them,  even  several  miles  out  into  the  range. 
I  think  in  the  fall  of  1780  I  was  first  acquainted  with  the  lower 
trace  across  Station  Samp   to   Miller's  Bottom. 

(E,  page  242)  Rev.  Joseph  Proctor,  at  the  same  i)lace,  Feb. 
6,   1801,  before  the  same  Commissioners. 

I  have  been  in  Kentucky  ever  since  the  big  battle  at  Boones- 
borough,  and  obtained  a  pre-emption  of  400  acres  from  the  Com- 

The  Indians  that  traveled  the  South  Fork  of  Station  Camp  gen- 
erally crossed  the  river  above  the  mouth  of  Station  Camp  and  came 
through  the  small  Picture  Lick,  and  so  up  the  creek,  passing  op- 
posite to  where  Azariah  Martin  now  lives  on  the  east  side  of  the 
creek,  through  a  large  cany  bottom  to  the  South  Fork  of  said  creek, 
and  I  think  the  trace  crossed  about  1  %  or  2  miles  above  the  mouth 
of  the  Red  Lick  Fork,  at  a  small  lick  where  there  was  a  white  oak 

30  History  and  Genealogies 

stood  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek  painted  with  red  paint;  the  trace 
then  turned  up  on  the  west  side  of  the  creek,  it  then  ran  up  the 
creek  and  crossed  it  several  times  to  a  ford  now  called  the  War 
Fork,  and  nearly  out  at  the  head  of  that  fork.  It  was  generally 
the  opinion  of  the  people  in  the  country  that  that  was  the  War 
Road,  and  this  deponent's  opinion  for  thinking  it  was  the  War 
Road  was  the  frequency  of  their  traveling  of  it  and  the  camps  along 
the  road  which  he  has  seen.  One  in  particular,  a  Bark  Camp,  which 
he  thinks  was  nearly  thirty  yards  long.  He  believes  the  trace  was 
the  most  traveled  in  the  years  1780  and  17  81,  from  Estill's  Station 
to  Miller's  Bottom,  came  out  by  the  Mulberry  Lick  to  Hoy's  Lick, 
and  he  believes  the  one  most  frequently  traveled  from  Hoy's  Lick 
on  the  waters  of  Station  Camp  was  from  Hoy's  Lick  down  Crooked 
Creek  bottoms  to  the  bottoms  on  Station  Camp,  leaving  Crooked 
Creek  on  the  right  hand,  thence  down  Station  Camp  Creek  opposite 
to  the  Little  Picture  Lick,  thence  to  Miller's  Bottom.  There  was 
another  trace  we  used  to  travel  some  times  from  Hoy's  Lick  on  to 
Clear  Creek  and  down  Clear  Creek  to  the  crossing  some  distance 
above  the  mouth,  thence  cross  the  point  of  the  ridge  onto  Station 
Camp  Bottom,  up  the  bottom  to  the  above  mentioned  ford  on  the 
first  trace.  There  was  another  trace  that  led  from  Hoy's  Lick  down 
Hoy's  Lick  for  about  a  mile,  thence  cross  Hoy's  Lick  Fork  to 
Crooked  Creek,  thence  through  a  large  level  white  oak  flat  to  a 
lick,  thence  to  the  top  of  a  high  ridge,  the  banks  of  the  south  side 
of  the  ridge  was  naked  to  the  blue  where  the  buffalos  use  to  wallow, 
thence  to  a  small  creek  to  a  lick  on  the  bank  of  the  creek  on  the 
south  side,  thence  to  a  lick  where  Hinton  now  lives,  thence  it  turned 
up  on  the  ridge  crossing  several  small  ridges,  along  by  where  Joseph 
Wells  now  lives,  thence  to  the  lick  where  Azariah  Martin  now  lives, 
thence  cross  Station  Camp,  thence  over  the  mountains,  through  the 
woods  to  Miller's  Bottom,  or  to  the  river,  there  being  no  trace  from 
the  crossing  of  Station  Camp  to  the  river. 

Question  by  Samuel  Estill:  Do  you  recollect  in  the  years  1780 
and  1781,  when  George  Adams  came  to  range  from  Estill's  Sta- 
tion with  a  company  of  men,  that  the  said  Adams  applied  to  James 
Estill  for  a  couple  of  pilots  to  show  him  all  the  suspected  crossing 
places  by  the  Indians,  that  James  Estill  ordered  you  and  myself  to 
pilot  said  Adams  to  Hinds  Lick,  as  he  thought  it  the  most  certain 
place  for  the  Indians  passing,  and  did  not  James  Estill  order  us  to 
pilot  him  over  the  river  to  the  Picture  Lick,  and  he  refused  to  go, 
it  being  out  of  the  county? 

Ans.     I  remember  of  being  out  with  Major  Adams  on  the  scout, 
and   I   think,   as  well   as   I   remember,   we   came   out   to   Hinds   Lick 
and  went  down  to  the  river,  or  nearly  there.     Major  Adams  would 
go  no   further;    then   we   turned   and  came  back  till  we   struck   the 
trace    again,    and    some    where    about    where    Hinton    now    lives    we 
came  on  the  sign  of  the  Indians,  then  followed  them  along  by  where 
Joseph   Wells  now   lives,   and  so  on   by  where  Azariah   Martin   now 
lives,  thence  up  the  creek  above  the  forks;    then  night  came  on  us 
and  we  lost  the  trail  of  the  Indians.     The  next  morning  we  found 
the  Indian  trail  where  the  trace  crossed  the  Red  Lick  Fork. 

That  a  free  negro  by  the  name  of  Hinds,  with  another  man  by 
the  name  of  John  Dumford,  came  to  Hinds'  Lick  and  the  said  Hinds 
was  there  killed  at  the  lick,  from  whence  that  lick  took  its  name. 

Question  by  Samuel  Estill.  Was  not  the  War  Road  on  the  west 
side  of  Station  Camp  as  large  as  that  on  the  east  side  at  an  early 

Ans.      There   was   a    road    that   came   up   Hinds   Lick   branch    by 

ffislan/   mill    (li'iinihii/U'S  31 

Hinds  l.ick  that  came  over  cross  Clear  Creek  to  a  small  liik.  ihriicc 
cross  a  bald  point  to  a  small  lick  abovt-  Hoys  Lick,  at  the  head  of 
a  little  drain  that  emptied  into  Hoy's  l^ick  Branch;  there  was  a 
plain  trace  from  the  small  lick  to  Hoy's  Lick,  from  thence  down  the 
trace  by  a  small  lick  about  %  of  a  mile  from  Hoy's  Lick  which  T 
did  not  mention  before,  and  so  along  by  Azariah  Martin's  as  bct'orc 
mentioned,  thence  along  by  the  Red  Lick,  and  I  believe  the  trace 
on  the  west  side  of  the  creek  at  an  early  period  was  as  large  as 
the  trace  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek;  I  mean  from  Hoy's  Lick 
along  up  by  here,  or  Martin's.  I  do  not  remember  that  there  was 
a  trace  cross  the  Red  Lick  Fork  where  the  Indians  crossed  when 
I  was  out  with  Adams.  There  was  a  trace  led  up  on  both  sides  of 
said  creek. 

Question  by  Green  Clay.  How  many  licks  do  you  laiow  of  on 
the  waters  of  Station  Camp  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek  from  the 
mouth  up  to  the  War  Road  Fork? 

Ans.  The  Indian  Picture  Lick,  the  next  is  where  the  War  Road 
the  South  Fork  crossing  of  the  creek  the  first. 

Question  by  Clay.    How  many  on  the  west  side  of  the  creek? 

Ans.  I  remember  of  thirteen  at  and  below  Azariah  Martin's  on 
the  waters  of  Station  Cam]).  And  above  Azariah  xMartin's  to  the 
ford  where  the  War  Road  crosses,  I  know  of  twelve.  What  I  mean 
by  the  War  Road  is  that  that  runs  up  the  South  Fork  of  Station 
Camp  as  above  mentioned  from  the  Indian  Picture  Lick  and  out 
at  the  head  of  the  War  Fork,  and  so  out  to  the  Wilderness  Road. 
I  don't  know  that  the  Indians  have  any  particular  crossing  place 
or  road  that  they  traveled — one  more  than  another.  When  out  with 
Adams  we  did  not  see  any  Indians.  My  reason  for  believing  that 
they  were  Indians  was  that,  that  I  knew  of  no  white  man  being  out 
in  the  woods  at  that  time  but  ourselves,  and  it  was  generally  be- 
lieved by  the  company  at  the  time  that  it  was  Indians.  I  do  not 
remember  of  any  patli  from  Hoy's  Lick  to  Station  Camp  bottom  at 
the  time  that  Shelby  and  Logan  went  out  on  the  campaign  up  the 
Kentucky  River.  When  we  came  to  the  bottom  there  was  no  old 
trace  to  the  ford  of  the  creek  until  Shelby  and  Logan  went  out; 
they  made  a  smart  trace  all  the  way  to  the  ford  of  the  creek;  the 
path  went  through  the  said  Picture  Lick,  then  turned  over  the  ridge 
to  the  head  of  a  small  branch  that  ran  into  the  Kentucky  and  down 
the  branch  to  the  river  bottom  and  up  the  river  bottom,  thence 
along  on  the  hill  sides  next  to  the  river,  until  it  crossed  a  small 
creek  that  is  called  Doe  Creek,  thence  still  up  the  river  on  this  side. 

Joseph  Proctor  was  not  only  a  woodsman,  Indian  scout  and  spy, 
but  a  preacher  of  the  Gospel. 

(E,  page  248)  Ben.  Cooper,  at  Joe  Wells'  house  on  Station  Camp, 
Feb.  6,  IS 01,  before  Stephen  Trigg  and  Joseph  Boggs,  Commission- 
ers. Tells  about  coming  from  Mulberry  Lick  to  Hinton's  Lick  with 
Samuel  Estill,  and  stopped  at  Hinton's  to  eat  breakfast,  etc. 

(E,  page  24  8)  Alexander  Reid,  at  the  same  time  and  place, 
and  before  the  same   Commissioners. 

This  lick  at  Hinton's  is  on  a  branch  that  runs  into  Crooked 
Creek;  the  distance  from  the  lick  to  Crooked  Creek  is  between 
three  and  four  hundred  poles;  from  the  lick  to  main  Station  Camp 
may  be  more  or  less  than   %   of  a  mile. 

(E,  page  296)  Squire  Boone,  at  house  of  John  Reid,  on  Harts 
Fork  of  Silver  Creek,  March,  1802,  before  John  Harris  and  John 
Kincaid,  Commissioners,  on  spring  branch  below  Reid's  house  at 
two  white  oaks  and  honey  locust — one  of  the  oaks  marked   G.   M. 

32  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

178  6   and  J.   E.   D.  and  the  white  oak  marked  X.   1.   8  6.   D.   B.   and 
an  ash  marked  C  1. 

Squire  Boone  being  of  lawful  age  in  the  presence  of  Yelverton 
Peyton  and  Israel  Wilson,  was  sworn,  etc. 

Question  by  Basil  Prather,  who  married  one  of  the  legatees  of 
George  Merewether:  I  was  present  when  the  survey  of  1,000  acres 
was  made  for  George  Merewether,  etc.  He  proves  the  marks  and 
letters,  etc. 

(E,  page  2  99)  Nicholas  Hawkins,  on  the  same  occasion,  at  the 
same  place  and  before  the  same  Commissioners,  was  sworn  and  ex- 
amined on  Merewether's  claim. 

(E,  page  356)  John  Holliday,  1802,  on  the  South  Fork  of  the 
Kentucky  River  at  the  mouth  of  Meadow  Creek,  before  Jacob  Miller 
and  James  Moore,  Commissioners,  to  perpetuate  testimony  on  an 
entry  of  1,000  acres. 

(E,  page  417)  Joshua  Barton,  on  Silver  Creek,  adjoining  Bar- 
ton entry  of  John  Cochey  of  1,000  acres,  4th  Tuesday  in  November, 
18  02,  before  Jomes  Anderson  and  John  Reid,  Commissioners. 
Sworn  and  examined. 

(E,  page  417)  Squire  Boone,  on  the  same  occasion,  before  the 
same  Commissioners,  being  first  sworn,  deposeth  and  saith: 

Ques.  by  Robert  Caldwell.  Was  you  a  making  a  survey  for 
Joshua  Barton,  deceased,  under  Henderson?  Ans.  I  was,  and  acted 
as  marker  to  mark  a  1,000  acre  survey,  and  this  honey  locust  and 
ash  was  the  beginning  corner  where  we  now  are.  Ques.  by  the  same. 
When  was  the  1,000  acre  survey  made  under  Henderson?  Ans.  I 
believe  it  was  in  April  in  the  year  1776.  Ques.  by  Samuel  Campbell. 
Who  surveyed  it?  Ans.  John  Kennedy.  Ques.  by  the  same.  What 
kind  of  a  compass  did  he  have  to  survey  it  with?  Ans.  A  small 
compass  which  is  called  a  pocket  compass.  Ques.  by  Robert  Cald- 
well. Which  way  did  you  go  when  making  the  survey  under  Hen- 
derson from  the  beginning  corner?  Ans.  The  surveyor  was  ordered 
to  run  south,  which  I  believe  he  did,  and  crossed  one  or  two  large 
branches  of  Silver  Creek,  400  poles  to  the  corner,  a  black  walnut, 
and  I  think  there  was  another  tree  marked  for  the  corner,  but  do 
not  remember  what  it  was,  thence  west  crossing  Silver  Creek  four 
times  to  a  walnut,  hickory  and  mulberry,  about  one  hundred  yards 
from  the  creek,  which  is  the  corner  we  now  are  at,  and  from  here 
we  intended  to  run  north,  and  I  believe  did,  with  a  view  to  strike 
the  southwest  corner  of  the  Stockfleld  tract  of  1,000  aci'es,  but  did 
not  find  it,  to  my  knowledge,  at  the  time,  nor  did  make  a  corner 
as  I  recollect,  but  concluded  wherever  the  lines  intersected  should 
be  the  corner,  thence  with  my  line  of  1,000  acres  granted  me  under 
Henderson  to  the  beginning  corner.  Ques.  by  Samuel  Campbell.  Do 
you  recollect  the  length  of  the  second  line?  Ans.  I  don't,  but  sup- 
pose it  to  be  400  poles.  Ques.  by  the  same.  Do  you  know  the  length 
of  your  line  from  the  southeast  corner  to  the  southwest  corner? 
Ans.  I  called  it  400  poles.  Ques.  by  Caldwell.  Did  you  hear  John 
Kennedy  say  he  had  an  entry  on  the  waters  of  Silver  Creek  before 
he  surveyed  a  tract  of  1,000  acres  for  Joshua  Barton,  deceased? 
Ans.  I  know  he  had  a  claim  called  the  Locust  Bent,  and  I  believe 
had  one  under  Henderson  for  the  same.  Ques.  by  ditto.  Did  you 
understand,  when  being  in  company  with  Barton  and  Kennedy,  that 
these  two  claims  above  mentioned  would  interfere?.  Ans.  No.  I 
never   heard    any   such   thing   and    this    deponent   further   saith    not. 


Ilislnri/   mill    I Iriicii/oj/ics  '.]'.\ 

Test:      James  Anderson,  John   Reid,   Commissioners. 
This  deposition  was  acknowledged  before  us. 

February    7,    1S03.      These   depositions   being   returned    were   or- 
dered to  be  "recorded  Attest.     WW  A.  TRYTXE,  C.  M.  C. 

(E,  page  594)  Joseph  Kennedy,  at  the  dwelling  house  of  .An- 
drew Bogie,  on  Silver  Creek,  December  25,  1803,  before  Humphrey 
Jones,  Robert  Porter  and  William  Green,  Commissioners,  on  300 
acres  entered  in  the  name  of  John  Kennedy.  Surveyer  in  the  name 
of  Thomas  Kennedy. 

1  have  been  acquainted  with  the  place  ever  since  the  year  ITSO. 
Had  often  heard  his  brother,  John  Kennedy,  say  that  he  had  an 
entry  of  300  acres,  that  he  withdrew  his  entry  adjoining  the  Elk 
Garden.  Had  corn  in  the  bottom  below  the  spring.  Don't  know  of 
any  other  spring  on  Silver  Creek  that  would  answer  the  description 
of  this  spring;  nor  of  no  long  flat  neither  on  the  north  nor  on  the 
south  sides  of  the  Silver  Creek  that  would  answer  the  description  of 
this  bottom  betwixt  this  place  and  the  mouth  of  the  long  branch. 
(Describes  trees  marked  J.  K.,  etc.,  and  speaks  of  the  spring.)  I 
traveled  the  trace  which  crossed  Silver  Creek  at  the  lower  end  of 
Bogie's  farm  the  first  time  in  the  year  17  79,  and  it  was  called  at 
that  time  Boone's  Trace,  from  Boones  to  I^ogans  and  from  Logans 
to  Boones.  I  knew  of  another  trace  leading  from  Boonesborough 
to  Logans  known  by  the  name  of  Logan's  Trace,  at  a  place  known 
by  the  name  of  the  Cool  Lick  where  McCormack's  mill  dam  is  now, 
down  about  8  or  10  miles  above  this  place.  I  think  I  heard  of  the 
trace  from  Logan's  to  Boone's  which  crossed  Silver  Creek  near  wher^ 
Andrew  Bogie  now  lives  called  Logan's  Trace. 

(E,  page  596)  James  Anderson,  in  the  same  case,  same  place, 
same  date,  before  the  same  Commissioners. 

In  an  early  date,  or  before  the  year  1786,  he  thinks,  he  was  ai 
this  spring,  and  saw  the  walnut  tree  described  by  Joseph  Kennedy, 
marked  J.  K.,  not  exceeding  10,  15  or  20  yards  from  the  head  or 
the  spring,  and  the  bottom  above  and  below  said  spring  was  cany. 
I  knew  the  long  branch  and  it  runs  into  the  creek  about  14  mile 
above  the  place  on  the  west  side  of  the  creek.  I  was  acquaint-^d 
with  the  trace  that  crossed  here  called  by  some  Boone's  and  by  some 
Logan's  as  early  as  1779,  and  heard  of  the  trace  that  crossed  Silver 
Creek  at  the  Bull  Lick  near  where  William  Dryden  built  a  mill,  now 
owned  by  James  McCormack,  called  Logan's  Trace. 

(E,  page  596)  Ambrose  Ross,  on  the  same  occasion,  before  the 
same  Commissioners. 

Some  time  in  the  year  17  80  Samuel  Bell  and  myself  were  about 
on  this  side  of  Silver  Creek  a  hunting,  and  steering  through  to  the 
creek  came  to  this  spring.  Samuel  Bell  being  on  the  speculative 
line,  made  marks  upon  the  bank  about  the  head  of  the  said  spring. 
The  creek  was  so  high  we  could  not  cross  conveniently.  We  went 
up  the  creek  and  crossed.  When  I  went  to  Kennedy's  Station  and 
was  telling  John  Kennedy  what  a  fine  spring  I  had  seen  on  Silver 
Creek,  and  gave  Kennedy  direction  and  description  of  the  place, 
and  the  same  year  I  was  at  the  same  spring  and  saw  the  first  two 
letters  of  John  Kennedy's  name  upon  an  elm  or  walnut.  Th(>  back 
water  of  the  creek  came  up  that  near  the  head  of  the  spring  that 
we  had  to  go  round  the  head  of  the  spring  as  it  was  very  cany,  and 
we  could  not  see  ten  yards. through  the  cane.     It  ajipeared  from  th^ 


3-1  Histoiij  iind  G(-n('alogies 

water  and  cane  we  had  no  chance  of  crossing.  Ques.  by  Bogie.  The 
spring  that  you  were  at  and  are  now  describing,  is  this  the  same 
spring  that  we  are  now  at,  that  is  now  before  my  doors?  Ans.  Yes. 
I  considered  the  spring  to  be  in  the  banlv  of  the  creels;  from  the 
appearance  it  then  had. 

(F,  page  171)  William  Cradlebough,  Monday,  August  2,  1805. 
on  the  Middle  Fork  of  the  Kentucky  River  at  Rock  Back  Bncam.p- 
ment  and  adjourning  from  time  to  time  to  different  places  described 
in  the  deposition  before  James  McCormack  and  William  Bryant, 

The  Deposition  of  William  Cradlebough,  taken  at  the  Rock  Back 
Encampment  the  second  Monday  in  August,  on  the  Middle  Foriv 
of  Kentucky,   1805. 

William  Cradlebough,  in  company  with  Thomas  Brooks  and  John 
Calloway,  camped  at  this  place  in  the  year  1780,  in  Xovombor  or 
December,  for  several  days  and  made  a  canoe  at  this  place,  which 
stump  is  now  here,  and  on  this  beech  is  my  letters  thus  W.  C.  17  80, 
which  I  then  cut;  also  letters  thus  J.  C.  which  John  Calloway  cut. 
This  place  is  on  the  south  side  of  the  said  Middle  Fork,  and  nearly 
opposite  where  McWillard  now  lives,  and  I  this  day  marked  my 
letters  on  the  same  beech  tree  thus  W.  C.  B.  I  never  heard  any 
other  place  called  Rock  Back  Encampment.  Thomas  Brooks  has 
often  told  me  in  his  life  time  we  were  here  together  was  the  only 
time  he  was  up  here  on  the  Middle  Fork  of  Kentucky.  The  tree 
that  stands  about  4  miles  above  this  place  on  the  south  side  of  this 
river  at  a  buffalo  lick,  on  a  branch  near  the  mouth  marked  thus 
T.  Brooks,  1780,  appears  like  Thomas  Brooks'  letters,  and  I  do 
verily  believe  the  letters  were  cut  by  him,  and  on  the  same  beech 
tree  letters  cut  thus  J.  C,  which  I  take  to  be  John  Calloway's  let- 
ters. I  do  not  remember  of  seeing  them  cut  the  letters,  but  we 
were  all  about  there  often.  The  bottom  which  is  about  4  miles 
above  Williams  Creek,  being  on  the  Middle  Fork  of  Kentucky,  he 
takes  to  be  the  same  bottom  where  he.  Brooks  and  Calloway  did 
encamp  and  cut  down  several  trees  in  the  ^ame  year,  but  as  the 
timber  was  young  and  not  lasting  wood,  I  cannot  see  my  signs  now, 
but  the  course  of  the  river  and  the  looks  of  the  bottom  looks  so 
much  like  the  bottom  1  do  believe  it  to  be  the  same  bottom,  which 
at  the  lower  end  of  said  bottom  there  is  corner  trees  marked  as 
corner  trees,  towit:  three  lynns,  elm,  beech  and  buckeye.  I  have 
here  cut  my  letters  thus  W.  C.  B.  And  the  deponent  being  on  Cabin 
Creek,  now  called  the  Upper  Twins,  saith,  that  the  creek  was  called 
in  those  days  when  T.  Brooks  and  Calloway  and  himself  was  here 
Williams  Creek,  because  he  said  deponent  first  found  it  v\'hen  hunt- 
ing, and  that  himself  and  Brooks  and  Calloway  did  build  a  cabin 
at  this  place,  which  is  now  called  the  Lower  Twins,  but  called  and 
known  by  us  Cabin  Creek.  The  cabin  is  rotten,  but  sign  is  in  an 
oak  tree  and  beech  where  we  cut  out  cutlets  and  we  cut  our  first 
letters  of  our  names  which  is  now  here  present,  which  place  is 
about  %  of  a  mile  up  eaid  creek  from  the  mouth  which  place  I  am 
confident  to  be  the  place. 

Signed.        WILLIAM   CRADLEBOUGH. 

This  is  to  certify  that  agreeable  to  a  commission  from  Madison 
Circuit  Court  we  met  at  the  Rock  Back  Encampment  on  the  Middle 
Fork  of  Kentucky  and  swore  William  Cradlebough,  to  witness  such 
things  as  he  knew  concerning  several  Encampments  and  marked 
trees,  and  we  marked  our  letters  and  our  names  at  the  said  Rock 
Back  and  adjourned  to  the  tree  marked  Y.  Brooks,  and  the  bortom 
where   it    was    said    to   be    trees    fell,    and    to    the    Twins    as   is    now 

/fisfani   iiiiil    (Iriiciiliii/irs  3.5 

called  Cabin  Cret  k  and  Williams  Crii  k,  and  cnt  our  letters  of  our 
names  at  the  different  places  and  did  everythiuK  to  the  best  of  our 
knowledge  according   to   law.  .JAMES    McCOUMlCK, 

August   12,   1805.  WILLIAM    BRYANT. 

Deposition  of  .James  McCormick,  taken  on  the  Middle  Fork  of 
the  Kentucky  River.  In  the  fall  of  17!ts  .lames  Trabue  applied  to 
me  to  survey  for  him  on  the  Middle  Fork  of  the  Kentucky  and  fur- 
nished me  with  several  entries.  One  calling  for  a  buffalo  lick  at 
the  mouth  of  the  small  creek  on  the  north  side,  with  a  tree  marked 
thus  T.  Brooks,  1780,  which  tree  and  lick  T  seen  the  same  fall  and 
the  marks  that  was  on  the  tree  appeared  to  be  very  old,  or  old 
enough  to  have  been  marked  at  the  same  date.  There  was  several 
entries  that  called  for  another  encampment  called  the  Rock  Back 
Encampment,  which  by  the  direction  of  William  Cradlebough  I 
found  at  the  same  time  with  W.  C.  1780  and  L  C.  17S0  cut  on  a 
small  beech  tree,  which  mark  also  appears  to  be  old  enough  for 
that  date,  which  rock  and  tree  William  Cradlebough  this  day  swore 
in  my  presence.  Also  the  bottom  I  surveyed  for  David  Trabue, 
with  the  trees  fell  down,  was  so  well  described  by  William  Cradle- 
bough and  the  course  of  the  river  that  I  verily  believe  it  to  be  the 
same  bottom.  Notwithstanding  the  trees  is  rotted  and  gone  and 
being  present  with  him  in  search  of  the  bottom. 

12   August,   1805.  JAMES  McCORMICK. 

(P,  page  201)  John  Boyle,  on  the  Improvement  John  Boyle  gave 
to  John  Mounce  on  Hay's  Fork  (made  in  1779),  Sept.  2,  1806,  be- 
fore William  Miller  and  Richard  Calloway,  Commissioners  of  the 

I  think  it  was  in  the  year  1779,  and  in  the  month  of  May,  and 
Hugh  Seper  was  in  company  with  me,  when  I  made  this  improve- 
ment. In  the  month  of  June  following  I  was  here  with  John  Mounce, 
Yelverton  Peyton  and  David  Miller.  I  gave  it  to  John  Mounce.  I 
think  he  did  mark  some  trees  or  sapplings.  This  is  the  same  im- 
provement I  made  for  Black  and  afterwards  gave  to  Mounce.  It 
is  about  2  5  or  30  steps  from  the  mouth  of  the  branch  that  we  went 
up  on  our  route  to  Boonesborough.  I  think  there  is  appearance  of 
the  old  improvement  upon  two  trees.  It  is  about  V^  mile  below  the 
Mounce  improvement  or  Mounce's  Fork  below  here.  This  is  about 
Vo  mile  from  Kincaid.  John  Kincaid's  improvement  was  in  a  good 
smart  bend  in  the  creek  in  a  flat  bottom  near  the  creek.  The 
branch  was  the  conditional  line  between  Mounce's  and  Kincaid's. 
They  both  marked  the  two  first  letters  of  their  names  there. 
Mounce's  was  to  run  up  the  creek  and  Kincaid's  down  for  quantity. 
I  was  with  Mounce  when  he  laid  in  his  claim  and  obtained  a  certifi- 
cate. I  think  the  land  he  intended  to  hold  was  from  Mounce's 
Fork  up  the  creek.  I  should  think  this  place  from  the  intersection 
of  the  two  forks  was  so  remarkable  that  a  man  who  was  formerly 
acquainted  with  it  might  know  it  again.  The  branch  that  mouths 
in  just  above  this  improvement  and  comes  down  through  John  Kin- 
caid's improvement  or  plantation  is  the  branch  that  we  went  up 
on  our  way  to  Boonesborough. 

( F,  page  202)  Yelverton  Peyton,  on  the  same  improvement, 
at  the  same  time,  and  before  the  same  Commissioners. 

In  June,  1779,  I  was  in  company  with  John  Boyle,  John  Mounce 
and  John  Kincaid  at  Mounce's  improvement  (described  in  John 
Boyle's  deposition)  on  the  way  to  Boonesborough.  John  Boyle  had 
made    the    improvement    in    company    with    Hugh    Seper    for    James 

;3(i  Histori/  nnd  Genealogies 

Black,  which  Boyle  afterwards  gave  to  John  Mounce  as  a  favor, 
because  there  was  not  room  between  Kincaid  and  Black  for  him. 

(F,  page  364)  Samuel  Estill,  Feb.  28,  1807,  on  William  Hick- 
man's survey  of  1,5251/2  acres  on  the  Kentucky  River,  before  Com- 
missioners William   Woods  and   Nathan   Lipscomb. 

I  came  to  Kentucky  in  the  last  half  of  the  year  1778,  or  the 
beginning  of  1779.  Was  acquainted  with  Flint  Creek  in  February 
or  March,  '79;  acquainted  with  Drowning  Creek  and  Muddy  Creek 
since  February  or  March,  '79.  Drowning  Creek  known  by  me  to 
be  a  place  of  notoriety,  and  was  a  place  well  known  to  the  inhabi- 
tants of  Estill's  Station,  Boonesborough  and  the  settlements  adja- 
cent thereto  from  my  earliest  acquaintance  in  the  county  till  the 
present  day. 

(I,  pages  10  to  19)  The  depositions  of  James  Bingham,  John 
Hendricks,  Stephen  Noland,  Yelverton  Peyton,  David  Gentry  and 
James  Anderson  were  taken  Sept.  16,  1811,  before  Commissioners 
Joseph  Barnett,  James  Anderson  and  William  M.  Morrison,  on  the 
claim  of  Godfrey  Coradon  and  Susannah  his  wife,  late  Susannah 
Shelton,  widow  of  David  Shelton,  deceased,  and  James  Shelton, 
Mary  Shelton,  and  Hannah  Shelton,  devisees  of  David  Shelton,  de- 

(I,  page  87)  Aquilla  White,  in  1809,  on  2,040  acres  of  Abraham 
Banta,  assignee  of  Henry  French,  on  Muddy  Creek,  at  the  mouth 
of  Deban  Run,  before  John  Barnett,  John  Crooke,  Joseph  Barnett 
and  Samuel  Gilbert. 

I  heard  of  this  place  in  1779  and  got  fully  acquainted  with  it  in 
1780  and  1781.  He  speaks  of  Banta's  cabins,  Duree's  cabins,  and 
old  man  Duree  and  James  Estill  when  he  got  his  arm  broken  by 
the  Indians  at  the  time  they  (the  Bantas)  brought  their  tools,  etc. 
I  came  to  Kentucky  in  April,  1779,  and  moved  my  family  out  that 
fall  to  Boonesborough,  and  lived  at  McGee's  Station  in  the  years 
1780  and  1781.  (He  speaks  of  Viney  Fork,  Bald  Hills  and  Bald 
Knobs,  etc.)  In  the  year  1779,  about  April  13,  I  came  to  this  coun- 
try. Old  William  Calk  told  me  those  was  the  knobs  that  went  by 
their  names.  Blue  Lick  Knob,  Joe's  Lick  Knob,  and  the  Red 
Lick   Knobs. 

(I,  page  22 1  Ambrose  Coffee,  at  the  same  time  and  place,  be- 
fore the  same  Commissioners,  in  the  same  case. 

I  first  became  acquainted  with  this  Muddy  Creek  that  we  are 
now  at  in  the  year  1777,  and  with  Deban's  Run  in  March,  1779. 
Old  Mr.  Duree,  Peter  Duree,  Henry  Duree,  Peter  Cossart  came  out 
in  company  with  myself  from  Boonesborough.  We  came  up  the 
East  Fork  of  Otter  Creek  to  where  the  trace  forked.  Said  old  Mr. 
Duree,  we  will  take  the  right  hand  fork,  and  we  followed  that  trace 
or  buffalo  road  it  was,  and  blazed  until  we  fell  upon  the  Run  that 
we  are  now  at.  So  soon  as  we  could  come  to  this  Run,  old  Mr. 
Duree,  says  he,  there  is  Deban's  Run,  and  says  he,  I  gave 
it  its  name.  His  two  sons,  Peter  Cossart  that  was  with  him,  and 
myself,  the  other  three  said  the  same,  and  said  they  called  it  De- 
ban's  Run.  In  the  spring  of  1781,  deponent  and  John  Banta  and 
Albert  Bones  came  out  a  hunting  from  Boonesborough  to  Banta's 
cabins  and  killed  some  buffalos  and  returned  to  Boonesborough. 
These  people,  Durees  and  Cossart,  were  not  all  killed  by  the  In- 
dians in  the  year  17  80,  but  I  think  Peter  Duree  and  John  Bullock 
and  John  Bullock's  wife — a  daughter  of  old  man  Duree — were  killed 
in  the  year  17  82,  as  well  as  I  remember;  but  I  kept  no  memoran- 
dum of  it.     Old  Mr.  Duree,  I  don't  know  when  he  died,  but   Henry 

Hislnrij   mill   (ii'iinildi/ics  37 

Dnree  and  Daniel  Diiree  were  killed  at  (he  While  Oak  Spring?  in 
an  early  period.  Cassart  was  killed  at  RooneKborouKh  on  an  early 
date.  Thirty-three  years  ago  I  came  to  Kentucky,  in  the  year  1776, 
and  landed  at  the  town  called  Lee's  Town,  on  the  Kentucky;  from 
thence  Major  Crittenden  &  Co.  went  near  the  head  of  Willis  Lee's 
Run,  waters  of  Elkhorn,  and  now  known  by  Crit  tcndcni's  Cam]). 
There  we  cleared  a  piece  of  ground  and  planted  corn  in  the  same 
year,  1776,  and  in  the  fall  of  1776  Major  Crittenden  &  Co.  went  ui) 
the  Ohio  and  I  went  to  Harrodsburg,  and  there  I  continued  part 
of  that  fall  and  the  greater  part  of  the  winter;  and  rei)ort  came 
that  Colonel  Boone  was  taken,  from  the  Lower  Blue  Licks  to  T^o- 
gan's  Station,  and  to  Harrodsburg  the  report  came;  and  one  Richard 
May  raised  a  company  to  go  to  the  Lower  Blue  Licks  to  see  what 
was  done.  I  was  one  of  the  company  with  Richard  May.  Some  time 
in  February,  1777,  we  arrived  at  Boonesborough,  and  there  I  con- 
tinned  till  1785  or  1786,  and  moved  then  out  of  Boonesborough  into 
Bush's  Settlement;  stayed  there  a  year  or  two;  from  that  there 
were  two  of  the  Martin's  built  a  mill  on  Lower  Howard's  Creek  and 
there  I  attended  that  mill  going  upon  two  years,  and  then  Colonel 
Solder  bought  her,  and  after  he  bought  her  I  attended  her  near 
two  years,  and  from  that  I  moved  up  to  the  head  of  Spencer  Creek, 
near  old  Nicholas  Anderson's,  and  from  that  to  State  Creek,  where 
I  now  live,  near  Myer's  Mill.  I  knew  no  fields  in  1781.  I  knowed 
Banta's  Improvement.  It  was  up  here  above  the  mouth  of  Deban's 
Run  on  the  bank  of  Muddy  Creek,  and  the  Improvement  where  Peter 
Duree,  John  Bullock  and  John  Bullock's  wife  were  killed,  on  the 
branches  of  Muddy  Creek.  Ques.  by  Green  Clay.  When  you  came 
over  the  high  seas  were  you  sold  in  America  as  a  servant  '■'  Who  did 
you  serve  your  time  with?  and  who  is  there  in  this  country  that 
knew  you  in  your  servitude?  Ans.  Yes,  I  was  sold  as  a  servant. 
I  served  my  time  with  John  Huff,  and  I  don't  know  that  there  is 
any  person  in  this  country  that  knew  me  in  my  servitude.  (It  was 
proved  that  he  was  sold  for  passage  fare  over  the  sea.) 

William  Buchanon  got  killed  at  Holder's  defeat  at  the  upper 
Blue  Licks. 

(I,  page  113)  Sept.  16,  1811,  John  Fluty,  on  the  same  case, 
before  Joseph  Barnett   and  John  Crooke,  Commissioners. 

Was  acquainted  with  Muddy  Creek  where  we  are  at  in  1781. 

(I,  Page  122)  Jesse  Hodges,  a  lengthy  deposition  on  the  same 

(I,   page   191-204)      Frederick   Reperdam,   a   lengthy   deposition. 

(I,  page  197)      Henry  Banta,  a  lengthy  deposition. 

(I,  page  207)      Thomas  Warren,  a  lengthy  deposition. 

Article   4 — A   Brief   History   of   Albemarle   County,    Virginia,   which 
Furnished  many  of  the  Early  Settlers  of  Kentucky. 

(The  facts  given  in  this  article  are  taken,  by  his  permission,  almost 
entirely  from   Rev.   Edgar  Woods'   History   of  Albemarle. ) 

In  the  early  colonial  days  of  Virginia,  settlements  commenced 
principally  on  the  water  courses,  stretching  along  the  fertile  bottoms 
of  the  James  River  and  the  shores  of  the  Chesapeake  Bay,  and  the 
tributaries  thereto.  After  the  landing  at  Jamestown  it  was  more 
than  a  century  before  white  men  ])assed  the  Blue  Ridge  to  make 
settlements,  and  when  the  hardy,  restless  first  settlers  did  cross  over. 

.'"58  Historij  and  Gpnealogirs 

and  the  news  went  abroad,  a  rapid  stream  came  and  the  tide  of  pop- 
ulation in  the  succeeding  twenty  years  spread  to  the  interior  por- 
tions of  the  colony — one  stream  flowing  westward  from  the  sea- 
coast  and  another  up  the  Shenandoah  Valley  from  the  wilderness 
of  Pennsylvania,  which  was  urged  on  by  the  rage  and  boom  of  spec- 

The  county  of  Goochland  was  formed  in  1727,  some  ten  years 
or  moi'e  after  Gov.  George  Spotswood's  expedition  to  the  Blue  Ridge, 
and  the  first  settlements  included  in  the  present  bounds  of  Albe- 
marle were  then  parts  of  Goochland  and  Hanover.  These  settle- 
ments extended  along  up  the  South  Anne,  the  James,  the  Rivanna, 
and  the  Hardware,  meeting  others  coming  from  the  foot  of  the 
Blue  Ridge  made  by  immigrants  who  had  come  up  the  valley  and 
crossed  the  mountain  at  Woods'  Gap  (where  Michael  Woods  set- 
tled). The  first  land  patents  were  taken  out  June  16,  172  7,  by 
George  Hoomes  (Hume)  on  the  far  side  of  the  mountain  called 
Chestnut,  3,100  acres,  and  Nicholas  Merewether,  13,762  acres  at 
the  first  ledge  of  mountains  called  Chestnut,  including  the  present 
seat  of  Castle  Hill.  These  were  the  first  grants  of  the  virgin  soil 
within  the  present  bounds  of  Albemarle,  located  in  the  line  of  the 
South  Anne  River,  up  which  the  population  had  been  slowly  creep- 
ing and  increasing  for  a  number  of  years.  It  was  nearly  two  years 
later  before  the  next  patents  were  issued  to  lands  on  the  James 
River.  In  173  0  a  number  were  issued  on  the  James  and  both  sides 
of  the  Rockfish,  on  the  Rivanna  at  its  forks  and  up  the  north  fork, 
on  both  sides  of  the  Hardware,  on  the  Great  Mountain  and  the 
Hardware,  in  the  forks  of  the  James,  called  to  this  day  Carter's 
Mountain,  and  on  the  branches  of  the  Hardware,  Rockfish  and  other 
creeks  flowing  into  the  James,  and  over  the  South  West  Mountain 
on  Turkey  Run.  In  1731  patents  were  issued  on  the  Rivanna,  at 
the  mouth  of  Buck  Isiand  Creek,  on  the  west  side  of  Carter's  Moun- 
tain, on  the  back  side  of  Chestnut  Mountain,  and  along  the  Rivanna 
within  the  present  limits  of  Fluvanna.  In  17  32  there  were  eight 
grants  confined  to  the  James  and  the  western  base  of  the  South 
West  Mountain,  and  four  patents  in  1733,  none  reaching  farther 
west  than  the  west  bank  of  the  Rivanna  under  the  shadow  of  the 
South  West  Mountain,  and  thirteen  grants  in  173  4,  located  mainly 
near  the  bases  of  the  South  West  Mountain  on  the  Rivanna  and 
Mechunk.  After  this  time  there  was  a  more  rapid  settlement  of 
the  county  of  Albemarle.  In  173  5  the  number  of  patents  were 
twenty-nine,  the  population  was  yet  sparse.  The  whole  Peidmont 
Region  and  the  fertile  valley  were  simultaneously  opened  and  strong 
inducements  held  out  to  settlers  and  patents  were  taken  out  this 
year  on  the  Green  in  the  southern  part,  on  the  south  fork  of  the 
Hardware  near  the  cove,  on  the  south  fork  of  the  Rivanna,  on 
Meadow  Creek,  Icy  Creek.  Priddys  and  Buck  Mountain  Creeks;  in 
the  north  on  Naked,  Fishing,  Mountain  Falls,  Piney  Mountain  and 
Meadow  Creeks,  and  in  173  6  on  the  north  fork  of  the  Hardware 
in  North  Garden.  In  173  7,  nineteen  patents;  among  the  patentees — 
Michael  Woods,  his  son  Archibald  and  his  son-in-law  William  Wal- 
lace, more  than  1,3  00  acres  on  Licking  Hole,  Mechum's  River  and 
Beaver  Creek,  embracing  Blair  Park  and  the  present  Mechum's  De- 
pot, and  the  same  day  Michael  Woods  purchased  the  2,000  acre  pat- 
ent of  Charles  Hudson  on  Ivy  Creek.  These  transactions  took  place 
at  Goochland  Court  House  and  Williamsburg.  It  is  believed  that 
Michael  Woods  and  his  families  were  the  first  settlers  in  Western 
Albemarle,   and   perhaps  anywhere  along  the  east   foot   of  the   Blue 

Ilishini  mid  ( iciicdiogies  39 

Rids'e   in   Virginia.      The   first   patent:   to   lands   on    Moorman's    Jlivor 
was  in   17:'.9,  on  the  North  Fork,  to  David   Mills,  2,850  acres. 

Albemarle  County  was  established  in  1744  by  legislative  enact- 
ment, its  existence  to  begin  the  first  of  January,  1745;  the  reasons 
assigned  for  its  formation  was  the  divers  inconveniences  attending 
the  ui)per  inhabitants  of  Goochland  on  account  of  their  great  dis- 
tance from  the  Court  Hovise  and  other  places  usually  appointed  for 
pu1)lic  meetings;  the  dividing  lines  were  to  run  from  the  i)oint  of 
Fork  of  the  James  River  (the  mouth  of  the  Rivanna,  where  Co- 
lumbia now  stands)  N.  3  0  degrees  E.  to  the  Louisa  line,  and  from 
the  same  i)oint  a  direct  course  to  Brooks'  Mill;  thence  the  same 
course  to  Appomattox  River,  which  embraced  the  county  of  Buck- 
ingham, parts  of  Appomattox  and  Campljell  and  the  counties  of  Am- 
herst, Nelson  and  Fuvanna — the  Blue  Ridge  being  the  western  line, 
that  portion  of  the  present  county  of  Albemarle  north  of  a  line  run- 
ning past  the  mouth  of  Iva  Creek,  with  the  course  N  65  degrees  W, 
remained  in  Louisa  for  sixteen  years  longer. 

Albemarle  was  named  in  commemoration  of  the  Governor  Gen- 
eral of  the  Colony,  William  Anne  Keppel,  second  Earl  of  Albemarle. 
The  organization  took  place  the  fourth  Thursday  of  February,  1745, 
probably  on  the  plantation  of  Mrs.  Scott,  near  the  present  Scotts- 
ville,  where  the  next  court  was  ordered  to  be  held;  the  commissioned 
Justices  of  the  Peace  present  were  Joshua  Fry,  Peter  Jefferson,  Allen 
Howard,  William  Cabell,  Joseph  Thompson,  and  Thomas  Ballew. 
Howard  and  Cabell  administered  to  Fry  and  Jefferson  the  oaths  of 
a  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  of  a  Judge  of  a  Court  of  Chancery,  the 
Abjuration  oath — renouncing  allegiance  to  the  House  of  Stewart, 
and  the  Test  oath — affirming  and  receiving  of  the  sacrament  ac- 
cording to  the  Rite  of  the  Church  of  England.  Thereupon  Fry  and 
Jefferson  administered  the  same  oaths  to  the  other  commissioned 
Justices;  the  court  was  then  held.  William  Randolph,  by  commis- 
sion of  Thomas  Nelson,  secretary  of  the  council,  was  api)ointed 
Clerk;  Joseph  Thompson,  Sheriff;  Joshua  Fry,  Surveyor;  Edmund 
Craig,  King's  Attorney  by  commission  of  William  Gooch,  Governor 
of  the  Colony,  and  all  were  duly  qualified  and  took  the  oaths.  The 
following  May  Benjamin  Harris  was  sworn  in  as  Deputy  Clerk,  John 
Harris,  Constable.  Andrew  Wallace  was  appointed  Surveyor  for  the 
opening  of  the  road  from  the  Davis  Stockton  Ferry  to  Mechum's 
River  Ford  and  Archibald  and  Michael  Woods,  Jr.,  to  assist  in 
clearing  it. 

William  Harris  petitioned  for  a  road  from  his  plantation  on 
Green  Creek  to  the  South  River,  that  is  the  James,  on  the  lower  side 
of  Ballinger's  Creek.  And  Robert  Rose,  Clerk,  petitioned  for  one 
from  his  place  on  Tye  River  to  Leakes,  in  the  neighborhood  of  Wil- 
liam Harris.  The  hands  of  William  Harris  and  others  were  ordered 
to  clear  a  road  from  the  Green  Mountain  road,  near  the  head  of  Hog 
Creek,  to  the  Court  House  road,  below  the  Stith's  Quarter. 

The  Browns  of  Brown's  Cove,  for  whom  the  cove  was  named, 
began  to  obtain  grants  in  Albemarle  soon  after  its  foiniation.  They 
had,  also,  patented  large  areas  of  land  in  Louisa,  both  before  and 
after  its  establishment  in  1742.  Benjamin  Brown  and  his  eldest 
son,  Benjamin,  from  1747  to  1760,  entered  more  than  6,U(io  acres 
on  both  sides  of  Doyle's  River,  in  Albemarle  County.  Benjamin 
Brown  devised  to  his  son,  Bezaleel  Brown,  the  Bear  cornfield.  In 
a  deed  of  1789,  conveying  land  north  of  Stony  point,  one  of  the  lines 
passed  by  "the  Bear  Spring  on  the  road." 

The  Brown  family,  from  their  early  settlement,  their  prominent 
part  in  public  affairs,  the  high  character  generally  prevalent  among 

40  Histovji  (i)i(J  Genealogies 

them,  and  the  lasting  impress  they  have  made  on  the  natural  scenery 
of  the  county,  is  one  of  the  most  noted  in  its  history.  In  1805 
William  Jarman  and  Brightberry  Brown  undertook  the  construction 
of  Brown's  Turnpike,  beginning  at  a  point  called  Camping  Rock, 
crossing  the  ridge  at  Brown's  Gap,  descending  through  Brown's 
Cove  and  terminating  at  Mechum's  Depot.  In  1819  James  Jarman, 
eldest  son  of  William  Jarman,  and  Sarah  Maupin,  his  wife,  sold 
his  share  of  the  turnpike  to  Ira  Harris. 

In  1761  the  territory  on  the  south  side  of  the  James  River  was 
cut  off  to  form  the  county  of  Buckingham.  North  of  the  James 
River  and  west  of  the  Rockfish,  from  its  mouth  up  to  the  mouth  of 
the  Green,  thence  west  of  line  running  directly  to  the  house  of 
Thomas  Bell,  continuing  to  the  Blue  Ridge,  constituted  the  county 
of  Amherst,  and  there  was  added  to  Albemarle  the  part  of  Louisa 
west  of  a  line  beginning  at  the  boundary  between  Albemarle  and 
Louisa  on  the  ridge  between  Mechunk  and  Beaver  Dam  Swamp,  and 
running  along  the  ridge  intersecting  east  course  line  from  the 
Widow  Cobb's  plantation,  thence  a  direct  course  to  the  Orange  line 
opposite  the  planta  ion  of  Ambrose  Coleman.  These  changes  left 
the  Court  House  on  the  eytreme  southern  border,  very  inconvenient 
to  the  people  of  the  northern  section,  and  a  new  site  was  fixed  on 
land  purchased  of  Col.  Richard  Randolph,  of  Henrico,  1,000  acres, 
the  town  called  and  known  as  Charlottesville,  established  in  1762, 
named  in  honor  of  Princess  Charlotte  of  Mecklenburg  Strelitz,  who 
had  recently  become  Queen  of  England,  as  the  wife  of  George  III. 
It  occupied  almost  the  exact  center  of  the  county,  in  a  fertile  coun- 
try, and  a  beautiful  situation;  a  more  suitable  location  could  not 
have  been  chosen.  The  first  sale  of  lots  was  in  September,  1763, 
when  fourteen  lots  were  sold  to  seven  purchasers;  the  next  sale  was 
in  October,  1765,  when  twenty-three  lots  were  disposed  of,  fourteen 
of  which  were  at  once  purchased  by  Benj.   Brown  and  David  Ross. 

Near  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War  a  great  misfortune  be- 
fell the  country  in  the  loss  of  the  early  records  of  the  county  by 
the  wanton  ravages  of  the  British  troops  under  Tarlton,  causing  a 
break  in  the  records  from  1748  to  1783,  covering  a  most  interesting 
period  in  the  history  of  the  county,  which  affects  not  only  the  coun- 
ty of  Albemarle,  but  the  whole  country;  and  in  179  4  a  commission 
was  appointed  by  the  court  to  reinstate  the  lost  or  destroyed  records. 
The  transactions  of  the  Commissioners  were  ordere  \  to  be  recorded, 
but  the  result  was  far  from  making  good  the  loss. 

Tarlton's  raid  took  place  in  June,  1781.  The  British  com- 
mander, with  two  hundred  and  fifty  horses,  was  pa-ssing  Louisa  at 
a  rapid  rate  when  espied  by  John  Jouett,  a  temporary  sojourner 
there,  suspecting  their  object,  he  leaped  on  his  horse  and  being 
familiar  with  the  roads,  he  took  the  shortest  cuts  and  soon  left  the 
enemy  behind.  Tarlton's  detention  at  Castle  Hill  for  breakfast 
was  also  advantageous,  and  meeting  an  acquaintance  at  Milton, 
Jouett  dispatched  him  to  Monticello  to  warn  Mr.  Jefferson,  then 
Governor  of  the  State,  while  he  pressed  on  to  Charlottesville  to 
give  the  alarm,  and  the  Legislature,  which  had  just  convened,  was 
notified  in  time  to  adjourn  and  make  a  hurried  retreat  to  Staunton. 
In  a  short  while  Tarlton  and  his  troops  entered  the  town;  though 
disappointed,  they  remained  a  part  of  two  days,  and  it  is  said  de- 
stroyed 1,000  fire  locks,  400  barrels  of  powder  and  a  considerable 
quantity  of  clothing  and  tobacco;  but  the  greatest  loss,  as  well  as 
the   most  useless  waste,  was  the  destruction   of  the  public   records. 

In  the  diary  of  Thomas  Lewis,  1746,  he  describes  his  journey 
to    Orange   County   to   join    the   surveyors   to   run   the   line   between 

J/isl(iri/   mil/    Uniiiihiijli's  II 

the  Xcrthern  Neck  and  th(>  rest  of  the  colony,  wherein  he  states 
that  he  crossed  from  Augusta  at  Woods'  Gay  and  stopijed  with 
Michael  Woods  both  on  his  departure  and  return. 

As  late  as  near  the  close  of  the  Revolution,  when  Rockfish  Gap 
was  much  used,  the  i)risoncrs  of  the  convention  army  were  taken 
across  the  Blue  Ridge  at  Woods'  Gap.  The  Three  Notched  Road 
was  the  dividing  line  between  the  parishes  of  Fredericksville  and 
St.  Anne's. 

The  globe  of  St.  Anne's  was  bought  of  William  Harris  in  1751 
by  Sam'l  Jordon  and  Patrick   Napier,  church  wardens  of   ilic   parish. 

The  first  Baptist  Church  of  the  county  was  organized  in  . January, 
177  3,  in  Lewis  Meeting  House,  which  stood  on  old  David  Lewis' 
place,  on  the  elevated  ground  south  of  the  Staunton  road,  with  a 
membership  of  forty-eight.  Tt  was  several  years  without  a  pastor, 
but  was  occasionally  supplied  by  such  ministers  as  John  Waller, 
Elijah  Craig  and  Lewis  Craig.  It  was  variously  called  "Albemarle," 
"Buck  Mountain"  and  "Chestnut  Grove."  Andrew  Tribble  w'as 
chosen  her  pastor  in  1777  and  was  ordained  by  Elder  Lewis  Craig 
and  others.  He  purchased  a  farm  of  one  hundred  and  seventy-five 
acres  a  short  distance  below  the  D.  S.  Tavern,  which  he  sold  in 
17S.5.  He  performed  his  pastoral  duties  till  the  time  that  he  emi- 
grated to  Madison  County,  Kentucky,  in  about  1783.  He  became  a 
noted  pioneer  preacher  in  Madison  and  adjoining  counties  of  Ken- 
tucky. He  preached  to  Howard's  Creek  (Providence)  Church,  in 
Clark  County,  during  the  great  spiritual  two  years'  revival  which 
commenced  there  shortly  after  the  church  had  been  organized  and 
the  church  house  erected,  in  17  8  7,  and  was  minister  to  Dreaming 
Creek  (Mt.  Nebo),  Tales  Creek  and  other  churches  in  Madison 

William  Woods,  distinguished  as  "Baptist  Billy,"  was  ordained 
a  minister  of  the  Gospel  at  Lewis  Meeting  House  in  1780,  by  Elders 
Andrew  Tribble  and  Benjamin  Burgher,  and  became  the  pastor  after 
the  work  of  Elder  Tribble  ceased. 

One  hundred  and  forty  i)ounds  of  tobacco  were  allowed  for  the 
scalp  of  an  old  wolf,  and  when  tobacco  ceased  to  be  a  medium  of 
exchange,  $6  and  $12  were  given  as  premiums,  and  scalps  were 
reported  in  large  numbers  and  continued  for  many  subsequent  years. 
The  last  on  record,  Isaac  W.  Garth  was  awarded  $12  for  killing  an 
old  wolf.  The  names  appearing  most  frequently  in  this  connection 
were  .Jonathan  Barksdale,  Samuel  Jameson,  William  Ramsay  and 
Ryland  Rodes. 

White  Hall  was  an  election  precinct  which  w^ent  under  the  suc- 
cessive names  of  "Glenn's  Store,"  "W^illiam  Maupin's  Store,"  "Mau- 
pin's  Tavern,"  "Miller's  Tavern,"  and  "Shumate's  Tavern,"  till  given 
its  present  name  about   18  35. 

The  present  location  of  the  Barrack's  Road,  immediately  west 
of  Charlottesville,  was  fixed  about  the  beginning  of  the  18th  century. 
A  contention  respecting  it  arose  between  Isaac  Miller  and  John  Carr, 
Clerk  of  the  District  Court,  owners  of  the  adjoining  lands.  After 
several  views  and  reports  it  was  finally  determined  according  to 
Mr.  Miller's  ideas,  whose  residence  at  the  time  was  at  Rose  Valley, 
near  the  house   of  Mason   Gordon. 

Miller's  School  House  stood  on  Mechum's  River  in   1781. 

In  1803  Isaac  Miller  was  one  of  the  Commissioners  appointed 
to  draw-  up  a  plan  for  a  new  Court  House  and  to  solicit  bids  for 
its  erection. 

Lnder  General  Orders  from  England  Lord  Dunmore  had,  on  the 
night   of  April   20,   1775,   clandestinely  removed  from   the  magazine 

4-2  Hisfori/  and  Genealogies 

in  Williamsburg  all  the  powder  of  the  colony.  The  alarm  spread 
rapidly  throughout  the  province  and  the  people  flew  to  arms.  Seven 
hundred  men  assembled  at  Fredericksburg,  but  receiving  assurance 
that  the  powder  would  be  restored  were  disbanded.  And  the  people 
of  Albemarle  County  were  not  slow,  but  promptly  acted  and  on 
the  2nd  of  May,  177  5,  eighteen  volunteers,  under  Captain  Charles 
Lewis,  marched  to  Williamsburg  to  demand  of  Lord  Dunmore  satis- 
faction; and  shortly  after  their  return  twenty-seven  volunteers, 
under  Lieutenant  George  Gilmer,  11th  July,  1775,  marched  to  Wil- 
liamsburg on  a  similar  mission. 

Theodoric  Bland,  who  was  fourth  in  descent  from  Pocahontas 
through  his  grandmother,  Jane  Rolfe,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Revo- 
lution enlisted  in  the  contest  and  bore  an  active  part  throughout 
the  war.  He  was  one  of  a  score  of  men  who  removed  from  Lord 
Dunmore's  palace  the  arms  and  ammunition  which  that  nobleman 
had  abstracted  from  the  public  arsenal.  Soon  after,  Bland  published 
a  series  of  bitterly  indignant  letters  against  the  Governor  under  the 
signature  of  "Cassius."  He  was  made  Captain  of  the  first  troop  of 
Virginia  cavalry,  but  when  six  companies  had  been  enrolled  he  be- 
came Lieutenant  Colonel,  with  which  rank  he  joined  the  main  army 
in  1777.  He  was  a  citizen  of  Prince  George  Countv,  but  died  in 
New  York  in  1790. 

In  1818  William  Harris  and  Henry  T.  Harris  were  Commission- 
ers of  Education. 

In   1828   Dr.   Harris  was  agent   for  the  Albemarle  Bible  Society. 

Soldiers  of  Albemarle,  the  1st  Virginia,  were  in  the  battles  of 
Brandywine,  Germantown,  Guilford  Court  House,  Ninety-six  and 
Eutah  Springs.  The  14th  Virginia,  under  Col.  Charles  Lewis,  was 
in  the  battles  of  Long  Bridge,  King's  Mountain,  Ninety-six,  Brandy- 
wine,  Germantown  and  Monmouth.  The  10th  Virginia  was  in  the 
battles  of  Guilford  Court  House,  Eutah  Springs  and  Yorktown. 

The  statute  guaranteeing  religious  freedom  having  been  enacted, 
the  old  law  requiring  all  marriages  to  be  solemnized  by  ministers 
of  the  established  church  was  abolished  and  the  courts  authorized 
to  license  ministers  of  all  denominations  to  perform  the  marriage 
ceremony.  Under  the  new  law  William  Irvine,  a  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, was  licensed  in  1784;  Matthew  Maury,  Episcopalian,  William 
Woods,  Benjamin  Burgher,  and  Martin  Dawson,  Baptists,  in  17  85. 
The  first  Methodist  minister  receiving  such  license  was  Athanasias 
Thomas,  who  lived  near  the  present  site  of  Crozet,  in   1793. 

The  convention  which  met  July  17,  1775,  following  the  second 
march  to  Williamsburg,  to  provide  for  soldiers,  etc.,  formed  sixteen 
districts  in  the  colony.  Albemarle  was  placed  in  the  district  with 
Buckingham,  Amherst  and  East  Augusta.  The  committee  of  this 
district  met  Sept.  S,  1775,  at  the  house  of  James  Woods,  in  Am- 
herst; present  from  Albemarle,  Charles  Lewis  and  George  Gilmer; 
from  Amherst,  William  Cabell,  John  and  Hugh  Rose;  from  Buck- 
ingham, John  Nicholas,  Charles  Patterson  and  John  Cabell;  and 
from  Augusta,  Sampson  Matthews,  Alexander  McClannahan,  and 
Samuel  McDowell.  Thomas  Jefferson  was  the  other  delegate  from 
Albemarle,  but  was  absent  attending  the  Continental  Congress,  of 
which  he  had  been  appointed  a  member  the  previous  June. — History 
of  Albemarle  by  Rev.  Edgar  Woods. 

/Iishii'i/    (I  III/    1 1  cncilloi/irs  V'i 

Ai-ticlo  4 — .\  Uiiff  History  of  ('ulp«'|«'r  Couiitv,  \'ir<iiiii;i,  wliriicc 
(*ain<>  SoiiH'  <(1'  Our  Aiurstois.  Tlic  Old  Home  of  l\:i\  aiiaii^li, 
Duiu-aii,   Hrowiiiiifi,  VaiHry,  ('ovinf;(<m,   riiclps,   Dcalhciaf;*',  «■(<•. 

The  territory  of  Culpeper  originally  embraced  what  is  now  Cul- 
peper,  Madison  and  Rappahannock,  and  was  the  subject  matter  of 
a  protracted  controversy,  involving  the  title  to  several  million  acres 
of  land.  All  the  land  within  the  heads  of  Tappahannock  (or  Rap- 
pahannock) and  Quivough  (or  Potomac),  the  courses  of  those  rivers 
and  the  bay  of  Chesapayoak,  etc.,  was  granted  at  different  times 
by  King  Charles  I  and  II  to  Lord  Hopton,  the  Earl  of  St.  Albans, 
and  others,  and  subsequently  by  King  James  to  Lord  Culpeper,  who 
had  purchased  the  rights  of  the  other  parties.  Thomas  the  Fifth 
Lord  Fairfax,  had  married  Catherine,  the  daughter  of  Lord  Cul- 
peper, and  become  the  proprietor  of  this  princely  domain,  commonly 
known  as  the  Northern  Neck.  In  1705  Gov.  Nott,  of  Virginia,  in 
the  name  of  the  King,  granted  1,9  2  0  acres  of  land  to  Henry  Bev- 
erley, in  the  forks  of  the  N.  and  S.  branches  of  the  Rappahannock. 
Robert  Carter,  known  as  King  Carter,  Fairfax's  agent,  objected  to 
the  grant  as  being  within  the  limits  of  Lord  Fairfax's  grant.  Vir- 
ginia's Governor  and  Council  appointed  Commissioners  to  meet 
Fairfax's  commissioners  and  survey  the  rivers  and  rei)ort  whether 
the  south  (the  Ripidan)  or  the  north  branch  of  the  Rappahannock 
was  the  chief  stream.  In  1706  the  commissioners  jointly  reported 
that  the  streams  seemed  to  be  of  equal  magnitude. 

In  1733  Fairfax  complained  to  the  King  that  patents  had  been 
granted  in  the  name  of  the  Crown  in  the  disputed  territory.  Other 
commissioners  were  appointed  by  the  Governor  and  Council  of  Vir- 
ginia, and  for  Fairfax,  to  survey  and  measure  the  S.  branch  (the 
Rapidan)  from  the  fork  to  the  head  spring  and  return  an  exact 
map  of  same,  and  describe  all  the  tributaries.  The  Kings  commis- 
sioners met  at  Williamsburg  Aug.  3,  173  6.  The  commissioners  of 
the  Crown  and  of  Fairfax  made  their  report  Dec.  14,  1736,  to  the 
Council  for  plantation  affairs;  Lord  Fairfax  took  the  report  of  his 
commissioners  to  England  and  had  the  matter  referred  to  the  Lords 
of  Trade,  to  report  all  the  facts  and  their  opinion  to  the  Lords  of 
the  Committee  of  Council.  The  Council  for  Plantation  affairs,  the 
6th  of  April,  174  5,  confirmed  the  report,  and  afterwards  l)y  the 
Lords  and  the  King,  who  ordered  the  appointment  of  commissioners 
to  run  and  mark  the  dividing  line.  This  was  done  in  1746,  and  made 
the  branch  of  the  Rapid  Anne,  called  the  Conway,  the  head  stream 
of  the  Rappahannock,  and  the  southern  boundary  of  the  Northern 
Neck — thus  confirming  to  Lord  Culpeper  the  original  county  of 
Culpeper  or  to  the  i)roprietor  of  Lord  Fairfax. 

Fairfax  v.'as  the  first  town,  established  by  act  of  assembly  in 
1759,  since  changed  to  Culpeper. 

Culpeiier  was  named  in  honor  of  Thomas  Lord  Culpeper,  Gov- 
ernor of  Virginia  1680-3,  was  formed  in  174S  from  Oi'ange  County 
— Orange  was  taken  from  Spotsylvania,  which  had  been  cut  from 

On  October  21,  1765,  the  sixteen  .lustices  of  the  Peace  for  Cul- 
peper County  drew  up  and  signed  a  protest  to  Gov.  Fanquier  against 
the  imposition  of  the  stamp  act,  emphasizing  their  protest  by  re- 
signing their  commissions,  and  same  was  recorded  in  Deed  Book 
E,  page  13S,  by  Roger  Dixon,  the  first  Clerk  of  the  Court  of  the 



Histori/  and  Genealogies 

The  present  limits  of  the  county  comprise  an  average  length  of 
twenty  miles,  with  a  breadth  of  about  eighteen  miles,  drained  by 
the  Rappahannock  and  its  branches  along  the  northeast  and  the 
Rapid  Anne  and  its  branches  along  the  southeast  and  southwest 
boundaries.     The  Great  Southern  Railway  runs  through  the  county. 

Culpeper   minute    men   distinguished    themselves   in    the   Revolu- 
tion.    The  brilliant  John  Randolph,  of  Roanoke,  in  the  U.  S.  Senate,* 
said:      "They  were  raised  in  a  minute,  armed  in  a  minute,  marched 
in  a  minute,  fought  in  a  minute,  and  vanquished  in  a  minute." 

The  earliest  County  Court  held  for  Culpeper,  as  shown  by  the 
Deed  Book  (the  first  Minute  Book  having  been  lost)  was  18th  of 
May,   174  9. 

Brandy  Station  was  the  great  battle  ground  between  the  cavalry 
of  the  armies  of  Northern  Virginia  and  of  the  Potomac  during  the 
war  between  the  States.  It  was  the  scene  of  quite  a  number  of 
pitched  battles,  in  which  thousands  of  cavalrymen  met  in  deadly 

Other  engagements  in  the  county  were  the  battle  of  Cedar  Run 
and  minor  ones,  the  battles  of  near  Culpeper  C.  H.,  July  12,  1862; 
Brandy  Station,  Aug.  20,  18  62;  Kelley's  Ford,  Aug.  21,  1862,  and 
March  17,  1863;  Rappahannock's  Station,  Kelley's  Ford  and  Brandy 
Station,  Aug.   1-3,  1863,  and  Kelley's  Ford,  Nov.  7,  1863. 

(From  Dr.  Slaughter's  Notes  on  Culpeper,  by  R.  T.  Green,  by 
the  kind,  courteous  permission  of  Mr.  Green.) 

Arti<  Ir 

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.") — (•(■Ilea logical    I  aUlc. 

1    lOlizabeth    MilKr.    1732—.      Sec    Chap.    3, 

Sec.    1. 
■^  U()l)<-Tt    Milk-r,    1731,    ni   Margarot    Mau- 

I)in    (•!).     See   Chap.    4. 

3  Thds.   Miller,   173t;.     See  Chap.  3,   S<-c.  4. 

4  Ann    IMillcr.    173;).      S<>i'   Chap.    3,    Sec.   5. 
.")  IMaitjaii't     Miller,     174J.      See     Chap.     3, 

See.    C. 
G  Col.    John    Miller.    HoO — Jane    Dnlaney. 
See  Chap.    II. 


1  Daniel  Miller,   m   Su.sannah  Woods   (C). 

See   Chap.    5. 

2  John  Miller.     See   Chap.   4,   See.   2. 

3  Thos.    Miller,    See   Chap.    4,    Sec.    3. 

4  Ann    Miller,    ni   Mr.    Neale.      See    Chap. 

4,    Sec.    4. 

5  Elizabeth     Miller,     ni     Mr.     Snell.      See 

Chap.   4,   See.   .5. 
G  See   Sallie  Miller,    m   Jennings   Muupin. 
See  Chap.   4,   Sec.  6. 

7  Polly  Miller,  m  Mr.  Thorne.    See  Chap. 

4.   Sec.   7. 

8  Jennie     Miller,     m     Mr.     liurke.       See 

Chap.  4,  Sec.  8. 

9  Susannah    Miller,     m    Mr.     Beglo.      See 

Chap.   4,   Sec.   9. 

1  Polly  Miller,   1794-1795. 

2  Robert    Miller,    m    (1)     Sarah    Murrcll, 

(2)   Mary  Craig,    (3)  Settle,   nee 

3  Gen.     John     Waller,      m      Elizabeth     J. 


4  Maj.   Jas.   Miller,   m  Frances  Harris. 

5  Elizabeth   Miller,    1S02-1803. 

6  Susannah  Miller,   m   (1) Stanton   Hanna, 

(2)    Elder   Allen    Embry. 

7  Margaret  Miller,  m  Edmund  L.   Shack- 

S  Malinda  Miller,  m  John  H.  Shackelford 
9  Col.    Thomas   W.   Miller,    m   Mary   Jane 

10  Col.      Chris.      Irvine      Miller  —  Talitha 


1  Sarah   Wallace,    m   Stanton   H.    Thorpe. 

2  Robt.   Daniel,   m   Susan   J.   Barnett. 

3  James  Chris,   m  Mrs.   Eliz.   S.  Raylnirn. 

4  John  Thomas,   m  Annie  Elkin. 

5  A  son,  died  in   infancy. 

fi  Chris.   Irvine,   m  Sarah  Suett. 

7  Susannah    Woods,    m     (1)    Thomas    R. 

Hanna.    (2)    A.    S.    Hisle. 

8  Wm.   H..  m  Katherine  Oldham. 

9  Marv  Eliza,  m  John  W.   Rupert. 

10  Michael   Woods,    m   Ella   Hogan. 

11  Elizabeth   Frances,    m   Junius   B.   Park. 

0)  ■* 





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Historif  and  Genealogies 

Article  6 — Early  Marriages  in  Madison  County,   Kentucky,  gleaned 
from  the  First  Marriage  Register  of  the  County  Court. 

Miller,  Margaret — Wm.  Clark,  Dec.   11,   1787. 
Miller,   Andrew — Margaret  Graham,  July  14,   1791. 
Miller,   Elizabeth — Robert  Alcorn,  January  30,  1791. 
Miller,  William — Charity  King,   October  20,   1795. 
Miller,   Elizabeth — George  Shelton,   November   21,   1795. 
Miller,   Ann — John   Reid,  April   18,   1796. 
Miller,    Isabella — Alex.   Adams,   July    27,    1797. 
Miller,   Nancy — James  Shield,  June   1,   1797. 
Miller,    George — Sally   Eates,    June    7,    1798. 
Miller,   Robert — Sally  Estill,  June  12,  1798. 
Miller,   Elizabeth — Wm.    Kavanaugh,    June    13,    1798. 
Miller,    Charity — James   Hawkins,   April    5,    1799. 
Miller,   Thomas — Sally   Adams,    March    25,    1802. 
Miller,   Polly — Ambrose  Wallen,   January   3,    1800. 
Miller,   Thomas — Anna  Woods,   July   29,   1806. 
Miller,   John — Polly   Brown,    February    9,    1804. 
Miller,   William — Hannah  Lackey,   June   19,    1804. 
Miller,   Michael — Polly  Jones,   October   20,    1807. 
Miller,   Dulaney — Statilda  Goggin,  May  8,   1810. 
Miller,   Anna — David   Hopper,   January   20,   1811. 
Miller,   John   H. — Patsey   I.    Field,   August    12,    1834.' 
Miller,   Wm.   G. — Julia  Ann   Miller,   July   1,   1834. 
Miller,   Julia  Ann — Wm.   G.   Miller,  July   1,   1834. 
Miller,   Samuel — Sarah    Ballard,   October    14,    1835. 
Miller,   Stephen — Georgia  Ann  Watts,   July   23,   1835. 
Miller,   Alzira — Richard   Gentry,   Jr.,   August   18,    1836. 
Miller,  Will  B. — Minerva  Barnes,  September  4,   1837. 
Miller,  Thomas — Patience  West,  February  20,  1812. 
Miller,  Fannie — Wm.  Watts,  December  22,   1812. 
Miller,  Virginia — Thomas  Land,   February   14,   1814. 
Miller,   Jacob — Synthiana    Turner,    November    19,    1816. 
Miller,   Charity — Elias   Gully,    May    8,    1817. 
Miller,   William — Betsy   Goin,    November    30,    1820. 
Miller,   Susannah — Stanton   Hume,    October   30,    1821. 
Miller,   James — Frances   M.    Harris,   July   24,    1823. 
Miller,   William — Malinda  Jones,   December   23,    1824. 
Miller,   Samuel — Susannah   Jones,   August   12,    1824. 
Miller,   James   P. — Emily   Rucker,   July    13,    182  6. 
Miller,   Margaret — Edmund   L.    Shackelford,   February 
Miller,   Wiley — Lucinda    Todd,    November    13,    1828." 
Miller,   John — Elizabeth   Goodloe,   April    22,    1830. 
Miller,   Malinda — John    H.    Shackelford,   December 
Miller,   Cynthiana — James   Parges,   September   20, 
Miller,   John   G. — Elizabeth  Watts,  May   21,    1833. 
Miller,    Miriam — John    Heathman,   June    24,    1833. 
Miller,   Andrew   K. — Elizabeth   B.   Hollowav,   October 
Miller,   Sally  Ann — Solon  Harris,   July   25,   1837. 
Miller,   Elizabeth — Obed    D.    Hale,    September    2,    1839. 
Miller,   Wm.    M. — Mary   Jane    Patterson,    April    2,    1839. 
Miller,  Tdna — ^Wm.   Hill,  April   6,   1843. 
Miller,   Sarah  Ann — Samuel   C.  Ware,   February   29,    1839. 
Miller,  Amanda  M. — Stephen  Noland,   September   24,    183  9 
Miller,   Mary  A.  E. — Sidney  W.  Harris,  April  4,   1844. 

9,  1826. 

16,  1830. 

18,  1832. 

l/ishiri/   iiiiil   (Iciii'itloijifx 

Miller,  Nancy  Ann — William  Stevens,  Nov.   7,   isii. 
Miller,  Stephen  B. — Elizabeth  Stevenson,  Aug.  ir>,  1N4G. 
Miller,  Ann  M. — James  R.  Williams,  Jan.  10,   is  lit. 
Miller,   Harriet  —Killion    Berry,   July    i:>,,    1S4S. 
Miller   Jaiiu^s — Kaney   Jett,   Oct.    1',    isot;. 
Miller,  John — Sallie  Ann  Philips,  August    1,   1855. 
Miller,  Alfred — Minerva  Jane  Bibb,  April   19,   1846. 
Miller,  Thos.  W. — Mary  Jane  Hocker,  June  1,   1841. 
Miller,   Chas.    Irvine — Tolika    Horris,    Sei)tember    1,    1S36. 
Miller,  Caledonia — Ulm  O.  Chenault,  xMay   1,   1856. 
John  D.  Miller — Eliza  Embry,  October  23,  1828. 

Article   7 — Scduc   Misci-llaiicmis   Marriages    in    Madison   County,   Con- 
nected  witli    th»'   families: 

Arvine,   Sallie — John   Hill,   November   3,    18  53 
Arvine,  A.  J. — Sallie  Ann  Richardson,  September  6,   1849. 
Arvine,   John   C. — ]\Iary   Richardson,   October   23,   1852. 
Arvine,  Nathan^Melina   Ricardson,  December   31,   1837. 
Arvine,  Wm. — Sally  Ann  Oldham,  February  13,  1845. 
Arvine,  Jamison — Sally  Ann  Holeman,  October  4,  184  2. 

Ballard,  John  P. — Jany  J.  P.  A.  S.  D.  Karr,  November  26,  1833. 
Ballard,    Michael    Wallace — Elizabeth    Hockersmith,    March    12, 


Ballard,  John  Powers — Jane  W^allace  Jarman,  May  7,  1835. 
Ballard,   Palestine   P. — Mary  Ann   Francis,   April   ie,   1840. 
Ballard,  Tiberius  B. — Martha  Jane  Heatherly,  June  18,  1840. 
Barnes,  Sidney — Lucinda  Moberly,  November  9,   1854. 
Blythe,   James — Jane   Harris   White,   October   15,    1834. 

Chenault,    Nancj- — Alex.    Tribble,    October    26,    1843. 
Chenault,  Nancy — John  W.  Huguely,  Jr.,  August  30,   1843. 
Chenault,  David — Patsy  Tribble,  January  31,  1850. 
Chenault,   Wm.   O. — Caledonia   Miller,   May   11,   1856. 
Chenault,   Emily   C. — James   F.   Quisenberry,   October   14,   1847 
Chenault,  Mrs.  Ann — Wm.  R.  Letcher,  October  2,  1850. 
Chenault,  Elviru — Wm.  Shearer,  December  23,  1851. 
Chenault,  David  A. — Sarah  A.  Smith,  June  4,   1851. 
Chenault,  Elizabeth  F. — Joseph  Brinker,  July  12,  1855. 
Chenault,  Susannah — David  Oldham,  February  8,  1837. 
Chenault,    Elizabeth — Samuel   Bennett,   December   11,    1834. 
Chenault,    Mattie — Talitha    Harris,    October   30,    1833. 
Chenault,   Josiah   P. — Norcissa   Oldham,   October   29,    1833. 
Chenault,    Harvey — Anna   Douglas,    March    30,    1826. 
Chenault,   Nancy — Samuel   B.   Taylor,   March   15,    1827. 
Chenault,  David — Louisa  Quisenberry,  October  25,  1827. 
Chenault,  Alaker — Lynia  McRoberts,  November  17,   1835. 
Chenault,   Anderson — Nancy   Harris,   August   3,  1837. 
Chenault,   Mary    B. — Elias   Burgin,    December    5,    1839. 

Cobb,  James — Lucinda    Hamilton,    February    22,    1831. 

Cobb,  Matilda — John   Owen,  January   15,   1838. 

Cobb,  Samuel — Permilia   Arn   Park,   February   14,   1838. 

Cobb,  Richard — Minerva   Park,   February   S,   1842. 


Historij  and  (iowalogies 

Cobb,  Jesse — Eliza  Park,  November  1,  1842. 
Cobb,   Jesse — Tabitha   Park,   Feb.    14,    1850. 

Collins,   Paulina — Richard   Davis,    March    16,    1826. 
Collins,   Elizabeth — Robert  D.   Kidd,   October   8,   1832. 
Collins,   Mariam  F. — Robert  Yates,   August   1,    1844. 
Collins,   Milly — Robert  M.   Watts,   March   28,    18  45. 
Collins,    Patsey — George  W.    Park,   November    16,    1848. 

Covington,  Milton — Pauline   Dillingham, 

Covington,  Milly — Benj.   Simpson,   November   3 

Covington,  Jeptha — Sally  Ann   Crews,   October 

Covington,  Jeptha  M. — Mary  Scudder,  May   2  6 

Covington,  Robert — Amy  Berk,  May  15,  1843. 

January    2  2,    183  3. 
31,    1839. 

Dudley,  Nancy — Allen  Embry,   October   22,   1844. 

Dudley,   Ambrose  F. — Nancy  Moberley,   September   4,    182  7. 

Dulaney,  Wm. — Permelia  Yates,  December  9,   1830. 

Duncan,  Sarah — Talton   Embry,   January    29,    1829. 

Duncan,  Emily — Harry   Goodloe,   November   29,    1831. 

Duncan,  Miranda — Frances    Barnett,    September    26,    1844. 

Duncan,  Geo.   W. — Mary  Ann  White,   February   18,   1847. 

Duncan,  Mary — Joseph  C.   Straughn,  September   21,    1848. 

Duncan,  Geo.   H. — Matilda   Boyd,   June   28,    1855. 

Duncan,  Caroline — Shelton   Harris,   April    19,    1849. 

Embry,  Lucilla — Francis  M.  Hampton,  September  14,  1S52. 

Estill,   John — Ann    Sullinger,   June    20,    1839. 
Estill,   Peter  W. — Sallie   Cochran,   October   7, 


Gilbert,  Rhoda  A. — Benj.   N.  Webster,  November  17,    1846. 

Goodloe,  David   S. — Sallie  Ann   Smith,   December   3,  1835. 

Goodloe,  Arch'd   W. — Maria   Ann   Estill,   August    23,  1825. 

Goodloe,  Octavius — Olivia   Duncan   Duncan,   June   1,  1837. 

Goodloe,  Harry — Emily   Duncan,   November   29,   1831. 

Goodloe,  Lucy  Ann — David  P.  Hart,  June  7,   18  38. 

Goodloe,  Sallie — Curran   C.   Smith,   July   5,   1854. 

Goodloe,  Olivia — Richard   P.   Gregory,   November   9,  1854. 

Gordon,   Willis — Mary  C.   Broaddus,   October  31,    1833. 
Gordon,   Jefferson — Elzira    Harris,    July    IS,    182  7. 
Gordon,   William — Parabee  Woods,   March   4,   1841. 

Hocker,  Elvira — George  W.  Broaddus,  December  11,  1828. 
Hocker,   Joseph — Elzira   Brassfleld,    January    5,    1832. 
Hocker,   Wm.   K. — Virginia   F.   Brown,   November    5,   1846. 
Hocker,   Maria — Josiah   Lipscomb,  October   7,   18  53. 

Holman,   James   M. — Fannie   Newby,    November    21,    1839. 
Holman,    Paulina — John   Bowling,  January   11,   1833. 
Holman,   Permelia — David   Gordon,  January   2,   1834. 
Holman,   Nancy — Greenberry   Harvey,    February    6,    1845. 
Holman,   Sally  Ann — Jameson  Arvine,   October  4,   1842. 

History  and  Genealogies 


Holman,    Xancy   J. — Allon   Tudor,    Alarcli    8,    1849. 
Holnum,   Minerva — ^Win.    Pullins,   Xovcniber   30,    1848. 
Holman,   Helen — Wm.  S.  Atkison,  .May  2,  1850. 
Holman,   Nancy — Haman   Million,   September   28,    1852. 
Holman,    Elizabeth — Wm.   S.    Million,    October    18,    185:;. 

Hume,    Susan    E. — Zacheus   Taylor,    December    l;'>,    1n:;(I. 
Hume,   Amanda   Malvina — John   Challis,    May    24,    18;18. 
Hume,    Martha — Frederick    Hieatt,    March    29,    1840. 
Hume,    Louisa   F. — John    Park,   Xovembei-   5,   1840. 
Hume,    Elizabeth — Wm.    Duncan,    December    22,    1840. 
Hume,   Susan  Jane — John  H.  Embry,  January  9,  1850. 

Irvine,  Sarah  L. — Addison  White,  September   4,   1841. 

Irvine,  Wm.   M. — Elizabeth   S.    Irvine,   ovember   3,    1846    . 

Irvine,  Elizabeth   S. — Wm.   M.   Irvine,   November   3,   1846. 

Irvine,  Thomas   H. — Mary   Ann   Williams,   September   20,    1832. 

Jarman,  Edward — Lucinda  Turner,   March   11,   1839. 

Jarman,  Sarah — John   Crutchfield,   August    17,    182  6. 

Jarman,  Sallie — Thomas   Price,    December    16,    1828. 

Jarman,  Eliza — Solomon  Park,  September  23,   1S29. 

Jarman,  Mary  Ann — Silas  Cothran,   October  21,   ls:i(». 

Jarman,  Sallie   W. — Martin   G.    Cornelison,   January    7,    1832. 

Jarman,  Jane   Wallace — John   Powers  Ballard,   May   7,    1835. 

Jarman,  William — Amanda   Clark,    October    22,    1835. 

Jarman,  Lavinia    Elizabeth — Fountain    Maupin,    Sept.    9,    1837. 

Jarman,  Mrs.   Sarah — Thomas   Goodman,   October   12,    1837. 

Jarman,  Verona — Thomas  Smith,   December  14,   1837. 

Jarman,  John — Agnes  Weatherhead,   March   21,   1838. 

Jarman,  Polly   P. — Greenville  Hubbard,   Sept.   29,    1836. 

Jarman,  Virginia   M. — Wm.   B.   Kidd,   May   21,    1846. 

Jarman,  Elizabeth — James    Dowden,    January    13,    1848. 

Jarman,  Sidney   S. — Mary   Smith,   December   18,    1849. 

Jarman,  Eliza  W. — Thomas   C.   Oder,   May   24,   1853. 

Jarman,  Andrew  W. — Amelia  West,  January   15,   1855. 

Lacey,    Samuel    M. — Susan   Watts,   April    26,    1832. 
Lackey,   Samuel — Hannah   White,   March    12,    1835. 
Lackey,    Eliza   Ann — Beverley    Broaddus,    Mary    31,    183  8. 
Lackey,   Wm.   M. — Martha  Ann  Hocker,   December  8,   1837. 
Lackey,   Jane — Thomas   W.    Ballew,    February    10,    1848. 
Lackey,   Dulaney   M. — Eliza    Goodloe,    August    23,    1853. 

McCreery,   Ed.    R. — Sabina   Bennett,   November   15,    1832. 

McDowell,    Samuel — Martha    Hawkins,    June    26,    1828. 

Martin,  Sarah — Athenasius   Thomas,    November    21,    1826. 

Martin,  Minnie — Thomas   Cox,   November   21,    1826. 

Martin,  Sarah — James   Black,   December   10,   1829. 

Martin,  Elizabeth — David    Black,    May    1,    1833. 

Martin,  Sallie — David    Hendren,    September    12,    1833. 

Martin,  Winfred   Ann — James   Black,    March    29,    1836. 

Martin,  Aaron — Sallie    Sims,    April    25,    1839. 

Martin,  Liberty   B. — Elizabeth   Cox,    April    3  0,    1840. 

Martin,  Richard  G. — Susan  Jones,   September   15,   1840. 


Historii  and   Genealof/ics 

Martin,  Mahala — Ezekiel   Cox,   March   29,    1833. 

Martin,  Sarah   H. — Lamentation   Bush,   August   4,    183  6. 

Martin,  Minerva — Albert   A.    Curtis,    February    3,    1845. 

Martin,  Margaret — James  W.    Cochran,   March    22,    1853. 

Martin,  Lucy — James   A.    Ballard,    August    11,    1853. 

Mize,    Mrs.    Mariam — Thomas   H.    Blakemore,    March    2  7,    18  51. 

Moberley,   Wm.   J. — Dianna  J.   Field,    December   21,    1830. 
Moberley,   Thos.    S. — Nancy   Lipscomb,    March    5,    184  4. 

Park,   Ann   Eliza — Joseph  O.   Scrivner,   December   21,    1848. 
Park,   Milly — James  A.  Wagers,  November  1,   1855. 

Richardson,  Melina — Nathan   Arvine,    December    21,    1837. 

Richardson,  Robert — Lavinia    Moberley,    February    1,    1849. 

Richardson,  Sallie   Ann — A.   J.   Arvine,   September   6,    1849. 

Richardson,  Dudley — Ann    Eliza    Pearson,    August    26,    1847. 

Richardson,  Mary — John    C.    Arvine,    December   23,    1852. 

Richardson,  Samuel    H. — Elizabeth    Park,    February    10,    1853. 

Rodes,   Eliza — Robert   H.   Stone,   May    1,    1844. 
Rodes,   Sallie — John    Watson,    November    14,    1844. 
Rodes,    Isabella   Amelia — John   M.    McDowell,   Dec.    22, 


Sims,  Abram — Gracey   Roberts,   April    2  7,    1826. 

Sims,  Samuel — Patsey  Burroughs,    September   24,    1829. 

Sims,  Francis — Elizabeth    Ellison,    January    29,    1835. 

Sims,  Sallie — Aaron    Martin,    April    25,    1839. 

Sims,  Amanda — Jacob    White,   December    16,    1839. 

Sims,  Sallie   Ann — Henson   Cox,    November    2  5,    1852. 

Stone,   Matilda  R. — Arch'd   W.   Turner,  November   29,   1827. 
Stone,   Thomas   M. — Elizabeth   McClannahan,   Aug.    25,    1829. 
Stone,   Carlisle — Owen  W.  Walker,   December   30,    1830. 
Stone,   Martha  J. — Nathan  W.  Wilson,  September  7,  1836. 

Tevis,   Nancy — Wm.  E.  Wilkerson,  December  23,   1845. 

Thorpe,    Thomas — Elizabeth    Baxter,    November    24,    1818. 
Thorpe,   Eliza — Abraham   Banta,   December    2  7,    1825. 
Thorpe,    Bazil   L. — Anna  Bellomy,   February   2,   1830. 
Thorpe,    Eleanor — James   W.    Smith,    August    25,    1818. 
Thorpe,   Mahala — Wm.   Banta,   December   19,    18  22. 

Watts,  Margaret — Austin    Boulevare,   January   16,   1838. 

Watts,  Willis — Frances  W.   Quinn,   October   28,   1837. 

Watts,  John   M. — Amelia   Gibbs,   June    28,    1839. 

Watts,  Robert  M. — Milly  Collins,  March  28,   1845. 

W^atts,  George — Jemima    Morrison,    January    21,    1846. 

Watts,  Wm.    G. — Sallie   G.    Collins,    February    13,    1850. 

Watts,  Susan — Samuel    M.    Lackey,    April    26,    1832. 

Watts,  Georgia  Ann — Stephen  Miller,  July  23,   1835. 

Watts,  Elizabeth  Jane — John  G.   Miller,  March   21,   18  33. 

Williams,    Mary   Ann — Thos.   H.   Irvine,   September   20,    1832. 
Williams,   Elizabeth — John   Woods   Barclay,    Feb.    12,    1846. 

I/is/iin/   mill   ( I nii'iiliK/ics  51 

Ai'ticlc  S — Ilt'ius  ('(>iiii('«tiiij;  tlic  Miller  \aiin'  witii    K\<'iits. 

The  histories  of  our  country  give  many  interesting  aceounts  of 
the  pioneer  periods  of  Kentuclvy,  and  in  many  of  the  events  of  that 
period  the  Miller  name  was  represented,  and  took  active  |)art,  and 
the  old  archives  of  the  State  and  Counties  thereof  show  the  part 
they  played  in  the  formation  and  development  of  our  country,  and 
the  making  of  the  laws  and  societies  of  same. 

Here    follows   some   little   history    with    which    the   name,    Miller, 
is  connected,   that    will   be  interesting  to  many,   and  shows — to  some 
extent — the  important  events  in  which  the  Millers  took  part. 
(From  Collins'  and  other  histories  and  Court  Records) 


Section  1.  In  the  spring  of  1775,  William  Miller,  .Tohn  Miller, 
and  twelve  other  gentlemen  came  in  canoes  down  the  Ohio  River, 
and  up  the  Licking  to  the  Lower  Blue  Licks,  where  they  were 
joined  by  Hinkson's  company.  Each  party  sent  out  men  who  ex- 
plored and  examined  the  country,  and  reported  at  the  Blue  Licks. 
From  whence  they  traveled  the  Main  Buffalo  Trace  towards  the  point 
where  the  City  of  Lexington  now  is,  till  reaching  a  trace  turning 
West,  where  the  Hinkson  Company  departed.  The  Miller  party 
camped  on  Miller's  Run  at  the  crossing  of  the  Lower  Limestone, 
or  Ruddell's  Road,  and  went  over  the  country  and  selected  lands 
for  the  improvement,  and  divided  same  by  lot.      (Collin's  Ky.  Hist.) 


Section  2.  In  1784,  John  Miller  settled  about  one  mile  from 
Hinkson  Creek,  towards  Blue  Lick,  and  one  mile  North-east  of 
what  is  now  Millersburg — then  known  as  Miller's  Station.  Millers- 
l)urg  was   established   in   1817,   and   named   for   this  John   Miller. 

The  Millersburg  Seminary  was  established  there  in  1852,  by 
Rev.   John   Miller,  M.   D.      (Collins'   Ky.   Hist.) 


Section  3.  In  the  fall  of  1784  Col.  John  Miller  left  his  home  and 
friends  in  Albemarle  and  came  to  Kentucky,  at  that  time  a  part  of 
Virginia,  and  settled  in  the  cane  on  the  head  waters  of  Otter  Creek, 
in  Madison  county,  the  very  spot  where  the  city  of  Richmond  is, 
and  acquired  property  there,  which  he  improved,  building  the  first 
house  at  the  place.  He  was  among  the  first  magistrates  of  the 
county  by  commission  from  His  Excellency,  Patrick  Henry,  Governor 
of  Virginia.  The  town  of  Richmond  was  laid  off  "beginning  at" 
John  Miller's  fodder  house,  and  the  Legislature  authorizing  the  re- 
moval of  the  county  seat  from  Milford  to  Richmond,  directed  the 
Court  to  adjourn  to  "John  Miller's  barn." 


Section  4.  In  Hardin  County,  Col.  Nicholis  Miller,  Dan  Ver- 
trees  and  others,  went  one  day  in  pursuit  of  a  maurading  band  of 
Indians,  came  suddenly  upon  them  when  a  desperate  fight  ensued. 
At  the  first  shot  Vertrees  fell,  another  was  siezed  by  a  powerful 
savage,  who  wrenched  the  gun  from  his  hands,  and  was  in  the  act 

52  Flisfori/  and  Gmcalogies 

of  tomyhawking  him,  when  Miller  quickly  killed  the  Indian,  causing 
the  other  marauders  to  flee  in  confusion.    (Collins'  Ky.  Hist.) 


Section  5.  History  relates  that  in  June,  1794,  from  his  head- 
quarters at  Fort  Greenville,  Ohio,  General  Wayne  (Mad  Anthony) 
dispatched  a  company  of  his  men,  among  whom  was  one  Henry 
Miller,  with  orders  to  bring  into  camp  an  Indian  as  a  prisoner  to 
be  questioned  as  to  the  enemy's  intention.  Henry  Miller  had  been 
raised  among  the  Indians,  having  been  captured  in  his  youth,  with 
his  younger  brother,  Christopher  Miller,  and  adopted  into  their 
tribe — the  younger  brother  still  remained  with  the  savages.  Press- 
ing on  cautiously  into  the  Indian  country  they  finally  found  a  camp 
on  the  Anglaize  River  of  three  Indians — situated  on  a  high,  open 
piece  of  ground — the  only  shelter  near  was  a  large  newly  fallen 
tree,  the  top  thereof  full  of  leaves — going  round  to  the  rear  of  the 
camp,  they  went  on  their  all  fours,  sheltered  by  the  tree  top,  to 
within  about  sixty  yards  of  the  camp.  The  Indians  were  busy  cook- 
ing meat,  making  merry  antics,  and  having  a  big  time,  unaware 
of  danger.  One  of  the  white  party,  a  perfect  athlete,  was  to  cap- 
ture one  Indian,  while  Miller  and  another  comrade  were  to  manage 
the  other  two.  Two  of  the  Indians  being  quickly  slain,  the  other 
Indian  fled  down  the  river  bank,  turned  suddenly  and  sprang  off  the 
bluff  into  the  water  to  cross.  The  river  bottom  was  of  soft  mud, 
and  the  Indian  sank  down  half  way  up  his  body:  before  he  could 
get  out  one  of  the  men  (McClellan)  was  upon  him  threatening  to 
kill  him  unless  he  threw  up  his  hands  and  surrendered,  and  he  did 
surrender.  After  washing  the  mud  and  paint  off  of  him  he  was 
found  to  be  a  white  man.  He  refused  to  speak  or  give  an  account 
of  himself.  He  was  tied  on  a  horse  and  the  party,  with  their  pris- 
oner, set  out  for  headquarters,  Henry  Miller  riding  along  by  his 
side,  and  in  the  Indian  language  tried  to  engage  him  in  conversa- 
tion. At  length  it  flashed  across  Henry  Miller's  mind  that  he 
might  be  his  long  lost  brother,  and  he  called  him  by  his  brother's 
Indian  name,  which  surprised  the  prisoner,  and  with  an  eager  look 
he  asked  how  he  knew  his  name — the  mystery  was  then  and  there 
solved — they  were  brothers.  Providence  had  spared  him,  while  his 
savage  companions  were  slain.  Arriving  at  the  fort,  the  prisoner 
was  put  in  the  guard-house,  refusing  to  give  up  his  Indian  habits — 
in  taste  and  manners  he  was  an  Indian.  Days  went  by  before  he 
quit  his  sulkiness  and  reserve  and  talked  with  any  freedom.  At 
last,  on  promise  of  release,  he  agreed  to  give  up  his  savage  life 
and  join  Wayne's  army.  He  kept  his  faith,  and  became  as  trusty 
as  his  brother  Henry  in  his  new  relation  of  life.      (Collins  Ky.  His.) 


Section  6.  He  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  Indians  in  1783, 
when  about  fifteen  years  of  age,  and  remained  a  prisoner  among 
them  (an  Indian  by  adoption  and  mode  of  life)  for  eleven  years. 
In  1794,  he  was  taken  from  them  as  narrated  in  Section  5,  and 
immediately  entered  into  the  service  under  General  Wayne,  going 
into  the  environs  of  the  Indian  towns,  taking  prisoners  from  them 
and  bringing  them  to  his  general.  It  became  necessary  to  send  an- 
other flag  of  peace  to  the  enemy — several  having  been  sent  and 
none  returned.  The  eyes  of  the  officers  were  centered  on  Miller. 
He  was  approached  by  General  Wayne  and  given  the  assurance  that 

f/ishin/   iiinl    (iciiciihii/irs  53 

if  he  would  undertake  the  task,  and  should  succeed,  he  should  re- 
ceive from  the  government  an  independent  fortune.  The  airange- 
ment  was  made  and  Miller  as  ambassador  set  out  on  his  perilous 
mission — anxious  eyes  followed  him,  but  with  scarcely  a  gleam  of 
hope  that  he  would  ever  return. 

Two  years  before  Col.  Hardin  and  Ma.i.  Truman  had  gone  on  a 
similar  errand  of  peace,  but  never  returned,  their  lives  paying  the 
forfeit  of  a  misplaced  confidence.  But  Miller  performed  his  under- 
taking— effected  the  object  of  his  mission  and  returned  safely. 
Peace  was  concluded.  Time  went  on,  General  Wayne  died,  and 
Miller  was  forgotten.  Once  he  applied  to  Congress,  but  for  want 
of  sufficient  proof  of  his  extraordinary  service  Congress  made  him 
no  allowance. 

On  January  lo,  1819,  a  quarter  of  a  cent\iry  after  the  service 
had  been  rendered  and  when  he  (Miller)  was  the  acting  representa- 
tive from  Hardin  County,  the  Legislature  of  Kentucky  unanimously 
adopted  a  resolution  setting  forth  the  facts  as  herein  related,  as 
within  the  personal  knowledge  of  several  members  of  that  body, 
and  appealing  to  Congress  to  make  a  liberal  provision  for  Christo- 
I)her  Miller,  to  whom  they  conceived  the  general  government  greatly 
indebted,  not  only  upon  the  principle  of  rewarding  real  merit,  but 
on  the  score  of  justice  founded  on  a  promise  made  by  a  man  or  the 
part  of  the  United  States  on  whose  assurance  Miller  had  a  right 
to  rely.      (Collins.) 


Section  7.  The  first  white  men  (according  to  history)  known 
to  have  navigated  the  Licking  River  for  any  distance  were  The 
John  Hinkson  and  The  John  Miller  Companies,  of  fourteen  men 
each,  hereinbefore  mentioned  in  Section  1,  who  passed  in  canoes  co 
the  Lower  Blue  Licks  on  Main  Licking,  and  thence  out  into  Bourbon 
and  Hardin  Counties,  to  build  cabins,  make  improvements  and 
pitch   crops.       (Collins.) 

Section  8.  Samuel  Freeman  Miller  (1816-1890)  an  American 
jurist,  born  in  Richmond,  Madison  county,  Ky.,  in  1816,  graduated 
at  the  Medical  Department  of  Transylvania  University  in  1838,  and 
removed  to  Barboursville  to  practice  his  profession  and  read  law 
under  Judge  Ballinger  and  was  a  thorough  emancipationist.  He 
removed  to  Iowa  in  1850,  where  he  became  conspicuous  as  a  jurist, 
and  was  appointed  Justice  of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court  by 
President  Lincoln:  his  decisions  gave  him  a  National  reputation  and 
he  was  especially  noted  for  his  opposition  to  the  encroachments  of 
railroad  corporations.  He  became  a  great  historical  character — 
probably  one  of  the  ablest  on  the  bench.. 

In  1877  he  was  a  member  of  the  Electoral  Commission  and  in 
1887  was  the  Orator  of  the  Continental  Constitution  Celebration 
held  at  Philadelphia. 

He  was,  during  his  whole  life,  deeply  intei-ested  about  the  moun- 
tains of  Kentucky.  In  his  beginning  as  a  lawyer,  he,  Richard  H. 
Menefee,  Silas  F.  Woodson  (afterwards  Governor  of  Missouri. 
1872-4),  Judge  Ballinger  (afterwards  a  Federal  Judge  of  Texas), 
and  many  others,  the  most  talented  of  the  young  men  of  the  State, 
and  we  might  say  of  any  other  state,  were  members  of  a  County 
Debating  Club,  which  convened  weekly  for  the  discussion  of  some 
select  subject,  in  which  could  be  heard  abler  debates  than  in  the 
halls  of  Congress. 

54  History  and  Genealogies 

Section  9.      Members  of  the  General  Assembly  of  Kentucky  and 
Constitutional   Convention  bearing  the  name  Miller: 


Christopher      Miller,       from    the    County    of    Hardin,    1818-19; 
182  2-3 

Robert    Miller,    from   the    County    of    Madison,    1829,    1834-8. 
Isaac   P.   Miller,   from   the   County   of  Jefferson,    1851-5. 


John   Miller,   from   the   County   of   Madison,    1792-4. 

John  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Harrison,   1801. 

Nicholas  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Hardin,    1801,   1803,    1804. 

Daniel  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Madigson,   1806,   1808,   1811. 

Major  William  Miller,   from   the   County  of  Madison,    1814. 

Maurice  L.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Jefferson,   18  20,  1821. 

Clayton  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Adair,   1824. 

James   Miller,   from   the   County   of   Simpson,    1825. 

Robert  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Jefferson,   1831. 

Warwick  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Jefferson,  1834-40. 

Isaac  P.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Jefferson,   1842-3,   184  7. 

Robert  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Jefferson,   1848. 

William  D.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Knox,  1849. 

Gearge  W.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Laurel,  1852-5. 

William   Malcolm   Miller,   from   the  County  of  Madison,   1855-7. 

Otho   Miller,   from   the   County  of  Clinton,    1861-3. 

William  H.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Ohio,  1863-5. 

Martin  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Cumberland,   18  67-9. 

Pearson  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Wayne,   1873-5. 

Thomas  Miller,   from   the   County   of  Breckinridge,    1873-5. 

Richard  White  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Madison,   1904-5-6. 


William  H.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Lincoln. 

William  H.  Miller,  from  the  County  of  Ohio. 

From  the  first  settlement  of  Kentucky,  whilst  her  territory  was 
a  part  of  Virginia,  before  and  after  she  was  admitted  as  a  state  of 
the  Union — down  through  the  years  to  this  day  the  name  has 
furnished  a  representative  from  some  section  in  the  law-making  de- 
partment, as  well  as  in  various  important  offices  created  to  carry 
the  laws  into  effect. 

Section  10.  Lieutenant  William  Miller. — But  one  instance  is 
found  recorded  in  the  pioneer  period  of  Kentucky  where  the  Miller 
name  has  been  reproached,  and  that  in  Estill's  defeat  at  Little  Moun- 
tain, in  which  Lieutenant  William  Miller  has  been  charged  by  some 
writers  or  reporters  with  the  cowardly  act  of  ingloriously  desert- 
ing with  his  few  men,  thereby  losing  the  day. 

Such  an  act  is  not  characteristic  of  the  family,  and  if  true,  de- 
served unreserved  censure. 

Miller  and  his  men,  six  in  all,  under  order  had  crossed  the 
creek  and  came  in  combat  with  the  Indians,  and  two  of  his  men 
were  killed  and  two  others  wounded  before  he  retreated.  Was  this 
cowardice?  The  remaining  force,  under  Col.  Eskill  retreated  im- 
mediately after  the  death   of  Eskill   and  eight   of  his   men. 

One  historian  writes:  "One-third  on  each  side  had  fallen,  and 
the  fire  was  still  vivid  and  deadly  as  at  the  opening  of  the  combat. 

//islfiri/   mill   (l(  iiciildiiirs  55 

Estill,  dett'iniined  to  bring  it  to  a  close,  ordered  Lieutenant  Miller 
to  turn  their  Hank  with  six  men  and  attack  them  in  the  rear.  While 
Miller  was  making  a  small  detour  to  the  right  for  the  purpose,  most 
probably  of  executing  his  orders  in  good  faith  (over  unknown 
ground — for  there  are  various  constructions  placed  upon  his  con- 
duct) the  Indian  commander  became  aware  of  the  division  of  his 
adversary's  force,  and,  with  that  rapid  decision  which  so  often 
flashed  across  Napoleon's  battle  fields,  and  whether  exibiied  upon 
a  great  or  small  scale,  mark  the  great  commander — determined  to 
frTistrate  the  plan  by  crossing  the  creek  with  his  whole  force  and 
overwhelming  Estill,  now  weakened  by  the  absence  of  Miller. 
This  bold  thought  was  executed  with  determined  courage,  and  after 
a  desperate  struggle.  Estill  was  totally  overpowered  and  forced  from 
the  ground  with  slaughter:  himself  and  nearly  all  his  officers  were 
killed,  and  it  was  but  a  poor  consolation  that  an  equal  loss  had 
l)een   inflicted    on    the   enemy.       (Collins.). 

The  view  of  the  matter  as  expressed  in  the  above  quotation  seems 
to  be  the  most  reasonable  and  certainly  the  most  charitable. 

In  executing  such  an  order  over  unknown  ground.  It  matters 
not  with  how  great  diligence  the  subaltern  was  trying  to  carry  it 
out.  under  the  strain  and  trying  ordeals  of  the  moment,  a  very 
short  time  would  seem  to  the  commander  and  those  with  him  as  a 
long  while. 

Had  the  Wyandotts  been  repulsed,  under  the  circumstances  p^^ 
they  were  at  that  time,  would  Miller  have  been  censured?  v^er- 
tainly  not.     Nothing  succeeds  like  success. 

In  the  recent  bloody  slaughter  of  the  Russians  and  .lapanese  in 
which  the  great  Russian  leaders  were  out  generated  in  every  en- 
gagement, although  bringing  to  bear  their  best  endeavors,  they  did 
not  escape  censure  by  the  Russian  Czar  when  they  should  have 
been  extolled,  the  Russian  authorities  thrusting  the  blame  on  faith- 
ful under  officers,  who  had  exposed  themselves  and  men  to  the 
storms  of  battle,  contagious  disease  and  hardships  indescribable. 

Section  11.  .John  Miller.  September  25,  1787,  came  into  court 
and  made  oath  that  he  had  served  nine  days  as  Commissioner,  and 
a  certificate  is  ordered  him  accordingly. 

January  2  8,  1787.  On  motion  of  John  Miller,  his  ear  mark, 
to-wit:  A  crop  and  two  slits  in  the  left  ear,  is  ordered  to  be  re- 

October  4,  1791.  John  Miller  produced  his  commission  as  Col- 
onel of  Militia. 

Section  12.  Ichabod  B.  Miller  was  a  settler  in  Kenton  County 
as  early  as  1788. 

Section  13.  Jacob  Miller's  name  appears  on  the  original  roll 
and  muster  of  scouts  in  the  U.  S.  service  ordered  by  Brig.  General 
Charles  Scott,  of  Kentucky,  on  the  frontiers  of  Madison  County  from 
May  1,   1792   to  August   22,   1792,  with  six  other  names  on  the  roll. 

Section  14.  Major  Anderson  Miller,  in  180.5,  made  up  a  large 
lot  of  gun  powder  at  his  father's  home  in  the  Northern  part  of  Jes- 
samine County;  hauled  it  by  wagon  to  Louisville,  .bought  a  flat 
boat  and  shipped  it  to  New  Orleans,  which  was  very  profitable  to 
him.      (Collins). 

Section  15.  Madison  Court  House  and  County  Seat — March  6, 
1798  (B  page  49).  The  commissioners  appointed  by  law  to  ascer- 
tain the  losses  that  the  citizens  of  the  town  of  Milford  may  sustain 

,-)(;  Histovij  iiml  Genealogies 

by  the  removal  of  the  Seat  of  Justice  therefrom  made  report  thereof 
which  was  ordered  to  be  recorded. 

The  Court  having  considered  all  circumstances  agreeable  to  an 
act  entitled  "An  act  for  moving  the  Seat  of  Justice,  and  for  other 
purposes  for  the  County  of  Madison,"  they  are  of  opinion  that  it  is 
expedient  to  move  it   to  the  centre  of  population. 

Ordered  that  the  ridge  near  John  Miller's  barn,  and  lirick  kiln, 
is  appointed  and  fixed  on  for  the  permanent  seat  of  justice  for  this 
county.  Ordered  that  when  the  Court  adjourns  today  they  adjourn 
to  meet  tomorrow  at  10  o'clock,  at  the  permanent  Seat  of  Justice  ns 
just  fixed  on  this  day,  there  to  set  in  John  Miller's  barn,  by  ad- 
journment from  time  to  time  till  the  court  house  is  erected. 

Ordered  that  the  several  officers  of  this  court  give  due  attend- 
ance agreeable  to  the  above  order. 

March  7,  179  8  (B.  page  497).  Colonel  John  Miller  of  Madison 
County,  Kentucky  and  Colonel  James  Barby  of  Madison  County, 
Virginia,  being  the  only  two  persons  setting  up  any  claim  to  the 
land  fixed  on  for  the  permanent  seat  of  justice  for  this  county  and 
adjoining  thereto,  which  have  been  made  known  to  this  court,  they 
being  present,  "wae"  called  on  by  this  court  to  show  cause  why  a 
town  should  not  be  established  adjoining  the  Public  Square  to  con- 
tain fifty  acres  of  land,  to  be  laid  off  in  lots  and  streets,  and  to  be 
be  disposed  of  according  to  law,  have  consented  that  the  same 
should  be  done.  Ordered  that  John  Miller,  Robert  Rodes,  Green 
Clay,  Robert  Caldwell  and  John  Patrick  or  any  three  of  them  be 
appointed  <is  commissioners  to  let  out  and  superintend  at  the  place 
appointed  for  the  permanent  seat  of  justice  the  building  of  the 
Court  House,  Gaol,  Whipping  Post,  Stocks  and  Stray  Pen,  either  by 
private  or  public  contract  as  they  may  think  proper,  and  that  the 
s'd  buildings  be  erected  on  such  plans  as  they  may  think 
proper,  and  that  the  said  commissioners  cause  to  be  affixed  at  each 
corner  of  the  Public  Square  a  stone. 

John  Crooke,  surveyor  of  this  county,  returned  the  following 
platt  and  certificate,  which  was  ordered  to  be  recorded: 

Madison,  Set.,  March  7,  1798 
Laid  off  in  Miller's  field  2  acres  of  land  for  the  purpose  of  erect- 
ing the  Public  Buildings,  etc.  Beginning  at  a  stake  by  the  side  of 
the  fence,  near  the  Fodder  House,  thence  N.  66,  W.  17  poles,  15 
foot  to  a  stake;  thence  N.  24,  B.  17  poles  15  foot  to  a  stake;  thence 
S.  66,  B.  17  poles  15  foot  to  a  stake;  thence  S.  24,  W.  17  poles  15 
foot  to  the  beginning. 

John   Crooke,   S.   M.   C. 

July  :3,  1798  (B.  page  517).  On  motion  of  John  Miller,  a  town 
embracing  fifty  acres  of  land,  v,'as  established  on  his  land,  and  the 
said  town  was  to  be  known  and  called  by  the  name  of  Richmond. 
Lots  No.  36,  37,  3  8  and  39  reserved  to  said  John  Miller  and  the 
said  fifty  acres  vested  in  James  French,  John  Patrick,  Willian  Ir- 
vine, Archibald  Woods,  Robert  Rodes,  William  Kearley,  William 
Goodloe,  Chrisiopher  Irvine  and  Archibald  Curie,  as  trustees,  etc. 

Note: — John  Crooke  was  the  first  surveyor  of  the  county;  suc- 
ceeded by  his  son,  Kiah  Crooke,  and  the  latter's  son,  Benjamin  F. 
Crooke,  now  living  near  the  village  of  Crooksville,  on  Muddy  Creek, 
in  Madison  county,  Kentucky,  is  a  surveyor  and  has  repeatedly  been 
elected  to  the  office  of  County  Surveyor. 

Section   16.      William  Miller,   1782-1849,  born  in  Massachusetts, 

I /is/ 1)11/   mill    (Inirii/iii/irs 


served  on  tlie  Canadian  frontier  in  1S12.  He  proclaimed  thai  t  lie 
coniinii  of  Christ  would  occur  in  1S4:!,  and  founded  the  Sect  of 
Adventists,    sometimes   called    Millerites.       (  Ajjpleton's    Cyclo. ) 

Section  17.  Cincinnatus  H.  (Joaciuan)  Millei-,  born  in  1841. 
He  was  a  western  adventurer  until  1S6(J,  when  he  became  .Judge  of 
(Irant  county,  Oregon,  and  served  till  1870.  He  has  published  sev- 
eral poetical  and  iirose  works  among  them  the  "Songs  of  the 
Sierras."     (Appleton's  Cyclo). 

Section  IS.  Warner  Miller,  born  in  1838,  was  a  member  of 
the  New  York  Legislature  from  1874-8.  Represented  New  York  in 
the  U.  S.  Congress  (Republican)  1878-81,  and  in  the  Senate  1881-7. 
I  Ai)pleton's  Cyclo ) . 

Section  19.  William  H.  H.  Miller,  born  in  1841.  He  became 
a  law  partner  with  General  Benjamine  Harrison  in  1874.  Was  At- 
torney  General   in   Harrison's  Cabinet    1889-93.      Appleton's   Cyclo). 

Section  20.  ,Iohn  Franklin  Miller,  an  American  soldier,  born 
in  Union  County,  Indiana,  .July,  1831,  died  in  Washington,  D.  C. 
May  8,  1886.  He  was  educated  at  the  New  York  State  Law  School 
in  18  52,  with  the  degree  of  L.  B.,  and  began  the  practice  of  law  at 
South  Bend.  The  next  year  he  went  to  California  and  th^re  prac- 
ticed three  years,  when  he  returned  to  Indiana  and  resumed  the 
practice.  He  took  an  active  part  in  the  Freemont  campaign  in  1856. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  State  Senate  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
War.  and  resigned  to  become  Colonel  on  the  staff  of  Governor  Mor- 
ton and  was  soon  given  the  command  of  the  2  9th  Indiana  Volun- 
teers. On  reaching  the  field  of  action  he  was  placed  in  command 
of  a  brigade,  serving  almost  from  the  beginning  of  hostilities  in 
the  West,  under  Generals  Sherman,  Buell,  Rosencrans  and  Thomas. 
At  the  battle  of  Stone  River  he  distinguished  himself  by  charging  at 
the  head  of  his  brigade  across  the  river  and  driving  Breckinridge 
from  his  position,  receiving  a  bullet  in  his  neck  during  the  charge. 
For  his  gallantry  he  was  promoted  to  Brigadier  General.  In  the 
battle  of  Liberty  Gap  he  made  another  charge  with  his  brigade, 
and  at  the  moment  of  victory  was  stricken  down  by  a  second  bullet 
which  entered  his  left  eye,  and  lodged  in  the  bone  of  the  forehead. 
Despite  the  constant  pain  he  carried  the  bullet  for  twelve  years, 
various  surgeons  declining  to  anemnt  its  removal  thorngh  fear  of 
destroying  the  other  eye,  or  of  impairing  his  brain,  but  it  was  sub- 
sequently extracted  in  1875.  He  commanded  the  left  division  of 
SOOO  men  at  the  battle  of  Nashville,  and  was  brevetted  a  Major 
General  for  conspicuous  bravery.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  was 
offered  a  commission  of  high  rank  in  the  army,  but  declined  it, 
and  returned  to  California  to  practice  law.  He  was  almost  imme- 
diately appointed  Collector  of  the  Port  of  San  Francisco.  After 
serving  four  years  declined  a  reappointment.  He  then  abandoned 
his  i)rofession  and  engaged  in  other  business  pursuits  and  became 
President  of  the  Alaska  Commercial  Company.  He  was  a  Repub- 
lican candidate  for  Presidential  Elector  in  1872,  1876  and  ISSO. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  California  Constitutional  Convention  in 
1872.  Was  elected  United  States  Senator  January  12,  1881,  and 
took  his  seat  the  following  March  4.  On  the  organization  of  the 
4  7th  Congress,  he  was  appointed  a  member  of  the  Committee  on 
Foreign  Relations,  and  on  Naval  Affairs,  and  in  the  4Sth  and  49th 
Congresses,  was  Chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Foreign  Relations 
and   n^ember  of  the   Committee  on   Civil   Service   and   Retrenchment. 

Memorial  addresses  on  the  life  and  character  of  John  Franklin 
Miller  (a  Senator  from  California)  were  delivered  in  the  Senate  and 

.-),S  Fllsfori/  mill   Genealogies 

House  of  Representatives  in  the  first  session  of  tlie  forty-ninth 
Congress,  May  28,  and  June  19,  1886,  with  funeral  services  at  the 
City  of  Washington  March  13,  1886,  and  at  San  Francisco,  Cal., 
March  21,  1886. 

Mr.  Stanford,  of  California,  in  his  address  stated  that  "General 
Miller  was  descended  from  two  of  the  most  respected  families  of 
Virginia,  and  was  of  Swiss-Scotch  extraction,  his  progenitor  on  his 
father's  side  having  left  Switzerland  to  find  in  America  what  was 
denied  him  in  the  land  of  his  birth — the  freedom  to  worship  God 
in  accordance  with  the  dictates  of  his  own  conscience,  while  his 
paternal  grand-mother's  family  were  from  Scotland. 

In  the  first  decade  of  the  present  (19th)  century,  his  grand- 
father and  father  who  were  then  located  in  Franklin  County.  Vir- 
ginia, decided  on  leaving  that  State,  and  before  doing  so  manumitted 
their  slaves.  It  may  be  easily  supposed  that  the  strong  apprecia- 
tion of  liberty  and  the  rights  of  man  posessed  by  John  F.  Miller 
came  to  him  as  a  natural  heritage  from  a  father  and  grand-father 
whose  sense  of  justice  and  liberty  was  so  great  as  to  impel  them 
to  make  a  voluntary  sacrifice  at  a  time  when  slavery  was  by  many 
held  to  be  lawful  and  right.  Having  started  out  from  Virginia, 
the  first  halting  place  of  the  Miller  family  was  at  a  point  in  Ken- 
tucky on  the  Ohio  River,  near  Maysville,  where  after  a  short  stay, 
they  built  flat-boats  upon  which  they  floated  down  the  Ohio  to  the 
present  site  of  Cincinnati.  Subsequently  the  family  home  was 
chosen  in  Union  County,  Indiana,  near  Indian  Creek,  in  the  great 
Miami  Valley.  By  a  coincidence,  the  maternal  branch  of  John  F. 
Miller's  family  was  of  the  same  name  as  the  paternal.  His  mother's 
father,  John  Miller,  was  a  Colonel  commanding  volunteer  forces  in 
Indiana  and  Ohio,  during  the  war  of  1812,  and  won  an  extensive 
reputation  for  his  successful  warefare  against  the  British  and  their 
Indian  allies.  His  father  was  a  man  of  great  force  of  character,  a 
natural  leader,  and  exercised  a  wide  and  powerful  influence  in  the 
state  of  his  adoption.  Here  in  Union  County,  Indiana,  a  few  miles 
from  Cincinnati,  John  F.  Miller  was  born.  A  short  time  after  his 
birth  the  family  removed  to  South  Bend,  where  his  early  days  were 

Mr.  Grosvenor,  of  Ohio,  who  became  a  subordinate  to  John  F. 
Miller  at  a  time  when  neither  had  received  or  witnessed  the  bap- 
tism of  blood,  si)oke  knowingly  and  eloquently  of  General  Miller's 
war  record,  his  unflinching  discharge  of  duty  and  yet  always  con- 
siderate of  the  rights  of  men  and  that  today  his  memory  is  green 
among  the  men  who  loved  the  Union  in  Nashville,  and  he  is  held 
in  high  regard  among  the  people  who  at  that  time  were  the  ene- 
mies of  the  Union.  Mr.  Grosvenor  testified  of  his  own  personal 
regard  for  the  memory  of  John  F.  Miller. 

Mr.  Stanford  further  said:  "But  Senator  Miller  manifested  in 
various  ways,  official  and  personal,  his  fidelity  and  consistency  in 
another  sphere  of  life  and  duty.  He  adorned  the  doctrine  of  God 
our  Saviour  in  all  things,  and  was  a  good  soldier  of  Christ,  and  when 
words  vv'ere  no  more  possible  signified  by  gesture  that  his  faith  did 
not  fail  or  falter.  General  Miller's  life  was  a  success.  The  work 
he  undertook  he  did  well,  whether  in  camp,  in  commerce  or  in 
Congress..  He  gained  commendation  on  every  side  and  in  every 
path  of  duty  in  which  he  walked.  Impartial  history  will  delight 
to  place  his  name  as  a  private  and  public  citizen,  high  among  those 
who  are  worthy  examples  for  their  countrymen  to  admire  and  im- 

General     Miller     married     Miss     Mary    Chess,     of     Penns\lvania. 

/fishini   mill   (i'i'm'(ili)(/ii>.^  .V.) 

Two  childnMi  were  born  of  this  nuuriage — a  son  :ind  a  thumhtor. 
The  son  died  in  SanFranoisco  in  1S7S,  at  the  age  of  seven  years; 
the  daughter  survives.  (From  Memorial  Addresses  on  the  Life 
and  Character  of  John  Franklin  Miller,  in  the  U.  S.  Senate  nnd 
House  of  Representatives,    1st  session   4  9th   Congress). 

Section  21.  James  Miller,  an  American  General,  born  in  Peiers- 
borough,  N.  H.,  April  25,  1776,  died  in  Temple,  N.  H.,  July  7,  1X51. 
He  was  educated  in  the  law,  but  in  1S08  he  entered  the  Army  as 
Major.  In  May  1813,  he  participated  in  the  capture  of  Fort  George. 
As  Colonel  of  the  21st  Infantry  he  fought  with  gallantry  at  Chip- 
pewa and  Lundy's  Lane.  The  success  of  the  Americans  in  the 
hitter  conflict  was  in  the  main  due  to  the  capture  of  a  British 
l)attery  by  his  command. 

In  reply  to  General  Scott's  inquiry  if  he  could  take  the  bat- 
tery, he  said,  "I'll  try.  Sir."  For  these  services  he  was  brevetted 
Brigadier-General,  and  received  from  Congress  a  gold  medal.  He 
was"  Governor  of  Arkansas  Territory  1819  to  1825,  and  Collector 
of  Customs  at  Salem,  Massachusetts  from  182  5  to  18  49.  (Apple- 
ton's  Cyclo.) 

Section  2  2.  Benigne  Emmanuel  Clemant  Miller,  a  French  Phil- 
ologist,  born    in    Paris   in    1812.       (Id.) 

Section  23.  Edward  Miller,  an  American  physician,  born  in 
Dover,  Delaware,  May  9,  1760,  died  in  New  York,  March  17,  1812. 
Attended  medical  lectures  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania:  spent 
about  a  year  in  the  Military  Hospital  at  Baskingridge,  X.  J.,  and  in 
17  82  went  to  France  as  the  surgeon  of  an  Armed  ship.  In  1783 
entered  on  the  practice  of  medicine  in  Maryland,  and  in  1788, 
graduated  as  M.  D.  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania..  In  179  6  he 
removed  to  New  York  and  with  Doctors  Mitchell  and  Smith  com- 
menced the  publication  of  the  "Medical  Repository"  the  first  Amer- 
ican Medical  Journal.  In  18  03  he  was  appointed  resident  physi- 
cian of  the  City  of  New  York.  He  was  a  member  of  the  American 
Philisophical  Society.  Professor  of  the  Theory  and  Practice  of 
Physics  in  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons  and  one  of  the 
physicians  of  the  New  York  Hospital.  His  "Report  on  the  Yellow 
Fever  of  New  York  in  1805,"  is  the  source  from  which  most  later 
authors  have  drawn  their  arguments  in  support  of  the  non-conta- 
geous  nature  of  yellow  fever.  His  writings  with  a  biographical 
sketch  were  published  by  his  brother,  the  Rev.  Samuel  Alilb;>r.    (Id.) 

Section  2  4.  Hugh  Miller,  a  British  Geologist,  born  a^  Cromarty 
on  the  East  coast  of  Scotland,  October  10.  1S02,  died  at  Portabello, 
near  Edinburg,  December  2  6,  185  6.  He  belonged  to  that  half 
Scandanavian  population  inhabiting  the  shores  of  the  German  ocean 
from  Fife  to  Caithness.  On  his  father's  side  he  was  fourth  in  de- 
scent in  a  line  of  sailors  from  John  Feddis,  one  of  the  last  of  the 
buchaneers  on  the  Spanish  Main,  who  returned  to  Cromarty  to  enjoy 
his  money,  and  built  "the  long  low  house"  in  which  his  distin- 
guished great  grand  son  passed  his  youth.  On  his  mother's  side  he 
was  of  Highland  blood,  and  fifth  in  descent  from  Donald  Roy  of 
Ross-shire,  famed  for  his  piety  and  his  second  eye  sight.  His  father 
was  drowned  in  a  tempest  in  1S07,  a  fate  which  had  befallen  several 
of  his  ancestors.      (Id.) 

Section  25.  James  Miller,  a  Scottish  surgeon,  born  in  1812, 
died  June  17,  18  64.  He  was  Professor  of  Surgery  in  the  University 
of  Edinburg  for  more  than  twenty  years,  and  at  the  time  of  his 
death   of   Pictorial   Anatomy   to  the   Royal    Academy   and   consulting 

(id  Histonj  anil  GciwiiJogies 

surgeon  to  the  Royal  Infirmary  of  Edinburg  and  the  Royal  Hospital 
for  sick  children.  He  is  especially  noted  for  his  Systematic  Treatise 
on  the  "Principles  and  Practice  of  Surgery"  (Edinburg,  1844), 
which  passed  through  four  editions  and  is  highly  esteemed.      (Id.) 

Section  26.  Joseph  Miller,  an  English  actor,  born  probably  in 
London  in  1684,  died  there  in  1738.  He  was  popular  on  the  stage, 
and  performed  with  repute  in  several  of  Congreve's  best  comedies, 
particularly  in  "Love  for  Love"  and  "The  Old  Bachelor,"  to  the  suc- 
cess of  which  he  is  said  to  have  materially  contributed.  In  17  39  a 
book  of  jests  passing  under  his  name  and  supposed  to  be  the  com- 
pilation of  John  Motley,  author  of  the  "Life  of  Peter  the  Great," 
was  published  in  London  and  has  gained  a  celebrity  which  preserves 
the  name  of  its  assumed  author.      (Id.) 

Section  27.  Samuel  Miller,  an  American  clergyman,  born  near 
Dover,  Delaware,  October  31,  17  69,  died  in  Princeton,  New  Jersey, 
January  7,  18  50.  He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania 
in  1789,  from  which  he  received  the  degree  of  D.  D.  in  1804.  He 
studied  theology  and  was  licensed  to  preach  in  1791,  and  in  June, 
1793,  was  installed  as  colleague  pastor  with  Doctors  Rodgers  and 
MacKnight  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Chruch  in  New  York  City. 
He  became  very  distinguished.      (Id.) 

Section  2  8.  Thomas  Miller,  an  English  author,  was  born  in 
Gainsborough,  Lincolnshire,  August  31,  1807;  died  in  Loudon,  Oc- 
tober 2  5,  187  4.  He  was  at  first  a  farmer's  boy,  devoted  his  leisure 
hours  to  study,  and  while  following  the  trade  of  a  basket-maker 
began  to  attract  attention  by  his  verses  and  occasional  pieces  in 
prose,  chiefly  describing  rural  life  and  scenery.  He  came  under  the 
notice  of  Moore,  Campbell  and  Rogers,  and  the  last  named  enabled 
him  to  set  up  as  a  book-seller,  and  thenceforth  he  became  an  indus- 
trious writer.  Among  his  numerous  novels  are  "Royston  Gower," 
1838;  "Fair  Rosamond,"  1839;  "Lady  Jane  Grey,"  1840;  "Gideon 
Giles,  the  Roper,"  1841;  and  "Godfrey  Malvern,"  1842.  The  most 
popular  of  his  writings  are  his  country  books,  including,  "A  Day  in 
the  Woods,"  "Beauties  of  the  Country,"  "Rural  Sketches,"  "Pic- 
tures of  Country  Life,"  "Country  Scenes,"  etc.  He  also  wrote  a 
"History  of  the  Anglo-Saxons"  and  Lives  of  Turner,  Beattie  and 
Collins.  His  poetical  works  are  "Common  Wayside  Flowers,"  1841; 
"Poetical  Language  of  Flowers,"  1847;  "Original  Poems  of  My  Chil- 
dren,"  1850,  and  "Songs  for  British  Riflemen,"   1860.      (Id.) 

Section  29.  William  Allen  Miller,  an  English  chemist,  born  in 
Ipswick,  December  17,  1817;  died  in  Liverpool,  September  30,  1870. 
At  fifteen  years  of  age  he  was  apprenticed  to  his  uncle,  who  was 
Surgeon  to  the  General  Hospital  in  Birmingham.  At  the  expiration 
of  five  years  he  entered  the  Medical  Department  of  King's  College, 
London,  where  he  studied  chemistry  under  Dr.  Daniell,  whom  he 
assisted  in  his  laboratory.  In  1840  he  spent  some  time  in  the  labo- 
ratory of  Liebig  in  Giessen,  became  Demonstrator  of  Chemistry  in 
King's  College,  and  in  18  45  Professor  of  Chemistry.  With  Dr. 
Daniell  he  had  investigated  the  electrolysis  of  salts,  conducting  all 
the  experiments.  In  1851  he  was  appointed  a  commissioner  on 
the  water  supply  of  London  and  an  assayer  of  the  mint.  He  was 
the  author  of  an  important  treatice  entitled,  "Elements  of  Chemis- 
try, Theoretical  and  Practical,"  London,  18  69,  and  of  many  scien- 
tific papers.      (Id.) 

Section    30.      Miller's    Station,    settled    in    178  4    by    John    Miller, 

//ishtn/    mill    (Iriicilhn/ii's  (jj 

about  one   mile  from   Hinkston   Creek,   towarfls  Blue  Licks,   and   one 
mile  northeast  of  Millersburj;',  Ky. 

Section  31.  Miller's  Bottom  was  on  the  Kentucky  River,  above 
the  mouth  of  Station  Camp  Creek,  some  Iwenty-odd  miles  from 
Estill's  Old  Station  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  The  trace  mostly  trav- 
eled in  17S0-1  between  the  two  places  led  from  Estill's  Station  by 
:\Iulberry  Lick  to  Hoy's  Lick  on  a  branch  of  Station  Camp  about  a 
half  mile  below  where  Harris  Massie  lived,  thence  down  Hoy's  Lick 
Branch  a  short  distance,  thence  leaving  Hoy's  Lick  Branch  on  the 
right,  and  what  is  now  called  Crooked  Creek  on  the  right,  down  into 
Station  Camp  Bottom,  thence  the  bottom  to  a  ford  opi)osite  the 
Little  Picture  Lick,  thence  up  the  Kenucky  River  to  Miller's  Bottom. 

Section  32.  John  Harris  Miller,  born  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky., 
February  2  7,  183  2,  and  died  there  in  1905,  was  American  Consul 
to  Falkland  Islands  under  the  second  administration  of  President 
Cleveland  (1896-1900).  He  was  a  humorous  and  spicy  writer -in  the 
non  de  plume  "Happy  Jack."  His  productions  were  very  amusing 
and  much  complimented  by  the  readers. 

Section  33.  William  Miller,  made  final  settlement  of  his  ac- 
counts as  Sheriff  of  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in  1825. 

Section  34.  Joseph  Miller,  in  1824,  was  recommended  and  re- 
ceived from  Governor  Joseph  Desha  a  commission  as  High  Sheriff 
of  Madison  County,  Ky.,  and  qualified  as  such. 

Section  3  5.  List  of  counties,  creeks,  towns,  etc.,  in  the  United 
States  named  in  memory  of  some  member  of  the  Miller  family, 
appearing  on  map: 

Massachusetts —  Miller's  Falls. 
New  York —         Miller  Corners. 

Miller  Place. 


Miller's  Mill. 

Miller's  Port. 


Miller's  Lane. 
Pennsylvania —  Miller   (Cameron  County). 

Miller    (Xorthampton  County). 

Miller  Farm. 

Miller's   (Lycoming  County). 

Miller's  (Lehigh  County). 


Miller's   Station. 


Millerstown  Station. 


Maryland —  Millers. 

Miller's  Island. 

Virginia — -  Millers. 

Miller's   Tavern. 
West  Virginia — Miller's  Fork    (creek). 

Miller   (Marshall  County). 

Miller   (Morgan  County). 


Miller's  Camp   Branch. 
Georgia —  Miller  County. 


Jlistori/  mid   Genealogies 

Florida — 

Alabama — 



Kentucky — 
Ohio — 


Illinois — 
Michigan — 
Minnesota — 

Iowa — 
Missouri — 

Arkansas — 
Texas — 

Oklahoma — 
Kansas — • 

Nebraska — 


Miller's  Ferry. 

Millerton    (14   miles  west   of  Jacksonville). 

Millerton    (Orange  County). 

Miller's  Creek. 


Miller  Ferry. 





Millers    (Washington  County). 


Millers   (10  miles  southeast  of  Marysville), 

Miller's   Creek. 




Miller  City. 

Millers    (Fairfield  County). 

Millers   (Lorain  County). 

Millers    (Guernsey  County). 



Miller  Station. 



Millers   (Lake  County). 

Millers   (Gibson  County). 

Millers  (Spencer  County). 

Millers  (Bartholomew  County). 

Millersburg  (Lawrence  County). 

Millersburg  (Elkhart  County). 










Miller  County. 





Miller  County. 


Miller  Grove. 







Ilisliir//   mid   (iciicnUjijies 



Soiiih    Dakota- 

-  Miller. 


Wyoming- — 

Miller   Creek. 

Washington — 

Miller   Creek. 

Colorado — 

Miller   Creek. 

New   Mexico — 


Arizona — 

Miller's   Peak    (mountain). 

California — 

Miller    (Mendocino  County) 

Miller   (Maria  County). 


Miller   (Fresno  County). 

Oregon — 

Miller's  Creek. 


Washington — 


Alaska — 

Miller  Creek. 



Article  1 — This  Family  is  of  Aiiftlo-Scotch-Irish-Franco-Gerniaii 
Jiii\tiu-<>,  heavily  charged  with  Gerinan.  The  Geriiuui  mode  of 
spelling  the  name  is  Mueller,  or  Muller. 

The  several  strains  of  blood  had  mixed  in  the  Miller  name  and 
numerous  branches  had  run  into  nearly  if  not  every  province  of  Eu- 
rope. Keeping  pace  with  the  descendants  would  be  just  a  little 
smaller  undertaking  than  counting  the  curiosities  thrown  ashore  by 
the  mighty  waves  of  the  ocean,  and  to  fathom  the  depths  of  the 
penetration  of  this  blood  into  the  strains  of  the  nations  would  be 
more  than  the  life  work  of  an  individual. 

It  must  suffice  that  in  a  very,  very  limited  measure  does  this  vol- 
ume deal  somewhat  traditionally  with  the  beginning  of  this  Miller 
family  in  America. 

The  unwritten  or  traditional  record  is  that  before  the  middle  of 
the  eighteenth  century  a  number  of  the  name  (brothers,  their  wives 
and  children  and  sisters)  to  secure  to  themselves  liberty  and  that 
freedom  to  worship  God  as  the  dictates  of  their  own  consciences 
longed  for,  and  for  the  betterment  of  their  conditions  in  a  material 
sense,  came  from  Ireland  to  America.  In  the  day  of  their  immigra- 
tion there  was  a  great  influx  of  people  into  the  American  colonies 
from  the  old  world,  and  that  Robert  Miller  and  his  wife  and  prob- 
ably his  children,  or  the  older  ones,  set  forth  in  Chapter  3,  were 
immigrants  and  that  they  settled  in  the  Colony  of  Virginia.  Some 
of  the  immigrants  of  this  family  located  probably  in  Pennsylvania 
and  more  northerly  parts. 

Miss  Mary  B.  Miller,  of  Huntsville,  Alabama,  a  great  grand- 
daughter of  Colonel  John  Miller  and  his  wife,  Jane  Dulaney  (set 
forth  in  Sec.  7  of  Chap.  :]  and  Chap.  1 4  )  has  in  her  possession  the 
old  leather-covered  Biljle  containing  the  family  record,  reaching  as 
far    back    as    1732,    which    the    immigrants    aforesaid    brought    w-ith 

G4  History  and  Genealogies 

them  from  Ireland  (the  exact  date  of  the  immigration  we  are  unable 
to  state). 

The  shades  of  time  and  the  absence  of  records  have  obscured 
many  facts  and  circumstances  touching  the  early  history  of  this 
family.  A  systematic,  thorough  search  of  the  early  court  and  other 
records  of  the  old  colonies  would,  it  is  believed,  reveal  a  great  deal 
of  history  that  would  be  interesting  to  the  present  and  coming  gen- 
erations of  this  family  with  the  facts  presented  just  as  they  were. 
That  there  were  immigrations  of  the  name  anterior  and  posterior 
to  the  above  mentioned  is  not  questioned. 

The  writer  has  not  the  lucrative  means  to  launch  into  the  in- 
vestigation of  this  interesting  question  as  he  would  like  and  must 
be  somewhat  content  with  just  the  little  that  is  in  hand. 

The  numerous  descendants  of  the  immigrants  have  scattered  and 
distributed  themselves  all  over  the  continent — in  the  villages,  towns 
and  cities,  on  the  farms  and  elsewhere,  as  farmers,  preachers,  law- 
yers, physicians,  men  of  letters,  men  of  commerce,  stockmen,  scien- 
tists, soldiers,  politicians,  fanatics,  etc.  Some  have  gained  fame  and 
are  noted  in  history.  And  whilst  all,  by  several  rungs,  have  not 
reached  the  top  of  the  ladder,  but  some  to  the  contrary,  notwithstand- 
ing, as  a  whole  their  record  has  not  been  surpassed  by  any  other 
one  name  in  our  great  nation. 

The  Miller  name  has  been  well  represented  in  every  great  pa- 
triotic endeavor  of  our  country — in  the  early  colonial  wars,  in  the 
Revolutionary  war,  in  the  war  of  1812,  in  the  Mexican  war,  in  the 
various  Indian  wars,  in  the  great  Civil  war  of  18  62,  wherein  father 
was  arrayed  against  son  and  son  against  father,  and  brother  against 
brother,  etc.,  each  contending  for  the  right  as  he  saw  it,  and  in 
which  many  gave  up  their  lives  for  the  cause  they  espoused. 

From  1780  to  179  5  there  were  great  streams  of  people  flowing 
as  a  mighty  tide  from  Virginia  and  other  colonies  or  states  to  Ken- 
tucky— the  Millers,  the  Woodes,  the  Harrises,  the  Wallaces,  the  Mau- 
pins,  and  the  Kavanaughs  from  Virginia,  and  the  Oldhams  from  the 
Dan  and  Yadkin  Rivers  of  North  Carolina  (who  had  gone  thither 
from  Fauquier  County,  Virginia)  were  in  the  stream  increasing  in 
no  small  measure  the  tide  of  immigration  into  the  Dark  and  Bloody 
Ground,  traveling  the  only  highways  which  had  been  blazed  and 
trodden  by  the  immortalized  pioneer.  Colonel  Daniel  Boone,  and  his 
compatriots,  known  as  Boone's  Trace,  the  Wilderness  Road,  and 
the  Long  Hunter's  Path,  etc.  Many  of  these  immigrants  located 
in  Madison  County,  and  many  in  other  parts  of  Kentucky.  Many 
later  on  moving  further  west  and  some  southward.  A  great  many 
of  them  when  they  came  to  Kentucky  were  men  of  mature  years, 
with  families  of  their  own;  others  finding  help-meets  after  settling 
in  their  newly  adopted  home. 

Other  facts  more  especially  pertaining  to  individuals  will  be 
set  forth  in  the  following  chapters. 

Histuri/  and  Genealogies  r,^ 

riiAi"ri-:i;  .;. 


of  Virginia. 

(Mentioned    in    Cliapter    2.) 

AitHlo  1. — lIolM'it  Mill*!',  St'iiioi-,  of  Vii-oinia,  so  styled  because  he 
had  a  son  named  IJobeit  and  IxM-ause  hv  made  his  permanent 
home  in    Viij;iiiia. 

Tlie  place  and  date  of  his  birth  we  are  unable  to  state  with  cer- 
tainty, but  he  was  probably  born  in  Ireland  near  the  beginning  of 
the  eighteenth  century,  and  was  the  father  of  our  branch  of  the  Vir- 
ginia family.  He  had  German  blood  in  his  veins,  besides  other 
strains  mentioned  in  Chapter  2.  About  the  year  1731  he  was  mar- 
ried to  ]\Iiss  Ann  Lynn.  They  probably  settled  in  Goochland,  Or- 
ange, or  Albemarle  County,   where  they  reared   the  family. 

The  formation  of  counties  of  Virginia,  unless  one  be  perfectly 
familiar  with  the  dates  of  the  formations  and  of  the  exact  locality 
of  the  home,  connected  with  close  study  and  thought,  makes  it 
difRcult  at  this  day  to  state  with  exactness  the  county  in  which  was 
located  the  home  of  a  person  one  hundred  and  fifty  to  seventy-five 
years  ago. 

The  subject  was  a  man  of  high  standing  and  fidelity  to  his  coun- 
try, to  which  he  had  affirmed  allegiance.  He  gave  his  children  good 
breeding,  a  good  name  and  fair  education — this  family  has  ever 
since  been  one  of  integrity  and  above  reproach — and  aided  a  great 
deal  not  only  in  the  development  of  Virginia,  but  in  the  settlement, 
development  and  growth  of  Kentucky  and  the  west  and  the  influ- 
ence of  same  exercised  in  the  nation.  They  had  three  daughters 
and  three  sons.  It  is  probable  that  every  one  of  his  sons  served  in 
the  war  for  independence;  his  son  .John  was  a  lieutenant  and  his 
son  Robert  was  a  private  in  the  Virginia  line.     Their  children  were: 

Section  1.      Elizabeth  Miller,  born  November  1.5,   1732. 

Section  2.  Robert  Miller,  born  May  5,  1734.  He  married  about 
the  year  1763  to  Margaret  Maupin,  a  daughter  of  Daniel  Maupin 
and  Margaret  Via,  his  wife,  of  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  (see  Part  .5, 
Chap.  3,  Sec.  10)  of  whom  further  history  is  given  in  Chapter  4, 
styled  Robert  Miller,  Junior,  of  Orange,  because  he  established  his 
home  in  Orange  County. 

Section  3.  Thomas  Miller,  born  March  20,  1736.  In  the  family 
register  of  the  late  Colonel  Thomas  W.  Miller,  of  Stanford  Ky.,  is 
the  note  that  this  subject  was  buried  in  Kentucky,  but  the  date  and 
place  of  his  death  and  burial  are  not  given.  One  Thomas  Miller, 
in  ITS 3,  was  an  attorney  at  law  of  the  Albemarle  Bar,  at  Char- 
lottesville, Va. 

Section  4.      Ann  Miller,  born  November  1.5,  1739. 

Section  5.      Margaret  Miller,  born  May  5,  1742. 

Section  6.  Colonel  .John  Miller,  born  January  1,  17  50.  He 
married  Jane  Dulaney.  They  immigrated  to  Kentucky  and  settled 
in  Madison  County.     Further  details  are  given  in  Chapter  14. 


66  Histori/  mul  GcnenUxjics 



of   Orange. 

(Named  in   Chapter   3,   Section    2.) 

Article  1. — Robert  Miller,  Junior,  of  Orange,  a  son  of  Robert  Miller, 
Senior,  of  Virginia,  and  Ann  l^ynn,  bis  wife,  was  born  'Slay  5, 
1734,  jH'obably  in  Ireland,  and  oani<'  to  America,  as  stated  in 
Cliapter  2. 

About  the  year  1763  he  was  married  to  Margaret  Maupin,  a 
daughter  of  Daniel  Maupin,  Senior,  and  Margaret  Via,  his  wife," 
whose  home  was  in  Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  and  where  the  said 
Daniel  Maupin  died  in  17  88  (see  Part  5,  Chap.  3,  Sec.  10).  Robert 
Miller  acquired  lands  in  Orange  County,  Virginia,  on  which  he  set- 
tled and  established  his  home,  and  where  he  died  in  1806.  After 
his  death  his  widow,  Margaret,  qualified  as  administratrix  of  his 
estate.  A  copy  of  the  inventory  and  appraisement  of  his  personal 
estate  is  presented,  to-wit: 

"Pursuant  to  an  order  of  tlie  Worshipful  Court  of  Orange  Coun- 
ty, to  us  directed,  we  have  proceeded  to  appraise  the  estate  of  Rob- 
ert Miller,  dec'd.,  the  schedule  of  which  is  hereto  annexed.  Octo- 
ber 20,   18  06. 

£         s.       d. 

Mourning,  a  negro  woman,  appraised  at 4  3        0        0 

Jacob,  a  negro  man,  appraised  at 78         0         0 

Martin,  a  negro  boy,  appraised  at 78        0        0 

One  bedstead  and  furniture,  appraised  at    10        0        0 

One  bedstead  and  furniture,  appraised  at    12         0         0 

Two  bedsteads  and  furniture,  appraised  at 16         0         0 

One  flax  wheel  and  spools,  appraised  at    9        0 

Two  woman's  saddles,  appraised  at 2        8        0 

One  desk,  and  one  clock,  and  case,  appraised  at 18      10        0 

One  cupboard,  and  walnut   table,  appraised  at    6         6         0 

One  parcel  of  old  books,  and  1  dictionary,  appraised  at      2        6        0 

Ten  chairs  and  one  looking  glass,  appraised  at 1      14        0 

One  pair  steelyards,  appraised  at 0        6        0 

One    pair    fire    dogs,    pipe    tongs    and    fire    tongs,    ap- 
praised  at    16        0 

One  coffee  can  and  one  reel,  appraised  at 0         9         0 

One  case  of  bottles,  appraised  at 0        3        0 

One  safe,  coffee  mill  and  tea  kettle,  appraised  at 0      18        0 

Three  pots,   one  oven,   two  pairs  hooks,   two  pot  racks, 

one  skillet,  appraised  at    2        8        0 

One  bake  plate  and  frying  pan,  appraised  at 2        8        0 

Five   pewter  basins,   nine   plates   and  three   dishes,   ap- 
praised  at    2        8        0 

One  hackel,  1  cotton  wheel  and  snuff  box,  appraised  at      1        7        0 

One  piggin  and  one  old  trunk,  appraised  at 0      11        0 

One    parcel    of   old    plows,    hoes    and    hilling    hoes,    ap- 
praised  at    1         5         0 

One  pair  hames,  chains  and  breeching,  appraised  at .  .  .  15         0 

One  roan  horse,  £16.10,  and  one  gray  ditto,  £12 28      10         0 

/fishiri/  find   (lrni'(il()</l('s  (57 

One    brindle    cow    and    calf,    £5,    one    black    dillo    and 

ditto,    £4    9  0  0 

One  red  ditto  and  ditto,  £4.10,  one  brindle  cow,  £o.]y  8  7  0 

One  red  bull  and  one  cow    4  4  0 

One  s])ire  mortar  and  old  saw    0  7  6 

Seven    slegs   and   two   wedges    1  16  0 

Total    £334         9         6 

At    a    court    held    for    Orange    County,    at    the    Court    House,    on 
Monday,  the  twenty-sixth  day  of  January,  1807,  this  inventory  and 
appraisement  of  the  estate  of  Robert  Miller,  deceased,  was  returned 
into  court   and  ordered  to  be  recorded. 

Teste:      REYxNOLDS  CHAPMAN,  Clerk. 
A  Copy — Attest:      C.  W.  WOOLFOLK,  Clerk. 

Robert  Miller  in  his  life  time  to-wit:  On  the  25th  day  of  April, 
ISOo,  in-epared  a  deed  from  himself  and  his  wife,  Margaret,  to  their 
son,  Thomas  Miller,  which  he,  the  said  Robert,  signed  in  the  pres- 
ence of  John  Plunkett,  William  Plunkett,  and  his  son,  John  Miller, 
which  was  proven  in  Court,  the  2  7th  day  of  June  1803,  however, 
his  wife,  Margaret,  for  some  reason,  did  not  sign  and  acknowledge 
the  deed.  The  deed  was  recorded  in  Deed  Book  No.  2  3,  page  31, 
Orange  Circuit  Court.     A  copy  is  in  hand  in  these  words: 

"This  indenture  made  this  25th  day  of  April,  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  three,  between  Robert  Miller  and  Margaret,  his 
wife,  of  the  County  of  Orange,  of  the  one  part,  and  Thomas  Miller, 
of  the  County  aforesaid,  of  the  other  part,  witnesseth:  That  the 
said  Robert  Miller,  for  the  consideration  of  the  sum  of  five  hundred 
pounds  in  hand  paid,  hath  granted,  bargained  and  sold  unto  the 
said  Thomas  Miller,  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever,  a  certain  tract  or 
parcel  of  land  purchased  of  Jos.  Eddins  and  Peter  Thornton.  To  have 
and  to  hold  the  said  tract  or  parcel  of  land  with  its  appurtenances 
unto  the  said  Thomas  Miller,  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever,  to  his 
and  their  own  proper  use.  And  the  said  Robert  Miller,  for  himself, 
his  heirs,  executors  and  administrators,  doth  further  covenant  that 
he  shall  and  will  (warrant)  the  said  land,  with  its  appurtenances, 
unto  the  said  Thomas  Miller,  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever,  against 
the  lawful  claims  and  interruptions  of  any  person  or  persons  what- 

In  witness  whereof,  the  parties  have  hereto  set  their  hands  and 
seals  this  day  and  year  above  written. 

John  Plunkett,  Robert  Miller        [Seal ) 

AVilliam    Plunkett. 
John   Miller.  [Seal] 

At  a  Court  held  for  Orange  County,  at  the  Court  House,  on 
Monday,  the  2  7th  day  of  June,  180  3,  this  indenture  was  proved  by 
the  oaths  of  John  Plunkett,  William  Plunkett  and  John  Miller, 
witnesses  thereto,  and  ordered  to  be  recorded. 

Test.   Reynolds  Chapman,   Clerk. 
A  copy  from  Deed  Book  No.   23,  page  31. 

Attest:      C.  M.  Woolfolk,  Clerk. 

Robert  Miller  enlisted  January  11,  1777,  as  a  ])rivate  soldier  in 
Capt.  Nathan  Reed's  company  of  14th  Virginia  Regiment,  command- 

(58  Hisionj  and  Genealogies 

ed  by  Col.  Charles  Lewis,  of  Albemarle  County.  Col.  Lewis  died 
in  1779,  whilst  commander  of  the  post  at  Charlottesville.  In  Dec- 
ember, 1778,  this  company  was  designated  as  Captain  Reid's  com- 
pany of  the  10th  Virginia  Regiment,  commanded  by  Colonel  Wil- 
liam Davies.  In  May,  177  9,  the  1st  and  the  10th  Virginia  Regiments 
were  consolidated  and  the  Company  was  called  Captain  Nathan 
Reid's  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Hopkins'  Company,  10th  Virginia 
Regiment,  commanded  by  Colonel  William  Davies,  and  sometimes 
referred  to  as  the  1st  and  10th  Virginia  Regiment. 

These  facts  are  confirmed  by  the  records  and  Pension  Office, 
War  Department,  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

The  1st  Virginia  Regiment  was  engaged  in  the  battles  of  Brandy- 
wine,  Germantown,  Guilford  Court  House,  Camden,  Ninety-Six  and 
Eutaw  Springs.  The  14th  Virginia  Regiment  was  in  the  battles  of 
Long  Bridge,  King's  Mountain  and  Ninety-Six,  and  the  10th  Vir- 
ginia Regiment  .n  the  battles  of  Guilford  Court  House,  Eutaw 
Springs  and  Yorktown. 

History  shows  that  Captain  Nathan  Reed's  company  experienced 
hard  service. 

The  canteen  and  flint  lock  pistols  carried  and  used  by  Robert 
Miller,  whilst  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  Army,  his  son,  Daniel 
Miller,  brought  with  him  when  he  emigrated  from  Virginia  to  Madi- 
son County,  Kentucky,  and  which  he  safely  kept  till  his  death  in 
1841.  After  his  death  these  war  relics  passed  into  the  hands  of 
his  youngest  son,  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  which  he  in  turn  kept 
till  iiis  death.  He  used  the  canteen  in  his  wood-shop  as  a  receptacle 
for  oil  with  which  he  mixed  paints — the  oil  acting  as  a  preserver  of 
the  canteen.  After  the  death  of  C.  I.  Miller,  the  canteen  went  into 
the  hands  of  his  son,  .James  C.  Miller,  now  living  on  Muddy  Creek, 
(postofRce,  Moberley,  Ky.),  where  his  father  lived  and  died,  and  he 
yet  has  the  canteen  well  preserved.  The  flint-lock  pistols  and  hols- 
ters, it  is  believed,  were  turned  over  to  Mrs.  Junius  B.  Park, 
daughter  of  C.  I.  Miller,  and  if  same  were  not  destroyed  by  fire  at 
Irvine,  Ky.,  a  number  of  years  ago,  it  is  not  known  where  they  are. 
It  would  indeed  be  gratifying  to  know  that  they  are  intact,  and  to 
keep  and  preserve  same  as  relics. 

The  oldest  child,  Daniel  Miller,  was  born  May  28,  1764;  the 
dates  of  the  birth  of  the  other  children  are  unknown,  but  their 
births  were  between  the  years  176  4  and   17  80. 

Through  the  years  intervening  the  descendants  of  Robert  Miller 
and  Margaret  Maupin,  his  wife,  have  been  distributed  over  Virginia, 
Kentucky,  the  West,  and  elsewhere.  Many  of  them  have  held 
prominent  positions  in  every  walk  and  calling.  His  daughters  all 
married  and  raised  families,  but  of  them  very  little  data  is  at  hand. 

Their  children  were: 

Section  1.  Daniel  Miller,  born  in  the  County  of  Albemarle, 
Colony  of  Virginia,  May  28,  1764.  Was  nearly  grown  at  the  close 
of  the  Revolutionary  War.  In  Nelson  County,  Virginia  the  2  8th  of 
November  1793,  he  married  Susannah  Woods.  (See  Part  2,  chap. 
19,   section   8.) 

A  fuller  account  is  given  in  chapter  5. 

Section  2.  John  Miller.  It  is  said  that  he  remained  in  Virginia, 
married  and  raised  a  family.  We  have  not  traced  his  descendants 
or  learned  his  history. 

Section  3.  Thomas  Miller.  Some  say  that  he  remained  in  Vir- 
ginia, married  and  raised  a  family.  To  him  his  father  conveyed  his 
land  In   Orange    county  April   25,     1803.      (Many  years  ago,     these 

ilisloni  anrl   dm  eulogies  09 

brothers,  were  visited  in  Virginia  by  their  nephew,  Colonel  Thomas 
Woods  Miller,  at  that  time  a  resident  of  Madison  county,  Ky., 
afterwards  a  resident  of  Stanford,  Ky.,  where  he  died). 

Section  4.      Anna  Miller  married  Mr.  Neale. 

Section    5.      Elizabeth    Miller   married    Mr.    Snell.      "a" 

Section  6.  Sallie  -Miller  married  .lennings  Maupin.  (See  Part 
5,  Chap.   4,  Section   10). 

Section    7.      Polly    Miller    married    .Mr.    Thorne. 

Section    8.      Jennie   Miller  married   Mr.    Burke. 

Section    9.      Susannah    Miller  married   ^Nlr.    Begle. 

"a"  Mrs.  Snell,  visited  her  brother,  Daniel  Miller  in  Madison 
county,  Ky.,  after  the  death  of  his  wife  and  remained  with  him 
some  time.  It  is  regretted  that  a  fuller  account  of  Daniel  Miller's 
brothers  and  sisters  and  their  descendants  is  not  here  given,  but  we 
have  not  succeeded  in  obtaining  any  further  data  or  knowledge 
of    them. 

CHA1?TE1J   5. 


(Named  in  Section   1,  Chap.   4.  Part   1). 

Ai'ticle  1. — Daniel  Miller,  son  of  Robert  .Aliller  (Junior)  of  Orange 
and  his  wife,  >Iargaret  Maupin,  was  bom  in  the  County  of 
Albemarle  or  Orange,  Colony  of  Virginia,  May  28,  J  764,  being 
nearly  grown  at   the  close  of  the  Revolutionary   War. 

In  Nelson  County,  Virginia  the  28th  of  November,  1793,  he  was 
married  to  the  daughter  of  Colonel  John  Woods  and  Susannah 
Anderson  his  wife,  namely,  Susannah  Woods.  The  said  Colonel 
John  Woods,  being  a  son  of  Michael  W'oods,  senior  (afterwards 
called  Michael  Woods  of  Blair  Park)  and  his  wife,  Mary  Campbell. 
The  said  Susannah  Anderson  being  a  daughter  of  Rev.  James 
Anderson   of   Pennsylvania,   who  was  a   Presbyterian   preacher. 

Daniel  ^Miller,  April  21,  1779,  in  Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  was 
one  of  the  signers  of  a  declaration  of  independence  by  the  citizens 
of  said  county. 

In  the  spring  of  179.5,  about  the  month  of  May  (we  fix  this 
date,  for  his  oldest  child,  Polly,  born  in  1794,  died  May  24th,  1795, 
and  was  buried  by  the  wayside  on  their  journey  from  Virginia  to 
Kentucky),  Daniel  Miller  and  his  wife  and  babe,  in  company  with 
his  brothers-in-law,  Reids,  and  his  wife's  sisters,  and  their  families 
and  others,  left  their  old  home,  parents,  relatives  and  friends  in  Vir- 
ginia, and  set  out  across  the  wilderness  for  Kentucky,  traveling  the 
wilderness  road  and  Boone's  trace  and  reached  IMadison  County  and 
settled  on  Hickory  Lick,  a  branch  of  Muddy  Creek,  where  he 
acquired  property  as  follows,  as  appears  from  examinations  of  the 
County  Court  records,  page  223,  of  Deed  Book  D.,  showing  that  on 
May  3,  179  7,  one  David  Trotter  conveyed  to  him  103  acres  of  land 
on  said  creek,  and  page  3  89  of  the  same  book,  showing  that  on 
^lay  6,  179  8,  one  Wm.  Minix  Williams  conveyed  to  him  10  0  acres 
on  the  same  creek,  and  page  130  of  Deed  Book  H.,  showing  that  on 
March   6,   1798,  one  Henry  Banta  conveyed  to  him  98  acres  on  the 

70  History  and  Genealogies 

same  creek,  and  page  2  76  of  Deed  Book  K.,  showing  that  on  Sep- 
tember 3,  1814,  one  W.  W.  Williams  conveyed  to  him  100  acres  on 
the  same  creek,  and  pages  136  and  149  of  Deed  Book  N.  showing 
that  on  April  15,  1818,  the  heirs  of  Foster  Jones  conveyed  to  him 
100  acres  on  the  same  waters,  (said  land  coming  to  said  heirs  from 
their  grand-father,  Christopher  Harris,  Senior,  deceased)  making  in 
all  501  acres,  acquired  there  by  Daniel  Miller.  He  put  valuable 
improvements  on  same  and  occupied  same  as  a  home  for  a  number  of 
years  for  there  is  where  his  youngest  child  was  born.  He  was, 
however  ousted  of  the  possession  of  the  greater  portion  of  the 
Hickory  Lick  lands  by  General  Green  Clay,  who  seems  to  have  had 
prior  claims — as  was  the  case  in  many  instances  in  those  days — the 
matter  being  in  litigation  between  them  for  sixteen  or  seventeen 
long  years,  from  1810  to  1817,  the  case  going  at  least  twice  to  the 
Court  of  Appeals  of  Kentucky.  Finally  a  small  part  of  said  land 
was  set  apart  to  Daniel  Miller,  by  way  of  remuneration  for  improve- 
ments he  had  put  thereon,  to  which  remnant  as  appears  of  record 
Green  Clay  made  to  said  Daniel  Miller  a  quit  claim  deed  in  1817. 

Daniel  Miller,  by  and  by  parted  with  what  little  remained  of  his 
Hickory  Lick  purchases  (Hickory  Lick  being  a  branch  of  Muddy 
Creek,  and  his  lands  being  near  the  mouth  of  said  branch)  and 
bought  lands  on  Drowning  Creek  only  a  very  few  miles  distant  and 
moved  there  and  died  there,  the  23d  of  April,  18  41,  at  the  age  of  7  6 
years  10  months  and  2  5  days.  Here  he  established  a  blacksmith 
shop,  where  tlie  work  in  this  line  of  business  was  done  for  a  large 
part  of  the  surrounding  country.  He,  also,  constructed  and  put 
in  operation  a  grist  mill  and  made  meal  and  flour  for  the  people 
of  the  vicinage,  and  Daniel  Miller's  mill  and  shop  were  noted  and 
known  for  miles  and  miles.  A  public  road  was  opened  to  his  mill, 
which  is  to  this  day  called  Daniel  Miller's  Mill  Road,  and  the  records 
show  when  this  road  was  established,  and  many  subsequent  entries 
on  the  records  speak  of  same  and  often  call  for  the  intersection 
and  otherwise  of  the  Daniel  Miller  Mill  Road. 

His  home  on  Drowning  Creek,  as  well  as  his  former  home  on 
Hickory  Lick,  were  on  the  direct  route  from  Richmond  to  the  county 
seat  of  Estill  County  and  other  mountain  county  seats,  where  the 
noted  lawyers  of  his  day  practiced  law,  and  Daniel  Miller's  house 
was  their  stopping  place  on  their  way  to  and  fro. 

He  was  very  often  commissioned  by  the  court  to  take  deposi- 
tions, appraise  "estates,  etc.,  and  in  1799  he,  Thomas  Collins  and 
Samuel  Gilbert  took  the  depositions  of  Joseph  Proctor  the  old 
pioneer,  Indian  fighter  and  preacher,  and  others. 

He  must  have  moved  from  Hickory  Lick  to  Drowning  Creek,  in 
about  the  year  1822,  and  lived  there  till  his  death  in  1841 — nine 
years  of  the  time  a  widower,  his  wife  having  died  in  183  2,  for  page 
19  3  of  Deed  Book  P.,  shows  that  on  June  22,  1822,  one  Robert 
Tevis  conveyed  to  him  327  acres,  one  rood  and  3  4  poles  of  land  on 
Downing  Creek  and  after  his  daughter  Malinda  had  married  John 
H.  Shackelford,  to-wit:  on  September  2  4,  183  5,  he  bought  their 
land  on  Drowning  Creek.     See  Deed  Book  V.,  page  361. 

Upon  the  Tevis  land  on  Drowning  Creek  he  put  valuable  and 
permanent  improvements — the  dwelling  and  other  outhouses  he 
built,  are  standing  there  yet,  in  a  splendid  state  of  preservation. 

Before  his  death,  to-wit:  on  the  31st  of  January,  1835,  he  con- 
veyed his  Drowning  Creek  lands  to  his  two  youngest  sons  Thomas 
■\N.  Miller  and  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  reserving  forever  as  a 
burial   place  for  his  family  the  plot   of  ground  where  his  wife  was 

Uisli)i-ij  mid   (!('ii('iil()<ji('s  71 

interred,  and  where  his  remains  were  afterwards  buried.      See  Deed 
Book  Z.,   i)age   315. 

After  this  date,  5tli  of  Xovember,  1836,  he  conveyed  to  Elijah 
Vates  his  loo  acres  of  laud  on  Muddy  Creek  (the  reniaindei'  of  his 
Hickory  Lick   lands)    by  deed   recoi'ded  in   Deed  Book   W.,   page  396. 

Here  in  the  burial  plot  above  named  the  mortal  remains  of 
Daniel  Miller  and  his  wife  were  buried,  about  two  hundred  yards 
more  or  less,  somewhat  northwest  of  the  dwelling  house,  and 
stones  were  put  to  mark  their  graves  with  i)roper  inscrii)tions. 
Since  then  the  children  had  the  remains  removed  and  re-interred  in 
a  lot  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery  where  same  now  rest,  with  marble 
stones  properly  inscribed  to  identify  them. 

They  raised  to  be  grown  and  have  families  of  their  own  four  sons 
and  three  daughters,  all  highly  respected  and  regarded — as  good 
people  as  the  country  produces,  mention  of  whom  will  be  made  in 
the  sections  immediately  following. 

It  is  said  of  Daniel  Miller,  that  his  daughter  Malinda  reputed  to 
be  very  handsome,  was  his  great  favorite  and  married  a  gentleman 
of  splendid  breeding  and  family  to  whom  no  reasonable  objection 
could  have  been  raised,  but  he  did  not  wish  his  daughter  to  marry 
and  leave  him,  and  after  she  did  marry,  and  when  about  to  say  "good 
bye,"  and  leave  for  distant  parts,  he  remarked  to  her  "good-bye 
Malinda,  I  now  bury  you,  for  I  never  expect  to  see  you  again,"  and 
it  is  told  that  he  never  after  that  time  saw  her. 

Mr.  Wm.  L.  Blanton,  as  successor  to  his  father,  Greenup  D. 
Blanton,  now  owns  and  lives  at  the  old  Drowning  Creek  home,  and 
a  few  years  ago  was  making  some  repairs  to  the  house,  in  the  build- 
ing of  which  nails  made  by  Daniel  Miller  with  his  own  hands  were 
used,  and  Mr.  Blanton  secured  a  few  of  these  old  nails  and  gave 
them  to  us,  which  we  now  hold  as  souvenirs. 

Daniel  Miller  was  very  exact  and  systematic  in  all  that  he  did, 
and  it  is  said  of  him  that  he,  even  when  taking  off  his  hat,  or 
placing  it  on  his  head,  would  take  hold  of  it  every  time  in  the 
same  place  and  in  the  same  way,  and  that  he  ever  wore  a  stiff  high- 
top  or  bee-gum  hat. 

We  have  in  our  possesion  a  buck-horn  handle  walking  stick  made 
of  hickory  wood  and  in  imitation  of  real  cane,  which  he  used  for  a 
number  of  years  and  which  has  finger  and  thumb  prints  worn  into 
the  handle  by  being  constantly  taken  hold  of  in  the  same  way- — said 
to  have  been  worn  in  it  by  himself  by  long  and  constant  use.  The 
cane  was  handed  down  to  ns  through  his  youngest  child — our  father 
— and  we  greatly  appreciate  it. 

He  represented  Madison  County  in  the  General  Assembly  of 
Kentucky,  in  the  years  1806,  1808  and  1811,  and  helped  make 
many  of  the  laws  of  the  State  in  that  time. 

His  first  home  on  Muddy  Creek,  was  near  Debans  Run  near  the 
cabin  of  Duree  where  in  1782  Peter  Duree,  John  Bullock  and  hia 
wife,  who  was  the  daughter  of  old  man  Duree,  were  massacred  by 
the  Indians,  which  event  is  related  by  Ambrose  Coffee  in  deposition 
taken  in  1799,  by  Daniel  Miller,  Thomas  Collins  and  Samuel  Gilbert,, 
commissioners   of   the   court. 

He  was  a  commissioned  Major  of  Militia  and  was  addressed  as 

Many  old  people  who  were  living  just  a  few  years  ago  and  a 
few  who  are  now  living  knew  Daniel  Miller  well,  and  all  would 
speak  in  high  terms  of  him,  and  give  him  a  good  name  and  tell 
many  interesting  stories  in  regard  to  his  peculiarities.  Have  seen 
several   who  have  since  left   the  shores  of  time   who  spoke   of  him 

72  HIsfori/  and  Genealogies 

as  a  teacher,  having  gone  to  school  to  him  and  they  would  invariably 
refer  to  his  pains-taking  and  the  peculiarity  and  regularity  of  his 
habits.  It  seems  that  he  was  a  man  of  some  education  for  his  day 
and  was  not  satisfied  without  imparting  knowledge  to  the  youth  of 
the   country. 

At  the  time  of  his  death  he  had  several  grand-children  grown  or 
nearly  grown,  who,  in  after  years,  had  vivid  recollections  of  him  and 
who  often  talked  of  him  besides  others  of  an  older  generation.  They 
all  gave  him  reverence. 

Susannah  Woods,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Nelson  County,  Virginia, 
September  21,  17  68  and  died  on  Drowning  Creek  August  13,  1832, 
in  the  64th  year  of  her  age.  Mention  of  her  death  and  burial  has 
already  been  made.  She  was  regarded  as  a  fine  woman  in  appear- 
ance as  well  as  in  what  she  did  and  it  is  said  she  was  a  great 
favorite  of  her  father.  Colonel  .John  Woods  of  Albemarle.  (See 
Part    2  2,    Chap.    19,   Section    8). 

Their  children  are  named  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Polly  Miller  a  daughter  was  born  in  Albemarle 
County,  Virginia  Octoberl9,  1794,  and  when  her  parents  were  mov- 
ing tlie  next  spring  to  Kentucky,  she  was  violently  attacked  with, 
whooping  cough  which  caused  her  death  May  24,  179.5,  age  7 
months  and  5  days,  and  her  remains  were  buried  by  the  wayside 
under  a  large  tree  on  the  route  they  were  traveling. 

Section  2.  Colonel  Robert  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Kentucky,  .June  22,  1796,  the  year  after  his  parents'  ar- 
rival in  Kentucky.  A  further  account  of  whom  is  given  in  Chapter 
6,  of  Part  I. 

Section  3.  General  John  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Kentucky,  .June  30,  1798,  a  narrative  of  whom  will  be  found 
in  Chapter  7,  Part  1. 

Section  4.  Major  James  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Kentucky,  August  3,  1800.  A  further  account  of  whom  is 
given  in  Chapter  8.  Part   1. 

Section  .5.  Elizabeth  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.,   March   28,   1802,   and  died   August   27,    1803. 

Section  6.  Susannah  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  March  2  6,  18  04.  A  further  account  of  whom  is  given 
in  Chapter  9.  Part   1. 

Section  7.  Margaret  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Kentucky,  December  29,  1805.  A  further  account  of 
whom  is  given  in  Chapter   10,  Part   1. 

Section  8.  Malinda  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Kentucky,  January  15,  1808.  A  further  account  of  whom 
is  given  in  Chapter  11,  Part  1. 

Section  9.  Colonel  Thomas  W^oods  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in 
Madison  County,  Kentucky  December  3,  1811.  A  further  account 
of  whom  is  given  in  Chapter  12,  Part  1. 

Section  10.  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in 
Madison  County,  Kentucky,  December  20,  1813.  A  narrative  of 
whom  will  be  found  in  Chapter  13,  Part  1. 

Accounts  of  the  aforenamed  progeny  are  set  forth  in  the 
Chapters  6  to  13,  following. 

Illslm-i/   (iiiil    (icuculiiiju'i 


ClIAPTKi;  c. 

(Named  in  Section   2,  Cliapter  5,   Part   L) 

Article  1. — Cohuicl  Itolx'i't  Millor,  sf)ii  of  Daiiiol  >Iillor  aiul  Susannah 
Woods,  his  wit'o.  was  horn  in  .AlacUson  County,  K<  ntucky,  June 
22,  17!)(>,  tiu'  year  after  the  arrival  of  his  parents  in  Kentucky 
from   \  irjiinia. 

After  coming  to  manhood  he  left  the 

county  of  liis  hirtli  and  went  to  Lincoln 

,  County,     Kentucky,     and     lived     there     a 

number    of    years,    and    moved    with    his 
family   to   Adair  County     and     made     his 
home    in    Columbia.      Robert    Miller    had 
V:  ''.-    -^-^mt  a    good    English    education     and     was     a 

beautiful  scribe;  he  was  of  fine  address 
and  an  elegant  gentleman.  He  was 
thrice  married,  first  to  Sarah  Muri'ell, 
the  mother  of  his  children;  second,  Mary 
Craig,  and  third,  Mrs.  Betsy  Settle,  nee 
Griffin.  He  died  of  cholera  September 
13,  187  3,  aged  seventy-seven  years,  two 
months  and  eleven  days.  He  was  a 
colonel  of  militia  in  antebellum  days. 
The  children  of  his  first  marriage: 

Section  1.  Susannah  .Jane  Miller,  born  May  3,  1823,  married 
March  2.5,  184  6,  by  Rev.  F.  Rout,  to  George  Frank  Lee,  son  of 
George  Lee  and  Lucy  Anderson  Thomson,  his  wife.  George  F.  Lee 
was  born  December  5,  1820,  died  August  22,  1896.  Mrs.  Lee  died 
July  IS,  1900.  Mr.  Lee  represented  his  county  in  the  Legislature 
in  18.55-6.  In  1851  he  located  on  a  farm  in  Boyle  County.  Was  an 
elder  in  the  Presbyterian  Church  almost  fifty  years.  In  1874  was 
elected  County  Judge  and  served  for  sixteen  years.  He  graduated  at 
Centre  College  in  the  class  of  1839.     Their  children-. 

1.  Eugene  Wallace  Lee,  born  April  8,  1847,  in  Lincoln  County, 
and  died  in  Danville,  Ky.,  February  27,  1905.  He  married  Clara 
Warren,  of  Louisville,  Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Allie  M.  Lee,  born  October  21,  1870,  died  July  1,  1889. 

2.  Hortense  Lee. 

3.  Virginia  Lee. 

4.  Eugene  W.  Lee,  Jr. 

5.  George   F.   Lee. 

6.  Robert  Miller  Lee,  born  Oct.  12,  1872,  died  Mar.  29,  1873. 

7.  Susie  Lee,  born  January  9,  1880,  died  July  17,   1880. 

2.  George  Lee,  born  April  2  4,  18  49,  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky. ; 
married  Louise  Caldwell,  of  Taylor  County,  Ky.     Their  children: 


James   Caldwell   Lee. 
Susan  J.  Lee,   died. 
Clara   Lee. 
Robert  M.  Lee. 
David  R.  Lee. 
Louisa  L.  Lee. 

Hstory  and   (jcncdluf/ies 

George  Lee  is  now  farming  in  Boyle  County,  Ky. 
3.   Sarah    Virginia    Lee,    born    Novvember    2  6,    1851,    in    Boyle 

County.     Single. 

4.  Lucy  Ann  Lee,  born  March  13,  1S.5  4,  in 
ried  Rev.  Dr.  I.  S.  McElroy.  Now  living  in 
Their  children  are: 

1.  Susie  Lee  McElroy. 

2.  Lottie  Tate  McElroy. 

3.  J.  Proctor  McElroy. 

4.  Stewart  McElroy. 

Lizzie  Amelia  Lee,  born  Oct.  6,  185  7,  in 
David  P.   Rowland.      (See  Part   L  Chap. 

Boyle  County;   mar- 
Columbus,   Georgia. 


1.  Sidney 

2.  Susan 

3.  Frank 

Boyle  County;   mar- 

10.   Sec.   3.)      Their 




V.   Rowland 
Lee  Rowland. 
Lee  Rowland 
4.   Virginia  Rowland,  died 
Robert    Miller    Lee,    born 
Aug.   8,   1873. 
Frank    Nelson    Lee,    born 

February   2  2, 
Feb.    13,    1861 

in    Boyle 



May  13,  1866,  in  Boyle 
unmarried.  Was  County  Treasurer  about  eleven  years;  City  Clerk 
thirteen  years.  Now  Assistant  Cashier  of  Farmers  National  Bank, 
Danville,  Kentucky. 

Section  2.  Elizabeth  Miller,  born  Oct.  9,  1825,  died  July  1, 
1867.  She  married  December  16,  1847,  to  Josiah  Ellis  Lee,  by  Rev. 
J.  Bogle.  Mr.  Lee  was  born  March  31,  1825,  and  was  a  son  of 
George  Lee  and  Lucy  Anderson  Thomson,  his  wife.*    Their  children: 

1.  Sallie  Miller  Lee,  born  Jan.  8,  1849,  died  March   5,  1854. 

2.  Lucy    Lee,    born    Feb.    21,    1851;    married    Thomas   H.    Bell. 
Their  children; 

1.  Lizzie  Bell;   married  W.  W.  Johnson. 

2.  Joshua  Fry  Bell. 

3.  Mary   M.   Bell. 

4.  Frances  Johnston   Bell. 

5.  Lucy  Lee  Bell. 

6.  Miller  L.  Bell. 

7.  Josephine  Bell. 

3.  George  Miller  Lee,  born 
Johnson,  December  2  5,  18  84. 
farm  in   Boyle  County.      Their 

1.  Elizabeth  Miller  Lee. 

2.  Madison  Johnson  Lee. 

3.  James  A.  Lee,  Jr. 

4.  James  Ambrose  Lee,  born  Dec. 

5.  Josiah  Nelson  Lee,  born  Dec.   3, 
with  his  brother,   G.   Miller  Lee,   and 

6.  Edmund  Shackelford  Lee,  born 


June   19,   1853; 
They  now  live 

married   Mollie   A. 
on  his  father's  old 

the  old  farm 

25,  1856;   died 
1859;   lives  on 
is  unmarried. 
May  3,  18  62;   married  Stella 

Collins,  of  Covington,  Ky.     They  have  eight  children. 

E.  S.  Lee  is  Cashier  of  the  First  National  Bank,  Covington,  Ky. 

Section   3.      Margaret   Miller,   born   Dec.    20,    1S29;    married   Jan. 
22,   1851,  to  Gary  A.   Griffin.      Their  children: 

1.    Robert    Miller   Griffin,   born   Nov.    21,    1851;    married   Minnie 
W.  Miller.      Thev  live  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

*Josiah    E. 
two  children. 

l^ee   married    the    second    time   Fannie    Bell    and    had 

Uisliirij  mid   (l('n('(il()(jic.s  75 

2.  Mary    Susan    Griffin,    born    .Mardi     Ht,    is.")!;    married    ITarry 
White.     Tiiey  now  live  in  Canada. 

3.  George    M.    Griffin,    born    Oct.    5,    1856;    married    Maggie    I'. 

4.  Sarah  E.  Griffin,  born  .Tan.  22,  ISf)!!:    married  Rev.  .lohn  Mc- 
Carthy.    They  now  live  in   Huntington,   West   Virginia. 

.^.    Martha  .1.  Griffin,  born  Dec.   16,   1861;   married  Rev.  Charles 
H.    -Miller. 

6.  Margaret    C.    Griffin,    born    Nov.    29,    1864;     married    W.    L. 
IMoore.     They  now  live  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

7.  Harry    W.    Griffin,    born    Sept.    4,    18  68;     married    a    Kansas 
City  lady. 

Section    4.      George    Miller,    born    Dec.    2:3,    18:34;    died    Aug.    il, 

Section    5.      Robert    Miller,    born    Feb.    17,    1838;    died    Nov.    12, 


(Named  in   Chapter   5,   Section   3.) 

Article  I. — General  John  Miller,  a  son  of  Daniel  >Iiller  and  Susannah 
Woods,  his  wife,  was  bom  on  Muddy  Creek,  near  the  mouth  of 
its  tributary,  Hickory  IJck,  in  :Madison  County,  Kentucky, 
June  ;i(),    1708. 

He  was  educated  in  the  county  schools  of  his  day,  receiving,  by 
close  application   and   industry,   a  good  common   English   education, 
,.    ^  the   best    his    schools    could    impart.      He 

.■«^-'^;--v  became   thoroughly  conversant   with   mil- 

itary tactics  and  military  affairs;  he  was 
a  beautiful  and  swift  penman,  an  ex- 
cellent business  man;  he  was  in  every 
■^  sense  an  accomplished  gentleman,  as  gen- 

tle as  a  dove,  as  brave  as  a  lion.  He 
was  one  of  the  most  public  spirited  men 
of  Madison  County,  was  foremost  in  for- 
warding the  interest  of  the  community — 
procuring  fine  schools  for  the  education 
of  the  boys  and  girls;  he  numbered  many 
distinguished  men  among  his  acquaint- 
ances, notably.  Lieutenant  General  Win- 
field  Scott,  who  showed  him  marked  at- 
tention on  a  trip  East  that  he  made,  ac- 
\.  companied   by   his   affectionate  wife.      He 

"" "  was  prominent  in  laying  the  corner  stone 

GEN.  JOHN  MILLER  ^f  the  Henry   Clay  monument,  being  one 

of   the   field   marshals   and   in   command   of   the   military   contingent 


Hist  on/  and  Genealogies 

from  Madison,  Estill,  Garrard,  and  Lincoln.  His  first  introduction 
into  military  life,  for  which  he  ever  had  a  fondness,  came  about  in 
this  way:  During  his  young  manhood, 
whilst  living  in  Richmond,  the  young 
blood  of  the  town  and  surrounding  coun- 
try organized  a  volunteer  military  com- 
pany and  uniformed  it,  which  organiza- 
tion was  equipped  with  guns  and  muni- 
tions of  war  by  the  State.  John  Miller 
was  elected  captain  of  the  company.  In 
the  military  system  of  the  State  all  the 
officers  were  commissioned  by  the  Gover- 
nor; it  was  always  the  custom  for  each 
company  to  select  by  vote  its  own  cap- 
tain, and  while  the  Governor  was  not 
bound  by  law  to  respect  such  selection, 
yet  he  invariably  commissioned  the  choice 
of  the  company.  After  receiving  his  com- 
mission  as   captain,   John   Miller   rose  by 

regular    promotion    to    major,    lieutenant-         ELIZABETH  i  GOCDLOE 
colonel,     colonel,     brigadier-general,     and  Wife  of  Cen.  John  Miller 

major-general — that  is,  to  the  highest  rank  in  the  military  arrange- 
ment of  the  State.  A  major-general's  command  was  that  of  eight 
regiments;  his  command  then  comprised  tlie  militia  of  the  Counties 
of  Madison,  Estill,  Garrard,  and  Lincoln.  At  his  death  General 
Miller  held  a  commission  to  raise  a  Brigade  of  Federal  troops  to 
be  composed  of  four  regiments — that  is,  he  was  authorized  by  the 
Federal  Government  to  recruit  such  a  Brigade,  of  which  he  would 
be  given  the  command,  to  fight  for  the  preservation  of  the  Union, 
but  his  death  ended  his  endeavors  in  this  direction. 

The  battle  of  Richmond,  Kentucky,  was  fought  August  3  0,  IS 62, 
between  the  Federal  and  Confederate  forces,  in  which  engagement 
the  Federals  were  utterly  routed.  General  Miller  took  an  active 
rart  in  this  battle — he  went  into  the  battle  as  aid  to  General  Schaoff, 
(August  30,  1862)  and  whilst  trying  to  rally  a  disordered  column 
n-^ar  Mount  Zion  Meeting  House,  on  the  Big  Hill  Road,  fell  mortally 
wounded;  he  was  removed  to  the  residence  of  Mr.  Thomas  Palmer 
near  by,  where  he  breathed  his  last  September  6,  18  62.  His  remains 
were  buried  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery,  the  inscriptions  on  the 
monument,  towit: 

"Gen'l  John  Miller, 

Born  June   3  0,   1798. 

Mortally   wounded   Aug.    30,    18  62, 

while    gallantly    rallying    a    disordered    column    of    soldiers 

bearing   the  banner   of   the   Union. 

Died  Sept.   6,  1862. 

"Brave,  generous  and  affectionate,  he  commanded  the 
admiration  of  the  virtuous  when  living;  and  in  death  their 
unfeigned  regret." 

By  the  side  of  his  tomb  is  that  of  his  wife  on  which  is  inscribed: 

"Elizabeth   J. 

wife  of 

Gen'l   John   Miller. 

Daughter    of    Wm.    and    Susannah    Goodloe. 

Born  November   23,    1809.      Died   October   31,    1876." 

"Her  children  rise  up  and  call  her  blessed." 

Ilisturij  nitil   ( li'iicdioijics  77 

will  perpetuate  the  memory  of  General  .Miller,  his  gallantry,  his  pat- 
I'iotism,  and  the  note  of  that  event,  and  of  his  good  wife  so  long  as 
the  monument  stands. 

A  letter  from  the  Treasury  Department,  Washington  City,  bear- 
ing date  September  2,  1862,  signed  by  the  Commissioner  of  Internal 
Revenue  was  forwarded  to  General  .John  JNIiller,  Richmond,  Ky., 
notifying  him  of  his  appointment  by  the  President  of  the  United 
States  as  Collector  of  Internal  Revenus,  under  the  act  of  Congress, 
approved  July  1,  1862,  entitled  "An  act  to  i)rovide  Internal  Revenue 
to  support  the  Government,  and  to  pay  interest  on  the  public  debt," 
for  the  2nd  Collection  district  of  the  State  of  Kentucky,  comprising 
the  Counties  of  Boyle,  Cumberland,  Clinton,  Adair,  Casey,  Taylor, 
Green,  Russell,  Pulaski,  Wayne,  Lincoln,  Madison,  Garrard,  Rock- 
castle, Laurel,  Wnitley,  Knox,  Harlan,  Letcher,  Pike,  Floyd,  .Johnson, 
Perry,  Owsley,  Estill,  Clay,  Breathitt,  Wolfe,  Magoffin,  and  .Jack- 
son, and  Wm.  M.  Spencer,  Esq.,  of  Greensburg,  was  appointed 
assessor  for  the  same  district. 

Mr.  Miller's  commission  as  collector  with  a  bond  in  the  penal 
sum  of  $50,000,  was  the  same  day  forwarded  to  Hon.  Bland  Ballard, 
Judge,  U.  S.  District  Court,  Louisville,  for  execution  by  General 
Miller,  who  was  directed  to  divide  his  district  into  such  divisions  as 
he  might  deem  expedient,  designate  them  by  numbers  and  appoint 
Deputy  Collectors,  in  each  for  whose  official  conduct  he  would  be 
held  responsible,  etc.,  but  four  days  after  the  date  of  this  letter  and 
commission.    General   Miller   died. 

In  his  young  manhood,  he  acquired  considerable  reputation  as 
a  military  officer  and  disciplinarian,  and  at  almost  all  the  military 
displays  in  his  section,   he  was   placed  in   command. 

In  1840,  the  great  celebration  of  the  Settlement  of  Kentucky, 
was  held  at  Boonsborough  with  a  Military  Encampment  consisting 
of  all  the  Volunteer  and  Amateur  Military  Companies  of  the  State 
in  attendance  for  a  week  or  more.  It  was  a  state  occasion  and  celebra- 
tion and  attended  by  large  crowds,  besides  the  military  array  and 
display.  General  Miller  was  made  commandant  of  the  encampment, 
considered  quite  a  distinction,  as  there  was  much  discussion  as  to 
who  would  be  the  proper  man  to  conduct  it.  General  Leslie  Combs 
was  one  of  his  sub-altern  officers.  In  his  day  an  annual  board  of 
visitors,  consisting  of  seven  persons  appointed  by  the  President  of 
the  United  States,  two  Senators  by  the  President  of  the  Senate,  and 
three  Representatives  by  the  Speaker  of  the  House,  attended  the 
annual  examinations  of  the  United  States  Military  Academy  at  West 
Point  and  made  annual  report  on  the  condition  of  the  academy. 
General  William  Henry  Harrison  died  within  about  one  month  after 
his  inauguration  the  4th  of  March,  1841,  as  President-elect  of  the 
United  States,  which  event  placed  the  Vice  President,  Mr.  Tyler, 
in  the  high  office  of  President.  During  this  term  General  Miller 
was  selected  by  the  President  as  one  of  the  seven  distinguished 
,gentlemen  to  attend  in  1841  the  annual  examination  of  the  acad- 
emy. Colonel  John  Speed  Smith,  who  up  to  the  time  of  General 
Harrison's  candidacy  for  the  Presidency  had  been  a  Democrat,  be- 
came an  ardent  supporter  of  General  Harrison:  he  had  been  one  of 
General  Harrison's  aids-de-camp  during  the  Indian  wars  and  was 
a  warm  personal  as  well  as  political  friend  of  General  Harrison,  and 
Colonel  Smith  greatly  interested  himself  in  procuring  the  appoint- 
ment for  General  Miller. 

Mr.  Owsley  was  elected  Governor  of  the  State  of  Kentucky  in 
1844;    during   his   administration    the   trial    and    execution    at    Man- 

78  Historj/  nncl  Genealogies 

Chester,  Clay  County,  Ky.,  of  Dr.  Abner  Baker  for  the  murder  of 
his  brother-in-law,  Daniel  Bates,  occurred.  There  was  very  great 
excitement  not  only  in  Clay  County,  but  also  in  the  counties  of  Mad- 
ison and  Garrard,  in  which  each  of  the  parties  had  many  relatives 
and  friends;  very  strenuous  efforts  were  made  by  the  friends  of  Dr. 
Baker  to  have  him  pardoned,  which  efforts  wei-e  as  strenuously  re- 
sisted by  the  friends  of  Mr.  White;  the  Governor,  however,  declined 
to  intercede.  Fearing  an  effort  at  rescue,  upon  petition,  the  Gov- 
ernor, to  prevent  rescue  and  preserve  the  peace  and  dignity  of  the 
State,  called  out  the  militia  of  Madison  County  and  placed  General 
Miller  in  command  thereof;  and  he  marshalled  his  forces  and  they 
marched  to  the  scene  of  the  apprehended  trouble;  it  was  considered 
a  very  responsible  and  difficult  position.  He  and  his  men  were  on 
duty  several  weeks  at  Manchester,  remaining  till  after  the  execution. 

General  Miller  was  a  prominent  merchant  of  Richmond,  Ky., 
from  his  early  manhood  until  a  very  short  time  before  his  end.  In 
his  mercantile  life  he  made  many  horseback  trips  from  his  native 
town  to  Baltimore,  Philadelphia  and  other  Eastern  cities  for  mer- 
chandise. On  one  of  these  Eastern  trips,  in  183  5,  he  arrived  from 
Baltimore  in  Philadelphia  on  the  evening  of  March  13,  1S3  5,  and 
stopped  at  the  United  States  Hotel.  A  letter  in  his  own  hand,  writ- 
ten by  him  at  10  o'clock  p.  m.  the  next  day,  at  said  hotel,  to  his 
wife  Elizabeth,  begins  in  this  way;  "Having  an  opportunity 
by  the  Hon.  Davy  Crockett,  I  drop  you  a  line."  Col.  Crock- 
ett, the  Representative  from  Tennessee,  was  figuring  upon  a  large 
scale  in  the  East,  receiving  great  ovations  of  immense  crowds  and 
the  night  this  letter  was  written  General  Miller  attended  the  the- 
ater on  Arch  Street  to  witness  a  reception  given  Colonel  Crockett, 
who  when  he  (Crockett)  took  his  seat  in  the  box  was  cheered  for 
several  minutes  heavily.  "Go  ahead,"  etc.,  etc.,  rang  from  side  to 
side  by  an  immense  crowd,  which  General  Miller  writes  was  much 
the  largest  he  had  ever  seen  in  the  city,  and  he  had  the  pleasure  of 
an  introduction  to  Colonel  Crockett  by  Representative  Mr.   Low. 

On  more  than  one  occasion  General  Miller  visited  his  kins- 
people  in  Virginia,  making  the  trip  on  horseback. 

He  owned  and  occui)ied  as  his  home,  till  just  before  his  death, 
the  handsome  and  desirable  property  on  Lancaster  Avenue,  now 
owned  and  occupied  by  William  W.  Watts,  Esquire;  on  the  site  of 
the  old  mansion  Mr.  Watts  has  erected  a  large  palatial  residence. 

General  John  Miller,  on  the  23d  day  of  April,  1830,  was  married, 
near  Richmond,  Ky.,  to  Elizabeth  Jones  Goodloe.  She  was  born 
November  23,  1809,  and  died  October  31,  187  6.  (See  obituary.) 
She  was  a  daughter  of  William  Goodloe  and  Susannah  Woods,  his 
wife.  (See  Part  2,  Chap.  11.)  Mrs.  Miller  was  a  most  excellent 
Christian  woman,  wife  and  mother. 

Obituary — Miller.  (Died)  At  the  residence  of  Gen.  David  S. 
Goodloe,  in  Lexington,  on  Tuesday,  October  3,  1876,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
J.  Miller,  aged  67  years,  having  been  born  November  23,  1809. 
This  excellent  lady  was  a  daughter  of  William  Goodloe,  Sr.,  and  a 
native  of  Madison  County.  In  early  womanhood  she  was  married 
to  Gen.  John  Miller,  and  thereafter  lived  in  the  town  of  Richmond 
until  her  husband's  death,  who,  it  will  be  remembered,  lost  his  life 
in  the  ranks  of  the  Union  army  in  the  battle  near  this  place,  August 
3  0,  18  62.  Mrs.  Miller  subsequently  removed  to  Paris,  Ky.,  and  con- 
tinued to  reside  there  until  her  death.  Her  acquaintance  and  rela- 
tionship were  wide  and  general  throughout  many  of  the  counties  of 
Central   Kentucky   and   in   other   States,   and   it   can   be   said   with   no 

l/islnn/    tiiiil    (lriic(ilu(/i('s  79 

exaggeration,  but  with  perfect  tnilli.  llial  wherever  and  by  whom- 
soever known  she  commanded  the  most  attectionate  and  heartfelt 
love  and  resi)ect.  Her  virtues  and  personal  character  and  intelli- 
gence were  of  the  highest  order.  She  was  a  prudent,  generous  and 
affectionate  wife,  mother,  sister  and  friend.  Her  life  was  of 
chequered  experience.  She  had  known  affluence  and  poverty,  joy 
and  many  sorrows.  Death,  in  varied  and  the  severest  terms,  had 
again,  again  and  again  knocked  at  the  portal  of  her  house,  and  had 
borne  away  from  her — parents,  brothers,  sisters,  husband  and  chil- 
dren: but  with  unshrinking  fortitude  she  bowed  submissively  to 
these  trials  and  bereavements  and  prayed  for  strength  to  watch  over 
and  nurture  the  orphans  thrown  upon  her  care,  thus  roiinding  off 
beautifully  her  life  and  supplanting  soi-row  by  duty.  Her  final  de- 
])arture  from  earth  was  very  sudden  and  was  a  crushing  blow  to 
her  family.  Down  to  the  very  morning  of  her  death  she  seemed  in 
robust  and  perfect  health,  and  was  enjoying  the  society  of  relatives 
in  Fayette  prei)aratory  to  a  visit  to  the  home  of  her  childhood,  youth 
and  maturer  years.  But,  alas!  that  visit  was  never  to  be  paid;  but 
on  the  day  following  her  remains  were  borne  hither  in  pall  and 
shroud,  and  in  the  presence  of  sorrowing  kindred  and  friends  were 
consigned  to  that  narrow  house  appointed  for  all  the  living.  But 
they  who  knew  and  loved  her  do  not  doubt  that,  life's  Christian 
duties  all  discharged,  she  has  met  the  reward  of  eternal  rest  prom- 
ised to  the  saints  of  God  through  the  merits  and  sacrifices  of  the 
Redeemer,  who  had  been  her  trust  and  stay.  Mrs.  Miller  was  a 
woman  of  rare  dignity  of  character,  of  noble  presence,  intellectual 
and  cultured;  her  sympathies  were  broad,  she  practiced  the  truest 
benevolence,  a  good  friend,  loyal  wife  and  devoted  mother.  She 
finished  her  education  at  one  of  the  best  boarding  schools  of  the 
day  at  Lexington.  She  was  always  fond  of  her  husband's  brothers 
and  a  good  friend  to  them — appreciated  them  at  their  full  worth. 
The  half  has  not  been  told  of  her  goodness  and  worth. 

The  children  of  General  .John  Miller  and  Elizabeth  .1.  Goodloe, 
his  wife: 

Section  1.  Susannah  Woods  Miller,  born  at  Richmond,  Ky., 
February  13,  1831.  She  married.  May  2.5,  1S.51,  her  cousin.  Dr. 
Michael  Woods  Barclay,  of  Lexington,  Vii'^ginia.  (See  Part  2,  Chap. 
28,  Sec.  2.)  She  died  at  Paris,  Ky.,  March  3  0,  187  7.  She  was  a 
lovely  character,  a  charming  Christian.  The  marriage  occurred  in 
Richmond,  Ky.  Dr.  Barclay  died  October  2  3,  1858,  as  set  forth  in 
the  obituary  notice,  towit: 

(Died)  "In  this  place,  on  Saturday.  October  23,  1858,  at  eleven 
p.  m.,  at  the  residence  of  Gen.  .John  Miller,  Dr.  M.  W.  Barclay,  of 
Dulmonary  consumption.  The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in 
Lexington,  Rockbridge  County,  Va.,  December  2,  1824;  graduated 
at  Washington  College,  Va.,  in  1844:  received  the  degree  of  Medi- 
cine from  Jefferson  College.  Philadeli)hia,  in  1847;  removed  to  Ken- 
tucky in  1849;  was  married  in  1851;  i)racticed  medicine  in  Bour- 
bon County  until  1854,  when  he  removed  to  St.  Francis  County. 
Ark.,  and  there,  after  enjoying  a  lucrative  practice  of  his  profes- 
sion until  185  7,  he  was  attacked  with  consumption,  which  termi- 
nated in  his  decease  at  the  age  of  thirty-three  years,  nine  months 
and  twenty-one  days.  It  rarely  becomes  necessary  to  chronicle  the 
death  of  so  interesting  a  character  as  the  one  under  notice.  En- 
dowed by  nature  with  superior  intellect,  the  life  which  under  all 
circumstances  would  have  been  marked  with  interest,  was  especial- 
ly so  with   the  super-added   advantages   of  a   refined   and   scholastic 

80  Historij  (ind   Genealogies 

education.  Who  can  but  lament  that  one  so  gifted  should  have 
been  cut  down  in  the  meridian  of  manhood;  that  the  tree  which 
promised  so  abundant  a  harvest  of  usefulness  should  in  a  few  mo- 
ments lie  low  with  earth?.  Nevertheless,  'being  dead,  he  yet  speak- 
eth,'  and  they  who  survive  as  mourners  remember  the  whispers  of 
that  faith  which  bade  them  prepare  to  meet  him  in  the  skies.  They 
remember  the  fruits  of  that  religion  which  taking  its  abode  in  his 
soul  in  18  5.5,  in  a  distant  State,  was  his  'firm  foundation'  during 
the  panigs  of  dissolution.  As  husband,  brother,  son  and  friend  his 
life  was  worthy  of  emulation,  but  as  a  Christian — being  a  devoted 
member  of  the  Methodist  Church — survivors  contemplate  his  char- 
acter with  the  greatest  delight.  Truly  'the  righteous  hath  hope  in 
his  death,'  for  while  his  faith  pointed  to  a  heart  purified  from  sin, 
to  a  love  which  only  the  ransomed  know,  and  to  a  victory  over  the 
world  complete  and  triumphant,  that  hope  still  sheds  its  fragrance 
over  the  grave,  warning  all  of  his  glorious  resurrection  and  their 
mortality.  May  God  sanctify  to  the  afflicted  their  deepest  distress 
and  distill  within  them  the  dew  of  heaven  for  solace  now,  and  for 
glory  hereafter. 

"Life's  duty  done,  as  sinks  the  clay. 
Light   from  its  load  the  spirit   flies; 
While  heaven   and   earth   combine   to   say, 
How    blest    the    righteous   when    he    dies." 

Their  children  were: 

1.  Hugh  Barclav,  born  October  17,  1852,  at  Clintonville,  Bour- 
bon County,  Ky.;  died  March  3  0,  18  55,  in  St.  Francis  County, 

2.  Bettie  M.  Barclay,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  September  30, 
1854;    died  June  20,   1876,  at   Paris,  Ky. 

1.  Mary  M.  Barclay,  was  born  at  Glenann,  St.  Francis  County, 
Ark.,  March  4,  1857;   died  March  13,  1877. 

Obituarv — Barclay.  Died  in  this  city,  Mar.  13,  1877,  at  the  res- 
idence of  her  grandmother,  the  late  Mrs.  Elizabeth  J.  Miller,  Miss 
Mary  M.  Barclay,  of  consumption.  Again  death  has  entered  a 
stricken  household.  Less  than  a  year  ago  the  deceased  was  ap- 
parentlv  in  the  enjoyment  of  health,  but  the  places  that  knew 
her  shall  know  her  no  more.  Stealthily  disease  laid  its  hand 
upon  her,  preparing  the  way  for  the  approach  of  death.  But 
her  kindred  who  knew  her  best  do  not  doubt  that  death  was 
made  the  occasion  to  her  of  a  happy  exchange  and  great  gain. 
Four  years  ago,  upon  professing  faith  in  Christ  as  the  Savior 
of  sinners,  she  was  received  into  the  Baptist  Church  of  this  city; 
as  thev  believe,  persevered  in  the  faith  with  childlike  confidence 
in  Jesus'  power  to  save  unto  the  end.  After  the  development  of 
her  disease  she  seems  to  have  been  resigned  to  it  without  com- 
plaint. A  short  time  before  her  departure  she  sang  these  words 
of  a  favorite  song;  "I  am  waiting,  worn  and  weary,"  etc. 
Her  purity  of  character,  gentle  manners  and  kindness  of  heart 
have  left  her  memory  embalmed  in  the  hearts  of  many  who  sigh 
and  shed  tears  over  her  early  death.  In  mercy  to  her,  we  trust 
God  has  granted  her  exemption  from  the  trials  of  life  and  rests 
with  loved  ones  who  have  preceded  her  in  the  home  of  the  justi- 
fied. No  feeling  person  can  regard  the  removal  of  this  lovely 
girl  from  earth  to  the  realm  of  spirits  without  awful  contempla- 
tion of  the  mysteriousness  of  the  divine  appointment,  or  without 
sympathy  for   a  mourning  household,   especially   for   an   afflicted 

Jli.slori/  and   (icncdioi/ics  SI 

mother,  who,  herself  on  a  bed  of  sickness,  without  parenis,  with- 
out husband,  and  childless,  is  left  to  mourn  the  wreck  of  departed 
hopes.  May  the  God  of  Jacob  be  found  her  refuge  and  strength. 
— Western  Citizen    (Paris). 

Section  2.  Sarah  Clinton  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  Aug. 
10,  1832;  she  married  her  cousin,  David  Goodloe,  of  Tuscumbia, 
Alabama,  December  29,  1852.  She  died  in  St.  Francis  County,  Ar- 
kansas, September  6,   1857.     Their  children  were: 

1.  William  M.  Goodloe,  married  Mary  Stephens,  of  Marietta,  O. 

2.  Margaret  C.  Goodloe,  of  Paris,  Ky. 

Section  :).  Margaret  Shackelford  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky., 
Mar.  2  8,  1834;  married  Rev.  Edmund  H.  Burnam,  a  minister  of  the 
Regular  Baptist  Church;  a  number  of  years  editor  of  the  Regular 
Baptist  Magazine,  i)ublished  at  Mexico,  Mo.  For  a  long  period  served 
the  church  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  administering  ordinances  and  preach- 
ing. He  is  a  highly  educated  gentleman,  a  son  of  Thompson  Bur- 
nam, a  staunch  Primitive  Baptist  in  his  day.  Mrs.  Burnam  died 
February  3,  186 — .  Elder  Burnam  married  again  Ann  Williams. 
(See  Part  2,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  2).  The  issue  of  the  marriage  of  Mar- 
garet S.   Miller  and  Elder  E.  H.  Burnam: 

1.  Prof.  .John  Miller  Burnam  (Ph.  D.),  now  filling  the  chair 
of  Latin  in  the  Cincinnati  University,  was  born  at  Irvine,  Ky., 
April  9,  1864.  In  1869  he  came  with  his  parents  to  Boone  Coun- 
ty, Mo.,  where  he  remained  until  187  6,  when  his  family  returned 
to  Richmond,  Ky.  From  .January,  1877,  to  June,  1878,  he  was 
a  student  at  Central  University,  Richmond,  Ky.  In  the  fall  of 
1878  he  entered  Smith  Academy,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  the  next 
year  became  a  member  of  the  Freshman  class  of  Washington  Uni- 
versity. In  September,  1880,  Dr.  Burnam  matriculated  at  Yale 
University,  New  Haven,  Conn.  His  career  at  that  institution  was 
most  brilliant.  He  won  the  Hulbunt  Scholarship  in  May,  1881, 
and  the  Berkeley  Premium  in  Latin  Composition  the  same  year. 
In  June,  1884,  he  received  his  A.  B.  degree  and  the  Larned 
Scholarship  ($3  00  per  year).  For  two  years  after  graduation  he 
pursued  his  studies  at  Yale  as  a  graduate  student  in  Sanskrit 
(under  the  celebrated  Whiting)  Latin  and  (chiefly)  Romance 
languages,  and  was  made  a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  in  1886.  Dur- 
ing the  next  three  years  Dr.  Burnam  continued  his  researches 
abroad,  studying  in  France,  Germany  and  Spain.  Since  his  home 
coming  he  has  pursued  his  special  studies  in  Latin  and  Roman 
Palaeography  with  great  zeal  and  has  prepared  a  series  of  orig- 
inal articles  on  Statues  and  Prudontius  which  appear  as  a  part 
of  the  American  School  at  Rome,  in  the  American  Journal  of 
Archaeology.  His  collection  of  manuscripts  is  one  of  the  best 
in  the  United  States,  perhaps  the  best,  and  most  comprehensive 
owned  by  a  private  individual  in  this  country,  in  spite  of  the  fact 
that  the  greater  portion  of  his  library  was  destroyed  by  the  burn- 
ing of  the  old  university  building  in  1892.  He  was  elected  to 
membership  in  the  American  Philological  Association  in  June, 

Section  4.  Daniel  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Kv.,  March  19, 
1836;    died  March   29,   1836. 

Section    5.      William    Goodloe    Miller,    born    in    Richmond,    Ky., 
March  19,  1836;   died  of  cholera  at  Richmond,  August  12,  1849. 

82  History  and  Genealogies 

Section  6.  Elizabeth  Goodloe  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky., 
May  9,  1838;  married  William  M.  Hinton,  at  Paris,  Ky.,  April  7, 
1868.  Mr.  Hinton  is  a  leading  substantial  citizen  of  Bourbon  Coun- 
ty.    Their  children: 

1.  William  M.  Hinton,  born  July  1,  1872,  in  Paris,  Ky. 

2.  C.  Oakford  Hinton,  born  August  19,  187  4,  in  Paris,  Ky. 

3.  Bertha  G.  Hinton,  born  July  4,  187  6,  in  Paris,  Ky. 

4.  Robert  T.  Hinton,  born  July  11,  1878,  in  Paris,  Ky. 

Section  7.  Mary  M.  Miller,  born  March  18,  1840,  in  Richmond, 
Ky.  She  married  Charles  Stephens,  at  Paris,  Ky.,  October  22,  1867. 
Mr.  Stephens  was  born  in  Paris,  Ky.,  December  21,  1840.  He  is 
a  successful  merchant  and  leading  citizen  of  that  place.  Their 
children  are: 

1.  Dr.  William  Barclay  Stephens,  born  in  Paris,  Ky.,  Januai-y 
4,  1869;  graduated  from  Georgetown  College  in  the  class  of  1890, 
with  A.  M.  degree.  In  the  fall  of  the  same  year  he  entered  the 
College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Medical  Department  of  Co- 
lumbia College,  in  the  city  of  New  York.  After  the  required  three 
years'  preparation,  practicing  during  the  time  in  the  Roosevelt 
Hospital  and  Vanderbilt  Clinic,  he  received  his  diploma.  Also 
one  from  Vanderbilt  Clinic  for  the  special  course  of  the  treatment 
of  the  eye.  Immediately  upon  graduation  he  located  in  San  Fran- 
cisco as  specialist  for  the  eye,  ear  and  throat,  where  he  is  en- 
gaged in  a  large  and  extensive  practice.  He  resides  across  the 
bay  in  the  city  of  Alameda,  where  he  also  has  otRce.  He  ranks 
amongst  the  first  as  specialist  and  authority.  His  office  was  de- 
stroyed by  fire  after  the  earthquake.  He  was  appointed  official 
bacterialogist  by  the  Board  of  Health.  The  Alameda  (California) 
Argus  prints  the  following  in  the  August  5  issue  concerning  Dr. 
W.  Barclay  Stephens,  son  of  Mr.  Charles  Stephens,  of  Paris: 

"Dr.  W.  B.  Stephens  was  given  a  surprise  last  evening  when 
he  appeared  to  attend  the  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Health,  of 
which  he  is  a  member.  It  was  the  first  session  the  Doctor  has 
attended  since  his  illness.  He  has  become  a  Benedict  since  his 
recovery,  and  the  fact  was  duly  noted  by  the  members  of  the 
board  and  the  employees  of  the  Health  Department.  As  a  mark 
of  the  high  esteem  in  which  the  Doctor  is  held  by  them  they  pre- 
sented him  with  an  elegant  cut  glass  set.  The  presentation  was 
made,  on  behalf  of  the  board  and  the  Health  Department  em- 
ployees, by  Dr.  W.  O.  Smith,  who  spoke  of  the  friendly  relations 
that  existed  between  the  Doctor  and  his  co-workers,  of  his  valu- 
able service  to  the  city,  and  of  the  great  interest  he  took  in  the 
affairs  of  the  Health  Board.  Congratulations  were  also  extended 
as  a  result  of  the  Doctor's  wedding.  Dr.  Stephens  was  taken  com- 
pletely by  surprise  and  could  hardly  find  words  to  express  his 
deep  sense  of  appreciation  for  the  kindly  sentiments  of  those  with 
whom  he  has  been  associated  for  so  long.  He  was  married  Wed- 
nesday, June  24,  1903,  to  Louise  Bruce,  at  the  home  of  the  bride's 
father.  Captain  James  H.  Bruce,  No.  1262  Jackson  Street,  San 
Francisco,  by  the  Rev.  Guthrie,  of  San  Francisco.  There  were  no 
attendants  and  the  ceremony  was  witnessed  only  by  a  few  rela- 
tives and  immediate  friends  of  the  couple." 

William  Barclay  Stephens,  in  his  youth  was  a  perfect  genius; 
in  his  maturer  years,  turned  his  genius  to  the  human  body  and 
is  now  one  of  the  noted  surgeons  for  the  operation  on  the  head 
and  about  the  brain;  he  is  well  known  in  the  medical  world. 
They  have  one  child: 

nixlonj  (111(1  Genealogies  S3 

1.   Bruce  Miller  Stephens,  born  August   5,   1904. 

2.  Dr.  Charles  .Joy  Stephens,  born  in  Paris,  Ky.,  January  4, 
1S69;  graduated  from  Georgetown  College  in  the  class  of  1895 
with  A.  M.  degree.  He  joined  his  brother  in  California  in  August 
of  same  year,  entered  the  College  of  Dentistry  of  the  University 
of  California,  where,  after  the  required  term  of  study  (three 
years),  he  took  his  diploma  and  began  practice  of  his  profession 
in  San  Francisco.  He  was  very  successful  until  the  earthquake 
occurred  in  April,  1906,  when  his  handsome  office  with  all  the 
modern  appliances  was  destroyed  by  fire,  which  followed  the 
earthquake.  He  at  present  is  practicing  in  Paris,  Ky.,  but  expects 
to  return  and  resume  practice  in  San  Francisco. 

3.  Elizabeth  Goodloe  Stephens,  born  in  Paris,  Kv.,  September 
12,   1875. 

4.  John   Miller   Stephens,   born  in   Paris,   Ky.,  July   6,    1S79. 

Section  8.  John  Barclay  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  July 
7,  1843:  married  Llewellyn  B.  Holloday,  December  20,  1882,  at 
Paris,   Ky. 

Section  9.  Lucy  Anne  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  in  1845; 
now  residing  in  Paris,  Ky.;   unmarried. 

Section  10.  Octavia  G.  Miller,  born  in  Richmond,  Kv.,  April 
14,  1847:  died  of  cholera  in  1849. 

All  the  daughters  of  General  John  Miller  were  handsome,  stylish, 
well  educated,  accomplished  women;  their  superiors  are  not  in  this 
country.  General  Miller  and  his  wife  educated  their  children  in  the 
best  schools  and  gave  them  proper  training  and  entered  them  in  the 
best  society,  and  they  grew  up  to  be  women  of  graceful  and  beauti- 
ful manners;  they  respected  all  entitled  to  respect  and  were  re- 
spected by  every  one  who  came  in  contact  with  them.  Through  the 
trials  and  vicissitudes  of  life  each  has  kept  her  fair  name.  Two  of 
the  married  daughters,  Mrs.  Hinton  and  Mrs.  Stephens,  of  Paris, 
Ky.,  and  the  single  daughter  Miss  Lucy,  with  their  brother,  John  B., 
survive,  and  all  reside  in  the  same  city,  Paris,  Ky.  As  their  days 
have  demanded  so  has  their  strength  been.  The  good  times  John 
had  with  the  family  of  his  uncle  Irvine  in  his  young  days,  when 
he  and  Ed.  Shackelford  and  often  Marion  Green,  and  sometimes 
others,  would  come  out  from  Richmond  in  the  fall  of  the  year  in 
the  quailing  season  and  spend  times  hunting  the  girds,  are  well  re- 
membered. Uncle  Irvine  and  Aunt  Talitha's  home  was  to  them  a 
great  place  of  enjoyment,  where  they  had  perfect  freedom  in  the 
field  of  sport  and  pleasure. 


History  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in  Section  4,  Chapter  5,   Part   1.) 

Article  1. — Major  James  Miller,  a  son  of  Daniel  Miller  and  Snsannah 
Woods,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Madison  Connty,  Keutneky,  Au- 
gust 3,  1800. 




was   married   in   said   county   July    24,    1823,    to   Frances   M. 
a  daughter  of  John  Harris  and  Margaret  Maupin,  his  wife. 

(See  Part  3,  Chap.  41.)  She  was  born 
March  2  6,  1802,  and  died  December  17, 
1880.  About  the  year  1826  or  18  27  he 
moved  his  family  to  Lincoln  County,  Ky., 
and  bought  a  farm  near  Milledgeville, 
and  lived  there  a  few  years;  sold  his 
farm,  bought  another  on  Dick's  River, 
about  five  miles  from  Stanford,  to  which 
he  moved  and  there  made  his  permanent 
home  and  engaged  in  farming  and  stock 
raising  until  his  death,  which  occurred 
May  2,  18  69.  The  remains  of  both  were 
interred  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery.  Maj. 
James  Miller  was,  under  the  old  regime, 
a  Major  of  Militia.  He  was  a  solid,  good 
man,  honest,  kind,  generous,  and  brave: 
he  had  a  fair  common  English  education 
and  was  a  good  scribe.  At  his  home  ele- 
gant entertainments  were  given.  Al- 
though he  held  no  office  other  than  that 
mentioned,  he  possessed  the  qualifications  of  a  statesman,  and  was 
well  versed  in  the  affairs  of  government.  Many  distinguished  per- 
sons were  guests  at  his  home.  His  wife  was  a  noble  Christian 
woman  and  saint  of  God,  endowed  with  a  strong  mind,  well  bal- 
anced, kind,  affectionate,  true,  loyal  and  devoted  wife  and  mother, 
with  many  friends.  Both  were  highly  esteemed  by  their  neighbors, 
acquaintances  and  relatives  and  all  spoke  in  the  highest  terms  and 
most  reverently  of  Major  Miller  and  his  wife.  Their  children  were: 
Section  1.  Christopher  Miller,  a  son,  born  in  Madison  County; 
died  in  his  youth   (Nov.  25,  18  24 — Aug.  18,   1829). 

Section  2.  Daniel  Miller,  a  son,  born  in  Madison  County,  Sept. 
10,  1826;  was  never  married;  died  a  bachelor,  having  prior  to  his 
death,  upon  a  profession  of  faith  in  the  Savior,  united  with  the  old 
Baptist  Church.  He  served  many  years  in  the  capacities  of  Deputy 
Sheriff  and  Constable  of  his  county. 

Section  3.  Margaret  Susan  Miller,  a  daughter,  born  in  Lincoln 
County,  Oct.  4,  1828;  married  Dr.  William  Pettus,  May  17,  1859. 
She  survived  her  husband  many  years  and  died.  The  remains  of 
both  lie  in  the  cemetery  at  Danville.     Their  only  son: 

1.  James  Miller  Pettus,  born  June  28,  1860;  married  a  kins- 
woman, Miss  Jennie  Pettus,  of  Lincoln  County,  and  purchased  a 
farm  near  Stanford,  on  which  he  now  lives. 

/lishini   mill    (1  riii'iiloi/ics  H5 

Section  4.  IMaliiuhi  Miller,  a  daughter,  born  July  26,  1830; 
married  Mr.  .John  Huilcr,  Xov.  17,  IMJS,  with  whom  she  lived  a 
number  of  years  and  he  died,  after  which  she  became  the  wife  of 
Leo  Hayden,  a  prominent  citizen  of  Lincoln  County,  Feb.  9,  1S75, 
whom  she  also  survived.  She  ventured  for  the  third  time  into  the 
holv  state  of  matrimony  by  joining  her  fortunes  with  .Tohn  T.  Stone, 
of  Edgerton,  Missouri,  May  22,  1879,  in  which  Stale  they  now 
live  at  Edgerton,  Platte  County,  Missouri.  Since  the  above  was 
written  IMr.  Stone  has  died,  and  Mrs.  Stone  now  lives  at  Stanford, 

Section  5.  John  Harris  Miller,  born  in  TJncoln  County,  Ky., 
Feb.  27,  1832.  He  married  a  widow,  Mrs.  Angeline  Brown  Harris, 
widow  of  Charles  Lee  Harris,  Feb.  9.  1875.  She  was  born  Oct.  9, 
1832:  died  Sept.  8,  1881.  (See  Part  VHI,  Chap.  14,  Sec.  8,  and  Part 
Ul,  Chap.  4.)  She  died  without  issue,  the  subject  surviving;  after 
which  he  was  married  to  Miss  Sallie  Phillips,  of  Stanford,  which 
proved  to  be  an  unhappy  union  and  a  separation  took  place. 

Under  the  second  administration  of  Grover  Cleveland,  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States,  John  H.  Miller  was  appointed  Consul  to 
Falkland  Islands,  off  the  extreme  southern  east  coast  of  South 
America,  in  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  whence  he  went  and  spent  four  years 
of  his  life.  He  returned  home  by  way  of  London,  England,  and 
other  noted  places,  having  a  long  and  very  interesting  voyage,  and 
was  received  at  his  Lincoln  County  home  with  open  hands  and  kind- 
soft  hearts  by  the  people,  who  met  him  at  the  depot  in  throngs,  with 
the  brass  band  and  drum,  which  was  too  much  for  him  and  complete- 
ly overcame  him  and  filled  him  too  full  for  utterance  when  called 
lipon  for  an  account  of  himself;  his  actions  spoke  louder  than  his 

He  enlisted  as  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War  of  1862,  and  espoused 
the  cause  of  the  South  and  entered  the  army's  active  service,  two 
of  his  brothers  being  enlisted  in  the  same  cause. 

He  was  a  humorous  and  sjiicy  writer  under  "Happy  Jack,"  his 
nom  de  plume.  His  productions  were  much  complimented  and  were 
very  amusing  to  the  reader.  A  sample  is  here  offered,  not,  how- 
ever, of  his  humorous: 

"Gen.   Wolford. 

"To  every  Kentucky  survivor  of  The  Lost  Cause.     To  the  Editor  of 
the  Interior  Journal: 

U.   S.   Consulate,   Port   Stanley,   Falkland   Islands, 

January  10,  189  6. 
"Comrades: — When  the  war  closed  the  Kentucky  soldiers  re- 
turned home  draped  in  mournful  glory.  Many  flowers  from  the 
ranks  of  her  contending  wings  had  been  cut  down.  We  who  sur- 
vived 'The  Lost  Cause'  had  been  denied  citizenship.  Xo  day  during 
the  war  was  so  sad,  so  dark  as  that  day.  Gen.  Wolford,  without 
solicitation  or  delay,  came  to  our  defense.  Others  who  were  con- 
sidered great,  not  great  like  Wolford,  Kentucky  has  never  had  but 
one  Wolford,  he  was  as  good  a  man  as  Gov.  Blackburn  and  greater 
than  Blackburn — cringed,  trembled  and  faltered.  Not  so  then,  never 
so  with  Wolford.  Braver  than  all  men,  more  generous,  if  possible, 
than  brave,  he  came  quickly  but  quietly  to  our  rescue.  Opposition 
vanished  like  trash  before  the  wind.  There  stood  the  old  man  in 
his  noble  bearing,  almost  alone,  brave  and  dauntless,  but  cool  and 
collected,  not  defiant,  not  dismayed,  not  disheartened.  His  rugged 
and  benevolent    face   and   brilliant   eye   fairly   beamed    and   twinkled. 

86  Historij  and   Genealogies 

with  smiles  and  love  as  he  extended  us  his  open  hand  of  sincere 
friendsliip  as  a  free-will  offering.  The  eye  of  Kentucky  turned  in 
astonished  gaze  upon  Wolford.  These  were  times  of  peril,  but  Wol- 
ford  was  not  afraid;  he  had  Truth,  Goodness,  Love,  and  Duty  as 
his  bodyguard.  His  great,  big  heart,  that  it  was  impossible  to  en- 
large, imparted  much  of  its  goodness  to  every  contracted  nature 
that  dared  listen  to  his  charming  theme.     Hear  him: 

"The  war  is  ended,  my  countrymen.  We  are  all  glad,  too  glad 
for  resentment.  This  is  not  the  day  for  Kentucky  to  bolt  her  doors 
against  any  class  of  her  manhood.  Her  doors  must  be  unbolted  and 
thrown  wide  open  to  all  alike.  The  Southern  soldier  has  fought 
his  last  battle.  He  has  surrendered:  we  have  brought  him  home 
with  us,  not  as  a  prisoner.  Heaven  forbid.  We  shake  our  heads 
at  the  thought.  Kentucky  cannot  afford,  will  not  dare,  hold  as 
prisoners  or  aliens  this  brave  band  of  her  own  sons  who  dared  bare 
their  breasts  to  battle's  storm  for  their  honest  conviction.  Ken- 
tucky needs  such  men  to-day.  They  have  stood  for  four  years,  true 
as  steel  against  those  hundreds  of  thousands  of  native  patriots  who 
rushed  to  the  front  so  promptly,  as  well  as  against  all  those  whom 
our  money  could  hire  from  abroad.  These  are  the  men  we  have 
brought  home,  but  not  as  prisoners,  not  as  aliens.  They  must  put 
on  the  whole  armor  of  citizenship." 

Such  was  his  plea  for  us.  Thank  God  for  Wolford.  No  wonder 
our  dear  old  mothers,  dead  and  gone  long  ago,  sung  "Home  Again" 
so  sweetly. 

When  convinced  of  his  right,  he  never  hesitated,  but  did  it  on 
the  instant.  He  never  weighed  consequences,  nor  looked  about  for 
friends.  "How  many  men  like  Wolford  have  you  in  Kentucky?" 
asked  the  great  Lincoln  of  Senator  Garret  Davis  when  Wolford  was 
carried  to  Washington  under  arrest.  "He  is  the  only  one,  Mr. 
President;  you  can  shoot  him  every  morning  for  his  convictions, 
but  he  will  never  surrender  one."  Mr.  Lincoln  knew  Wolford  was 
a  man;  he  was  a  man  himself,  never  surrendering  a  conviction; 
this  taught  Wolford  to  highly  regard  sincere  conviction  of  others. 
Daring  to  do  all  he  thought  right,  he  never  counted  cost  or  thought 
of  reward.  He  was  a  jewel  above  price.  This  simple  child  of  na- 
ture, so  profusely  endowed  with  the  best  and  richest  gift  that 
heaven  has  yet  bestowed  on  mair — a  love  for  his  fellows  that  casts 
out  all  fear,  is  gone. 

Col.  T.  P.  Hill,  of  Stanford,  Ky.,  proposes  that  the  Confederates 
erect  a  monument  to  his  memory. 

We  must  not  insult  or  wound  the  feeling  of  his  "Old  Regiment." 
Wolford's  men  never  would  bear  crowding  on,  none  of  us  can  forget 
that,  but  with  their  permission  to  render  this  heart  offering  to  our 
"best  friend"  in  our  darkest  day,  we  can  give  Col.  Hill  substantial 
assurance  that  we  cannot  forget  that  ready,  willing,  able  hand  that 
rescued  us  in  the  day  of  our  calamity.  We  have  lost  our  bravest  and 
most  generous  foe  in  war,  our  best  friend  in  peace.  "We  shall  not 
look  upon  his  like  again.'  Allow  me  to  suggest  the  inscription  for 
the  monument. 

Erected  by  the 
Kentucky  Confederates. 


General    Frank    Lane    Wolford, 

1st  Ky.   Cav.,  U.   S.  A. 

Born   Sept.    2  9,    1817,   in  Adair  Co.,   Ky. 

Died  August   2,   1895. 

Jllslori/  (iinl  Genealogies  87 

Our  closest  enemy  in  war. 

Our  closest   friend   in    peace. 

Kentucky    moved    the    hand    that    restored    the 

South,    and    Wolford    moved 


We  will   frv   to  do  our  dutv.      Good-bye,   comrades. 

J.    H.    MILLER, 
Co.  B.  6th  Ky.  Cav.,  C.  S.  A., 
Duke's  Brigade,  Morgan's  Command." 

The  foregoing  is  not  one  of  his  humorous  pieces,  and  is  not 
signed  in  his  nom  de  plume,  "Happy  Jack,"  under  which  name  he 
usually  wrote;  but  we  think  it  good  and  therefore  have  presented 
same  here. 

The  subject  was  not  blessed  with  issue  of  either  marriage.  He 
died  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky.,  about  two  years  ago,  at  the  age  of 
about  70  years.  He  was  an  amusing  conversationalist  and  known 
for  his  honesty  and  strong  affection  for  his  friends,  whom  he  never 
for  a  moment  forgot. 

Section  6.  Fannie  Miller,  a  daughter,  born  in  Lincoln  County, 
April   18,   1836;    died  young.      1836 — 1837. 

Section  7.  James  Miller,  a  son,  born  in  Lincoln  County,  July 
2,  1834.  He  enlisted  in  the  service  of  the  Southern  Confederacy  in 
the  Civil  War  of  1862,  under  General  Morgan;  was  captured  on 
Morgan's  famous  raid  into  the  States  of  Indiana  and  Ohio,  and 
lay  for  a  time  as  a  prisoner  of  war  in  the  Federal  prison  Camp 
Douglas.  Chicago,  Illinois.  After  his  release  from  prison  he  re- 
turned to  his  home  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky.,  and  on  the  10th  of 
January,  1870,  he  married  Gertrude  Pettus.  His  wife  died,  and 
on  the  17th  of  March,  187  2,  he  married  his  second  wife.  Miss  Susan 
Chenault.  They  lived  for  a  time  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky.,  and  moved 
to  Kansas  some  thirty  years  ago.  Later  they  moved  to  Tishomingo, 
Chickasaw  Nation,  Indian  Territory,  where  he  died,  April  16,  1905. 
Carrying  out  his  request  before  his  death,  his  body  was  expressed 
to  Richmond,  Ky.,  and  laid  in  the  grave  by  the  side  of  that  of  his 
first  wife,  Gertrude,  in  the  cemetery  at  that  place.  After  his  death 
Mrs.  Miller  moved  to  Ardmore,  Indian  Territory,  in  the  Chickasaw 
Nation,  where  she  now  lives.     Issue  of  the  first  marriage: 

1.  William  Pettus  Miller,  born  Nov.  30,  1870.  He  is,  or  was 
in  190.5,  book-keeper  on  the  U.  S.  Battleship  Bainsbridge,  with 
the  Asiatic  Squadron;    headquarters  Philippine  Islands. 

Issue  of  the  second  marriage:     (See  Part  6,  Chap.   14,  Sec.   4.) 

2.  James  Chenault  Miller,  born  July  25,1873;  died  July  5,1874. 

3.  Mary  Waller  Miller,  born  Nov.  26,  1874;  married  Arlie 
Samuel  Crouch.  Living  now  at  Ardmore,  I.  T.,  he  having  lately 
come  from  the  Kansas  and  Oklahoma  oil  fields.      Issue: 

1.   James  Miller  Crouch,  born   1903. 

4.  Helen  Chenault  Miller,  born  Feb.  22,  1878.  She  is  with 
the  Dawes  Commission  in  Ardmore,  I.  T. 

5.  Francis  James  Miller,  born  Oct.  25,  1879.  Living  with  and 
keeping  house  for  her  mother  at  Ardmore,  who  has  been  almost 
helpless  for  years,  because  of  her  great  flesh. 

Section  8.  Elizabeth  Duncan  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  in 
Lincoln  County,  Nov.  28,  183  8.  After  her  arrival  at  mature  years 
she  married  Dudley  Portwood,  Dec.  15,  1868.  He  was  born  Nov. 
29,    1822;    a    substantial    farmer   of   Jessamine    County,    where    they 

88  Ilistori/  (1)1(1   CiritcdJogips 

lived  many  years,  where  children  were  born  to  them.  Some  years 
since  they  moved  to  the  State  of  Texas,  and  now  (1905)  live  in  the 
city  of  Ft.  Worth;  both  old  and  infirm,  Mr.  Portwood  being  84 
years  old,  his  wife  many  years  younger.  We  visited  them  at  Ft. 
Worth  in   1904.      Mr.   Portwood  died  in   1906.      Their  children: 

1.  James   Miller   Portwood,   born   Aug.    2,    1870;    married   Pearl 
Holland,   of  Orange,  Texas.     Children; 

1.  Nan  Portwood. 

2.  Catherine  Portwood. 

2.  Fannie  Harris  Portwood,  born  Dec.   29,   1871;    married  Ben. 
O.  Smith,  of  Ft.  Wotrh,  Texas.      Child: 

1.    Ben.   O.   Smith,   .Jr. 

3.  Dudley  Portwood,  born  Dec.  12,  1873;   married  in  Ft.  Worth, 
Texas,  Mary  Tully,  of  Ft.  Worth,  Texas.      Children: 

1.  Howard   Portwood. 

2.  Alice  Portwood. 

Section  9.  William  Harris  Miller,  a  son,  and  the  youngest  child, 
born  in  Lincoln  County,  June  17,  1842,  named  for  his  uncle  William 
Harris;  was  educated  in  the  common  schools  of  the  county  and  at 
Centre  College,  Danville,  Ky.  Before  completing  the  course  at  col- 
lege he  abandoned  his  studies  to  champion  the  cause  of  the  South- 
ern Confederacy,  and  in  1862  enlisted  in  Company  B,  6th  Ky.  Cav., 
the  fortunes  of  which  command  he  shared  until  captured  at  Chishire, 
Ohio,  in  1863.  In  the  following  year  he  made  his  escape  from  the 
Federal  prison  at  Chicago  (Camp  Douglas),  Illinois,  and  rejoined 
General  Morgan  in  Virginia,  remaining  until  the  fatal  day  that 
ended  General  Morgan's  life  at  Greenville,  Tennessee,  at 
which  time  and  place  Mr.  Miller  was  present  and  received 
a  severe  wound.  He  was  discharged  in  1865,  and  soon 
after  returned  to  his  Lincoln  County  home,  and  having 
decided  upon  the  profession  of  law,  entered  the  office  of  Squire 
Turner,  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  under  whom  he  did  his  preparatory  read- 
ing. Was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1866,  and  located  at  Stanford  for 
the  practice  of  his  profession.  In  1868  was  elected  Clerk  of  the 
Lincoln  Circuit  Court,  and  during  his  encumtaency  edited,  in  con- 
nection with  M.  C.  Saufley,  the  Central  Dispatch.  In  1873  was  ap- 
pointed Assistant  Clerk  of  the  House  of  Representatives.  In  1874 
was  defeated  for  the  office  of  Circuit  Court  Clerk.  In  politics  he 
was  a  Democrat,  and  in  187  6  was  Presidential  Elector  for  the 
Eighth  Congressional  District  of  Kentucky.  In  1878  was  elected 
County  Attorney  of  Lincoln  County,  and  served  his  constituents  as 
such.  He  was  the  delegate  from  Lincoln  County  to  the  convention 
that  framed  the  present  Constitution  of  the  State  of  Kentucky. 
In  1879  he  was  married  to  Miss  Katherine  Portman,  daughter  of 
M.  C.  Portman,  of  Stanford,  Ky.,  Dec.  9,  1879.  His  wife  was  born 
Sept.  2,  1853.  They  were  blessed  with  one  child,  a  daughter, 
(1)  Malinda  Catherine  Miller,  born  April  22,  1882.  Wm.  H.  Miller 
died  in  Lincoln  County,  his  wife  and  daughter  surviving;  now 
(1905)    living  at  Stanford. 

We  here  relate  a  coincidence; 

This  subject  and  the  writer  both  bore  the  same  name  exactly, 
"William  Harris  Miller,"  the  former  a  citizen  of  Lincoln,  the  latter 
of  Madison  County,  sons  of  brothers,  and  the  former's  mother  an 
aunt  of  the  latter's  mother,  and  both  were  great  personal  friends. 
During  the  space  1880-1893  the  latter  was  Clerk  of  the  Madison 
Circuit  Court  and  had  a  close  friend  in  the  office  as  assistant  (Col. 
R.  X.  White) ;  one  day  he  went  to  the  postoffice  and  received  a  card 

lli^iurt/  ami   (Iciicalixjii's  89 

from  the  blank  book  luanufact  iiring  establishnieni  of  John  P.  Morton 
&  Co.,  Louisville,  directed  to  W.  H.  Miller,  Richmond,  Ky.,  in  sub- 
stance: "Please  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  100  abstracts  of  tiilr 
we  sent  you  at  Stanford,  Ky." 

On  reluming  to  the  clerk's  office  the  latter  showed  the  card  lo 
his  deputy,  Col.  White,  and  told  him  he  had  made  no  such  order 
and  would  answer  the  card  in  a  way  that  ii\  the  future  there  would 
be  no  such  confusion  and  mixture  of  the  mail  matter,  and  did  im- 
mediately answer  thus:  "Sirs: — Your  card  in  regard  to  the  ab- 
stracts of  title  received.  I  ordered  none  and  received  none.  I  have 
a  cousin  residing  at  Stanford,  Ky.  His  name  is  W.  H.  Miller:  my 
name  is  W.  H.  Miller.  His  father  was  a  Miller;  my  father  was  a 
Miller.  His  mother  was  a  Harris;  my  mother  was  a  Harris.  His 
wife  is  named  Kate;  my  wife  is  named  Kate.  He  used  to  be  Circuit 
Court  Clerk;  I  am  now  Circuit  Court  Clerk,  and  about  the  only 
difference  between  us  is,  he  is  a  lawyer,  and  I  am  not;  he  is  older 
and  has  more  sense  than  T." 

The  reply  was  shown  to  Col.  White,  to  whom  we  stated  we 
could  say  further,  if  necessary:  He  had  an  Uncle  Bob,  I  had  an 
Uncle  Bob;  he  had  an  Uncle  John,  so  did  I;  he  had  an  Uncle  Tom, 
so  did  I;  he  had  Aunts  Susan,  Malinda,  and  Margaret,  so  did  I,  and 
the  Colonel,  with  an  interjection,  said:  "It  will  be  published  in 
every  paper  of  the  State."  It  was  pretty  extensively  published.  The 
book  concern  never  after  got  our  orders  mixed. 

We  have  received  letters  from  our  cousin  addressed  to  W.  H. 
Miller  and  signed  with  the  same  name,  as  though  one  was  writing 
to  himself. 

On  one  occasion  we  received  a  letter  from  him  saying  he  had 
a  dun  from  a  jewelry  establishment  of  Louisville,  and  as  he  did  not 
owe  the  bill  he  wrote  the  firm  giving  the  address  of  six  W.  H. 
Millers  of  his  acquaintance,  telling  the  firm  to  dun  all  of  them  and 
may  be  in  the  rounds  they  would  strike  the  right  one:  and  in  same 
told  them  of  the  writer,  but  at  the  same  time  writing  them  that  he 
had  no  idea  it  was  the  writer,  as  he  had  an  idea  that  the  writer 
had  never  seen  in  or  knew  anything  of  a  jewelry  store. 


Histonj  and   Ucnealoywa 


(Named  in  Section  6,  Chapter  5,  Part  I.) 

Article  1. — Susannah  Miller,  a  daughter  of  Daniel  Miller  and  Susan- 
nah Anderson,  his  wife,  was  born  in  jMadison  County,  Ky., 
March  26,  1804. 


She  was  a  very  bright,  sensible  wo- 
man and  of  strong,  fixed  opinions  of  lier 
own,  a  devout  Christian,  and  member  of 
the  old  Baptist  Church  from  an  early 
period  in  her  life  till  her  death.  On 
October  30,  1821,  she  was  joined  in  the 
holy  state  of  matrimony  with  Stanton 
Hume  (born  Nov.  12,  1790),  a  substan- 
tial and  well-to-do  citizen  of  Madison 
County.  They  lived  and  raised  a  family 
of  five  children.  Her  husband  died  many 
years  before  she.  After  his  death  she 
was  united  in  marriage  to  Elder  Allen 
Bmbry,  an  old  Baptist  preacher,  Sept. 
27,  1858,  whom  she  also  survived,  and 
died  the  11th  of  November,  1871,  well 
beloved  by  all  who  knew  her. 

Notes:      The  Hume  Family,  of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

The   Humes  came   originally   from   Scotland   to  America. 

1.  George  Hume,  who  settled  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in  an 
early  day,  was  born  May  21,  1759.  His  wife,  Susannah,  was  born 
January  3,  1762.  They  came  from  Virginia.  He  died  October  24, 
1816:  iiis  will  bears  date  July  5,  1814,  probated  February  3,  1817. 
His  wife  died   February   15,   1831.      Their  children: 

1.  Thomas  Hume. 

2.  Larkin  Hume,  born  March  20,  1788;  married  Nancy  Mober- 
ley,  a  daughter  of  John  Moberley  and  Miss  Jenkins,  his  wife. 
(See  Part  7,  Chap.  18.)  His  wife  was  born  February  25,  1794; 
died  August  21,  1863.  Larkin  Hume  died  Nov.  29,  1835;  his 
will  bears  date  Sept.  5,  183  3,  probated  Jan.  4,  183  6.  Their 

1.  Amanda  M.  Hume,  married  John  Challis,  of  Madison  Co., 
Ky.,  May  24,  1838,    (both  dead). 

2.  Louisa  F.  Hume,  married  John  Park,  of  Irvine,  Ky.,  Nov. 
5,  1840,   (both  dead). 

3.  Thomas  Richard  Hume,  married  Susannah  Woods  Miller. 
(See  Chap.  13,  Sec.  7.) 

4.  William  Hume;    married. 

5.  John  Moberley  Hume;  married:  was  a  Confederate  soldier. 

3.  Stanton  Hume,  married  Susannah  Miller,  as  set  forth  in  the 
beginning  of  Chapter  9.  His  will  bears  date  Sept.  3,  1849,  pro- 
bated April   4,   1853. 

J/ishiri/  mill  Genealogies  91 

4.  Elizabeth  Hume,  born  January  :5,  1794;  died  January  IS, 
1S64.  She  (Dec.  22,  1840)  wa.s  the  .second  wife  of  William  I^un- 
can.  who  was  born  Nov.  24,  1799.  and  died  Oct.  19,  1S62,  his 
first  wife  being  her  sister  Catherine. 

5.  Martha  Jane  Hume,  born  June  2:5,  1795;  died  Au.s?.  4,  1842; 
married  P'redericlc  Hvatt,  of  St.  Louis  County,  Mo.,  Mar.  29,  1840. 

6.  Frances  Hume,  born  July  22,  1800;  died  March  :;i,  1838; 
will   dated  March   28,   1838,  probated  April   2,   1838. 

7.  Emma  Hume,  born  Feb.  12,  1803;  died  Jaly  10,  18.51. 
Married  Thomas  Thorpe,  who  was  born  July  17,  1800;  died 
April  17,   1885. 

8.  Susannah  Hume,  boni   April   6,  1806;    died  Jan.   14,   1828. 

9.  Catherine  Hume,  born  March  7,  1798;  died  Feb.  17,  1840. 
She  was  the  first   wife  of  William   Duncan    (see   4). 

10.  Louisa  Hume,  married  Mr.  Finks,  of  Virginia.  Two 

1.  Early   Finks. 

2.  Louisa  Finks. 

2.  William  Hume,  died  about  1822  or  3,  leaving  a  widow, 
Sarah  Ann,  who  died  about  1841.     Their  children; 

1.  Sarah  Ann  Hume;  will  bears  date  March  21,  182  6,  probated 
Oct.  2,  1826. 

2.  William  Hume. 

3.  Mary  Hume. 

4.  Simeon  Hume,  married  Margaret  F.  Harris,  daughter  of 
Robert  Harris  and  Jael  Ellison,  his  wife.  (See  Part  3,  Chap.  21.) 
The  inventory  and  appraisement  of  his  estate  is  dated  Feb.  14, 

5.  Gabriel  Hume;  will  dated  April  7,  1829,  probated  Aug.  31, 

6.  Thomas  Hume. 

7.  Jane  Hume. 

8.  Nancy  Hume. 

9.  Betsy  Hume. 

10.  Eliza  Hume. 

3.  Benjamin  Hume's  inventory,   returned  in   1822. 

4.  Reuben  Hume,  wife  Ann. 
Lewis  Hume. 

George  Hume. 
John  Hume. 
Joel  Hume. 

The  above  named  five  were  evidently  brothers.  The  first  four 
named  made  deeds  to  Joel  Hume. 

5.  Susan  E.   Hume;    married  Zacheus  Taylor,  Dec.   13,   1830. 

The  children  of  Susannah  Miller  and  Stanton  Hume  are  named 
in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Julia  Anderson  Hume,  a  daughter,  born  in  Madison 
County.  Feb.  13,  1823;  was  an  energetic,  stirring,  business  woman, 
a  splendid  manager  and  beautiful  housekeeper  and  much  admired 
by  the  relatives  and  friends;  was  of  a  very  amiable  and  lovely  dis- 
position and  ever  generous  to  the  faults  of  others,  and  of  a  forgiv- 
ing spirit.  She  was  married  to  Thomas  Stanhope  Ellis  (born  1819, 
died  Dec.  2  6,  1905),  a  gentleman  of  splendid  habits  and  business 
qualities.  For  a  number  of  years  his  occupation  was  that  of  a 
farmer,  but  for  a  long  while  a  merchant,  doing  business  at  different 
times  in  Elliston,  Waco.  Richmond,  and  Silver  Creek,  in  said  county. 

92  .Ilistorj/  and   Genealogies 

They  were  both  members  of  the  old  Baptist  Church.  Mrs.  Ellis 
died  in  1903,  her  husband  surviving;  now  (1905)  living  in  Rich- 
mond: since  died,  Dec.  26,  1905,  born  1819.  The  children  born  to 
them  were: 

1.  Susan  Elizabeth  Ellis,  born  April  7,  1844;  married  John  A. 
Higgins,  March  1,  1870,  a  merchant  of  Richmond,  Ky..  and  a 
staunch  Presbyterian.     Issue: 

1.   Julia  Higgins,  a  spinster. 

2.  Sallie  Gunnel  Ellis,  born  Dec.  12,  1850.  Teacher  for  a  num- 
ber of  years  in  the  Deaf  and  Dumb  Institution  at  Danville. 

3.  Mary  Stanton  Ellis,  born  July  4,  1854;  married  Oct.  6,  1886, 
to  Rev.  H.  T.  Daniel.  Her  husband  died  several  years  ago.  She 
has  a  position  in  the  Deaf  and  Dumb  Institution  at  Danville,  Ky. 

4.  Helen  Carter  Ellis,  born  March  3,  1869;  died  18 — . 
Section    2.      Margaret   Miller  Hume,   a   daughter,   born    Aug.    27, 

18  25;   died  December  5,   18  29,  very  young. 

Section  3.  Susan  Jane  Hume,  a  daughter,  born  July  6,  1828; 
died  Jan.  4,  18  90:  married  to  John  H.  Embry  Jan.  9,  1850;  lived 
a  while  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  and  moved  to  Missouri,  where  they 
lived  a  number  of  years,  and  returned  to  and  settled  in  Madison 
County,  where  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  days.  Mr.  Embry 
was  a  hightoned  honorable  gentleman  and  farmer.  They  raised 
a  family  of  ten  children: 

1.  Mary  Embry,  born  Oct.  12,  1850;  unmarried.  She  and  her 
single  sister  Sue  have  a  home  in  Elliston,  Madison  County,  Ky. 

2.  Jos.  Hume  Embry,  born  Jan.  9,  1852;   died  a  bachelor,  18 — . 

3.  Nannie  W.  Embry,  born  April  3,  1853;  married  William  T. 
Griggs.      Issue: 

1.  Paul  Sparks  Griggs. 

2.  Joel  Taylor  Griggs. 
?,.   John  Embry  Griggs. 

4.   William   Hume  Griggs.      (3   and   4   are  twins.) 

4.  William  S.  Embry,  born  Oct.   27,   1854;    died  a  bachelor. 

5.  Sue  E.  Embry,  born  Sept.  11,  1856.  She  and  her  sister  Mary 
live  together  in  Elliston. 

6.  Lucy  D.  Embry,  born  July  8,  1858;  married  Joel  Park.  (See 
Part  VI,  Chap.   8,  Sec.   9.) 

7.  John  T.  Embry,  born  March  28,  1860;  married  Bessie  Broad- 
dus.  and  his  wife  died,  leaving  one  child.  (See  Part  VII,  Chap. 
7,  Sec.   3.) 

8.  George  Webb   Embry,  born  Oct.    10,   1861;    died  a  bachelor. 

9.  Irvine  Miller  Embry,  born  April  6,  18  65;  died  April  17,  1865. 

10.  Ed  S.  Embry,  born  April   6,   18  67;    died  Feb.   3,   1889. 

11.  Frank  S.  Embry,  born  Oct.   17,   1869;    died. 
Mrs.  Embry  was  a  member  of  the  old  Baptist  Church. 

Section  4.  William  Stanton  Hume,  a  son,  born  Sept.  4,  1832; 
died  Sept.  12,  1885;  was  an  active  man;  married  Miss  Eugenia  Bur- 
nam,  accumulated  a  considerable  estate,  and  died;  his  widow  sur- 
vives.    To  them  were  born: 

1.  John  M.  Hume,  born  April  4,  1858;   died  April  19,  1858. 

2.  Thompson  Burnam  Hume,  born  March  31,  1859;  died  No- 
vember 29,  18  59. 

3.  Edmund  B.  Hume,  born  Nov.  21,  18  60;  married  Oct.  2, 
1888,  to  Nettie  Stockton;   residents  of  Richmond,  Ky. 

4.  Stanton  B.  Hume,  born  Aug.  26,  1863:  married  Oct.  8,  1889, 
to  Pattie  Miller.     His  widow  lives  in  Richmond,  Ky. 

5.  Curtis  B.  Hume,  born  Aug.   6,   1869:    married  Rella  Harber. 

J/ishin/   (I ml    (IrnciiliH/K's  'J^i 

7.  Mary  Wilson  Hunic  born  .lul\  7,  1872;  married  Harvey 
Clienaull,  a  prosperous  farnicr,  living  near  Rifliinond.  Ky.  (See 
Part  V.  Chap,   i:!.  Sec.  9.) 

8.  Eugene   F.   Hume,   born   Sept.   23,   1876. 

9.  Sue  Miller  Hume,  born  Nov.  29,  188U;  marrit'd  Lewis 
Herrington;    live  in   Richmond,   Ky. 

Section  5.  Mary  Louise  Hume,  a  daughter,  born  May  9,  18  39 ; 
died  ;March  s,  1S79:  married  Thomas  .1.  McRoberts,  a  substantial 
business  man  oi  Boyle  County,  a  large  landholder,  farmer  and  cap- 
italist; one  of  the  wealthiest  men  of  Boyle  County,  now  deceased. 
Their  children: 

1.  William  Hume  McRoberts,  born  .lune  26,  1863;  died  Feb. 
7,   1867. 

2.  Mary  Margaret  McRoberts,  born  July  4,   18  65;   died  19 — . 

3.  Thomas  Eugene  McRoberts,  born  March  10,  18  68;   died  Aug. 

8,   1868. 

4.  John  Robert  McRoberts,  born  Feb.   25,   187  0. 

5.  George  Andrew  McRoberts,  born  Nov.  20,  1871. 

6.  Susan  Elizabeth  McRoberts,  born  June  11,  1874;  married 
Lewis  N.  Neale,  of  Madison  County,  Ky.  They  bought  a  fine,  rich 
farm  near  Richmond,  on  which  they  now  live.  To  them  has  been 
born  one  child: 

1.   Lewis  Newland   Neale,   Jr. 


Histori/  and   Genealogies 



(Named  in   Chapter   5,   Section   7.) 

x\rtiole  1. — Margaret  ^liller,  a  daughter  of  Daniel  stiller  and  Sii- 
saiuiah  Woods,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Madison  Connty  Ky.,  De- 
cember 20,   1805   (to  January  15,   1873). 

She  was  a  good  woman  in  every  sense 
of  the  word;  a  consistent  member  of  the 
Presbyterian  Chnrcli.  February  9,  1S26, 
she  was  united  in  marriage  to  Edmund 
L.  Shaclielford  (born  March  26,  1S02; 
died  April  21,  1876),  an  elegant  gen- 
tleman and  man  of  affairs,  who  studied 
law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  his 
young  manhood;  he  afterwards  aban- 
doned the  practice.  For  a  number  of 
years  was  Cashier  of  the  Richmond 
Branch  of  the  Northern  Bank  of  Ken- 
tucky. After  the  Civil  War,  in  18  6.5,  he 
moved  to  Danville,  Kentucky,  where  they 
spent  the  rest  of  their  days.  Their  re- 
mains lie  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery. 


Wife  of  E.  L.  Shackleford 

Edmund  Lyne  Shackelford  was  a  native  born  Kentuckian;  his 
parents,  however,  came  from  Virginia  to  the  State;  he  was  a  very 
estimable  citizen  and  gentleman  of  great  integrity,  wholly  devoted 
to  duty,  to  his  church,  to  his  family,  to  his  friends,  to  his  county, 
and  to  his  business;  he  commanded  the 
respect  of  every  one  with  whom  he  came 
in  contact.  The  bank  of  Richmond,  of 
which  he  was  so  long  cashier,  had  its 
building  on  the  corner  of  Main  and  Third 
streets,  now  the  restaurant  of  Joe  Giun- 
chigliani;  when  he  left  in  1865  the  coun- 
ty lost  one  of  its  best  citizens.  He  died 
in  Danville  April  21,  187  6;  his  remains 
were  brought  to  Richmond  and  buried  in 
the  cemetery  there,  his  wife  having  died 
January  15,  1873;  her  remains  had  been 
also  interred  in  the  same  place. 

In  Memoriam:  Died  in  Danville,  Ky., 
January  15,  187  3.  Mrs.  Margaret 
Shackelford,  wife  of  Edmund  L.  Shack- 
elford, Esq.,  in  the  68th  year  of  her  age. 
Mrs.  Shackelford  was  the  daughter  of 
Major  Daniel  Miller,  and  was  born  in 
Madison      County,      Ky.,     December     29, 

1805,  and  there  lived  till  the  autumn   of  18  65,  when   her  husband 
removed  his  family  to  Danville  to  assume  the  duties  of  Cashier  of 


liisionj  and   (Jcncaloyics  95 

the  First  National  Banlv.  She  was  married  on  the  6th  day  of  Feb- 
ruary. 1S2():  so  that  she  lived  with  hrv  husband  for  the  unusual 
period  of  almost  forty-seven  years.  Though  the  mother  of  ('ight 
children,  she  was  permitted  to  see  but  three  of  them  grow  up  1o 
manhood  or  womanhood.  These,  one  son  and  two  married  daugh- 
ters, together  with  their  venerable  father,  now  mourn  the  loss  of 
her — a  loss  felt  all  the  more,  especially  by  the  latter,  because  they 
had  so  long  traveled  life's  journey  in  company.  Her  sickness  was 
of  only  four  days'  duration.  Pneumonia,  that  dire  enemy  of  the 
feeble  and  the  aged,  often  completes  its  work  of  death  with  start- 
ling rapidity.  Owing  to  the  nature  of  her  disease,  and  the  suffering 
it  induced,  she  was  able  to  commune  but  little  with  her  family  or 
friends  these  few  last  days.  What  counsels  she  might  otherwise 
have  given  them,  or  what  expression  of  her  religious  feelings  she 
might  have  made,  we  cannot  tell.  But  the  evidence  of  her  piety 
and  of  a  good  hope  through  grace  of  a  blessed  immortality  were 
not  left  to  depend  upon  the  experiences  of  the  last  hour.  A  life 
of  faith  and  charity  such  as  hers,  is  a  testimony  to  be  valued  above 
all  others.  "Not  every  one  that  saith  unto  me,  Lord,  Lord,  shall 
enter  into  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  but  he  that  doeth  the  will  of  my 
Father  which  is  in  heaven."  Mrs.  Shackelford  made  a  public  pro- 
fession of  faith  in  Christ  and  united  with  the  Presbyterian  Church 
at  Richmond,  in  the  spring  of  1864,  and  her  walk  proved  her  a 
follower  of  "the  Son  of  Man  who  came  not  to  be  ministered  unto 
but  to  minister  and  to  give  his  life  a  ransom  for  many."  Of  Jesus 
of  Nazareth,  whom  God  anointed  with  the  Holy  Ghost,  it  is  said, 
as  we  may  say  of  no  other,  "He  went  about  doing  good,"  Yet,  in 
a  real,  though  an  inferior  sense,  we  may  safely  predicate  the  same 
of  His  departed  hand-maiden.  And  though  she  could  not,  like  Him, 
"heal  all  manner  of  sickness  and  all  manner  of  disease  among  the 
people,"  she  had  the  mind  of  Christ  to  minister  according  to  her 
ability.  This  distinguishing  trait  of  her  character  was  admirably 
presented  by  her  pastor,  the  Rev.  Dr.  McKee,  in  a  most  appropriate 
funeral  discourse  from  these  words,  "For  David  after  he  had  served 
his  own  generation  by  the  will  of  God  fell  on  sleep."  Acts  13:36. 
Verily  she  did  serve  her  generation.  She  served  her  family,  her 
kindred,  and  the  community  where  she  lived,  with  a  self-denial 
and  a  continuance  in  well-doing  rarely  equaled  and  still  more  rarely 
surpassed.  Quiet  and  unostentatious  in  all  her  ways,  she  abounded 
in  those  tender  ministries  of  love  which  are  the  true  glory  of  Chris- 
tian women.  The  sick,  the  poor,  the  distressed  of  all  classes  shared 
in  her  kind  and  unremitting  charities.  The  writer  of  this  brief 
tribute  to  her  worth  hath  abundant  reason  to  cherish  her  memory, 
and  to  speak  of  her  goodness.  He  can  never  forget  her  attentions 
to  the  sick  and  dying  of  his  own  household,  while  he  yet  had  a 
household;  how  her  gentle  voice  and  hands  ministered  to  the  com- 
fort of  his  most  beloved:  how  she  watched  with  him  and  his  chil- 
dren during  the  weary  hours  of  night,  when  the  life  of  the  patient 
sufferer  seemed  fast  ebbing  away.  In  like  manner  could  many  oth- 
ers bear  witness  to  her  modest  goodness.  But  the  end  hath  come — 
the  end  of  her  serving.  She  resteth  from  her  labors  and  her  works 
do  follow  her.  "Well  done,  thou  good  and  faithful  servant,  enter 
thou  into  the  joy  of  the  Lord."  And  in  that  august  day  when  the 
Son  of  Man  shall  sit  upon  the  throne  of  his  glory,  and  all  nations 
be  gathered  before  him,  who  fitter  than  thou  to  stand  among  them 
on  his  right  hand  and  to  hear  the  King  say:  "Come,  ye  blessed 
of  my  Father,  inherit  the  kingdom  prepared  for  you  from  the  foun- 
dation of  the  world:   for  I  was  an  hungered  and  ye  gave  me  meat: 

9()  Tlisfon/  and  Gcnealofjies 

was  thii-sty  and  ye  gave  me  drink;  I  was  a  stranger  and  ye  took 
me  in;  naked  and  ye  clothed  me;  I  was  sick  and  ye  visited  me;  I 
was  in  prison  and  ye  came  unto  me?" 

But  tliough  it  be  well  with  her,  there  is  another  desolate  home 
on  earth.  Heavy  sorrow  weighs  down  the  spirits  of  the  bereaved, 
though  they  sorrow  not  as  those  who  have  no  hope.  The  loss  of 
a  mother,  of  such  a  mother,  is  an  irreparable  loss.  The  loneliness 
of  him,  who  for  almost  half  a  century  had  her  by  his  side  as  a  sweet 
companion  and  faithful  helper,  none  can  fully  realize,  but  those  of 
a  like  experience.  The  desire  of  his  eyes,  the  wife  of  his  youth, 
has  been  taken  from  him  in  his  old  age.  It  is  a  dreadful  stroke. 
The  God  of  all  consolation  comfort  these  mourning  hearts  and  give 
them  grace  to  follow  her  even  as  she  followed  Christ.  S.  G. 

Edmund  Lyne  Shackelford,  the  husband  of  Margaret  Miller,  and 
John  H.  Shackelford,  who  married  Malinda  Miller  (see  Chap.  11), 
were  sons  of  George  Shackelford  and  Martha  Hockaday,  his  wife, 
who  emigrated  from  Virginia  to  Kentucky.  George  Shackelford  was 
a  son  of  Lyne  Shackelford  and  Elizabeth  Taliaferro,  his  wife.  Lyne 
Shackelford  was  a  son  of  John  Shackelford  and  Miss  Lyne,  his 
wife,  and  John  Shackelford  was  a  son  of  James  Shackelford.  Mar- 
tha Hockaday  was  a  daughter  of  Edmund  Hockaday  and  Martha 
Otey,  his  wife,  and  Edmund  Hockaday  was  a  son  of  Edmund  Hock- 

To  Margaret  Miller  and  Edmund  Lyne  Shackelford  were  born: 

Section  1.  Martha  Hockaday  Shackelford,  born  Dec.  2  0,  1S27; 
died  Sept.   12,   1829. 

Section  2.  Mary  Juliett  Shackelford,  born  May  18,  1S31;  died 
March  18,  1833. 

Section  3.  Susan  Frances  Shackelford,  born  July  24,  1834; 
married  Sidney  V.  Rowland,  an  elegant  man,  Feb.  22,  1853.  She 
being  a  lovely  woman  with  a  bright,  cheerful  disposition.  Lived 
in  Richmond  a  number  of  years  and  moved  to  Danville,  where  they 
spent  the  latter  years  of  their  life.      To  them  were  born: 

1.  Edmund  Shackelford  Rowland,  born  Dec.  1,  1853;  died  Jan. 
20,   1854. 

2.  William  Shackelford  Rowland,  born  March  7,  1855;  mar- 
ried, first,  Mary  Bowman;  they  had  two  children,  Hugh  and  Mary. 
He  married  his  second  wife.  Miss  McDowell. 

3.  David  Pitman  Rowland,  born  June  27,  1857;  married,  April 
12,  1882,  to  Lizzie  Lee.    (See  Part  L  Chap.  6,  Sec.  1.) 

4.  Edmund  Lyne  Rowland,  born  Jan.  17,  1860;  married,  May 
30,   1882,  Miss  Bryant. 

5.  Hugh  Goddin  Rowland,  born  July  4,1861;  died  Dec.  13,1874. 

6.  Margaret  Shackelford  Rowland,  born  Jan.  4,  1864:  niarried, 
Feb.  18,  188  5,  to  Stephen  B.  White.  They  are  both  dead;  left 
two  children. 

Section  4.  William  Henry  Shackelford,  a  son,  died  in  infancy 
in  1840. 

Section  5.      A  son,  not  named,  died  in  infancy,  June  8,  1840. 

Section  6.  Edmund  Lyne  Shackelford,  a  son,  born  March,  184  2. 
died  Sept.  1,  1880;  was  a  merchant  of  Richmond  a  long  while.  He 
never  married.  When  his  parents  moved  to  Danville  he  stayed  there 
much  of  his  time,  but  would  never  surrender  his  home  at  Richmond, 
always  claiming  it  as  his  home,  where  he  invariably  cast  his  vote, 
and  not  elsewhere.  He  died  in  Danville,  Sept.  1,  1880,  at  the  age 
of   thirty-eight    years   and   six   months,    and   his   body   buried   in    the 

Ifislon/   '111(1   (inifdhx/ics 


Richmond    cemetery.       He    had    many    warm    personal    friends,    was 
kind-hcarlcd.  liberal  and  true,  and  known  for  his  strict  honesty. 

Section  7.  Margaret  Miller  Shackelford,  born  May  G,  1844;  died 
.lune  19,  1874;  married  Robert  Hann,  Feb.  18.  1868.  Her  remains 
were  buried  in  the  Richmond  cemetery.  She  was,  indeed,  a  lovely 
character.      Their  children: 

1.  Edmund  Lyne  Hann,  born  March   .5,   lS(i9. 

2.  Alexander   Robertson   Hann,   born   April    29,    1872. 

Section  8.  Juliette  Malinda  Shackelford,  a  daughter,  died 
young,  in   18  49 — :]2  months  old. 



History  and  Genealogies 

CHAPTER   11. 


(Named  in   Chapter   5,   Section    8.) 

Article  1. — Maliiula  Miller,  a  daugliter  of  Daniel  Miller  and  Susan- 
nah Woods,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Madison  County,  Kentucky, 

January  15,   1808. 

Slie  was  a  cliarming  woman,  and,  as 
it  is  told,  a  favorite  of  her  father.  De- 
cember 16,  1830,  she  was  joined  in  mar- 
riage to  John  H.  Shackelford  (a  brother 
to  Edmund  L.  Shackelford,  who  had 
married  her  sister  Margaret ) .  He  was 
born  August  29,  1803:  died  March  22, 
1875.  See  Chap.  10.  He  was  a  gentle- 
man of  splendid  breeding,  to  whom  her 
father  had  no  personal  objection,  only  he 
did  not  wish  for  his  daughter  to  marry 
any  one.  She  died,  her  husband  surviv- 
ing, leaving  two  little  sons,  who  were 
reared,  in  the  main,  by  their  Aunt  Mar- 
garet, who  became  as  a  mother  to  them. 
Mrs.  Malinda  Shackelford  was  a  (very 
stylish,  graceful  and  beautiful  woman. 
Their   children: 

Section  1.  George  Daniel  Shackel- 
ford, born  September  2  2,  1831;  died  .June 
2  8,  187  4:  married  Ruth  Warfield,  whom 
he  survived,  and  then  he  married  Elizabeth  Sweeney,  January  6, 
1857.  He  was  a  Confederate  soldier,  served  in  General  Price's 
army  and  was  wounded  in  battle.  After  he  retired  from  the  army 
he  came  to  Richmond,  Ky.,  where  he  en- 
gaged in  the  dry  goods  business.  In 
1870  he  was  elected  Clerk  of  the  Madi- 
son County  Court  on  the  Democratic 
ticket,  dying  in  office,  June  28,  1874. 
His    brother    James,    under    appointment, 

term  of  about  two 
emoluments  to  his 
was  Deputy  during 
except  one  year, 
was  big-hearted, 
and      loved      his 


filled    his    unexpired 
months,    giving    the 
widow.      The   writer 
his      entire      term, 
George    D.    Shackelford 
brave      and      generous. 

friends,  and  his  f  riends  were  fond  of 
him.  The  children  of  the  last  marriage 

1.  Linda  Shackelford,  born  Dec.  2  3, 
1857:    died  May   28,   1860. 

2.  Sweeny  Shackelford,  born  Dec. 
13,   1859:   died  Jan.   28,  1863. 

3.  Edmund  Lyne  Shackelford,  born 
Jan.  29,  1862:  killed  mysteriously  in 
St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Sept.   17,  1885. 


/hshiri/  inn/   Ofurdlof/ies  99 

4.  Laura  Shackt'lford,  born  .Iiil.v  HI,  1S6  4;  married  L.  Ruth- 
erford Blanlon,  now  a  large  coal  dealer  of  Richmond,  Kentucky. 

1.  Lindsey  Blanlon. 

2.  George  Daniel  Blanton. 

5.  A  daughter,  born  Nov.  28,  1866;  died  the  next  day. 

6.  A  daughter,  born  May  22,  1861;  died  the  next  day. 

Section  2.  James  Thomas  Shackelford,  born  .June  2,  1834,  a 
prominent  citizen  mainly  of  Madison  County,  but  having  spent  i)art 
of  his  early  life  in  other  places;  a  merchant  and  farmer.  He  filled 
the  unexpired  term  of  his  brother  George  as  Clerk,  turning  the  pro- 
ceeds over  to  his  brother's  widow.  He  was  clerk  in  the  Revenue 
office  under  Chas.  H.  Rodes,  Collector,  and  continued  on  under  Mr. 
Rodes'  successor,  Mr.  .John  W.  Yerkes,  whilst  at  Richmond  and  after 
the  office  was  moved  to  Danville,  some  seven  or  eight  years  in  the 
Revenue  service,  and  made  an  honest  and  faithful  officer.  A  short 
while  before  his  death,  having  sold  a  farm  high  up  on  Silver  Creek, 
he  i)urchased  another  nice  farm  lower  down  on  the  same  creek,  and 
was  making  preparations  to  enter  actively  into  the  farming  busi- 
ness when  suddenly  stricken  with  paralysis,  from  which  he  could 
never  rally,  and  quickly  passed  away  (1904),  honored,  respected 
and  admired  by  his  fellows.  He  was  a  large,  portly  man,  true  as 
steel  to  a  friend,  to  whom  he  would  stick  closer  than  a  brother. 
He  first  married,  Jan.  22,  1862,  Mary  Bates,  daughter  of  Daniel 
Bates,  and  second,  Mary  Clay  Keene,  Jan.  20,  1869.  (See  Part  H, 
Cha]).  5,  Sec.  1.)      Issue  of  the  first  marriage: 

1.  Daniel  Bates  Shackelford,  born  April  4,  186:3.  He  is  the 
leading  hardware  merchant  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  successor  to  his 
father  in  the  business.  He  married  Callie  Chenault.  (See  Chap. 
14,  Sec.  2,  and  Part  HI,  Chap.  48,  Sec.  8.)      Issue: 

1.  Mary  Bates  Shackelford. 

2.  Callie  Miller  Shackelford. 

3.  Elizabeth    Shackelford. 

2.  James  Thomas  Shackelford,  born  March  8,  1865;  died  Julv 
23,   1866. 

Issue  of  the  second  marriage: 

3.  William  Rodes  Shackelford,  born  October  2  6,  18  69.  He  is 
a  prominent  lawyer  of  the  Richmond  bar.  He  is  to  be  married, 
Jan.  2  9,  19  07,  to  Anne  Louise  Clay,  daughter  of  Hon.  Cassius 
M.  Clay,  of  Bourbon  County,  Ky.  The  marriage  occurred  as  ap- 
l)ointed.  They  live  in  Richmond,  Ky.  Mr.  Shackelford  is  a  Dem- 
ocratic candidate  for  County  Judge,  wi'th  flattering  prospects  of 

4.  Clay  Keene  Shackelford,  born  October  8,  1871;  a  resident 
of  Richmond,   Ky. 

5.  John  Hockaday  Shackelford,  born  Dec.  2,  1873.  He  is  a 
rising  man  in  the  railroad  business.     He  is  very  energetic. 

6.  Sarah  Keene  Shackelford,  born  Sept.  16.  1875;  living  wirh 
her  mother  in   Richmond.   Ky. 

7.  George  Daniel  Shackelford,  born  Julv  26,  1878;  died  March 
29,  1886. 

8.  James  Thomas  Shackelford,  Jr.,  born  Dec.  20,  1880. 

9.  Mary  Keene  Shackelford,  born  Dec.  19,  1882;  married 
George  W.  Goodloe,  son  of  Judge  John  D.  Goodloe,  of  Madison 
County,  Ky.  After  the  birth  of  the  first  and  only  child  she  died, 
and  her  death  was  greatly  lamented  by  many  relatives  and  friends. 
The  child  survived  a  short  while  and  died.  These  deaths  occurred 
in  1906. 

10.  A  daughter,  born  and  died  Nov.  19,  18  85. 


Ilistori/  and  Genealogies 



CHAPTEE   12. 


(Named  in   Chapter   5,   Section   9.) 

Article  1. — Colonel  Thomas  Woods  Miller,  a  son  of  Daniel  Miller  and 
Susannah  Woods,  his  wife,  was  born  in  ]\radison  (^ounty,  Ky., 
the  3d  day  of  December  1811;   died  April  23,   18»1. 

His  appearance  in  the  world  made  it 
none  the  worse.  He  was  never  very  ro- 
bust, upwards  of  six  feet  and  slender,  a 
man  and  a  gentleman,  of  fine  carriage, 
tall,  erect,  respected  by  all,  admired  by 
many;  a  stranger  to  fear,  honest  and 
/*    ^  ..  faithful    in    every    trust;    public  spirited, 

favorable  to  every  needful  public  and  pri- 
vate improvement;  an  affectionate  and 
good  husband,  a  kind  and  indulgent 
father;  a  friend  and  helper  of  those  who 
needed  help.  He  married  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  June  1,  1841,  to  Mary  Jane 
Hocker,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  Nicholas 
Hocker  and  Nancy  Ellison,  his  wife.  (See 
Part  VII,  Chap.  7,  Sec.  1-4.)  She  was 
born  Feb.  21,  1825;  died  19  05.  He  lived 
till  about  the  year  1864  in  the  eastern 
part  of  Madison  County,  on  Muddy  Creek, 
and  there  had  erected  two  nice,  commo- 
dious dwelling  houses,  and  was  an  extensive  farmer  during  the  time, 
when  he  moved  to  Stanford,  Lincoln  County,  and  there  engaged  in 
merchandising,  in  which  he  was  successful,  and  there  he  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  days,  and  was  the  last 
survivor  of  his  father's  children.  He 
was  no  drawback  to  any  community; 
aided  much  in  the  growth  of  his  town, 
where  he  built  several  substantial  busi- 
ness houses  and  residences.  He  died 
there  in  1891,  survived  by  his  wife,  who 
had  been  afflicted  nearly  all  of  their  mar- 
ried life.  She  died  in  19  05.  He  was  a 
Colonel  of  Kentucky  Militia.  Only  one 
child  was  born  to  them: 

Section  1.  Susan  Malinda  Miller,  a 
charming  Christian  woman,  whom  every 
one  knew  only  to  love,  was  born  May  2  7, 
1742.  Married,  October  15,  1861,  to 
John  Samuel  Owsley,  a  substantial  farm- 
er of  Walnut  Flat,  Lincoln  County,  Ky., 
of  a  historic  family,  who  was  born  Oct. 
3,  1840.  Mrs.  Owsley  died  Oct.  15,  1888, 
leaving  these  children: 

1.  Mary  Eliza  Owsley,  born  Dec.  25, 
1864;  married  Nov.  1,  1883,  to  Will- 
iam Rucker  Manier,  of  Nashville,  Tenn.     Issue: 



Wife  of  Thos.  Woods  Miller 

I/islan/   mil/    (i('ii('iil(it/ii',-<  Id  I 

1.  William   R.   Manier,   Jr.,   born   Jan.    ?,.    1SS5. 

2.  ,]()lin   Owsley   Manier,   born   March    IN,    1SS7. 

3.  Mary   Malinda   Manier,   born   March   ol,   1891. 

4.  Thoma.s   Miller   Manier,   born   Jan.    15,    1S97. 

2.  John  Samuel  Owsley,  Jr.,  altorney-at-law  of  Stanford,  Ky.; 
one  time  Coninionwealth's  Attorney:  born  Jan.  20,  1S67;  married 
April   26,   1894,   Miss  Ella   McElwain,  of  Franklin,  Ky.      Issue: 

1.   James  McElwain  Owsley,  born  Feb.  7,  189  5. 

3.  Mattie  Woods  Owsley,  born  June  13,  18  69;  married,  June 
18,  1895,  to  W.  P.  Walton,  who  came  from  Virginia,  an  editor. 
Xow   residents  of  Lexington,   Ky.      Issue: 

1.  W.   P.  Walton,  Jr.,  born  May  14,  1896. 

2.  Miller  Owsley  Walton,  born  April  3,   1898. 

3.  :\Iary   Miller  Walton,  born  June   7,   19  02. 

4.  Margaret  Susan  Owsley,  born  .luly  10,  1871;  married,  Dec. 
31,  1896,  to  J.  S.  Wells,  a  druggist  merchant  of  Danville,  Ky. 

1.  Mary  Manier  Wells,  born  June  15,  189  8. 

2.  Margaret   Owsley   Wells,   born   Feb.    12,    1903. 

3.  John   Samuel   Wells,  born  Jan.   3,   19  05. 

5.  Malinda   Owsley,   born   Aug.    19,    1873. 

6.  Thomas  Miller  Owsley,  born  April  2,  1875:  married  Jan.  15, 
1903,  to  Miss  Katherine  McGoodwin,  of  Bowling  Green.  Mr.  Ows- 
ley is  a  prominent  attorney-at-law  at   Bowling  Green.      Issue: 

1.   Virginia  McGoodwin  Owsley,  born  Oct.  IS,  1903. 

7.  Emma  McGehee  Owsley,  born  Aug.  8,  1877. 

8.  Michael  Owsley,  born  June  20,  1881. 


History  and  Genealogies 

CH  APTEl?    13. 


(Named  in  Chapter  5,  Section  10.) 

Article  1. — Colonel  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  a  son  and  youngest 
child  of  Daniel  Miller  and  Susannah  Woods,  his  wife,  was  bom 
near  the  mouth  of  Hickory  Lick,  a  branch  of  >Iuddy  Creek,  at 
his  parents'  home,  December  20,  1813. 

He  was  upwards  of  six  feet  and 
weighed  two  hundred  pounds.  He  was 
joined  in  marriage,  by  Elder  Allen  Em- 
bry,  an  old  Baptist  preacher,  September 
1,  1836,  to  Talitha  Harris,  a  daughter 
of  Christopher  Harris  and  Sallie  Wal- 
lace, his  wife  (see  Part  III,  Chap.  30), 
the  marriage  occurring  at  the  home  of 
the  bride's  parents.  Of  this  union 
eleven  children  were  born,  ten  of  whom 
were  raised  to  maturity.  He  was  a 
Colonel  of  Kentucky  Militia;  often  is- 
sued the  three  days'  notices  to  the  mi- 
litia to  attend  the  regimental  and  bat- 
talion  drills. 

Christopher  Irvine  Miller  was  very 
fond  of  company  and  greatly  enjoyed 
the  presence  of  friends.  Until  age  crept 
upon  him,  he  enjoyed  the  sports  of 
hunting,  such  as  deer,  birds,  etc.,  and 
deer  remained  plentiful  in  the  Kentucky 
apart   a  week  or  two  of  every  fall  which 

this  enjoyment — he  was  a  crack  shot  with   the 

No  one  pitted  against 


fishing,    and    so    long   as 
mountains,  he  would   set 
he  would  spend  in 
rifle  and  shot  gun. 

him  would  return  in  the  evening  with 
more  game  in  the  bag  than  he.  Many 
a  long  winter  night  at  home  by  a  bright 
wood  fire  in  the  presence  of  the  family 
and  others  have  we  listened  without  tir- 
ing or  getting  sleepy  to  his  hunting  sto- 
ries, which,  if  printed  as  told  by  him, 
would  be  good  reading.  He  was  full  of 

No  one  had  a  kinder  heart  or  cher- 
ished his  friends  more  than  did  he,  and 
nearly  every  one  were  fond  of  Irvine 
Miller.  His  enemies  were  few  and  far 

He  was  a  farmer  and  upon  his  farm, 
near  his  dwelling,  he  built  a  blacksmith 
shop,  which  was  provided  with  everything 
that  was  in  that  day  considered  neces- 
sary and  convenient  for  the  operation  of 
a  first  class  shop — including  a  goodly 
supply  of  the  best  of  tools  of  every  sort 
and  size;  his  edged  tools  always  found  to  be  sharp  and  in  splendid 


Wife  of  Christopher  I.  Miller 

Hisliiri/  iiiiil   (ii;n('(il(jfji('S  101} 

condition,  and  he  knew  how  to  use  them;  he  was  a  first  class  me- 
chanic and  conld  make  anything  from  a  needle  or  fish-hook  to  a 
wagon  or  plow.  He  never  half-way  did  anything;  he  went  on  the 
principle  that  if  a  thing  was  worth  doing  at  all  it  was  worth  doing 
well.  His  customers,  who  were  many,  not  only  in  his  own,  but  in 
adjoining  counties,  had  the  utmost  confidence  in  him,  not  only  in 
his  work,  but  in  his  word,  for  his  word  was  his  bond  and  his  work 
was  his  reward.  He  was  a  hard  and  constant  worker  and  the 
greatest  recreation  he  enjoyed  was  when  on  his  hunting  trips  and  an 
occasional  outing,  fishing  in  Station  Camp  Creek,  or  attending  his 
church  meetings.  He  operated  his  shop  actively  until  just  a  few 
years  before  his  death,  then  being  physically  unable  to  do  so.  His 
shop  was  known  not  only  over  the  county,  but  adjoining  counties. 
His  work  had  a  high  reputation.  He  shod  mules  by  the  hundreds 
for  the  Southern  market  which  were  in  those  days  driven  through 
to  market.  He  manufactured  plows,  wagons  and  all  sorts  of  farm- 
ing utensils,  did  an  immense  amount  of  hOrae  shoeing.  His  cele- 
brated turning  plow,  known  as  the  "Miller  Plow,"  was  at  that  time 
the  best  plow  made,  and  on  many  occasions  given  the  premium  over 
all  other  competitors  at  the  fairs,  and  had  a  famous  reputation  and 
ready  sale  fast  as  made. 

For  many  years  before  his  death  he  and  his  wife  were  consistent 
and  beloved  members  of  the  old  Baptist  Church  at  Flatwoods. 

He  was  beloved,  honored  and  respected  by  all  who  knew  him, 
and  at  his  death,  which  occurred  October  14,  1878,  at  his  Muddy 
Creelv  liome,  many  relatives  and  friends  mourned  and  lamented. 
He  was  much  missed  by  his  neighborhood  for  years  thereafter.  His 
sufferings,  trials  and  labors  have  ceased  and  he  is  at  perfect  rest  in 
the  presence  of  his  Maker  and  Redeemer. 

His  remains  were  placed  under  the  sod  in  the  burying  plot  near 
and  in  front  of  the  residence  on  the  farm  lately  owned  and  occu- 
pied by  the  late  Elder  John  M.  Park,  and  stone  properly  inscribed 
marks  the  grave.  His  children  will  cherish  his  memory  as  long  as 
they  live. 

His  wife,  Talitha  Harris,  was  born  at  the  home  of  her  parents 
on  Muddy  Creek,  in  said  county  of  Madison,  March  17,  1815.  She 
survived  from  the  death  of  her  husband  until  January  2,  1882, 
when  she  passed  from  time  to  eternity,  this  event  occurring  at  the 
home  of  her  daughter,  Susannah  Hume,  on  Muddy  Creek.  She  had 
not  been  strong  and  well  for  several  years,  was  very  sick  sometime 
before  her  death.  She  did  not  fear  to  meet  death,  had  abiding  faith 
and  trust  in  her  Savior.  She  and  her  husband  became  members  of 
the  Flatwood  Church  at  the  same  time. 

She  possessed  a  strong  mind,  good  judgment,  open  and  free 
speech;  what  she  had  to  say  she  said  it,  in  plain  words,  without  de- 
ceit. Was  admired  by  all  her  acquaintances.  What  she  said  and  did 
was  in  the  open,  unhidden.  She  was  very  industrious  and  no  wo- 
man could  accomplish  more  with  her  hands  in  the  same  time  than 
she.  She  was  beneficent  and  kind,  big-hearted,  a  loving  and  true 
wife,  a  good  mother.  She  is  now  asleep  in  Jesus.  It  seems  hard 
to  be  separated  from  so  good  a  mother,  but  the  will  of  God  be  done. 
How  consoling  to  know^  that  her  troubles  are  ended,  with  the  com- 
fortable hope  that  she  enjoys  the  sweet  rest  of  that  heavenly  home 
of  which  she  so  sweetly  and  calmly  spoke  just  before  her  departure. 
Her  remains  lie  under  the  sod  by  the  side  of  lier  husband's. 

Mrs.  Charles  (Mary  Miller)  Stephens,  of  Paris,  Ky.,  a  daughter 
of  General  John  Miller,  writes  that  her  "father  and  his  brothers 
were    well    educated,"    and    speaks    of    their    beautiful    hand-writing, 

104  Historij  and  Genealogies 

and  says:  "I  remember  dear  Uncle  Irvine,  too,  wrote  a  beautiful 
hand.  I  think  he  was  one  of  the  gentlest,  loveliest  men  I  ever  knew. 
Really  we  love  and  honor  the  memories  of  all  our  uncles  and  aunts. 
They  were  a  remarkable  family,  and  we  honor  our  wise  grand- 
parents. Aunt  Talitha,  I  remember,  was  one  of  the  most  genial, 
hospitable  persons  I  ever  knew,  and  so  kind  and  sympathetic  with 
children.  She  took  me  home  with  her  once  when  I  was  a  little  girl 
— rode  behind  her  on  horseback — and  in  the  evening  Uncle  Irvine 
would  take  the  violin  from  its  box  and  play  the  jolliest  dance  music, 
and  you  boys  and  girls  and  ourselves  would  have  a  happy  time — 
your  mother  sitting  by  and  enjoying  it  all.  I  recall  many  happy 
pictures  of  my  childhood." 

In  1846  C.  I.  Miller  qualified  as  Deputy  Sheriff  for  Jacob  S. 
White,  Sheriff  of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

Accounts  of  their  children  are  given  in  the  coming  sections: 
Nos.  1  to  11  inclusive: 

Section  1.  Sarah  Wallace  Miller,  a  daughter  and  first  born,  was 
born  at  home  on  Drowning  Creek,  June  7,  1837;  was  joined  in  mar- 
riage, June  5,  1856,  by  Elder  John  M.  Park,  an  old  Baptist  preacher, 
to  Stanton  Hmne  Thorpe,  at  the  home  of  her  parents  on  Muddy 
Creek.  She  died  May  27,  1897,  survived  by  her  husband,  who  lived 
a   few  years  and  died.      The  fruits  of  this  union   were  ten  children: 

1.  Amelia  Nash  Thorpe,  born  May  4,  1857;  married  William 
Joseph  Wagers,  Jan.  11,  1877,  a  Muddy  Creek  farmer.  To  them 
was  born  one  child: 

1.   James  Wagers,  now  a  young  man  and  Deputy  Clerk  of  the 
Madison  Circuit  Court. 

2.  Thomas  Miller  Thorpe,  born  Jan.  30,  1859;  married  Bettie 
Bonney;   died  leaving  a  widow  and  these  children: 

1.  William  Thorpe. 

2.  Hume  Thorpe. 

3.  Nathan  C.  Thorpe. 

4.  Sallie  Thorpe. 

5.  Eliza  Miller  Thorpe. 

Thomas  Miller  Thorpe  died  leaving  his  wife  surviving. 

3.  George  Hume  Thorpe,  born  Jan.  31,  1861;  married  Mrs. 
Bettie  Thorpe,  nee  Bonney,  widow  of  his  brother,  Thomas  Miller 
Thorpe.     No  issue. 

4.  Christopher  Irvine  Thorpe,  born  May  31,  1863;  died  Jan. 
12,  1864. 

5.  Stanton  Hume  Thorpe,  born  Dec.  10,  1864;  married  Hen- 
rietta Ravburn.  Served  two  years  as  Clerk  of  the  Madison  Cir- 
cuit Court,  defeating  his  uncle,  Will  Miller,  for  the  nomination, 
and  for  whom  he  had  been  deputy.      Issue: 

1.   Cecil  Thorpe. 

6.  Robert   Daniel   Thorpe,   born   April   29,   18  66.      Single. 

7.  Hugh  Thorpe,  born  Feb.  20,  1868;   died  March  12,  1890. 

8.  John  Harris  Thorpe,  born  May  2,  1872;  married  Kate  Mc- 
Cord.      She  died  leaving  her  husband  and  two  children; 

1.  Hugh  Miller  Thorpe. 

2.  John  Harris  Thorpe. 

9.  Woods  Thorpe,  born  May   4,   1875;    died  Oct.    30,   1876. 

10.    Sallie  Elizabeth  Thorpe,  born  Nov.   16,   1877;    married  Rich- 
ard Cobb,  a  livery  man  of  Richmond,  Ky.     Their  children: 
l.Tabitha  Park  Cobb. 
2.   Jesse  Cobb. 

Iltsliirij   iiihl    (ifiii'nl()(jirs  |().") 

Section  '2.  Robert  Daniel  .Milk  r,  a  son,  second  child,  born 
at  home  on  Drowning  Creek,  March  4,  1S39.  He 
the  cause  of  the  South  in  the  Civil  War  of  1S62  and  enlisted  in  the 
Confederate  Army,  Chenaulfs  Regimen! .  under  the  command  of 
Gen.  .John  H.  Morgan.  In  the  summer  or  early  fall  of  1S()2  he, 
with  two  companies  of  Confederate  soldiers,  under  the  temi)o- 
rary  command  of  Capt.  .lesse,  proceeded  from  Tenness-'e  to  Central 
Kentucky,  and  on  Monday,  September  8,  1862,  ihey  came  In 
contact  with  about  1,000  Federal  soldiers  in  ambush  on  the  top  of 
Pine  Mountain.  Volley  after  volley  of  the  enemy's  balls  was 
poured  into  them,  killing  and  wounding  several  of  the  company, 
and  killing  nearly  all  their  horses,  and  completely  routing  the  little 
band,  running  them  pell-mell  over  the  rugged  cliffs  and  declivities 
of  the  mountain.      In  the  skirmish  ^liller's  horse  was  shot  and  killed 

from    under   him,    but    he,    with    Harris   Thorpe,    Scott    Stivers,    

Stevens  and  two  Owen  County  men,  his  comrades  in  arms,  made 
temporarily  their  escape.  But  the  topography  of  the  cotintry, 
strange  to  them,  wild  and  mountainous,  alive  with  Federal  sol- 
diers and  buskwackers,  and  becoming  very  much  fatigued,  almost 
starved,  and  seeing  no  possible  way  of  getting  safely  out,  they 
very  wisely  concluded  to,  and  did  on  the  following  Wednesday,  sur- 
render to  the  home  guards,  and  w^ere  paroled.  Miller  then  re- 
mained with,  and  as  best  he  could,  ministered  to  the  wants 
and  comforts  of  his  uncle,  .John  Harris,  who  had  been  fatally  shot  in 
the  battle,  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  a  few  days.  He  then 
attended  to  and  saw  that  his  remains  were  buried  in  as  decent  a 
manner  as  possible  under  the  existing  circumstances.  Thereupon, 
he  returned  home,  where  he  remained  about  two  weeks,  when  under 
exchange,  he  re-entered  the  Confederate  service,  under  the  gallant 
and  intrepid  Gen.  John  H.  Morgan:  was  engaged  in  many  daring  and 
rapid  raids,  and  several  severe  conflicts;  was  again  captured  in 
General  Morgan's  famous  raid  into  the  States  of  Indiana  and  Ohio, 
and  carried  as  a  prisoner  of  war  to  Camp  Morton,  near  Indianapolis, 
Indiana.  In  his  removal  from  there  to  the  Federal  Prison,  Camp 
Douglas,  at  Chicago,  he  made  good  his  escape  by  jumi)ing  from  the 
train  of  cars  on  which  the  prisoners  were  aboard,  and  made  his  way 
under  difficulties,  back  to  Madison  County,  Kentucky,  which  at  that 
time  was  in  complete  possession  of  the  Federal  forces.  Arriving 
at  home  late  one  rainy  night,  thinly  clad,  food  and  raiment  were 
furnished  him  by  his  good  mother,  when  he  immediately  retired  to 
a  thicket  on  the  place,  not  even  daring  to  take  shelter  under  the 
parental  roof,  for  fear  of  being  recaptured  by  the  enemy  and  en- 
dangering the  safety  of  the  liberty  or  lives  of  his  father  and  mother, 
and  being  himself  disposed  of  as  a  spy.  Remaining  concealed  on  the 
place  for  about  a  week,  he  left  and  went,  accompanied  b.v  a  friend, 
through  the  country  to  Paris,  Ky.,  and  there  boarded  a  train  of  cars 
and  was  carried  by  railroad  speed  to  the  State  of  Minnesota,  and 
there  engaged  in  work  for  a  time,  until  the  opportunity  presented  it- 
self, when  he  joined  a  company  or  wagon  traiir,  backed  by  Federal 
troops  and  crossed  the  Western  plains  to  the  territory  of  Idaho,  the 
Indians  of  the  section  through  which  they  traveled  then  being  on 
the  war  path,  and  causing  much  trouble  to  the  government,  having 
several  fights  with  the  Indians  on  the  way.  He  remained  in  the 
territories  of  Idaho  and  Montana,  engaged  in  prospecting  and  min- 
ing for  gold,  until  the  year  1S67,  when  he  returned  to  the  home  of 
his  parents. 

During  his  absence  from  home  he  had  been  exposed  to  many 
dangers  and  hardships;  he  remained  at  home  something  like  a  year, 

lOG  Histori/  (IikI   fTcncdltxjies 

and  then  went  and  located  at  Goodland,  Newton  County,  Ind.,  about 
the  first  of  18  68.  The  next  year,  towards  its  close,  he  returned  to 
Madison  County,  Kentucky,  and  on  December  22,  1869,  was  mar- 
ried to  Susan  J.  Barrett,  a  daughter  of  Francis  Barnett  and  Miranda 
Duncan  his  wife  (who  were  married  Sept.  2  6,  18  44),  at  the  resi- 
dence of  Coleman  Covington,  on  Muddy  Creek,  by  Elder  .John  M. 
Park,  an  old  Baptist  preacher.  Then  he  and  his  bride  left  for  their 
home  at  Goodland,  where  they  lived  until  the  year  187  6,  when  they 
returned  to  near  Earl  Park,  Benton  County,  Indiana,  a  distance  less 
than  half  a  days'  horseback  ride  from  the  spot  where  he  made  his 
escape  from  the  Federal  soldiers.  He  lived  at  near  Earl  Park  for 
a  number  of  years  and  then  went  with  his  family  to  Denver,  Colo- 
rado, where  his  wife  died.  His  wife  was  born  March  20,  1857, 
and  was  killed  by  an  accident  on  an  elevator  in  Denver,  Colorado,  a 
r umber  of  years  since. 

He  now  lives  in  Woodward  County,  Oklahoma,  about  eleven 
miles  from  a  little  place  called  Doris,  where  he  has  entered  and 
staked  a  claim  for  160  acres  of  land,  upon  which  he  has  lived  for 
four  years,  being  required  by  the  Government  to  occupy  the  same 
five  years  before  perfecting  his  title  to  the  land.      Their  children: 

1.  Laura    Frances    Miller,    born    Oct.    3,    1870;    married    .1.    W. 
Horstman,  of  Denver,  Colorado. 

2.  Miranda  Matilda  Miller,  born  Nov.   27,  1871:    married  E.  P. 
Worcester;   they  live  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa.     Their  children: 

1.  Earl  Worcester. 

2.  Irene  Worcester. 

3.  Eugene  Worcester. 

3.  Talitha  Ann  Eliza  Miller,  born  Nov.  29,  1873;   died  . 

4.  Eddie    Lyon    Shackelford    Miller,    born    .Jan.    19,    1895;    died 
Sept.   3,  1896. 

5.  Susan    Robert    Miller,    born    .Jan.    9,    1877,    married    J.    D. 
Wilmot,  of  Denver,  Colorado. 

6.  A   daughter,    Susannah,    born    Aug.    23,    1S79;    died    Sept.    6, 

7.  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  born  April  6,  1882;  a  railroad  man 
of  Denver,  Colorado. 

8.  Leah  Miller,   the  youngest,  now  living  in  Denver,  Colorado. 

Section  3.  James  Christopher  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  at  the 
John  Blanton  House,  on  Downing  Creek,  Sept.  3,  1841.  He  favored 
the  cause  of  the  South  and  joined  the  Confederate  army,  Chenault's 
Regiment,  under  the  command  of  General  John  H.  Morgan,  in  the 
late  Civil  War  of  1862.  In  that  noted  raid  of  the  daring  Morgan 
into  the  States  of  Indiana  and  Ohio,  in  which  his  men  were  in  the 
saddle  twenty-odd  days  without  sleep,  only  what  they  got  on  the 
backs  of  their  horses:  he  was  captured  at  Cheshire,  O.,  and  taken  as  a 
prisoner  of  war,  first  to  the  Federal  prison  in  Camp  Chase,  and 
there  in  that  filthy  place  confined  for  a  time:  from  there  removed 
to  Camp  Douglas,  at  Chicago,  where  he  remained  in  prison  for  eigh- 
teen months.  When  all  hope  for  the  success  of  the  Southern  cause 
was  exploded,  by  taking  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  Federal  Gov- 
ernment, he  was  released  from  prison  and  came  home.  When  the 
rights  of  suffrage,  which  was  taken  from  the  Confederates,  as  rebels, 
was  finally  restored,  through  the  efforts  of  such  men  as  Gen.  Frank 
Wolford,  his  first  attempt  to  vote  was  under  the  bayonet,  and  the 
officers  of  the  election  refused  him  a  vote,  which  the  courts  upheld. 

During  his  service  in   the  army  he  was  in   many   bold   raids   un- 

tier    his   noted    leader,   engaged    in    several    battles,    and    exposed    to 
all   the   dangers   and   hardships   incident    to   such   service. 

Having  learned  under  his  father  before  entering  the  war,  the 
trade  of  a  blacksmith  when  he  came  home  he  followed  that  as 
an  occupation  until  his  marriage.  After  that  event  he  followed 
farming  some  years,  when  he  moved  to  Northern  Indiana,  Newton, 
County,  where  he  lived  a  time  and  then  came  back  to  Madison  Coun- 
ty, Ky.,  and  engaged  again  in  blacksmithing,  following  the  same 
for  several  years.  He  tired  of  that  and  began  farming  once  more. 
He  now  lives  on  the  old  farm  where  his  father  lived  and  died. 

September  22,  1869,  he  was  joined  in  marriage  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
S.  Rayburn,  widow-  of  .John  Rayburn,  deceased,  and  daughter  of 
Wilson  C.  N.  Broaddas,  by  Elder  John  M.  Park,  at  her  late  home  on 
Upper  Muddy  Creek.  She  was  a  descendant  of  the  old  Virginia 
family  set  forth  in  the  attached  Notes  of  the  Broaddus  family, 
.lames  C.  Miller  and  his  wife  are  both  members  of  the  Old  Baptist 
Church.        To  them  were  born  these  children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Susan  Miller,  born  August  2  7,  187<i;  married 
William  Edgar  Blanton,  proprietor  of  a  large  lumber  mill  and 
lilant  in  Richmond,  Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Blanton. 

2.  Edgar   Blanton. 

3.  Emmet    Blanton. 

4.  Susan   Shackelford  Blanton. 

5.  Camilla  Blanton. 

6.  James  Edgar  Blanton. 

2.  Talitha  Harris  Miller,  born  Dec.  5,  1891;  died  Aug.  5,  1873. 

3.  James  Christopher  Miller,  born  Dec.  19,  187  3,  married  Anna 
Bluez.  They  live  at  Almira,  State  of  Washington.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Their  children: 

1.  Nannie   Caroline  Miller,   born   Nov.    11,    1902. 

2.  Jesse  Bluez  Miller,  born  Dec.   2  8,   19  04. 

3.  Elizabeth  Miller. 

4.  Mary  Eliza  Miller,  born  Aug.  5,  18  80;  teacher  in  Caldwell 
High  School,  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  and  musician:  married.  June, 
1907,  to  William  E.  Gilkeson,  a  coal  operator  and  promoter,  lo- 
cated at  Blanch,  Belle  County,  Ky.;  the  marriage  took  place  at 
the  writer's  residence  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  and  was  solemnized  by 
Elder  Charles  H.  Waters,  of  Maryland. 

5.  Katie  Wilson  Miller,  born  May  28,  18  85;  holds  a  first-class 
certificate  of  qualification  to  teach  the  public  schools  of  Kentucky. 

Note:      The  Broaddus   Family. 

Edward  Broaddus  emigrated  from  Wales  in  the  early  part  of 
the  eighteenth  century  and  settled  on  Gwynn's  Island,  in  the  Pianki- 
Tank  River,  near  its  junction  with  the  Rappahannock.  In  1715  he 
moved  to  Caroline  County  (then  King  and  Queen),  where  he  resided 
till  his  death.  He  was  twice  married.  The  name  of  his  first  wife 
has  not  been  handed  down;  his  second  wife  was  Mary  Shipley.  His 
descendants  are  scattered  over  Virginia,  Kentucky  and  elsewhere. 
The  children  of  his  first  marriage  were: 

1.  Thomas  Broaddus,  w^as  a  Revolutionary  soldier;  lived  and 
died  in  Caroline  County  at  the  age  of  7  0  years.  He  married  Ann 
Redd,  who  lived  to  be  9  6  years  old.      Their  children: 

1.  Edward   Oldham,  married   Miss   Brown. 

2.  Thomas  Broaddus,  died  at  83  years  of  age.     He  married, 
fix  St,  Martha  Jones,  of  Essex  County,  and  second,  Miss  Watkins. 

lO.S  Ilisfurt/  and   Gcncahgies 

3.  Shildrake  Broaddus,  married  Mary  Ann  Pankey. 

4.  Mordecai   Broaddus,   married  Martha  Reynolds. 

5.  John    Broaddus,    married    America    Broaddus,    a    daughter 
of  Robin  Broaddus. 

6.  Richard   Broaddus,   married   Mrs.   Jeter. 

7.  Redd  Broaddus. 

8.  Catherine   Broaddus,   married   Edwin   Mobley. 

9.  Elizabeth   Broaddus,   married   Golden  Puller. 

10.  Ann   Broaddus,   married   Captain  Robert   Sale. 

11.  Sarah  Broaddus. 

2.    Richard   Broaddus;    married  ;    had   a  son: 

1.   Edward  Broaddus:   married  :   emigrated  to  Kentucky 

in  1801,  and  settled  in  Madison  County:  and  in  1825  was  mar- 
ried again  to  Margaret  Ham,  and  on  the  27th  of  July,  182  6, 
he  and  his  wife  Margaret  made  a  deed  to  his  sons,  Beverley 
and  Thomas,  to  160  acres  of  land  in  Madison  County,  where 
the  said  Edward  then  lived.     The  children  of  his  first  marriage: 

1.  James   Broaddus,   married   Xancy  ,   on   the   od 

of  May,  1830.  James  Broaddus  and  his  wife  Nancy  made  a 
deed  to  Robert  C.  Patterson  to  100  acres  of  land  on  Hay's 
Fork  of  Silver  Creek,  Dec.  2  8,  1830:  his  widow  Xancy  was 
allotted  dower  in  his  estate.     Their  children: 

1.  Martha   Broaddus,   married   Thompson   Thurman. 

2.  Xancy  Waller  Broaddus,  married  Robert  C.  Patter- 
sen.      (See  Part   I,  Chap.   14,  Sec.   2.) 

3.  Mary  Jane  Broaddus,   married   Christopher  Rowland. 

4.  Mildred  G.  Broaddus,  married  Hiram  Doolin. 

5.  Elizabeth   Broaddus:    married   . 

6.  Susan  R.   Broaddus,  married  Mr.  Wilkerson. 

7.  William  Broaddus. 

2.  Richard  Broaddus,  born  Sept.  3,  1774:  married  Polly 
Mahone,  Feb.  15,  1798.  She  was  born  June  2,  1773,  and 
died  June  5,  183  7.  He  married  again,  Oct.  19,  183  8,  Mar- 
tha Gillespie.  She  died  March  22,  18  48,  and  Richard  Broad- 
dus died  Mav  8,  1850.  His  will  bears  date  April  4,  1848; 
probated  June  3,  1850.  Silas  Xewland  and  George  W. 
Broaddus  were  executors  of  the  will.  The  children  of  his 
first   marriage: 

1.  Cynthia  Broaddus,  born  March  15,  1799;  died  Aug. 
8,   1804. 

2.  Hudson  Broaddus,  born  October  3,  1800;  married 
Jane  Reid,  Dec.  24,  1819.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec.  3, 
and  Part  II,  Chap.  21,  Sec.  2.) 

3.  Sallie  Broaddus,  born  Xov.  5,  1801;  married,  Dec. 
24,   1816,  Daniel  Estill. 

4.  Simeon  Broaddus,  born  July  2,  180  3;  married,  Dec. 
21,  182  5,  China  Crews.  She  was  allotted  dower  in  his 
estate,  Dec.  22,  1847.     Among  their  children  were: 

1.  Dr.  Richard  Broaddus,  of  Blue  Springs,  Mo.;    mar- 
ried Lucy  McCord. 

2.  Marcellus  Broaddus,  M.  D.,  married;  went  to  Texas 
and  died. 

3.  Temple   Broaddus,    married   Lucy   Alexander:    lives 
in  Missouri. 

4.  Benjamin   Broaddus,  went   to  Idaho;    has  not  been 
heard  of  for  a  long  time. 

5.  Lvcurgus  Broaddus,  died  a  bachelor  in  S.  Carolina. 

Ilisliini   mill   (li-ii('(ilnf/i('s  109 

6.  Laura    Broaddus,    inanicd    Dr.    Hugh     W.     lloKaii. 

1.  George    Broaddus    Hogan,    born    Feb.    2  9,    IS 59; 
died  Sept.   13,   1860. 

2.  Alice    B.    Hogan,    born    Oct.    2.5,    1N6():     married 
Ambrose  B.   Wagers. 

3.  Thomas     Simeon     Hogan,    born     Xov.    II,    1S62; 
died  Aug.   6,   18  63. 

4.  Mary  Ellen   Hogan,   born  Dec.   11,   18  64;  married 
Michael  W.  Miller.      (See  Part  I,  Chap.   13,  Sec.   10.) 

5.  Lula  Hogan,  born  Feb.   14,   1866;    married,   first, 
Wm.  Tisdale;  second,  Mr.  Davis. 

6.  Samuel     Grant    Hogan,    born    March     19,     1869; 
died  Sept.   3,  1883. 

7.  Henry  Harney  Hogan,  born  May  14,  1872;   died. 

8.  David   M.    Hogan,    l)orn    Dec.    15,    1874;    married 
Flora  Atkins. 

9.  John  W.  Hogan,  born  Xov.   1878;    married  


10.  Hubert    W.    Hogan,    born    Nov.    13,    ISSO;    died 
Nov.  21,  1880. 

7.  Mary  Ann  Broaddus,   married  Charles  Ball. 

5.  George  W.  Broaddus,  born  Sept.  4,  180.5;  married, 
Dec.  11,  182  8,  Elvira  Hocker  (see  Part  VH,  Chap.  7,  Sec. 
1),  and  second,  Cynthia  Hunt.     He  was  a  Baptist  minister. 

6.  Jesse  Broaddus,  born  Nov.  18,  1806;  died  Aug.  3, 

7.  Patsey  Broaddus,  born  June  4,  1808;  died  April  23, 

8.  Emily  Broaddus,  born  Feb.  1,  1810;  married,  Aug. 
12,  182  6,  to  Silas  Newland.  Kept  a  public  inn,  or  tavern, 
on  the  State  road  near  Big  Hill,  in  Madison  County,  Ky., 
where  they  died.  Mr.  Newland  was  very  generous,  hos- 
pitable and  kind  and  well-to-do  farmer.  Had  several 

9.  Matilda  Broaddus,  born   Nov.   27,   1811. 

Beverley  Broaddus,  born  July  27,  1813;  married,  May 
31,  183  8,  to  Eliza  Ann  Lackey.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec. 
11).  She  was  allotted  dower  in  his  estate  April  7,  1849. 
His  orphan  children,  for  whom  Andrew  K.  Lackey  was 
guardian,   were: 

1.  Mary   Jane   Broaddus,    married   Michael    Elkin. 

2.  Emily   A.    Broaddus,    married   John   Rout. 

3.  Samuel   T.   Broaddus. 

4.  Richard  D.  Broaddus. 

11.  Wilson  Cary  Nicholas  Broaddus,  born  Oct.  15,  1815; 
mari'ied,  Jan.  30.  1S38,  to  Nancy  Ballew.  He  was  a  beau- 
Mful  scribe  and  prosperous  farmer  of  Madison  County,  Ky. 
Their  children. 

1.  Elizabeth  Susan  Broaddus,  married,  first,  John 
Rayburn,  and  second,  James  C.  Miller.  (See  Part  I, 
Chap.  13,  Sec.   3.)      Children  of  the  first  marriage: 

1.  Nannie  Rayburn,   married   Nathan   C.    Bonney. 

2.  Charles  S.  Rayburn. 

Children  of  second  marriage  are  set  rorth  in  Chap. 
13,  Sec.   2. 

2.  George  S.  Broaddus,  married  IMary  Tyree. 

110  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

3.  Elizabeth  Broaddus;  married  John  Jarman.  (See  Part 
V,  Chap.  4,  Sec.  1,  and  Part  V,  Chap.  3,  Sec.  5.) 

4.  Whitfield  Broaddus;  married  Sallie  Mahone,  Jan.  15, 

5.  Beverley  Broaddus;  married  Mrs.  Frances  Redmond. 
On  the  18th  of  July,  1832,  he  and  his  wife  Franky  made  a 
deed  to  Thompson  Thurman  and  Martha,  his  wife;  Christo- 
pherRowland  and  Mary  Jane,  his  wife;  James  Broaddus,  Wil- 
liam Broaddus,  Mildred  Y.  Broaddus,  Elizabeth  Broaddus, 
and  Susan  R.  Broaddus,  Robert  C.  Patterson  and  Nancy  W. 
his  wife,  heirs  of  James  Broaddus,  to  lands  on  Muddy  Creek. 

6.  Elijah  Broaddus;    married  Mary  Barnett. 

7.  John  Broaddus;  married  Mary  Broaddus.  His  will 
bears  date  Jan.  23,  1826;  probated  May  4,  18  29,  wife  Mary. 
Their  children: 

1.  Frances  Broaddus. 

2.  John  Broaddus. 

3.  Lucy    Broaddus;    married   Mr.    Grimes. 

4.  Nancy  Broaddus;   married  Mr.  Munday. 

5.  Andrew   Broaddus. 

6.  Thomas  Broaddus. 

7.  Patsey  Broaddus 

8.  Catherine  Broaddus;    married  Mr.  Price. 

Mrs.  Mary  Broaddus'  will  bears  date  Feb.  17,  1840,  pro- 
bated Oct.  5,  1840,  in  which  she  names  her  son,  Thomas 
Broaddus,  and  her  grandchildren,  John  L.  Price,  Andrew 
Price,  John  Brooks,  Mary  Jane  Brooks,  and  Sally  Ann 

8.  Thomas  Broaddus;  married  Elizabeth  Newland  in  1813. 
(One  Thomas  Broaddus  married  Elizabeth  Ross  in  1810.) 
"On  the  4th  of  August  1832,  one  Thomas  Broaddus  and  Eliz- 
abeth his  wife,  made  a  deed  to  Alexander  Ross  to  75  acres 
of  land  on  Paint  Lick  Creek."  Thomas  Broaddus"  will  was 
probated  Feb.  25,  1828,  in  which  he  names  Silas  Newland 
and  Richard  Broaddus  as  executors  and  his  children,  to-wit: 

1.  Amelia  Broaddus;  married  William  Broaddus,  and  on 
the  16th  of  October,  1832,  William  Broaddus,  of  Rock- 
castle County,  made  a  deed  to  Beverley  Broaddus,  of  Estill, 
and  William  Broaddus,  of  Todd,  reciting  that  William  and 
his  wife  Amelia  had  separated  and  happily  come  together, 
and  the  grantees  were  to  hold  certain  property  bought  of 
Jeremiah  Broaddus  for  William  as  long  as  he  continued  to 
live  with  his  wife  and  treat  her  well,  but  in  case  of  his 
failure  they  were  to  hold  it  for  his  wife. 

2.  Martha  Broaddus. 

3.  Mary  Broaddus. 

9.  Jeremiah  Broaddus. 

10.  William    Broaddus;    married    Jane   E.    Moore. 

11.  Polly  Broaddus;   married  Thos.  Frances.  Their  children; 

1.  Susan  Frances;  married  James  D.  Ballard.  The  par- 
ents of  Thomas  James  Ballard  and  others. 

2.  Mary  Francis;  married  Capt.  Palestine  P.  Ballard,  a 
former  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Sheriff  of  Madison  Coun- 
ty, Ky.,  and  Federal  officer  in  Revenue  service. 

3.  Jane  Francis;    married  Thomas  Jeptha  Cornelison. 

4.  Elizabeth  Francis. 

5.  John  B.  Francis;  married,  first,  Susan  Francis,  and, 
second,  Eliza  Rowland.     Issue  of  the  first  marriage: 

Ilislori/  mill   (iriiciihii/iea  111 

1.  Pattie   Francis:    married   Daniel   Maiipin   'i'lTiill. 
Issue  of  the  second  marriage: 

2.  David  R.  Francis,  of  St.  Louis,  former  Mayor  of 
St.  Louis,  Governor  of  the  State  of  Missouri,  and  Pres- 
ident of  the  St.  I^ouis  Purchase  Exposition,  I  lie  great- 
est of  world's  fairs. 

3.  Thomas  Francis. 

4.  Mary  Francis. 

5.  Hallie  Francis. 

6.  Thomas   Francis:    married   Elizabeth   Gibbs. 

7.  Louis  E.  Francis;  married,  first,  Emma  Bronston, 
and,  second,  Laura  Estill. 

S.    Edward  E.  Francis. 

9.  Daniel  G.  Francis:    married  Miss  Ballard. 

10.  William  F.  Francis;  died  a  bachelor. 

11.  Edith  Francis;  married  Dr.  Pettus,  of  Crab  Or- 
chard, Ky. 

12.  Margaret  Francis:  married,  first,  William  Mize,  and, 
second,  Mr.  Sam.  Curd. 

13.  Julia  Francis:    married  Henry  Pigg. 

12.  Andrew  Broaddus;  married  Gracie  Askin.  In  the 
time  of  the  California  gold  fever,  Andrew  Broaddus  went 
with  a  company,  in  which  was  Christopher  Carson,  the  noted 
western  pioneer  frontiersman,  scout  and  pilot,  across  the 
plains  of  the  West,  the  Sante  Fe  route  to  the  gold  regions; 
on  the  way,  in  camp,  a  number  of  buffalo  came  near  and  Mr. 
Broaddus,  desiring  to  shoot  a  bison,  in  pulling  a  gun  out  of 
the  wagon  from  the  rear,  the  same  was  accidently  discharged, 
entering  his  arm,  making  an  ugly  wound,  which  was  di'essed 
as  best  they  could,  and  the  company  continued  on  their  way. 
In  a  few  days,  Broaddus'  arm  getting  seriously  worse,  with  a 
common  knife  and  saw,  Mr.  Carson  amputated  his  arm  and 
heated  a  lynch  pin  and  seared  it;  the  bone  afterwards  pro- 
truding was  broken  off  and  the  would  healed;  and  Mr.  Broad- 
dus spent  his  remaining  days  with  one  arm,  and  died  in 
Madison  County,  Ky.,  Dec.  24,  1872,  and  his  wife  died  Aug. 
14,  1876.  Whilst  a  resident  of  Missouri,  prior  to  1827,  she 
made  a  visit  to  her  friends  in  Kentucky,  making  the  trip 
both  ways  on  horseback,  and  thought  it  nice  and  enjoyed  it. 
Their  children: 

1.  .Tohn  E.  Broaddus:   married  Ann  M.  Royston  in  1843. 

2.  Green  B.  Broaddus;  died  in  Kansas.  He  was  First 
Lieutenant  in  Humphrey  Marshall's  Regiment  of  Mounted 
Rifles  in  the  Mexican  War,  and  Major  of  the  7th  Kentucky 
Infantry  on  the  Federal  side  in  the  Civil  War.  He  was  in 
the  battles  of  Perry ville  and  Stone  River,  and  in  the  latter 
engagement  commanded  a  regiment.  He  married  Patsey 
Ellen  McHenry.  He  was  more  than  once  elected  Sheriff 
of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

3.  Jeremiah  Broaddus:  married  Juliet  Oldham.  (See 
Part  VI,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  13.)  He  was  a  prominent  farmer 
of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

4.  Andrew  W.  Broaddus. 

5.  William  F.  Broaddus:  married  Winifred  Thomas. 
(See  Part  III,  Chap.  5,  Sec.   4.) 

6.  Sidney  C.  Broaddus;    married  ]\Iiss  Forbes. 

7.  Elbridge  J.  Broaddus:  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at 
Richmond.    Kv.,    in    March.    1S58:    removed    to    Chilicothe, 

112  Historij  and  Genealogies 

Mo.,  in  1867,  where  he  now  lives.  In  1874,  was  elected 
Circuit  Judge  of  the  17th  Judicial  District  of  Missouri  for 
six  years,  and  several  times  re-elected,  and  is  now  Judge 
of  the  highest  State  Court  and  a  man  of  much  distinction 
in  Missouri.  He  married,  first,  Ann  Chambers,  second, 
,  and,  third.  Miss  Alexander. 

8.  Mary  Broaddus;    died  single. 

9.  Margaret  Broaddus:  married  Capt.  Nathan  Noland,  a 
farmer  of  Madison  County,  Ky.,  who  died  several  years 
since;  a  man  of  very  strong  intellect  and  well  beloved  by 
all  who  knew  him.  He  left  a  good  heritage  to  his  chil- 
dren, a  good  name.  His  widow  yet  lives;  a  good  woman, 
admired  by  all  who  know  her.     Their  children: 

1.  John  Noland:   lives  with  his  mother;   unmarried. 

2.  Elbridge    Noland:     married    Maggie    Thorpe.     (See 
Part  HI,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  1.) 

3.  MaiT  Noland:   married  Nathan  Bird  Deatherage. 

4.  James  Noland;    married,    first.     Miss    Cox,     second, 
Nannie  Harris.    (See  Part   HI,  Chap.  4  4,  Sec.   1.) 

5.  Green  B.   Noland:    married  Miss  Nannie  Griggs. 

6.  A.   Sidney  Noland:    married  Mayme  Baxter. 

7.  Jeremiah   Noland;    married   Miss   Turley. 

8.  George   Noland:    married   Miss  . 

10.  Elizabeth  Broaddus:   married  Major  Ferrill. 

3.  Dolly  Broaddus. 

Besides  by  his  first  marriage,  Edward  Broaddus  from  Wales 
had  one  or  two  other  daughters. 
By  his  second  marriage,  to  Mary  Shipley,  Edward  Broaddus  from 
Wales  had  these  children; 

4.  John  Broaddus:   married  Frances  Pryor. 

5.  William  Broaddus;  married  Miss  Gaines,  and  was  the  first 
of  the  name,  so  far  as  known,  to  settle  in  Culpeper  County,  Va. 
Their  children 

1.  William  Broaddus;  married,  first,  Mrs.  Martha  Jones, 
widow  of  Capt.  Gabriel  Jones,  the  Revolutionary  soldier,  and  a 
daughter  of  Robert  Slaughter,  first  church  warden  of  St.  Marks. 
His  second  wife  was  Martha  Richardson.  He  was  a  Major  in 
the  Revolutionary  army  and  was  for  many  years  Clerk  of  the 
Culpeper  County  Court.  Late  in  life  he  moved  to  Harper's 
Ferry,  where  he  was  paymaster  in  the  army,  and  where  he  died. 
The  children   of  his   first   marriage: 

1.  Catherine   Broaddus;    married  William  Mills  Thompson. 

2.  Wiggington  Broaddus. 

3.  Juliet   Broaddus:    married   Col.    Henry   Ward,   and  had: 

1.  William  H.  Ward;  married  Jane  Roberts,  daughter 
of  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  John  Roberts.      No  issue. 

2.  Woodville  Ward;   moved  to  Mississippi;   unmarried. 

4.  Patsey  Broaddus:    married   Meriwether   Thompson. 

5.  William  Broaddus;  succeeded  his  father  as  Clerk  of  the 
Culpeper  County  Court:  married  Ann  Tutt;  had  two  children; 

1.  Juliet  Ann  Broaddus;  married  Edward  Herndon:  had 
one  child: 

1.   Mary  Eleanor  Herndon;    married   John   Roberts. 

2.  William   A.   Broaddus:    unmarried. 

The  children  of  the  second  marriage  of  Major  William  Broad- 
dus, to  Martha  Richardson: 

6.  Sarah  Ann  Broaddus.  . 

7.  Lavinia  Broaddus. 

Ihsltjiij  (iiiil   (ii'iiriduyii's  II;; 

8.  Maria  Broaddiis. 

9.  Mary  Broaddiis:    married  Thomas  Keys. 

2.    Thomas   Hroaddus;    married  Mrs.   Susannah    White.      Their 

1.  Edmund  Broaddus;  married,  iirsi,  Xancy  Sims,  and, 
second,  Somerville  Ward.  No  issue  of  his  second  marriage. 
The  children  of  his  first  marriage  were: 

1.  James  M.   Broaddus. 

2.  Martha  A.  Broaddus. 

3.  Caroline  M.  Broaddus. 

4.  John  A.  Broaddus,  D.  D.  The  most  accomplished  and 
scholarly  man  who  ever  bore  the  name  Broaddus. 

•  2.  William  F.  Broaddus:  so  strong  was  his  intellect,  so 
industrious  his  habits,  and  so  eager  his  desire  to  excel,  that 
through  his  own  unaided  efforts,  he  not  only  acquired  a  good 
knowledge  of  books  and  their  contents,  but  became  a  highly 
popular  and  successful  school  teacher  and  minister  of  the 
Gospel,  both  in  Virginia  and  Kentucky.  He  joined  the  Bap- 
tist Church  when  quite  young,  and  commenced  preaching  in 
Virginia;  he  had  a  school  and  church  at  Middleburg,  and  at 
other  places  he  preached  and  taught  at  different  times.  He 
moved  to  Kentucky  and  taught  and  preached  in  Lexington 
and  Shelbyville.  He  returned  to  Virginia  and  there  resumed 
his  calling  till  advanced  in  years.  He  married,  first,  Mrs.  A. 
Farrow,  and,  second,  Mrs.  Lucy  E.  Fleet.  The  children  of 
his  first  marriage: 

1.  Edmund  S.  Broaddus. 

2.  Amanda  F.   Broaddus. 

3.  William  H.  C.  Broaddus. 

4.  Mary  L.  Broaddus. 

5.  Thomas  E.  Broaddus. 

6.  John  F.   Broaddus. 

The  issue  of  his  second  marriage: 

7.  Lucy  Maria  Broaddus. 

3.  Andrew  Broaddus:  was  born  in  Caroline  County,  Va., 
and  there  lived  and  died.  He  established  a  reputation  as  an 
orator,  notwithstanding  his  education  was  very  limited,  hav- 
ing attended  school  only  nine  months  in  his  life.  He  united 
with  the  Baptist  Church  when  very  young.  He  had  barely 
become  of  age  when  ordained  a  minister  of  the  Gospel,  and 
was  one  of  the  most  popular  pulpit  orators  of  his  day.  He 
wrote  a  number  of  works.  His  "History  of  the  Bible"  was 
favorably  received  by  the  religious  people.  He  lived  to  be 
old.  He  married  Mrs.  Belle  Simms.  (Some  say  he  was 
married  four  times.)      His  children: 

1.  Mary  Susan  Broaddus. 

2.  Virginia   Broaddus. 

3.  Andrew  Broaddus;  also  became  a  Bai)tist  minister  of 
great  ability  and  was  an  able  writer  as  well  as  speaker. 
He,  also,  lived  in  Caroline  County,  Va.,  to  quite  an  old 
age.  The  record  is  that  three  generations,  W.  F.  Broad- 
dus, his  son  Andrew,  and  grandson  Andrew,  covering  a 
period  of  one  hundred  years,  had  successively  and  success- 
fully occupied  the  same  pulpit  and  preached  to  the  same 
people  and  descendants  of  the  same. 

4.  Lucy  P.   Broaddus. 

5.  Louisa  W.  Broaddus. 

(Besides  there  were  six  other  children.) 

114  Ilistorij  and  Genealogies 

4.  Lucy  Broaddiis;    married  William  Ferguson. 

5.  Maria   Broaddus;    married  John   S.  Wallace.      Children: 

1.  Sarah  Wallace. 

2.  Thomas  O.  Wallace. 

3.  Mildred  Wallace. 

4.  Mary  Russell  Wallace. 

3.  James  Broaddus,  born  Dec.  27,  1756.  He  was  an  Ensign 
in  the  Revolutionary  army.  He  married  Mary  A.  Ferguson. 
Their  children: 

1.    Elizabeth    Broaddus,    born    Sept.    15,    1782;     died    in 

18  62:    unmarried. 

2.  Catherine     Broaddus,     born     Jan.     2  6,     1787;     married 
Thomas  N.  Butts. 

3.  William  D.  Broaddus,  born  May  16,  1789;   died  in  Cul- 
peper  County  in   18  50. 

4.  Sarah  W.  Broaddus:    married  James  Burdette. 

5.  James   G.    Broaddus;    married    Elizabeth    Susan    Gaines, 
February,  182  4. 

6.  Susan   C.    Broaddus;    married   Frederick   Burdette,   June 
17,   1839. 

6.  James  Broaddus;    married  Miss  Gaines.      Issue: 
1.   William  Broaddus:    married  and  had  children. 

7.  Shipley  Broaddus;    married   Miss  Connally. 

8.  Robin  Broaddus;    married  Sarah  Harwood.      Their  children: 

1.  Warner  Broaddus. 

2.  William   Broaddus:    married   Elizabeth  Motley.      Children: 

1.  Reuben   Broaddus;    married   Martha   L.   Oliver. 

2.  Edwin  Broaddus:    married  Eliza  Montague. 

3.  Robert  Broaddus. 

4.  Warner  Broaddus. 

5.  William  Broaddus. 

6.  Mordecai    Broaddus. 

7.  Betsy  Broaddus;    married  Mr.   Bobbins. 

3.  Robert   Broaddus. 

4.  Mary   Broaddus. 

5.  Caroline  Broaddus. 

6.  America   Broaddus:    married  John   Broaddus. 

9.  Elizabeth    Broaddus;    married    Richard    Gaines. 

(The  Broaddus  Family,  by  A.  Broaddus,  D.  D.) 

Section  4.  John  Thomas  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  at  the  home  on 
Muddy  Creek,  August  19,  1844;  married  to  Anice  Elkin,  daughter 
of  Robert  M.  Elkin  and  his  wife,  Malinda  Elkin,  at  the  Dr.  Thomas 
S.  Moberley  place,  on  said  creek,  by  Rev.  Charles  Dobbs,  a  Mission- 
ary Baptist  preacher,  on  the  11th  day  of  February,  1869.  Of  this 
union  these  children  are  the  issue: 

1.  William  Francis  Miller,  born  Dec.  2  8,  1869.  When  in  his 
fourteenth  year,  Aug.  2  2,  188  3,  he  and  the  horse  he  was  riding 
were  killed  by  a  bolt  of  lightning. 

2.  Robert  Elkin  Miller,  born  Oct.  28,  1871.  He  married  Pattie 
Tevis;  she  died,  and  on  the  18th  of  October,  19  05,  he  married  the 
second  time,  Mattie  Rupert,  daughter  of  Laban  Rupert  and  Eliza- 
beth Tribble,  his  wife.  They  live  in  Huntsville,  Mo.  Children 
of  the  first  marriage: 

1.  Maud   Millei-. 

2.  Rheba  Miller. 
Issue  of  second  marriage: 

3.  Margaret  Katherine  Miller,  born  November,    1906. 

Uislurij  and   (jcitcdhjyics  11.') 

o.  Malinda  Miller,  born  March  15,  1874;  married  William  Pear- 
son. The.v  emigrated  to  Hiintsville,  Missouri,  where  ilie.v  now- 
live.     Their  children: 

1.  Joseph    Miller   Pearson. 

2.  William   Ellvin  Pearson. 

3.  Robert  Pearson. 

4.  Thomas  Irvine  Miller,  born  .July  3  0,  1S79;  married  Pat.sey 
Park,  of  Madison  County,  Ky.,  daughter  of  Joel  Park  and  Lucv 
D.  Embry,  his  wife.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  9,  Sec.  3,  and  Part  VI, 
Chap.  8,  Sec.  9.)  They  emigrated  to  Huntsville,  Missouri, 
where  they  now  live.      Their  children: 

1.  George  Park   Miller. 

2.  Anice  Elizabeth  Miller. 

5.  Mary  Miller.     She  and  her  sister  Susan  were  twins,  born 

day  of  ,  18 — .      She  went  with  her  parents  to  Huntsville, 

Missouri  and  there  was  married  to  Joseph   Richardson.      Issue: 

1.    Miller   Sandford   Richardson. 

6.  Susan  Miller.  She  and  her  sister  Mary  were  twins,  born 

day  of  ,  18 — .      She  went  with  her  parents  to  Huntsville, 

Missouri,  and  there  was  married  to  Nicholas  Dysart   Minor. 

7.  Elizabeth    Miller,    born    in    Madison    County,    Ky.,    the    

day  of  ,    18 — .      She  now   lives  in   Huntsville,   Missouri, 

with  her  parents. 

Section  5.  A  son,  not  named,  born  at  the  home  on  Muddy 
Creek,  Oct.  20,  1846;  died  Nov.  5,  1846;  the  remains  buried  in  the 
l)urial   plot   near   the  house. 

Section  6.  Christopher  Irvine  Miller,  a  son,  born  at  the  home 
on  Muddy  Creek,  April  18,  1848.  When  just  blooming  into  man- 
hood he  left  home  and  went  to  Richmond,  and  was  clerk  for  a 
number  of  years  in  the  grocery  store  of  Ellis  &  Clay,  when  the  firm 
dissolved  and  continued  under  the  different  firm  names,  and  finally 
became  a  partner  in  a  hardware  store,  which  operated  some  years 
and  closed.  He  was  inventor  and  patentee  of  a  churn;  also  of  a 
shot  and  powder  canister.  W^as  quite  a  genius.  He  left  Richmond 
and  went  to  Earl  Park,  Benton  County,  Indiana,  and  secured  a 
partner,  A.  D.  Raub,  and  they  erected  a  shop  for  the  manufacture 
of  the  shot  and  powder  canister,  from  which  there  were  no 
great  returns.  He  married  Sarah  Suet;  no  children  were  born 
to  them.  He  was  made  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  Benton  County, 
which  office  he  held  at  the  time  of  his  death,  in  June,  1887.  His 
remains  were  buried  in  the  beautiful  cemetery  at  Lawrenceburg, 
Indiana.  He  was  well  thought  of  and  had  a  good  standing  with 
the  people  where  he  lived.  Robert  L.  Cox,  Principal  of  the  Public 
Schools,  Richard  Carroll,  Clerk  of  the  Court,  and  George  W.  Tins- 
man,  Township  Trustee,  all  of  Earl  Park,  Indiana,  said  of  the  sub- 
ject, that  "he  was  universally  honored  and  respected  and  was  with- 
out an  enemy  in  this  country." 

Section  7.  Susannah  Woods  Miller,  a  daughter,  was  born  at  the 
home  on  Muddy  Creek,  Aug.  2,  1850;  married  to  Thomas  Richard 
Hume,  at  the  residence  of  her  i)arents  on  said  creek,  Oct.  9,  1S73, 
by  Elder  John  M.  Park,  an  Old  Baptist  preacher.  (See  Chapter  9.) 
Note.  Mr.  Hume  was  a  son  of  Larkin  Hume  and  Nancy  Mober- 
ley,  his  wife;  was  an  energetic  and  successful  farmer  and  business 
man  and  accumulated  a  good  estate:  was  an  excellent  husband  and 
a  substantial  citizen.      His  wife  was  no  drawback  to  him,  being  in- 

116  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

dustrioiis,  true  and  affectionate  and  liked  by  all  who  knew  her.     To 
this  union  these  children  were  born: 

1.  Thomas  Richard  Hume,  born  July  26,  1874;  went  in  the  year 
IS —  on  a  visit  to  the  Provine  of  Canada;   was  stricken  and  died 

,   18 — ,   on  his  way  from  there  home,  which  event   was  a 

severe  shock  to  his  mother,  his  father  having  died  some  years 
previous.  His  remains  were  forwarded  to  Richmond,  Ivy.,  and 
there  buried  in  the  cemetery. 

2.  Nancy  Moberley  Hume,  born  Feb.  6,  1876;  married  Chris- 
topher Fogg  Chenault,  son  of  Anderson  Chenault  and  Elizabeth 
Fogg,  his  wife.  Mr.  Chenault  is  an  extentive  farmer,  owns  an 
interest  in  the  Elliston  Roller  Mills,  lajge  interest  at  Conway, 
Ky.,  in  several  thousand  acres  of  land  and  mills.  Has  recently 
purchased  the  Stone  or  Terrell  farm  in  the  eastern  suburbs  of 
Richmond.      (See  Part  V,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  9.)      Their  children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Susan  Chenault. 

2.  Anderson  Hume  Chenault. 

3.  Mary  Emily   Chenault. 

4.  Nancy  Woods  Chenault,  baby. 

They  live  on  the  Richmond  and  Irvine  Pike,  one  mile  east 
of  Richmond,  on  the  farm  of  the  late  Anderson  Chenault, 
known  as  the  Miller  or  Goodloe  place. 

3.  Irvine  Miller  Hume,  born  Jan.  18,  1878.  He  and  his  brother 
George  own  land  and  property  in  partnership  and  live  about  two 
miles  northeast  of  Richmond  and  are  engaged  in  farming  and 
raising  and   trading  in   stock. 

4.  George  Larkin  Hume,  born  Jan.  24,  1880.  He  and  his 
brother  Irvine  are  partners  in  business  and  live  together,  as  stat- 
ed in  above  Section  3. 

Their  father,  Thomas  R.  Hume  died,  leaving  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren surviving  and  in  good  circumstances,  and  his  remains  were 
buried  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery.  His  widow  afterwards  married 
Algin  S.  Hisle,  and  they  lived  on  her  dowry  on  Muddy  Creek,  the 
old  Hume  home,  until  the  sudden  death  of  Mr.  Hisle,  Oct.  29,  1906, 
in  the  67th  year  of  his  age. 

Mr.  Hume  was  a  splendid  man,  a  good  farmer,  stock  raiser, 
economical,  kind,  good-hearted;  an  indulgent,  generous  and  affec- 
tionate husband  and  father;  a  splendid  provider  for  his  family,  and 
when  he  died  the  whole  community  felt  the  loss  of  a  good  and  use- 
ful citizen,  neighbor,  relative  and  friend.  He  was  exceedingly  fond 
of  his  wife  and  children,  with  whom  he  took  great  pleasure,  fond- 
ling his  little  children  on  his  knees  and  in  his  lap,  and  he  was 
never  too  tired  to  enjoy  their  climbing  and  pulling  over  him. 

Section  8.  William  Harris  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  at  the  home 
on  Muddy  Creek,  Oct.  22,  1852.  He  was  raised  on  the  farm  until 
eighteen  years  of  age,  when,  on  the  28th  of  December,  1870,  his 
father  secured  him  a  position  as  Deputy  Clerk  of  the  Madison 
County  Court,  under  his  cousin,  George  D.  Shackelford,  in  which 
capacity  he  served  till  the  death  of  Mr.  Shackelford,  which  occurred 
the  latter  days  of  May,  1874,  about  three  months  before  his  time 
of  office  expired,  and  his  brother,  James  T.  Shackelford,  was  ap- 
pointed to  fill  the  vacancy  and  the  subject  was  retained  as  Deputy 
under  the  latter.  There  is,  however,  excepted  from  the  above 
period  of  service  under  George  D.  Shackelford  one  year,  from  Au- 
gust, 1872,  to  August,  1873,  in  which  time  he  was  Deputy  for 
Charles  K.  Oldham,  Sheriff  of  Madison  County. 

In    187  4,    his    cousin,    George    Shackelford,    being    in    very    poor 

Ilisloni  and   (icncdioyies  IK 

health,  and  unable  to  make  another  race  for  office,  at  the  solicita- 
tion of  his  said  cousin  and  others,  W.  H.  Miller,  who  had  just  ar- 
rived at  the  age  of  twenty-one  years,  became  a  candidate  for  the 
Democratic  nomination  for  the  office  of  Clerk  of  the  Madison  Coun- 
ty Court,  but  at  the  primary  election,  held  in  May  of  that  year,  in 
which  there  were  four  aspirants,  he  was  defeated,  Mr.  James  Tevis 
securing   the  nomination. 

At  the  regular  election  in  August  of  the  same  year,  1874,  Wil- 
liam M.  Embry  was  elected  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court,  and  offered 
W.  H.  Miller  the  Deputy  Clerkship,  which  he  accepted,  and  on  the 
17th  of  August,  1874,  he  left  the  County  Court  office  and  qualified 
and  acted  as  Deputy  Circuit  Court  Clerk  until  April  15,  1879.  Em- 
l)ry  having  died  in  office  on  March  9,  1880,  before  the  expiration 
of  his  term  in  August  of  that  year,  on  the  11th  of  March,  the  Hon- 
orable Joseph  D.  Hunt,  Judge  of  said  court,  of  his  own  volition, 
issued  to  said  Miller  a  certificate  in  this  language,  to-wit: 

"I,  J.  D.  Hunt,  Circuit  Judge  of  the  Tenth  Judicial  District  of 
Kentucky,  of  which  the  counties  of  Madison  and  Fayette  compose 
a  part,  do  hereby  certify  that  William  H.  Miller  has  been  examined 
by  the  Clerk  of  the  Fayette  Circuit  Court,  under  my  supervision, 
touching  his  qualifications  for  the  office  of  Clerk  of  the  Circuit 
Court,  and  that  he  is  qualified  for  that  office. 

"And,  whereas,  the  'office  of  Clerk  of  the  Madison  Circuit  Court 
has  become  vacant  by  the  death  of  William  M.  Embry,  late  Clerk 
of  said  Court,  I  do  hereby  appoint  the  said  William  H.  Miller,  of 
Madison  County,  to  be  Clerk  of  the  Madison  Circuit  Court  during  the 
remainder  of  the  term  for  which  said  William  M.  Embry  was  elected. 

"Witness  my  hand  as  Judge  of  the  Tenth  Judicial  District  of 
Kentucky,  this  eleventh  day  of  March,   1880. 

Judge  10th  Dist.  Ky." 

Under  which  certificate  said  Miller  qualified  by  taking  the  oath 
and  executing  the  bond  by  law  required,  and  served  as  Clerk  for 
the  remainder  of  Embry's  term. 

In  a  heated  Democratic  primary  contest  he  received  the  nom- 
ination, and  in  August,  1880,  under  that  nomination  was  elected 
Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  for  the  term  of  six  years,  qualified  and 
acted  as  such.  Was  elected  again  in  1886  for  another  term  of  six 
years,  qualified  and  acted  as  such.  Was  defeated  for  the  nomina- 
tion for  the  same  office  at  the  primary  held  preceding  the  regular 
election  in  August,  1892,  by  his  nephew,  S.  H.  Thorpe,  who  had 
been  his  deputy  and  lived  with  him  for  a  number  of  years;  but  un- 
der the  ])rovision  of  the  new  State  Constitution  recently  before 
adopted,  his  term  was  continued  from  August,  189  2,  till  the  1st 
of  January,   1893,  when  his  successor  took  possession  of  the  office. 

He  worked  as  deputy  three  years  in  the  County  Court  and  five 
years  in  the  Circuit  Court  Clerk's  office,  and  was  Chief  Clerk  of  the 
Circuit  Court  nearly  thirteen  years,  equaling  twenty-one  years  of 
hard  service  in  the  two  courts. 

In  March,  1894,  after  being  out  of  the  Clerk's  office  for  a  little 
over  a  year,  he  was  appointed  United  States  general  storekeeper 
and  guager  in  the  revenue  service  and,  later  on  jiromoted  in  said 
service  to  the  office  of  Deputy  Collector  under  Hon.  Chas.  H.  Rodes, 
Collector  of  Internal  Revenue,  and  served  through  the  remainder 
of  Mr.  Rodes'  term,  who  was  succeeded  by  Hon.  John  W.  Yerkes,  and 
he  continued  as  deputy  under  Mr.  Yerkes  till  January  1,  1899,  when 
he  resigned. 

lis  History  und  Grnealogies 

During  Mr.  Rodes'  incumbency  the  office  was  located  at  Rich- 
mond, Ky.;  when  Mr.  Yerlies  became  Collector  the  office,  which 
was  comfortably  quartered  in  a  fine,  substantial,  well  fixtured  and 
furnished  government  building,  built  purposely  for  that,  the  U.  S. 
Court  and  Postoffice  was,  by  the  political  influence  of  the  Collector, 
removed,  with  all  the  records,  etc.,  to  Danville,  the  home  of  Mr. 
Yerkes,  in  rented  quarters,  which  removal  for  a  time  exercised  the 
people  of  old  Madisan. 

On  the  2  7th  day  of  February,  18  84,  the  subject  here  was  married 
to  Katherine  Oldham,  a  daughter  of  William  Kavanaugh  Oldham 
and  his  wife,  Jacintha  Catherine  Brown,  at  the  residence  of  her 
said  father  on  Otter  Creek,  near  Richmond,  Ky.,  by  Rev.  Seneca  X. 
Hall,  a  Methodist  preacher.  (See  Part  VI,  Chap.  21,  and  Part  VIII, 
Chap.  14,  Sec.  7.)    Of  this  union  there  was  no  issue. 

Section  9.  Mary  Eliza  Miller,  a  daughter,  born  at  the  home  on 
Muddy  Creek,  Jan.  29,  1855;  lived  with  her  mother  till  she  broke 
up  housekeeping  in  18 — ,  and  then  made  her  home  with  her  sister 
Susan  and  brother  William;  was  living  with  her  said  sister  when 
she  was  married,  the  8th  day  of  May,  1890,  to  John  W.  Rupert,  a 
son  of  Laban  Rupert  and  Elizabeth  Tribble,  his  wife.  Mr.  Rupert 
has,  for  the  greater  part  of  his  life,  been  engaged  at  different  places 
as  salesman  for  merchants.  They  lived  awhile  at  Elliston,  where 
he  sold  goods,  and  at  Rice's  Station,  doing  the  same,  and  then  moved 
to  Richmond,  where  he  was  employed  as  clerk  in  a  store.  Clerking 
a  number  of  years  in  the  dry  goods  house  of  E.  V.  Elder,  which  place 
he  gave  up  in  January,  1905,  sold  out  his  effects  and  went  to 
Woodward  County,  Oklahoma,  and  there  remained  until  October, 
1905,  and  becoming  dissatisfied  with  the  country,  sold  out  and 
moved  back  to  Kentucky,  now  living  in  Conway,  Rockcastle  Coun- 
ty, Ky.  Since  the  above  was  written  they  have  removed  to  Berea, 
where  he  is  merchandizing  in  his  own  name.  They  have  no  children 
born  of  them. 

Section  10.  Michael  Woods  Miller,  a  son,  born  at  the  home  on 
Muddy  Creek,  Feb.  13,  1857.  His  father  died  in  October,  1878, 
mother  surviving,  with  whom  he  remained  until  she  broke  up  house- 
keeping in  1881,  and  lived  with  his  sister  Susannah  until  the  • 

day  of ,  18 — ,  when  he  was  married  to  Ella  Hogan,  daugh- 
ter of  Dr.  Hugh  W.  Hogan  and  Laura  Broaddus,  his  wife.  (See 
Part  I,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  3.  Note.)  After  his  marriage  he  located  at 
Elliston,  where  he  acquired  a  home  and  built  a  blacksmith  shop, 
which  he  operated  a  number  of  years,  and  then  abandoned  to  accept 
employment  in  the  Elliston  Mills,  then  owned  by  W.  T.  Griggs,  after- 
wards succeeded  by  the  Elliston  Mill  Company,  wherein  he  is  still 
employed.  Recently  he  united  by  experience  and  baptism  with  the 
United  Baptist  Church  at  Waco,  Ky.  To  them  these  children  have 
been  born: 

1.  Eugene  Miller,  born  the  18th  day  of  September,    1886. 

2.  Christopher  Hogan  Miller,  born  6th  day  of  December,  1888. 

Section  11.  Elizabeth  Frances  Miller,  a  daughter,  and  the 
youngest  child,  was  born  at  the  home  on  Muddy  Creek,  July  15, 
1864.  Sister  Bettie  as  we  all  called  her,  was  the  baby  girl,  born 
when  mother  was  nearly  fifty  years  old,  and  all  of  the  family  were 
very  fond  of  her;  she  had  a  sweet  disposition,  was  generous  and 
kind-hearted.  In  May,  1882,  when  in  her  eighteenth  year,  without 
previous  notice,   she   eloped   with   aild  was   married   the    8th   of   the 

I/islon/   mill    ) Inirahx/ii's  11!) 

month    to  Junius   Burnam   Park,   in    the  city   of  .leffersonville,   state 

of    Indiana,    by    Rev.    Terrill.      Her    husband    died    the    day    of 

,    18 — ,    and   she   survived    him    only    a    short    while,    dying 

the  day  of  ,  18 — ,  and  their  remains  were  buried  in 

the  Richmond  Cemetery.     They  left  one  child,  a  son: 

1.   Earl  Gardner  Park,  born  the  day  of ,   18 — ; 

now   liviu.t;   in   .lacksonville.   Florida. 

CHAPTEE    14. 


(Named  in  Section  6,  Chapter  ?,,  Part  T.) 

.Article  1. — Colonel  John  Miller,  a  son  of  Robert  Miller  and  Ann 
Lynn,  his  wife,  mentioned  in  Chai)ter  :?,  was  born  in  .Vlbeniarle, 
Xelsen  or  Orange  Connty,  Virginia,  July  1,  1750. 

He  was  married  in  Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  March  20,  1774, 
to  Jane  Delaney,  and  he  died  September  8,  1806.  His  wife  was 
born  January  1,  17  51,  and  died  March  IM,  1844,  living  to  the  age 
of  9  3  years  past.     Her  mother  was  Miss  Durrett. 

In  the  fall  of  1784  Colonel  John  Miller,  with  his  wife  and  young 
children  who  had  been  born  before  that  date,  left  home  and  friends 
in  Albemarle  and  moved  to  Kentucky,  which  at  that  time  formed  a 
part  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Virginia,  and  settled  on  the  head 
waters  of  a  prong  of  Otter  Creek,  where  the  city  of  Richmond  now 
is,  and  acquired  and  owned  a  considerable  body  of  land  there,  upon 
which  he  put  valuable  and  lasting  improvements — building  the  first 
house  that  was  built  there,  and  where  he  ever  after  made  his  home 
till  his  death  in  1806.  His  house  was  built  on  the  spot  where  the 
Northern  Presbyterian  Church  stands,  and  his  spring  was  just  east, 
near  the  present  Zaring  Mill  and  Bicycle  Shop. 

He  was  commissioned  by  Patrick  Henry,  Esq.,  Governor  of  Vir- 
ginia, as  Justice'  of  the  Peace,  and  the  first  Order  Book  of  the  Mad- 
ison County  Court,  page  48,  date  June  26,  1787,  shows  that  "Robert 
Rodes  and  John  Miller,  gentlemen,  named  in  the  commission  of  the 
Peace  for  the  County,  came  into  court  and  took  the  oath  of  fidelity 
to  the  Commonwealth  and  the  oath  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  of 
Oyer   and   Terminer." 

The  first  court  of  the  County  of  Madison  was  held  at  the  house 
of  George  Adams,  on  Tuesday,  the  22d  day  of  August,  1786,  as  ap- 
pears from  the  first  entry  in  the  first  Order  Book  of  the  county, 
commencing  on  page  1.     A  copy  of  which  is  here  presented: 

"At  the  house  of  George  Adams,  in  the  County  of  Madison,  on 
Tuesday,  the  twenty-second  day  of  August,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
One  thousand  seven  hundred  and  eighty-six. 

"A  commission  of  the  Peace,  and  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  from 
His  Excellency,  Patrick  Henry,  Esquire,  Governor  of  the  Common- 
wealth of  Virginia,  directed  to  George  Adams,  John  Snoddy,  Chris- 
topher Irvine,  David  Gass,  Jas.  Barnett,  John  Bowles  (or  Boyle),  Jas. 
Thompson,  Archibald  Woods,  Nicholas  George,  and  Joseph  Kennedy, 
Gentlemen,  constituting  them  Justices  of  the  Peace,  and  of  Oyer 
and  Terminer  in  and  for  the  said  County  of  Madison,  was  produced 

1-<JU  History  and  Genealogies 

and  read.  Whereupon  the  said  John  Snoddy  and  Christopher  Irvine 
administered  the  oath  of  fidelity  to  the  Commonwealth,  and  the 
oath  of  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  to  George 
Adams,  Gent,  who  then  administered  the  said  oaths  to  the  said 
John  Snoddy,  Christopher  Irvine,  David  Gass,  James  Barnett,  John 
Bowles  (or  Boyle),  Archibald  Woods,  Nicholas  George,  and  Joseph 
Kennedy,  Gent.,  and  thereupon  a  court  was  held  for  the  said  County 
of  Madison.     Present."      (Here  naming  the  Justices  aforesaid.) 

Note — The  words  "Oyer  and  Terminer"  meaning  a  hearing  and 

At  this  date  (August  22,  1786)  this  name,  "John  Bowles,"  ap- 
pears in  the  record  as  one  of  the  Justices  of  the  Peace,  and  it  so 
appears  at  every  subsequent  court  held  until  Tuesday,  Oct.  2  4,  17  86, 
when  the  name  is  written  for  the  first  time  in  the  record  "John 
Boyles,"  and  the  letter  "s"  should  have  been  omitted,  for  he  signed 
his  name  to  documents  "John  Boyle."  A  deposition  given  by  him, 
Aug.  30,  1806,  to  which  he  signed  his  name  "John  Boyle,"  is  in 
words  and  figures  as  follows: 


"In  pursuance  of  an  order  of  the  Worshipful  Court  of  Madison 
County  directing  us  to  call  upon  witness  to  establish  the  calls  of 
an  entry  made  in  the  name  of  John  Mounce,  for  four  hundred  acres 
lying  on  Hayes  Fork  of  Silver  Creek,  agreeable  to  said  order,  we 
called  upon  John  Boyle,  Sen'r,  and  being  on  the  ground,  the  said 
Deponent  deposeth  and  saith  by  way  of  interrogatives: 

Question  by  John  Kincaid:  How  long  was  it  since  you  made  the 
improvement,  and  who  was  in  company  with  you? 

Answer:  I  think  it  was  in  the  year  17  79,  and  in  the  month  of 
May,  and  Hugh  Seper  was  in  company  with  me. 

Question  by  same:  Did  not  John  Mounce,  Yelverton  Peyton, 
David  Miller  and  myself — that  is  John  Kincaid — come  with  you  to 
this  place  on  our  way  to  Boonesborough? 

Answer:  Yes,  I  think  in  the  month  of  June  following  I  was 
here  in  company  with  the  above-mentioned  persons. 

Question  by  same:  What  did  you  do  with  this  improvement? 
Did  you  give  it  to  anyone? 

Answer:      Yes,  I  gave  it  to  John  Mounce. 

Question  by  same:  Did  Mounce  make  any  addition  to  the  im- 
provement, at  the  time  you  gave  it  to  him,  by  marking  other  trees? 

Answer:      I  think  he  did  mark  some  trees  or  saplings. 

Question:  Are  you  certain  that  this  is  the  same  Improvement 
that  you  first  made  for  Black,  and  afterwards  gave  it  to  Mounce? 

Answer:      Yes. 

Question  by  same:  How  far  is  this  Improvement  from  the  mouth 
of  the  branch  that  we  went  up  on  our  route  to  Boonesborough? 

Answer:      I  think  about  25  or  30  steps. 

Question  by  same:  Is  there  any  appearance  of  the  old  Improve- 
ment visible  at  this  day? 

Answer:      Yes.     I  think  there  is  upon  two  trees. 

Question  by  same:  How  far  is  this  Improvement  from  the  Im- 
provement below,  called  Mounces,  on  what  is  called  Mounce's  Fork? 

Answer:  I  suppose  it  is  about  a  quarter,  as  near  as  I  can  guess, 
without  measuring. 

Question  by  same:  How  far  is  it  from  that  to  my  own  Improve- 
ment down  the  creek? 

Ihshirij   mill    ( li'iii'iiliKjii's  \'l\ 

Answer:  I  reckon  it  is  about  a  half  mile,  as  near  as  I  can  guess, 
without   measuring. 

Question  by  same:  Can  you  describe  the  ground  where  my  im- 
provement stood,  or  was  made? 

Answer:  I  can.  It  was  in  a  good  smart  bend  in  the  creek,  in 
a  fiat  bottom  near  the  creek. 

Question  by  same:  Was  not  the  marks  made  on  Mounce's 
Branch  (towit),  the  two  first  letters  of  Mounce's,  and  my  own  name, 
made  as  marks  of  a  conditional  line,  as  well  as  an  Imi  rovement  for 
Mounce  to  hold  land? 

Answer:  The  branch  was  the  conditional  line  between  them, 
and,  as  well  as  I  recollect,  they  both  marked  the  two  first  letters 
of  their  names  there. 

Question  by  same:  Was  not  Mounce  to  run  up  the  creek,  and  I 
down  from  that  place  for  quantity? 

Answer:      Yes. 

Question  by  same:  Was  you  with  Mounce  when  he  laid  in  his 
claim  before  the  Commissioners  and  obtained  a  certificate? 

Answer:      Yes,   I  was. 

Question  by  same:  Was  not  this  the  very  land  for  which  he 
obtained  a  certificate? 

Answer:  I  think  the  land  he  intended  to  hold  was  from  Mounce's 
Fork  up  the  creek. 

Question  by  same:  Was  not  this  place  from  the  intersection  of 
the  two  forlvs  so  remarkable  that  a  man  who  was  formerly  acquaint- 
ed with  it  might  know  it  again? 

Answer:      Yes.      I  should  think  so. 

Question  by  same:  What  branch  was  it  that  you  alluded  to  that 
you  said  we  went  up  on  our  way  to  Boonesborough? 

Answer:  The  same  that  mouths  in  just  above  this  Improvement 
and  comes  down  through  John  Kincaid's  Improvement  or  plantation. 

And  further  this  Deponent  further  saith  not. 

(The   deposition   of   Yelverton   Peyton   follows  the   above.) 
Madison.     Set. 

We  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  depositions  of  John 
Boyie  and  Yelverton  Peyton  was  this  day  subscribed  and  sworn  to 
before  us,  William  Miller  and  Richard  Calloway,  Commissioners  ap- 
pointed by  the  County  Court  of  Madison,  taken  in  the  presence  of 
Samuel  Snoddy  and  William  Baugh.  Given  under  our  hands  and 
seals  this  3(Jth  day  of  August,  1906. 


At  a  court  continued  and  held  for  Madison  County  on  the  2d 
day  of  September,  1S06,  the  foregoing  depositions  were  returned 
and  ordered  to  be  recorded. 

Attest:      WILL   IRVINE,    C.   M.    C. 

The  first  Court  House  of  Madison  County  was  at  Milford,  on 
Taylor's  Fork  of  Silver  Creek,  now  called  "Old  Town" — only  ruins 
of  which  can  be  seen — established  by  the  Virginia  General  Assembly 
in  17S9.  The  act  of  the  Kentucky  General  Assembly  directing  the 
removal  of  the  county  seat  from  Milford  to  the  new  town  of  Rich- 
mond, authorized  the  Madison  County  Court  of  Quarter  Sessions  to 
adjourn  to  John   Miller's  new  stable  in   Richmond. 

Colonel  John  Miller  was  a  representative  from  Kentucky  County 
in   the  Virginia  General  Assembly  and  represented  Madison  County 

122  Histury  and  Genealogies 

in  General  Assembly  in  the  years  1792-4.  He  was  the  first  settler 
of  Richmond,  who,  in  the  fall  of  1784,  came  with  his  family  from 
Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  as  before  stated,  and  settled  in  the 
cane  near  Main  Street,  on  Lot  No.  4,  and  afterwards  built  the  first 
hewed  log-house  in  the  place.  He  was  proprietor  of  the  first  hotel, 
or  tavern,  in  the  place.  He  was  a  Captain  in  the  Revolutionary 
army  and  was  at  the  siege  of  Yorktown.  Afterwards  he  held  a  com- 
mission with  the  rank  of  Colonel.  He  died  September  8,  1806, 
leaving  his  last  will  and  testament,  bearing  date  February  14,  1806, 
probated  December  5,  1806;  recorded  in  Will  Book  A,  page  4  52, 
in  these  words  and  figures: 


In  the  name  of  God,  Amen,  I,  John  Miller,  of  Madison  County, 
and  State  of  Kentucky,  do  make  and  ordain  this  my  last  will  and 
testament,  revoking  all  others  by  me  heretofore  made.  In  the  first 
place,  it  is  my  will  and  desire  that  all  my  just  debts  be  paid  by  my 
Executors  hereafter  named  as  soon  as  conveniently  may  be  after 
my  decease.  I  give  to  my  beloved  wife,  Jane  Miller,  during  her  nat- 
ural life,  and  no  longer,  the  plantation  and  tract  of  land  whereon 
I  now  live,  including  the  tract  which  I  purchased  of  my  son,  Robert 
Miller,  and  also  the  tract  I  purchased  of  Cornelius  Maupin;  also  all 
my  negroes,  live  stock,  household  and  kitchen  furniture,  all  my  un- 
mentioned  estate,  after  satisfaction  and  payments  of  my  just  debts, 
bequeaths  and  devises,  hereafter  mentioned,  for  and  during  the  said 
term  of  her  natural  life,  to  be  in  full  satisfaction  of  and  in  lieu  of 
dower  in  my  real  and  personal  estate. 

I  give  to  my  son,  Robert  Miller,  and  his  heirs  forever,  twenty 
acres  of  land  to  be  in  a  square  and  to  be  taken  off  of  the  east  corner 
of  my  tract  of  land  on  which  the  town  of  Richmond  stands.  Also, 
one  negro. 

I  give  to  my  son,  William  Miller,  and  to  his  heirs  forever,  and 
to  my  son,  John  Miller,  Jun'r,  and  to  his  heirs  forever,  the  tract 
of  land  on  which  the  said  town  of  Richmond  stands,  to  be  equally 
divided  between  them,  by  such  division  line  as  they  may  agree  upon, 
but  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  devise  is  not  to  include  or  extend 
to  any  property  I  may  hold  within  the  boundary  of  said  town,  nor 
to  any  part  of  said  tract  I  may  have  sold  by  written  or  verbal  con- 
tract, nor  to  the  part  before  devised  to  my  son  Robert. 

I  devise  to  my  son,  Thomas  Miller,  and  to  his  heirs  forever,  one 
tract  of  land  lying  in  the  said  county  near  the  said  town  of  Rich- 
mond which  I  purchased  from  Elijah  Gaddy,  containing  one  hundred 
acres.     Also,  two  negroes. 

I  devise  to  my  son,  Delaney  Miller,  and  to  his  heirs  forever,  one 
hundred  and  forty  acres  of  land,  being  part  of  the  tract  whereon 
I  now  live,  which  I  purchased  of  my  son,  Robert  Miller,  and  Cor- 
nelius Maupin,  to  be  laid  off  of  the  south  end  of  said  tract,  and 
not  to  come  nearer  to  the  dwelling  house  than  three  hundred  and 
fifty  yards,  to  extend  up  the  line  between  me  and  John  Patrick  and 
the  improvement  for  quantity.     Also,  two  negroes. 

I  devise  to  my  son,  Garland  Miller,  and  his  heirs  forever,  the  bal- 
ance of  the  aforementioned  tract  of  land  whereon  I  now  live,  be 
the  same,  more  or  less,  except  the  part  already  devised  to  my  son 
Delaney  Miller,  to  be  laid  off  in  the  manner  and  form  before  men- 
tioned, or  any  other  way  they  may  agree  upon  to  suit  themselves, 
to  have  and  enjoy  the  same  after  the  determination  of  the  other 
therein  before  devised  to  his  mother.     I,  also,  give  him  two  negroes. 

/lishnij   (I ml   (l('ii('(il()</ics  \'i',) 

I  devise  to  my  son,  Joseph  Miller,  and  his  heirs  forever,  one  tract 
of  land  lying  on  the  waters  of  Paint  Lick  Creek,  deeded  to  me  by 
David  Wells,  containing  two  hundred  acres,  be  the  same  (more)  or 
less.     Also  two  negroes. 

1  give  to  my  daughter,  Anna  Reid,  one  negro. 

I  give  to  my  daughter,  Elizabeth  Kavanaugh,  one  negro. 

I  give  to  my  daughter,  Jane  Lackey,  two  negroes. 

I  give  to  my  daughter,  Frances  Miller,  three  negroes. 

I  give  to  my  sons  Delaney  and  Garland  each,  and  to  my  daughter 
Frances,  one  horse  and  saddle,  and  two  cows  and  calves,  and  one 
bed  and  furniture,  to  be  paid  them  at  the  time  of  their  marriage,  or 
attaining  the  age  of  twenty-one  years,  whichever  shall  first  happen, 
to  be  allowed  to  them  out  of  the  estate  in  my  beloved  wife's 
liands,  by  my  Executors,  if  she  should  be  then  living,  and  if  she 
should  not  be  then  living,  give  them  the  value  of  said  articles  in 
cash,  the  value  to  be  ascertained  by  neighbors — one  chosen  by  my 
Executors,  one  by  such  child  entitled  thereto,  and  a  third  chosen 
by  these  two;  it  is  to  be  fairly  understood  that  if  I  should,  in  my 
life  time,  give  to  any  of  my  children  a  negro,  and  other  property 
herein  devised  or  given,  that  it  is  to  be  considered  satisfaction  of 
the  devise  or  bequest  of  such  negro,  all  as  far  as  it  answers  the  de- 
scription herein  given.  It  is  further  to  be  understood  that  the  ne- 
groes herein  given  and  devised  are  not  to  be  paid  to  my  said  chil- 
dren until  after  the  death  of  my  wife,  unless  she  shall  choose  to 
part  with  them,  in  which  case  she  may  at  any  time  pay  to  any  one, 
or  more,  any,  all,  or  more  of  said  negroes,  with  the  assent  of  my 
Executors,  or  the  survivors  of  them. 

Should  any  of  my  children  die  before  me,  the  devise  and  bequest 
herein  made  to  said  children  are  to  stand  good  and  effectual  to  the 
heirs  of  such  person — according  to  the  laws  of  descent  in  the  Com- 
monwealth. JOHN  MILLER,  L.   S. 
Signed  as  the  first  part  of  my  will. 
Presence  of  us. 


WM.       X      KARR. 

Continuation    of   John    Miller's    Will: 

"I  constitute  and  appoint  my  friends,  William  Irvine,  Robert 
Rodes,  Executors  of  this  my  last  will  and  testament.  I  empower 
them  to  make  convey — for  my  lands  which  at  the  time  of  my  death 
I  may  have  sold,  and  unconveyed,  either  by  written  or  verbal  con- 
tract. I,  also,  empower  them  to  divide  my  negroes  according  to 
the  division  of  them  herein  made,  as  equal  as  may  be.  I  do,  also, 
em])ower  them  to  sell  and  convey,  as  to  them  may  seem  best,  all 
my  lots  in  the  town  of  Richmond,  and  to  dispose  of  any  part  of  my 
personal  estate,  if  necessary,  to  raise  money  for  the  payment  of  my 
debts,  and  the  residue,  if  any,  from  the  sale  of  the  lots,  and  col- 
lections of  my  debts,  to  pay  the  same  to  my  wife.  I  declare  my  wife 
is  not  to  give  security  for  the  keeping  of  the  property  left  her,  nor 
is  she  to  be  answerable  for  its  depreciation  in  value,  etc.  And, 
whereas,  I  have  at  sundry  times  given  to  my  children  who  have 
grown  to  years  of  maturity,  a  negro,  or  negroes,  etc.,  I  do  now  ratify 
and  confirm  to  them  all  and  every  gift  which  I  may  before  have 
made,  and  do  declare  that  when  I  have  delivered  them  any  negro 
without  an  express  stipulation  to  the  contrary,  that  it  is  to  be  con- 
sidered a  gift. 

All   my   est-ate  left   after  the   death    of   my  wife,   and   not    herein 

124  History  and  Genealogies 

otherwise  disposed  of,  I  give  to  my  dauglitei-s,  Anna  Reid,  Elizabetli 
Kavanaugh,  Jane  Laclvey,  and  Frances  Miller,  to  be  equally  divided 
between  them,  and  I  wish  it  to  be  understood  that  whereas  I  have  by 
deed  given  to  my  daughter,  Elizabeth  Kavanaugh,  and  her  heirs,  a 
part  of  a  lot  in  the  town  of  Richmond  of  the  value  of  fifty  pounds, 
now  unless  the  said  gift  can  be  rescinded,  and  the  said  lot  or  the 
value  thereof  to  be  equally  divided  between  the  brothers  and  sisters, 
she  is  not  to  receive  any  part  of  my  estate  as  last  above  mentioned 
devised  to  Anna  Reid,  Elizabeth  Kavanaugh,  Jane  Lackey,  and 
Frances  Miller.  Shall  each  of  them  have  received  the  sum  of  fifty 
pounds,  should  there  be  any  balance,  it  is  then  to  be  equally  divided 
between  them. 

In  testimony  whereof,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand,  and  affixed 
my  seal  this  24th  day  of  February,  1806. 

Signed  in  the  presence  of  JOHN  MILLER,  L.  S. 


WILLIAM      X      KARR. 

At  a  court  held  for  Madison  County  on  the  5th  day  of  December, 
1806,  this  will  was  proved  to  be  the  last  will  and  testament  of  John 
Miller,  dec'd,  by  the  oath  of  William  Karr,  a  witness  thereto,  as 
the  law  directs,  and  William  Goodloe,  another  witness  thereto,  who 
swore  he  subscribed  his  name  to  said  will  in  the  presence  of  said 
deceased,  which  was  ordered  to  be  recorded. 

Attest:      WILL.   IRVINE,   C.   M.   C. 

The  children  of  Colonel  John  Miller  and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife, 
are  set  forth  in  the  order  of  their  birth  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Rohert  Miller,  the  first  child,  born  March  1.  1775, 
in  Albemarle  County,  Va.  He  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in 
1784,  and  first  settled  at  Milford  or  "Old  Town."  He  served  in  the 
State  Senate  from  Madison  County  in  1829,  1834-8.  He  moved  to 
the  new  town  of  Richmond,  where  more  than  one  hundred  years  ago 
he  was  proprietor  of  a  tavern.  He  died  on  his  farm  about  one  mile 
east  of  Richmond,  June  21,  1861,  having  passed  his  eighty-sixth 
birthday.  On  the  12th  of  June,  1798,  he  was  married  to  Sallie  Es- 
till, a  daughter  of  Captain  James  Estill  and  Rachael  Wright,  his 
wife,  natives  of  Albemarle.     Their  children  were: 

1.  James  E.  Miller;  married  Harriet  F.  Tevis,  Aug.  28,  1824. 
Their  children: 

1.  Sallie  Miller;    married. 

2.  Wade  Hampton  Miller;    married. 

3.  John  Dulaney  Miller. 

4.  Matilda  Miller;  married  Mr.  Cary.  Two  years  ago  were 
living  at  their  old  home  not  far  from  Sedalia,  Mo. 

5.  Robert  Tevis  Miller,  of  Independence,  Mo.,  is  now  nearly 
eighty  years  old. 

2.  John  Dulaney  Miller;  married  Eliza  Embry,  Oct.  23,  1828. 
Had  one  child: 

1.  Sarah  Miller;  married  Matt  Embry,  her  cousin.  She  lived 
only  about  a  year  after  the  marriage;  died  without  issue,  and 
afterwards  Matt  Embry  married  Irene  Miller,  a  daughter  of 
Wm.  Green  Miller  and  Julia  Miller,  his  wife.     (See  Sec.  1-3-3.) 

3.  William  Green  Miller;  married,  July  1,  1834,  Julia  Miller, 
a  daughter  of  Dr.  Alexander  Miller.  They  settled  in  Bloomington, 
Illinois.     (See  Part  I,  Chap.  15,  Sec.  3.)     Their  children: 

Illshiiij  mill   ( Iniciiloijics 


married  Mr.   Herr,   who  died,   leaving  her  a 



Estelle    Hunt,     of     Lexington, 

married  Napoleon 

Tevis.     Children: 
They   are   both 

married    John    Lovejoy.      Their 

(wife's    name    unknown).      Had 

Fred   Behrman.      Issue: 

1.  Cyrus   Miller;    left   home   and   never   heard   of   afterwards. 

2.  Harrison  Miller;  unmarried;  died  a  few  years  ago  in  Ar- 
mourdale,  Kansas. 

:i.  Irene  Miller;  married  Matt.  Embry,  a  son  of  Thomas  Em- 
bry.  (Sec.  1-2-1.)  They  live  in  the  state  of  Illinois,  where  they 
raised  a  family. 

4.  Sallie  .Miller 
widow  with  a  son 

1.    Ben,iamin 
and   died   leaving  one 

5.  Alexander  Miller. 
4.   Rachael  Jane  Miller; 

1.  Robert    Tevis:    married    Mattie    Mayfield. 
dead.     Their  children. 

1.  Sophia    Tevis    (dead); 

1.  Edith  Lovejoy. 

2.  Mary   Lovejoy. 

3.  Robert  Lovejoy. 

2.  Frank   Tevis;    married 
one  son. 

3.  Elizabeth  Tevis;    married 

1.  Tevis  Behrman. 

2.  Gertrude   Behrman. 

4.  James  Tevis;   dead. 

5.  Robert  Tevis. 

2.  John  Tevis:   dead. 

3.  Sarah  Tevis    (dead):    married  G.  A.  Lackey.     Issue: 

1.  Samuel    Lackey:     married    Bettie    Van    Arsdale.      Their 

1.  Rebecca  L>ackey. 

2.  Stella  Tevis  Lackey. 

2.  Mattie  Lackey;    married  S.    W.  Givens.     Their  children: 

1.  Sallie  Givens. 

2.  Mary  Byrd  Givens. 

3.  Gabe  Givens. 

3.  Mary  Lackey;    married  Wm.  Field.     Their  children: 

1.  Mary   Field. 

2.  Melvin  Field. 

3.  Gertrude  Field. 

4.  Lena  Lackey;    married  E.  D.  Peyton. 

5.  Napoleon  Lackey. 
Joseph  Tevis;   died  unmarried. 
Green  Tevis;  died  unmarried. 
Eugenia  Tevis;    died   unmarried. 
Cyrus  Tevis;    died  unmarried. 
Mary  Tevis;    died  unmarried. 
Harriet  Tevis;    died  unmarried. 

Lilly  Tevis  (dead);  married  George  Cheves.  Had  one  son: 
1.    George    Cheves,    Jr.;    married    Mai'garet    Stone.      Their 


1.  Rosnel  Stone  Cheves. 

2.  Samuel  Guy  Cheves. 
William   Tevis;    died  unmarried. 
Elizabeth   Tevis;    married   G.   A.    Peyton.      Their  children: 

1.  Lilly  Tevis  Peyton;    married  Samuel  Fulkerson. 

2.  Anna  Miller  Peyton. 

3.  Rachael   Gibbons   Peyton;    dead. 






126  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

13.   Napoleon  Tevis;   married  first  Nellie  Mills.  Had  daughter: 
1.   Naomi   Ruth   Tevis. 
He  married  secondly  Isabel   Cash. 

5.  Sallie  Ann  Miller;  married  Solon  M.  Harris,  July  2  5,  1837. 
(See  Part  HI,  Chap.  48,  Sec.  2.)      Their  children: 

1.  Emmet   Harris;    married   Nannette   Anderson,   widow   now 
living  at  Lexington,  Ky. 

2.  Callie  Harris;    married  Will  Craig,  of  Stanford,  Ky. 

3.  Edna    Elizabeth    Harris;    married    George    Phelps.      Their 

1.  Anna   Phelps:    married   Claude  Walton,   Richmond,   Ky. 

2.  Robert   Phelps;    died    (unmarried ) young. 

3.  Mary   Phelps;    married  Samuel  M.   Phelps,  son  of  M.  A. 
Phelps,  of  Richmond,  Ky. 

4.  Carlisle  Phelps;    married  Arthur  C.  Burton,  Butler,   Mo. 

6.  Solon  Miller;    died  unmarried  at  his  brother  Robert's  home. 

7.  Robert  Miller,  born  two  miles  east  of  Richmond,  Nov.  7, 
1823.  He  married,  March  24,  1859,  Elizabeth  Miller,  daughter 
of  Harrison  J.  Miller  and  Patsey  Irvine  Fields,  his  wife. 
(See  Part  1,  Chapter  15,  Section  2.)  Robert  Miller  and 
his  wife  were  strict  Presbyterians.  In  18  63  he  located 
two  miles  east  of  Richmond,  on  four  hundred  acres  of  fine 
land,  and  gave  much  time  to  cattle  and  mules.  A  short  while 
before  his  death  he  sold  his  farm  and  stock  and  moved  to  Rich- 
mond, where  he  soon  after  died;  his  wife  surviving  and  now 
living  in  Richmond.      Their  children: 

1.  Sallie  Estill  Miller;    unmarried. 

2.  Pattie  Field  Miller;   married  Stanton  B.  Hume.   (See  Chap. 
9,  Sec.  4).)  Mr.  Hume  died,  leaving  his  widow  and  two  children: 

1.  Stanton   Hume. 

2.  Elizabeth  Hume. 

3.  Harry  J.  Miller;   married  Jas.  S.  Winn,  of  Winchester,  Ky. 

4.  Bessie  Miller. 

8.  Edna  Elizabeth  Miller;  married  William  Hill,  April  6,  1843. 
Thev  located  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky.,  on  the  Hanging  Fork  of 
Dick's  River.  Mr.  Hill  died.  Mrs.  Hill  is  now  living,  eighty- 
three  years  old.      Their  children: 

1.  James  Estill   Hill. 

2.  Sarah     Elizabeth     Hill;     married     Walter     Carter.      Their 
children : 

1.  Edna  Elizabeth  Carter. 

2.  William  Hill   Carter. 

3.  James  Nevin  Carter;   married  Mary  Beasley.  One  child: 
1.    Lucile   Carter. 

4.  Mary  Dutch  Carter. 

5.  Estill   Carter. 

6.  Laura   Pearl   Carter. 

7.  Peter  Walter  Carter. 

8.  Ernest  Thayer   Carter;    married   Myrtle  Hughes.      Have 
one  child: 

1.    Earl  Carter. 

9.  Claudie   Carter. 

10.   Sarah   Maude   Carter. 

3.  Robert  Miller  Hill;    married  Harriet  MacCormack.    Their 

1.   Wm.  Edgar  Hill;  married  Ludie  .     Their  children: 

1.  Valley  Hill. 

2.  Gertrude   Hill. 

llixhiril   timl    (iciiCiiliKjii's 

2.    Valley   Hill. 
:;.    Gertrude   Hill. 

4.  Pattie  Hill. 

5.  Bessie    Hill. 

4.  Thomas  Jefferson   Hill.      He    is     now     Sheriff     of     Lincoln 
County.      He   married   Nellie   Wilson   Cosby.      Their  children: 

1.  Arthur  Cosby  Hill;    married  Xelle  Mershon. 

2.  Thomas    Jefferson    Hill,    attorney-at-law,    Stanford,    Kv. 
?,.    Frank   Lee   Hill. 

4.  William   Harrison    Hill. 

5.  Stella  Carter  Hill;    married  Joseph  H.  Muri)hy.      Child: 
1.    Joseph  H.   Murphy,  Jr.,  born   1906. 

6.  Elijah  Miller  Hill. 

7.  Margaret    Hill. 

8.  John  Miller  Hill. 

9.  Joseph  Wolfe  Hill. 

10.  Nellie  Wilson   Hill. 

11.  Rachael  Tevis  Hill. 

5.  John    Miller    Hill:    married    Jennie    Lee    Johnston.      Their 

1.  William  Johnston  Hill. 

2.  Robert  Raymond   Hill. 

6.  William    Harrison    Hill;     married    Emma    Albert.       Their 
children : 

1.  Edna   Hill. 

2.  Rachael   Hill. 
•i.    Elizabeth  Hill. 

Section  2.  William  Miller.  Known  as  "Old  Town  Billy,'  because 
he  first  settled  at  Milford,  or  Old  Town,  on  Taylor's  Fork,  in  Mad- 
ison County,  Kentucky:  the  second  child  of  Colonel  John  Miller 
and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife.  Was  born  in  Albemarle  County,  Vir- 
ginia, June  19,  1776.  He  died  in  Madison  County,  Kentucky,  June 
30,  18  41.  He  married,  first,  Hannah  Lackey,  daughter  of  Samuel 
T^ackey,  Sr.,  and  Dorcas  Alexander,  his  wife.  Hannah  Lackey  was 
t)orn  September  1.5,  1783;  died  December  13,  1814.  She  was  the 
mother  of  his  children.  He  married  the  second  time  Dorcas  Lackey, 
daughter  of  Andrew  Lackey.  She  was  born  in  1787,  and  died  March 
27,  1821.  He  was  often  the  Commissioner  of  the  Court  for  various 
l»urposes.  William  Miller  was  a  wealthy  man  for  his  day.  He 
owned  a  large  number  of  negro  slaves,  besides  other  personal  prop- 
erty and  lands.  He  distributed  among  his  children  and  grand- 
children eighty-odd  slaves.  In  1825  he  made  his  final  settlement 
as  Sheriff  of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

Note:  Samuel  Lackey,  Sr..  was  born  April  24,  1746,  and  died 
Tuesday,  January  5,  183  0.  He  married,  about  17  73,  Dorcas  Alex- 
ander, who  was  born  March  12,  17  50,  and  died  Monday,  August 
24,   1818.      Their  children: 

1.  John   Lackey,   born   Oct.    1,    1774. 

2.  Gabriel  Lackey,  born  March   6,   17  76. 

3.  Samuel    Lackev,   born    Oct.    2  7,    1777;    married   Jane   Miller. 
(See  Sec.   11.) 

4.  Alexander  Lackey,  born  Jan.  22,  1780;   died  Jan.   3,   1854. 

5.  Hannah   Lackey,   born   Sept.    15,    1783,   the   wife  of  William 
Miller,  as  aforesaid.     She  died  Dec.  13,  1814. 

.Andrew   Lackey  was   the  father  of  Dorcas  Lackey,   the   second 
wife  of  William  Miller,  as  aforesaid. 

128  History  and  Genealogies 

The    children    of    William    Miller    and    his    first    wife,    Hannah 
Lackey,  were: 

1.  Samuel  Lackey  Miller,  born  July  11,  1805;  died  May  23, 
18  38.  He  married  Mary  Ann  Addison  about  183  5.  His  father 
gave  him  a  number  of  negroes  and  his  sister,  Dorcas  A.  Miller, 
left  him  several  slaves.      Their  children: 

1.  William  Miller  (known  as  Wagoner),  born  June  15,  1836. 
He  married  Susan  Chenault,  daughter  of  Waller  Chenault  and 
Talitha  Harris,  his  wife.    (See  Part  HI,  Chap.   48,  Sec.  8.) 

2.  Caledonia  Miller,  born  Sept.  28,  1838.  She  married  Wil- 
liam O.  Chenault,  son  of  Waller  Chenault  and  Talitha  Harris, 
his  wafe.  May  11,  1856.  (See  Part  HI,  Chap.  48,  Sec.  8.)  Their 

1.  Callie  Chenault;  married  Daniel  Bates  Shackelford,  son 
of  James  T.  Shackelford  and  Mary  Bates,  his  first  wife.  (See 
Chap.   11,  Sec.  2,  and  Part  III,  Chap.  48,  Sec.   8.) 

2.  Mattie  Chenault;  married  Clarence  E.  Woods,  the  pres- 
ent hustling  Myaor  of  the  city  of  Richmond,  Ky.  (See  Part 
III,  Chap.  48,  Sec.  8,  and  Part  II,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  3.)  They 
had  one  child; 

1.   Mamie  W^hite  Woods. 

3.  Lizzie  Chenault;  married  Daniel  Harber,  son  of  Wm. 
Harber.    (See  Part  III,   Chap.   48,  Sec.   8.) 

4.  Mary  Chenault;  married  James  Smith,  son  of  a  former 
Sheriff  of  Madison  County,  Presley  Smith.  (See  Part  III, 
Chap.   4  8,   Sec.   8.) 

After  the  death  of  Samuel  L.  Miller,  his  widow,  Mary  Ann, 
married  Sidnev  W.  Harris,  April  4,  1844.  (See  Part  III,  Chap. 
48,  Sec.  4.) 

2.  John  Locke  Miller,  born  Nov.  29,  1806;  died  Sept.  21,  1840. 
He  was  given  a  number  of  negro  slaves  by  his  father.  He  was 
never  married. 

3.  Alzira  Miller,  born  Jan.  2  5,  1808;  married,  Aug.  18,  183  6, 
to  Richard  Gentry,  Jr.,  oldest  son  of  Reuben  Eustice  Gentry  and 
Elizabeth  White,  his  wife.  (See  Part  III,  Chap.  46,  Sec.  1.)  She 
died  June  2,  1856.  After  her  death  her  husband,  Richard  Gentry, 
married  Mrs.  Jael  Woods  Hocker  Gentry,  widow  of  his  brother, 
Joel  W.  Gentry,  with  about  six  children.  (See  Part  VII,  Chap.  7, 
Sec.  1-12.)  Joel  W.  Gentry  was  born  March  15,  1815,  and  was 
married  to  Jael  Woods  Hocker,  of  Madison  County,  Ky.,  June  19, 
1848,  and  he  died  Oct.  4,  1851.  Mrs.  Jael  Woods  Hocker  Gentry 
is  still  living  and  resides  in  Sedalia,  Missouri,  on  East  Broadway. 

Alzira  Miller  Gentry  was  greatly  beloved  by  her  husband's 
family.  The  Hon.  George  Graham  Vest,  United  States  Senator, 
in  speaking  of  her  husband,  Richard  Gentry,  said:  "Few  men 
have  I  met  who  were  the  equal  of  Richard  Gentry,  and  none  who 
were  his  superior,"  and  they  were  close  personal  friends  for 
many  years. 

The  farm  of  Richard  Gentry  was  one  of  the  largest  and  best 
improved  in  Missouri,  over  six  thousand  acres  under  cultivation. 
He  was  the  most  extensive  sheep  raiser  in  that  western  country 
of  his  day.  The  family  of  Richard  Gentry  and  that  of  his  brot'her, 
Major  William  Gentry,  were  very  intimate.  Richard  was  a  com- 
pact and  well  built  man,  but  not  tall  like  his  brother.  Major  Wil- 
liam, who  was  full  six  feet,  and  the  statue  and  carriage  of  a 
Prince.  Richard  was  a  most  energetic  person,  everything  around 
him  moved  like  clockwork,  and  showed  the  most  untiring  industry 
and  order.     He  was  exceedingly  hospitable;   in  that  early  day  be- 

/Jislor/j   iind    <i('Hf<i/<)(jii's  J->9 

fore  the  Civil  War,  all  strangers  visiting  the  state  were  taken  to 
his  home  to  show  what  could  be  done  in  Missouri.  The  children 
of  Alzira  Miller  and  Richard  Gentry  were: 

1.  William  Miller  Gentry,  born  R('i>t.  19,  1837.  He  and  his 
brother,  Reuben  J.,  had  fine  count ry  i)laces,  and  they  kept 
bachelor's  hall  near  each  other  about  three  miles  northeast  of 
Sedalia:  his  brother,  Reuben,  however,  married  and  broke  the 
monotony  of  a  bachelor's  life,  and  subsequently  died.  After 
his  death,  William  Gentry  and  Mrs.  Bettie  Hughes  Gentry 
(who  had  five  children  by  Reuben  Gentry)  were  married,  Dec. 
2,  188  5,  and  then  moved  over  and  lived  at  his  brother's  place, 
and  his  widow  and  three  sons  live  there  now.  William  Miller 
Gentry  died  May   1,   1889. 

2.  Reuben  .Toel  Gentry,  born  .Jan.  2,  1839;  married  Bettie 
Hughes,  daughter  of  Reese  Hughes  and  Sarah  Birch,  his  wife, 
April  5,  1871.  He  died  Oct.  .5,  1881,  and  his  widow  married 
his  brother,  William  Miller  Gentry,  as  stated  above  (1).  The 
children  of  Reuben  Joel  Gentry  and  Bettie  Hughes,  his  wife, 

1.  Ruby    Gentry,    born    April    8,    1872;     married    Dr.    Fer- 
guson March  9,  1892;   died  June  16,  19  00. 

2.  Sallie  B.  Gentry,  born  Aug.   12,   1873;    married  Thomas 
Sturgis,  Feb.  7,  189  4.     They  had  one  child: 

1.    Margaret   Elizabeth   Sturgis,   born   June   14,    1896. 

3.  William    Henry    Gentry,    born    March    15,    1876;     lives 
near  Sedalia,  Mo. 

4.  Charles   Richard   Gentry,   born  Feb.    8,   1878;    lives  near 
Sedalia,  Mo. 

5.  Reuben    Joel    Gentry,    born    Dec.    19,    1880;    lives    near 
Sedalia,  Mo. 

3.  Henry  Clay  Gentry,  born  Feb.  28,  1844;  died  July  26, 
18*64,  during  vacation  from  Kempers  College,  Booneville,  Mo., 
only  twenty  years  old.  He  was  a  most  promising  young  man 
and  very  much  like  his  father.  William  Miller,  Reuben  J.,  and 
Henry  Clay  Gentry  were  all  three  educated  at  Kempers  Col- 
lege,  Boonville,   Missouri. 

4.  Laura  Dorcas  Gentry,  born  Sept.,   1846;    died  Mar.,   1856. 



Histori/  aitd  Genealogies 




William    Malconi   Miller,    born   February    6,    1810;    died   Fri- 
day, July   16,    1889.      About  the  time   of 
President    Lincoln's    Emancipation    Proc- 
-'''  lamation     he     owned     thirty-odd      negro 

slaves.  Moses  was  the  only  one  that  re- 
mained with  him  till  the  freedom  of  the 
negroes,  the  rest  having  left  their  mas- 
ter, and  a  number  of  them  enlisted  in 
the  Federal  service.  His  father  gave  him 
a  considerable  number  and  he  bought  a 
number  at  his  father's  sale,  and  a  num- 
ber were  given  him  by  his  uncle,  Alex- 
ander Lackey.  He  owned  a  fine  body  of 
land  and  other  personal  property.  When 
General  Scott's  command  was  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  on  the  2Sth  of  July,  1863, 
eight  head  of  blooded  horses  and  mares 
were  taken  from  him.  In  July,  1864,  a 
fine  horse,  "Snap,"  was  stolen  from  his 
pasture.  On  March  3,  18  65,  an  excellent 
bay  horse,  five  years  old,  was  clandestine- 
ly taken  from  his  premises.  William 
Malcolm  Miller  was  an  exceedingly  prominent,  popular,  influen- 
tial and  useful  citizen-farmer  of  Madison  County,  Kentucky.  He 
represented  the  county  in  the  lower 
house    of   the    State    General    Assembly  _ 

in  1855-7.  He  married,  April  2,  183  9, 
Mary  Jane  Patterson,  the  mother  of 
his  children.  After  her  death  he  mar- 
ried the  second  time,  Mrs.  Ann  Eliza 
Heatherly,  widow  of  Mahlon  B.  Heath- 
erly,  and  a  daughter  of  Edward  B. 
Jarman  and  Judith  Waddy  Maupin, 
his  wife.  (See  Part  V,  Chap.  4,  Sec.  1.) 
Note:  "Mary  Jane  Patterson,  the 
first  wife  of  William  Malcolm  Miller, 
was  a  daughter  of  Robert  C.  Patter- 
son and  Nancy  Waller  Broaddus,  his 
wife.  She  was  born  Feb.  13,  1824; 
married  William  Malcolm  Miller  April 
2,  1839,  as  aforesaid,  and  died  April 
19,  1876.  Her  father,  Robert  C.  Pat- 
terson, was  born  Sept.  19,  1797,  and 
died  Jan.  11,  1871.  Her  mother, 
Nancy  Waller  Broaddus  Patterson, 
was  born  July  6,  1805,  and  died  June 
26,  1876."    (See  Part  L  Chap.  13,  Sec. 

The  children   of   William   Malcolm    Miller   and   Mary   Jane   Pat- 
terson, his  wife: 

1.  Judge  William  C.  Miller,  one  of  the  most  popular  men  the 
County  of  Madison  ever  produced,  possessed  of  a  splendid  in- 
tellect, good  education,  fine  looks,  a  ready  speaker,  splendid 
conversationalist,  and  a  ready  mixer;  very  infatuating  in  his 
manner  and  address.  Was  a  member  of  the  Richmond  bar. 
In  1870  he  was  elected  County  Attorney,  which  office  he  filled 
one  term,  if  not  two,  with  great  credit  to  himself  and  satisfac- 
tion  to  his  constituents.      Afterwards  he  was  elected  Judge  of 



Wife  of  Wm.  M.  Miller 


Jlislnn/   mill    ( ifii('ii/(i</irs  \:]\ 

the  County  Court,  and  twice  re-elected,  and  died  in  office.  He 
was  born  .Tan.  26,  1840:  married  Susan  White,  daughter  of 
Col.  Richard  X.  White,  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  Nov.  27,  1867.  He 
died  Oct.   21,   1885,  leaving  many  friends.      Their  children: 

1.  Mary  Miller:  married  Clarence  E.  Woods,  the  present 
Mayor  of  Richmond.  She  died  childless  and  Mr.  Woods  mar- 
ried again,  Mattie  Chenault.  (See  above  Sec.  2,  and  Part  II, 
Chap.   13,  Sec.  .3.) 

2.  Richard  White  Miller,  a  very  |)oi)ular  man:    member  of 
the  Richmond  bar,  and  politician:    highly  educated,   polished 
gentleman.       He    represented    Madison    County    in    the    State 
Legislature  in  1904-5;   elected  on  the  Democratic  ticket,  was 
re-elected,   and   was   at    his   death    her    Representative.      Was 
defeated    for    Speaker    of    the    House,    but    was    a    formidable 
contestant  for  the  i)osition.     He  was  a  gifted  man  and  made 
a    most    prominent    member.      He    was    one    of    the    foremost 
orators  of  the  state,  and  contended  earnestly,  eloquently  and 
fearlessly  for  his  conception   of  the  right.      Besides,   he  was 
Chairman  of  the  Democratic  Committee  of  Madison  County; 
member  of  the  State  Central  Committee  of  the  party  of  the 
Eighth  District  of  Kentucky;   was  the  House  delegate  to  the 
National  Divorce  Congress;    was  in  a  high  degree  honest  in 
the    discharge    of    duties.       Many    complimentary    expressions 
of    Richard    White    Miller   appeared    in    the    state    press.      He 
was   the  candidate   from    Madison    County   for   a   seat   in    the 
United  States  Congress  as  a  Democrat  from  the  Eighth  Dis- 
trict of  Kentucky  when  he  was  stricken  with  creeping  paral- 
ysis,   after   delivering   a   telling   speech    at   Stanford,    Lincoln 
County,  Ky.,  on  the  28th  of  June,  1906,  from  which  he  never 
rallied,   and   died   the    29th   of  June,   and   was  buried   in   the 
Richmond   Cemetery  Sunday  evening,  July   1,   19  06,   the  ser- 
vices   being    conducted    by    the    orders    of   Elks    and    Knights 
Templar,    and    Rev.    J.    Addison    Smith,    Presbyterian    divine, 
from   the   residence  of  Mrs.   W^illiam   M.   Irvine,   on  Lancaster 
Avenue.     A  large  concourse  of  people,  relatives  and  friends 
from    Madison    County   and    other  sections   of   the   state,    and 
from    other    states,    accompanied    the    remains    to    their    last 
resting  place.      The  loss  of  Richard  White  Miller  was  felt  by 
the   whole   state.      It   seemed   that   a   brilliant   future   was   in 
front  of  him,  when  his  career  on  earth  was  brought  to  a  close 
by  death.     His  wife  was  absent  visiting  friends  and  relatives 
in  the  Southland  when  Mr.   Miller  was  stricken,   and  did  not 
reach   his   bedside   till   two   hours   after   life   was   extinct:    he 
died  with  his  hand  in  that  of  his  pastor,  the  Rev.  Smith,  his 
talk  to  whom  just  before  his  dissolution  was  most  beautiful; 
his   faith    in   his   Redeemer   was    manifested   and    he   did    not 
fear    death.      His    wife    was    Miss    Sue    Patton    (see    Part    II, 
Chap.    5,    Sec.    1),    a    great-granddaughter   of    Colonel    David 
Irvine,  the  second  Clerk  of  the  Madison  County  and  Circuit 
Courts    (successor    to    his    father,   William   Irvine,   the    first 
Clerk).      They  have  a  child: 

1.    Richard  White  Miller. 

0.  Mattie    Miller;    married    Mr.    McGowan.      Thev    live    in 
Washington  City,  D.  C. 

2.  Virginia  D.  Miller,  born  Oct.  :n,  1842;  married  Samuel 
E.  Lackey,  July  4,  18  67.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec.  11.)  She. 
died  Oct.   25,   1895.      They  had  only  one  child: 

1.  William  Miller  Lackev. 

132  Histori/  ami  GenpaUxjics 

3.  Leslie  Miller,  born  Sept.  28,  1844;  died  Oct.  31,  1878. 
He  was  never  married. 

4.  Malcolm  Mimminger  Miller,  born  Oct.  20,  1849.  He  mar- 
ried Lida  Lackey,  Feb.  7,  187  7.  (See  Fart  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec.  11.) 
He  is  a  popular  and  prominent  citizen  and  farmer  of  Madison 
county,  Ky.,  now  living  in  Richmond,  the  county  seat.  Their 

1.  William  Malcolm  Miller,  born  March  IS,  1881. 

2.  Mary  Strawn  Miller. 

3.  Margaret  Dillingham  Miller. 

Last  two  twin   girls,  born   March   3,   1882. 

5.  John  Calhoun  Miller,  born  Aug.  7,  1852.  He  was  appoint- 
ed and  commissioned  Judge  of  the  Madison  County  Court  to 
fill  out  the  unexpired  term  of  his  brother,  Judge  William  C. 
Miller.  He  married  Mary  Bates,  daughter  of  Dr.  Stephen  Bates. 
He  died  June  11,   19  00,  leaving  one  child: 

1.   Ellen   Gibson   Miller. 

5.   Dorcas  A.  Miller;   died  testate  and  unmarried. 

Section  3.  Anna  Miller,  the  third  child  of  Colonel  John  Miller 
and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  Nov.  3,  17  77.  She  married 
John  Reid,  April  18,  179  6,  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  (See  Part  H, 
Chap.  21,  Sec.  2.)  They  v/ere  both  members  of  the  Viney  Fork 
Baptist  Church  in  .=aid  county.     Their  children,  viz: 

1.  Jane  Reid;  married  Hudson  Broaddus,  Dec.  21,  1819,  in 
Madison  County,  Ky.  (See  Part  1,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  3.  Note.)  They 
emigrated  to  Missouri  and  settled  and  lived  near  Middle  Grove, 
in  Monroe  County,  and  were  the  parents  of  four  boys,  viz: 

1.  Elijah  Broaddus;  married,  and  lives  on  the  old  home 
place,  and  has  children,  we  do  not  know  how  many. 

2.  Thomas  Broaddus;  married,  and  lived  in  Chillicothe,  Mo., 
until  his  death  a  few  years  since,  leaving  three  children,  viz: 

1.  Anna  Broaddus. 

2.  Mary  Broaddus. 

3.  Henry  Broaddus. 

3.  Jefferson  Broaddus;  still  lives  in  Chilicothe;  has  several 
children,  whose  names  we  are  not  able  to  give. 

4.  Christopher  Broaddus,  who  was  a  bachelor;  lived  in  St. 
Louis,  the  last  we  knew  of  him. 

2.  John  M.  Reid;  married  Elizabeth  Dinwiddle,  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  Sept.  9,  1824. 

3.  Thomas  Reid;  married  Nancy  Harris,  in  Madison  County, 
Ky.,   April   19,   1820. 

4.  Jefferson  Reid;  died  a  few  years  ago  at  or  near  Kingston, 
Caldwell  County,  Missouri,  leaving  two  sons  and  one  daug-hter: 

1.  Kit  Reid. 

2.  Sylvanus   Reid. 

3.  Mary  Reid;  married  some  years  ago,  to  whom  we  do  not 
know,  and  went  to  California. 

5.  Susan  Reid;  married  George  Estill,  of  Howard  County,  Mo., 
and  died  without  issue. 

6.  Eliza  M.  Reid;  married  Talton  Fox,  in  Madison  County,  Ky., 
July  29,  1828,  and  emigrated  therefrom  and  lived  in  Quincy,  111., 
years  ago,  and  perhaps  died  there,  leaving  children;  how  many 
we  do  not  know,  but  understand  some  are  in  business  there  now. 

7.  Lucinda  Reid;    married  Overton  Gentry,  in  Madison  County, 

Ilis/nrij    (linl    (iciicdhxjics  I'M] 

Ky.,   Oct.    7,   1824.    (See  Part   II,   Chap.    21,   Sec.    2,  and   Part    111, 
Cliai).    4(i,    Sec.    10.)    They   emigrated   to   Mi-ssouri    and   years   ago 
lived   m-ar   St.   Joseph.      The  last   information   obtained   they   had 
one  daughter. 

8.  Joseph  Reid:  married  and  reared  a  family,  the  names  or 
number  of  whom  we  are  unable  to  give,  but  he  and  they  lived  in 
and  near  Middle  Grove,  Monroe  County,  Mo. 

9.  Christopher  (Kit)  Reid;  wten  to  California  many  years  ago, 
and  whtn  last  heard  of  was  living  in  San  Francisco  with  his  wife 
and  five  childi'en;    further  than  this  we  know  nothing. 

10.  William  Reid;  lived  for  many  years  and  died  at  Spickard, 
in   Grundy  County,   Missouri,   leaving  five  children,  viz: 

1.  George  Reid,   who  now  lives  at  Spickard. 

2.  John   Reid,   living  in   Mercer   County,   Missouri. 

3.  Delilah   Reid. 

4.  Corena  Reid. 

5.  Mary   Reid. 

All   lived  in  and  near  Spickard. 

11.  Polly  Reid;  married  Levi  Williams;  nothing  known  of  their 
children,  if  any. 

12.  Corena  Reid;  nuirried  Hardin  Yates,  in  Madison  County, 
Ky.  They  emigrated  to  Missouri.  She  died  and  was  buried  in 
Grundy  County  in  1858,  leaving  three  children,  viz: 

1.  Anna  Stuart  Yates;  married  James  Tolson,  sometime  in 
the  fifties:  Tolson  was  killed  during  the  Civil  War.  After  his 
death  his  widow,  Anna  Stewart  Yates,  remarried  David  Owens. 
Two  children  were  born  of  her  first  marriage,  viz: 

1.  Andrew  C.  Tolson;  married  Amanda  Owens,  in  the  early 
seventies,  of  which  three  children  were  born,  viz: 

1.  James  Tolson:  married  Josephine  Anderson,  and 
have  two  small  boys. 

2.  Hattie  Tolson;  married  Edward  Anderson;  they  have 
two  daughters. 

3.  Orion  Tolson;   is  still  single. 

The  Tolsons  still  live  at  Loredo,  Missouri. 

2.  Laura  Tolson;    married  Joseph  Warren,  of  which  union 
seven  children  were  born,  viz: 

1.  Andrew  H.  Warren;  married  Samma  Means.  No 

2.  James  Warren;  married,  first,  China  Anderson,  who 
died  leaving  one  child.  He  married,  second.  Bertha 
Marry  man. 

3.  Roena  Warren;  married  Elvin  Rooks,  of  which  mar- 
riage there  are  five  boys. 

4.  Fountain  Warren;  married  Pearl  Hearn:two  children. 

5.  Columbus  Warren:  married  Pauline  Jackson.  Two 

6.  Annie  Warren;   married  Paul  Anderson;    one  child. 

7.  Sallie  W'arren;  married  Mr.  Kilburn,  and  have  three 

Children  of  the  second  marriage  of  Mrs.  Anna  Stuart  Yates 
Tolson  to  David  Owens,  viz: 

3.  William     Owens;     married    Amanda    Pence,    and    have 
three  children. 

4.  Polly  Owens;  married  George  Merrifleld;   no  children. 

5.  Arthur  Owens;    married   Mr.    Bowman;    they  have  four 

134  llisturij  (uul   Genealogies 

2.  Susan  Jane  Yates;  married  Hardin  Jones.  Of  this  union 
there  were  five  children,  viz: 

1.  John  Jones;  married  Frances  Davis,  and  live  at  New 
Boston,  Macon  County,  Mo.  Three  children  were  born  of 
them,  viz: 

1.  Susan  Jones. 

2.  Harvey  Jones. 

3.  Elmer  Jones. 

2.  Christopher  Jones;  married,  and  is  living  near  New 
Boston.      One  child. 

3.  Corena  Jones;  married  Dr.  Howard,  and  lives  at  Buck- 
lin,   Linn    County,    Missouri.      One   child: 

1.    Dora  Vashti   Howard. 

4.  Robert  Jones;  married,  and  is  living  at  Roger,  Missouri, 
Sullivan  County.      No  children. 

5.  Moses  Jones;  married,  and  living  at  Gravity,  Iowa.  No 

3.  Roena  Elizabeth  Yates,  was  married  to  Christopher  Co- 
lumbus Woods,  Feb.  13,  1862.  Of  this  marriage  there  were 
born : 

1.  Larkin  Vaughan  Woods;  married  Catherine  Cook,  and 
they  have  two  children,  viz: 

1.  Ruth  Woods. 

2.  Charles  Woods. 

2.  Mary  Frances  Woods;  married  William  Marryman.  No 

3.  Virginia  (or  Jennie)  Woods;  married  Oscar  Williams, 
a  lawyer;  they  now  live  in  Trenton,  Missouri.  To  them  one 
child  was  born: 

1.    Cloyd   Patton   Williams. 

4.  Nina  Elizabeth  Woods;  married  Cory  Lewis  Fickel.  No 

5.  Georgia  C.  Woods,  who  died  in  the  ninteenth  year  of 
her  age. 

6.  Cora  C.  Woods;  married  Drury  C.  Moberley.  No  chil- 
dren.     They  are  living  at  Aulr,   Colorado. 

7.  Ethel  Woods;  married  Elmer  A.  Farkhurst;  living  at 
Loredo,   Missouri.      No  children. 

Note — Miscellaneous : 

Sylvester    Reid;    married    Elizabeth    Hubbard,    Aug.    13,    1829. 

(See  Part  1,  Chap.   2  0,  Sec.   5.) 
Polly  Reid;    married  James  Reid,  Feb.   27,   1816.    (See  Part  II, 

Chap.  21,  Sec.  3.) 
Isaac  Reid;    married  Rhoda  Tate,  Sept.  9,  1825. 
Miriam   Reid:    married    Alexander   R.    Oldham,    Sept.    15,    1831. 

(See   Part   II,   Chap.    20,   Sec.    5.) 
Sallie  Reid;   married  Thomas  Todd,  Jan.   15,  1829. 

Section  4.  Thomas  Miller,  the  fourth  child  of  Colonel  John 
Miller  and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  March  30,  1779.  He 
was  twice  married;  first,  March  2  5,  1802,  to  Miss  Sallie  Adams,  in 
Madison  County,  Ky.,  and  second,  July  29,  180  6,  in  the  same  coun- 
ty, to  Miss  Anna  Woods,  daughter  of  Archibald  Woods  and  Mourn- 
ing Shelton,  his  wife.   (See  Part  II,  Chap.  8,  Sec.  7.) 

On  the  ground  where  the  beautiful  Richmond  Cemetery  is  situ- 
ated, in  the  year  18  00.  Thomas  Miller  killed  a  wolf.      In  about  the 

ffls/ni-i/    II III!    flniriiliiiiics  |;>.") 

year  ISIS  he  and  his  l)i-other  John  emigrated  to  Alabama  and  set- 
tled near  Xew  Market,  in  Madison  County,  where  Thomas  Miller 
established  his  home,  and  his  home  was  called  "Hickory  Flat."  One 
writer  states  that  "he  was  Representative  in  the  Legislature  and 
State  Senator  for  sixteen  consecutive  terms,  and  declined  to  make 
the   race   for   the  seventeenth." 

Dr.  W.  G.  Xorris,  a  distinguished  citizen  of  New  Market,  in  his 
history  of  the  town  says:  "Thomas  Miller,  a  brother  of  John  Miller, 
settled  four  miles  north  of  New  Market  at  an  early  day.  The  two 
brothers,  although  dissimilar  in  many  respects,  were  both  men  of 
note  and  worth.  Each  of  them  reared  large  families,  all  of  whom 
were  highly  intellectual  and  no  taint  or  stain  of  dishonor  ever  at- 
tached to  any  of  them.  Both  brothers  were  strong  Democrats. 
Thomas  Miller  served  in  the  Alabama  Legislature  from  18  2.3  to 
1S2  7  inclusive.  Nature  seemed  to  have  marked  him  as  a  favorite. 
He  was  tall  and  well  pojiortioned,  with  a  head  and  face  which  the 
ablest  artist  would  pronounce  a  masterpiece.  His  mental  powers 
were  equal  to  his  physical.  He  was  not  a  lawyer,  yet  was  always 
ready  in  thought  and  language — exhibiting  a  vigor  of  mind  and  a 
degree  of  culture  that  did  him  credit.  He  was  one  of  the  best  of 
neighbors.  If  a  near  resident  became  sick,  he  invariably  attended 
to  his  wants,  and  if  needed,  sent  his  horses,  hands,  plows  and  hoes 
and  worked  out  the  crop  in  a  day.  His  wife,  Anna  Miller,  was  a 
famous  house-wife  and  a  good  physician  in  ordinary  cases.  He  was 
a  life-long  Democrat,  and  died  when  about  70  years  of  age,  leaving 
a  bright  record  behind  him.  His  son,  William  G.  Miller,  was  a 
member  of  the  House  in  1S45,  and  was  a  worthy  son  of  a  noble  sire. 
He  went   to  Bastrop,  Texas,   to  live." 

Thomas  Miller  was  not  exceedingly  large,  but  was  of  a  stout  and 
powerful  build  and  very  muscular,  and  a  stranger  to  fear.  The  story 
is  told  that  on  one  occasion,  whilst  living  near  New  Market,  a  man 
unfriendly  to  Mr.  Miller,  placed  himself  behind  the  front  door  of  a 
store  in  New  Market,  and  as  Miller  entered  struck  him  over  the  head 
with  a  club,  but  failed  to  stagger  him;  nearby  was  an  open  tub  of 
tar,  and  Miller  grabbed  his  assailant,  and  with  miraculous  strength, 
thrust  him  head  foremost  into  the  tub  of  tar.  The  men  present 
lifted  the  man  from  the  tub  and  washed  the  tar  off  of  him,  and  he 
had  no  further  desire  to  molest  Thomas  Miller. 

The  children  of  the  first  marriage  of  Thomas  Miller  and  Sallie 
Adams  were  two,   the  name  of  one  we   cannot   furnish: 

1.  John  Adams  Miller;    married  Edna  Bridges. 

2.  Name  unknown. 

The  children  of  his  second  marriage  to  Anna  Woods  were: 

3.  Woods  S.  Miller;  married  Nancy  Jane  Miller,  daughter  of 
Joseph  ^Miller  and  Susan  Kennedy,  his  wife.   (See  Sec.  S.) 

4.  Thomas  Miller;  married  Caroline  Douglas,  of  Sumner  Coun- 
ty,  Tennessee.      Their  children: 

1.  Anna  Miller;    married  Mr.  Bunton,  of  Texas. 

2.  Mary  Miller. 

5.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller,  was  born  in  1S16.  He  was  edu- 
cated in  Richmond,  Ky.  He  married  Sarah  R.  Dismukes,  of  Sum- 
ner County,  Tenn.,  of  the  fine  old  Revolutionary  family.  After 
his  marriage  he  established  his  home  in  Fayetteville,  Lincoln 
County,  Tenn.,  where  his  children  were  born  and  reared.  He  died 
at  his  home  in  1860,  where  his  wife  continued  to  live  until  her 
death  in  18  82.     She  was  a  first  cousin  to  the  wives  of  Rev.  Good- 

136  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

loe   Woods   and  Wm.   Woods,   two   brothers   who   married   sisters. 
(See  Part  II,  Chap.  10,  Sec.  8  and  11.)   Their  children: 

1.  Sarah  M.  Miller,  born  in  1841.  She  married  Rush  Wil- 
liamson, a  son  of  Colonel  Robert  Williamson,  of  Sumner  Coun- 
ty, Tenn.  Rush  Williamson  was  a  Confederate  soldier  under 
General  N.  B.  Forrest,  and  served  through  the  entire  war,  and 
received  three  severe  wounds.  Her  postoffice  is  Pulaski,  Ten- 
nessee.    Their  children: 

1.  Robert  Garland  Williamson;    died  without  issue. 

2.  George  Estill  Williamson;    died  in  infancy. 

3.  William  M.  Williamson;  married  Sadie  Neville,  of 
Trinity,  Alabama.  His  home  is  in  La  Grange,  Georgia,  and 
is  of  the  firm  of  C.  D.  Smith  &  Co.,  railroad  contractors,  who 
build  roads  both  North  and  South.     Issue,  one  son: 

1.   Rayburn  Williamson;    died  in  infancy. 

2.  Thomas  K.  Miller,  born  in  184:3.  He  enlisted  in  the  Con- 
federate army  in  the  Civil  War — the  third  enlistment  in  Lin- 
coln County,  Tennessee.  He  served  in  the  First  Tennessee  In- 
fantry with  Colonel  Peter  Tanseyk,  two  years  in  Virginia,  and 
was  then  transferred  to  the  command  of  General  Forest.  He 
made  a  gallant  soldier.  He  was  captured  in  Tennessee  in  the 
fall  of  1863,  as  one  of  General  Forest's  scouts,  was  tried  by 
court  martial  and  sentenced  to  be  hanged,  though  he  had  on 
a  full  Confederate  uniform  and  not  a  paper  or  plan  on  his 
person,  still  the  court  condemned  him.  His  mother  went  im- 
mediately to  Washington  to  try  and  exert  some  influence  with 
President  Lincoln  in  his  behalf,  but  she  failed,  though  she  re- 
mained two  weeks.  His  sister,  Mrs.  Sallie  Miller  Williamson, 
remained  in  Nashville  with  him,  and  by  the  assistance  of  some 
of  her  father's  old  friends  she  succeeded  at  the  last  hour  in 
having  him  reprieved  until  further  orders  by  General  Thomas, 
the  commanding  general  at  Nashville.  They  offered  him  life 
and  liberty  if  he  would  take  the  oath  and  pilot  them  through 
Lincoln  County  where  he  lived,  but  he  firmly  refused  and  said: 
"If  I  had  forty  lives,  I  would  give  every  one  before  I  would 
betray  a  friend  or  be  a  traitor  to  my  country."  At  that  moment, 
his  sister,  who  loved  him  dearly,  and  he  so  helpless,  seemingly, 
in  the  hands  of  the  enemy,  almost  lost  her  patriotism.  He  still 
was  left   in  close  confinement. 

After  a  few  months  his  mother  returned  to  Washington  City, 
and  with  a  mother's  pleading  and  prayers  President  Lincoln 
relented,  and  the  last  document  President  Lincoln  ever  signed 
was  a  pardon  for  Thomas  Miller,  which  he  was  to  have  handed 
to  his  mother  at  9  o'clock  the  next  morning;  but  that  night 
President  Lincoln  was  assassinated,  and  President  Johnson 
would  never  let  Mrs.  Miller  have  the  pardon  for  her  son,  though 
she  remained  in  Washington  City  three  weeks  longer. 

In  the  spring  of  1865,  Mrs.  Williamson,  sister  to  the  con- 
demned man,  went  to  Nashville  to  see  Governor  Brownlow. 
After  entreating  with  him  as  a  sister  could,  under  such  circum- 
stances, the  Governor  asked  of  the  President  the  pardon  of 
Thomas  Miller  without  the  oath  of  allegiance,  and  he  gave  it. 

About  the  time  of  the  surrender  Thomas  Miller  was  free  from 
that  long,  close  confinement,  which  had  almost  wrecked  his 
life.  In  the  fall  of  that  year  he  went  to  Texas  and  settled  near 
Bastrop,  and  married  Miss  Lou  Bell,  of  Bastrop,  and  engaged 
in    the    mercantile    business    in    Webberville,    and    there    in    his 

J/ishin/   iiinl    ( l('iii'ti/ii(/i('S  l;57 

store,  in  1S67,  he  was  assaiilttd  with  shotguns  and  pistols  by 
two  or  three  of  his  deadly  enemies  and  was  killed,  though  he 
fought  for  liis  life.  He  left  no  issue.  Thomas  Miller  was  ab- 
solutely fearless. 

3.  George  D.  Miller,  born  in  1845;  died  in  ls.J2,  in  the 
seventh  year  of  his  age. 

4.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller,  born  in  1S47;  died  in  1902.  He 
enlisted  in  the  Confederate  army  in  the  fall  of  18  63  with  his 
brother  Thomas,  at  the  time  of  his  enlistment  being  only 
fourteen  years  of  age,  and  served  under  General  Forest,  and 
remained  until  the  surrender,  and  made  a  gallant  soldier.  He 
married  in  Fayetteville,  Lincoln  County,  Tenn.,  Mary  (Mamie) 
Gardner,  daughter  of  Dr.  R.  C.  Gardner,  formerly  of  the  firm 
of  Gardner  Brothers,  of  Nashville,  Tenn.,  and  after  the  war 
of  the  firm  of  Evans,  Gardner  &  Co.,  of  New  York.  The  Gard- 
ner family  was  one  of  the  best  of  Tennessee.  In  the  fall  of 
1865  Garland  Burleigh  Miller  went  with  his  brother  Thomas  to 
Texas.  He  settled  in  Galveston  and  entered  a  strong,  reliable 
business  house  in  Galveston,  doing  a  general  commission,  for- 
warding and  receiving  business,  as  clerk,  in  which  he  continued 
for  several  years,  until  he  rose  to  be  a  member  of  the  firm, 
and  before  his  death,  which  occurred  in  February,  1902,  he 
had  amassed  quite  a  fortune.  In  the  great  Galveston  storm 
his  financial  loss  was  heavy.     They  had  six  children: 

1.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller:  unmarried:  Treasurer  of  the 
Falfurrias  Immigration  Company,  Home  Office,  Falfurrias, 

2.  Richard  Gardner  Miller;  married  Martha  Terrill,  of 
San  Antonio,  Texas,  Oct.  25,  1905;  she  died  recently.  He  is 
President  of  the  Falfurrias  State  Bank.     Has  one  child: 

1.   Richard    Gardner    Miller,    born    Aug.    20,    1906;    the 

mother  died  in  October  following. 

Z.   William   Goodloe  Miller:    died  in  infancy. 

4.  Mary  Gardner  Miller;  married,  Oct.  29,  1902,  E.  C. 
Lasater,  of  Falfurrias,  Texas,  an  enterprising  young  man  and 
owner  of  a  fine  cattle  ranch  near  Falfurrias,  and  is  interested 
in  the  State  Bank,  Cotton,  Gin  and  Ice  Factory,  and  has 
planted  an  Orange  Nursery,  the  first  in  the  state  of  Texas. 
Mr.  Ed  C.  Lasater,  the  founder  of  Falfurrias,  Texas — once 
the  hunting-ground  of  the  Lepans,  the  most  docile  and  peace- 
ful of  the  Indian  tribes  in  the  state,  until  driven  away  by  the 
more  ferocious  and  warlike  Apaches  and  Comanches,  who  in 
turn  were  driven  out  by  the  adventurous  Spaniards,  who 
came  over  from  Mexico  to  settle  the  country,  subdued  the 
Indians,  built  missions,  called  the  land  and  cattle  their  own, 
and  embarked  in  pastoral  and  agricultural  pursuits  in  a  more 
or  less  haphazard  manner,  until  in  due  course  of  evolution 
these  lands  were  acquired  by  the  more  far-seeing  and  thrifty 
American  stockmen,  who  transformed  the  open  and  bound- 
less prairies  into  huge  and  limitless  pastures  and  by  scien- 
tific methods  improved  the  Texas  Longhorns  by  blooded 
breeds,  making  stock  raising  more  profitable,  and  bred  up 
the  Texas  ponies  by  thoroughbred  horses,  evolving  a  breed 
that  retains  the  hardiness  of  the  Texas  bronco  with  all  the 
qualities  of  standard  bred  horses.  This  section  has  been 
opened  for  settlement  to  the  thrifty  husbandman,  and  where 
only  a  few  years  ago,  and  even  now,  thousands  of  cattle  are 
roaming   at    large,    hundreds   of   families    already    have — and 

138  Hisforj/  and  Genealogies 

thousands  more  will — within  the  next  few  years,  come  to 
establish  prosperous  and  happy  homes  that  will  make  this 
section  flourish  as  but  few  others  will  be  able  to  do.  The 
owner  of  this  vast  domain,  Mr.  Ed  C.  Lasater,  one  of  the 
cattle  kings  of  Texas,  and  one  of  the  most  intelligent  and 
successful  breeders  of  cattle  and  horses,  who  knew  the  rich- 
ness of  the  soil  and  the  health-giving  properties  of  the  cli- 
mate, long  foresaw  that  this  section  was  destined  to  become 
the  garden  spot  of  the  United  States.     Their  children: 

1.  Albert  Ijasater. 

2.  Mary  Miller  Lasater,  born  Dec.   11,   1904. 

3.  Garland  Miller  Lasater,  born  Jan.   5,   19  07. 

5.  Robert  G.  Miller;   unmarried.     He  is  connected  with  the 
State  Bank  of  Falfurrias. 

6.  Laurence  Kleber  Dismukes  Miller;    unmarried. 

The  sons  of  Garland  Burleigh  Miller  and  Mamie  Gard- 
ner, his  wife,  are  actively  engaged  in  building  up  the  town 
of  Falfurrias  and  the  surrounding  country. 

5.  Woods  S.   Miller,   born   in   1849;    died  in   1851. 

6.  Anna  Woods  Miller,  born  in  1852;  died  in  1873.  She 
married  Thomas  Ross,  of  Lincoln  County,  Tenn.  He  was  a 
Confederate  soldier  under  Gen.  Forest.     They  had  five  children: 

1.  Robert   Ross;    unmarried;    lives   in   Tennessee. 

2.  Garland  Ross;   lives  in  Florence,  Alabama. 

3.  Mary  Ann  Ross;    married   Manly  Askins,  a  merchant  of 
Huntsville,  Alabama.     They  have  two  children; 

1.  Hershell  Askins. 

2.  Miller  Askins. 

4.  Sallie   Ross;    unmarried;    lives  in   Huntsville,   Ala. 
Thomas   Ross;    lives  in   Huntsville,   Ala. 

7.  Mourning  Shelton   Miller,  born  in   1854;    died  in  1855. 

8.  William  Goodloe  Miller,  born  in  1857;  died  in  1880;  un- 
married;  a  young  man  of  fine  promise. 

9.  Pauline  Dismukes  Miller,  born  in  18  60;  married,  first  Sw- 
ing Forbes,  of  Galveston,  Texas,  and  second,  Dr.  M.  S.  Walters, 
of  Giles  County,  Tenn.  No  issue  of  the  second  marriage.  Is- 
sue of  the  first  marriage; 

1.   Ewing  M.  Forbes;  unmarried;  lives  in  Memphis,  Tenn.; 
is  an  investment  banker,  310-11  Tenn.  Trust  Building. 

6.  Kleber  M.iller;  married  Mary  Franklin,  of  Sumner  County, 
Tennesse;    died  without  issue. 

7.  Williamson  Goodloe  Miller;  married  Cornelia  Sanders  (Ker- 
nelia  Douglas),  of  Sumner  County,  Tenn.,  first,  and  she  married 
second,  Lizzie  Morgan.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Alabama  Legis- 
lature in  1845.  He  went  to  Bastrop,  Texas,  to  live.  Children  of 
the  first  marriage; 

1.  Woods  S.  Miller;  married  Margaret  Hemphill;  lives  at 
Goldthwale,  Texas. 

2.  Goodloe  Miller;  married  Candice  Moore;  live  at  Brown- 
wood,   Texas. 

Children  of  the  second  marriage — six  children,  only  two  living: 

3.  Garland  B.  Miller;  married  Ida  Banard;  lives  at  Hemphill 
Prairie,   Bartrop  County,   Texas. 

4.  Dollie  (or  Mollie)  Miller;  married  Glenn  Jackson;  lives 
at  Elgin,  Texas. 

Tfisldi'l/    (tiiil    ( Iciicd/iii/ii's  l.'S'J 

8.  ^tlouruiiii;  Shelloii  .Miller;  niarricd  her  cousin,  Koberl  Green 
Miller,  son  of  Joseph  Miller  and  Susan  Kennedy,  his  wife  (see 
Sec.  8),  March  12,  1840.  She  was  born  March  4,  18  23.  Her  hus- 
band died  .June  20,  184  2,  and  she  married  the  second  ti  ne,  Norval 
Douglas,  November  2  6,  1844  (see  Sec.  8).  Mrs.  Douglass  died 
August,   18G0. 

9.  Mary  Miller:  married  Woods  Moore,  of  Missi-:  ippi.  They 
immigrated  to  Texas  and  settled  in  Bastrop  Cour :  -.  She  died 
many  years  ago  and  Mr.  Moore  married  his  sister-in-law,  Mrs. 
Ann  Trigg.     Children  of  Mary  Miller  and  Woods  Moore: 

1.  Thomas  Moore;    married  Olivia  Grady. 

2.  W^orth  Moore;   married  Lou  Luckett;  now  dead. 

3.  .James   Moore:    married  Lizur   Burleson. 

4.  Abbie  Moore;   married  Peter  Gill. 

5.  B.   Moore;    married   Leigh   Burleson. 

10.  Anna  Woods  Miller:  married  Marshall  Trigg,  of  Franklin 
County,  Tennessee.  They  immigrated  to  Texas  and  settled  in 
Bastrop  County.  Mr.  Trigg  died  and  his  widow  married  her 
brother-in-law.  Woods  Moore.  Children  of  Anna  Woods  Miller 
and   Marshall   Trigg: 

1.  Sue  Trigg;  married  Rufus  Green. 

2.  Jones   Trigg:    married    Mollie   Erhard. 

3.  Kleber   Trigg:    married   Mary   Hubbard. 

4.  Mary  Trigg:    married   Chester   Erhard. 
All   live  in   Bastrop,  Texas. 

5.  Woods  Trigg;    dead. 

6.  William    Trigg:    died    in   infancy. 

7.  Ella  Trigg:    died  in  infancy. 


Data  of  the  family  and  descendants  of  Thomas  Miller,  son.  of 
Col.  John  Aliller  and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  who  married,  first, 
Sallie  Adams,  and,  fjecond,  Anna  Woods,  and  who  was  the  grand- 
father of  xMrs.  Green  and  Mrs.  Trigg,  of  Bastrop,  Bastrop  County, 
Texas,  who  furnished  the  data  through  the  hands  of  their  cousin, 
Mrs.  Sallie  Miller  William;- on,  of  Pulaski,  Tennessee;  also  a  grand- 
daughter of  eaid  Thomas  Miller.      Mrs.  Green  v.'rites: 

"Thomas  Miller  first  married  Sallie  Adams,  1803;  second,  Anna 
Woods,  1S06;  was  born  1779.  Anna  Woods  Miller  died  August 
1S.57.  Thomas  Miller  died  1841.  Children,  8;  sons,  (1)  Woods, 
(2)  Garland,  (3)  Khleber,  (4)  Thomas,  (5)  Goodloe;  daughters, 
(  () )   Anna,   (7)   Mourning  and   (8)  Mary. 

1.  Woods  Miller;  married  Nancy  Jane  Miller.  Children,  don't 
know:    suppose  you  have  them  from  Ellen  McClain. 

2.  Garland  Miller;  married  Mrs.  Sallie  Dismukes.  (I  sent  all 
this  as  they  are  my  father  and  mother.) 

3.  Khleber  Miller;    married  Miss  Mary  (other  name  do 

not  know.)      He  died  without  children,  and  do  not  know  further. 

4.  Thomas  Miller:   married  Miss  Caroline  Douglas.  Children,   3: 

1.  Anna;   dead. 

2.  Louiza;   dead. 

3.  Carrie  Miller.   (No  sons.) 

Uncle  Tommy  and  Aunt  Caroline  died  long  ago:  only  one  girl 
living,  and  far  away  from  us;  west  of  San  Antonio;  a  large  family 
of  children.  How  I  loved  Uncle  Tom  and  Aunt  Caroline.  Their 
second  daughter,  Lou,  was  a  great  companion  of  mine  and  mar- 

140  History  and  Genealogies 

ried  a  promising  man,  who  did  not  out-live  her  very  long,  leaving 
the  oldest  of  two  little  baby  girls — one  dead;  one  Uncle  and  Aunt 
kept,  and  when  they  died,  she  was  taken  by  a  wealthy  brother 
of  her  father  and  educated  in  a  convent  in  New  York;  when  grown 
she  would  not  leave  it,  but  took  the  veil,  and  last  I  knew  she  had 
gone  to  a  large  convent  in  San  Francisco;  and  "such  is  life,"  we 
cannot  tell  how  it  may  go;  but  thanks  there  is  a  home  where  we 
all  can  be  together  again. 

5.  Goodloe  Miller;  married  Miss  Cornelia  Sanders  (have  for- 
gotten other  name,  first;  second  time.  Miss  Lizzie  Morgan,  after 
coming  to  Texas.  Children  (4  now  living):  first  marriage,  two 
sons.  Woods  and  Goodloe;  second  marriage,  one  son,  Garland,  and 
daughter,  Dolly,  living;  several  dying  while  very  young.  Uncle 
Goodloe  died  in   1888,  leaving  four  children: 

1.  Garland;   living  here,  and  five  children. 

2.  His  daughter   (Dolly)   has  none. 

3.  Goodloe,  one  of  the  older  boys,  none. 

4.  The  other  I  do  not  know;  he  has  his  second  wife. 

6.  Anna  Miller;  married  Marshall  Trigg,  of  Tennessee.  (Chil- 
dren 7.)  Anna  Woods  Miller,  born  Feb.  20,  1825,  near  Huntsville, 
Alabama;  married  Marshall  W.  Trigg,  born  in  Tennessee,  near 
Winchester,  Nov.  2  5,  1822;  they  were  married  October,  1842. 
They  lived  in  Tennessee  for  two  or  three  years,  then  moved  to 
Mississippi,  where  their  first  three  children  were  born.  Their 
children:  (1)  Susan  A.,  (2)  Thomas  J.,  (3)  Khleber  M.,  (Woods, 
dead;  William,  dead;  Kate,  dead;  and  Mary  E.  Trigg).  After- 
wards moved  to  Texas,  about   185  0,  where  we  have  been  raised. 

1.  Sue  A.,  oldest  girl  and  child,  was  born  April  30,  1845; 
married  Rufus  A.  Green,  of  Alabama,  .January,  1S69.  Two 
children  only  living,  girls: 

1.  Hattie  A.;  married  W.  J.  Hill,  of  Columbia,  Tenn.,  and 
have  two  children. 

2.  Minnie  K.;  married  W.  B.  Runsome,  of  Texas,  and  have 
three  children;    two  boys  and  one  girl. 

2.  Thomas  J.  Trigg,  born  1847;  married  Miss  M.  Erhard,  of 
Bastrop;   have  no  children  and  living  yet  in  this  town. 

3.  Khleber  Miller  Trigg,  born  1749  (one  gives  this  date,  an- 
other 1747);  married  Miss  Mary  Hubbard.  Also  living  here 
and  have  three  children;   two  boys  and  one  girl: 

Mrs.  Trigg  writes:  "Sister  Sue — failed  to  put  the  dates 
of  all  my  family,  and  as  I  am  so  very  anxious  to  get  the  his- 
tory of  the  Miller  family  (I  am  only  connected  by  marriage), 
yet  I  want  a  book  and  my  part  of  the  family's  history  recorded. 
"Kleber  Miller  Trigg,  born  Oct.  7,  1847;  married  Mary  Willis 
Hubbard,  June  16,  1880.  She  was  born  Sept.  16,  1856.  Their 
eldest  son: 

1.  Thomas  Marshall  Trigg,  was  born  March  21,  18  82,  and 
was  married  to  Miss  Annie  Gamble  Hoggins,  Sept.  27,  19  04. 
She  was  born  April   14,   18  82.      My  second  son: 

2.  Kleber  Miller  Trigg,  was  born  Aug.  2  6,  1889;  and  my 
third,  a  daughter: 

3.  A  daughter;   was  born  Dec.  26,  189  2. 

This  is  our  short  history,  and  hope  it  is  not  too  late  to  in- 
sert." Mrs.  Green  further  writes:  "Here  I  will  mention  some- 
thing about  the  name  "Khleber"  (spelled  sometimes  "Khleber" 
and   sometimes   "Kleber").      "I   remember  mother  told   me    (as 

Uishini   mid    (li'iiniliKjii's  1  I  1 

I  have  never  heard  the  name  except  the  three — mother's  broth- 
er, Khleber;  my  brother,  Khleber,  and  his  son,  Klilel)er).  She 
said  grandpa  loved  to  read  and  named  Uncle  Khleber  for  a 
great  general  in  Napoleon  Bonaparte's  army,  who  he  admired 
very  much.  He  was  a  German,  educated  at  Munich,  and  joined 
Napoleon  in  Egypt."     Next  is  my  sister: 

4.  Mary  E.  Trigg,  youngest  child  and  daughter.  She  mar- 
ried Mr.  Erhard,  of  this  town,  and  is  living  here.  He  has  been 
Cashier  of  our  bank  for  many  years.  They  only  have  one  child, 
now  about  2  7  years  old,  living  in  Palestine,  having  studied  en- 
gineering, occupies  a  prominent  position  in  the  machine  shop 

My  mother  lost  three  children;  two  died  while  young,  and 
one  son  at  the  age  of  18  years. 

5.  Woods  Trigg. 

7.  Mourning  Miller;  married,  first,  Joseph  K.  Miller,  having 
one  son.  .T.  K.  Miller;  second  time,  Norval  Douglas,  having  two 
daughters,  Anna  and  Mary.     Children  3    (you  have  data  to  here). 

S.  Mary  Miller;  married  Woods  Moore,  of  Mississippi.  Chil- 
dren 5:  (1)  Thomas,  (2)  Worth,  dead,  (Z)  James,  (4)  Biddy  A. 
(always  called  "B"),  and   (5)   Abigail,  dead. 

1.  Thomas,  is  living  here  and  father  of  five  children.  He 
married  Miss  Olivia  Grady,  of  this  county.  Children  all  married. 

2.  Worth,  you  remember,  was  a  fine  man;  married  Miss  Lou 
Lucket,   from   Kentucky,   they   having  three  children: 

1.  Powel,  their  oldest,  died  many  years  ago. 

2.  Worth,  their  second  son,  is  living  in  Ft.  Worth,  a  young 
lawyer   (I  believe).      And  youngest  is  a  daughter: 

3.  Luttie  Moore,  now  a  young  lady.  She  and  her  mother 
spend  most  of  their  time  in  Staunton,  Virginia — this  winter 
spending  in  Galveston;  do  not  know  much  of  them,  hear 
occasionally.  Cousin  Lou  has  not  been  here  for  many  years, 
although  she  has  a  brother  (a  doctor)  living  here. 

3.  James;  married  Miss  Lizur  Burleson.  They  have  only 
two  children,  son  and  daughter: 

1.  Worth  Moore. 

2.  Mary  Belle  Moore. 

She  spends  her  time  here  and  in  Ft.  Worth  with  her  daughter, 
who  is  married  to  a  prominent  specialist  (ear,  throat  and  den- 
tist) Dr.  W.  R.  Thompson;  they  have  two  children  and  he  is 
wealthy.  Their  son  is  not  married — is  a  doctor  and  surgeon. 
Cousin  Lizur  is  a  very  lovable  woman  and  loves  to  be  here  with 
the  kinfolk  (left  of  us)  and  we  love  to  have  her.  Cousin  Jim, 
as  I  told  you,  is  a  traveling  man  and  has  toured  the  world,  and 
did  come  home,  but  has  gone  again  to  Europe  expecting  to  go 
over  it  again;  is  now  or  will  be  soon  in  London.  I  told  him  I 
would  like  his  assistance,  but  his  stay  was  so  limited,  and  so 
many  to  see  him,  found  no  time  to  help  me.  Although  like 
myself,  can  only  go  so  far  and  no  more. 

4.  (Biddy  A.)  Cousin  B.  married  Mr.  Lee  Burleson,  of  Waco, 
a  lawyer,  and  brother  to  Cousin  Lizur,  nephew  to  Rev.  Rufus 
Burleson,  and  son  of  Richard  Burleson,  who  were  founders  and 
lived  and  died  with  the  great  Baptist  College  of  Waco,  now  so 
prominent  and  prosperous  and  far  known.  Cousin  B.  has  three 
children,  two  sons,  (1)  Burrell  and  (2)  Richard,  and  one 
daughter   (3)    Mary  Lee. 

142  Histonj  and  Genealogies 

1.  Burrell;    married   Mary   Longley,   a  young   lady    of   San 

2.  Richard  is  a  student  of  West  Point. 

3.  Mary  Lee  Burleson;   married  a  young  man  of  our  town, 
Mr.  P.  Giil;  had  two  girls,  both  married;  their  father  is  dead. 

Aunt  Mary  died  March,  1867. 

Section  5.  John  Miller,  the  fifth  child  of  Colonel  John  Miller 
and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  Sept.  30,  1780.  He  was  mar- 
ried in  Madison  County,  Kentucky,  Feb.  9,  1804,  to  Polly  Brown. 
In  about  the  year  1818  John  Miller  and  his  family,  and  his  brother 
Thomas  and  his  family,  emigrated  from  Madison  County,  Ky.,  to 
Alabama  and  settled  in  or  near  New  Market,  Madison  County,  where 
John  Miller  established  his  home,  and  where  he  and  his  wife  died. 
(See  Sec.  4,  also  Note  foot  Sec.  5  and  Part  VIII,  Chap.  2,  A.) 
Their  children: 

1.  Nancy  H.  Miller,  born  Oct.  13,  1816;   died  in  Richmond,  Ky., 
at  the  age  of  twenty-five  or  thirty  years;   unmarried. 

2.  James  O.  Miller,  born  Aug.   29,   1809;    died  at  New  Market, 
Ala.,  at  the  age  of  thirty  to  forty  years;    unmarried. 

O  . 

Elizabeth  Miller,  born  Aug.  12,  1805;  married  Alexander 
Jeffries,  of  Union  Township,  Alabama,  a  wealthy  planter.  She 
died  there  at  seventy-five  years  of  age.  One  night  in  the  act  of 
retiring,  her  dress  caught  fire,  and  she  was  so  seriously  burned 
that  she  died  v/ithin  a  few  days,  leaving  three  children,  two  boys 
and  one  girl,  viz: 

1.  John  Jeffries;   married,  had  a  son: 

1.   Lewis  Jeffries,  a  lawyer  in  Selma,  Alabama. 

2.  Tandy  or  "Jardy"  Jeffries. 

3.  Frances    Jeffries;     married    Henry    Hudson    Ware.      Their 

1.  Lula  H.  Ware;  married  Rufus  Preston  McGoodwin,  of 
the  Danville  Planing  Mill  Co.,  Danville,  Ky.     Issue: 

1.   Nellie  Ware   McGoodwin:    married   William   Hickman 
Carter.     Issue: 

1.    Rufus  Preston  Carter. 

2.  Bessie  Ware;  married  Eugene  McGoodwin  (brother  to 
Rufus  Preston  McGoodwin).  Eugene  McGoodwin  is  now  de- 
ceased.    Issue: 

1.  Lula  McGoodwin. 

2.  Eugene  McGoodwin. 

4.  William  Brown  Miller,  a  son,  was  born  in  Richmond,  Ky., 
Aug.  24,  1807.  When  he  was  nine  to  eleven  years  old,  his  par- 
ents moved  to  Alabama,  taking  this  son  with  them,  where  he 
grew  to  manhood,  and  there  married  his  first  wife,  Elizabeth 
Waddy  (who  had  in  her  veins  a  strain  of  Cherokee  blood),  about 
the  year  18  27.  She  only  lived  a  few  years  and  died  in  New  Mar- 
ket, leaving  one  son.  On  the  14th  of  September,  1839,  William 
Brown  Miller  married  the  second  time,  Minerva  Barnes,  of  Mad- 
ison County,  Ky.  She  died  Sept.  18,  1856,  in  Dallas,  Texas,  leav- 
ing seven  children.  On  the  2d  of  August,  1860,  William  Brown 
Miller  married  the  third  time,  Mrs.  Emma  Dewey  Miller,  widow 
of  M.  M.  Miller,  of  Cadiz,  Ohio;  unto  them  were  born  three  chil- 
dren. William  Brown  Miller,  Senior,  died  Jan.  4,  1899.  He  was 
nearly  ninety-two  years  old  at  the  time  of  his  death  and  his  es- 
tate  was   worth   more   than   one   hundred   thousand   dollars.      His 

Hislori/   find    frriir(ilo(/ir<i  143 

wife,  Eninia  Dewey  Miller,  only  survived  liiiii  two  iiiul  a  half 
months.  Sh(>  died  March  17,  1S99.  The  last  Mrs.  Miller's  pater- 
nal grandmother  was  a  granddaughter  of  the  famous  Lord  Chan- 
cellor Hyde. 

William  B.  Miller,  Senior,  emigrated  to  Texas  in  1846  and  set- 
tled in  the  wilderness  five  miles  south  of  the  present  city  of  Dal- 
las, where  he  established  a  home,  "Millermore,"  and  a  farm 
cleared — and  acre  after  acre  added,  until  a  large  domain  was 
the  proud  possession  of  this  pioneer  of  early  Texas.  He  lived  to 
the  ripe  old  age  of  ninety-one  years  and  six  months  and  died  sur- 
rounded by  his  family  and  in  the  arms  of  Uncle  Arch  Miller,  a 
faithful  ex-slave.  He  now  lies  sleeping  his  last  sleep  in  the  family 
burial  ground  of  the  old  home. 

He  left  behind  him  the  greatest  of  all  heritages  to  his  sons  and 
daughters — a  stainless  name  and  life.  The  Dallas  Morning  News 
of  Thursday,  Jan.  5,  1S9  9,  published  in  its  columns  the  following: 

"A  pioneer  passes  away.  Death  at  the  "Old  Homestead"  yes- 
terday of  William  B.  Miller.  A  landmark  of  early  times.  He  was 
born  in  Kentucky  early  in  the  century.  A  few  leaves  from  the 
history  of  his  life: 

"Mr.  William  B.  Miller,  one  of  the  pioneers  of  Dallas  County, 
died  yesterday  at  the  "Old  Homestead,"  south  of  Oak  Cliff.  He 
was  one  of  the  ancient  landmarks  of  Dallas  County,  was  known 
as  "Uncle  Billy  Miller,"  and  in  the  days  before  the  war  owned  a 
large  number  of  slaves  and  a  large  tract  of  land.  In  fact,  was  a 
large  land  owner  at  the  time  of  his  death.  "Uncle  Billy"  Miller, 
James  M.  Patterson,  and  Judge  Hord,  of  Oak  Cliff,  have  been 
regarded  of  late  years  as  the  three  surviving  pioneers  of  the 
North  Texas  of  other  days.  The  triumvirate  was  shattered  yes- 
terday when  Mr.  Miller  passed  away.  The  following  facts  are 
gleaned  from  the  "History  of  Dallas  County,"  published  in  1892: 

"William  B.  Miller,  a  pioneer  of  Dallas  County  ,was  born  in 
Madison  County,  Kentucky,  in  1807,  the  second  of  seven  children 
born  to  John  and  Mary  Brown  Miller,  natives  of  Kentucky.  The 
father  moved  to  Madison  County,  Alabama,  in  1818,  and  opened 
up  a  farm,  and  his  death  occurred  in  that  state  in  18  46.  His 
wife  survived  him  until  after  the  war.  William  B.  Miller  was 
reared  to  farm  life  and  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  Madison 
County,  and  also  at  the  Academy  of  Huntsville,  Alabama.  He 
subsequently  rented  land  and  engaged  in  farming,  but  in  the 
year  183  4  began  merchandising  in  New  Market,  Ala.,  which  he 
followed  two  years,  when,  on  account  of  the  Henry  Clay  Bankrupt 
Law  he  failed  in  business.  He  then  moved  to  Tennessee  and  again 
engaged  in  farming  for  ten  years,  after  which,  in  1847,  *  *  he 
came  to  Dallas  County,  settling  in  Precinct  No.  4.  In  1856  he 
bought  562  acres  of  land,  but  later  sold  seventy  acres  for  $30 
an  acre,  and  afterward  bought  two  acres  back,  giving  therefor 
$12,500.  He  was  married  in  Madison  County,  Alabama,  in  1833, 
to  Elizabeth  Waddy,  a  native  of  that  state,  whose  ancestry  on  one 
side  is  traceable  back  to  the  Cherokee  Indians,  noblest  specimen 
of  their  race.  By  this  marriage  there  was  one  child,  Charelaus, 
who  married  and  settled  in  the  Cherokee  Nation  in  the  Indian 
Territory;  he  was  a  gallant  Colonel  in  the  Confederate  army  from 
Texas,  and  was  known  as  Crill  Miller.  His  mother  died  in  Ala- 
bama in  18  35,  and  in  1837,  the  subject  of  this  sketch  married 
Minerva  Barnes.  She  died  in  1856,  after  having  five  children, 
viz.,  Alonzo,  who  died  in  1855;  Martha,  who  married  W.  C.  Leon- 
ard,   of    Kaufman    County;    Mary,    who    became    the    wife    of    Mr. 

144  Hisfori/  and  Gmralogies 

Guess;  Elizabeth,  who  married  John  Edmonson,  and  Susan,  who 
married  Dr.  Ewing,  of  this  city.  In  18  50  Mr.  Miller  chose  for 
his  third  wife  Mrs.  Madison  M.  Miller,  of  Dallas.  Three  children 
were  the  result  of  this  marriage:  Charles,  J.  H.,  and  Minnie 
Miller,  the  latter  the  wife  of  State  Senator  Phil  Barry  Miller,  of 
this  city.  For  more  than  forty-five  years  deceased  was  engaged 
in  farming  in  Dallas  County,  and  was  recognized  as  one  of  the 
leading  and  progressive  citizens  of  the  community.  Of  late  years, 
owing  to  advanced  age  and  feeble  health,  he  led  a  quiet  life,  leav- 
ing the  management  of  his  farm  to  his  children.  In  politics  he 
was  an  uncompromising  Democrat,  and  had  began  voting  the 
ticket  upward  of  seventy  years  ago.  He  was  a  Southerner  of  the 
old  regime,  and  the  hospitality  of  ante-bellum  days  was  a  feature 
of  life  at  the  "Old  Homestead,"  which  is  located  five  miles  south 
of  Dallas.  He  lived  to  the  ripe  old  age  of  91  years,  and  died  re- 
spected by  all  who  knew  him.  The  funeral  will  take  place  this 
afternoon  from  the  "Old  Homestead." 

The  issue  of  his  first  marriage  to  Elizabeth  Waddy: 

1.  Charelaus  Miller  (commonly  called  "Crill"),was  born  Oct. 
16,  182  9.  Young  Charelaus  lived  with  his  grandmother  Miller 
until  his  father's  second  marriage  to  Miss  Minerva  Barnes, 
Sept.  11,  1839.  He  was  married  to  Mary  E.  Walker,  of  Searcy, 
Arkansas,  about  18G1,  and  they  reared  a  large  family.  Chare- 
laus Miller,  Senior,  getting  a  large  grant  of  land  for  himself 
and  children  in  the  Indian  Territory,  on  account  of  the  Cher- 
okee strain  on  his  mother's  side,  sold  his  Texas  interests  and 
moved  to  the  Territory  in  188  7,  where  he  engaged  in  farming 
and  cattle  raising,  and  where  he  was  residing  at  the  time  of 
his  death,  June  4,  1892.  Each  one  of  his  children  inherited 
five  hundred  acres  of  land  in  the  Territory  besides  his  own 
share.  Mary  E.  Walker,  his  wife,  died  March,  1901.  Charelaus 
Miller  was  a  gallant  soldier  in  the  Confederate  army  during  the 
Civil  War,  and  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Lieutenant-Colonel 


for    conspicuous    bravery.      Of    his 


the    following 

a  part: 


Waddy  Miller. 


Lena  Miller. 


Carl   Miller. 


Estha  Eva  Miller. 


Mattie  Miller. 


William  B.   Miller  III. 


Charelaus  Miller,  Jr. 


John  Hickman  Miller,  Jr. 

Children  of  the  second  marriage  of  William  Brown  Miller,  Se- 
nior, to  Minerva  Barnes: 

2.  Alonzo  Miller. 

3.  Mary  Brown  Miller,  was  born  March  23,  1842.  She  mar- 
ried George  W.  Guess,  a  lawyer  of  Dallas,  Texas,  in  1856.  She 
died  Jan.  17,  1861,  leaving  one  child: 

1.   George  W.  Guess,  Jr. 

4.  Martha  M.  Miller,  was  born  July  3,  1840.  She  married 
Frank  Leonard,  a  young  farmer  of  Dallas  County,  Texas,  in 
186  0.  He  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  army  of  the  Civil  War, 
and  died  whilst  serving  as  a  soldier,  leaving  one  child: 

1.   Infant;   died. 

In  1879  Mrs.  Leonard  married  Washington  Leonard,  a  broth- 

//islorij    illlil    ( it'lli'ilhiijics  145 

er  to  her  first  husband,   whom  she  survives,  and   lives  now  on 
her  farm  three  miles  from  Terrill,  Texas. 

5.  Virginia  H.  Miller,  was  born  March  11,  1844.  She  was 
married  to  C.  D.  Kennedy,  a  Northern  man,  then  of  Lancaster, 
Texas,  a  saddler,  now  living  in  Dallas,  Texas.  To  them  were 
born  three  children: 

1.  Alonzo  Kennedy,  lives  in  East  Dallas. 

2.  Wallace   Kennedy;    married   Mrs.   Robert   Cockerel;    live 
in  Dallas,  Texas,  and  have  five  or  six  children. 

3.  R.    E.    Kennedy;    lives   in    East    Dallas. 

(3.  Susan  M.  Miller,  was  born  March  ISi,  1846.  She  married 
Frank  Robberson,  in  January,  18  66.  He  was  a  dealer  in  horses 
in  Dallas;  he  died  the  same  year,  leaving  no  issue.  On  the 
12th  of  July,  1874,  she  was  married  to  Dr.  J.  A.  Ewing,  of 
Dallas,  Texas.     She  died  Oct.  21,  1892,  leaving  two  children; 

1.  Lucy   Ewing,   of  Dallas,   Texas. 

2.  William  Gordon   Ewing,  of  Dallas,  Texas. 

7.  Bettie  Hickman  Miller,  was  born  Oct.  16,  1848.  She  was 
married  to  John  W.  Edmondson  in  January,  1866,  and  lived 
three  miles  from  Dallas,  Texas,  where  she  died  Sept.  5,  1872, 
her  husband  still  lives  in  Dallas.     She  left  one  son: 

1.   J.  F.  Edmondson. 

8.  William  Brown  Miller,  Jr.,  (known  as  "Little  Will"  to 
distinguish  him  from  his  father),  died  Feb.  21,  1873,  at  the 
age  of  sixteen  years. 

Children   of   the   third   marriage   of  William   Brown   Miller,    Se- 
nior, and  Mrs.  Emma  Dewey  Miller: 

9.  Charles  M.  Miller,  was  born  July  10,  1861.  He  was  mar- 
ried to  Bertha  E.  Cleaves,  of  Cherokee,  Iowa.  They  have  two 

1.  Royal   Cleaves  Miller,  of  Dallas,  Texas. 

2.  Emma  Miller,  of  Dallas,  Texas. 

Charles  M.   Miller,  like  his  father,   is  a  farmer  and  stock 

10.  John  Hickman  Miller,  was  born  Oct.  14,  1862.  He  was 
married  to  Floribel  Melone,  of  Shelbyville,  Kentucky,  Nov.  1, 
1893.  To  them  were  born  three  children.  His  wife  died 
March  15,  1903,  and  on  November  1,  1904,  he  v/as  again  mar- 
ried, to  Katherine  Bonney  Melone.  He  is  of  the  firm  of  Fife 
&  Miller,  Dallas,  Texas,  the  largest  exclusive  carriage  house  in 
the  state.     The  children  of  his  first  marriage: 

1.  Lloyd  M.  Miller. 

2.  Katherine  Miller. 

3.  John  Hickman  Miller,  Jr. 

11.  Minnie  H.  Miller,  was  born  Dec.  2,  1865.  She  was  mar- 
ried to  Hon.  Philip  Barry  Miller,  of  Barnwell,  South  Carolina, 
Nov.  9,  18  85.  Barry  Miller  is  a  very  successful  criminal  law- 
yer, of  Dallas,  Texas,  and  ex-State  Senator,  and  late  Mayor  of 
the  city.  This  family  live  at  "Millermore,"  the  old  home,  where 
William  Brown  Miller,  Senior,  settled  when  he  went  to  Texas 
in  1846,  five  miles  south  of  Dallas,  and  three  miles  from  its 
suburb.  Oak  Clift,  Rural  Free  Delivery  No.  1,  Dallas,  Dallas 
County,   Texas.      Their  children: 

1.   Tom  Barry  Miller. 

146  History  and  Genealogies 

2.  William  Brown  Miller  IV. 

3.  Philip  Russell  Miller. 

4.  Evelyn    Dewey   Miller. 

5.  Mary  Ann  Miller,  born  Oct.  2  4,  1819,  of  New  Market,  Ala- 
bama, where  she  died  at  the  age  of  forty  years,  and  her  remains 
were  buried  there. 

6.  Joseph  H.  Miller,  born  March  27,  1812,  was  one  of  nature's 
noblemen,  and  enough  could  not  be  said  in  his  praise.  His  occu- 
pation was  varied.  He  was  a  planter  and  stock  raiser;  when  the 
"Yankees"  (as  the  Southern  people  called  them)  took  all  of  his 
horses,  they  said  they  were  the  finest  they  had  seen  in  the  South. 
He  had  1000  acres  of  land  and  about  100  negroes;  he  was  also 
a  merchant,  owned  a  lumber  and  grist  mill,  a  blacksmith  shop 
and  wagon  and  woodwork  shop.  He  married  Henrietta  Virginia 
Crutcher.     They  had  seven  children,  viz: 

1.  Mary  B.  Miller,  a  maiden  lady,  now  living  in  Huntsville, 
Alabama;  highly  respected  and  much  beloved.  She  and  her 
sister  Lula  live  together  and  are  the  only  survivors  of  their 
father's   children. 

2.  Lula  Miller,  lives  in  Huntsville,  Alabama,  as  above  stated; 
a  fine  woman,  highly  regarded  and  respected. 

3.  Hickman  Miller;   died  when  quite  young. 

4.  Robert  Miller;   died  when  quite  young. 

5.  John  Kleber  Miller;  married  Miss  Minnie  Landman.  They 
died  in  January,  1897,  within  four  days  of  each  other,  leaving 
three  children: 

1.  Joseph  H.  Miller;  has  just  finished  school  at  the  State 
University;  studied  civil  engineering,  and  is  now  in  the  L. 
and   N.   office  in    Birmingham. 

2.  Robert  Miller;   died  when  twelve  years  of  age. 

3.  Clare  Miller;  is  with  her  aunt.  Miss  Mary  B.  Miller,  in 
Huntsville,  Alabama. 

6.  Joseph  H.  Miller;  married  Miss  Jessie  Saxson.  He  died 
in  March,  19  01,  without  issue  surviving. 

7.  Kate  Virginia  Miller;  married  Dr.  P.  M.  Hall.  They  left 
one  child: 

1.  Virginia  Hall,  who  now  owns  the  Old  Homestead  in 
New  Market,  where  she  resides,  a  most  excellent  Christian 
woman,  much  beloved  by  all  in  her  community. 

7.  Hickman  Miller,  born  May  3,  1814;  started  to  Texas  to  buy 
land  and  to  cast  his  fortunes  with  his  brothers  William  B.  and 
John  W.  Miller,  but  only  reached  Greenville,  Texas,  when  he  was 
taken  ill  and  died,  June  2  2,  1848,  at  the  age  of  about  forty  years. 

8.  Virginia  H.  Miller,  born  July  1,  1822;  married  Tate  Lowry, 
a  wealthy  planter  of  Huntsville,  Alabama.  They  died,  leaving 
one  son: 

1.  Dr.  Samuel  H.  Lowry,  of  Huntsville;  married  Miss 
Jemima  Pulley.  He  died  a  few  months  ago,  leaving  three  chil- 
dren, two  daughters  and  one  son. 

9.  John  W.  Miller,  was  born  March  19,  1825.  He  emigrated 
to  Texas  at  an  early  date,  probably  in  the  fifties,  and  engaged  in 
business  with  his  nephew,  Charelaus  Miller  (commonly  called 
"Crill")  in  farming  and  milling,  and  with  whom  he  always  made 
his  home  until  the  date  of  his  death,  Jan.  4,  1880,  at  the  age 
of  55   years.      For  many  years  he  was  blind;    had  been   partially 

Ilislonj  and  Genealogies  147 

blind  since  he  was  quite  a  cliild.  He  spent  much  of  his  time  hunt- 
ing and  running  mule-eared  rabbits — the  country  at  that  time 
was  thinly  setthnl  and  all  oi)en  prairie  land.  William  B.,  his 
brother,  and  Crill,  his  nephew,  kei)t  large  i)acks  of  hounds  for 
the  purpose  of  hunting;  they  all  loved  the  sport  very  much.  Crill 
had  a  tree  at  a  deer  lick,  from  which  he  had  killed  one  hundred 
and  eighty  deer;  he  made  a  notch  in  the  tree  each  time  he  killed 
a  deer  there. 

10.  Susannah  Miller,  was  l)orn  Dec.  27,  1829.  She  married  in 
New  Market,  Alabama,  in  about  1847,  to  William  Buchanan 
Smartt,  of  McMinnville,  Warren  County,  Tennessee,  always  known 
as  W.  B.  Smartt.  They  lived  on  his  farm,  two  miles  from  town. 
Mrs.  Smartt  now  lives  at  Bell  Buckle,  Tenn.  She  is  quite  deaf, 
but  a  very  interesting  and  entertaining  woman.  They  had  seven 

1.  John  Miller  Smartt.  He  was  a  perfect  machine  genius. 
He  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-five  years  in  Shrevesport,  Louis- 
iana; his  remains  were  conveyed  to  Dallas,  Texas,  and  buried, 
where  the  family  then  lived.     He  was  never  married. 

2.  George  Randolph  Smartt;  unmarried.  His  home  is  in 
Bell  Buckle,  Tennessee.  He  was  born  in  about  1853,  and  is  a 

;].  Marion  Othelia  Smartt;  married  John  Ramsay,  of  Mc- 
Minnville, Tennessee.  They  lived  together  as  man  and  wife 
twelve  years  ,when  they  married  she  was  twenty-one  and  he 
eight  months  younger.  Mr.  Ramsay,  by  excessive  drink,  neg- 
lected his  wife  and  children,  failing  to  provide  for  them,  and 
she  left  him  and  obtained  a  divorce,  and  lived  alone  seven 
years  and  married  the  second  time,  T.  E.  Manning.  They  live 
in  Roswell,  New  Mexico.  Mrs.  Manning  is  now  (1906)  fifty- 
one  years  old.     Children  of  her  first  marriage  to  John  Ramsay: 

1.  Maud  May  Ramsay;  died  at  the  age  of  three  years  and 
four  months;    if  living  now  would  be  twenty-nine  years  old. 

2.  Effie  Smartt  Ramsay;  married  Mr.  Jenett,  of  Chicago 
four  years  ago;  they  now  live  in  Roswell,  New  Mexico, 
moving  there  on  account  of  Mr.  Jennett's  health.  He  had 
been  employed  by  the  Santa  Fe  Railroad  in  office  work. 
They  have  one  child: 

1.   Marion   Othelia  Jenett;    named  for  her  grandmother. 
Age  two  years  and  eight  months. 

3.  Frederic  Frulton  Ramsay,  went  to  old  Mexico  at  the 
age  of  eighteen  years,  worked  on  the  harbor  at  Monzanillo, 
Mexico,  two  years,  went  from  there  to  Vera  Cruz,  worked 
there  two  years  for  the  Walter  Pierce  Oil  Company.  He 
is  now  in  the  old  City  of  Mexico,  working  in  the  Mexico 
City  Banking  Company,  as  paying  teller,  and  is  now  twenty 
two  years  old. 

4.  Oscar  William  Ramsay,  now  eighteen  years  old,  at 
work  in  a  drug  store  in  Roswell,  New  Mexico. 

4.  Frederic  William  Smartt,  married  Oct.  18,  1905,  Mabel 
Arnold  of  Wartrace,  Tennessee,  where  they  reside.  Mr. 
Smartt  is  forty  nine  years  old,  they  have  no  children.  He  is  a 
druggist,  and  has  drug  stores  at  Bell  Buckle,  Norton,  and 
Deckard,  Tennessee. 

5.  Alline  Smartt,   married  firstly,   John   Matthews,   who   died 
leaving    one    child.      She    married    secondly,    Dore    C.    Gaul    in 

148  Hisionj  and  Genealogies 

Dallas,  Texas,  he  was  a  New  Yorker,  his  sisters  still  live 
in  Newberge,  New  York.  He  was  a  book-keeper,  and  died  in 
the    City    of     Mexico    about     ten    years     ago,     leaving    one    son. 

Issue  of  her  first  marriage  to  John  Matthews: 

1.   Willie    May    Matthews;     married    Edward    D.    Wather, 

a  hotel  man  in  San  Antonio,  Texas.      Their  children: 

1.  Allen    Matthews    Wather. 

2.  (Baby)   Wather. 

Issue  of  her  second  marriage  to  Dore  C.   Gaul: 

3.  Ashford    Nicholas    Gaul;    living    with    his    mother    in 
the   city   of  Mexico. 

6.  Ann    Lou    Smartt;    married    in    Dallas,    Texas,    Edward    J. 
Gaston,  a  commercial  man,  now  living  in  Oak  Park,  111.     Issue: 

1.   Ralph    Smartt    Gaston;    seventeen    years    old;    now    at- 
tending school  in  Oak  Park. 

7.  Maggie  Smartt;  died  in  infancy  thirty-five  years  ago. 

Note — The  children  of  John  Miller  and  Mary  Brown,  his  wife, 
are  not  set  forth  in  the  order  of  their  births  in  the  foregoing  sec- 
tions.    They  were  born  in  the  following  order,  viz: 

1.  Elizabeth  Brown  Miller;   born  Aug.  12,  1805. 

2.  William  Brown  Miller;    born  Aug.   2  4,   1807. 

3.  James  O.  Miller;   born  Aug.  29,  1809. 

4.  Joseph   H.   Miller;    born  March   27,   1812. 

5.  Hickman  Miller;  born  May  3,  1814. 

6.  Nancy  H.  Miller;    born  Oct.   13,   1816. 

7.  Mary  Ann  Miller;   born  Oct.  2  4,  1819. 

8.  Virginia  H.   Miller;    born  July   1,   1822. 

9.  John  W.   Miller;    born  March  19,   1825. 
.10.   Susannah  Miller;  born  Dec.  27,  1829. 

Polly  Brown,  the  wife  of  John  Miller,  was  the  only  daughter  of 

William  Brown  and  Elizabeth  ,  his  wife.     The  said  William 

Brown  died  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in  1816,  near  Richmond.  He 
lived  neighbor  to  William  Goodloe,  who  was  co-executor  with  his 
widow  of  William  Brown's  will.      (See  Part  VIII,  Chap.   2,  A.) 

Section  6.  Elizabeth  Miller,  the  sixth  child  of  Colonel  John 
Miller,  and  Jane  Dalaney  his  wife  was  born  March  20,  1782,  and 
died  August  22,  183  3.  She  married,  June  13,  179  8,  William 
Woods  Kavanaugh,  son  of  Philemon  Kavanaugh  and  Elizabeth 
Woods,  his  wife.  He  was  known  as  "Big  Bill"  Kavanaugh,  and 
he  died  Dec.  14,  1814,  and  his  widow,  Elizabeth  Miller  Kavanaugh, 
married  again  Nov.  9,  1820,  Thomas  Kennedy,  and  she  died  Aug. 
22,  1833.      (See  Part  II,  Chap.  6,  Sec.  12,  and  Part  VII,  Chap.  5.) 

Section  7.  Dulaney  Miller,  the  seventh  child  of  Colonel  John 
Miller  and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  Dec.  13,  1783.  He 
married  Statilda  Goggin  May  8,  1810.  The  following  were  among 
his  children: 

1.  John  G.  Miller,  married  Elizabeth  Watts,  his  cousin  May  21, 
1833.  (see  section  12.) 

2.  Stephen  G.  Miller;  married  his  cousin,  Georgia  Ann  Watts 
July  23,  1835  (see  section  12).  She  died,  and  on  Aug.  15 
1846,  married  Betsy  Stephenson. 

3.  William  Miller 

4.  Jane  Miller 

5.  Eliza   Miller 


TIIsIdI-jI    (IIkI    (ll'UCdllKJICS  14'J 

Section  S.  Joseph  Miller,  the  eighth  child  of  Colonel  John 
Miller  and  Jane  Dulaney  his  wife,  was  born  May  15,  1785.  He 
married  Susan  Kennedy,  Sept.  17  1807,  she  was  born  Sei)t.  17 
17S?>.  They  emigrated  in  about  the  year  1816,  from  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  and  settled  near  Gallatin  in  Sumner  County,  Tenn- 
essee. The  old  dwelling  house  of  General  Joseph  Miller,  in  Gal- 
latin was  built  of  grey  stone,  it  is  even  now  a  superb  old  stone 
structure  though  stripped  of  surrounding  great,  glorious  forest, 
and  cracked  as  it  is  by  the  Earthquake  of  1812.  The  Federals 
cut  all  the  trees  during  the  war,  and  it  looks  so  alone  and  superbly 
dreamy.  All  the  out  houses  and  cabins  were  of  stone  too.  It  is 
now-  occui)ied  by  Samuel  E.  Lackey  and  his  wife,  Susan  Kennedy 
Alexander,  and  family. 

Kleber  Miller,  now  dead,  had  a  hammer  of  General  Joseph 
Miller  one  his  father  Colonel  John  Miller,  had  at  the  battle  of  York- 
town  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  Another  member  of  the 
family  owned  some  silver  spoons  with  the  Dulaney  Crest  on  them, 
that    were    brought    from    Ireland. 

The  children  of  General  Joseph  Miller  and  Susan  Kennedy 
his   wife   were: 

1.  Andrew  K.  Miller:  born  Aug.  24,  1810;  died  Feb.  7,  1853. 
He  married  Elizabeth  B.  Halloway,  Oct.  IS,  1832.  Mrs.  Eliza- 
beth B.  Halloway  Miller,  only  passed  away  a  few  years  ago.  She 
was  simply  adored  by  her  family.  Andrew  K.  Miller  died  when 
still  a  rather  young  man,  leaving  three  children,  viz: 

1.  Susan  Kennedy  Miller;  born  Sept.  2  18  34,  married 
Elbridge  G.  Seawell,  of  Lebanon,  Tennessee.  She  is  now 
seventy  years  of  age,  but  is  capable,  so  alert,  so  cheerful 
and   gifted,   that   she  is   a   delight  to  all   who   know   her. 

Mrs.  Nannie  S.  Boyd,  her  daughter  writes  of  this  family: 
"A  long  law  suit  about  property  rather  separated  us 
from  many  of  our  Miller  relations,  and  different  tastes 
seemed  to  widen  the  breach,  but  I  am  very  fond  of  many 
of  them.  For  some  reason  our  branch  of  the  family  is 
rather  strenuous.  The  days  are  never  long  enough,  and 
neither  are  the  nights.  We  are  great  workers,  like  books, 
music,  art  and  good  company.  The  Millers  are  more  sober 
and  quiet.  I  do  not  know  a  professional  man  in  the  family, 
almost  all  are  farmers,  and  they  are  men  and  women  of 
character  and  force,  no  matter  where  they  are,  but  they 
all  take  life  seriously." 

Mr.  Elbridge  G.  Seawell  and  Susan  Kennedy  Miller  his 
wife   had   four   children    all    girls  viz: 

1.  Elizabeth  H.  Seawell;  who  was  a  very  charming,  cul- 
tured woman.  She  married  Dr.  A.  F.  Claywell,  of  Lebanon, 
Tennessee,  she  died  some  years  ago  without  children. 

2.  Nannie  Seawell;  a  charming  and  accomplished  woman, 
was  art  teacher  at  Ward  Seminary,  Nashville,  Tennessee. 
In  18  86-87  while  a  student  of  art,  Mrs.  Nannie  Seawell 
(now  Mrs.  Boyd)  was  in  Europe,  as  a  student  and  there 
met  Mr.  Burnam  of  Richmond,  Ky.  and  had  some  corres- 
pondence with  his  daughter,  Miss  Sallie  Burnam,  now- 
deceased.  In  1892  she  married  Captain  Isaac  S.  Boyd,  of 
Atlanta,  Georgia.  Mr.  Boyd  died  almost  three  years  ago, 
and  it  was  his  dearest  wish  that  his  children  should  have  the 
best  education  that  was  possible  for  them.  Mrs.  Boyd's 
home    is    in    Atlanta,    Georgia.      She    is    now    temporarily    at 

150  History  and  Genealogies 

5549  Madison  Avenue,  Chicago,  Illinois,  whilst  her  child- 
ren are  attending  school  at  Chicago  University.  They  had 
two  children  viz: 

1.  Elizabeth  Seawell  Boyd;  now  (1906)  twelve  years 
of  age,  leading  her  class  in  the  grand  Chicago  University 
Elementary  school. 

2.  Elbridge  Boyd,  a  dear  little  fellow  of  ten  years, 
who  is  also  in  the  same  school. 

3.  Janie   Seawell;    married   James   Q.   Moore,   of  Nashville, 
Tennessee.      They  have   two   children   viz: 

1.  Elbridge  Moore. 

2.  Elizabeth  Moore. 

4.  Roberta  Seawell;    married  A.  G.  Brandon,  of  Nashville, 
Tennessee.     They  have  two  children: 

1.  Seawell  Brandon. 

2.  Robert  Boyd  Brandon. 

2.  Elizabeth  Miller;    died  at  thirteen  years  of  age. 

3.  Robert  Woods  Miller;  born  Aug.  29  1846.  He  married 
Elenora  Baber.  Robert  Woods  Miller  is  book-keeper  for 
Phillips  &  Bettoff  of  Nashville,  Tennessee.  He  is  a  lovely 
man,  but  extreme  deafness  has  handicapped  him  in  a  business 
way  so  that  he  had  to  abandon  his  old  business.  He  was  in  the 
Bank  for  many  years.  He  has  had  other  misfortunes  besides 
deafness.     They  have  one  child  viz: 

1.   Lillian    Miller;     married    Robert    F.    Bransford.      They 
have  three  children  viz: 

1.  Margaret    Bransford. 

2.  Miller  Bransford. 

3.  Benjamin  Moss  Bransford. 

2.  Nancy  Jane  Miller;  born  Sept.  8,  1812.  She  married  for 
her  first  husband.  Woods  Shelton  Miller,  Aug.  19,  1830.  (See  Sec. 
4),  secondly,  James  Alexander.     Children  of  her  first  marriage: 

1.  Joseph  Miller;  born  Aug.  13,  18  31;  married  1  Anna  Dodd; 
2,  Bettie  Douglas. 

Children  of  first  marriage: 

1.  Mary  Kleber  Miller;   born  Dec.  1863,  died  187  6. 

2.  Nannie  Miller;  married  Emory  Sweeney. 

3.  Florence  Miller;    married  Nathan   Bullock,  she  is  dead, 

1.   Werta  Bullock. 

4.  Anna     Miller;    born    July     29,    1871,    married    William 
Stewart,  issue. 

1.  Joseph  M.   Stewart. 

2.  Mildred  Stewart. 

5.  Maud  Miller;    born  May  187  3,  married  Alfred  Zennion, 
New  York  City. 

6.  Susie  Miller;   born  Oct.   1895. 

Children    of   second    marriage    of    Joseph    Miller    to    Bettie 

7.  Woodie  Miller. 

8.  Helen  Miller. 

9.  Joseph  Miller,  Jr. 

2.  Thomas  Miller;   born  Aug.   7,   1833,  married  Lizzie  Dhutt, 
had  three  sons  and  three  daughters: 

IJii^luri/  ami   ticncaluylcs  151 

1.  Laura  Miller:    married  James  Anderson,  had  two  child- 


o . 

Henry   Miller;    married   Ida 
Ida  Miller;   d'wd  in  infancy 

4.  Woods  Shelton  Miller;    married  Alice  Stilz.  Their  child- 

1.  Thomas   Miller. 

2.  Anna  Miller. 

5.  Anna    Miller. 

6.  James  Miller;   died  with  consumption. 

3.  Archibald  Woods  Miller;  born  Dec.  5,  1835, married  first 
Martha  Alexander,  and  second,  Susie  Miller;   all  dead. 

4.  Robert  G.  Miller:  born  May  7,  183S,  married  Etta  Head. 
Their  children: 

1.  Woods  Lee   Miller. 

2.  Robert   Goodloe   Miller;    died   single. 

3.  John  W.   Miller;    married  Kate  Anderson. 

5.  Anna  W.  Miller;   born  Aug.   27,   1840. 

Children  of  the  second  marriage: 

6.  Susan  Kennedy  Alexander;  married  Samuel  E.  Lackey, 
(see  section  11)   Nov.   2,  1869.  Their  children: 

1.  William  Nicholas  Lackey;   born  Sept.  27,  1875,  married 
Bernetta  Anderson   Oct.   25,   1905. 

2.  Samuel  Eugene  Lackey;   born  Jan.  26,  1877. 

3.  Alma  Lackey;   born  August  28,  1880. 

7.  Jennie  Alexander;  born  Jan.  8,  1855,  married  John  Branch 
Donelson,   July,    18  74,   son   of  Gen.   Donelson.      Their  children: 

1.  Rebecca    Donelson:    born    Oct.    14,    18  81,    married    Joe 
Chew,  Texas:  issue: 

1.   Virginia  Chew. 

2.  Alexander    Donelson;    born    May    29,    188  4. 

3.  Emma  Donelson;    born  Oct.   21,  1886. 

4.  Eugene  Lackey  Donelson;  born  June  10,  189  2. 

5.  Susie  K.  Donelson:  born  May  29,  1894;  died  June,  1894. 

6.  John    Branch    Donelson;    born    Oct.    1896. 

3.  John  Woods  Miller:  born  Aug.  2  6,  1814;  married  Mary  Ann 
Woods,  Aug.   28,   1835;    he  died  Aug.   23,   1850.     Their  children: 

1.  Joseph  Miller;    married  Josephine  Lash. 

2.  Andrew    Miller;    married    Nannie    Solomon. 

3.  Susie  Miller;  married  Archibald  Miller,  (see  8-3  above); 

1.  John  Miller. 

4.  Woodie  Miller;    married  Jack  Chambers. 

5.  Nancy  Jane  Miller;   married  Richard  Palmer. 

4.  Robert  Green  Miller;  born  Nov.  8,  1816;  married  March 
12,  1840,  his  cousin.  Mourning  Shelton  Miller,  a  daughter  of 
Thomas  Miller  and  Annie  Woods,  his  wife.  (See  Sec.  4.)  He  died 
June  20,   1842,  had  one  son: 

1.  Joseph  Kleber  Miller:  born  Jan.  20,  1841,  died  Feb.  6, 
1904.  He  married  Ellen  Clearland,  of  Forsythe,  Georgia.  He 
lived  at  Gallatin,  Tenn.  Second  wife,  Ann  Laura  Gass,  of  Ken- 
tucky;  had  no  children.     The  children  of  first  marriage: 

1.   Early     Clearland    Miller;      born     May    17,      18  68.      He 

married  Ethel  Somers,  Oct.  15,  1S90.     Their  children: 


TJisiorij  and  Gencnhy/ies 

1.  Kleber  Miller;   born  Aug.   2  6,   1891. 

2.  Minta  Miller;  born  Aug.  20,  1895. 

3.  Lilv  Bell  Miller;    born   Sept.    1,   1897. 

4.  Ellen  Miller;    born  Feb.    20,   1900. 

2.   Ellen    D'Laney    Miller;    born    March     2, 
Rufe   Douglas   McClain,   Nov.    16,    1898.     They 
tin,  Tennessee.     They  have  one  child: 

1.    Harrison    Kleber    McClain;    born    Oct. 

Feb.   22,  1906. 

After  the  death  of  Robert  Green 
Shelton  Miller,  married  again,  Nov 
(See  Sec.  4-8.)      Their  children; 

2.   Anna    E.    Douglas;     married 
California.     Their  children; 


in   Galla- 

1,    1905;    died 

Miller,  his  widow,   Mourning 
2  6,    1844,    Norvall    Douglas. 

Thomas    A.    Gill,    moved    to 



3.   Mary 

Joseph  M. 
Alma  Gill. 

C.   Dou] 

;las;    married   Mark 
Their  children: 

H.    Young.      They   lived 



Jessie  Belle  Young;    born   Feb.    11, 
William   James   Young;    boim    Nov. 
Hallie  Young;    born   Aug.    15,    1876. 
Joseph  Kleber  Young;   born  Jan.  22,  1879. 
Marv   S.    Young;    born   Feb.    26,    1881. 


H.   Young,   Jr;    born  July   2  5,   18  83. 

Douglas  Young; 

born  April,   21,   18  86. 
born   Feb.   7,   18  89. 

Norvall  Young; 
5.   Joseph  Kleber  Miller;  born  Sept.  2,  1819;   died  Jan.  6,  1841. 

Section  9.  James  Miller,  the  ninth  child  of  Col.  John  Miller 
and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  Dec.  2  4,  17  87;  died  in  infancy. 

Section  10.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller,  the  tenth  child  of  Colonel 
John  Miller  and  Jane  Dulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  April  1,  179  0.  He 
married  Mourning  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Archibald  Woods,  and 
Mourning  Shelton,  his  wife,  Jan.  18,  1810.  (See  Part  11,  Chap.  8, 
Sec.  10.)  she  was  born  April  7,  1792.  They  emigrated  from  Madison 
County  Ky.  to  Tennessee,  and  settled  in  Franklin  County  on  Beans 
Creek,  where  they  spent  their  remaining  days.  Garland  B.  Miller 
died  Dec.  11,  1832,  and  his  wife  in  1852.     Their  children: 

1.  Jane  S.  Miller;   born  April  2,  1811;   died  Oct.,  182  4. 

2.  Appoline  Shelton  Miller,  born  Nov.  11,  1812,  she  married 
Feb.  18,  1832,  Thomas  H.  Woods,  son  of  William  Woods,  and 
Mary  Harris,  his  wife.  See  Part  II,  Chap.  10,  Sec.  6,  and  Part 
11,  Chap.  9,  Sec.  6.)  She  died  Dec.  29,  1856,  and  Mr.  Woods 
died  Nov.  19,  188  0.     Their  children: 

1.  William  B.  Woods;  born  May  11,  183  3,  married  Emily 
Horton,  Feb.  10,  1869;  he  died  Nov.  7,  1871,  and  his  wife 
died  May  3,  189  0.      Issue: 

1.    Susan    Woods;     married    James    M.     Horton    Dec.     28, 
1892;   she  died  Sept.  16,  1895. 

2.  Garland  Miller  Woods;  born  Nov.  5,  1835;  married  Lucy 
Bostick,  Dec.  2  4,  1865.  Their  home  is  in  Tullahoma,  Tenn- 
essee.    Their  children: 

J/islnii/   tiinl    (ii'iicdiiiiiics  \-)'-\ 

1.  Thomas  Harris  Woods:    born  July   27,   1S70. 

2.  Lewis  Kleber  Woods;    born  July   15,   1S72. 

3.  William    Goodloe   Woods:    born   May    19,    187 S. 

4.  Mary  Annie  Laurie  Woods:   born  April  21,  1S78. 

3.  Polly  Ann   Woods:    born  Nov.    lit,    1837. 

4.  James  Higgins  Woods:  born  April  4,  1840:  died  Nov. 
23,  1892. 

5.  David  Goodloe  Woods;   born  Ai)ril   11,   1842. 

6.  Josephine  S.  Woods;  born  Feb.  15,  1844;  married  Mr. 
Pain,  May  14,  1885:   she  died  Aug.   21,   1885. 

7.  Joseph  Kleber  Woods;  born  Nov.  10,  1845;  married  Mary 
Jane  Bass,  Nov.  24,  1870;  she  died  April  4,  1897. 

8.  Susan  Samira  Woods;  born  Nov.  6,  1847. 

9.  Archibald  Wright  Woods;  born  Oct.  24,  1850;  he  lives 
in  Deckard,  Tennessee. 

10.  Mourning   Miller   Woods:  born    July    28,    1852. 

11.  Thomas  Milton  W^oods;  born  July  3,  185:';;  married 
Temple  Floyd,  March  1.  1888.  He  died  Jan.  4,  1899.  Their 
children : 

1.  Archibald  Anthony  Woods;  born  Jan.  2  4,  1892;  died 
Sept.    28,    1892. 

2.  Hugh    Edward    Woods;    born   July    3  0,    189  3. 

3.  James    Henry    Woods:     born    Nov.    19,    1S94. 

4.  Thomas  Miller  Woods;   born  June   2  9,   189  6. 

5.  Thomas  Shepherd  Woods;  born  March  2,  189  9,  a 
posthumous   child. 

Thomas  Harris  Woods,  and  Appoline  Shelton  Miller,  his 
wife,  died  and  raised  their  family  in  Tennessee,  and  their 
descendants  still  live  in  that   State. 

3.  Sallie  Ann  Miller:  born  Oct.  29,  1814;  she  married  Aug. 
25,  1830,  John  C.  Lipscomb.  She  died  June  1840.  Two  child- 
ren who  lived  were  born  to  them,  viz: 

1.  Nancy  Jane  Lipscomb:  married  Newton  Mann.  The  chil- 
dren born  to  them  who  are  living  are: 

1.  John  Mann;  married  Ella  Mosley.  He  is  a  farmer  at 
Beans  Creek,  Tenn.;   they  have  six  living  children: 

1.  Herbert  Mann;   in  Kentucky. 

2.  Thomas    Mann:     at    home    Beans    Creek,    Tennessee. 

3.  John   Mann;    died   in   young   manhood. 

4.  Tullia  Mann;  living  at  Beans  Creek,  Tenn. 
None  of  these  children  are  married. 

2.  Matthew  Mann:  a  teacher  in  the  Deaf  and  Dumb 
School  at  Knoxville,  Tennessee.  He  is  a  mute  and  married 
Fannie  Fleming,  a  mute:  they  have  three  children  all  of 
whom  can  hear  and  talk;    the  oldest  daughter  married; 

1.   Louise  Mann;    married,  and  had  two  children,  viz; 

1.  Elizabeth. 

2.  Frances. 

3.  Horace  Mann:  a  merchant  at  Riverside,  Tennessee; 
married   Hattie  Voreese,   they  have   three  children,   viz: 

1.  Ester  Mann. 

2.  Theodore   Mann. 

3.  Wilmer  Mann. 

4.  Turner   Mann:    works  in   a   company   store   at    Birming- 

154:  History  and  Genealogies 

ham,   Alabama;    married   Florence  Williamson,   and   had    one 
child,:    viz 

1.   Robert  Newton  Mann. 

5.  Emma  Mann;  married  Joe  Bogle;  they  live  at  Centre- 
ville,  Tennessee,  and  have  eight  children,  viz: 

1.  Abury  Bogle:   married  Miss  . 

2.  Garland  Bogle;  married  Miss . 

3.  Robert  Bogle. 

4.  Anne  Bogle. 

5.  Reece  Bogle. 

6.  Frank  Bogle. 

7.  Joe  Bogle,  Jr. 

8.  Elizabeth  Bogle. 

6.  Sallie  Mann,  (twin  to  Mollie;)  married  Mr.  D.  L.  Smith. 
They  live  at  Artesia  New  Mexico,  and  have  four  children, 
two  boys  and  two  girls,  the  oldest  about  thirteen  years 
old,    viz: 

1.  Nannie  Mann  Smith. 

2.  Mollie  Bogle  Smith. 

3.  Jesse   Turner    Smith. 

4.  Newman   Breeden   Smith. 

7.  Mollie  Mann,    (a  twin  to  Sallie). 

Son  and  daughter  died  about  the  time  they  were  grown. 

2.   Garland  B.  Lipscomb;   married  Miss  and  moved  to 

Marshall,  Texas.  He  served  in  the  Confederate  army  in  the 
Civil  War,  and  died  at  Marshall,  leaving  a  wife  and  child- 
ren;  probably  some  of  his  descendants  are  there  now. 

4.  Elizabeth  Miller;  was  born  July  20,  1816;  and  died  Oct., 

5.  Mourning  Woods  Miller,  was  born  March  15,  1818.  She 
married  Robert  C.  Smith,  June  4,  1839,  by  Elder  J.  R.  Patrick. 
Mr.  Smith  it  seems  was  a  minister  of  the  Gospel,  probably  of  the 
Primitive  Baptist  Order.  During  the  Civil  War  a  company  of 
armed  men,  claiming  to  be  Federal  soldiers,  went  to  their  home, 
and  in  the  presence  of  Mrs.  Smith  killed  and  murdered  her 
husband,  Robert  C.  Smith,  whilst  she  was  begging  for  his  life. 
In  the  year  18  87,  the  writer  was  in  Lincoln  County,  Tennessee, 
and  attended  services  at  Buckeye  Church,  some  three  miles  from 
Payetteville,  and  after  services,  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  church, 
met  Mrs.  Smith,  then  an  old  woman  and  a  widow,  living  in  the 
vicinity,  who  related  to  him  the  facts  in  regard  to  the  murder. 
She  died  in  April    1889.      Their  children: 

1.  Ann  Miller  L.  Smith;  married  John  Lipscomb,  of  Beans 
Creek,  Tennessee.  She  died  about  fourteen  years  ago.  Mr. 
Lipscomb  was  named  for  his  uncle,  John  Lipscomb,  who  mar- 
ried Sallie  Ann  Miller,  and  his  wife  was  named  for  her  aunt, 
the  wife  of  said  uncle.  John  Lipscomb  Jr.  after  the  death  of 
his  wife  Ann,  married  again,  and  is  now  living  with  his  sec- 
ond wife.  The  children  of  Ann  Miller  L.  Smith  and  John  Lips- 

1.   Dr.    Robert     Lipscomb  ;     married    Louise    New'lun,    of 

Bronsborough,     Tennessee.        They    have    four    children    all 

living  at  Beans   Creek,   Tennessee: 

1.  Sarah   Newlun  Lipscomb. 

2.  John  Lipscomb. 

IJislori/  iiinl   ( icii('(il(j(jirs  155 

3.  Margaret  Liiisconib. 

4.  Martha  Washington   Lipscomb. 

2.  Annie  Woods  Lipscomb;  married  Dr.  Whitmore  Ander- 
son, a  veterinary  surgeon,  living  in  Ardmore,  Indian  Terri- 
tory.     Have  two  sons: 

1.  John  Moultrie  Anderson. 

2.  Lipscomb  Anderson. 

?,.  .Jennie  Lipscomb;  married  .Tames  C.  Breeden,  a  mer- 
chant of  Beans  Creek,  Tennessee.     They  have  no  children: 

4.  Granville  Lipscomb;  has  been  married  three  times. 
He  had  no  children  by  his  first  two  wives,  his  last  wife  was 
Lou  Marshall  Redman.  They  had  one  child.  They  live  in 
Huntsville,  Alabama. 

5.  Susan  Lipscomb;  married  Robert  Yarbrough.  She  died 
four  years  ago  childless. 

6.  Fannie  Lipscomb;  married  W.  Q.  Porter,  an  engineer 
of  the  N.  C.  and  St.  L.  R.R.  They  live  in  Nashville,  Tenn- 
essee, and  have  one  child: 

1.   John  Porter. 

7.  William  Lipscomb;  married  Nettie  Ruledge,  of  Hunt- 
land,  Tennessee.  He  is  a  Curio  merchant,  1513  17th  Street, 
Denver  Colorado.     They  have  no  children. 

8.  John  Lipscomb;  single,  clerlv  for  the  Frisco  R.  R.  Co. 
He  lives  in  Denver  Colorado. 

9.  Amanda  Lipscomb;  single;  she  at  this  time  lives 
with  her  sister,  Mrs.  Porter,  in  Nashville,  Tennessee. 

10.  Horace  Lipscomb;   died  in  infancy. 

2.  Susan  Smith;  married  T.  G.  Rucker,  a  retired  conductor 
of  the  N.  C.  and  St.  L.  R.R.,  having  served  in  that  capacity  for 
fifty  years.  They  live  near  Nashville,  Tennessee.  Had  one 

1.  Bettie  Rucker;  married  Walter  Winsted.  Their  child- 

1.  Margaret  Winsted. 

2.  Walter   Winsted. 

They  live  on  Russell   street  in   Nashville,   Tennesssee. 

3.  Josephine  Smith;  married  Joseph  William  Pamer.  They 
lived  and  died  at  New  Market,  Alabama,  leaving  one  son, 
and  three  daughters. 

4.  John    Presley   Smith;    married • 

They  raised  a  family  of  eight  children.  Three  in  Nashville, 
Tennessee,  and  some  of  them  in  Mississippi.  His  wife  died,  and 
he  is  the  only  survivor  of  his  mother's  children. 

5.  William  Smith;    married  Sallie  about  1870;    lived 

near  Beans  Creek,  Tennessee,  for  a  few  years  after  their 
marriage,  and  then  moved  to  Texas.  He  died  in  Belchville, 
Texas,  two  year  ago,  leaving  his  wife  and  about  seven  child- 
ren, all  living  at  Belchville. 


156  Tlisioiij  and  Genealogies 

6.  Josephine  Miller;  boi-n  March  15,  1820.  She  married  Will- 
iam Staples,  Oct.  6,  1842,  Elder  Henry  Larkins  solemnizing  the 
rites  of  marriage.     She  died  Aug.  5,  18  43. 

7.  Archibald  Woods  Miller;  born  May  27,  1822;  died  with  the 
measles,  Oct.    17,   1846,  whilst   a  soldier  in   the  Mexican  war. 

8.  Susan  Goodloe  Miller,  born  December  24,  1824,  she  married 
Dr.  John  W.  Moore,  of  Aberdeen,  Mississippi,  Feb.  1,  1844,  Elder 
R.  C.  Smith  performed  the  ceremony.  They  had  three  or  more 
children  who  lived  in  Mississippi  before  the  war.  She  died  July 
28,  1849.  Dr.  Moore  went  back  to  Beans  Creek,  Tennessee,  and 
married  a  second  wife. 


9.  John  Hector  Miller;  born  Dec.  2  9,  1825.  He  married 
Ellen  Elizabeth  Morris,  Sept.  21,  1848,  Elder  R.  C.  Smith  sol- 
emnizing the  marriage  rites.  He  was  a  Primitive  Baptist  preach- 
er. He  resided  at  Frost,  Navarre  County,  Texas.  His  wife  died 
near  Bowie,  Montague  County,  Texas,  May  30,  1884.  Their 
children : 

1.  John  Morris  Miller;  born  Jan.  12,  1850;  died  Jan.  13, 

2.  Thomas  Garland  Miller;  born  Feb.  17,  18  51;  married 
Jan.  19,  1873,  Nancy  Avalina  Autry,  near  Sugar  Loaf  Cor- 
yell County,  Texas,  by  Elder  Jesse  Graham.      Their  children: 

1.  Eunice   Ida   Miller;    born   Oct.    16,    187  3,   near   Florence, 
Bell  County,  Texas. 

2.  Elbert   Woods    Miller;    born    Feb.    16,    1877,    on    Cuddo 
Creek,   Stephens  County,  Texaas. 

3.  Susan  Ellen  Miller;    born  June  14,   187  9,  near  Ranger, 
Stephens   County,   Texas. 

4.  William    John    Miller;    born    Feb.    4,    1882,    on    Cuddo 
Creek,   Texas. 

3.  Archibald  Woods  Miller;  born  Oct.  12,  1853.  He  was 
married  Nov  11,  188  3,  by  Elder  Willis  Russell,  to  Loutitia 
Nancy  Thompkins,  on  Cedar  Creek,  Stephens  County,  Texas. 
His  wife  was  born  April  18,  1865.  He  is  a  farmer.  Their 

1.  Ellen    Candice    Miller;    born    March    3,    1885,    on    Cedar 
Creek,    Stephens    County   Texaas. 

2.  George    Hector    Miller;    born    Oct.    29,    1887,    on    Cedar 
Creek,  Texas. 

3.  Nancy   Rebecca   Miller;    born    1889. 

4.  William  Robert   Miller;    born    1891. 

5.  Grover  Cleveland  Miller;   born  IS — . 

4.  William  Joseph  Miller,  born  March  5,   1856.      He,  in  part- 
.  nership  with   his  brother  Robert  S.   Miller,   are   owners  of  and 

dealers   in   horses   and   cattle,   and   reside,   or   lately   did   reside, 
in  Clavton,  New  Mexico. 

5.  Robert    Smith    Miller;    born   June   23,    1858. 

6.  Edward  Rather  Miller;  born  Aug.  19,  18  61;  died  May 
23,   1884,  near  Bowie,   Montugue  County,   Texas. 

7.  John  Simon  Miller;  born  May  10,  1864;  married  Lucy 
Bennett,  in  Lebanon,  Indian  Territory,  Dec.  15,  1890.  Their 

1.  Ellen   Alvin   Miller;    born   Nov.    1891. 

2.  Herbert   Hill   Miller;    born   July,   1893. 

11  isloiij   mill    ( icnciilixjics  l.")7 

S.  Sallie  Ida  Miller:  born  Dec.  19,  1.S67:  married  Prof.  P. 
B.  Orme,  at  the  residence  of  Dr.  \V.  J.  Miller,  in  McGregor, 
Texas,  Sept.  5,  1SS8.  Elder  Sammons  solemnized  the  marital 
rites.     Mr.  Orme  was  born  Dec.   23,   IS 56.     Their  children: 

1.  Ijizzie  Orme:  born  at  Orme's  School,  Navarro  County, 
Texas,   Aug.    l:^,    1SS9:    died   July    11,    1S9  0. 

2.  John  Elner  Orme:   born  at  same  place,  Nov.   S,  1S9(). 

:j.   James  Robert  Orme:  born  at  Italy,  Texas,  Nov.  1,  1892. 
4.    Clara    Inez   Orme:    born   at    Barry,    Ellis   County,   Texas, 
in    1S9  4. 

9.    Bettie  Mourning  Miller:    born  Aiiril  ZO,   1870. 

10.  Thomas  Garland  Miller:  born  December  27,  1S27.  He 
married  S.  E.  Bridges  January  29,  184  6.  His  second  wife 
was  Mary  Jane  Kavanaugh,  daughter  of  John  M.  Kava- 
naugh,  to  whom  he  was  married  June  24,  185:],  by  Elder 
Robert  C.  Smith.  (See  Part  VII,  Chap.  5,  Sec.  1.)  Thomas  Gar- 
land Miller  enlisted  with  the  first  volunteers  to  go  out  from 
Franklin  County,  Tennessee,  into  the  Confederate  army,  and  was 
Captain  of  the  company,  and  remained  in  the  service  till  the  fall 
of  Atlanta,  at  which  place  he  lost  a  leg,  which  was  torn  off  by  the 
fragment  of  a  shell  exploding  near  him,  which,  also,  killed  his 
horse  from  under  him.  He  was  promoted  from  time  to  time  up 
to  the  Atlanta,  Ga.,  fight,  at  that  time  holding  the  rank  of  Colo- 
nel. He  was  captured  once  during  the  service,  was  exchanged 
immediately,  re-entered  the  service,  and  remained  until  disabled 
by  the  severe  wound  received  at  Atlanta. 

A  few  years  before  the  war  he  commenced  the  study  of  the 
law.  After  peace  was  declared  he  resumed  the  study  of  law,  but 
soon  abandoned  same,  and  enlisted  in  the  service  of  his  Lord  and 
Master  as  a  Primitive  Baptist  preacher,  and  he  continued  in  this 
calling  as  long  as  he  lived.  About  the  year  1875  he  emigrated 
from  near  Mulberry,  Lincoln  County,  Tennessee,  to  near  Mansfield, 
Tarrant  County,  Texas,  where  he  lived  unti.  the  marriage  of  his 
two  children:  after  which  he  and  his  wife  moved  to  Alvarado, 
Johnson  County,  Texas,  and  lived  with  their  daughter,  Mrs.  Capt. 
W.  R.  Bounds,  at  whose  residence  he  died,  Jan.  22,  1891.  His 
wife,  Mary  Jane  Kavanaugh,  died  at  the  same  place,  Nov.  11,  1891. 
Children  by  his  first  wife,  S.  E.  Bridges: 

1.  Maggie  Miller;  born  Dec.  16,  184  6.  She  married  Francis 
Marion  Turner,  near  Winchester,  Franklin  County,  Tennessee, 
Nov.  2  0,  1867.  Mr.  Turner  was  born  Jan.  2,  1846.  Maggie 
is  dead:    Mr.  Turner  lives  in  Tuscaloosa,  Alabama.     Issue: 

1.  Bettie  Emma  Turner;   born  Feb.  13,  1869;   died  young. 

2.  Charles  Robinson  Turner;   born  Nov.  12,  1870. 

3.  Ross  Miller  Turner;  born  April  2  3,  1873.  His  occupa- 
tion is  that  of  a  photographer  and  painter.  He  lives  in 
Tuscaloosa,  Alabama. 

2.  John  Walker  Miller;   born  April   1,   185  5. 

3.  Mourning  Appoline   Miller:    born  November,   1856. 

4.  Susan  Goodloe  Miller:  born  April  15,  1858.  She  mar- 
ried Capt.  William  Riley  Bounds,  in  Alvarado,  Johnson  County, 
Texas,  July  19,  1885.  Cai)tain  Bounds  was  born  in  Mississippi, 
Sept.  15,  1842.  He  has  followed  the  occupation  of  farming  and 
stock  raising  since  the  Civil  War.  His  residence  is  Cleburn, 
Johnson  County,  Texas.      Their  children: 


TTi.'^fon/  and  Genealogies 








Riley  Bounds;    born   at   Alvarado,   Texas,   Nov. 
Hill    Bounds;    born    near    Alvarado,    Texas,    June 



The  last  two  children  were  twin  boys,  born  at  Alvarado, 
Texas,  Sept.  4,  1890;  Elvis  died  when  quite  young  in  years. 
Ben  Hill  and  his  mother  are  both  dead,  Mrs.  Bounds  hav- 
ing died  about  five  years  ago. 

Robert  Smith  Miller;   born  Nevember,  1859. 

Thomas  Wiley  Miller;   born  Dec.  14,  1860. 

James  Harvey  Miller;   born  July  10,   1862. 
8.   Thomas   Gregg  Miller;    born  in   Tennessee   Oct.    19,    1866. 
He  is  the  only  one  alive  when  last  heard  from  a  few  months 
ago.  He  married  Lillie  Harris  in  Alvarado,  Johnson  County,  Tex. 

11.   William    Joseph    Miller;     born  Dec.   26,  1829;     married    at 

Bean's  Creek,  Franklin   County,  Tennessee,  May  1,   1851,  Fannie 

Ann  Collins.  After  her  death  he  married 
— -^,  Louise     Catherine     Southworth,     Oct.     4, 

185  5,  at  Fayetteville,  Lincoln  County, 
Tenn.;  Elder  Joseph  White  solemnized 
the  marriage  rites.  He  graduated  at  the 
Nashville  Medical  College,  Nashville, 
Tennessee,  and  received  his  diploma  in 
1852-3.  A  few  years  thereafter,  he  went 
back  to  the  same  college  and  took  a  post- 
graduate course  in  surgery.  He  followed 
his  profession  first  near  where  he  was 
born  on  Bean's  Creek,  in  Franklin  Coun- 
ty, Tenn.;  afterwards  in  Fayetteville. 
Prom  the  latter  place  he  enlisted  in  a 
company  of  the  first  volunteers  in  the 
Confederate  cause  as  a  surgeon.  He  was 
captured  at  the  fall  of  Ft.  Donaldson  and 
carried  to  Camp  Chase,  Ohio,  and  there 
confined  and  held  as  a  prisoner  of  war 
for  nearly  two  years,  when  he  was  ex- 
changed,   and    resumed    the 

medicine    at    Fayetteville,    Tennessee; 

was  recaptured  and  held  as  a  prisoner 

for  nearly  six  months;  again  exchanged 

and  again  resumed  the  practice  of  his 

profession     at    Sloantown,   from  which 

point  he   moved  to  Boons  Hill,   Tenn., 

thpuce,  in  September,  1872,  to  Branch- 

yille,    Coryell    County,    Texas;    at    this 

place   he   practiced   medicine  for  seven 

years,  then  moved  to  near  Ennis,  Ellis 

County,   Texas,   where  he  followed   his 

profession  until  about  two  years  be- 
fore his  death,  which  occurred  at  Mc- 
Gregor, July  17,   189  9.      He  was  noted 

for  his   kindness,   generosity   and   rigid 

honesty,  and  truthfulness  in  all  things. 

He    was    a    true    Southerner    in    every 

sense    of    the    word.       He    held    to    the 

principles  of  the  Democratic  party,  and 

believed  in  the  tenets  of  the  Primitive 

Baptist    Society,    and    aligned    himself 

with     thnf    oreanization.     as    did.    also. 


l)ractice    of 


Wife  of  Wm.  Jcseph  Miller 

Ilisliiilj    fliiil    (ii'licdioijics  159 

his  wife  and  two  of  his  children,  several  years  before  he  died, 
and  died  fully  implanted  in  the  faith. 

Ijouise  Catherine  Southworth,  his  second  wife,  was  born  near 
Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  March  29,  l,s;;r>,  and  died  at  McGres?or,  Texas, 
in  August,  19  00. 

He  had  one  child  by  his  first  wife,  Fannie  Ann  Collins: 

1.  Eliza    Ann    Miller;    born   in    Franklin    County,   Tenn.,    Feb. 

10,  18.52.  She  married  James  Knox  P.  Moore,  at  Boons  Hill, 
Lincoln  County,  Tenn.,  Dec.  13,  1871.  She  died  April,  1904, 
at  Wartrace,  Tenn.,  their  home.     Their  children: 

1.  Garland  Stephen  Moore. 

2.  Lena  Moore;    married  Mr.  . 

3.  Fannie  Lou  Moore;  married  . 

4.  Tappie  Hunt  Moore. 

5.  Birdie  Moore. 

Children  of  Dr.  Wm.  Jos.  Miller  and  his  second  wife,  Louise 
Catherine  Southworth: 

2.  Thomas  Southworth  Miller;  born  in  Giles  County,  Tenn., 
July  10,  1857.  He  married  Ida  Bruce  Glass,  in  Coryeli  County, 
Texas,  near  the  Grove,  Oct.  5,  1881,  at  the  residence  of  her 
father,  W.  F.  Glass,  by  Rev.  H.  B.  Ralls.  The  lineage  of  Ida 
Bruce  Glass  Miller  can  be  traced  back  to  Robert  Bruce,  of 
Scotland.  She  was  born  at  High  Hill,  Texas,  March  26,  1861. 
Thomas  Southworth  Miller  is  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  besides 
being  a  school  teacher.  He  resides  near  Flat,  Coryell  County, 
Texas.     Their  children: 

1.  Anita  Louisa  Miller;  born  Aug.  25,18  82.  School  teacher. 

2.  William  Hill  Miller   (daughter);   born  June  12,   1884. 

3.  Thomas     Southworth     Miller;      born     Aug.      18,      1886. 

4.  Bldridge      Fletcher      Miller;       born      June      11,      1890. 

5.  Ida  Blackburn  Miller;    born  May  9,   1896. 

6.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller;    born  June  22,   1900. 

7.  Kuroki  Oyama  Miller  (daughter);  born  March  12,  1905. 

3.  William  Hill  Miller;  born  in  Giles  county,  Tenn.,  June  , 

1859;  died  in  Laramie  City,  Wyoming,  Sept.  9,  1885.  He  was 
a  cowboy  and  cattleman  and  unmarried. 

4.  Ida  Bada  Miller;  born  in  Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  May  10, 
1861.  She  married  Joseph  Euclid  Wright,  at  McGregor,  Texas,' 
Nov.  6,  188  9,  Elder  T.  G.  Miller  solemnized  the  marriage.  She 
died  at  McGregor  April,  1896,  childless. 

5.  Josephine  Miller;  born  in  Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  Feb.  24, 
1864.  She  married  John  M.  Tyson,  in  McGregor,  Texas,  Feb.' 
26,  1884,  Elder  G.  W.  Norton  solemnized  the  marriage.  She 
died  in  Maysfield,  Texas,  Jan.  1,  1894.  Mr.  Tyson's  address  is 
Gorman,   Texas.      Their  children: 

1.  Herbert  Greenwood  Tyson;   born  March  24,  1885. 

2.  Sue  Edith  Tyson;    born  Oct.   9,   1886. 

3.  Mabel  Miller  Tyson;  born  June  15,  1889. 

4.  Josie  Cathline  Tyson;   born  Feb.  3,   1891. 

6.  Lizzie  Paschall  Miller;  born  at  Sloantown,  Lincoln  Coun- 
ty, Tenn.,  Jan.  23,  1867.  She  died  in  McGregor,  Texas,  April, 
1892.     She  was  a  school  teacher,  and  unmarried. 

7.  Fannie  May  Miller;  born  at  Sloantown,  Tenn.,  Jan.  1,  1870. 

160  ,  Tlidorji  and   Geiwolur/ies 

She  died  Aug.  3,  189  0,  at  McGregor,  Texas.     She  was  a  school 
teacher,  and  unmarried. 

8.  Garland  Burleigh  Miller;  born  in  Branchville,  Texas,  Nov. 
6,  1873.  He  is  Billing  Clerk  for  the  American  Express  Com- 
pany, residing  at  Ft.  Worth,  Texas. 

9.  Woods  (Woodie)  Miller;  born  in  Branchville,  Texas,  May 
18,  1877.  He  married  in  McGregor,  Texas,  September,  1900, 
Alvah  Southworth   Millner.      They  reside  in  Dallas,  Texas. 

10.  Gussie  Louisa  Miller;  born  near  Ennis,  Texas,  April  16, 
1881.  She  married  Maurice  Herschfleld,  in  Waco,  Texas,  April 
8,  1902.     They  reside  at  El  Paso,  Texas. 

Section  11.  Jane  (Jennie)  Miller,  the  eleventh  child  of 
Colonel  John  Miller  and  Jane  DulaHey,  his  wife,  was  born 
April  18,  179  2.  She  married  Samuel  Lackey.  (See  Sec.  2.)  Their 
son,  Dulaney  Miller  Lackey,  now  living  at  Lancaster,  writes  as 
follows:  "My  ancestors  all  came  from  Virginia.  My  father  drove 
a  wagon  all  the  way  to  Kentucky  with  my  grandfather;  lived  in  a 
tent  until  they  built  a  cabin  in  the  cane-brake,  and  the  old  two-story 
log  house  still  stands  where  we  were  all  born — the  deed  signed  to 
land  by  Patrick  Henry,  the  first  Governor  of  Virginia  when  Kentucky 
belonged  to  that  state.  The  Lackey  family  are  direct  descendants 
of  Oliver  Cromwell.  My  wife  was  Mary  Eliza  Goodloe,  daughter  of 
Arch.  Woods  Goodloe;  her  mother  was  Maria  Estill,  daughter  of 
James  Estill,  who  lived  where  White's  heirs  have  just  sold  to  Col. 
J.  W.  Caperton,  on  Big  Hill  Pike.  Uncle  Robert  Miller's  wife  was 
sister  of  her  grandfather.  I  was  married  at  your  Uncle  John  Miller's 
where  Buck  Watts  now  lives." 

Dulaney  M.  Lackey  and  his  wife  celebrated  their  Golden  Wed- 
ding in  1903. 

The  children  of  Jane  Miller  and  Samuel  Lackey: 

1.  John  Lackey;    died  a  bachelor. 

2.  Eliza  Ann  Lackey;  married,  first,  Beverley  Broaddus,  May 
31,  183  8,  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  3.  Note.)  and,  secondly,  her 
cousin,  Gabriel  Lackey,  of  Missouri.  Children  of  the  first  mar- 
riage to  Beverley  Broaddus: 

1.  Emily  Broaddus;   married  John  Rout,  of  Stanford,  Ky. 

2.  Mary  Jane  Broaddus;  married  Michael  Elkin,  of  Lan- 
caster, Ky. 

3.  Samuel  Thos.  Broaddus;  went  to  Missouri;  married • 

4.  Richard   Broaddus;    went  to  Missouri;    married  . 

3.  Samuel  Miller  Lackey;  married,  first,  Susan  Watts,  April 
26,  1832,  and,  second,  Hannah  White,  March  12,  183.5;  he  lived 
in  Missouri.      Their  children: 

1.  Dr.  Sidney  Lackey;  married,  first,  Sallie  Didlake,  of  Mis- 
souri; his  second  wife's  name  we  do  not  know.  Children  by 
his  first  wife: 

1.  Mitchell  Lackey;   killed  at  a  barbecue  at  Lancaster,  Ky. 

2.  Jane  Arie  Lackey;    died  at  seventeen  years  of  age. 

4.  Gabriel  Lackey;    married  Rhoda  Park.     Their  children: 

1.  Jennie  Lackey;    married  Cam.  Hayes,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  Ky. 

2.  Samuel  Lackey;   married  Virginia  Miller.   (See  Sec.  2.) 

3.  Mollie  Lackey;  married  John  McRoberts,  Cashier  of  a 
bank  at  Stanford,  Ky. 

4.  Eliza  Lackey;  married  Malcolm  Memmings  Miller,  of  Rich- 
mond, Ky.    (See  Sec.   2.) 

J/isl(irij  (1/1(1   (rCNcdIogics  Hil 

5.  Thomas  Lackey;    died   young;    unmarried. 

6.  William  Miller  Lackey;  married  Martha  Hocker,  Dec.  S, 
18;; 7.  (See  Part  VII,  Chap.  7,  Sec.  1.)  He  lived  and  died  in  Stan- 
ford, Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Samuel  E.  Lackey;  married  Susan  Alexander.  (See  Sec.  8.) 
They  live  at  Gallatin.  Tennessee.  He  was  a  Confederate  sol- 
dier, was  one  of  the  St.  Albans'  Raiders  under  the  command  of 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Bennett  H.  Young,  and  afterwards  was  held 
as  a  prisoner  at  Montreal,  Canada,  and  proceedings  instituted 
against  him  and  others  in  the  Canadian  Court  for  their  extra- 
dition to  the  United  States.  His  statement  to  the  Court  as 
then  published  is  in  this  language: 

S.   E.   Lackey's   Statement. 

Montreal,   November   14,   1SG4. 

"With  the  permission  of  your  honor,  I  have  only  to  say  that 
I  am  a  native  of  the  Confederate  States,  to  which  Government 
I  now  owe  allegiance.  I  have  been  thrown  upon  this  Govern- 
ment, not  designedly,  but  by  the  fortunes  of  war.  I  have  vio- 
lated no  law  of  this  country,  or  of  Great  Britain,  unless  it  be 
unlawful  for  a  Confederate  soldier,  driven  by  the  hard  fate  of 
war,  to  ask  the  protection  of  the  British  flag.  I  am  a  soldier 
of  the  Confederate  States  army,  having  been  recognized  as  such 
by  the  so-called  United  States  Government,  from  the  fact  of 
having  been  held  as  prisoner  of  war.  Our  command  now  being 
held  as  prisoners  of  war  at  Camp  Douglas,  Illinois,  from  which 
place  I  made  my  escape,  through  the  mercenary  character  of 
those  gallant  Yankees — a  people  who  make  war  for  plunder, 
and  are  bravest  when  they  make  war  upon  women  and  children. 
I  have  during  the  captivity  of  my  command  been  detailed  for 
special  service  inside  the  enemy's  lines  under  the  command  of 
Lieutenant  Bennett  H.  Young.  I  owe  no  allegiance  to  the 
"quasi"  government  of  the  United  States.  Whatever  that  I 
may  have  done,  it  has  been  done  under  the  authority  of  Gov- 
ernment and  by  the  orders  of  its  commissioned  officers,  prompt- 
ed by  a  sense  of  duty  which  I  owed  to  my  country,  my  gov- 
ernment, and  my  fellow-comrades." 

2.   Nicholas  Lackey;    died  in   1SS6. 

7.  Andrew  K.  Lackey;  married  Nannie  Bond,  of  near  Nashville, 
Tennessee,  and  lived  and  died  on  Walnut  Meadow,  in  Madisdn 
County,  Ky.,  a  highly  respected  citizen.      Their  children; 

1.  Jennie  Lacl^ey;    married  Jason  Shumate.     Their  children: 

1.  Nannie  Shumate;    married  . 

2.  Mattie  Shumate,   of  Harrisonville,  Missouri. 

3.  Andrew  Lackey  Shumate. 

2.  Berthena  Lackey;   married  Horace  Woods,  had  one  daugh- 


1.    Susan  Woods. 

3.  Thomas  Morris  Lackey;    a   speculator    in    real    estate    in 
Muscogee,  Indian  Territory. 

4.  Irene  Lackey;    married  Richard  Hockaday.        Children: 
1.   Nanie  Bond  Hockaday. 


16*2  Histori/  ami   Gencnlof/ies 

2.  Lucy  Hockaday. 

3.  Lillian  Hockaday. 
(2  and  3  twins.) 

5.  William  Lackey;    married  Lizzie  Stephenson.      Children 

1.  Andrew  K.   Lackey. 

2.  Harry  Lackey. 

3.  Lillian  Hockaday. 

4.  Richard  Lackey. 

6.  Diannah   Lackey. 

7.  Florence    Lackey;     dead. 

8.  Andrew  K.  Lackey;  now  a  merchant  of  Emma,  Texas. 
He  married  Bettie  Frances,  a  daughter  of  James  B.  Frances, 
and  Mary  Frances  Wallace  his  wife  (See  Part  4,  Chap.  4,  Sef 
1.)      Have  no  children. 

9.  Samuel  Lackey;  married  Allie  Cochran,  of  Garrard  County, 
now    residents   of   Madison,    County,    Ky.      Their   children: 

1.  John    Miller    Lackey. 

2.  Margaret  Lackey. 

3.  Andrew    K.    Lackey;    killed    by    a    stroke    of    lightning. 

4.  Alma  Lackey   (a  daughter). 

10.  John  Faris  Lackey;  married  Pattie  Cochran,  of  Madison 
County,  Ky.      Their  children: 

1.  Mary    Elizabeth    Lackey. 

2.  James  Lackey. 

3.  Andrew  K.  Lackey;  dead. 

4.  John    Bond    Lackey. 
.5.  Dianna    Lackey. 

8.  Dulaney  Miller  Lackey;  married  Mary  Eliza  Goodloe,  Aug. 
23,  1853,  (See  Part  2,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  4.)  They  live  in  Lancas- 
ter, Ky.  Their  children: 

1.  Archibald  Goodloe  Lackey:  married  Vesta  Cony.  They 
live   in    Kansas   City,    Missouri.      Their   children: 

1.  Vesta    Lackey:     married    Herbert    Price,    of    Danville. 

2.  Mary  Goodloe  Lackey;    died  age   15  years. 

3.  Jenie  Dulaney  Lackey;    single. 

4.  Maria  Estill  Lackey;  died  March,  18  83. 

9.  Jane  Lackey;  married  Thos.  Woodson  Ballew,  Feb.  10,  1848. 
They  settled  in  Garrard  County,  Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Bettie    Ballew;     married    her    cousin,    Charles    Ballew. 

2.  Fannie  Watts  Ballev/;  married  Joseph  Burnside,  of  Gar- 
rard County,  Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Be.'^sie   Burnsides;    married   George   McRoberts,   of   Stan- 
ford, Ky. 

2.  Jennie  Burnsides;  married  John  Farra.  of  Lancaster, Ky. 

3.  Woods  Burnside:   living  now  in  Garrard  County,  Ky. 

10.  Robert  Lackey;   died  a  bachelor. 

11.  Malcolm  Miller  Lackey;  married  Belle  Bogie,  of  Boyle 
County,  Ky.     Their  children: 

1.  Nanie  Lackey;    died. 

2.  Jane  Arie  Lackey;  married  Robert  L.  Doty,  of  Madison 
County,    Ky.    (See    Part    7,    Chap.    7,   Sec.    1.)    Their   children: 

1.  Robert  Lackey  Doty. 

2.  Hannah  Arie  Doty. 

3.  Emma   Taylor   Doty. 

4.  Elizabeth    Kavanaugh    Doty. 


Ilislorij  (I ml   Ucncaluyica  IGJ) 

5.    Malcolm  Volney  Doty. 

3.  Emma  Lackey;   dead;   married  Pleasant  Tucker,  of  Parks- 
ville,  Boyle  County,   Ky.   Had   one  child: 

1.   Emma  Cloyd  Tucker;    dead. 

4.  Charles    Ballew    Lackey. 

5.  Eliza  Ann   Lackey. 

6   Mary    Mack    Lackey;    married      I.    D.    Goode,     of    Lincoln 
County,   Ky.      Have  one  child: 
1.    Irene  Goode. 
7.    Irene  Lackey;    dead. 
S.   Candis  Lackey;  dead. 

Section  12  Frances  Miller,  the  twelfth  child  oi'  Colonel  .John 
Miller  and  .Iane~TTulaney,  his  wife,  was  born  June  IS,  189  4.  She 
married  William  Watts,  Dec.  22,  1812.  They  lived  and  died  in 
Madison  County,  Ky.  Mr.  Watts  died  in  1837,  and  his  wife  in 
1838.     Their  children; 

1.  .John   M   Watts;    married  Amelia  Gibbs,  June   28,    1839. 

2.  Susan  Watts;  married  Samuel  M.  Lackey,  April  26,  1832 
(See  Sec.  11.) 

3.  Elizabeth  Jane  Watts;  married  John  G.  Miller,  Mav  21, 
1833.    (See  Sec.    7.) 

4.  Georgia  Ann  Watts;  married  Stephen  G.  Miller,  July  23, 
1835.  (See  See.  7.)  She  died  and  Stephen  G.  Miller,  married 
the  second  time,  Betsy  Stephenson. 

5.  Margaret  Watts;  married  Austin  Bonlware,  Jan.  16,  1838. 
They  had: 

1.  Fannie    Bonlware:    married    first    Mr.    Bently,    and    second 
Mr.  Cord. 

2.  John  Bonlware;   married  Miss  Cord. 

6.  Robert  M.  Watts;  married  Milly  Collins,  March  2  8,  1845. 
(See  Part  6,  Chap.  9,  Sec.  7.)  Mr.  Watts  died.  His  widow  now 
lives   in   the   State   of  Texas.      Their  children: 

1.  William  Watts;   married  ;   lives  in  Clark  County,  Ky. 

2.  Green  Miller  Watts;    died  when  approaching  manhood. 

3.  Robert  M.    (Doc)   Watts;   went  to  Texas. 

4.  Fannie  Watts;    married  Joel   Collins,  went   to  Texas. 

5.  Tennis  Watts;    went  to  Texas. 

7.  Wiliam  Green  Watts;  married  first  Sallie  G.  Collins.  Feb. 
13,  1850.  (See  Part  VI,  Chap.  8,  Sec.  6.)  They  had  no  children. 
He  married  second  Ann  Elmore.     They  had: 

1.   William  Watts;   died  in  the  fall  of  1905. 

8.  Mary  Watts;  after  the  death  of  her  parents  her  Uncle  Rob- 
ert Miller,  was  her  guardian. 

Note — Willis  Watts   married   Frances  W.   Quinn,   Oct.    28,   1837. 
George  Watts — Jemina  Morrison,  Jan.    21,    1846. 

Section   13.      Infant  child   of  Colonel   John  Miller  and  Jane  Du- 
laney,  his  wife,  born  Oct.   16.   1798. 


His  will  bears  date  July  13,   1813,  probated  Oct.    4,   1814.      His 
wife  was  Frances.      Children  named  in  the  will: 

1.  John  Dulaney. 

2.  William   Dulaney;    married  Delilah   Maupin,   May   10,    1804. 

164  History  and  Genealogies 

(See  Part  V,  Chap.    12,   Sec.   5,  and  Part  V,   Chap.    12,   Sec.    19.) 

1.  Betsy   Dulaney. 

2.  James  Dulaney. 

3.  William   Dulaney;    married  Parmilia  Gates,   Dec.    9,   1830. 

4.  Jane  Dulaney. 
Daniel    Maupin   was   grandfather  and   guardian   to   the   above 

four  children  of  William  Dulaney. 

3.  George  Dulaney. 

4.  Joseph  Dulaney;   married  Sallie  Maupin,  Feb.   8,  1812.    (See 
Part  V,  Chap.   12,  Sec.  7.) 

5.  Elizabeth  Dulaney;    married  Weston   Harris,   Feb.    2,    1815. 

6.  Sallie    Dulaney. 

7.  Frances  Dulaney:    married  Patrick  Woods,  Feb.   1813.     (See 
Part  II,  Chap.  7,  Sec.  2.) 

8.  Dulaney. 

9.  Dulaney. 

The   last    two    daughters    stated    in    the    will    as    living    with 

Elizabeth  and  Sallie,  their  sisters. 

The  Executors  of  the  will  were  William  Miller  and  William, 
George  and  Joseph  Dulaney,  three  latter  sons  of  the  testator. 

In  a  deed  bearing  date  Sept.  19,  1819,  from  commissioner  for 
Joseph  Dulaney's  heirs  to  George  Dulaney  in  addition  to  the  above 
names,  appear  these  additional  names: 

1.  Benjamin    West     and    Elizabeth,    his    wife,     late    Elizabeth 

2.  William  Sutton  and  Lucinda  his  wife,  late  Lucinda  Barlow. 

3.  Nancy  Barlow. 

4.  Maria  Barlow. 

5.  Odensa  Barlow. 

6.  Henry   A.    Barlow. 

7.  America  Barlow. 
Heirs    of    Henry    Barlow,    deceased.       (See    Part    5,    Chap    12, 

Sec.  5.) 


Massie's  Mill,  Va.,  Jan.    26,   1906. 
Mr.  W.  H.  Miller,  Richmond,  Ky. 

Dear  Sir — My  grandfather  was  named  James  Miller.  My  grand- 
father had  two  half-brothers,  named  Samuel  and  John;  he  also  had 
two  whole  brothers  named  Robert  and  Fleming.  They  were  all 
from  Albermarle  County.  I  don't  know  any  of  the  Millers  that  you 
speak  of,  but  have  no  doubt  but  what  we  are  some  of  the  same 
family.  My  father's  name  is  James  Miller.  I  had  seven  uncles,  viz: 
David,  Christopher,  Vantrump,  Napoleon,  Daniel,  George  and  Robert. 
My  great  uncles,  Robert  and  Fleming,  went  to  Missouri  and  set- 
tled in  St.  Charles  County.  My  uncles  David  and  Christopher,  also 
went  to  Missouri  and  settled  near  St.  Joseph:  the  rest  of  my  uncles 
remained  in  Virginia,  except  uncle  Vantrump,  who  moved  to  Tenn- 
-esseee,  about  thirty  years  ago;  and  tiled  there.  There  is  a  Mr. 
Robert  Miller,  who  came  from  Augusta  County  and  settled  about 
two  miles  from  Massie's  Mill,  Va.  and  I  showed  him  your  letter 
and  asked  him  where  his  people  came  from,  and  he  said  his  people 
came  from  Nelson  and  Albemarle  Counties.  I  do  not  know  whether 
I    am    related    to    this    Mr.    Robert    Miller    or    not,    but    his    features 

Ffisfori/  (1)1(1   (lot cii /()(/)'('>;  lOo 

are  very  niuch  like  my  grand-fathers,  and  his  jjeople  and  mine  iKJlh 
came  from  Xelson  and  Albermarle,  we  think  we  must  be  of  same 
family.  Samuel  Miller  and  John  Miller,  settled  in  Lynchburg,  Va. 
and  dealt  largely  in  tobacco  and  railroad  stocks,  and  both  of  them 
died  there,  John  Miller  died  first  and  was  worth  about  $100,000, 
Samuel  Miller's  wealth  at  the  time  of  his  death  was  said  to  be  about 

Amherst  and  Xelson  County  Va.  were  both  in  one  until  the  year 
1808,  and  were  called  Amherst  County,  and  it  may  be  that  you 
could  find  out  about  your  people  in  clerk's  office  at  Amherst  Court 
House,  Va.  I  have  your  letter  to  clerk  of  Circuit  Court  of  Nelson 
County,  and  if  you  wish  I  will  take  pleasure  in  sending  it  to  the 
clerk  of  Amherst,  who  may  be  able  to  give  you  the  information 
desired.  Anything  I  can  do  to  aid  you  in  finding  out  what  you  wish 
will  be  done  with  pleasure.  I  have  a  first  cousin  in  this  place 
who  has  the  same  initials  as  yourself,  "W.  H.  Miller."  Please  let  me 
know  if  you   wish   me  to  send  your  letter  to  the  clerk  of  Amherst. 

Very   truly   yours, 

S.   N.   MILLER. 

Note  3 — From  HISTORY  OF  ALBEMARLE,  by  Rev.  E.  Woods. 

Mary  Ann  Miller:  married  first  Robert  Wood,  son  of  Thomas 
Wood  and  Susannah  Irvine,  his  wife.  After  the  death  of  Mr.  Wood 
she  married  Joseph  Harper. 

Louisa  Miller;  a  sister  to  the  first  wife  of  President  Tyler, 
married  Charles  J.  Meriwether,  a  descendant  of  the  emigrant  from 
Wales,  Nicholas  Meriwether  (who  died  in  1678)  and  Elizabeth 
Crawford,  his  wife.      Their  children  were: 

1.  Mildred  Meriwether:   marrier  George  Macon. 

2.  Ann    Meriwether:    married    Fred    W.    Page. 

3.  Eliza  Meriwether;  married  N.  H.  Massie. 

4.  Charlotte  Meriwether;   the  second  wife  of  T.  J.  Randolph  Jr. 

Isaac  Miller;   married  Mary,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Lewis. 


History  and  Genealogies 

CHAPTEE   15. 

of  Madison   County,   Ky. 

Mrs.  Bessie  Miller  Oton,  from  Harriman,  Tennessee,  in  a  re- 
cent letter  says:  "The  wrner  offers  this  modest  account  of  hev 
father's  lineage,  with  regret  that  more  is  not  obtainable,  and  the 
briefness  of  time  allotted  by  publisher  closes  all  avenues  of  investi- 
gation;  for  anv  error  please  attribute  to  head,  not  to  heart." 

B.  M.  O. 

Mrs.  Belle  Miller  Reynolds,  of  32  4  Wabash  Avenue,  Kansas  City, 
Missouri,  also  writes:      "I  have  enclosed  you  some  facts  concerning 
my  grandfather's  life  which  may  be  of  use  to  you.     His  biography, 
written  some  years  before  his  death,  has  some  quaint  as  well  as  true 
statements,    and   will   be   read   in   coming  years  with   even   more  in- 
terest than  by  those  of  today.      *      *      *  Mrs.  B.  M.  R." 
"Dr.    Alexander    Miller    was    born    in    Rockingham    County,    Vir- 
ginia,  November   2  6,   178  3,   being   one   of 
ten  children,  eight  boys  and  two  girls — 
four  of  the  boys  being  physicians. 

"His  father,  John  Miller,  served  as  an 
officer  in  the  Revolutionary  War;  was 
born  in  Albemarle  County,  Virginia,  10th 
of  January,  17  49,  his  mother  being  Mar- 
garet Hicklin,  of  the  same  county,  who 
was  born  February,  1760. 

"His  grandfather,  Rev.  Alexander  Mill- 
er,  a   Presbyterian    clergyman,    was   born 
in    Antrim,    Ireland,    and    a    graduate    of 
Edinborough  University. 
g.  V .  ^^  ^l^^fc'  "The    wife    of    Rev.    Alexander    Miller 

'l^WWBP^lHr  was  Jane  Evans,  of  Glascow  Scotland. 

^^^^^^  WSF  "The   father   of  Rev.   Alexander   Miller 

^[  "  Hr  was  the  Duke  of  Antrim,  Sir  John  Miller. 

^^^  •      ^  "Rev.    Alexander    Miller,    who    was    an 

""        '  Orangeman,   on  account  of  religious  per- 

secution, fled  to  France,  thence  to  Amer- 
ica, and  was  an  important  factor  in  Pres- 
byterianism  in  the  early  history  of  the  church  in  Virginia." 

A   few   lines   from   Dr.   Alexander   Miller's   biography   may  be   of 
interest  to  the  readers  of  to-day: 

"I  was  raised  in  Rockingham  County  and  State  of  Virginia,  m 
the  Valley  of  Virginia,  one  of  the  best  portions  of  the  State,  the 
residents  "were  mostly  descendants  of  Irish  and  Scottish  parents 
attached  to  education,  industry  and  morality.  I  never  heard  of  a 
murder  being  perpetrated  in  the  county  before  I  left.  Religious 
instruction  was  given  principally  by  Presbyterians  and  Methodists. 
"I  studied  medicine  in  Harrisonburgh  under  the  care  of  Dr.  P. 
Harrison  an  eminent  physician,  a  pious  and  very  worthy  man.  I 
left  home  for  Kentucky  April  3,  1806.  I  opened  shop  about  the 
place  where  Owen  Walker's  store  is  located  (Richmond,  Ky.)  May 
15,  1806.  I  rented  of  John  Burnam,  and  boarded  with  Major  Robert 
Miller,  and  family.  My  large  patronage  from  the  citizens  of  Mad- 
ison and  surrounding  counties  was  unprecedented. 


llislitrij   II ltd    ( ii'iicdhiijics  l(i7 

"I  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Barnett,  only  c-hild  of  Colonel 
James  Barnett,  in  Oct.  1S07,  and  moved  to  Silver  Creek  where  I 
farmed,  and  practiced  medicine  for  many  years  aided  by  one  of  the 
best  of  wives  and  children  and  neighbors.  We  left  Richmond  in  the 
spring  of  1811.  In  settling  on  Silver  Creek,  we  had  for  our  neigh- 
bors and  with  whom  we  spent  much  of  our  visits  in  sociability  and 
kind  interchanges,  towit:  Nicholas  Hawkins,  William  Robertson, 
Major  Mitchell,  Colonel  William  Morrison,  General  Andrew  Ken- 
nedy, .John  Moran,  .James  Anderson,  Cai)tain  Andrew  Kennedy, 
Samuel  Campbell,  Moses  Barker,  Archibald  Curl  and  all  their 
families  which  was  very  numerous  in  neai'ly  every  family.  These 
families  were  all  in  good  circumstances,  good  livers,  possessing 
great  hospitality  and  high  social  qualities.  The  improvement  in 
our  farms  and  methods  of  farming  has  been  very  great,  but  it  is 
to  be  regretted  that  our  people  are  more  attached  to  business  than 
comforts   with    their  happiness. 

"I  attribute  much  of  my  success  in  life  to  a  kind  over-ruling 
providence  who  has  dealt  very  kindly  with  me.  I  have  done  a  great 
amount  of  business,  have  never  sued  a  man,  prefering  to  settle  diffi- 
culties with  others  in  business  out  of  courts,  and  have  often  suffered 
loss  in  preference  to  litigation,  as  the  laws  of  our  state  are  not 
much  to  be  relied  on,  and  litigation  is  sure  to  make  enemies  of  our 
otherwise  friends." 

Dr.  Miller  made  his  home  with  his  son,  .James  B.  Miller  during 
the  last  years  of  his  life,  where  he  died  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  ninety- 
five  years.  His  five  children  were  James  B.  Miller,  Harrison  Miller, 
Mrs.  Green  Miller,  Cyrus  Miller  and  Dr.  Fayette  Miller. 

His  father  was  prominent  in  the  early  development  of  Virginia, 
was  regarded  as  an  honorable  man  and  devout  christian,  and  reared 
his  children  under  the  puritan  rules  of  Calvinistic  doctrine. 

Mrs.  Oton  has  several  way  bills  of  miscellaneous  merchandise 
dated  Philadelphia,  1810,  directed  to  Dr.  Alexander  Miller  and 
Co.,  Richmond,  Ky.,  also  the  original  deed  of  seventy-five  acres  of 
land  in  Madison  County,  ceded  Colonel  James  Barnett  for  official 
service  (in  the  Revolution)  signed  by  Lieutenant  Governor  John 
Pope,  Secretary  Gabriel  Slaughter,  dated  at  Richmond,  Ky.,  January, 
1819.  The  same  package  contains  many  written  military  orders  at 
headquarters  of  General  Washington,  1777,  signed,  G.  W.,  C.  C.  C. 
Dr  Miller's  mind  was  superior,  his  manner  of  quiet  dignity  and 
natural  grace  marked  him  indeed  a  Virginia  gentleman  He  was  of 
Scotch-Irish  descent,  referring  proudly  to  his  fore  bear,  the  Duke 
of  Antrim,  a  brilliant  Scotch-Irish  barrister,  whose  eloquence  and 
ready  wit  turned  many  a  dry  cause  into  a  successful  brief.  Dr. 
Miller  to  the  last  retained  a  clear  intellect  and  deep  interest  in  all 
the  affairs  of  the  day.  He  sank  to  rest  in  the  home  of  his  beloved 
son,  and  daughter  (in-law)  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.  Miller  in  Rich- 
mond, Ky.  He  passed  out  and  beyond  quietly  "as  the  mist  rises 
from  the  brook"  with  no  stain  of  dishonor  upon  a  long  and  well  spent 
life,  and  his  grand  children  revere  his  memory.  He  was  a  noted 
physician  in  his  day  and  generation.  On  one  occasion  he  was  called 
to  see  a  patient  in  the  vicinity  of  Irvine,  Ky.  some  thirty  odd  miles 
from  his  home,  through  the  woods;  on  his  way  some  hands  were 
opening  a  road  through  a  gap  or  cut  in  the  hills  and  felling  trees 
out  of  the  way:  a  tree  falling  in  a  manner  unexpected,  caught  a  poor 
fellow  under  it,  and  so  terribly  crushed  a  leg  that  his  life  was  des- 
paired of.  Dr.  Miller  happening  along  about  the  time  of  the  sad 
occurrence  was  called  to  do  what  he  could  for  the  sufferer.  He  had 
the  hands  stretch  the  patient  out,  and  with  the  instruments  rhen  in 

IfiS  Hist 01'!/  and  Genealogies 

use  by  doctors  he  held  the  arteries  and  tied  them  and  properly 
dressed  and  bound  up  the  wound,  and  told  them  to  wait  on  him 
dilligently,  and  do  all  they  could  to  save  the  man's  life,  and  to  the 
utter  astonishment  of  all  the  patient  recovered. 

Among   Dr.    Alexander   Miller's   brothers   and    sisters    were: 
A  sister,  Jane;   died  single. 

A    brother,    Isaac    Miller;    was   a   farmer   and    died   near   Cadiz, 
in  Trigg  County,  Ky. 

A  brother,  Josiah  Miller;   was  an  able  lawyer  lived  at  Hopkins- 
ville  Ky. 

A  brother,  William,  Miller;   was  a  farmer  near  Henderson,  Ky 
A  brother,  John  Miller;   was  a  lawyer  of  Hopkinsville,  Ky. 
A  brother  James  Miller;  was  a  farmer  and  politican,  prominent 
and  much  admired,  was  close  friend  and  helper  of  Lincoln.      He 
lived  near  Bloomington,   Illinois,  and  was  Treasurer  of  the  state 
for   a   number   of  years. 

The  children  of  Dr.  Alexander  Miller,  and  Elizabeth  Barnett 
his  wife,  are  described  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  James  Barnett  Miller,  eldest  child,  was  born  at 
Silver  Creek,  Madison  County,  Ky.  where  he  lived  his  venerable 
years  almost  out,  respected  and  loved  for  his  genial  nature,  coupled 
with  a  pungent  humor,  made  him  many  friends.  He  was  a  success- 
ful planter  and  stock  raiser,  caring  not  for  public  office.  He  early 
married  his  cousin,  Juliett  McClellan  Miller,  of  Bloomington,  Illinois, 
a  gem  among  women,  and  her  home  was  a  "House  of  Bethany"  to 
all  privileged  to  enter  and  abide  there.  Their  five  children  were 
all  to  be  proud  of,  viz: 

1.  Leslie  Miller;    the  oldest  son,  lives  in   St.  Louis,   Mo. 

2.  James  B.  Miller;  a  skillful  young  surgeon,  died  five  years  ago 
in  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

3.  Florence  Miller;   died  in  her  youth. 

4.  Lula  Miller;   died  in  her  youth. 

5.  Isabella  McClellan  Miller;  the  oldest  daughter  is  the  wife  of 
Professor  Charles  Reynolds  of  Kansas  City.  Mrs.  Reynolds  has 
adorned  her  husband's  high  position,  and  drawn  around  her  beautiful 
home,  friends  trusted  and  true.  They  have  two  handsome  daugh- 
ters and  one  son,  viz: 

1.  Florence  Reynolds. 

2.  Juliett   Reynolds;    married   Alva   Brissean. 

3.  Charles  Reynolds  Jr. 

Section  2.  J.  Harrison  Miller,  second  son,  born  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.  was  a  man  whose  christian  character  was  held  up  as  an 
example,  lived  on  Silver  Creek,  owned  large  tract  of  land,  beauti- 
fully improved.  By  intelligence  and  frugal  management  he  accumu- 
lated an  ample  fortune.  He  married  Patsy  Irvine  Field,  whose  home 
loving,  energetic  nature  proved  a  valuable  companion.  They  reared 
a  large  family  of  children,  who  have  taken  their  rightful  places 
in  their  adopted  homes,  among  cultured  christians,  holding  in 
sacred  trust  the  lessons  of  integrity  taught  by  their  parents.  Children: 
1.  Elizabeth  Miller:  the  eldest  daughter  married  Robert  Miller, 
one  of  Nature's  Noblemen.  (See  Chap.  14,  Sec.  1.)  They  had  four 
daughters,  viz: 

1.  Sallie  Miller. 

2.  Harry  Miller:    married  James  S.  Winn.      (See  Part  I,   Chap. 
14,  Sec.  1.) 

3.  Bessie  Miller. 

Hi  si  or  11   (III  1 1    (Inicd/oijii'S  l<i'.' 

4.   Pattie  Miller;   married  Stanton  B.  Hume.   (See  Part  I,  Chap. 
9,  Sec.  4,  and  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec.   1.) 

2.  Martha  Miller;  the  second  daughter,  married  John  Randolph 
Heth,  of  Virginia.     They  have  two  sons  and  one  daughter,  viz: 

1.   Stockton   Heth;    a   successful   business   man  of  Omaha,  Neb. 
2    Harry  Heth;   also  a  successful  business  man  of  Omaha,  Neb. 
3.   Minnie    Ha    Ha    Heth;    a    beautiful    daughter,    married    first 
William  Vail  and  had  one  daughter,  viz: 
1.   Heth  Vail. 
She    married,    second.    Charles    Lawton.    a    mine    ins])ector    at 
Lawton,   Michigan.      No  issue. 

?,.   Julia  Miller;   died  in  the  bloom  of  young  womanhood. 

4.  Mary  Belle  Miller:  has  attained  eminence  in  music,  devoting 
her  life  to  teaching  and  church  service. 

5.  Lucy  Miller;  married  William  Wooten,  of  Texas.  They  had  two 
sons,  both  died  in  infancy. 

6.  Margaret  Miller;  married  Frank  Henderson,  of  Houston,  Texas. 

7.  Amelia  Miller;  married  Captain  Robert  Bruce  Terrill  of  Mad- 
ison County,  Ky.  (See  Part  V,  Chap.  12,  Sec.  17.)  Two  daughters 
were  born   of  this  union: 

1.  Mabel   Terrill;    married    Vernon    Riggs. 

2.  Ethel  Terrill;  married  Edwin  Rugg. 

8.  Field  Miller;  married  Lucy  Shelby,  of  Fayette  County,  Ky. 
who  died  leaving  one  son. 

9.  James  Harrison  Miller;  the  oldest  son,  was  unmarried. 

Section  1^.  Julia  Miller,  only  daughter,  born  in  Madison  County, 
Kentucky,  married  Green  Miller,  son  of  Robert  Miller  and  Sallie 
Estill  his  wife.   (See  Chap.  XIv.  Sec.  1.)   They  had  five  children: 

1.  Alexander   Miller;    is   unmarried. 

2.  Irene  Miller;   married  Matt  Embry.     Left  issue. 

3.  Sallie  Estill  Miller:   married  Benjamin  Herr,  of  Monmouth,  111. 

4.  Cyrus  Miller;   a  successful  physician;   died  years  ago. 

5.  Harrison  Miller;  is  unmarried;  a  successful  business  man  in 
the  West. 

Section  4.  Cyrus  Miller;  was  reared  in  Madison  County,  Ken- 
tucky; lived  to  middle  life  unmarried,  emigrated  to  Independence, 
Missouri,  where  he  met  and  married  Sarah  Halloway.  Four  hand- 
some children  were  sent  to  bless  this  union,  viz: 

1.  Mary  Belle  Miller. 

2.  Julia  Miller;  married  Irene  McClannahan  of  Independence, 

3.  Margaret  Miller;  married  Philip  Rugg,  of  Independence,  Miss- 
ouri.     They   have   several   attractive   children. 

4.  Green  Miller;  married,  and  is  living  in  California.  (Cannot 
obtain  names   of  his  children.) 

Section  5.  Dr.  Lafayette  Morrison  Miller,  youngest  child,  born 
in  Richmond,  Ky.  1826,  was  a  man  of  rare  personality,  handsome 
form  and  features.  His  wit  and  repartie  won  universal  admiration 
and  like  the  "Knights  of  the  Round  Table"  he  was  a  "Merrie  fellow." 
He  graduated  with  highest  honors  of  the  large  class  of  1847,  at  old 
Transylvania,  Lexington,  Ky.  and  was  a  special  favorite  of  Dr. 
Ben  Dudley,  the  surgeon.  Dr.  Miller  went  from  Lexington  to  Phila- 
delphia for  a  post  graduate  course  at  Blockly  Hospital  School.  He 
was    married    March    3,    1846,    by    Rev.    James    C.    Barnes,    to    Miss 

170  Historij  and  Genealogies 

Caroline  Wilson  Embry  (whose  father,  Talton  Embry,  was  with 
Co-onel  Daniel  and  George  Boone,  in  the  early  settlement  of  Ken- 
tucky) a  beautiful,  lovely  woman,  whose  presence  to  her  family  and 
friends   was  like   the   passing   of  an   exquisite   strain   of   music. 

Dr.  Lafayette  Miller,  died  in  the  prime  of  his  manhood,  loved 
by  all  classes  in  Jackson  County,  Missouri.  Was  surgeon  in  first 
company  of  volunteers  commanded  by  Captain  Edmund  Halloway. 
He  entered  the  Confederate  service  April,  1861;  remained  until  a 
few  weeks  before  his  death  18  62.  Five  children  were  born  to 
this  union,  viz: 

1.  Elizabeth  Barnett  Miller;  the  eldest  daughter,  was  married 
in  Richmond,  Ky.,  Oct.  3,  1867,  by  Rev.  Burnett  J.  Pinkerton,  in  the 
presence  of  .Tames  B.  Miller  and  Rev.  Robert  L.  Breck,  to  Thomas 
Hill  Oton,  or  Outon  of  Fayette  County,  Ky.  Bessie  Miller  Oton  is 
an  Elocutionist  of  the  highest  merit,  an  artiste.  As  early  as  about 
189  0,  she  directed  her  talent  in  the  line  of  public  reading  and  by  her 
own  efforts  has  made  herself  a  great  name;  her  recitals  are  per- 
fectly splendid  and  her  listeners  are  completely  charmed.  She  is  also 
a  writer  of  ability,  many  know  her  as  "Gypsey"  through  the  columns 
of  the  Sunny  South.  She  is  a  thorough  charming  woman,  small, 
beautiful  and  graceful,  impulsive  and  warm  hearted,  and  in  her 
Southern  tours  was  overwhelmed  with  attentions.  The  sketches 
from  her  pen  for  various  papers  and  magazines  were  most  kindly 
received,  among  them,  sketches  of  literary  work  of  "Laura  C. 
Holloway"  (author  of  "Ladies  of  White  House"  and  other  books.) 
"Leaves  from  the  Life  of  a  great  surgeon"  (Dr.  Nathan  Bowman 
of  N.  Y.  formerly  of  Macon,  Ga.)  "Elocution  a  necessity  for  minis- 
ters" "Wayside  Flowers"  "Adrift"  and  "Memory  Bells."  She  has 
been  from  time  to  time  the  New  York  correspondent  for  Kansas 
City  Times,  St.  Louis  Post-Dispatch,  Sunny  South,  Lexington  (Ky.) 
Press,  and  South  Western  Presbyterian,  New  Orleans,  also  Christmas 
Stories  for  children.  Has,  also,  been  a  member  of  faculty  of 
Plumer  College,  Wytheville,  Va.,  Valley  Seminary  and  Tishburn 
Military  School,  Waynesburg,  Va.,  Fauquier  Institute,  Warrenton, 
Va.  High  School,  and  West  End  Academy,  Atlanta,  Ga.  Isabell 
College,  Talladega,  Alabama,  besides,  she  has  numerious  private 
pupils  some  of  whom,  have  risen  to  eminence.  She  has  been  all 
over  the  union.  Her  native  state  Kentucky,  should  know  her  as 
does  the  South.  She  has  had  a  hard,  tough  work,  unaided,  but  has 
succeeded  in  spite  of  all,  and  there  is  not  a  blot  on  her  life.  Her 
present  efforts  are  all  for  humane  purposes,  cruelty  to  animals 

Harry  W.  Grady's  first  criticism  of  her  was  "Mrs.  Oton  is  a 
"ficile  princepes"  in  her  art,  and  as  a  woman  so  high  bred  and  com- 
panionable she  draws  all  hearts  to  her."  Judge  Hook,  who  was 
Supreme  Judge  of  Georgia  gave  testimony  beautiful  and  true,  had 
met  Mrs.  Oton  many  times  at  Salt  Springs,  Chautauqua, Ga.  In  speak- 
ing of  an  entertainment  she  gave  there  he  thus  complimented  her, 
"although  suffering  intensely,  she  held  the  rapt  attention  of  her 
listeners,  and  with  rapidity  moved  them  from  tears  to  laughter. 
Who  would  not  be  kind  and  appreciative  of  such  a  brave,  noble  and 
gifted  little  woman?" 

Mrs.  Oton  is  the  daughter  of  two  of  the  most  talented  and  chival- 
rous families  of  Virginia  and  Kentucky,  names  old  in  history.  She 
was  reared  in  luxury,  the  ideal  of  proud  parents,  but  when  adver- 
sity's chilling  blast  swept  over  her  young  life,  and  she  was  forced 
to  meet  it,  her  true  and  noble  nature  faltered  not,  but  by  unceasing 
labor,  aided  by  a  brilliant  genius  she  stands  , today  unchallenged  in 

II isliin/   (iinl    < Iciirdhjfjii'S  1  <  I 

her  art,  while  her  universal  kindness  to  all,  and  refined  beanty  has 
made  her  the  people's  idol,  from  New  York  to  Mexico,  where  she 
is  known,  and  Georgia  will  ever  be  ready  to  welcome  Mrs.  Bessie 
Miller  Oton's  return." 

Mrs.  Eugenia  Dunlap  Potts,  in  the  Lexington  Townscript  said: 
"To  say  that  she  is  a  genius  but  feebly  expresses  her  supreme  versa- 
tility, her  magnificent  interpretation,  her  wondrous  charm,  when 
she  recites,  one  loses  sight  of  the  imitative  feature  of  her  work.  All 
that  she  does  stands  out  as  the  emanation  of  her  own  brain.  Viewed 
from  an  artist's  stand-point  it  is  an  irreparable  loss  to  the  world, 
that  this  gifted  woman  is  not  on  the  dramatic  stage.  With  the  blood 
of  the  Blue  Grass  dashing  in  resistless  current  through  her  veins, 
the  exceeding  fineness  of  her  nature,  is  the  touch-stone  to  all  that 
is  best  in  her  renditions.  She  is  bewitching  in  every  attitude, 
every  line  of  her  form  breathes  the  poetry  of  motion.  Every  throb 
of  her  bewildering  pulses  gives  out  her  perfect  womanhood.  The 
emotions  whether  grave  or  gay,  majestic  or  grotesque,  violent  or 
pathetic  emanate  from  her  soul,  through  eye  and  lip,  and  voice  and 
jesture  with  a  fidelity  that  demands  fullest  sympathy  from  her 
hearers.  Her  voice  alone  with  its  varied  cadences  would  give  out  the 
gamut  of  human  passion  were  she  motionless  as  a  statue." 

From  the  pen  of  "F"  of  Richmond,  Virginia,  in  the  Sunny  South: 
"She  has  made  many  friends  at  the  various  summer  resorts  she  has 
visited  in  Virginia,  and  added  to  her  popularity  as  a  conversation- 
alist. We  hope  to  secure  her  for  a  long  time.  Two  of  Mrs.  Oton's 
scholars,  whom  she  taught  in  Atlanta,  Mrs.  A.  H.  Alfriend,  and  her 
bright  little  twelve  year  son,  Edward,  also,  if  they  are  fair  samples 
of  her  scholars,  any  city  should  be  proud  to  be  able  to  secure  her 
services  permanently.  Little  Edward  Alfriend  is  a  wonder,  he 
bids  fair  in  future  years  to  deserve  the  sobriquet  of  'The  Southern 
Orator.'  There  are  few,  very  few  ladies  in  our  country  who  have  the 
gift  of  entertaining  both  with  pen  and  tongue  as  Mrs.  Oton  has. 
Wherever  she  resides  she  will  have  as  many  friends  and  admirers 
as  she  has  in  her  old  home." 

We  here  quote  from  the  Illustrated  Kentuckian,  Lexington.  Ky. : 
"The  following  eloquent  tribute  was  paid  to  Mrs.  Bes.sie  Miller 
Oton  on  her  second  appearance  at  Seamen's  Bethel  in  New  Orleans 
on  March  9,  1893,  by  Rev.  Thomas  R.  Markham,  D.  D.  pastor  of 
Lafayette  Presbyterian  Church  and  Captain  General  of  tjie  United 
Confederate  Veterans:  'A  dowry  lavished  on  this  fair  daughter  of 
Kentucky,  herself  a  scion  of  that  Blue  Grass  stock  who  a  week  ago 
from  this  platform  charmed  our  eye  with  the  graces  of  manner  and 
our  ears  with  the  'concourse  of  sweet  sounds.'  In  the  interde- 
pendences of  intellect,  the  masters  of  thought,  and  the  monarchs  of 
words  are  large  debtors  to  the  masters  of  expression.  Who  can 
measure  Shakespeare's  obligation  for  right  interpretation  and  pro- 
found impression  to  Mrs.  Siddon's  Garrack  and  Booth?  And  we 
who  here  last  Friday  listened  as  the  reader  "lent  to  the  rhyme  of 
the  poet  the  beauty  of  her  voice"  entered  as  through  a  newly  opened 
door  into  the  secret  chambers  of  Longfellow's  musings  over  hearts 
set  in  tune  with  his,  as  with  her  beside  him  we  "Stood  on  the  bridge 
at  midnight."  Roscius  and  Cicero,  his  pupil  in  elocution,  held  trials 
of  skill  to  test  whether  the  orator,  or  the  gesticulator,  could  the 
more  clearly  and  effectively  render  a  thought,  and  Demosthenes,  in 
defining  eloquence,  thrice  repeated  the  word  "action."  So  it  is  with 
us  then,  for  while  eye,  ear  and  taste  paid  tribute  to  the  modulated 
tones,  it  was  the  spirit  with  which  these  were  uttered,  and  the 
"action  suited   to  the  word,"   the  flash   of  the  eye  and   the   play  of 

172  Histori/  and  Genpalogios 

feature,  the  ease  of  movement  and  the  grace  of  form,  that  com- 
pleted the  enchanter's  spell,  taking  us  captive  at  her  will.  But  as 
words  are  powerless  to  paint  the  lily,  and  add  a  perfume  to  the 
violet,  and  as  you  are  now  to  hear  her  for  yourselves,  and,  too, 
lest  I  "lag  superfluous  on  the  stage,"  suffer  in  closing  to  say  for 
myself  that  it  has  been  a  pleasure  to  know,  and  a  privilege  to  hear, 
as  it  is  an  honor  to  introduce,  one,  who  coming  to  us  last  week  a 
stranger,  is  greeted  by  us  tonight  as  a  friend.  I  have  the  honor 
of  presenting  to  this  audience  Mrs.  Bessie  Miller  Oton."  "The 
Bridge"  is  her  most  remarkable  rendition.  *  *  *  This  rendition 
has  been  given  by  Mrs.  Oton  before  the  author  Longfellow  himself, 
and  with  his  great  aiipreciation.  In  flowing  rhythmic  accents,  in- 
tense with  reverie  and  sad  memory  and  the  joyful  resurrection  of 
hope  came  the  well  known  lines." 

From  the  Southern  Presbyterian,  1S98:  "Her  naturalness  of 
manner,  showing  in  rare  perfection  the  'art  concealing  art,'  her 
grace  of  movement,  the  modulated  intonations  of  her  cultivated 
voice;  the  versatile  play  of  powers  passing  in  easy  transformation 
'from  grave  to  gay,'  and  drawing  at  will  from  the  'spring  of  laugh- 
ter' or  the  'fountain  of  tears';  her  sympathetic  impersonation  of  her 
author's  thought,  spirit  and  speech,  'the  action  suited  to  the  word,' 
these  varied  and  combined  accomplishments  and  gifts  held  us  with 
the  spell  of  an  enchantress,  the  assembly  of  intelligent  and  appre- 
ciative listeners  that  filled  to  overflowing  the  spacious  room  in  which 
she  achieved  so  signal  a  triumph.  A  pleasing  episode  of  the  even- 
ing, and  a  grateful  surprise  was  the  presentation  to  her  of  a  laurel 
wreath,  the  victor's  crown.  This  was  made  in  well  chosen  words 
by  Colonel  Fred  A.  Ober.  a  veteran  of  the  Army  of  Northern  Vir- 
ginia, who  had  had  the  pleasure  of  introducing  to  the  veterans  of 
the  Soldier's  Home  this  daughter  of  a  veteran  of  the  Confederacy, 
in  which  he  made  a  pleasing  and  touching  mention  of  her  recitals 
there,  and  at  the  Seamen's  Bethel,  and  the  Memorial  Church,  under 
the  care  of  Rev.  Dr.  E.  Forman,  the  pastor  of  her  childhood  in 
Kentucky,  her  native  state.  Her  reply  given  with  marked  emotion, 
her  heart  paying  its  tribute  through  tears,  that  moved  ours,  was  a 
felicitous  recognition  of  the  attention  and  appreciation  shown  her 
in  a  city  noted  for  its  courtesy  to  strangers  and  its  hospitality  to 
visitors,  to  which  she  came  two  months  since  a  stranger,  knowing 
no  one,  and  only  asking  to  be  heard:  but  now  at  Darting  leaving  in 
it  many  friends,  whose  kindness  had  made  her  visit  a  pleasure  that 
would  live  in  her  memory  as  a  joy."      (1898.) 

A  volume  of  testimony  of  the  gifts  and  value  of  this  remarkable 
woman  from  the  Southern  press,  such  as  the  Picayune  (New  Or- 
leans), the  Sunny  South,  the  Southern  Presbvterian,  Atlanta  (Ga.) 
Constitution,  Lexington  (Ky. )  Transcript,  Virginia  papers,  etc., 
Supt.   M.   A.   Cassidy,  Lexington,   Ky.,  etc.,  but  this  must   suffice. 

To  the  union  of  Bessie  Miller  and  Thomas  Hill  Oton  were  born 
two  intelligent,   admirable  daughters,  viz: 

1.  Caroline  Embry  Oton;  now  the  wife  of  Richard  Dunward 
McPhaul,  prominent  turpentine  exporter  of  Bay  Minette,  Ala. 
They  have  one  child,  viz: 

1.    Richard   McPhaul,   Jr. 

2.  Adelaide  Davis  Oton;  married  .John  Boon  de  Saussure, 
of  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  son  of  General  Wilmot  Gibbes 
de  Saussure  and  Martha  Gourdine  de  Saussure.  Gen.  de  Saus- 
sure was  the  hero  of  Ft.  Sumpter.  His  son  is  a  refined  gentle- 
man and  excellent  business  man. 

Historji  (till/   (IciK'ii/ot/ii's 

1  •) 

Mrs.  Oton's  daughters  attained  enviable  positions  as  teach- 
ers and  scholars. 

2.  Talton  Embry  Miller,  lives  in  St.  Louis;   married  

His  children  are: 

1.  James  Miller;  made  a  fine  record  in  United  States  Xavy; 
was  accidentally  drowned  at  Leage  Island,  Aug.  1,  1904,  while 
anchoring  the  admiral's  launch   alongside   the   Minneapolis. 

2.  Leslie  Miller. 

3.  Alexander  Miller. 

4.  Helen  Miller. 

5.  Charlotte  Miller. 

The  mother  of  the  above  named  children  is  dead. 

3.  Alexander  Hood  Miller;  lives  in  St.  Louis;  has  one  daughter: 
1.   Carrie  Anna  Miller. 

4.  Lafayette  Morrison  Miller;  died  in  Arkansas  five  years  ago. 
His  success  in  dentistry  was  that  of  a  conscientious,  finished 
workman,  and  the  future  full  of  promise.  He  was  a  Knight  Tem- 
plar and  was  buried  with  Masonic  honors. 

5.  Alma  Bartlett  Miller;  born  in  Jackson  County,  Missouri,  to 
where  Dr.  Miller  emigrated,  in  1853;  the  youngest  daughter 
married  Rev.  Russell  Cecil,  of  Harrodsburg,  Ky.  They  live  in 
Richmond,  Va.,  where  Dr.  Cecil  is  pastor  of  the  historic  Second 
Presbyterian  Church.  Mrs.  Cecil  is  a  model  minister's  wife, 
endearing  herself  to  the  people  by  her  tact,  gentleness  and  true 
piety.     They  have  five  handsome  children,  viz: 

1.  Russell  Cecil,  Jr.;  practicing  medicine  at  Johns  Hopkins 
Hospital;  is  at  this  time  cruising  somewhere  along  the  north- 
ern coast. 

2.  John  Howe  Cecil;   commercial  man  of  Richmond,  Va. 

3.  Alma    Cecil,    a    beautiful    young    maiden. 

4.  James  McCosh  Cecil;   preparing  for  college. 

5.  Elizabeth  Cecil,  the  baby. 


CHAPTER    1. 



History  and  Genealogies 

1.  Elizabeth,   m  Peter  Wallace   (Part  IV,   Chap.    1). 

■1.  Michael,    m    Mary   Campbell    ("B")    (Chap.    4). 

3.  James    (Chap.   3,   Sec.   3). 

■1.  William,   m   Elizabeth  Wallace    (Chap.    3,    Sec.    4). 

5.  Andrew    (Chap.    3,    Sec.    5). 


1.  Magdalene,    ra    1    John    McDowell,    2    Benj.    Borden,    3    Col. 

John   Bowyer   (Chap.   5). 

2.  William,    m   Susannah  Wallace    (Chap.    6). 

3.  Michael,    m  Anne    (Chap.   13). 

4.  Hannah,   m  Wm.   Wallace    (Part   IV,    Chap.   3). 

5.  Col.  John,  m  Susannah  Anderson   (Chap.  19). 

6.  Margaret,   m  Andrew  Wallace   (Part  IV,   Chap.    6). 

7.  Richard,    m   Jennie  (Chap.    33). 

8.  Archibald,    m   Lsabella  (Chap.   4). 

9.  Martha,   m  Peter  Wallace,   Jr.    (Part  IV,    Chap.   15). 

10.  Andrew,    ni   Martha  Poage    (Chap.    37). 

11.  Sarah,   m  Joseph  Lapsley    (Chap.   46). 

1.  James,   m  Mary  Garland   (Chap.   20). 

2.  Mary,   m  John  Reid   (Chap.   21). 

■i.  Michael,   m   Hettie   Caruthers    (Chap.    22). 

4.  Suity,  m  Samuel  Reid   (Chap.  29). 

5.  Sarah   (Chap.   19,   Sec.   5). 

6.  Anna,    m   Jonathan   Reid    (Chap.    48). 

7.  John.  Jr.,    (Chap.   19,  Sec.  7). 

8.  Susannah,   m  Daniel  Miller  (Part  I,   Chap. 


Article    1. — Genealogical   Table. 

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History  and  Genealogies 

Article  2. — Early  Marriages  in  IMadison  County,  Kentucky,  Gleaned 
from  the  First  IMarriage  Register  of  County  Court. 























































Lucy — ^Caperton,  Wm.,  Dec.  15,   1790. 

Patrick — Cooper,    Rachael,    July    19,    1792. 

Wm. — Kinkead,   Ruth,  Aug.    1,    179  2. 

Susannah — Goodloe,  Wm.,   Feb.   23,   179  6. 

Margaret — Duncan,  Chas.  John,  Dec.  17,  1795. 

Hannah — Hutton,    James,    Jan.    11,    1790. 

Susannah — Mellone,  Richard,  Oct.   3,   1797. 

Margaret — Blake,   Thos.,   Aug.    23,   1793. 

Wm. — Harris,    Polly,    Jan.    5,    1802. 

Adam — ^Hancock,    Nancy,    March    18,    1802. 

Elizabeth — Taylor  Talton,   Feb.   4,    1802. 

Judy — Taylor,   John,   March    11,    1802. 

Wm. — Harris,  Nancy,  Sept.   25,  1802. 

Syntha — Strong,  John,  Feb.  10,  1803. 

Susannah — Williams,   James,    April    30,    1801. 

Mary — Mullins,    Wm.,    June    18,    1801. 

Wm. — Clark,    Susannah,    Aug.    13,    1801. 

Sally — Smith,   Thos.,  Dec.    13,    1804. 

Arch'd — Hill,    Fanny,   June   5,    1806. 

Anna — ^Miller,  Thos.,  July   29,  1806. 

Adam — Kerley,   Polly,   March    2  4,    1807. 

Abraham — Yates,   Elizabeth,   Nov.    29,   1806. 

John — Duncan,   Elizabeth,   Dec.   28,   1809. 

Wm. — Noland,   Elizabeth,   Jan.    10,    1808. 

Polly — Heath,    Benjamin,   Jan.    10,    1805. 

James — Embrv,   Betsy,   Aug.    2  4,   1809. 

Talton — Woods,    Sally,    March    28,    1810. 

Arch'd — Shackelford,    Elizabeth,    Oct.    9,    1810. 

Patrick — Dulaney,   Fanny,   Feb.    6,    1813. 

Leannah — Land,  Wm.,   Feb.    20,    1814. 

Arch'd — Woods,    Polly,    Oct.    4,    1814. 

Thursa — Yates,  James,   Oct.    20,    1814. 

John — Thomas,   Mary  H.,  July   2,   1812. 

Francis — Austin,   Nancy,   Dec.   11,   1815. 

Elizabeth — Moberley,   James,   Sept.    2  8,    1816. 

John  S. — Mitchell,   Polly,   July   15,   1817. 

Adam — Crigler,   Betsy,   Aug.    26,    1817. 

Lucinda — Dantic,  Paul,  June   25,   1819. 

John — Skinner,   Phoebe,  Dec.    20,   1820. 

Hannah — Collins,  Barbee,  May  29,   18  23.- 

Rusia — West,   Hiram,   Oct.   3,   1825.    - 

Fanny — Cochran,    Samuel,   Dec.    19,    1826. 

Thursa — Epperson,    Green,   Dec.    2  2,    182  9. 

Zach.   W. — Lees,   Ann,   Jan.   7,   1830. 

James — Oldham,   Sophia,  June   17,    18  30. 

Charlotte — Ballard,  Thompson  R.,  March  17,  1813. 

Martha   Ann — Estill,   James   M.,   Sept.   22,   1831. 

Elizabeth — Boggs,  Edward  C,   Sept.   19,   1833. 

James — Caudle,   Sallie,  Nov.    13,   183  2. 

James — Hardin,   Phoebe,   Dec.    31,    18  33. 

Anderson  W. — ^Sullivan,  Lucy  P.,   Oct.    30,   1836. 

Parabee — Gordon,   William,   March    4,    1841. 

Wm.   G. — Gentry,   Nancy  Boone,   Oct.    12,    1843. 

Sophia — Harper,  Perry,  Feb.   29,  183  6. 

History  and  Genealogies  179 

Article  3. — Items   Coimeetiiig  the  Woods  Name  with   Events. 

(From  History  and  Court  Records.) 

In  the  first  settlement  of  Kentucky  tlie  Woodses  were  in  the 
tide  that  flowed  into  the  same,  and  took  active  part,  not  only  in 
the  settlement,  but  the  development  and  growth  thereof,  as  their 
fathers  had  also  aided  in  the  development  of  her  mother,  Virginia. 
And  items  of  interest  taken  from  record  and  history  are  here  thrown 
in  exhibiting  some  little  events  relative  to  the  name  Woods. 

Section  1.  John  Woods  was  part  of  a  company  of  fifteen  men, 
known  as  Hinkson's  Company,  who,  in  March  or  April,  1775,  came 
down  the  Ohio  and  up  the  Licking  River  in  canoes  in  search  of  lands 
to  improve.  They  landed  at  the  mouth  of  Willow  Creek,  on  the 
east  side  of  Main  Licking,  four  miles  above  the  forks,  where  Fal- 
mouth now  is,  and  took  the  route  as  told  in  Part  I,  Chap.  1,  Sec.  1: 
The  Miller  Company  narrative.     (Collins.) 

Section  2.  In  17  87,  by  an  act  of  the  Virginia  General  Assem- 
bly, Archibald  Woods,  of  Madison  County,  was  appointed  one  of 
ten  trustees  of  the  town  of  Boonesborough,  established  as  a  town 
by  said  Assembly  in  October,  1779.     (Collins.) 

Section  3.  Archibald  Woods  was  one  of  the  first  Justices  of  the 
Peace  and  of  Oyer  and  Terminer,  in  the  organization  of  the  first 
court  of  Madison  County,  being  commissioned  by  His  Excellency 
Patrick  Henry,  Governor  of  Virginia,  as  such.   (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14) 

Section  4.  Woods  Narrative  (Col.  His.  p.  477):  In  the  year 
1781,  or  2,  near  the  Crab  Orchard,  in  Lincoln  County,  a  very  sin- 
gular adventure  occurred  at  the  house  of  Mr.  (Michael)  Woods.  One 
morning  he  left  his  family,  consisting  of  a  wife,  a  daughter  not  yet 
grown,  and  a  lame  negro  man,  and  rode  off  to  the  station  nearby, 
not  expecting  to  return  till  night.  Mrs.  Woods  being  a  short  dis- 
tance from  her  cabin,  was  alarmed  by  discovering  several  Indians 
advancing  towards  it.  She  instantly  screamed  loudly  in  order  to 
give  the  alarm,  and  ran  with  her  utmost  speed  in  the  hope  of 
reaching  the  house  before  the  Indians.  In  this  she  succeeded,  but 
before  she  could  close  the  door  the  foremost  Indian  had  forced  his 
way  into  the  house.  He  was  instantly  seized  by  the  lame  negro 
man,  and  after  a  short  scuffle  they  both  fell  with  violence,  the  negro 
underneath.  Mrs.  (Hannah)  Woods  was  too  busily  engaged  in  keep- 
ing the  door  closed  against  the  savages  without  to  attend  to  the 
combatants,  but  the  lame  negro,  holding  the  Indian  tightly  in  his 
arms,  called  to  the  young  girl  to  take  the  axe  from  under  the  bed 
and  dispatch  him  by  a  blow  on  the  head.  She  immediately  attempted 
it,  but  the  first  effort  was  a  failure;  she  repeated  the  blow  and 
killed  the  marauder.  The  other  savages  were  at  the  door  endeav- 
oring to  force  it  open  with  their  tomahawks;  the  negro  arose  and 
proposed  to  Mrs.  Woods  to  let  in  another  and  they  would  soon  dis- 
pose of  ^he  whole  of  them  in  the  same  way.  The  cabin  was  but  a 
short  distance  from  the  station,  the  occupants  of  which  having  dis- 
covered the  perilous  situation  of  the  family,  fired  on  the  Indians 
and  killed  another,  when  the  remainder  made  their  escape.  (See 
Chap.   6,   Sec.    2.)       (Collins.) 

Section  5.  We  here  exhibit  members  of  the  Woods  family  who 
have    represented    sections    of   Kentucky    in    the    General    Assembly: 

In   the   Senate — 
Archibald  Woods,  from  the  County  of  Madison,   1826-9. 

180  History  and  Genealogies 

In  the  House  of  Representatives — 
Archibald    Woods,    from    the    county   of    Madison,    1816-17,    1820-4. 
Silas  D.  Woods,  from  the  County  of  Pulaski,   18  48. 
Francis  M.  Woods,  from  the  County  of  Lewis,   1855-7. 
William  Woods,  from  the  County  of  Garrard,  18  57-9. 
John  N.  Woods,  from  the  County  of  Crittenden,  1871-3. 

Mcdowell,  descendants  of  magdaline  woods. 

Section  6.  Judge  Samuel  McDowell,  Senior.  In  178  3  Ken- 
tucky was  established  into  a  district,  and  a  court  of  criminal  as 
well  as  civil  jurisdiction  co-extensive  with  the  district  was  estab- 
lished. The  court  held  its  first  session  in  Harrodsburg  in  the 
spring  of  17  83,  and  was  opened  by  John  Floyd  and  Samuel  Mc- 
Dowell, Judges;  John  May  being  the  Clerk,  and  Walker  Daniel, 
Prosecuting  Attorney. 

Judge  Samuel  McDowell  was  president  of  the  nine  conventions 
which  met  at  Danville,  Ky.,  between  December  27,  1784,  and  July 
26,  1790.  Also  of  the  convention  that  framed  the  first  constitution 
of  Kentucky.  And  he  and  William  McDowell  were  two  of  the  many 
subscribers  to  proposal  Dec.  1,  1787,  for  establishing  a  society  to 
be  called  the  "Kentucky  Society  for  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge." 

Judge  Samuel  McDowell,  Senior,  was  one  among  the  Justices 
present  at  the  first  County  Court  held  for  Mercer  County,  on  Tues- 
day, Aug.  — ,  17  86;  and  he  held  the  first  Circuit  Court  in  Estill 
County,  June  20,  1808.  He  was  a  son  of  John  McDowell  and  Mag- 
dalen Woods,  his  wife,  a  daughter  of  Michael  Woods,  of  Blair  Park, 
and  Mary  Campbell,  his  wife.  The  said  John  McDowell  was  killed 
in  battle  with  Shawnee  Indians  at  Balcony  Falls,  where  the  North 
River  comes  into  the  James  River,  in  174  3. 

Section  7.  Dr.  Ephraim  McDowell,  the  greatest  Kentucky  sur- 
geon, and  renowned  in  History  of  Medical  Science  as  the  father  of 

Section  8.  Joseph  McDowell  was  in  Captain  James  Brown's 
company  of  mounted  Kentucky  Volunteers  against  the  Wiaw  In- 
dians in  1791. 

Section  9.  James  McDowell,  of  Virginia,  on  the  14th  of  June, 
1774,  had  surveyed  for  him,  by  James  Douglas,  1,000  acres  of  land 
on  a  south  foi'k  of  Licking  Creek. 

Section  10.  Thomas  McDowell  was  killed  in  Madison  County, 
near  the  Louisa  (Kentucky  River),  March  26,  1775,  out  of  a  com- 
pany of  sixteen  men  suddenly  attacked  by  the  same  body  of  Indians 
who  the  day  before  had  attacked  Colonel  Daniel  Boone  and  Captain 
William  Twetty's  company,  and  killed  Captain  Twetty. 

Section  11.  John  McDowell  was  a  lot  holder  in  Lexington,  Ky., 
.in  1783. 

Section  12.     Members  of  the  Kentucky  Legislature: 

In  the  Senate — 
William  McDowell,  from  the  County  of  Mercer,  1792-4,  1800,  1802. 
William  McDowell,  from  the  County  of  Nelson,  1792-6. 

In  the  House  of  Representatives — 
John  McDowell,  from  the  County  of  Fayette,   1792,  1794-8. 
John  B.  McDowell,  from  the  County  of  Bullitt,  1865-7. 

Section  13.  Charles  R.  Woods,  1827-188  5,  commanded  a  regi- 
ment at  Fort  Donelson  and  Shiloh,  a  brigade  at  Corinth,  and  a  reg- 
iment at  Vicksburg.  He  led  a  division  in  Sherman's  Georgia  cam- 
paign,     (a-c) 

Ilishiri/   tiiiil    (Iriicahij/ii's  181 

Section  11.  William  B.  Woods,  1824-1S,S7,  was  a  member  of  the 
Ohio  Legislature,  1857-60.  Speaker  of  the  House  in  185S.  He  was 
commissioned  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  Ohio  Volunteers,  and  fought, 
at  Shiloh,  Arkansas  Post,  Resaca,  Dallas,  Atlanta,  Lovejoy  Station, 
and  Bentonville.  He  led  a  division  in  Sherman's  march  to  the  sea. 
He  was  a  United  States  Circuit  .Judge,  ISOH-SO,  when  he  became  a 
Justice  of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court,      (a-c) 

Section  15.  Historical  facts  concerning  the  arms  and  crest  of 
the  Irish  branch  of  the  ancient  Woods  family,  taken  from  a  copy 
furnished  by  ,lohn  O'Hart,  of  No.  7  Belone  Terrace,  Dolly- 
mount,  Dublin,  Ireland,  author  of  "Irish  Pedigrees,"  Landed  Gentry 
in  Ireland,  at  the  time  of  the  invasion  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  copied 
from  the  manuscript  of  the  6th  edition  of  "Irish  Pedigrees,"  then 
being  prepared  for  the  press,  and  were  obtained  from  the  archives 
of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  and  the  office  of  the  Ulster  King  at 
Arms,  Dublin  Castle,  Dublin,  Ireland. 

Anns   ami  Crest. 

Arms — Sa,  three  garbs  cor.  crest — out  of  clouds  a  hand  erect, 
holding  a  crown  between  two  swords,  in  bend  and  bend  sinister, 
points  upward. 

The  meaning  of  the  Arms  and  Crest  is:  Out  of  gray  clouds  a 
flesh  color  hand  perpendicular,  holding  a  gold  crown  and  all  between 
two  steel  colored  swords.  Their  significance — the  sheaves  of  wheat 
on  the  arms  indicate  that  the  bearer  came  from  a  wheat-raising 
country — the  crest  implies  a  combat,  a  victory,  and  an  unexpected 
reward — the  tw^o  swords  a  combat,  the  result  a  gold  crown  from  an 
unexpected  source — the  hand  out   of  a  gray  cloud. 

Cucult,  who  (see  page  689,  Vol.  1,  6th  edition  of  this  work)  is 
No.  10?,  on  the  O'Nealles  pedigree,  was  the  ancestor  of  O'Coillte 
Coin,  Irish  Wood,  Coillte,  AVoods  and  O'Coillege,  Anglicised,  Reitty, 
Guizty,  Gait,  W^oods  and  Woods. 

Thus  the  O'Coillte  were  a  branch  of  the  Mac  Morough  family, 
who  were  the  Kings  of  Lunster  up  to  the  period  of  the  English  in- 
vasion of  Ireland  in  the  twelfth  century,  when  the  O'Coillte  family 
deprived  of  their  patrimony  were  scattered,  some  settling  in  Great 
Britain  and  others  on  the  Continent. 

Among  the  officers  commonly  called  the  Forty-niners,  who  in 
1649  fought  for  Charles  I  and  Charles  II,  we  find  five  who  were 
named  Wood,  and  five  who  were  named  Woods;  and  the  name 
Woods  is  among  the  names  of  the  Cromwellian  adventurers  for  land 
in  Ireland  in  the  Cromwellian  period. 

The  name  Woods  appears  among  the  French  refugees  (Hugue- 
nots) who  settled  in  England  and  Ireland  before  the  reign  of  Louis 
XIV  of  France,  while  Henry  Woods  was  one  of  the  members  of  the 
Irish   Parliament   of  James   II   in    1697. 

In  Burke's  "General  Armory"  are  described  the  Armoriat  Bear- 
ings of  9  9  of  the  Wood  family  and  six  of  the  Woods  family,  but  all 
of  them  are  in  England.  The  bearings  described  in  the  foregoing 
were  the  ancient  arms  of  the  family  in  Ireland. 

On  page  136  of  the  MS,  Volume  F  225,  in  the  library  of  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  we  find  that  ,Iohn  Woods  of  the  County  Meath 
married  Elizabeth,  born  15th  day  and  baptized  17th  Nov.,  1656, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Worsop,  of  Dunshanlin,  County  Meath,  by  his 
wife  Elizabeth,  who  was  daughter  of  Richard,  son  of  William  Par- 
sons of  Birr,  or  Parsontown  by  said  Richard's  wife  Lelitia,  Avho 
was   the   daughter   of   Sir   Adam   Loftus,    miles,    who   married   Jane, 

182  History  and  Genealogies 

daughter  of  Waltei'  Vaughn,  of  Coldengrove,  was  son  of  Sir  Dudley 
Loftus,  miles,  by  his  wife  Anne,  daughter  of  Henry  Bagnall,  of 
Newry,  miles,  and  said  Sir  Dudley  was  the  son  of  Adam  Loftus, 
Lord  Bishop  of  Dublin  and  Lord  chancellor  of  Ireland,  who  married 
Jane,  daughter  of  T.  Purdon. 

We  further  find  that  John  Woods  above  mentioned,  who  married 
Elizabeth  Worsop,  had  issue,  sons  and  daughters.  The  sons  and 
daughter  were  Michael,  Andrew,  William,  and  James,  and  Elizabeth, 
wife  of  Peter  Wallace,  all  of  whom  emigrated  to  America  in  the 
beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  with  the  three  sons  of  Michael — • 
William,  John,  and  Archibald. 

From  these  Irish  emigrants  are  descended  the  Wood,  Woods 
families,  now  located  in  several  of  the  United  States,  and 
all  descended  from  Adam  Loftus,  Archbishop  of  Dublin, 
and  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland  for  Queen  Elizabeth.  From 
Adam  Loftus  the  descent  is,  Adam  Loftus  married  Jane  Purdon, 
and  among  other  children.  Sir  Dudley  Loftus,  miles,  of  Rathfran- 
ham.  County  Dublin,  who  married  Anne,  daughter  of  Henry  Bag- 
nall, of  Newry,  miles,  and  had  among  other  children.  Sir  Adam 
Loftus,  miles,  who  married  Jane,  daughter  of  Walter  Vaughn,  of 
Coldengrove,  who  had  among  other  children  Letitia  Loftus,  who 
married  Richard  Parsons,  son  of  William  Parsons,  of  Parsontown, 
and  had  among  other  children,  Elizabeth  Parsons,  who  married 
Thomas  Worsop,  of  Dunshanlin,  County  Meath,  who  died  May  27, 
168  6,  and  had  among  his  children  Elizabeth  Worsop,  born  the  15th 
day  and  was  baptized  the  17th  of  Nov.,  16.56,  who  married  John 
Woods,  of  the  County  Meath,  and  had  with  other  children,  Michael, 
Andrew,  William,  and  James  (and  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Peter  Wal- 
lace). Michael  Woods,  eldest  son  of  John  Woods  and  Elizabeth 
Worsop,  married  Lady  Mary  Campbell,  of  the  Clan  Campbell  Argyl- 
shire,  Scotland,  a  near  kinswoman  of  Archibald  Duke  of  Argyle. 

Adam  Loftus,  Archbishop  of  Dublin  and  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ire- 
land, was  born  at  Levinhead,  in  Yorkshire,  in  1534.  He  was  the 
younger  of  the  two  sons  of  the  Rt.  Rev.  Edward  Loftus,  of  Levin- 
head,  temp.  Henry  VIII,  Robert  being  the  elder  and  the  ancestor  of 
Viscount  Loftus  of  Ely  (extinct  in  17  25).  The  eldest  son  of  Robert 
was  Adam  Loftus  of  Monasteraven,  Queen  County,  who  was  ap- 
pointed Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland  in  1619,  created  a  peer  in  1622. 

The  graceful  deportment  of  Archbishop  Adam  Loftus  at  the 
Cambridge  examination  attracted  the  attention  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 
and  after  his  ordination  in  1559  he  was  appointed  Chaplain  to  Dr. 
Craik,  Bishop  of  Kildare.  Loftus  was  advanced  rapidly  in  the 
church;  when  he  was  but  twenty-seven  he  was  created  and  conse- 
crated Archbishop  of  Armagh;  six  years  later  he  exchanged  Armagh 
for  Dublin.  With  him  a  general  system  of  education  was  a  favorite 
project;  by  his  influence  an  act  was  passed  in  1570  directing  that 
free  schools  should  be  established  in  the  principal  town  of  each 
diocese  at  the  cost  of  the  clergy.  He  was  appointed  Lord  Chanellor 
of  Ireland  in  157.3,  and  was  foremost  in  supporting  and  carrying 
out  Queen  Elizabeth's  foundation  of  the  Trinity  College,  of  which 
he  was  the  first  provost,  on  the  site  of  suppressed  Monastery  of  All 
Hallows.  He  expired  at  the  Palace  of  St.  Supulchres,  Dublin,  April 
5,  16  05,  and  was  buried  in  the  St.  Patrick's  Cathedral. 

Section  16.     List  of  places  bearing  name  found  on  map: 
State:      New   Jersey —     Woodsville. 

Virginia —  Woods  Cross  Roads. 

Woods  Lane. 
Woods  Gap. 

niston/  mid   (Iciu'dhxiu's  183 

West   Virginia — Woods. 
Indiana —  Woods. 

Illinois —  Woods. 

Kansas —  Woodsdale. 

North   Dakota — Woods. 
Wyoming —  Woods. 

Oregon — -  Woods. 



of  America. 

Article  1. — The  Woods  Family  are  of  Anglo-Scotch-Irisli  extraction. 
The  American  Family  sprang  from  one  John  Woods,  son  of  an 
English  Trcioper,  who  came  to  Ireland  and  was  in  the  army  of 
invasion  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  1649. 

The  said  John  Woods  was  born  in  1654  and  married  about  1681, 
to  Elizabeth  Worsop,  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Worsop  and  Elizabeth 
Parsons,  his  wife.  The  said  Elizabeth  Parsons  was  a  daughter  of 
Richard  Parsons  and  Letitia  Loftus,  his  wife.  The  said  Letitia  Lof- 
tus  was  a  daughter  of  Sir  Adam  Loftus  and  Jane  Vaughn,  his  wife. 
The  said  Sir  Adam  Loftus  was  a  son  of  Sir  Dudley  Loftus.  of  County 
Dublin,  Ireland,  and  his  wife,  Anne  Bagnall.  The  said  Sir  Dudley 
Loftus  was  a  son  of  Adam  Loftus  and  Jane  Purdon.  his  wife.  The 
S'aid  Adam  Loftus  was  a  son  of  the  Right  Rev.  Edward  Loftus,  of 

The  last  named  Adam  Loftus  was  born  in  Yorkshire,  England, 
in  1534,  and  by  the  promotion  of  Queen  Elizabeth  was  made,  when 
only  twenty-seven  years  old.  Archbishop  of  Armagh,  and  subse- 
quently Archbishop  of  Dublin  and  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland.  (See 
Chap.   1,  Art.   3,  Sec.   15.) 

Five  of  the  children  of  John  Woods  and  Elizabeth  Worsop,  his 
wife — four  brothers  and  one  widowed  sister  and  the  wives  of  such 
as  were  married,  and  the  children  who  had  then  been  born  to  them 
in  Ireland,  near  the  close  of  the  first  quarter  of  the  eighteenth  cen- 
tury emigrated  from  the  north  of  Ireland  to  America  and  settled  in 
the  Colony  of  Pennsylvania,  some  of  them  a  little  later  on  moving 
to  the  Colony  of  Virginia  and  locating  themselves  near  the  base  of 
the  Blue  Ridge,  as  shown  in  Chapter  3,  Part   II. 

These  five  children  of  John  W'oods  and  Elizabeth  W^orsop  are  the 
basis  of  the  Woods  and  Wallace  families  of  America  noticed  in 
this  book. 

The  Woodses  were  very  prolific,  hardy,  adventurous  and  re- 
sourceful, they  not  only  aided  in  the  settlement  and  development  of 
Virginia,  but  in  that  of  Kentucky  and  Missouri,  and  were  conspic- 
uous figures  and  took  action  in  the  great  Revolutionary  struggle 
for  American  independence — not  only  the  Woods  name,  but  the 
blood  coursing  in  the  veins  of  others  wearing  other  names,  in  no 
small  measure  increased  the  strength  of  the  Revolution. 

In  all  the  generations  from  long  before  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence, down   through   the  years  to   the  present  there  have  been 

184  llistunj  and  Genealogies 

patriots  among  them.  In  the  war  of  1812,  in  the  Indian  wars,  in 
the  Mexican  War,  in  the  Civil  War  that  resulted  in  the  freedom  of 
the  negro,  and  in  the  Spanish-American  War,  they  performed 
some  part. 

We  had  data  tracing  the  lineage  of  our  immediate  family  back 
to  John  Woods,  'son  of  the  English  Trooper  and  Elizabeth  Worsop, 
his  wife,  but  of  the  numerous  collateral  branches  forming  since  the 
immigration  to  America  down  to  the  present,  much  was  wanting, 
and  the  Woods-McAfee  Memorial,  by  Rev.  Neander  M.  Woods  has 
furnished  much  information  that  was  lacking  (made  use  of  by  his 
kind,  generous  and  unlimited  courtesy).  The  Rev.  Neander  M. 
W^oods  performed  well  a  very  hard  and  worthy  task,  for  which  he 
should  be  praised  by  the  descendants  of  the  Woods  and  Wallace 
emigrants  from  Ireland. 

As  the  Miller,  Woods,  Harris,  Wallace,  Maupin,  Kavanaugh,  Old- 
ham, and  Brown  families  are  connected  by  numerous  inter-mar- 
riages, it  is  attempted  in  the  coming  chapters  to  give  only  a  brief 
sketch  of  the  descendants  of  John  Woods  and  Elizabeth  Worsop; 
not  that  it  is  expected  at  all  to  improve  upon  the  work  of  the  Rev. 
Neander  M.  Woods,  for  nothing  of  the  kind  is  hoped  for,  as  he  has 
performed  well  his  part,  although  in  a  work  of  the  kind  there  will 
unavoidably  occur  some  errors,  but  only  this:  as  the  families  afore- 
named have  so  intermarried  as  in  a  sense  to  form  one  family,  an 
account  of  one  is  very  incomplete  without  the  other,  and  to  simply 
have  the  records  of  these  several  families  condensed  into  one  con- 
nected volume  for  the  benefit  and  pleasure  of  the  family  is  the  aim. 

Perfection  for  this  work  is  not  claimed;  it  is  only  hoped  that 
the  imperfections  shall  not  utterly  destroy  the  object  and  the  friends 
hereof  should  pardon  all  imperfections. 

In  spelling  the  name,  some  families  have  dropped  the  "s"  and 
spell  it  "Wood." 



Son    of   English    Trooper. 

Article  1. — -Tohii  Woods,  of  County  Meath,  Ireland,  was  born  there 
in  about  1654.  He  married  Elizabeth  Worsop,  in  about  1681. 
Elizabeth  AVorsop,  his  wife,  was  born  Nov.  15,  1656.  Of  the 
children  born  to  them  were  those  named  in  the  coming  sections. 

Section  1.  Elizabeth  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  in  Ireland  about 
168  2,  or  prior  thereto.  She  was  married  to  Peter  Wallace,  a  Scot- 
tish Highlander,  in  Ireland  about  1705.  Peter  Wallace  died  some 
time  in  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth  century,  and  his  widow  after 
his  death,  about  the  close  of  the  first  quarter  of  said  century,  with 
her  children,  accompanied  by  her  brothers,  Michael,  William,  James 
and  Andrew  Woods,  emigrated  from  the  north  of  Ireland  to  Amer- 
ica. She  first  stopped  in  Pennsylvania,  where  she  remained  some 
ten  or  fifteen  years;  then  moved  into  Virginia  and  settled  in  Rock- 
bridge   County    just    across    Blue    Ridge    from    where    her    brother 

J/isInn/   II ml    ( Iriiriihij/n-s  J  So 

Michael  and  two  of  her  sons  lived.  A  fuller  accounl  will  be  found 
in  Part  IV,  Chapter  1. 

Scftion  2.  Michael  Woods,  a  son,  born  in  1GS4,  in  the  north  of 
Ireland.  He  married  Mary  Campbell,  of  the  Scottish  Clan  Camp- 
bell, of  Art^ylshire,  Scottland,  about  1704  or  5.  Died  in  17G2. 
Further  notice  of  whom  will  be  had  in  Chapter  4,  Part   11. 

Section  :!.  James  Woods,  a  son,  born  in  Ireland;  immigrated 
wiih  his  widowed  sister,  Elizabeth  Wallace,  and  brothci'S,  .Michael, 
William  and  Andrew  \Voods,  from  there  to  America.  For  further 
particulars  of  him  see  Woods-McAfee  Memorial  by  Rev.  Neander 
M.  Woods. 

Section  4.  William  Woods,  a  son,  born  in  Ireland  and  came 
along  with  his  widowed  sister,  Elizabeth  Wallace,  and  brothers, 
Michael,  James  and  Andrew  Woods,  to  America.  For  further  par- 
ticulars see  Woods-McAfee  Memorial  by  Rev.  Neander  M.  Woods. 

Section  .5.  Andrew  Woods,  a  son,  born  in  Ireland,  and  came 
with  his  widowed  sister,  Elizabeth  Wallace,  and  brothers,  Michael, 
James  and  William  Woods,  to  America.  For  further  particulars 
see  Woods-McAfee  Memorial  by  Rev.  Neander  M.  Woods. 

CHAPTEl?  4. 

From   Ireland   to  Albermarle   County,   Virginia,   later   called   Michael 

Woods,  of  Blair  Park. 

(Named  in  Chapter  3,  Section  2.) 

Article  1. — Michael  Woods,  son  of  Joliii  Woods,  and  Elizabeth 
Wor^cp,  his  wife,  after  his  death  known  as  IMichael  Woods,  of 
Blair  I'ark,  was  born  in  the  North  of  lr<>land,  in  abont  IGT.l  to 

In  about  the  year  1704  or  5,  he  married  Mary  Campbell,  of  the 
Scottish  Clan,  Campbell  of  Argylshire,  Scotland.  He  died  in  1762. 
His  wife  died  probably  about  17  42.  His  will  bears  the  date  Nov. 
24,  1761,  probated  in  the  Albermarle,  (Va.)  County  Court,  at  the 
June  Term  17  62. 

Near  the  close  of  the  first  quarter  of  the  Eighteenth  century,  he 
with  his  wife  and  children,  and  his  widowed  sister  Elizabeth  W'all- 
ace,  and  her  children  and  his  brothers,  James,  William  and  Andrew 
Woods,  emigrated  to  America.  Their  first  stop  was  probably  in 
Pennsylvania,  where  he  remanied  a  while  and  then  moved  with  his 
family  into  Virginia,  and  settled  at  the  Eastern  base  of  the  Blue 
Ridge,  in  what  was  then  Goochland,  now  Albermarle  County,  just 
at  the  Gap  in  the  mountain  called  "Woods  Gap"  and  in  after  years 
"Jarman's  Gap." 

Michael  Woods,  senior,  and  his  son-in-law,  William  Wallace,  in 
17  37,  secured  grants  for  more  than  13  00  acres  of  land  on  Licking- 
hole,  Mechum's  River  and  Beaver  Creek,  embracing  the  present 
Mechum's  depot,  and  Blair  Park,  (the  old  Woods  homestead,)  and 
at  the  same  time  Michael  Woods,  senior,  purchased  the  2000  acre 
patent    of    Charles    Hudson    on    Ivy    Creek.       The    first    Presbyterian 

18(i  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

Church,  was  Mountain  Plains,  bulit  near  the  confluence  of  Licking- 
hole  Creek,  and  Medium's  River,  and  named  for  and  after  Michael 
Woods  'plantation',  and  same  still  exists,  having  been  converted  in 
some  way  into  a  Baptist  Church. 

When  these  people  came  to  America  they  landed  on  the  banks 
of  the  Delaware,  spent  some  years  in  Lancaster  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  thence  ascended  the  valley  of  Virginia  and  crossed  the 
Biue  Ridge  by  Woods  Gap,  in  1734,  and  Michael  Woods  was,  it  is 
believed  tihe  first  settler  in  Western  Albermarle,  and  perhaps  any 
where,  along  the  East  foot  of  the  Blue  Ridge  in  Virginia.  His  home 
was  near  the  mouth  of  Woods  Gap,  for  a  long  while  has  been  known 
as  Blair  Park,  but  originalfy  known  as  Mountain  Plains.  There 
he  spent  the  rest  of  his  life,  which  ended  in  1762,  his  remains  were 
buried  about  100  yards  from  his  dwelling.  He  is  remembered  now 
as  Michael  Woods  of  Blair  Creek.  He  and  his  sons,  and  sons-in-law 
had  as  friends  and  neigbors,  such  noted  persons  as  Colonel  Peter 
Jefferson,  surveyor  and  County  or  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Albermarle 
County,  his  son,  the  statesman,  Thomas  Jefferson,  author  of  the 
Declaration  of  Independence,  and  third  President  of  the  United 
States,  Randolph  Jefferson,  General  Lewis,  James  Munroe,  fifth 
President  of  the  United  States,  who  bore  witness  to  many  legal 
documents  for  Michael  Woods. 

A  land  grant  the  4th,  June  1737,  to  Michael  Woods  is  in  these 
words  and  figures:  "George  the  second,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  of 
Great  Britain,  France  and  Ireland,  King  Defender  of  the  Faith,  to 
all  whom  these  presents  shall  come,  greeting:  Know  ye,  that  for 
divers  good  causes,  and  considerations,  but,  more  especially  for  and 
in  consideration  of  the  sum  of  five  shillings  of  good  and  lawful 
money  for  our  use  paid  to  our  Receiver  General,  of  our  Revenues 
in  this  our  Colony  and  Dominion  of  Virginia  we  have  given  granted 
and  confirmed,  and  by  these  presents  for  us  our  heirs  and  success- 
ors, do  give,  grant  and  comflrm  unto  Michael  Woods,  one  certain 
grant,  or  patent  of  land  containing  four  hundred  acres,  lying  and 
being  in  the  County  of  Goochland,  on  both  sides  of  Lickinghole 
Creek,  a  branch  of  Medium's  River,  and  bounded  as  followeth  to 
wit:  Beginning  at  a  black  oak  and  running  thence  south  eighty 
six  degrees,  east  three  hundred  and  twenty  five  poles,  crossing  the 
creek,  to  Point^^rs,  south  nine  degrees,  east  two  hundred  and  fifty 
five  poles,  crossing  Lickinghole  Creek,  lO  Pointers  north  sixty  eight 
degrees,  west  three  hundred  and  ninety  six  poles,  to  a  pine  sapling, 
and  north  nine  degrees,  west  one  hundred  and  thirty  five  poles,  to 
the  first  station,  with  all  woods,  under  woods,  swamps,  marshes,  low 
grounds  meadows,  floodings  and  his  due  share  of  all  veins,  mines 
and  quarries  as  well  discovered,  as  not  discovered,  within  the  bounds 
aforesaid,  and  being  part  of  the  said  quantity  of  four  hundred 
acres  of  land  and  the  rivers,  waters  and  water  coui'3es  therein  con- 
tained, together  with  the  privileges  of  hunting,  hawking,  fishing, 
fowling  and  all  other  profits,  commodities  and  hereditaments  what- 
soever, to  the  same,  or  any  pwt  thereof  belonging,  or  in  any  wise 
appertaining  to  have  and  hold,  possess  and  enjoy  the  said  grant  or 
parcel  of  land,  and  all  other  the  before  granted  premises,  and  every 
part  thereof,  with  their  and  every  of  their  appurtenances  unto  the 
said  Michael  Woods,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever.  To  the  only 
use  and  benefit  of  him  the  said  Michael  Woods,  his  heirs  and  assigns 
forever.  To  be  held  of  us,  our  heirs  and  successors,  of  our  Mannor 
of  Bast  Greenwich  in  the  County  of  Kent,  in  free  and  common  soccage 
and  not  in  capite,  or  by  Knights  service  yielding  and  paying  unto  us. 

//ishiri/   mid    di'iiciilui/it's  187 

our  heirs  and  successors  for  every  fifty  acres  of  land,  and  so  pro- 
portionably  for  a  lesser  or  greater  quantity  than  fifty  acres  the  fee 
rent  of  one  shilling  yearly  to  be  paid  ui)on  the  feast  of  Saint  Michael, 
the  Arch-Angel,  and  also  cultivating  and  inii)roving  three  acres  part 
of  every  fifty  acres  the  grant  above  mentioned  within  three  years 
after  the  date  of  these  presents.  Provided  always  that  if  three  years 
of  the  said  fee  rent  shall  at  any  time  be  in  arrears  and  unpaid,  or  if 
the  said  Michael  Woods  his  heirs  or  assigns  do  not  within  the  space 
of  three  years  next  coming  after  the  date  of  these  presents (  culti- 
vate and  improve  three  acres  part  of  every  fifty  of  the  grant,  above 
mentioned  then  the  estate  hereby  granted  shall  cease  and  be  utterly 
determined  and  thereafter  it  shall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  us, 
our  heirs  and  successors  to  grant  the  same  lands  and  i)remises  with 
the  appurtances  unto  such  other  person  or  persons  as  we,  our  Heirs 
and  Successors  shall  think  fit. 

In  witness  whereof,  we  have  caused  these  our  Letters  Patent  to 
be  made;  witness  our  trusty  and  beloved  Wm.  Gooch,  Esquire,  our 
Lieutenant  Governor  and  Commander  in  chief  of  our  said  colony, 
and  dominion  at  Williamsburg,  under  the  seal  of  our  said  colony  the 
4th  day  of  June,  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  thirty  seven,  in 
the  fourth  vear  of  our  reign. 

(Signed)      WILLIAM  GOOCH." 

The  children   of  Michael  Woods,  and  Mary  Campbell,   his  wife: 

Section  1.  Magdalene  Woods,  born  1706  died  1810,  married 
John  MacDowell,  who  was  killed  in  1743  in  battle  with  the  Shaw- 
anee  Indians,  at  Balcony  Falls,  where  the  North  comes  into  the 
James  River.  She  married  the  second  time  Benjamin  Borden.  Jr. 
whom  she  survived,  and  married  the  third  time  Colonel  John 
Bowyer.      The  subject  of  Chapter  5. 

Section  2.  William  Woods,  born  at  Castle  Dunshanglin,  Ireland, 
in  1705.  He  took  an  active  part  in  the  Colonial  wars,  holding  the 
rank  of  Colonel.  He  married  Susannah  Wallace,  a  daughter  of  Peter 
Wallace,  Sr.  and  Elizabeth  Woods  his  wife.  (See  Part  Tv.  Chap.  Vii. 
Sec.  11.)     The  subject  also,  of  Chapter  Vi. 

Section  3.  Michael  Woods  Jr.,  1708-1777.  He  married  Anne 
.     The  subject  of  Chapter  XIII. 

Section  4.  Hannah  Woods,  1710 — ,  married  Wm.  Wallace,  a  son 
of  Peter  Wallace,  Sr.  and  Elizabeth  Woods,  his  wife.  (See  Part  Iv. 
Chap.  11,  Sec.  1,  and  Chap.  III.) 

Section  5.  Colonel  John  Woods,  born  in  Ireland,  Feb.  19,  1712, 
old  style,  married  Susannah  Anderson,  a  daughter  of  Rev.  James 
Anderson,  of  Pennsylvania,  in  about  1742.  He  died  Oct.  14,  1791. 
The  subject  of  Chapter  Xix. 

Section  6.  Margaret  Woods,  1714 — ,  married  Andrew  Wallace,  a 
son  of  Peter  Wallace  Sr.,  and  Elizabeth  Woods  his  wife.  (See  Part 
Iv.  Chap.   11,  Sec.  Iv.  and  Chap.  Vi. 

Section  7.  Richard  Woods,  171.5-1779,  married  Jennie  .    The 

subject  of  Chapter  3  3. 

Section  8.     Archibald  Woods,  1716-1783,  married  Isabella ■ 

and  raised  a  large  family  in  Virginia.     Fuller  account  in  Chap.  IV. 

Section  9.-  Martha  Woods,  1720-1790,  married  Peter  Wallace 
Jr.,  son  of  Peter  Wallace  Sr.,  and  Elizabeth  Woods,  his  wife.  (See 
Part   Iv.   Chap.   XV.) 

Section  10. i-'  Andrew  Woods,  1722-1781,  married  Martha  Poage. 
Fuller   account   in    Chapter   XXXVii. 

Section  11.*  Sarah  Woods,  1724-1792.  married  Joseph  Laps- 
ley.     Fuller  account  in  Chapter  XXXXVi. 

1S(S  Histonj  and  Gnicalogies 


(Named  in  Chap.  4,  Sec.   1.) 

Article  1. — Magdalene  Woods,  a  daughter  of  ^lichael  Woods,  Senior, 
of  Blair  Park,  and  :Mary  Campbell,  his  wife,  was  bom  in  1706, 
and  died  in   1810. 

She  married  first  Captain  John  McDowell,  who  fell  in  battle  with 
the  Shawanee  Indians  at  Balcony  Falls,  where  North  River  comes 
into  the  James,  in  1743,  she  married  secondly,  Benjamin  Borden  Jr., 
whom  she  survived,  and  married  the  third  time  Colonel  John  Bowyer. 

From  Waddell's  annals  of  Auguta  County,  Virginia,  page  37: 
"On  the  28th  of  Feb.  1739,  John  McDowell,  who  settled  in  Borden's 
Grant,  made  oath  at  Orange  Court  'that  he  imported  himself,  Magda- 
line,  his  wife,  and  Samuel  McDowell,  his  son,  and  John  Rutter,  his 
servant,  at  his  own  charge  from  Great  Britian  in  the  year  1737,  to 
dwell  in  this  colony,  and  that  this  is  the  first  time  of  proving  their 
rights  in   order  to  obtain  land   pursuant   to  the  royal   instructions." 

Waddell  further  says,  "Captain  John  McDowell,  was  a  prominent 
Captain  of  a  military  force  of  Auguta  County,  in  1742.  Ephraim 
McDowell,  then  an  old  man,  was  a  member  of  his  son  John's  com- 
pany.    All  grown  men  were  enrolled  without  respect  to  age. 

"Capt.  John  McDowell  did  not  long  enjoy  the  honor  and  perform 
the  duties  of  his  office.  He  and  seven  of  his  men  were  killed  in  a 
fight  with  Indians  on  Dec.  14,  1742,  on  North  River  near  Balcony 
Falls,  within  the  present  County  of  Rock  bridge.  A  letter  from 
Judge  Samuel  McDowell,  son  of  Capt.  McDowell,  written  to  Colonel 
Arthur  Campbell  in  180S,  gives  a  somewhat  detailed  account  of 
this  first  conflict  of  whites  with  Indians.  Judge  McDowell  states 
that  about  the  first  of  Dec.  1742,  a  party  of  thirty  three  Delaware 
Indians  came  into  the  settlement  in  Borden's  Grant,  saying  they 
were  on  their  way  to  assail  the  Catawba  tribe,  with  which  they 
were  at  war.  They  professed  friendship  for  the  whites,  and  were 
entertained  for  a  day  by  Captain  McDowell,  who  treated  them 
with  whiskey." 

"From  McDowell's  they  went  down  the  south  branch  of  North 
River  and  encamped  seven  or  eight  days.  They  hunted,  went  to  the 
homes  of  white  people,  scaring  women  and  children,  taking  what 
they  wanted,  and  shot  horses  running  at  large.  Complaint  being 
made  to  Colonel  Patton,  the  County  Lieutenant,  he  ordered  Captain 
McDowell  to  call  out  his  company  and  conduct  the  Indians  beyond 
the  white  settlement.  The  company  consisted  of  thirty  three  or 
four  men,  and  embraced  all  the  settlers  in  what  is  now  Rockbridge 
County.  In  the  mean  while  the  Indians  moved  their  camp  further 
south.  The  company  of  white  men  thirty  three  in  number  overtook 
the  Indians  ^and  accompanied  them  beyond  Peter  Sailings,  then  the 
furthest  white  settlement.  About  one-half  of  the  company  were 
horseback,  and  the  remainder  on  foot.  One  of  the  Indians  was 
lame,  and  fell  behind,  all  the  whites  passing  him  except  one.  The 
lame  Indian  left  the  path  and  went  into  the  woods,  and  the  white 
man  who  was  in  the  rear  fired  his  gun  at  him.  Immediately  the 
Indians  raised  the  war-whoop  and  the  fight  began.      As  stated,   the 

llklonj  (tml  (li'iK'dloyics-  IM) 

Captain  and  seven  of  his  men  were  killed.  For  a  time  the  result 
was  doubtful,  but  finally  the  Indians  gave  way,  leaving  seventeen 
of  their  men  dead  on  the  ground.  The  survivors  took  to  the  Blue 
Ridge,  and  pursued  it  till  they  reached  the  Potomac  River.  Several 
who  were  wounded  died  on  the  way  and  it  was  learned  that  only 
ten  of  them  reached  their  home  in  Pennsylvania.  The  people  of 
the  settlement  gathered  on  the  field  of  slaughter  and  says  Foote 
"took  the  men  (eight)  bloody  corpses,  on  horse  back  and  laid  them 
side  by  side  near  McDowell's  dwelling  while  they  prepared  their 
graves  in  overwhelming  sorrow." 

"John  McDowell's  .grave  may  still  be  found  in   the  family  bury- 
ing ground  near  Timber  Ridge  Church,  marked  by  a  rough  stone." 

Children   of   the   first   marriage   of  Magdalene  Woods   to   Colonel 
John   McDowell: 

Section    1.   Judge    Samuel    McDowell,     (See    Chap.    1,    Sec.    Vi.) 
married  Mary  McClung.     Their  children: 

1.  John  McDowell;  born  in  Virginia  in  17.57:  was  a  Revolution- 
ary soldier,  and  married  his  first  cousin,  Sarah  McDowell  (See 
Sec.  2):  she  died  leaving  issue,  and  he  married  the  second  time 
Lucy  Le  Grande,  and  moved  to  Fayette  County,  Kentucky,  in  1784. 
He  was  a  Major  in  the  war  of  1812.  Children  by  first  wife: 

1.  James  McDowell;   married  Susan  Shelby. 

2.  John  McDowell;   married  Sarah  McAlpin. 

3.  Samuel  McDowell;    married  Betsy  Chrisman. 

4.  Betsy  McDowell;    married  William   McPheeters. 

5.  Mary  McDowell;   married  Major  Thomas  Hart  Shelby. 
Chldren   by   his   second   wife: 

6.  Joseph  Xash  McDowell;  married  Miss  Drake. 

7.  Charles  McDowell;   married  Miss  Redd. 

8.  Betsy    McDowell;    married   Henderson    Bell. 

9.  Sallie    McDowell;    married    James    Allen. 

10.  Lucy    McDowell;    married    David    M.    Woodson. 

^2.  James  McDowell,  born  in  Rockbridge  County,  Virginia  in 
1760,  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier.  He  married  Mary  Paxton 
Lyle,  daughter  of  John  Lyle.  In  1784,  he  moved  to  Fayette 
County,  Ky.  He  was  commissioned  by  Governor  Shelby,  Major 
in  the  war  of  1812,  and  at  the  close  of  the  war  held  the  rank 
of  Colonel.     Their  children; 

1.  Isabella  McDowell;    married  Dr.  John  Poage  Campbell. 

2.  Salie  McDowell;   married  Oliver  Keene,  of  Fayette  County, 

Ky.     He  was  a  son  of  Francis  Keene  and  Mary ,  his  wife; 

of  their  children  were: 

1.  Sallie  McDowell  Keene;  married  Churchill  Blackburn. 

2.  Mary  Keene;   married  George  Boswell. 

3.  Pauline    Keene;    married    Judge    Hickey. 

4.  James  McDowell; Keene. 

5.  Christopher   Greenup   Keene. 

6.  Oliver    McDowell    Keene;    married    Sallie    Clay,    grand- 
daughter  of  General    Green   Clay.      Their   children: 

1.  Mary    Keene;    married    James    T.    Shackelford.     (See 
Part  I,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  2.) 

2.  Sidney   Clay  Keene. 

3.  Samuel  McDowell,  was  a  Sergeant  in  Captain  Trotters 
company  in  the  war  of  1812.  He  married  Polly  Chrisman  of 
Jessamine  County,  Ky. 

190  History  and  Genealogies 

4.  Juliet  MacDowell;  married  Doctor  Dorsey,  of  Fleming 
County,  Ky. 

5.  Hettie   MacDowell;    married  John  Andrews. 

6.  Captain  John  Lyle  McDowell,  was  a  Captain  in  the  war  of 
1812.  He  married  Nancy  Vance  Scott.  He  died  in  Frankfort, 
Ky.,  in  1878. 

3.  Judge  William  MacDowell,  was  born  in  Rockbridge  County, 
Va.,  March  9,  1762.  He  was  of  the  Virginia  Militia  for  a  time 
during  the  Revolutionary  War,  though  very  young.  He  was  an 
able  lawyer.  He  came  to  Kentucky  in  1784,  and  settled  near 
Danville.  In  17  87  he  represented  Mercer  County  in  the  Virginia 
Legislature.  Under  President  Madison  he  was  made  District 
Judge  of  Kentucky.  He  died  at  Bowling  Green,  Ky.,  full  of  honors. 
He  married  Margaret  Madison,  a  daughter  of  John  Madison,  an 
uncle  of  the  President.     Their  children: 

1.  Samuel  I.  McDowell;  married  Nancy  Rochester,  and  left 

2.  Lucinda  McDowell;   married  Dennis  Brashear. 

3.  Mary  McDowell,  was  the  first  wife  of  Major  George  C. 
Thompson,   of  Mercer   County,   Ky. 

4.  William   McDowell;    married   Miss   Carthrae. 

5.  Agatha  McDowell;  married  James  G.  Birney  (179  2-1857), 
a  Kentucky  lawyer  of  Mercer  County,  also  a  politican  a  grad- 
uate of  Princeton.  He  was  an  enthusiastic  advocate  of  the 
abolition  of  slavery,  and  Editor  of  the  Philanthropist  and 
secretary  of  the  National  Anti-Slavery  Society,  and  in  1840  and 
1844,  was  the  candidate  of  the  Abolition  or  Liberty  Party 
for  President  of  the  United  States.  (Die.  Am.  His.  Jameson.) 
On  May  9,  1810,  John  Patrick  and  wife,  Elizabeth  of  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  executed  a  deed  of  trust  to  William  McDowell,  and 
James  Birney  of  Mercer  County,  Ky.  and  James  Hagarty  of 
Richmond,  Va.,  to  200  acres  of  land  near  Richmond,  Ky.,  which 
was  released  May  13,  1815. 

6.  Eliza  McDowell;  married  Nathaniel  Rochester,  of  Bow- 
ling Green,  Ky. 

4.  Samuel  McDowell  was  born  in  Rockbridge  County,  Virginia, 
March  8,  1764.  He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier  and  was  in  the 
closing  campaign  at  Yorktown.  In  17  84  he  moved  to  Kentucky 
and  settled  in  Mercer  County.  He  served  in  various  expeditions 
against  the  Indians  after  coming  to  Kentucky.  He  was  appointed 
by  General  Washington  first  U.  S.  Marshal  for  Kentucky,  in 
1792,  which  office  he  continued  to  hold  under  Presidents  Wash- 
ington, Adams  and  Jefferson.  He  married  his  kins  woman,  Anna 
Irvine.     Their  children: 

1.  John  Adair  McDowell;  born  March  2  6,  1789,  married  Lucy 
Todd   Starling. 

2.  Abram  Irvine  McDowell;  born  April  24,  179  3;  married 
Eliza  Seldon  Lord. 

3.  William  Adair  McDowell;  born  March  21,  179  5,  married 
Marriah  Hawkins  Harvey,  a  kinswoman,  of  Fincastle  Virginia. 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  war  of  1812.     Their  children: 

1.  Sarah    Shelby    McDowell;    married    Bland    Ballard,    the 
noted  Louisville  lawyer. 

2.  Harry  Clay  McDowell;  married  Annette  Clay. 

3.  William  Preston  McDowell;    married  Kate  Wright. 

4.  Edward    Irvine    McDowell,    Captain    15th    Ky.    Federal 
fell  in  battle  in  the  late  Civil  War. 

liislurti  ami   Ucnealuijivs  \\)\ 

4.  Unknown. 

5.  Joseph  McDowell;    married  Anne  Bush. 

6.  Alexander  Keith  McDonald;  niai-ried,  first,  Priseilla  Mac- 
Afee,  a  daughter  of  General  Robert  B.  MacAfee,  and  secondly, 
Anna  Haupt. 

7.  Mary   McDowell;    married   William   Starling. 

8.  Sallie  McDowell;    married  Jeremiah  Minter. 

5.  Joseph  McDowell,  born  Sept.  13,  1768.  He  came  to  Kentuc- 
ky at  sixteen  years  of  age.  He  took  part  In  the  Indian  campaigns. 
He  was  in  Brown's  company,  with  Scotts  expedition  In  1791,  and 
In  both  expeditions  of  General  Hopkins  in  1812.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  Governor  Shelby's  staff  and  was  with  him  at  the  battle  of 
the  Thames  in  1S1:3.  He  died  June  27,  1856.  He  married  Sarah 
Irvine.      Their    children: 

1.  Samuel  McDowell;  married  first,  Amanda  Ball,  and  sec- 
ondly, Martha  Hawkins,  June  26,  1828;  the  second  marriage 
occurred  in  Madison  County,  Ky. 

2.  Anna   McDowell;    married  Abraham  I.   Caldwell. 

3.  Sarah  McDowell;  married  Michael  Sullivant  of  Columbus. 

4.  Margaret  Irvine  McDowell;  married  Joseph  Sullivant  of 
Columbus.  Ohio. 

5.  Magdallne  McDowell;  married  Caleb  Wallace,  of  Danville, 

6.  Dr.  Ephraim  McDowell,  the  famous  surgeon,  was  born 
in  what  is  now  Rockbridge  County,  Virginia,  Nov.  11,  17  71.  In 
1784,  when  thirteen  years  old,  he  came  with  his  parents  to  Ken- 
tucky and  settled  In  Danville.  He  spent  two  years,  1793-4,  at 
Edinburg,  studying  medicine.  He  was  the  first  to  successfully 
perform  In  surgery  the  removal  of  Ovarian  Tumor.  He  married 
Sarah  Shelby,  daughter  of  Governor  Isaac  Shelbv  in  18  02. 
Their  Children: 

1.  Caleb  Wallace  McDowell;  marled  Miss  Hall.  He  died  in 

2.  Mary  McDowell;    married  Mr.  Young. 

3.  Miss  Adaline  McDowell;  married  Mr.  Deatrlck,  of  Wash- 
ington County,  Tennessee. 

4.  Susan  Hart  McDowell;  married  Colonel  David  Irvine  of 
Madison  County,  Ky.  son  of  Colonel  William  Irvine,  a  pion- 
eer of  Madison  County,  Ky.  William  Irvine  was  the  first 
clerk  of  the  Madison  County  and  Circuit  Courts,  and  Court  of 
Quarter  sessions,  holding  said  offices  until  his  resignation  just 
a  while  before  his  death.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son  David 
Irvine,  who  held  same  a  long  while. 

The  Irvine  family  is  one  of  the  most  prominent  families  of 
Kentucky.  Children  of  David  Irvine  and  Susan  Hart  McDowell, 
his  wife: 

1.  Sarah  J.   Irvine;    married  Colonel  Addison  White,  Sopt. 
4,  1841,  a  native  of  Virginia.     Issue; 

1.  Newton  K.  White. 

2.  Shelby  Irvine  White. 

3.  A  daughter  Mrs.  Patton,  the  mother  of  Sue  Palton 
married  Richard  White  Miller.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14, 
Sec.   2.) 

Col.  Addison  White  was  at  one  time  U.  S.  Congressman. 

2.  Elizabeth    S.    Irvine;    married    her    cousin,    William    M. 
Irvine,  Nov.   3,   1846.     (See  Part  HI,  Chap.   7,  Sec.   3.) 

192  History  and  Genealogies 

3.  Isaac  Shelby  Irvine;  married  Bettie  Hood.  Colonel 
Irvine  was  an  elegant,  substantial  gentleman,  and  had  an 
elegant  residence  on  West  Main  street  in  Richmond.  He  died 
at  Carthage,  Tenn.,  Nov.   24,   1906.      His  wife  preceded  him. 

4.  David  W.  Irvine;    a  bachelor. 

5.  Miss  McDowell;  married  Maj.  Anderson,  of  Boyle  County, 
Ky.  and  moved  to  Missouri. 

7.  Caleb  Wallace  McDowell,  born  April  17,  1774.  He  married 
his  cousin,  Elizabeth  McDowell,  daughter  of  Col.  John  McDowell, 
of  North  Carolina,  and  Margaret  Moffett,  his  wife.  Had  onlv  one 

1.  Miss  McDowell;  married  Joseph  Chrisman,  Jr.,  of  Jess- 
amine County,  Ky. 

8.  Sarah  xMcDowell;   twin  to  9. 

9.  Magdaline  McDowell;    twin  to  8. 

(8)  Sarah  married  Caleb  Wallace,  who  became  one  of  the  three 
first  Justices  of  the  Kentucky  Court  of  Appeals,  being  his  first 
wife;   she  had  no  children. 

(9)  Magdaline  married  Andrew  Reid,  March  4,  1776,  and 
remained   in  Virginia. 

10.  Martha  McDowell,  born  June  20,  1766.  She  married  Col- 
onel Abraham  Buford.  He  was  at  the  battle  of  Point  Pleasant,  in 
Oct.  1774,  and  Lieutenant  of  milita  in  Buford  County  and  Lieu- 
tenant Colonel  in  the  Revolutionary  Army.      Their  children: 

1.  Charles  S.  Buford;  married  first.  Miss  Adair,  daughter  of 
Governor  John  Adair,  and  secondly,  Lucy  Duke,  daughter  of 
Dr.  Bazil  Duke,  and  Charlotte  Marshall,  his  wife. 

2.  William  S.  Buford;  married  Miss  Robertson,  daughter  of 
Hon.    George    Robertson. 

3.  Mary  Buford;   married  James  K.  Duke. 

11.  Mary  McDowell,  born  in  Rockbridge  County,  Virginia,  Jan. 
11,  1772.  In  1784,  she  came  with  her  parents  to  Ken- 
tucky. In  Oct.  177  4,  she  married  Alexander  Keith  Marshall,  son 
of  Colonel  Thomas  Marshall,  of  Revolutionary  fame,  and  nephew 
of  Chief  Justice  Marshall.     Their  children: 

1.  Charles  Thomas  Marshall,  born  July  14,  18  00,  married 
Jane  Duke. 

2.  James  K.  Marshall;  married  Catherine  Calloway  Hickman. 

3.  Mariah   Marshall;    married   James  Alexander   Paxton. 

4.  Lucy  Marshall;  married  her  cousin  John  Marshall  son  of 
Captain   Thomas    Marshall. 

.5.  Jane  Marshall;  married  William  Starling  Sullivant,  of 
Columbus,  Ohio. 

Section    2.      James    McDowell;    married   Elizabeth    Cloyd.      Their 

1.  Sarah  McDowell;  married  her  cousin,  Major  John  McDowell, 
son  of  Judge  Samuel  McDowell.   (See  Sec.  1-1.) 

2.  Elizabeth  McDowell;  married  David  McGavack,  and  they 
moved  to  Nashville,  Tennessee. 

3.  James  McDowell,  Colonel  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  he  won 
honor  and  fame.  He  married  Sarah  Preston,  daughter  of  Colonel 
William  Preston,  who  was  surveyor  of  Fincastle  County,  and  had 
as  assistants  John  Floyd,  John  Todd,  —  Douglas,  Hancock  Taylor, 
Hancock  Lee  and  others,  and  who  surveyed  vast  tracts  of  land 
in   Kentucky  from   1773   to   1785.      Their  children: 

Itislunj  and   (icnealoyies  193 

1.  Susan    McDowell;    married    Colonel    William    Taylor. 

2.  Elizabeth  McDowell;  married  Hon.  Thomas  H.  Benton, 
the  great  Missouri  Statesman,  and  who  was  in  the  U.  S.  senate 
a  long  time.     Their  children: 

1.  Miss  Benton;  married  General  John  C.  Fremont. 

2.  Miss  Benton;   married  Colonel  Richard  T.  Jacob  of  Ky. 

0.  James  McDowell,  was  a  member  of  the  U.  S.  House  of 
Represenatives,  and  afterwards  of  the  U.  S.  Senate,  and  then 
Chief  Executive  of  Virginia.  He  was  an  eloquent  orator.  He 
married  his  first  cousin  Miss  Preston,  daughter  of  General 
Francis  Preston,  and  Miss  Campbell,  his  wife,  daughter  of  Col. 
onel  William  Campbell,  who  commanded  in  the  battle  of  King's 

Section    3.      Sarah    McDowell,    married    Colonel    George    Moffett. 
Their  children: 

1.  Margaret   Moffett;    married   her   cousin,    Colonel   Joseph   Mc- 

2.  Mary  Moffett;    married  her  cousin.  Major  Joseph  McDowell, 
son  of  Hunting  John  McDowell.     Their  children: 

1.  Colonel  James  Moffett  McDowell,  of  Yancey  County. 

2.  John  Moffett  McDowell,  of  Rutherford  County. 

3.  Miss  McDowell;  married  her  cousin,  Captain  Charles  Mc- 
Dowell, of  Burke  County. 

4.  Miss  McDowell;  married  her  cousin  Caleb  McDowell,  son 
of  Samuel  McDowell  and  Mary  Clung,  his  wife. 

Mary  Moffett  McDowell  after  the  death  of  her  husband.  Major 
Joseph  McDowell  married  again,  Captain  John  Carson,  the  noted 
Indian  fighter,  by  whom  she  had  a  number  of  children,  among 
them : 

5.  Hon.  Samuel  P.  Carson,  of  Burke  County,  North  Carolina. 

3.  Magdaline  Moffett;   married  James  Cochran. 

4.  Martha  Moffett;  married  Saptain  Robert  Kirk,  of  U.  S.  army. 

5.  Elizabeth    Moffett;    married    James    Miller,    owner    of    large 
Iron  works,  in  Virginia. 

6.  George  Moffett:    married  Miss  Gilkeson.    They  moved  to  Ky. 

7.  James   Moffett  Jr;    married   Hannah   Miller,   sister   to  James 
Miller,   husband   of  her   sister  Elizabeth. 

Children   of  Magdaline  Woods,  and  her  second  husband,   Benja- 
min Borden,  Jr: 

Section   4.      Martha  Borden;    married   Benjamin   Hawkins.   Their 

1.  Miss   Hawkins;    married   John   Todd,   who   fell   in   the   battle 
of  the  Blue  Licks,  in  Kentucky. 

2.  Magdaline  Hawkins:   married  Matthew  Harvey.  One  child. 

1.   Mariah   Hawkins   Harvey;    married   William  A.    McDowell. 
After  the  death  of  Benjamin  Hawkins,  his  widow  Martha  Borden 
Hawkins,  married  Robert  Harvey,  an  older  brother  of  her  daughter's 
husband,  Matthew  Harvey. 

Section  5.   Hannah  Borden,  died  young. 

It  is  unknown  whether  Magdaline  Woods,  McDowell,  

Borden,  Bowyer,  and  her  third  husband.  Colonel  John  Bowyer,. 

had  any  children  or  not.     Benjamin  Borden  claimed  under  two  pat- 
ents, one  for  .500,000  acres  of  land  in  what  is  known  as  the  Borden 
Grant,    and    the    other    for    100,000    acres    among    the    forks   of   the 
James  River. 

1*14  Histonj  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in  Chap.  4,  Sec.  11.) 

Article  1. — William  Woods,  a  son  of  Michael  Woods,  senior,  of  Blair 
Park  and  Mary  C^anipbell  his  wife,  was  born  at  Castle  Dunshang- 
lin,  Ireland,  in  1705. 

He  emigrated  to  America  with  his  father.  He  was  a  Lieutenant 
in  the  frontier  Indian  wars,  in  175  8,  from  Albermarle  County,  Va. 
and  was  active  in  the  Colonial  wars,  holding  the  rank  of  Colonel. 

His  home  was  in  Fincastle  County,  Va.,  where  he  died  ,  leaving 

his  last  will  and  testament,  bearing  date  .  At  that  time  Fin- 
castle County,  embraced  a  very  large  territory.  He  married  Susan- 
nah Wallace,  a  daughter  of  Peter  Wallace,  Sr.  (who  died  in  Ireland) 
and  Elizabeth  Woods,  his  wife  (who  when  a  widow  emigrated  to 
America,  and  died  in  Rockbridge  County,  Va. )    (See  Part  Iv.  Chap.  1.) 

The  children  of  William  Woods,  and  Susannah  Wallace,  his 

Section  1.  Adam  Woods:  married  Anna  Kavanaugh,  according 
to  some  biographers.  See  Chapter  7  for  further  account,  and  Part 
Vii,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  V. 

Section  2.  Michael  Woods,  born  perhaps  about  1746.  He  mar- 
ried Hannah  Wallace,  a  daughter  of  Andrew  Wallace,  and  Margaret 
Woods,  his  wife.  See  Part  IV,  Chap.  3,  Sec.  6.)  In  about  the 
year  1780,  he  emigrated  with  his  family  to  Kentucky,  and  first 
stopped  at  Crab  Orchard  Station,  where  he  was  living  in  1781-2,  when 
the  incident  or  adventure  occured  at  his  house  as  narrated  in  Col- 
lins History  of  Kentucky,  (See  Item  4,  of  Chap.  1)  and  also  des- 
cribed by  the  Tattler  further  on  in  this  chapter.  He  afterwards 
moved  to  Madison  County,  Kentucky,  and  entered,  surveyed,  and  pat- 
ented 1000  acres  of  land  in  Madison  County,  on  Muddy  Creek,  adjoin- 
ing of  James  Bridges  settlement  and  pre-emption  claim  on  the  lower 
side.  On  the  2.5th  of  Jan.  1822,  he  and  his  wife,  being  both  dead, 
his  heirs,  namely:  William  Woods,  and  Ruth  his  wife,  James  Hutton 
and  Hannah  his  wife,  late  Hannah  Woods,  James  Woods,  David 
Chevis  and  Polly,  his  wife,  late  Polly  Logan  (late  Polly  Woods),  Sal- 
lie  Smith,  late  Sallie  Woods,  and  her  husband,  Thomas  Smith,  John 
Woods  and  Polly  his  wife,  Adam  Woods  and  Nancy  his  wife.  Andrew 
Wallace  Woods  and  Margaret,  his  wife,  united  in  a  deed,  conveying 
to  William  Black,  assignee  of  William  Tinchner,  3  00  acres,  part  of 
the  1000  acres  survey  and  patent  aforesaid,  except  30  acres,  thereto- 
fore conveyed  to  Samuel  Tinchner.  See  statement  of  the  Tattler 
under  subdiv-  3-1,  of  this  section.  The  children  of  Michael  Woods, 
and  Hannah  Wallace,  his  wife: 

1.  William   Woods;    married   Ruth   Rinkead,   Aug.    1,    1792. 

2.  Hannah  Woods:   married  James  Hutton,  Jan.   11,   1790. 

3.  James  Woods;    married   Betsy  Embry  Aug.    24,   1809. 

4.  Polly    Woods;    married    first    Samuel    Logan,    and    second 
David  Chevis. 

5.  Sallie   Woods;    married   Thomas   Smith,   Dec.    13,    1804. 

6.  John  Woods,  was  twice  married,  first  to  Mary  H.  (or  Polly) 
Thomas,  July   2,    1812,   in  Madison   County,   Ky.,   and  second   to 

History  and  Genealogies  195 

Susan  March.  There  was  no  issue  of  the  second  marriage.  His 
home  was  near  Milford  or  old  town,  on  land,  owned  in  his  life 
time  by  the  late  Major  .Tohn  D.  Harris,  where  he  lived  until  his 
death.  May,  13,  1845,  leaving  a  last  will  and  testament,  bearing 
date,  March  9,  1844,  probated  June  2,  1845.  The  children  of 
the  first  marriage: 

1.  Elizabeth  Woods,  born  April  2.3,  1813,  near  Milford.  or 
old  town,  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  She  married  Edward  C. 
Boggs,  Sept.  19,  1833.  Their  home  was  on  the  Big  Hill  Road, 
near  the  south  eastern  limits  of  the  city  of  Richmond,  Ky.  where 
they  died.  The  Tattler,  of  one  of  the  Richmond  papers  pro- 
duced the  lollowing:  "Mrs.  Elizabeth  Woods  Boggs,  who  was 
liorn  April  23,  1813,  about  one  mile  from  Milford,  the  first 
County  seat  of  Madison  County,  is  now  living  (since  deceased) 
at  the  ripe  age  of  seventy  one,  with  her  son,  J.  H.  Boggs,  about 
one  mile  east  of  Richmond.  Mrs.  Boggs'  great  uncle.  Archibald 
Woods,  among  the  first  represenatives  from  this  County  in 
the  Legislature,  was  sheriff  in  1798,  at  the  time  of  the  County 
seat  and  Court  House  trouble,  and  removed  the  records  from 
Milford  to  Richmond  before  the  Anti-removal  men  arrived  at 
the  scene.  Her  grandfather,  Michael  Woods,  and  her  grand- 
mother, whose  maiden  name  was  Hannah  Wallace,  were  natives 
of  Ireland,  but  having  moved  to  Scotland,  about  the  middle  of 
the  last  century,  emigrated  from  there  to  Virginia  in  about  1775 
and  there  her  father,  John  Woods,  was  born,  in  1777.  (These 
dates  are  erroneous,  Michael  Woods,  father  came  to 'America 
at  a  much  earlier  date.  Michael  was  born  in  America,  colony 
of  Va. )  He  was  next  to  the  youngest  of  four  sons,  William 
and  Adam  older,  and  Andrew,  younger  than  himself,  besides 
the  four  boys  there  were  five  girls  in  the  family  of  Michael 
Woods  when  he  removed  from  Virginia  to  Kentucky,  in  about 
17  80,  and  settled  at  Crab  Orchard  Station,  and  lived  there  at 
the  Fort  with  other  settlers.  He  was  in  all  the  seiges  and  fights 
at  Crab  Orchard  Station,  and  frequently  took  part  in  the  scouts 
and  pursuits  of  the  Indians  to  recover  stolen  property.  He 
afterwards  moved  to  his  place  near  Milford  or  Old  Town,  on 
land  now  owned  by  Major  Jno.  D.  Hari'is  where  he  died.  John 
Woods  bought  out  the  other  heirs  and  lived  there  until  his 
death.  May  13,  184  5. 

William  Woods,  is  described  as  being  stout,  over  six  feet 
tall  and  with  red  hair.  He  was  a  bold  and  fearless  man,  and 
continually  in  fights  with  the  Indians,  but  seems  to  have  been 
discreet  enough,  and  never  fool-hardy.  At  one  time  he  was 
returning  on  horse  back,  from  a  hunt,  when  suddenly  he  found 
that  the  Indians  were  all  around  him,  except  on  the  side 
towards  a  ravine,  having  a  fleet  horse  he  considered  that  dis- 
cretion was  the  better  part  of  valor,  so  he  made  him  jump  the 
ravine  and  thus  escaped. 

Folly  Woods,  one  of  the  girls  of  this  family  married  Sam 
Logan,  who  was  the  first  tanner  ever  in  Richmond.  (One  Sam 
Logan,  on  he  18th  of  Oct.  1799,  married  Peggy  Briscoe,  a  daugh- 
ter of  Captain  Wiliam  Briscoe,  and  Elizabeth  Wallace  his  wife 
of  near  Richmond,  Ky.  (See  Part  Iv,  Chap  IS,  Sec.  1.)  And 
Mrs.  Boggs  has  many  times  heard  her  father  tell  the  true  story 
of  an  incident  related  in  Collins  History.  One  night,  most 
likely  in  the  spring  of  1782,  the  Indians  made  a  raid  on  the 
Station  at  Crab  Orchard  and  stole  all  the  horses.  The  next  day 
all  the  men  in  and  about  the  fort  went  in  pursuit,  leaving  only 

196  History  and  Genealogies 

a  negro  with  a  lame  hand  at  Mr.  Woods  cabin  and  a  white  man 
siclv  in  another  cabin  close  by.  The  children  had  been  going 
to  and  from  the  spring  all  morning  and  had  noticed  nothing 
suspicious,  except  their  sagacious  dog  would  walk  slowly  in 
the  spring  path  and  look  towards  the  spring  and  growl,  but 
never  bark.  Towards  dinner  time,  Polly  Woods,  then  seventeen 
years  old,  had  gone  with  her  little  brother,  John  to  a  knoll, 
not  far  from  the  house  to  gather  salad,  and  the  negro  man,  was 
in  the  yard  playing  on  a  buffalo  robe  with  little  Betsy  Woods, 
suddenly,  Polly  saw  a  huge  Indian  stealing  up  the  spring  path 
with  his  body  bent,  and  on  tiptoe  leading  a  band  of  warriors, 
and  she  at  once  gave  the  alarm,  at  the  top  of  her  voice.  The 
negro  ran  to  the  house  in  an  instant  to  shut  the  door,  but  the 
Indian  leader  rushed  in  the  door  at  the  same  time  and  there 
they  clinched  in  a  tremendous  struggle,  the  negro  being  as 
good  a  wrestler  as  the  Indian.  During  the  scuffle  at  the  door, 
little  Betsy  though  only  three  years  old,  slipped  in  between 
them,  in  a  minute  or  two  they  had  gotten  inside  and  Mrs. 
Woods,  the  mother  of  the  family  had  secured  the  door.  In 
one  corner  stood  a  rifle  and  the  struggle  was  for  the  gun,  the 
Indian  forgetting  to  use  his  knife  and  tomahawk,  which  hung 
in  his  belt,  but  jabbering  all  the  time  to  his  companions  out 
side  who  were  trying  to  break  down  the  door  with  their  war 
clubs.  Mrs.  Woods  ran  for  a  knife  near  by,  but  seeing  it  was  of 
no  use  seized  the  broad  axe  and  hewed  the  Indian  down.  Utterly 
cutting  him  to  pieces  before  they  could  stop  her.  Meanwhile 
Polly  had  rushed  with  her  little  brother  to  the  house  of  the 
sick  neighbor,  who  though  hardly  able  to  move,  seized  his  rifle 
and  shot  one  of  the  Indians  out  side.  The  savages  then  beat 
a  hasty  retreat,  taking  the  dead  body  of  their  comrade  with  them. 
They  had  been  concealed  near  the  spring,  and  seized  their  oppor- 
tunity to  slaughter  the  family,  but  failed.  By  the  continual 
practice  the  sagacity  of  the  lower  animals  in  the  old  days  was 
almost  perfectly  developed.  The  intelligent  dog  mentioned 
above  was  a  very  valuable  animal.  On  one  occasion  William 
Woods  with  his  twelve-year-old  brother  John,  had  gone  to  the 
salt  works  on  Goose  Creek,  for  salt,  accompanied  by  this  dog, 
on  their  return  they  had  stopped  for  the  night  and  had  lighted 
a  fire  when  this  old  dog  looked  back  in  the  direction  they  had 
come  and  growled,  but  knew  better  than  to  bark  knowing 
that  Indians  were  about,  William  scattered  the  fire  and  came  to 
the  station,  that  night  before  stopping.  A  day  or  two  after 
several  men  were  killed  in  the  same  place  by  Indians. 

Mrs.  Boggs  had  in  her  possession  a  box  made  of  lignumvitae 
which  belonged  to  her  great  grand  father  in  Ireland,  and  was 
brought  to  America  by  her  grand  father  when  he  came  to  Va. 
It  is  supposed  to  be  two  hundred  years  old.  The  children  of 
Elizabeth  Woods,  and  Edward  C.  Boggs: 

1.  James  Howard  Boggs,  was  born  in  Madison  County, 
Kv.  at  his  parents  home.  He  was  one  of  General  John  H. 
Morgan's  raiders  during  the  Civil  War,  Co.  F.  7,  afterwards 
the  11  Ky.  Cavalry,  (Col.  D.  Waller  Chenault),  was  in  the 
famous  Ohio  raid  where  he  was  captured,  and  made  his  escape 
from  Camp  Douglas.  It  was  almost  next  to  impossible  to 
hold  him  a  prisoner,  his  cunning  and  shrewd  sagacity  and 
determination  worked  to  that  end.  He  married  Mary  C. 
Pigg,  a  daughter  of  Johnson  Pigg,  and  lived  in  Madison 
County,   Ky.   and  after  his  father's   death,   owned   and   occu- 

llislunj  iind   iletivalogics  197 

pied  his  fathers  old  home,  until  several  years  ago,  he  sold 
out  and  moved  to  near  Nicholasville  in  Jessamine  County, 
Ky.  where  he  now  owns  a  farm  and  is  a  breeder  of  Black 
Poll   Cattle,   South   dow-n   sheep,   and   Angora   goats. 

2.  Elizabeth  .1.   Boggs;    died  at  nine  years  of  age. 

3.  Phoebe  A.   Boggs;    married  James  M.  Bowen. 

4.  Elizabeth  Jane  Boggs:    married  firstly,  Mr.  Adams,  and 
secondly    B.    D.    Miller. 

2.   Curtis  J.   Woods,   died   unmarried. 

o.   Sophia  Woods:    married  Perry  Hari)er,   Feb.   29,   1836. 

4.  John   C.   Woods:    married   Miss  Gillispie. 

5.  Jason  Woods;   married  Susan  Lipscomb. 

6.  Lavinia    Woods;      married    Jacob    Bronston,    brother     to 
Thomas  S.   Bronston,  known  as  "Little  Tom." 

7.  Adam  Woods:   married  Nancy  Hancock,  March  18,  1802. 

8.  Andrew  Wallace  Woods:   married  Margaret  . 

9.  Betsy  Woods,  mentioned  by  the  Tattler,  but  who  was  prob- 
ably dead  in  18  22,  when  Michael  Woods  heirs  joined  in  the  deed 
to  William  Black,  assignee  of  William  Tinchner,  for  her  name  is 
silent  in  the  deed,  or  the  latter  was  probably  mistaken  in  the 
staement  that  the  child  was  named  Betsy.  (One  Elizabeth  Woods 
married  Talton  Taylor,  Feb.  4,  1802  and  one  Elizabeth  Woods 
married  James  Moberly,  Sept.  28,  1816.) 

Section  3.  Peter  Woods, 1762,  came  from  Virginia  to  Madison 
County,  Ky..  with  his  wife,  Jael  Kavanaugh,  a  daughter  of  Charles 
Kavanaugh,  senior,  (who  died  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  1796)  and 
An  his  w^ife,  he  was  one  of  the  executors  of  his  father-in-law's  will. 
He  was  a  pioneer  Baptist  preacher,  and  lived  for  a  number  of  years 
in  Madison  County,  Ky.  where  he  solemnized  a  great  number  of 
marriages  and  in  about  the  year  1808,  went  to  Tennessee,  where  he 
remained  until  about  1819,  and  removed  to  Cooper  County,  Miss- 
ouri, where  he  died  in  1825,  leaving  many  descendants.  On  Aug.  23, 
178  6,  one  Peter  Woods  was  recommended  by  the  Madison  County, 
Ky.,  Court,  to  the  Governor,  as  a  proper  person  to  be  commissioned 
Lieutenant  of  milita  in  Madison  County.    (See  Part  Vii.  Chap.  XIv.) 

Section  4.  John  Woods,  was  a  soldier  in  the  Indian  wars,  and 
in  the  Revolutionary  army.  He  married  Abigail  Estill,  a  daughter 
of  Captain  James  Estill,  and  Mary  Ann  his  wife.  He  came  from 
Virginia  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  the  early  pioneer  days,  and  in 
17S4,  he  in  company  with  Samuel  Estill,  Azariah  Martin,  William 
Kavanaugh  and  others  went  in  pursuit  of  Indians  near  the  mouth 
of  Station  Camp  Creek  and  the  Little  Picture  Lick,  described  by 
Azariah  Martin  in  his  deposition.  About  the  year  1808,  he  moved 
with  his  family  to  Tennessee,  where  he  died  in  1815.  Mary  Ann 
Estill's  will  mentions  her  children,  Samuel,  Wallace,  William,  Isaac, 
Abigail  wife  of  John  Woods,  and  the  will  is  witnessed  by  Peter 
Woods  and  Susannah   Shelton. 

Section  5.  Andrew  Woods,  born  1747,  married  Hannah  Reid,  of 
Virginia,  but  they  had  no  children,  so  said.  In  the  early  pioneer 
days  he  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky.,  where  he  lived  till  about  the 
year  1808,  when  he  moved  to  Tennessee  where  he  died  in  1815.  He 
was   also  a  Baptist   minister.      Madison   County   Court    Order: 

"Oct.  28,  1788.  On  the  motion  of  Andrew  Woods,  his  ear  mark, 
towit,  a  crop  in  the  right  ear,  and  a  slit  in  the  left  ear,  is  ordered 
to  be  recorded. 

198  History  and  Genealogies 

Section  6.  Archibald  Woods,  was  born  in  Albermarle  County, Va. 
Jan.  29,  1749.  He  married  Mourning  Shelton,  a  daughter  of  William 
Shelton,  and  Lucy  Harris  his  wife,  Aug.  15,  1773.  (See  Part  111, 
Chap.  3,  Sec.  Vi.)     A  fuller  history  is  given  in  chapter  Viii. 

Section  7.  William  Woods,  born  Dec.  31,  174  4,  and  known  as 
Beaver  Creek  William  Woods:  married  first,  his  cousin,  Sarah 
Wallace,  and  second  Mrs.  Anna  Reid,  also  his  cousin.  Further 
history  of  them  will  be  found  in  chapter  12. 

Section  8.      Sarah  Woods,  1761-1851,  married  Mr.  Shirkey. 

Section  9.      Susan  Woods. 

Section    10.      Mary  Woods;    married   George  Davidson. 

Section  11.  Hannah  Woods;  married  William  Kavanaugh, 
son  of  Charles  Kavanaugh,  senior  (who  died  in  Madison  County,  Ky. 
in  1796)   and  Ann  his  wife.    (See  Part  Vii,  Chap  Viii.) 

Section  12.  Elizabeth  Woods,  married  Philemon  Kavanaugh, 
another  son  of  the  above  named  Charles  Kavanaugh  senior,  and 
Ann  his  wife.  (See  Part  Vii,  Chap.  IV.) 


(Named  in  Chap.   6,  Sec.   1.) 

Article  1. — Adam  Woods,  a  son  of  William  AVoods,  and  Sn.sannah 
Wallace,  his  Avife,  a<'<'«)i'ding;  to  sketcli  by  Col.  Cliarles  A.  R. 
Woods,  married  Anna  Kavanansh.  See  Part  11,  Cliap.  11, 
Section   V.) 

He  came  from  Virginia  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  the  early 
pioneer  days,  his  wife  died,  and  he  went  to  Howard  County,  Miss- 
ouri, where  he  died  in  18  26.  He  was  a  minister  of  the  Baptist 
Chuch.  On  the  6th  of  March  1809,  he  and  his  wife  Anna  conveyed 
to  their  son  Patrick  Woods,  land  in  said  County,  for  the  consider- 
ation of  one  dollar  and  love  and  affection  for  their  son,  and  on  the 
5th  of  May,  1809,  they  conveyed  to  their  son,  Adam  Woods,  Jr 
lands  on  Tates  Creek  in  said  county.      Their  children: 

Section  1.  William  Woods;  married  Susan  B.  Clark,  a  daughter 
of  Benjamin  Clark  and  Jane  Mullins  his  wife.  (See  Fart  V,  Chap. 
13,  Sec.  7.)      A  fuller  history  of  him  will  be  found  in  Chapter  49. 

Section  2.  Patrick  Woods;  married  firstly,  Rachel  Cooper,  in 
Madison  County,  Ky.  July  19,  1892,  and  secondly,  Frances  Dulaney 
in  the  same  county,  Feb.  6,  1813.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Joseph 
Dulaney  and  Frances  his  wife.  His  name  appears  on  the  Madison 
County,  Ky.  Court  records.  He  emigrated  to  the  Louisiana  Terri- 

Section  3.  Archibald  Woods;  married  his  cousin,  Mary  Wallace, 
a  daughter  of  Michael  Wallace  and  Jane  Bratton,  his  wife.  (See 
Part  IV,  Chap.  7,  Sec.  4.)      They  emigrated  to  Missouri. 

Section  4.  Michael  Woods,  served  in  Colonel  Slaughters  reg- 
iment of  Kentucky  mounted  men  in  the  war  of  1812.  He  was  never 

itisLuni  mill   (icHcttUxjics  lljlj 

Section  5.  Peter  Woods,  moved  from  Kentucky  to  Clay  County, 
Missouri  in   IS!  5.  and  tiiere  reared  a  large  family. 

Section  (>.  John  Woods,  M.  D.  moved  to  California  aficr  Die 
Mexican    War. 

Section  7.  Hannah  Woods,  became  the  second  wife  of  Colonel 
Barbee  J.  Collins.    (See  Part  IV,  Chap.  XX,  Sec.  1.) 

Section  S.  Anna  Woods;  married  Mr.  Brown  in  Kv.  prior  to 

Section  9.  Susan  Woods;  married  Colonel  Richard  Mullens,  and 
moved  to  California.  (See  Part  V,  Chap.  Xlll,  Sec.  V.) 

Section  10.  Sallie  Woods;  married  .Judge  Austin  Walden, 
of  Missouri. 

Section  11.  Adam  Woods,  Jr.  On  the  5th  of  May,  1S09,  .A.dam 
Woods,  and  his  wife  Anna  conveyed  to  their  son,  Adam  Woods,  Jr. 
lands  on   Tates  Creelv   in   Missouri   County,   Ky. 

On   March    S,    1802,   one   Adam    Woods,   married   Mary    Hancock. 

On  March  24,  1807,  one  Adam  Woods,  married  Polly  Kerley. 

Aug.   26,  1817,  one  Adam  Woods  married  Betsy  Crigler. 

Madison  County  Court  Order: 

"Feb.  28,  1787.  On  the  motion  of  Adam  Woods,  his  ear  mark, 
to  wit;  a  half  cro])  in  the  right  ear,  and  a  slit  in  the  left,  is  or- 
dered to  be  recorded." 


(Named   in   Sec.   6,   Chap.    6,   Part   II.) 

Article  1. — Archibald  AV'oods,  a  son  of  AVilliani  Woods,  and  Snsan- 
itah  Wallace,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Alberniarle  County,  Virginia, 
Jan.  29,  1740,  he  married  Aug.  5,  1773,  to  ^louvning  Sheltou,  a 
daughter  vi  William  Sheltctn  and  Tjuey  Harris,  his  wife.  She  was 
born  in  175G,  and  died  Sept.  7,  1817.  (Se*-  Part  III,  Chai>.  8, 
Sec.  6-1.) 

Extract  from  Hon.  John  D.  Goodloe's  Publication: 
"The  aforesaid  Archibald  Woods,  son  of  William  Woods,  and 
Susannah  Wallace  Woods,  was  born  in  what  is  now  Alberniarle 
County,  Va.  on  Jan.  29,  1749,  and  married  Aug.  5,  177.",,  (o  Mourning 
Shelton,  daughter  of  William  Shelton,  and  Lucy  Harris  Shelton,  she 
being  a  daughter  of  Major  Robert  Harris  and  Mourning  Glenn  Harris. 
In  1774,  Archibald  Woods,  moved  to  Monroe  County,  Va.  from 
Montgomery  County,  Va.  He  entered  the  military  service  of  the 
Colonial  Government  as  Captain  of  Virginia  militia,  and  at  once  set 
out  from  what  is  now  Munroe  County,  Va.,  under  Col.  Russell,  on  a 
march  of  2  00  miles  to  the  relief  of  Fort  Watauga.  This  expedition 
lasted  about  six  weeks,  and  the  return  march  was  hastened  by  an 
express  bringing  the  intelligence  that  the  Shawnee  Indians  had  com- 
menced hostilities.  On  reaching  home  he  found  the  people  forted, 
and  he  was  placed  in  command  of  the  fort  and  local  defenses,  until 
spring.  After  this  except,  during  intervals  of  inclement  winter 
weather,  he  was  almost  constantly  employed  in  the  frontier  defen- 
ses,   first    under    Colonel    Samuel    Lewis,    and    then    under    Colonel 

200  Historji  and  Genealogies 

Andrew  Donnelly,  and  lastly  under  Colonel  James  Henderson, 
until  after  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis  in  1781.  He  then  surrendered 
his  commission  as  Captain  of  Virginia  militia  to  the  Greenbriar  Coun- 
ty Court  and  never  saw  it  afterwards.  He  first  came  to  Kentucky  in 
1781.  He  returned  to  Virginia  in  Feb.,  1782,  and  removed  with  his 
family  to  Estill  Station,  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in  the  fall  of  that  year. 
The  next  year,  17  83,  he  made  his  first  Kentucky  crop,  on  Pumpkin 
Run,  where  he  had  contracted  with  Col.  Estill  for  400  acres  of  land, 
including  a  spring  represented  to  be  ever  lasting,  but  the  spring 
going  dry  that  year,  the  contract  with  Colonel  Estill  was  canceled, 
and  in  Jan.  1784,  he  bought  land  on  Dreaming  Creek,  a  few  miles 
north  of  the  present  site  of  Richmond,  where  he  built  Woods  Fort, 
and  there  Hved  between  2  5  and  26  years.  The  first  land  he  bought 
In  Madison  County,  Ky.  is  described  by  him  in  a  deposition  as 
"1000  acres  of  as  good  land  as  any  in  the  Estill  Station  survey," 
and  "the  price  paid  for  it  was  a  rifle  gun." 

The  original  commission  of  Patrick  Henry,  Governor  of  Virginia, 
appointing  him  with  nine  others  "Gentlemen  Justices  of  the  Peace 
for  Madison  County,  Ky.,  to  take  effect  Aug.  1,  1785,  the  natal  day 
of  the  County  is  still  preserved,  was  in  the  possession  of  Judge 
William  Chenault  of  Richmond,  Ky.  now  deceased.  The  same  doc- 
ument, also  appoints  the  same  persons,  "Gentlemen  Commissioners 
of  Oyer  and  Terminer"  with  full  jurisdiction  to  try  and  punish 
slaves  for  all  penal  and  criminal  offenses,  including  the  infliction 
of   capital   punishment. 

He  was  still  a  magistrate  in  179  8,  and  as  such  voted  for  the 
removal  of  the  County  seat  from  Old  Town,  (Milford)  and  presided 
at  the  Court  that  established  and  named  the  town  of  Richmond 
making  it  the  County  seat,  and  became  one  of  its  first  trustees. 
He  was  appointed  sheriff  of  Madison  County  May  4,  1801.  After  a 
long  litigation  and  possession  of  a  quarter  of  a  century,  he  was 
finally  evicted  of  his  home  and  land  on  Dreaming  Creek  in  a  suit 
brought  by  one  Patrick,  and  being  disgusted  with  the  land  laws  of 
Kentucky  that  in  the  afternoon  of  his  life  took  from  him  his  home 
and  bulk  of  his  estate  on  a  mere  technicality,  he  moved  with  his  fam- 
ily, in  the  fall  of  1809,  to  Williamson  County,  on  Beans  Creek,  Mid- 
dle Tennessee.  In  that  state  his  wife,  Mourning  Woods,  died  Sept. 
7,  1817,  aged  61  years  and  8  months. 

On  Jan.  30,  1818,  he  married  Dorcas  Henderson,  and  lived  for 
a  time  in  Franklin  County,  Tenn.  This  marriage  proved  to  be 
a  very  unhappy  one.  and  a  separation  having  occured  he  returned 
to  Madison  County,  Ky.,  in   1820. 

In  Jan  1833,  being  then  a  feeble  old  man  of  84  years  and  well 
nigh  stripped  of  his  property,  he  filed  an  application  at  Washing- 
ton for  a  pension  for  military  services  in  the  war  of  independence, 
and  was  promptly  granted  a  pension  of  $480  per  annum,  to  date 
from  March  4,  1831.  But  for  the  affidavits  of  himself  and  witnesses 
then  living  in  this  application  and  the  pension  no  ))roof  could  be 
had  of  his  military  service  except  the  Virginia  military  land  warrant. 

He  died  Dec.  17,  1836,  at  the  age  of  89  years,  10  months  and 
17  days,  at  the  residence  of  his  son,  Archibald,  Fort  Estill  Madison 
County.  Ky.:  his  will  bears  date  March  17,  183  6,  probated  June  2, 
1837.  The  remains  of  himself  and  his  first  wife.  Mourning  Shelton, 
were  interred  in  the  family  burying  ground  about  two  miles  northeast 
of  Richmond,  not  far  from  the  residence  on  Otter  Creek,  now  owned 
and  occupied  by  Jeptha  Chenault,  but  were  subsequently  many  years 
ago  removed  and  re-interred  in  the  Richmond  Cemetery,  where  they 
now  rest. 

liistortj  (iml   (loicalogivs  201 

Archibald  Woods,  senior,  was  a  fine  specimen  of  the  old  Virginia 
gentleman.  He  maintained  his  carriages,  horses  and  driver  up  to 
his  death.  He  was  a  man  of  marked  intelligence,  great  personal 
pride  and  dignity,  the  hospitality  of  his  home  was  proverbial,  and 
his  life,  public  and  private,  was  pitched  on  the  highest  ideals  of 
manhood  and  patriotism.  The  children  born  to  Archibald  Woods, 
senior,  and  Mourning  Shelton,  his  wife,  are  set  forth  in  the  coming 

Section  1.  Lucy  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  Oct.  25,  1774,  married 
Wiiriam  Caperton,  Dec.  15,  1790.  Further  account  will  be  found 
in  Chapter  IX,  Part  11. 

Section  2.  William  Woods,  a  son,  born  March  22,  1776,  married 
Mary  Harris,  Jan.  13,  1802.  (  See  Part  IH,  Chap.  IXr)  Further 
account  will  be  found  in  Chapter  X,  Part  11. 

Section  :!.  Susannah  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  June  111,  1778, 
married  William  Goodloe,  Feb.  23,  179  6,  died  Oct.  2,  1851.  Further 
account  will  be  found  in  Chapter  11,  Part  11. 

Section  4.  Mary  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  July  31,  1780,  married 
Colonel  Barbe  Collins  June  25,  1795,  died  July  23,  1822.  Besides 
other  children  not  mentioned  in  Archibald  Woods'  will  she  had  a 

1.   William    Collins. 

Section  5.  Sarah  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  Jan.  31,  17  83.  Died 
April  2  4,  1785. 

Section  6.  Archibald  Woods,  a  son,  born  Feb.  19,  178  5,  mairied 
Elizabeth  C.  Shackelford,  Oct.  10,  1810.  Served  in  the  House  of 
Represenatives,  Kentucky  general  assemblv  1816-1817,  1820-4,  and 
in  the  .senate   182  6-9. 

Section  7.  Anna  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  Jan.  27,  1787,  mar- 
ried Thomas  Miller,  July  29,  1806.  moved  to  Tenn.  (See  Part  1, 
Chap  XIv,  Sec.  111.) 

Section  8.  Thomas  Woods,  a  son.  born  Mav  5,  1789.  Died  Oct. 
29,  1806. 

Section  9.  Ann  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  Mav  15,  1791.  Died 
May  15,  1791. 

Section  10.  Mourning  Woods,  a  daughter,  born  April  2,  1792, 
married  Garland  B.  Miller,  Jan.  IS,  1810.  (See  Part  1,  Chap.  XIv, 
S(-c.    V.) 


(Named  in  Sec.  1,  Chap.  8,  Part  II.) 

Ai'ticlo  1 . — Lucy  W^tods,  a  tlaughter  of  Archibald  AVoods,  senior,  and 
>I<)iirninf>  Shelton,  his  wife,  was  born  Oct.  25,  1774,  she  married 
AVilliam  Caperton,  Dec.   l;J,   1790. 

The  persons  named  in  the  coming  sections  were  the  issues  of  the 

Section  1.      Archibald  Caperton. 

Section  2.      Hugh  Caperton. 

Section   3.      Thomas  Shelton   Caperton. 

Section   4.      William  H.   Caperton,  born  in  Madison  County.  Ky. 

-02  Ilislonj  (ind  Genealogies 

in  March,  17  98,  was  under  Gen.  Jackson  in  the  Creek  campaign  when 
only  sixteen  years  of  age.  President  Filmore  appointed  him  U.  S. 
District  Attorney  for  the  District  of  Kentucky.  Among  Kentucky's 
eminent  lawyers  none  were  more  gifted.  He  was  a  born  orator;  his 
features  were  handsome,  and  form  graceful,  a  great  lawyer,  a  true 
and  earnest  advocate.  He  married  Eliza  Estill,  a  daughter  of  James 
Estill  and  his  wife,  Mary,  a  daughter  of  Judge  Robert  Rodes.  The 
issues  of  this  marriage  were  : 

1.  Woods  Caperton;  was  murdered  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  by  the  no- 
torious Frank  Searcy. 

2.  Mary  P.  Caperton,  who  married  Leonidas  B.  Talbott. 

3.  Col.  James  W.  Caperton,  a  successful  and  prominent  lawyer  of 
the  Richmond  Bar,  one  of  the  wealthiest  residents  of  the  county, 
who  married  Miss  Katherine  Cobb  Phelps,  in  Oct.  1S90.  (See  Part 
HI,  Chap.  3,  Sec.  7,  B.  1-1.) 

Section  5.   Green  Caperton. 

Section  6.  John  Caperton,  a  son  of  whom,  A.  C.  Caperton,  is 
a  Baptist  preacher,   of  Louisville,  Ky. 

Section  7.      Andrew  Caperton. 

Section    S.      Hulda  Caperton;  married  her  cousin  Andrew  Woods. 

Section    9.      Susan  Caperton;   married  Wallace  Wilson. 

Section  10.  Milton  T.  Caperton,  a  Baptist  preacher  of  Austin, 
Texas;   lived  to  be  a  very  old  man,  having  recentlv  died. 



(Named  in  Sec.  2,  Chap.  8,  Part  II.) 

Article  1 — William  Woods,  a  son  of  Arcliibald  AVoods,  senior  and 
Mourning'  Shelton,  his  wife,  wa-;  horn  ^larch  22,  1770,  died 
July  8,  1840. 

He  on  the  13th  day  of  January  1802,  was  married  to  Mary  Harris, 
a  daughter  of  Robert  Harris,  and  Nancy  Grubbs  his  wife,  she  was 
born  Jan.  2,  1780,  died  Jan.  17,  1838.  (See  Part  III,  Chap.  9.)  He 
left  Madison  County,  Ky.,  and  went  to  Tennessee  and  located,  and 
remained  there  until  his  death.  In  18  07  he  and  Nathan  Lipscomb, 
as  commissioners  of  the  Court,  took  the  deposition  of  Samuel  Estill. 
The  issues  of  the  marriage  are  given  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Nancv  Woods,  born  Jan.  21,  1803,  died  Thursdav 
Oct.  11,  1804. 

Section  2.  Archibald  Woods,  born  Feb.  20,  1804;  married  Sal- 
lie  G.  Caperton,  June  15,  18  30. 

Section  3.  Samiramus  Shelton  Woods,  born  Sept.  1,  1805; 
married  John  M.  Kavanaugh,  a  son  of  William  Woods  Kavanaugh, 
and  Elizabeth  Miller.  (See  Part  VII.  Chap.  V,  Sec.  V,  and  Part  1 
Chap.   14,  Sec.   7.)   she  died  the  16th  of  Sept.  1841. 

Section  4.      Lucy  Woods,  born  Feb.  22,  1807. 

Section   5.      Mourning  Woods,  born   Oct.    6,   1808. 

Section  6.     Thomas  Harris  Woods,  born  Aug.  31,  1810;   married 

flislarii   (tml   (rcncdlfjj/ies  203 

Appoline  Miller,  Feb.  28,  1832.  (See  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec.  lu,  where 
their    children    are    set    forth.) 

Section  7.  Robert  Han-is  Woods,  born  May  2  9,  1S12;  died 
May  7,   1821. 

Section     8.      AVilliani    Crawford    Woods,     Ijorn     .Xpril     1,     1814; 
married  Sarah  Ann  Boyce,  Dec.  14,  1843.     A  daughter,  Susan  Woods, 
married   Matt   M.   Bearden,   proprietor  of   the  Elk   River  Mills,   Fay- 
etteville,   Lincoln   County,   Tenn. 

Section  9.  .John  Christopher  Woods,  born  Feb.  8,  1817,  was 
deaf  and  dumb;  died  Aug.  27,  183  8. 

Section  10.  Mary  Ann  Woods,  born  Feb.  20,  1S19;  married 
John  M.   Miller,  Aug.   28,   1835. 

Section  11.  Elder  James  Gooodloe  Woods,,  born  Feb.  2,  1823; 
married  Susan  Boyce,  Nov.  30,  1843.  He  was  living  in  May  1887, 
and  several  years  thereafter,  for  we  visited  him  at  that  time  at 
Fayetteville,  Lincoln  County,  Tenn.  He  died  Oct.  19,  189.5.  He  was 
an  old  Baptist  preacher,  and  his  membership  was  at  Buckeye 
Church  about  three  and  a  half  miles  from  Fayetteville,  it  has  a 
large  membership,   we  attended   serivces  there  May   15,   18  87.      His 

second  wife  was  Lou  ,  died  July  9,  1905.  The  children  of  Rev. 

James  Goodloe  Woods  and  Susan  Boyce,  his  wife,  are: 

1.  James    H.    C.   Woods,   lives   near   Buckeye    Church   about    three 
and   a   half  miles   of   Fayetteville,   Tenn. 

2.  William  Ed.  Woods. 


3.   Woods. 

4.  Mattie  Woods;    married  Fleming. 

The  wives  of  Wm.  Crawford  Woods,  and  Elder  James  Goodloe 
Woods,  viz:  Sarah  Ann  Boyce  and  Susan  Boyce,  were  first  cousins 
to  Sarah  R.  Dismukes,  the  wife  of  Garland  B.  Miller,  of  Part  I.  Chap. 
14,    Sec.    IV.-V. 

204  History  and  Genealogies 



(Named  in   Chap.   8,   Sec.   3.) 

Article  1. — Susannah  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Archibald  AVoods,  senior, 
and    Mourning'   Sheltoii,    his    wife,    was    born   June    13,    1778, 

She  married  William  Goodloe,  Feb.  2.3,  1796;  she  died  Oct.  2, 
1851.  She  was  a  woman  of  strong  mind,  very  domestic,  and  a  splen- 
did governess.  Wm.  Goodloe's  mother  was  named  Sarah,  who 
died  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  1814,  and  he  had  a  sister,  Eliz- 
abeth .Jones,  and  one  Elizabeth  Jones  died  in  the  same  County  in 
1815.      Their  children: 

Section  1.  John  Goodloe,  born  Dec.  12,  1796:  died  Mch.  20, 

Section  2.  Sallie  Short  Goodloe,  born  1798:  married  Howard 
Williams.     They  moved  to  Missouri  in  184  6.     Their  children: 

1.  David  Williams,   born   Sept.    15,    1826:    died   Sept.    25,    1827. 

2.  William   Goodloe  Williams,  a  daughter,  born  Aug.   6,   1832; 
died  Feb.  25,  1833. 

3.  Elizabeth    Williams:     married    John    Woods    Barclay,    Feb. 
12,  1846. 

4.  John  Williams:   married  Theresa  George. 

5.  Archibald    Woods    Williams:    married    Kate    Waddell. 

6.  Almira   Williams:    married   Dr.    Atchison,    of   Lexington,    Mo. 

7.  Ann  Wiliams,  the  second  wife  of  Rev.  Edmund  H.   Burnam. 

8.  George  Williams. 

9.  Jefferson  Williams. 

Section  3.  Mourning  Goodloe,  born  — .  She  married  Mitchell 
Royster,   Mr.   Royster  was   born   Nov.    11,    1793.      Children: 

1.  William  Royster. 

2.  Woodson    Royster. 

3.  David  Royster,  born  March  15,  1823;  died  March  16,  1823 
Mitchell  Royster  died,  Sept.  28,  1823,  and  his  widow,  Mourning 

Goodloe    Royster,    married    James   W.    Dudley.      Their    Children: 

4.  Susannah    Dudley;    married    Thomas   Wallace. 

5.  Mariah  Dudley,   married  Joe  McCann. 

6.  Sarah  Dudlev;  married  Noah  Ferguson. 

7.  Ann  Russell  Dudley,  born  Oct.  21,  1832;   died  Sept.  4,  1833. 

8.  Caroline    Dudley,    born    Feb.    6,    1835;    died    May    10,    1835. 

Section  4.  Archibald  Woods  Goodloe,  born  Nov.  9,  1803.  He 
married  Martha  Maria  Ann  Estill,  a  daughter  of  James  Estill. 
(See   Part   IH,   Chap.   Ill,   Sec.   VII.)    Aug.    23,   1825.   Children: 

1.  Anna   Goodloe. 

2.  Mary  Eliza  Goodloe;    married  Dulaney  Lackey.    (See  Part  I, 
Chap.    14,   Sec.   X,   and   Part    III,   Chap.   Ill,   Sec.   VII.) 

3.  Archibald    Woods    Goodloe;     married    a    beautiful    and    rich 
New   Orleans  girl. 

Martha  Estill  Goodloe,  died,  and  Archibald  Woods  Goodloe 
married  the  second  time  Catherine  Sessions  of  Mississippi.  Children: 

4.  Annie  Goodloe. 

5.  Kate  Goodloe. 

U islurji  and   iJcucaluijics  't{}o 

Section  5.  Judge  William  C.  Goodloe,  l)orn  in  1805,  was  an 
eminent  lawyer,  and  jurist.  He  was  judge  of  the  Circuit  Court  of 
the  district  of  which  the  County  of  Madison  formed  a  part.  He 
married   Almira   Owsley.   Their   Children: 

1.  Mariah   Elizabeth   Goodloe;    married  William   Barrett.    Their 

1.  Mary  Barrett:  married  Hon.  John  Speed  Smith,  a  son  of 
General  John  Speed  Smith  and  Eliza  Clay,  daughter  of  General 
Green  Clay,  his  wife.  Mr.  Smith  was  a  very  prominent  and 
popular  citizen  of  Madison  County,  Ky.  He  represented  the 
county  in  the  State  Legislature  at  one  time;  was  a  Mason  and 
Grand  Master  of  the  G.  L.  of  Ky. 

2.  John  Barrett,  late  Post  master  of  Louisville,  Ky.  Attor- 
ney at  law;    died  Nov.,  1906,  at  Montrose,  Col. 

3.  Will  G.  Barrett;  married  Miss  Brooke  Burke,  of  Owens- 
boro,  Ky. 

4.  Lizzie  Barrett;    married  Fred  Manier,   of  Harlan,   Kansas. 

2.  Susannah  Goodloe;   marled  R.  H.  Johnson.     Their  Children: 

1.  Almira    Johnson;    married    John    Osborne. 

2.  Will  Johnson;   married  Ida  Myers. 

3.  Mildred    Johnson;    married    John    Campbell. 

4.  Curran  Johnson;    (twin)    married  Miss  Allie  — . 

5.  Harvey    Johnson,     (twin). 

6.  Elizabeth    Johnson;    maried    Ed.    Moore. 

7.  Archibald  Johnson;  married  Miss  Julia  — . 

3.  Amanda  Goodloe;  married  John  Craig,  a  substantial  farmer 
and  citizen  of  Boyle  County,  Ky.  living  near  the  city  oi  Danville, 
on  a  fine  rich  farm.     Their  Children: 

1.  Almira    Craig;    married    Alexander  "  Irvine. 

2.  Lettie   Craig;    married   Marshall   Allen. 

3.  Elizabeth   Craig. 

4.  Sallie  Short  Goodloe;  married,  July  5,  1854,  Dr.  Curran 
C.  Smith,  son  of  Colonel  John  Speed  Smith,  whose  wife  was  a 
daughter  of  General  Green  Clay.  Col.  Smith  had  a  national  rep- 
utation: was  aide-de-camp  to  General  William  Henry  Har- 
rison during  the  Indian  wars,  and  was  buried  with 
military  honors.  Dr.  Smith  is  now  dead,  but  was  a 
splendid  physician  in  his  day.  His  widow  now  lives  in  Rich- 
mond, and  is  a  remarkably  intelligent  woman,  but  her  hearing 
is  almost  gone.  She  is  a  kind,  good  woman,  fond  of 
literature,  and  strongly  attached  to  her  friends,  and  much  ad- 
mired for  her  qualities.     Their  children: 

1.  Mary  Spencer  Smith,  the  second  wife  of  Dr.  George 
W.  Evans,  they  live  on  North  street  in  Richmond,  Ky.  The 
mansion  which  they  own  and  in  which  they  live  was  built  by 
Mrs.  Evans'  grandfather,  the  late  Col.  John  S])eed  Smith. 

2.  Almira   Smith;    married   Rev.    Henry   M.   Rogers. 

3.  John  Speed  Smith,  has  been  for  a  number  of  years,  and  is 
now  holding  a  position  in  the  service  of  the  Federal  Govern- 
ment,  at   Washington   City. 

4.  Elizabeth  Barrett  Smith;  married  Judge  James  M.  Benton, 
now  Judge  of  Circuit  Court  of  the  Judicial  District  of  Kentucky, 
of  which  the  County  of  Madison  forms  a  part.  They  live 
in  Winchester.  Ky.    (See  Part  VII,  Chap.   18.) 

5.  Curraline  Smith,  (twin)  teacher  in  the  Caldwell  High 
school  in  Richmond  Ky. 

6.  Willie  Smith,  daughter,   (twin)  deceased. 

206  Ilistorji  and  Genealogies 

5.  William  Owsley  Goodloe;  married  Victoria  Payne.    Children: 

1.  Mary   Goodloe;    married  Will  Wearren,   of  Louisville,   Ky. 

2.  Elizabeth    Goodloe. 

3.  Almira  Goodloe;  married  Robert  Hoskin.  His  wife,  Vic- 
toria Payne  Goodloe,  died,  and  Rev.  William  Owsley  Goodloe 
married  again,  Ida  Rainey.     Their  children: 

4.  Annie  Goodloe;  married  de  Graff e  Billings. 

6.  Caroline  Boyle  Goodloe;  married  William  L.  Xeale.  Their 

1.  William    Goodloe   Xeale,    died. 

2.  Mary  Neale;  married  Dr.  N.  L.  Bosworth,  of  Lexington,  Ky. 

7.  Archibald  Woods  Goodloe;  married  Fannie  Edgar.  No 

8.  Mary  Goodloe:    married  James  Edgar.     Their  children: 
1.    Goodloe  Edgar;    married  Mary  McComis. 

Section  6.  Harry  Goodloe,  married  Emily  Duncan,  Nov.  29, 
1831.     Their  children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Goodloe,  born  — ,  died  — . 

2.  Lucy  Duncan  Goodloe,  born  — ,  died  — ;  she  married  Hon.  M 
R.  Hardin,  late  Chief  Justice  of  the  Court  of  Appeals  of  Ky.  issue: 

1.   Harry  Goodloe  Hardin,  born  — ,  died  1857. 

3.  Major  W^illiam  Goodloe,  born  — .  He  was  a  Major  in  the 
Federal  Army  during  the  Civil  War;  died  — . 

4.  Emma  Harris  Goodloe,  born  — .  She  married  George  H.  Sim- 
mons of  Bardstown,  Ky.  they  settled  in  Owensborough,  Ky.  Mr. 
Simmons  was  a  tobacconist;  he  died  — .  His  widow  now  lives  in 
Owensborough,  and  owns  a  valuable  farm  near  the  city.  Their 

1.  Harry    Goodloe    Simmos. 

2.  Emily  Duncan  Simmons. 

5.  John  Duncan  Goodloe,  born  — ;  married  first,  Jennie  Faulk- 
ner White  of  Danville,  Ky.  (See  Part  VIL  Chap  V,  Sec.  V)  and 
secondly,  Nellie  Gough  of  Lexington,  Ky.  Children  of  first 

1.  George  W.  Goodloe;  married  Mary  Keene  Shackelford. 
(See  Part  L  Chap.  11,  Sec.  2.) 

2.  Paul  Goodloe. 

3.  John  Goodloe. 

4.  Jane  Goodloe. 

6.  Harry  Goodloe,  born  — ;  was  a  Confederate  soldier  and  fell 
in  battle  at  Green  River  Bridge,   186 — . 

7.  David  Short  Goodloe,  born  — ,  died  — . 

Section  7.  Elizabeth  Goodloe;  married  General  John  Miller. 
(See    Part    L    Chap.    VH.) 

Section  8.  David  Short  Goodloe;  married  Sallie  Ann  Smith, 
daughter  of  Colonel  John  Speed  Smith,  Dec.  3,  1835.     Children: 

1.  Speed  Smith  Goodloe;    married  Mary  Shreve;    born  in  1837. 

2.  Casius   Clay   Goodloe,   born  in    1839,   died   in    1840. 

3.  William  Goodloe,  born  in  1841,  now  deceased,  married 
Mary  Mann. 

4.  David  Short  Goodloe,  born  in  1843,  unmarried. 

5.  Green  Clay  Goodloe,  born  in  1845;  married  Bettie  Beck. 

6.  Percy  Goodloe.  born  in  1848,  died  in  1849. 

l/lslorij  nil  (I  Genealogies  •;!(); 

Section  it.  Thomas  Goodloe;  married  Mary  Ware,  an  excellent 
woman,  both   died,  leaving  no  children. 

Section  10.  Octavius  Goodloe,  born  April  21,  ISl  fi.  He  died 
March  22,  1S47.  He  married  Olivia  Duncan.  .June  1,  ISoT.  Their 

1.  Duncan    Goodloe,    born    in    ls;J7,    died   in    1903. 

2.  Emma  Olivia  Goodloe,   born  in   1839;    married   Mr.    Richard 
Gregory.      She    is    a    widow,    now    living    in    Garrard    Copnty,    Ky. 

3.  William    Goodloe,    a    lawyer    of    Danville,    Ky.       He    married 
Miss  — .      He  died  in  1S99. 

Mrs.    Olivia   Duncan   Goodloe    was   a   daughter   of   .John    Duncan 
and   l^ucy  White   his  wife. 

Section  11.  Lucy  Ann  Goodloe:  married  David  P.  Hart,  .June 
7,  1838.      Had  one  daughter: 

1.    Susan  Hart,  born  in  1S39:  at  the  age  of  twenty  eight  years, 
she   married    Edmund    Shelby.      They   live   in    Lexington,    Ky. 

Section  12.  George  Goodloe,  born  March  28,  1819:  died  Oct. 
13,  1836. 

CHAPTER  1-2. 
Known  as  Beaver  Creek  William  Woods. 
(Named  in  Chapter  6,  Sec.  7.) 

Article  1. — William  Wt)odrs,  a  son  of  William  W^oods,  and  Susannah 
Wallace,  his  wife,  and  kno^^^l  as  Beaver  Creek  William  Woods, 
of  Alherinai'le  County,  Va.,  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  on  the 
;Jlst,  day  of  Dec.  1744. 

His  parents  took  him  with  them  to  Va.  in  the  following  March. 
In  Albermarle  County  he  died  in  18  37,  aged  92  years.  He  was  a 
man  of  tine  sense  and  excellent  character.  He  married  first  Iiis 
cousin,  Sarah  Wallace,  (See  Part  IV.)  whom  he  survived,  and 
married  the  second  time,  another  cousin,  Mrs.  Ann  Reid,  (See  Chap. 
48)  whom  he  also  survived,  and  entered  a  third  time  into  the  holy 
bonds  of  matrimony  with  Mrs.  Nancy  Jones-nee  Ricliardson. 

He  was  in  the  Revolutionary  army,  a  Commissioned  Ensign, 
and  afterwards  a  lieutenant  in  the  Virginia  line.  He  liad  only  one  son, 
but  which  wife  was  the  mother  of  that  son  is  th?  question  that 
remains  to  be  answered.  Said  son  will  be  noticed  in  the  coming 

Section  1.  William  Woods,  Ivnown  as  Beaver  Creek  William 
Woods,  the  second,  died  in  1829.  He  married  Mary  Jarman,  a 
daughter  of  William  Jarman,  a  brother  of  Thomas  Jarman,  late 
owner  of  lands  at  Jarman's  Gap,  formerly  known  as  Woods  Gap. 
(See  Part  V,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  1.)  Their  children  are  named  in  the 
following   order: 

1.  James  Woods;  married  Mildred-Ann  Jones,  of  Bedford,  on 
Beaver  Creek,  and  died  in  1868.  They  had  several  children  of  whom 
are:    William   Price  Woods,   niarried   his   cousin,   Sarah   Ellen   Jones. 

308  History  and  Genealogies 

2.  William  Woods;  married  Nancy  Jones,  daughter  of  John  Jones, 
lived  near  Crozet,  and  died  in  1850. 

3.  Peter  A.  Woods,  was  a  merchant  in  Charlottsville,  and  in 
Richmond,  Va.,  married  Twymonia  Wayt,  whom  he  survived,  and 
afterwards  married  Mrs.  Mary  Poage  Bourland,  of  Augusta,  and 
died  in  1870. 

4.  Thomas  Dabney  Woods;  married  Miss  Hagan,  and  lived  near 
Pedlar  Mills,  in  Amherst  County,  and  died  in  1894. 

5     Sarah  J.  Woods;  married  Jesse  P.  Key. 



(Named  in  Sec.   3,  Chap.   4,   Part  II.) 

Article  1. — >Iiohael  Woods,  Junior,  a  son  of  Michael  Woods,  Senior, 
of  Blair  l»ark,  emigrant  from  Ireland,  and  IMary  Camjibell,  of 
the  Clan  Campbell,  of  Argylshire,  Scotland,  his  wife, 
was  born  in  Ireland  in  1708,  and  came  to  America  Avith  hi.s 
parents,  and  went  witli  them  from  l*ennsylvania  to  Va.,  and 
settled  in  Albermarle  County,  and  lived  southwest  of  Ivy  Depot 
till  1773. 

Later  on  he  moved  to  and  lived  in  Boutitourt  County,  on  a 
plantation  on  the  south  side  of  James  River,  a  few  miles  below 
Buchanan,   about  seven   years,   where    he     died     in    1777.      He     had 

married  Ann  ,  and  had  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming 


Section  1.  Jane  Woods,  married  John  Buster.  Nothing  further 
is  known  of  them  for  certain. 

Section  2.  Susannah  Woods;  married  Mr.  Cowan.  Have  no 
further  history  of  them. 

Section    3.      Samuel  Woods,   born    1738,   died    182  6.   He   married 

Margaret  . 

The  children   of  Samuel   Woods,   and   Margaret,   his  wife,   were: 
1.   Samuel  W^oods,  Jr.;   married  Mrs.  Mary  Woods,  Nee  McAfee, 
who  was  the  widow  with  three  children,  of  his  unc*o  David  Woods, 
who  had  one  son,   by  a   previous  marria^je.   issue: 

1.   James    Harvey    Woods,    17  92;    married     in     1781,     Sarah 
who  had  one  son  by  a  previous  marriage.     Issue: 

1.  Samuel  Dickson  Woods. 

2.  Elizabeth   Hannah  Woods. 

3.  William  Harvey  Woods. 

4.  Thomas     Clelland    Woods,     182  6-18  68;     married     Mary 
Ann   Jackson.      Issue. 

1.    Child  died  young. 


4_  "         "         " 

William    C.    Woods,    1853;    married    1883,    Annie    Bogle 
Bond;   issue: 

1.   Joseph    Bond   Woods,    1884. 

Ilislorii    tiiiil    I Irtirdhjyii's  •>i)'d 

2.   William  Claronce  Woods,  1SS5. 
?,.    Ellis   Jacksoii    Woods,    1889. 

6.  John   D.   Woods,   dead. 

7.  Clarence  E.  Woods,  present  Mayor  ^leot  of  Richmond, 
Ky. ;  married  first,  Mary  Miller  (see  Part  I,  Chap.  14,  Sec. 
2),  secondly,  Mattie  Chenault  (see  also  Part  ?>,  Chap.  48, 
Sec.   8.)      Issue  of  second  marriage: 

1.   Mamie  White  Woods. 

5.  Nathaniel    Dedman   Woods. 

6.  Mary    xMcAfee    Woods. 

7.  Butler  Woods. 

8.  Alice  Butler  Woods. 

9.  Charles  Walker  Woods. 

10.  Edward  Pason  Woods. 

11.  Fannie  Everett  Woods. 

12.  Rev.  Xeander  M.  Woods:    married  first,  Alice  Birkhead, 
secondly,    Sallie    Henderson    Behere,   issue   of   first    marriage: 

1.  Emma  Birkhead  Woods:  married  David  Bell  Mc- 
Gowan,   now  in   St.    Petersburg,   Russia. 

2.  Florence  Boone  Woods:  married  Henry  H.  Wade, 
live  in   Memphis,   Tenn. 

3.  Alice  Dedman  Woods:  died  at  about  four  years  of 

4.  Xeander  Montgomery  Woods,  Jr.;  married  Tallulah 
Gatchet,   live  in   Memphis,   Tenn. 

Issue  of  second  marriage: 

5.  Alice  Behere  Woods. 

6.  Annie   Howe   Woods:    died   in    infancy. 

7.  Everett    Dedman    Woods. 

8.  Carrie   Webb   Woods. 

9.  James   McAfee   Woods. 

Rev.  Xeander  M.  Woods,  is  a  Presbyterian  Minister  of 
high  standing,  author  of  Woods-McAfee  memorial. 

2.  Ann  Woods,  1794;  married  Georgj  Bohon,  issue: 

1.  James  Bohon. 

2.  Abram  Bohon. 

3.  Mary   Bohon. 

4.  Catherine   Bohon. 
•5.   Clarke   Bohon. 

6.  Nancy   Bohon. 

7.  Joseph  Bohon. 

8.  Isaac  G.  Bohon. 

9.  George  Ann  Bohon. 

3.  Sallie  Woods,   179  6. 

4.  Patsy  Martha  Woods;   married  Van  Sheley,  issue: 

1.  Woodford    Woods    Sheley,    1826. 

2.  Ann  Mary  Sheley.  1827. 

3.  John    Jay    Sheley,    1831;    married    C.    America   Morgan, 

1.  Woodford   Woods  Sheley. 

2.  James  Van  Sheley. 

3.  Edmund    Lee    Sheley. 

4.  Ann    Martha    Sheley. 

5.  Charles  Sheley;   died. 

6.  Emma  Virginia  Sheley. 

•5.   Woodford  Woods;    died  young. 


210  Hisfori/  loul  Genealogies 

Section  4.  David  Woods,  born  in  Albermarle  Countv,  Va.,  in 
1740.  He  died  in  the  fall  of  1786.  (See  Chap.  14,  where  further 
account  will  be  found.) 

Section  5.  Elizabeth  Woods;  married  Dalertus  Shepherd.  Had 
a  daughter,  Magdalene  Shepherd,  married  John  Gilmore  in   1791. 

Section  6.  William  Woods,  17  48,  married  Joanna  Shepherd,  of 
whom  more  will  be  found  in  Chapter  17. 

Section   7.      darah   Woods,   of  whom   there  is  no  history. 

Section  8.  Martha  Woods;  married  Thomas  Moore,  June  10,  17  95. 
No   further  history. 

Section  9.  Magdalene  Woods,  born  1755;  died  in  Lexington  Va., 
in  1830,  having  married  William  Campbell.     Left  no  issue. 

Section  10.      Anne  Woods.     No  history  of  her. 

Section  11.  Margaret  Woods;  married  David  Gray,  of  Rock- 
bridge County,  Va.,  and  moved  to  Ky.  of  whom  more  will  be  found 
in  Chapter  XVHL 



(Named   in   Sec.    4,    Chap.    13,    Part    II.) 

Article  1. — David  Woods,  a  son  of  Michael  Woods,  Junior,  and  Anne, 
his  wife,  \va>i  born  in  Albonnarle  County,  Va.  in  1740,  died  in 
the  fall  of  17X(>. .  He  married  (name  unknown).  .To  whom 
wei'e  boiii: 

Section    1.   Anne   Woods;    married   Jonathan   Jennings. 
Section   2.   John  Woods,   of  whom  a  further  account  is  given  in 
Chapter   XV. 

Article    2. — David    Woods,    suivived    bis    wife,    Anne,    afterward    he 
married    Mary    McAfee,    a    daugliter    of    James    McAfee    Junior. 

In  1782-3,  he  moved  from  Virginia  to  Mercer  County,  Ky.  and 
settled  in  the  Cane  Run  neighborhood.  The  children  of  his  last 
marriage  were: 

Sectionl.       Nancy    Woods.       A    further    account    of    whom    will 
be  found  in  Chapter  XVI. 

Section   2.   William  Woods;    married  Catherine  . 

Section  3.   Elizabeth  Woods;    married  Benjamin   Galey. 

Ilishirij  inn/   ( Icin'dlixjics  211 

rn.\i"iM>:i?  i.-). 


(Named  in  Art.  1,  Sec.  11,  Chap.  14,  Part  II.) 

Aitich'  1. — .John  Woods,  a  son  of  David  AVoods,  and  his  first  wife, 
was  born  in  17(»0. .  >lov«'<l  witli  his  fatlitr  to  Can<'  Ilun,  Mercer 
Connty,  Ky.  from  Va. 

He  married  Nancy  Mosley.     To  whom  were  born: 

Section  1.    Sidney  Woods. 

Section    2.    Rodes  Woods. 

Section   3.   David  Woods,   moved   to   St.   Louis,  Missouri. 

Section  4.  Margaret  Woods:  married  James  M.  Jones  (whose  sec- 
ond wife  was  Elizabeth  Hannah  Woods,  a  sister  of  Rev.  Neander  M. 
Woods  author  of  Woods-McAfee  memorial.)  They  had  one  child: 
John  Sanford  Jones,  who  died  in  Federal  Military  prison  at  Alton,  111. 

Section    5.    Eliza    Woods:     married    Mr.    Bradley. 

Section  6.  Patsy  Woods:  married  Mr.  Porter,  and  had  a  son 
James   Porter. 

Section  T.Burch  Woods;   married;  Mr.  Marshall. 

Section  8.   Nannie  Woods;  married  Willis  Vivion. 

Section  9.  A  daughter;  married  Mr.  Garnet,  and  had  a  son, 
George    Garnet. 



(Named  in  Art.   2,  Sec.  1,  Chap.   14,  Part  II). 

Artich>  1. — Xancy  \\'oods,  a  daughter  of  David  Woods,  and  his  wife, 
^lary  McAfee,  was  brought  to  Ky.  by  hei'  parents,  wlien  a  babe. 

She  married  Harry  Munday,  of  Mercer  County,  Ky.     She  died  in 
Indiana  in   18  65,  where  all  her  children  had  gone.      To  them  were 

Woodson  Munday;    married  Mrs.  Samuels,  a  widow. 
George  Munday;    married  Lucy  Gordon. 
Harry   Munday;    married   Caroline   Coghill. 
James  Munday;   married  Almeda  Thacker,  of  Ander- 

Katherine  Munday;   married  John  Hays. 
Elizabeth  Munday:   married  Solomon  Hays. 
Mary  Munday;    married  Living  Graves. 
Patty  Munday;    married  James  Smartt. 

born  these 







(J  . 



son  County 

,  Ky 









312  History  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in  Sec.   6,  Chap.  13,  Part  II.) 

Article  1. — William  Wood.s  a  son  of  Michael  Woods,  Junior,  and 
his  wife,  Ann,  was  born  in  Alberniarle  County,  Va.  and  known 
as  Baptist  Billy  Woods,  and  was  a  Baptist  Preacher,  on  which 
account  he  was  known  as  Baptist  Billy. 

He  married  Joanna  Slieplierd,  and  his  home  was  south  of  Ivy. 
In  17  98  he  was  elected  to  the  Virginia  House  of  Delegates,  and  in 
1809,  was  defeated  for  that  office.  In  1810  he  moved  to  Livings- 
ton County,  Ky.  where  he  died  in  1819.  The  children  born  to  them 

Section  1.  Michael  Woods,  born  in  Alberniarle  County,  Va.  in 
177  6,  was  appointed  a  magistrate  in  1816,  and  served  as  Sheriff 
in  1836.  On  the  13th  of  Ang.  1795,  he  married  Lucy  Walker.  To 
them  were  born  these  children: 

1.  Martha  Woods;    married   General  John  Wilson,   and  moved  to 

2.  Mary  Woods;    married  James  Garth. 

3.  Elizabeth  Woods;    marled   Captain  John   Humphreys,    and  set- 
tled in  Indiana. 

4.  Henry  Woods;   died  in  youth. 

Article  2. — Michael  Woods  survived  his  wife,  Lucy  AValker;  after- 
wards married  Mrs.  Sarah  Harris  Davenport,  nee  Rodes,  Sept. 
22,  1808,  and  he  died  March  23,  1837. 

By  his  second  wife  he  had  these  children: 

5.  William  S.  Woods;   died  at  Helena,  Arkansas. 

6.  John  Rodes  Woods. 
7. Robert   Harris  Woods. 

Section  2.   David  Woods,  died  in  Livingston  County,  Ky.  in  1825^ 
having  married  Sally  Neal,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Tayner  Woods. 

2.  Henry  William  Woods. 
.3.   David  Woods. 

4.  John  N.  Woods,  was  a  member  of  the  Kentucky  Legislature, 
in  1871.  He  married  Mary  A.  Marble,  of  Madison,  Indiana,  in 
1848,  and  died  Dec.   27,   1896. 

5.  Kitty   Woods;    married   Richard   Miles. 

6.  Mariah   Woods;    married    Peyton    Gray. 

Section    3.      John   Woods,    died   having   never   married. 
Section   4.      Mary  Woods;   married  Mr.  Campbell. 
Section  5.      Susannah  Woods;   married  Henry  Williams. 

llislurji  anil   Ucncdlui/ics  213 

(MIAl'TKK*    IS. 


(Named  in  Sec.    11,  Chap.   13,   Part   II.) 

Article  1. — Matiiant  AVckxIs,  a  (laughter  of  3Iichael  Woods,  Junior, 
and  Anne,  liis  wife,  married  David  Gray  of  Rockbridge  County, 
Va.,   and   moved  to  Kentucky. 

To  them   were  born   these  children: 

Section  1.      David  Gray. 

Section  2.  William  Gray:  married  Kitty  Bird  Winn,  of  Clark 
County,  Ky.,  in  1S12.  They  settled  in  Glasgow,  and  later  moved 
to  Greensburg,  Ky.     He  was  a  practicing  physician.     Children  were: 

1.  Versailles  Gray. 

2.  John  Courts  Gray. 

3.  Theresa  D.  Gray:   married  first,  Mr.  —  Vaughn,  and  second, 
Frank   Hatcher. 

4.  Samuel  Marshall  Gray. 

5.  Elizabeth     Catherine     Ophelia     Gray;      married    George    K. 
Perkins,  issue: 

1.  Havana  Perkins. 

2.  China  Perkins. 

3.  .John   Perkins. 

4.  Bertha   Perkins. 

5.  Cami)bell  Perkins. 

6.  Mollie  Perkins. 

7.  Fannie  Perkins. 

CHAPTET^  19. 


of  Albermarle. 

(Named  in  Chapter  4,  Section  .5.) 

Article  1 . — Colonel  John  Woods,  a  son  of  the  emigrant,  Michael 
Woods  senior  (known  as  >Iichael  Woods  of  Blair  Park)  and 
Mary  Cam])hell,  (of  the  Scottish  Clan,  Argylshire,  Scotland)  his 
wife,  was  Ixnn  in  Ireland,  and  came  witli  his  parents  to  America. 

He  was  a  very  methodical  man,  and  was  a  Captain  in  the  Colon- 
ial army,  and  on  Nov.  27,  1766,  was  commissioned  a  Major  by  Gov- 
ernor Fauquier,  which  rank  he  held  for  about  four  years,  w^hen 
on  June  11,  1770,  Lord  Boutirourt,  His  Ma.1esty's  Lieutenant  and 
Governor  General,  and  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Colony  and 
Dominion  of  Virginia,  granted  to  him  a  commission  as  Lieutenant 
Colonel  of  the  Militia  of  Albermarle,  Thomas  Jefferson  being  the  Col- 
onel of  same.  He  held  a  like  commission  from  Governor  Nelson, 
bearing  date  Dec.   10,   1770.      He  made  his  last   will   and   testament 

214  History  and  Genealogies 

Sept.  12,  1791,  and  died  Oct.  14,  1791,  at  his  home  in  Albermarle 
County,  Va.,  in  the  80th  year  of  his  age,  having  lived  an  honored 
and  eventful  life.  The  witnesses  to  his  will  were  Menan  Mills, 
William  H.  Shelton,  and  James  Kinsolving.  In  his  will  he  remem- 
bered his  wife,  Susannah,  and  his  six  living  children.  He  appointed 
his  sons,  James  and  Michael  executors.  His  body  was  buried  in  the 
old  family  burying  ground  at  what  is  now  known  as  Blair  Park,  re- 
served by  his  father  Michael  Woods  senior,  for  that  purose.  The 
Inscription  on  his  tomb  stone  towit:  "Here  lies  the  body  of 
John  Woods,  son  of  Michael  Woods,  and  Mary  Campbell,  who  was 
born  February,  18  1812,  and  departed  this  life  Oct.  14,  17  91." 
Colonel  John  Woods'  military  company  was  called  the  "Rangers." 

He  was  not  grown  when  he  came  from  Ireland,  he  stopped  a 
while  with  his  parents  in  Pennsylvania,  and  they  removed  to  Alber- 
marle County,  in  the  Valley  of  Virginia,  but  he  went  back  to  Penn- 
sylvania and  married  Susannah  Anderson,  the  beautiful  and  accom- 
plished daughter  of  Rev.  James  Anderson,  a  Presbyterian  Minister. 
He  lived  and  died  on  Ivy  Creek,  a  branch  of  Mechums  River,  in 
Albermarle.  Having  served  in  the  Inter-Colonial  wars,  particularly 
in  the  French  and  Indian  war,  his  commission  as  Lieutenant  Col- 
onel, signed  by  Norborne  Baron  de  Bontetourt,  Governor  General 
of  Virginia,  is  in  the  possession  of  J.  Watson  Woods. 

Information  furnished  by  the  Virginia  kin  is  that  when  Michael 
Woods  reached  America,  he  landed  at  a  Northern  port  and  came 
through  Pennsylvania,  crossed  the  Potomac  river  made  his  way  up 
the  valley  of  Virginia,  crossed  the  Blue  Ridge  Mountains  at  Rock 
Fish  Gap,  and  settled  in  what  is  now  the  Northern  part  of  Alber- 
marle County.  On  his  way  through  Pennsylvania  he  stopped  and 
was  entertained  at  the  house  of  Rev.  Mr.  James  Anderson,  a  Pres- 
byterian preacher,  whose  family  had  fled  from  Scotland  (Mr.  Woods 
native  land)  to  Holland,  and  settled  in  Amsterdam,  where  he 
married  a  lady  of  rank,  and  emigrated  to  Pennsylvania,  they  had 
a  beautiful  daughter  twelve  years  of  age  named  Susannah.  John 
Woods,  then  a  boy  four  years  her  senior  fell  violently  in  love  with 
the  little  Susannah,  and  vowed  that  he  would  come  back  and  win 
her  for  his  wife  when  he  was  a  man;  he  kept  his  word,  and  in  a 
few  years  returned  and  married. 

In  17  58  he  served  in  the  defense  and  protection  of  the  frontier 
against  the  Indians.  In  1745,  as  a  messenger  from  Mountain 
Plains  Church  to  the  Presbytery  of  Donegal  in  Pennsylvania  he 
delivered  the  call  for  the  services  of  Rev.  Hindman  in  the  churches 
of  Mountain  Plains  and  Rockfish,  to  which  churches  his  father-in- 
law.  Rev.  James  Anderson  often  visited  and  preached  to  the  con- 
gregations there  gathered.  His  home  was  near  the  present  Me- 
chums River  Depot.     Their  children  were: 

Section  1.  James  Woods,  (1743-1823)  married  Mary  Garland. 
The  subject  of  Chapter  2  0. 

Section  2.  Mary  Woods,  born  Dec.  2,  1746,  died  Oct.  19,  1828. 
She  married  John  Reid,  born  Aug.  25,  1750;  died  June  29,  1816. 
The  subject  of  Chapter  21. 

Section  3.  Michael  Woods  (1748-1826);  married  Hettie  Ca- 
ruthers.     The  subject  of  Chapter  2  2. 

Section  4.  Suity  Woods,  born  1752;  married  Samuel  Reid.  The 
subject  of  Chapter  29. 

Section    5.      Sarah   Woods,    born    1757; died    1770. 

Section  6.  Anna  Woods,  born  1760;  married  Jonathan  Reid 
(See  Chapter  29).     The  subject  of  Chapter  48. 

Section    7.      John   Woods  Jr.,   born    1763;    died   1764. 

Ilishnii   (iiiil    (Iciiciihiijii's  'IXa 

Section  s.  Susannah  Woods,  born  Sept.  21,  1768;  married 
Daniel  Miller,  Nov.  2  8,  1793.  She  died  Aus.  13,  1832.  (See  Part 
1,  Chapter  V.) 

CHAPTER  -20. 

(Named   in   Chapter   9,   Section    1.) 

Article  1. — .Jaiiics  Woods,  a  son  of  Colonel  John  Woods,  of  Albcr- 
niarlc  County,  Va.  and  Snsnnnali  Anderson  his  wife  was  binn 
in   AlberniarU'   Ct)nnt;,,   Va.,   Jan.   21,    1748. 

He  was  one  of  the  executors  of  his  father's  will.  He  followed 
in  the  foot  steps  of  his  father,  and  served  in  a  Regiment  of  Va. 
Foot,  as  the  Colonel  during  the  Revolutionary  war.  His  commiss- 
ion as  Colonel  was  issued  Nov.  12,  1776,  and  his  Regiment  was 
known  successively  as  the  4th  and  8th  Va.  He  married  Mary  Gar- 
land daughter  of  .James  Garland,  and  Mary  Rice  his  wife  of  North 
Garden,  Albermarle  County,  Va.,  Feb.  2.5,  1779.  His  wife  was  born 
Oct.  13,  1760.  They  lived  in  Albermarle  until  1795,  when  they 
emigrated  to  Ky.  and  settled  on  Paint  Lick  Creek,  in  Garrard  County, 
where  Colonel  Woods  died  Sept.  11,  1822,  and  his  wife  Dec.  4, 
1835,  and  they  were  buried  near  their  home  at  what  is  known  as 
the  "Hanging  Rock." 

Several  of  their  children  moved  to  Missouri  in  the  early  part 
of  the  19th  century.  Overton  Harris  and  wife  Mary  Rice  Woods 
to  Boone  County,  Mo.  in  1817,  others  in  the  same  year  and  Ander- 
son Woods,  and  wife  Elizabeth  Harris.  Francis  Woods  and  hus- 
band, William  Slavin  to  the  same  county  in  182  3,  and  others  set- 
tled in  the  counties  of  Munroe  and  Randolph.  Colonel  James 
Woods  was  a  signer  of  the  Albermarle  Declaration  of  Independence, 
April  21,  1779. 

Note. — 'Mary  Rice  the  wife  of  James  Garland,  descended  from 
the  Anglo-Welshman.  Thomas  Rice  who  came  to  America  in  the 
early  part  of  the  17th  century  and  acquired  lands  in  Gloucester 
County,  Va.,  in  1779.     (See  Note  Part  VI,  Chapter  13b.) 

James  Garland  died  in  Albermarle  County,  Va.  in  1812.  He  was 
the  first  of  the  name  to  settle  in  North  Garden,  coming  there  from 
Hanover  County,  and  in  17  61  bought  land  in  the  coves  of  the 
Mountains,  south-west  from  the  Cross  Roads:  his  first  purchase 
was  from  James  and  John  Coffey,  and  afterwards  from  Robert  Nel- 
son. He  owned  more  than  1000  acres.  He  purchased  from  Sam- 
uel and  William  Stockton  upwards  of  400  acres  near  the  head  of 
Mechums  River,  including  the  mill  the  Stockton's  had  built.  He 
was    a    Justice    of    the    Peace    in    1783,    Sheriff    in    1791.      Children: 

1.  Edward  Garland:  married  Sarah  Old,  daughter  of  Colonel 
John  Old.  They  lived  on  the  south  side  of  the  North  Fork  of 
the  Hardware,  near  the  crossing  of  the  old  Lynchburg  Road,  was 
a  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  1801,  and  1808,  and  became  commiss- 
ioner of  Revenue  for  St.  Anna's,  holding  the  office  till  his  death 
in  1817. 

2.  Elizabeth   Garland:    married   Thomas   Garland. 

216  History  and  Genealogies 

3.  Rice  Garland.  His  farm  was  near  Colonel  John  Woods.  He 
was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  1791,  Legislator  in  1808,  Sheriff 
in  1811.     He  married  Elizabeth  Hamner  and  died  in  1818. 

4.  Robert  Garland,  was  an  active  lawyer  and  member  of  the 
Charlottesville  Bar.  He  moved  to  Nelson  Countv,  Va.,  in  about 

5.  Clifton  Garland,  was  a  magistrate  in  1806,  was  defeated 
in  1813,  by  Jesse  W.  Garth  for  a  seat  in  the  Virginia  House  of 
Delegates,  and  died  the  same  year,  unmarried. 

6.  Mary  Garland:  married  Colonel  James  Woods  as  above 

7.  James  Garland:  married  Ann  Wingfield,  daughter  of  John 
Wingfield  and  Mary  Hudson,  his  wife.  He  lost  his  life  at  the 
Prison  Barracks  in  1793. 

The  children  of  Colonel  James  Woods,  and  Mary  Rice  Garland 
his  wife,  were: 

Section  1.  John  Woods,  born  Feb.  2  5,  17  80;  married  Jennie 
Brauk,   issue: 

1     Robert  Woods. 
2.   James  Woods. 

Section    2.      Mary  Woods,   born   Jan.    6,    1782:    died  in  infancy. 

Section  3.  James  Garland  Woods,  born  April  23,  1783:  married 
Elizabeth  Brank.  He  was  an  Elder  in  the  Paint  Lick  Presby- 
terian  church   in    1820.      Children: 

1.  Talitha    Woods:    married    S.    S.    Barnett;    emigrated    to    Texas 
and  had  a  large  family  of  children. 

2.  Arthusa  Woods,  never  married. 

3.  Rice  G.  Woods,   as  early  as   1855,   was  an  Elder  in   the   Paint 
Lick  Presbyterian  Church:    married  Martha  Ann  Givens.     Children: 

1.  Rachael  Woods,  died  at  17  years  of  age. 

2.  George  Woods:  died  at  3  years  of  age. 

3.  Elizabetm  Woods:  married  Ed  H.  Walker.  (See  Part  VII 
chap.  V.  Sec.  V.)      Children: 

1.  Mary  L.  Walker. 

2.  Margaret    G.    Walker:    married    Luther    Gibbs.     (See    Part 
VII,   Chap.  V,  Sec.   V.)    issue: 

1.   Elizabeth  Gibbs. 

3.  R.  Woods  Walker:  married  Sallie  May,  issue: 

1.  Edwin   H.   Walker. 

2.  Mary  May  Walker. 

3.  Elizabeth   G.   Walker. 

4.  Jane  M.  Walker. 

5.  Mattie  G..  Walker. 

6.  Edwin  H.  Walker;    died   at    21   years  of  age. 

7.  John    Walker;    died    in    infancy. 

4.  Sallie  Woods;  married  J.  C.  Hays,  had  one  child  died  at 

5.  Martha   Ann   Woods:    married   Richard   A.    Ogilvie,   issue: 

1.  R.  Woods  Ogilvie:   married  Jennie  Lester;   issue: 
1.   Francis  Ogilvie. 

2.  Sue  Akin  Ogilvie;   married  Horace  K.  Herndon;    no  issue. 

4.  Solon  Woods:    married  Mary  Reid  of  Mo.  had  one  child: 

1.    Mary  Solon  Woods:    married  N.  E.  Walker  in  Mo.   they  had 
two  sons. 
5     Elizabeth   Woods;    married   Jackson   Givens,   issue: 


IJishir;/  ami   GeiwaJoijics  217 

1.  L.  Brank  Givens. 

2.  Solon    Givens. 

3.  Delia   Givens. 

4.  Mary   Givens. 

5.  Margaret   Givens. 

6.  Jaekson   Givens. 

7.  Ida   Givens. 

Section  4.  William  Woods,  born  May  9.  17S4;  married  his 
cousin,  Mary  Reid,  daughter  of  Samuel  Reid  and  Suitv  Woods, 
his    wife.    (See    Chap.    XXIX,    Sec.    IV.)       Their    children: 

1  William  Woods. 

2.  Angelint'  Woods. 

3.  Rice  Woods. 

4.  Mary    Woods. 

5.  Cabel  Woods:    married issue  in  part: 

1 .   Ernest   Woods. 

2. James  AVoods. 

Section  5.  Sarah  Woods,  born  .Tan.  1,  1786:  married  William 
Reid.    (See  Chan.  XXI.  Sec.   TV.)    Their  children: 

1.  Anderson  Reid. 

2.  Miriam   Reid:    married   Alexander   R.   Oldham,   Sept.    1,5,    1S31. 
(See  Part  VT,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  VI.) 

3.  Mary  Reid. 

4.  Sylvester    Reid:    married    Elizabeth    Hubbard,    Aug.    13,    1829. 

5.  Elizabeth  Reid. 

Section  6.  Anderson  Woods,  born  .Tan.  18,  1788.  He  emigrated 
with  his  iiarents  from  Albermarle  County,  Va.  to  Ky.  in  1795. 
He  married  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  May  4,  1809,  Elizabeth  Harris 
daughter  of  .Tohn  Harris  and  Margaret  Maupin,  his  wife.  (See  Part 
111,  Chan.  XT^.)  Elder  PeterWoods  solemnized  the  rites.  They 
emigrated  to  Boone  County,  Mo.  in  1823.  He  died  in  Paris,  Mo. 
Oct.    22,    1841.   and  his  wife   died    Oct.    13    1868.      Their   children: 

1.   .Tames    H.    Woods:    married    Martha   .1.    Stone.    (See    Part    111, 
Chap.  VIT,  Sec.  TV,  and  Chap.  XL,  Sec.  1.)      Children. 

1.  James    M.    Woods. 

2.  Ann  E.Woods. 

3.  William  S.  Woods. 

4.  Minerva  Woods. 

5.  M.  Fannie  Woods. 

2  Margaret  Woods:    married   Clifton  Maupin    (See  Part  V,   Chap. 
XI,  Sec.   11.) 

3.    Polly   Woods:    married    Caleb   Stone.    Chlidren: 

1.  Carlsle  Stone:    died  in  Mississippi  in  1879. 

2.  James    Stone:      married     Mamie     Worthington.     They     live 
in  Mississippi. 

3.  Thomas   M.    Stone:    died   in    Mississippi    in    1874    unmarried. 

4.  Bettie  Garland  Stone:   married  William  Worthington.     They 
live  in  Greenville,  Mississippi. 

.5.   AVilliam  A.  Stone:   married  Mrs.  Anita  Martin.     They  live  in 
Rosedale,    Missippi. 

6.  Caleb  Stone:   unmarried,  lives  in  St.  I^ouis,  Mo. 

7.  Cyrus  T.  Stone;   unmarried,  lives  in  Richmond.  Ivy. 

8.  Samuel  Stone;  died  in  infancy. 

■?18  Ilisfori/  find  Gowalogies 

4.  Susan  D.  Woods;  married  Ashbv  Snell.     Children- 

1.  Mary  Snell. 

2.  Nora  Snell. 

3.  Amanda  Snell. 

4.  M.  Fanna  Snell. 

5.  John  W.  Snell. 

6.  Emma   Snell. 

7.  James   Snell. 

8.  Eliza  Snell. 

9.  John  A.  Snell. 

10.  Overton  Snell. 

5.  Rice  Woods;    married  Mary  C.  Wilson.   Children: 

1.  John  Woods. 

2.  Anderson  Woods. 

3.  James   Woods. 

6.  Harris  Woods;   married  Eliza  J.  Curry.     Children: 

1.  Laura  J.  Woods. 

2.  James  Woods. 

3.  Matilda    Woods. 

4.  Talitha  Woods. 

5.  Bettie  Woods. 

6.  John  C.  Woods. 

7.  William  H.  Woods. 

8.  Martha  Woods. 

9.  Daniel  W^oods. 

7.  Elizabeth  H.  Woods;    unmarried. 

8     Martha  Woods;    married  Willis  Snell:      Children: 

1.  Elizabeth    Snell. 

2.  William   H.   Snell. 

3.  Mary  Snell. 

4.  John  C.  Snell. 

5.  Anderson  Snell. 

6.  Jennie  Snell. 

7.  Hampton  Snell. 

8.  Albina  Snell. 

9.  Emmerson    Snell. 

9.  Talitha   C.    Woods;    married    first    Martin    Bodine,,    and   second 
William   H.   Dulaney.   Children: 

1.  Robert  Bodine. 

2.  Kate  Bodine. 

3.  May    Bodine. 

4.  William    R.    Bodine. 
•     5.   Ashby   Bodine. 

6.   James    H.    Dulaney.    (half   brother    to   above.) 

10.  William    Anderson    Woods;     unmarried. 

11.  Eliza   M.    Woods;    married    William    F.    Buckner,   children: 

1.  Bettie  Buckner. 

2.  Susan  Buckner. 

3.  Sallie  Buckner. 

4.  Charles  Buckner. 

5.  Anderson  Buckner. 

6.  Mary   Buckner. 

7.  Emma  Buckner. 
S.Frances   Buckner. 

Hislitnj  mill   (l('ii('(il(j(ji('s  219 

12.    Matilda   J.    Woods;    married   D.    O.    Bean.    Children: 

1.  Bettie    Bean. 

2.  Carrie  Bean. 

3.  Wliliam   A.    Bean. 

4.  Harris  Bean. 

Section   7.         Susannah  Woods,    born    Sept.     1,     1789;     married 
Alexander   Henderson. 

Section  S.  Rice  Woods,  born  Nov.  6,  1790;  died  when  just  out 
of  College  at   Lexington,  Ky. 

Section  9.  Michael  Woods,  born  .Tan.  5,  1792;  married  Martha 
E.  Denny.  Children: 

1.   Caroline  Woods;   married  Madison  Stone. 
2     James  Woods;    married  Julia  Wilhoite. 

0.  George  Woods;    died   a  young  man. 

4.  Rice  Woods;  unmarried. 

5.  Michael  Woods;  married  Lizzie  Messerley. 

6.  Martha  Woods;   married  John  Samson,  had  nine  children: 

7.  Fannie    Woods;     married    William    Rickman,    had    three    child- 

8.  Margaret   Woods;    died  young. 

9.  Sallie  Woods;  died  young. 

Section  10.  Mary  Rice  Woods,  born  Sept.  24,  1795;  married 
Overton  Harris,  son  of  John  Harris,  and  Margaret  Maupin,  his  wife. 
(See  Part  111,  Chap.  XXXVII.)      She  died  in  Mo.  Aug.  31,  1876. 

Section  11.  Elizabeth  Woods,  born  June  7,  1798;  married 
Garland  Reid.     Children: 

1.  Mary  A.  Reid;    married  John  J.  White,  in  Boone  County,  Mo., 
Jan.  1836,  and  had  two  children: 

1.  Elizabeth  White;   dead. 

2.  Sarah  Jane  White;   dead. 

2.  Clifton  G.  Reid;    died  in  Butler  County,  Mo.,  in  the  2  4th  year 
of  his  age. 

3.  Caroline   E.   Reid;    married   first.   W.   L.   Brashear,   and   second 
Edward  Holman.     Children: 

1.  Walter  Q.   Brashear. 

2.  Lizzie  D.   Holman;    married  G.  W.   Amsbury;   issue: 
1.   Glenn  H.  Amsbury. 

3.  Carrie  B.   Holman:    married   H.   H.    Skinner,   issue: 

1.  Edward  H.  Skinner. 

2.  Carroll   A.    Skinner. 

4.  Edward    H.    Holman;    died    at    the    age    of    four    years. 

4.  Sarah   W.   Reid;    married   Dr.   Martin   Hickman   18  43,   issue: 

1.  Nathaniel    G.    Hickman;    died    in    1881    unmarried. 

2.  Carroll  B.  Hickman;    married  Mrs.  Margaret  Stall. 

5.  John  B.  Reid;   married  Nancy  Hocker.     Children: 

1.  Clifton  Reid. 

2.  Elizabeth  Reid. 

3.  Sarah  Reid. 

4.  John   Reid. 
.5.  Lula  Reid. 

6.  Arthur  Reid. 

7.  Luther  Reid. 

6.  Susan  J.  Reid;  married  James  Rumbold.  Children: 

1.  George  O.  Rumbold. 

2.  Ellen   J.    Rumbold. 

'230  //isfiiri/   (111(1    (loicdlof/irs 

3.  Lizzie   Rumbold. 

4.  Mary  Rumbold. 

7.  Dr.    James    A.    Reid:    married    Annie    Berrv,    1862.      Children: 

1.  Clifton  A.   Reid. 

2.  Annie  L.   Reid:    married  C.  Cameron,  issue: 
1.    Reid    A.    Cameron. 

8.  Miriam  G.  Reid;    married  Eason  S.  Hickman.      Children: 

1.  Lizzie  Hickman. 

2.  Warren   Hickman. 

3.  Homer  Hickman. 

4.  Lee    Hickman. 

9.  William  X.   Reid;    married  B.  Jane  Spiller.      Children: 

1.  Yulah  Reid. 

2.  Edward    Reid.    twin. 

3.  Carrie  Reid.  twin. 

4.  Charles  Reid. 

5.  Frank  Reid. 

6.  John  Reid. 

7.  George  Reid. 
S.  Ettie  Reid. 
9.  Nellie   Reid. 

10.  Rachael  W.  Reid:  married  first,  Captain  Jefferson  Taylor,  and 
second  Rev.  W.  Davenport.     Children: 

1.  John  Taylor. 

2.  Frank  Taylor. 

3.  Minnie  Davenport. 

4.  Burr  Davenport. 

5.  Sylvester  Davenport. 

6.  Ida  Davenport. 

11.  Nathaniel  G.  Reid;  married  Nancy  E.  Goodall.     Children: 

1.  Martha  Reid. 

2.  Bessie  Reid. 

3.  Clifton    Reid. 

Section     12.      Frances    Woods;     married    William    Slavin,    emi- 
grated  and  settled  in   Boone  County,   Mo.   in    1823.      Children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Slavin;  married  William  McClure.  Children: 

1.  Fannie  McClure. 

2.  Alexander  McClure. 

3.  Samuel  McClure. 

4.  Almira  McClure. 

5.  Clark    McClure. 

2.  James  Rice  W^  Slavin;    died  young. 

3.  Mary   Jane    Slavin;    married    Robert    Nichols.    Children: 

1.  Overton    Nichols. 

2.  Isaac  Nichols. 

3.  Mary  Nichols. 

4.  John  Addison  Slavin;    married  Emma  Ruth  Ross. 

5.  Sarah    Margaret    Slavin;    married    Thomas    Wright,    had    eight 

6.  Martha   Slavin. 

7.  Rachael  Slavin;    married  Sidney  Jackman,  had  eight  children. 

8.  Elvira  Frances  Slavin:   married  William  Tandy  O'Rear:   issue: 
1.   William  Alexander  O'Rear;    died  in  infancy. 

Hisloiij  and  Genealogies  331 

2.  Alice  Frances  O'Rear;   married  George  B.  McFarlane;   issue: 

1.  Elvira  McFarlane;   died  in  infancy. 

2.  George  Tandy  McFarlane;    died  in  infancy. 
?,.   Charle.s  Roy  McFarlane. 

4.  George  Locke  McFarlane. 

5.  William  Lawrence  McFarlane;  died  at  the  age  of  16  years. 

3.  George  O'Rear. 

4.  Charles  Wayman  0"Rear;   died  at   the  age  of  29  years. 

5.  Louella  O'Rear;   married  Charleston  J.  Trumbull.     Children: 

1.  Elvira  E.   Trumbull;    married   Robert    B.   Rogers. 

2.  Sarah    Trumbull. 

3.  Ruth   Trumbull. 

4.  Hattie  Trumbull. 

5.  Mattie  Trumbull. 

6.  Xewton   Trumbull. 

6.  Woods  Elavin  O'Rear;    married  Flora  Prewitt.      Children: 

1.  Clyde  O'Rear. 

2.  George  McFarlane  O'Rear. 

7.  Sallie  Allie   O'Rear;    died   at   the  age   of   20   yearo. 

8.  Mattie  O'Rear;   married  P.  E.  Locke.     Children: 

1.  Allie  O'Rear  Locke. 

2.  Emma  Lydia  Locke. 

9.  Mary  Varnia  O'Rear;    married  H.  M.  Clark;   issue: 

1.  Miller  Clark. 

2.  Alice  Clark. 

3.  Elva  Clark. 

4.  Ruth    Clark. 

10.  Robert  O'Rear;   died  in  infancy. 

11.  Anna  O'Rear;    died  in  infancy. 


(Named  in  Chapter  19,  Section   2.) 

Article  1 — Mary  Wootl.s,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  John  Woods,  of  Alber- 
niarle,  and  Susannah  Anderson  his  wife,  was  born  in  Alber- 
niarle  County,  Va.  Dec.  2,  1746,  and  nuirried  John  Reid  of 
Xelson  County,  Va.,  formerly  of  Amherst.  (See  Chap.  48,  and 
also  Cliap.  29,  for  brief  history  of  the  Reid  family.) 

John  Reid  was  born  Aug.  25,  1750.  They  emigrated  to  Mad- 
ison County,  Ky.  in  the  period  1790-5,  and  settled  and  made  their 
home  on  Otter  Creek,  a  mile  or  two  east  of  Richmond,  where 
John  Reid  died  June  29,  1816.  His  son,  John  Reid  and  his  son- 
in-law,  William  Williams  qualified  as  administrators  of  his  estate. 
The  subject,  John  Reid,  before  coming  to  Kentucky  and  whilst  living 
in  Albermarle,  was  a  signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence, 
April  21,   17  79. 

Mary    Woods    Reid    his    widow    died    at    their    Otter    Creek    home 

222  History  and  Genealogies 

Oct.  19,  1828,  having  fii'st  made  and  published  her  last  will  and 
testament,  towit:  "In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  I,  Polly  Reid,  widow 
and  relict  of  John  Reid,  deceased,  being  weak  in  body  but  sound  in 
mind,  do  make  and  ordain  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  hereby 
revoking  all  others.  First,  my  will  and  desire  is  that  after  my  death 
my  just  debts,  if  any,  and  funeral  expenses,  be  first  paid  out  of  the 
proceeds  of  my  estate,  consisting  of  the  profits  of  my  dowry  in  the 
lands  and  slaves  of  my  said  husband,  John  Reid,  deceased.  Second, 
my  will  and  desire  is  that  as  my  beloved  son,  Thomas  Reid,  by 
one  misfortune  or  other  has  been  reduced  to  almost  penury  and 
want,  that  he  the  said  Thomas,  have  the  balance  of  my  estate, 
after  paying  as  above,  which  estate  consists  in  notes  principally 
upon  my  son,  James  Reid,  for  the  hire  of  my  negroes  and  land,  some 
of  which  are  now  in  my  possession,  and  one  in  the  possession  or  my 
son,  John  Reid,  in  fine,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto  my  said  son, 
Thomas  Reid  all  the  estate  of  which  I  am  seized  and  possessed,  or 
entitled  to  as  profits  of  my  dowry  estate,  or  otherwise,  absolutely 
entitled  to  in  my  own  right,  reserving  my  original  dowry  estate, 
to  be  disposed  of  as  the  law  directs.  It  being  only  my  wish  to  will 
and  bequeath  such  part  of  the  profits  of  said  estate,  as  may  be 
left  at  my  death,  after  paying  for  my  support  and  maintenance 
out  of  the  same,  and  such  other  estate  as  I  may  be  entitled  to  in 
any  way.  Lastly,  I  appoint  my  son,  Thomas  Reid,  executor  of  this 
my  last  will  and  testament.  In  witness  whereof,  I  have  hereunto  set 
my  hand  and  seal,  this  17th  day  of  October,  1828. 

Signed.      POLLY  REID.         [Seal] 
Witnesses: — ^E.   L.  Shackelford,  James  Woods,   Jacob   Coulter. 
Kentucky,    Madison    County    Set. 

I,  David  Irvine,  Clerk  of  the  Court  for  the  county  aforesaid,  do 
hereby  certify  that  at  a  County  Court  held  for  Madison  County  on 
Monday  the  2nd  day  of  Feb.  1829,  this  instrument  of  writing  was 
produced  in  open  court,  and  proved  to  be  the  last  will  and  testa- 
ment of  Polly  Reid,  deceased,  by  the  oaths  of  James  Woods  and 
James  Coulter,  two  subscribing  witnesses  thereto,  and  ordered  to 
be  recorded,  and  the  same  has  been  done  accordingly. 

Attest:      DAVID  IRVINE,  C.  M.  C.  C. 
(See  note  to  Fart  III,  Chap.   4  5.) 

The  remains  of  Mary  Woods,  and  John  Reid  her  husband, 
were  buried  about  two  miles  east  of  Richmond,  Ky.  in  a  plot 
of  ground  now  an  orchard,  on  the  old  William  Goodloe  farm,  now 
owned  and  occupied  by  Christopher  F.  Chenault  as  a  home.  Marble 
stones,  with  inscriptions  showing  dates  of  their  birth  and  death 
mark  their  graves,  their  brother-in-law,  Daniel  Miller  and  wife 
settled  on  Muddy  Creek.  Samuel  Reid  and  his  family  settled  on 
Paint  Lick  Creek.     Their  children  were: 

Section  1.  Thomas  Reid;  married  Susan  Shelton,  July  29,  1806, 
(See  Part  VII,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  1)  and  Nancy  Harris  April  19,  1820. 
(See  Note  to  Part  III,  Chap.  XLV.) 

Section  2.  John  Reid;  married  Ann  Miller,  a  daughter  of 
Colonel  John  Miller,  and  Jane  Dulaney  his  wife,  April  IS,  1796. 
(See  Part  1,  Chap.  XIV,  Sec.  111.)  They  had  a  number  of  child- 
ren among  them  were: 

1.  Jane   Reid;    married    Hudson    Broaddus,    Dec.    21,    1S19.    (See 
Part  I,  Chap.  XIII,  Sec.  3,  Note.) 

2.  Lucinda    Reid;    married    Overton    Gentry,    Oct.    7,    1824. 

J/islurjj   (I ml    (iciifd/ufjirs  223 

3.  John  M.  Reid:    niarriod  Elizabeth  Dinwiddle,  Sept.   9,   1824. 

4.  Corrinna  Reid;   married  Jiardin  Yates,  Aug.   18,  1829. 

5.  Elizabeth    (or  Elzira)    M.   Reid:    married  Talton  Fox,  .July   29, 

6.  Jefferi-on    Reid. 

7.  Susan   Reid;    married   George  Estill. 

8.  Joseph  Reid. 

9.  Christopher  Reid. 

10.  William   Reid. 

11.  Polly    Reid;    married   Levi    Williams. 

12.  Thomas   Rtid.     (See  Part   I,   Chap.    14,   Sec.   3.) 

Section  3.  James  Re-id;  married  Mary  Reid,  Feb.  27,  1816,  and 
on  the  1st  of  May  1834,  he  married  Mrs.  Sarah  Robertson,  a  widow 
who  had  been  married  to  William  Robertson  March  18,  1818,  by 
Benjamin  Lrvine,  M.  G.,  and  her  maiden  name  was  Hooten.  In  Dec, 
1835,  James  Reid  was  dead,  and  Anderson  W.  Reid,  was  admin- 
istrator of  his  estate,  and  on  the  27th,  of  April  1841,  his  widow, 
Sarah  married  Henry  Evans,  Mr.  Evans  and  his  said  wife  owned 
real  estate  in  Richmond,  Ky.  which  they  conveyed  to  John  P. 
Ballard  Jan.  10,  1846,  and  lands  on  Muddy  Creek  adjoining  Caleb 
Oldham  and  others,  100,  SQVz,  and  22%  acres,  which  they  conveyed 
to  Elijah  Yates,  Dec.  20,  1854.  Of  his  first  marriage  James  Reid 
had  these  children: 

1.  Sarah   W.   Reid;    married   Jeptha  Rice   Gilbert,    Feb.    22,    1836. 

2.  Sophia  Reid;  (her  guardian  was  John  Reid)  married  Mr. 

3.  Susan  J.  Reid,  (her  guardian  was  lier  step  parents,  Henry  and 
Sarah  M.  Evans). 

Section  4.  William  Reid;  married  Sarah  Woods.  (See  Chap. 
20,  Sec.  5,  for  their  children.) 

Section  5.  Anderson  Woods  Reid,  was  born  in  Va.  April  27, 
1783.  He  came  with  his  parents  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  On  the 
2nd  of  May  1809,  he  married  Charlotte  Embry,  a  daughter  of 
Tarlton  Embry.  He  acquired  lands  on  Muddy  Creek,  on  the  upper 
Irvine  Road,  near  Stephens  shop,  or  the  village  now  called  Colyer, 
on  which  he  built  a  substantial  brick  residence  and  made  his  per- 
manent home.  His  wife  died  there  June  21,  1835,  and  on  the 
11th  of  July,  1838,  Mr.  Reid  married  Barbara  Ann  Shrite.  and  he 
died  Sept.  29,  1843.  The  remains  of  Mr.  Reid  and  his  first  wife 
were  interred  some  two  hundred  yards  north  of  the  dwelling,  and 
tomb  stones  properly  inscribed  marl-c  the  graves.  The  farm  is  now 
owned  and  occupied  by  A.  Sidney  Noland  as  a  home.  Mr.  Reid  was  a 
very  substantial  citizen  and  farmer.  The  children  of  his  first 
marriage ; 

1.  Nancy  Embry  Reid,  born  April  22,  1811,  died  May  15,  1834. 
She  married  Samuel  Willis  June  22,   1830.      They  had  a  daughter: 

1.    Charlotte    Elizabeth    Willis;     died    April      6,      1834,      age     6 
months    and    2  5    days. 

2.  William  Loftus  Reid;  born  March  5,  1813;  died  unmarried. 

3.  Mary  Woods  Reid;  born  Jan.  6,  1815;  married  Lucas  C.  Chris- 
man,  Dec.  3,  1833.  He  was  a  tanner  of  leather.  They  had  a 

1.    Ann  Clirisman. 

4.  John  Reid,  born  in  1817;  married  July  15,  1841,  Miriam  Will- 
iams, a  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Williams  and  Celia  Oldham,  his  wife. 

224  History  and  Genealogies 

(See  Part  VI,  Chap.  VII,  Sec.  1.)  Mr.  Reid  lived  on  Otter  Creek, 
some  six  or  seven  miles  northeast  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  where  he  died 
some  years  since,  his  widow  is  now  upwards  of  eighty  years  of  age, 
with  a  bright,  clear  mind,  and  she  knows  much  of  the  pedigree  of 
her  own  people,  and  as  to  genealogy,  is  an  encyclopedia  of  useful 
knowledge.     Their  children: 

1.  Charlotte  Reid;  married  firstly  Homer  G.  Baxter,  and  had 
children,   then   she   married    H.    Clay   Rice,    of  Estill    County,   Ky. 

2.  Celia  Reid;  married  David  Witt,  of  Station  Camp,  Estill 
County,   Ky. 

3.  Martha  Matilda  Reid;   died  unmarried. 

4.  Annie  Reid;  married  James  Amerine,  and  had  children.  Mr. 
Amerine  was  killed  in  Irvine,  Ky.  by  Hal  Cockrill,  several  years 

5.  Julia  Reid;   died  in  infancy. 

6.  Oliver  G.  Reid;   married  Mrs.  Hickey  of  Illinois. 

7.  James  Anderson  Reid;  married  his  cousin,  Minnie  Reid  of 

8.  Nathan  Williams  Reid;  married  Fannie  Park,  live  in  Miss- 

9.  Malcolm  Miller  Reid;  married  his  second  cousin,  Rebecca 

10.   Arthur  Carrolton  Reid;   married  Samira  Reeves. 

5.  Martha  Reid,  born  March  27,  1819;   married  Albert  Comelison 
Sept.    22,    1836.     They  had  a  daughter: 

1.    Infant:   born  April  7,  18  39;   died  May  11,  1839. 

6.  Elizabeth  Reid,  born  April  19,  1822;  married  William  Denham. 

7.  Talitha     F.    Reid,    born     Feb.    9,    1824;     married     Lindsay     M. 
Thomas,  Feb.  11,  1841,  they  went  to  Iowa. 

8.  Louisa    Reid,    born    March    13,    1826;    married    Sidney    Dozier 
Aug.    8,    1844.       Issue: 

1.    Ibsan   Dozier. 

9.  Talton   E.   Reid.   born   March    3,    1828;    died  Aug.    6,    1829. 
10.   Josephus    Reid,    born    Sept.    27,    1831;    married    firstly,    Celia 

Williams  Jan.  30,  1851,  and  secondly  Miss  Adams. 

Section  6.  Elizabeth  Reid:  married  William  Williams,  Oct. 
15,  1805.  He  enlisted  in  the  war  of  1812,  as  a  private,  and  for 
conspicuous   bravery   was    promoted    Colonel.      They   had    two   sons: 

1.  James  Williams. 

2.  William    Williams. 

These  two  sons  lived  and  died  near  the  Pond  Meeting  House, 
a  few  miles  south  west  of  Richmond,  Ky. 

IJislori/  (111(1   Uencalixju'H  'i'io 


(Named  in  Chai)ter   19,  Section   3.) 

Article  1. — 3Ii(hael  Woods  a  son  of  Colonel  John  Woods,  of  Alber- 
niarle,  and  Susannah  Andei-son,  his  wife,  was  bom  in  Alber- 
niai'Ie  County,  Va.  near  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
about  the  year  1748. 

He  married  Hettie  Caruthers  of  Rockbridge  County,  Va.  and 
lived  on  his  father's  place  on  Mechiims  River  till  about  1801,  and 
then  moved  to  a  farm  in  the  southern  part  of  the  county,  on  the 
south  side  of  Rockfish,  recently  occupied  by  Charles  Harris,  which 
Avas  in  1807  cut  off  into  Nelson  County,  which  was  then  formed, 
where  he  lived  the  rest  of  his  life.  He  was  co-executor  with  his 
brother  James  of  Colonel  John  Woods  will.  His  own  will  bears  date 
Feb.  22,  1825.  He  died  in  1826.  In  his  will  is  mentioned  his 

Section  1.  James  Michael  Woods;  married  his  cousin  Margaret 
Caruthers,  of  Rockbridge.     The  subject  of  Chapter  XXIII. 

Section  2.  John  Caruthers  Woods;  married  Miss  Davis.  The 
subject    of   Chapter   XXIV. 

Section  3.  Samuel  Caruthers  Woods;  married  Sarah  Rodes 
daughter  of  John  Rodes  and  Prancina  Brown,  his  wife,  of  Nelson 
County.  (See  Part  III,  Chap.  Ill,  Sec.  7,  and  Part  VIII,  Chap. 
IV,  Sec.   IV.)      The  subject  of  Chapter  XXV. 

Section  4.  William  Moffett  Woods;  married  Louisa  Elizabeth 
Dabney,  daughter  of  William  S.  Dabney,  Sr.,  (see  Part  III,  Chap. 
XV.)    and   secondly  Martha  J.   Scott,   daughter   of   Charles  A.   Scott. 

Section  5.  Michael  Woods;  died  when  about  twenty  one  years 
of  age. 

Section  ij.  Susan  Woods;  married  Nathaniel  Massie.  The  sub- 
ject of  Chapter  2  7. 

Section  7.  Mary  Woods;  married  Hugh  Barclay.  The  subject 
of  Chapter  28. 

Section  8.  Jane  Woods;  married  William  Hardy.  They  emi- 
grated to  Missouri. 



(Named  in   Section   1,   Chapter   22,   Part   II.) 

Article    1. — James    Michael    Woods    a    son    of    Michael    AVoods,    and 
Hettie  (Ksther)  Caruthers  his  wife. 

He  married  his  cousin  ?ilargaret  Caruthers  of  Rockbridge  County, 
i  Va.,    emigrated    to    Marion    County,    Miss.,    and    died    about    18  50-1. 
Leaving    these    children: 

Section    1.      Susan  Elizabeth  Woods;   married  James  W.  Clark. 
Section    2.      Michael    James    Woods,    born    1839,    served    in    the.- 

226  History  and  Genralogies 

Confederate  Army,  settled  in  Mississippi;  married  Miss  Hibler, 
whom  lie  survived.  He  afterwards  married  Miss  Butts,  and  died  in 

Section    3.      John    William    Woods;    went    to    Mississippi,    where 
he  was  killed   in  a  riot   of  the  negroes  in   1876. 

CHAPTEE   24. 

(Named  in  Section  2,  Chapter  22,  Part  II.) 

Artic'k'    1. — -John    Carutln'i-s    Woods    a    son    of    ^lichacl    AVoods    and 
Estlu'r    (Hettie)    Caiulhris. 

He  married  Miss  Davis,  and  moved  to  Marion  Coutny,  Mississ- 
ippi in  1839.     To  them  were  born  the  following  named  children: 

Section    1.      William   Woods   of   Kansas   City,   Missouri. 

Section  2.  A  daughter  married  N.  B.  Langsford  of  Waxahat- 
chie,  Texas. 

CllAPTEK   25. 


(Named  in   Section   3,   Chapter  22,  Part  II.) 

Article   1. — Samuel  Cariithers  Woods,  a  son   of  Mi<'ha«'l   W«H»ds  and 
Esther    (Hettie)   Caiuthers,  his  wife. 

He  married  Sarah  Rodes,  daughter  of  John  Rodes,  of  Nelson 
County,  Va.  emigrated  to  Missouri  in  1839,  where  he  died  in  1866-7. 
(See  Part  III,  Chap.  Ill,  Sec.  3,  and  Part  VIII  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  4.) 
To  whom  were  born  these  children; 

Section    1.        M.   Woods,   lives   at   Eldora   Springs,   Missouri. 
Section    2. 
Section    3. 



(Named  in  Section  4,  Chapter  22,  Part  II.) 

Article    1. — William   Mottett   Woods,    a   son   of   Michael   Woods   and 
Esther   (Hettie)    Caruthers  his  wife,  was  boru  March  27,  1808. 

He  married  Louisa  Elizabeth  Dabney,  daughter  of  (Wm.  S. 
Dabney,  Sr.  Oct.  4,  1837.  She  died  Jan.  29,  184  3.  To  them  were 
born  these  children : ' 

Section  1.  Senora  Dabney  Woods,  born  Aug.  2,  1838;  died 
April  5,  1866. 

Section  2.      Julian  Watson  Woods,  born  May  15,   184   . 

History  and  (Jenealogies  227 

Article  2. — After  the  deatli  (if  his  wife,  William  Moffett  AVoods 
niari-ied  Mai'tha  J.  Scott,  daughter  of  Chas.  A.  Scott;  she  was 
bom  April  20,  1814,  and  died  March  7,  1872. .  Of  this  marriage 
the  following  named  children  were  the  fruits: 

Section  1.  Mary  Louise  Woods,  born  Feb.  16,  1849;  died  Feb. 
20,  1860. 

Section  2.  Daniel  Scott  Woods,  born  April  25,  1850;  died  April 
5,    1860. 

Section  3.  Fanny  Langhorn  Woods,  born  Sept.  18,  1851;  died 
June  3  0,  188    . 

Section  4.  Nannie  Scott  Woods,  born  Jan.  23,  1853;  married  C. 
L.  Wagnor,  Nov.  2  4,  1886. 

Section  5.  William  Moffett  Woods,  born  June  8,  1856;  died 
Jan.  15,   1888. 

Section  6.  Susan  Massie  Woods  born  March  16,  1859;  died 
Aug.   16,   1892. 

The  subject  of  this  chapter  died  in  Buckingham  County,  Va. 
in   18  62,  aged   54  years. 



(Named   in   Sec.    6,   Chapter   22,    Part   II.) 

Article  1. — Susan  AVoods  a  daughter  of  Michael  Woods  and  Esther 
(Hettie)  Caruthers,  his  wife;  married  Nathaniel  Massie  of 
Nelson  County,  Virginia. 

Nathaniel  Massie  was  for  a  considerable  period  of  his  life  a 
successful  merchant  of  Waynesborough,  but  as  old  age  begun  to 
creep  on  him  he  moved  back  to  the  old  homestead  on  the  border  of 
Nelson  County,  where  he  died  in  1871.  His  grand-father  Charles 
Massie,  an  emigrant  to  America  came  from  New  Kent,  and  estab- 
lished his  home  in  the  southwestern  part  of  Albermarle  County, 
Va.  on  the  waters  of  Lynch  Creek,  on  what  was  known  as  the  Wake- 
field Entry.  His  plantation  was  named  Spring  Valley  and  became 
noted  from  the  perfection  of  its  Albermarle  pippins;  though  passed 
into  other  hands  it  is  still  designated  by  the  name  Mr.  Massie 
gave  it.  Charles  Massie  purchased  the  place  about  1768,  he  died 
in  1817.  His  son  Charles  Massie  and  wife  Nancy,  the  father  of 
Nathaniel  Massie  succeeded  to  the  place  in  1830.  The  children 
of  Nathaniel   Massie  and  Susan  Woods  his  wife  were: 

Section  1.  James  Massie,  was  professor  in  the  Virginia  Mil- 
itary Institute. 

Section  2.  Nathaniel  Hardin  Massie,  born  about  182  6,  became 
prominent  attorney  at  law  of  Charlottesville. 

Section    3.      Susan    Massie;    married    Robert    B.    Moon. 

Section  4.      Hettie  Massie;    married  William  Patrick. 

Nathaniel  Massie's  second  wife  was  Elizabeth  Rodes  daughter 
of  Matthew  Rodes,  and  their  children  were: 

Section  5.      Rodes  Massie. 

Section   6.      Edwin   Massie. 

328  History  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in  Section  7,  Chapter  22,  Part  II.) 

Article  1. — Mary  Woods  a  daughter  of  Michael  Woods  and  Ettie 
(Hettie)  Caruthers  his  «ife,  married  Hugh  Barclay  of  Lexing- 
ton, Virginia.  To  whom  were  born  the  following  named  child- 
ren : 

Section   1.      John  Woods  Barclay  of  Lexington  Va. 

Section  2.  Dr.  Michael  Woods  Barclay  moved  to  Kentucky.  He 
married  his  cousin  Susannah  Goodloe  Miller,  a  daughter  of  General 
John  Miller  and  Elizabeth  Goodloe  his  wife  and  died  in  1858,  leav- 
ing these  children: 

1.   Hugh  Barclay.  2.   Bettie  Barclay.  3   Mary  Barclay.  All  of  whom 
died  young.    (See  Part  1,  Chap.  VII,  Sec.   1.) 



(Named  in  Section  4,  Chapter  19,  Part  II.) 

Division  1. 

Article  1. — Suity  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  John  Woods,  of  Al- 
bermarle,  and  Susannah  Anderson  his  wife,  was  married  at 
their  home  in  Albennarle  Coxmty,  Va.,  to  Samuel  Reid,  of  Nel- 
son  County,    A^a. 

They  emigrated  to  Ky.  and  settled  on  the  waters  of  Paint  Lick 
Creek,  in  Garrard  County,  in  1782,  and  lived  and  died  on  the  same 
farm  near  old  Paint  Lick  church.      Their  children: 

Section    1.      Dr.    James    Reid.      He    married    Betsy    Murrell,    of 
Barren  County,  Ky.,  and  owned  and  occupied  his  father's  old  home- 
stead, where  he  practiced  medicine  for  many  years.     Children  were: 
■  1.    Susan   Reid. 

2.  Mary  Reid. 

3.  George  Reid. 

4.  James  Reid. 

5.  Belle  Reid. 

Section  2.  John  W.  Reid;  married  Jennie  Murrell.  They  lived 
and  died  near  Hustonville,  Lincoln  County,  Ky.  A  fuller  account 
of  whom  will  be  found  in  Chapter  2  0. 

Section  3.  Alexander  Reid;  married  Polly  Morrison  Blain, 
daughter  of  John  and  Jane  Blain.  They  lived  and  died  in  Garrard 
County,   Ky.    near   Paint   Lick.      Their  children   were: 

1.  Almira   Reid. 

2.  Jane  Reid. 

Uistuni  and  UencaLuyics  229 

3.  Nelson    Reid. 

4.  Sallie   Ann    Reid. 

5.  Mariah  Reid. 

All  of  whom   are  dead. 

Section  4.  Mary  Reid;  married  her  cousin  William  Woods  of 
Garrard  County,  Ky.,  son  of  James  Woods  and  Mary  Garland.  (See 
Chap.  XIX,  Sec.  IV.)  William  Woods  was  a  very  prominent  man, 
and  represented  Garrard  County  in  the  Legislature  in  1857-9.  They 
died  leaving  the  children  mentioned  in  chapter  XX,  section  IV. 

The   Reid   Family. 

In  the  first  part  of  the  seventeenth  century,  Samuel  Reid  came 
from  Scotland  to  America  and  settled  in  Pennsylvania.  He  enlisted 
as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  Army,  in  which  he  faithfully  served 
until  peace  was  declared,  and  America  was  freed  from  the  yoke  of 
England.  After  the  war  he  settled  in  the  Valley  of  Virginia,  in 
probably  Xelson  County.  Many  of  his  descendants  now  live  in  Vir- 
ginia,   Kentucky,    Georgia,    and    other    states    of   the    Union. 

In  the  Revolutionary  Army  Nathan  Reid  was  Captain  of  a 
Company  of  the  14th  Va.  Regiment,  commanded  by  Colonel  Charles 
Lewis  of  Albermarle.  In  1778  this  company  was  designated  as 
Captain  Nathan  Reid's  company  of  the  10th  Va.  Regiment  command- 
ed by  Colonel  William  Davies.  In  May,  1779,  the  1st  and  10th  Va. 
Regiments  were  consolidated  and  this  com])any  was  called  Captain 
Nathan  Reid's  and  Lieutenant  Colonel  Hopkins'  Company,  10th  Va. 
Regiment  commanded  by  Colonel  William  Davies  and  some  times 
referred  to  as  the  1st  and  10th. 

.lohn  Reid:   married  Mary  Woods  as  set  forth  in  Chapter  21. 

Samuel  Reid;  married  Suity  Woods,  as  set  forth  in  the  beginning 
of  this  chapter  XXIX.  and  Jonathan  (or  Jno.  N.)  Reid  married 
Anna  Woods,  as  set  forth  in  chapter  XLVIII. 

Notes: — The  prevailing  impression  in  our  mind  has  been  that 
Captain  Nathan  Reid,  John  Reid,  Samuel  Reid,  and  Jonathan  Reid 
w^ere  brothers,  having  been  so  told  years  ago  by  one  who  professed 
to  know,  but  who  is  long  since  dead  (the  venerable  Robert  Harris, 
of  Drowning  Creek,  Madison  County,  Ky.,  who  lived  to  be  9  6  years 
old).  There  were  probably  other  brothers  and  sisters.  They  prob- 
ably had  a  brother  Alexander  Reid.  Andrew  Reid  died  in  Alber- 
marle in  1751,  and  James  Reid  died  in  179  0. 

Madison  County,  Ky.  Record  of  the  Family. 
Early  marriages  in  the  County: 
Reid,  James — Ann  Hall,  Feb.   12,   1790. 
Reid,  John — -Mary  Mackey,  April   2,   1793. 
Reid,   Mary — John   Cloyd,   Jan.    15,    1795. 
Reid,    Patsy — George    Creath,    Jan.    21,    1796. 
Reid,   John — Ann    Miller,    April    IS,    1796. 
Reid,  Jenny — John   McCord,   March   23,    1797. 
Reid,  Fanny — Joseph   Moore,  March   21,   179  9. 
Reid.  George — Mary  Arnold,  .Jan.   6,  1803. 
Reid,  Patsy — Richard  Oldham,  Jan.  26,   1803. 
Reid,  Sallie — Joseph  Leak,  Dec.   18,  1803. 
Reid,  Betsy — William  Williams,  Oct.  15,  1805. 
Reid,   Thomas — Susannah  Shelton,   July   29,   1806. 
Reid,    Susannah — Benjamin    Moberly,   Oct.    4,    1808. 
Reid,   John — Betsy  Lancaster,  Jan.    7,    1812. 


History  and  Genealogies 


Jane — Andrew  Wallace,   Oct.    5,   1813. 
Martha — Albert  Comelison,  Sept.   22,   1836. 
Frances  B. — Jeremiah  Collins,  Aug.  1,  18  39. 
John — Minerva  Williams,  July  15,   18  41. 
Alexander — Elizabeth  Duff,  Jan.  5,  1841. 
Louisa — Sidney    Dozier,   Aug.    8,    1844. 
Margaret — JohnMoore,   Oct.    10,   1847. 
Polly — Levi  Williams,  Dec.   27,  1814. 
James — Polly  Reid,  Feb.   27,   1816. 
Polly — James  Reid,  Feb.   27,   1816. 
Jane — Hudson  Breaddus,  Dec.  21,  1819. 
Thomas — Nancy  Harris,  April   19,   1821. 
Lucinda — Overton  Gentry,  Oct.   7,   1824. 
John  Miller — Elizabeth  Dinwiddle,  Sept.   9   1824. 
Isaac — Rhoda  Tate,  Sept.   9,  1825. 
Elizabeth   M. — Talton   Fox,   July   29,    1828. 
Sylvester — Elizabeth    Hubbard,    Aug.    13,    1829. 
Sallie — Thomas  Todd,  Jan.  15,  1829. 
Nancy — ^Samuel  Willis,  June   22,   183  0. 
Corrinna — Hardin  Yates,  Aug.    18,   1829. 
Miriam — Alexander  R.  Oldham,  Sept.  15,  1831. 
Mary  W. — Lucius  C.   Chrisman,   Dec.   3,   18  33. 
James — ^Mrs.  Sarah  Robertson,  May  1,  1834. 
Sarah  W. — Jeptha  Rice  Gilbert,  Feb.  22,  1836. 
Talitha — Lindsay  M.  Thomas,  Feb.   11,   1841. 
James — Lydia  Townsend,  Dec.   23,   18  42. 
Sarah  M. — Henry  Evans,  Apr.  27,  1841. 
Sausen — Mary  Jane  Anderson,   May   13,    1845. 
Josephus — Celia  Wiliams,  Jan.  30,  1851. 

in  Madison  County,  Ky. 
Elizabeth,   was    allotted 

John  Reid  Sr.,  settled  at  an  early  date 
On  the  18th  of  March,  1818,  his  widow, 
dower  in  his  estate.     Their  children: 

1.  John    Reid   Jr.;    one   John   Reid,    married   Mary   Mackey,   April 
2,  1793.     His  children: 

1.  Alexander    Reid.      (In    1799,  one  Alexander  Reid's  wife  was 
Rebekah.     In  1810,  one  Alexander  Reid's  wife  was  Mary.) 

2.  Sallie  Reid;    married  Joseph  Leake,  Dec.   18,  1803. 

3.  John  Reid.    (One  John  Reid,  married  Betsy  Lancaster,  Jan. 
7,  1812.     In  1826,  one  John  Reid's  wife  was  Susannah. 

4.  Betsy   Reid;    married   Mr.    John   Reid   Rogers. 

2.  Margaret   Reid;    married  Joseph  Hieatt. 

3.  James  Reid,   (one  James  Reid  married  Ann  Hall  Feb.  12,1790). 

4.  Polly  Reid;    married   John   Cloyd,   Jan.    15,   1795. 

5.  Jane  Reid,   the  wife  of  William   Young. 

6.  Robert  Reid. 

7.  William  Reid,  was  in  Cooper  County,  Mo.  in  1821. 

8.  Sallie    Reid,    the    wife    of   Joseph    Wolfscale. 

9.  Elizabeth    Reid,    the    wife    of    Mr.    Creath.     (One    Patsy    Reid, 
married  George  Creath,  Jan.  21,  1796. 

In   177  9   an  Alexander  Reid,  and  his  wife  Rebekah  lived  in  the 

In    1801,    an   Alexander   Reid,    and   his   wife   Mary,    lived   in    the 

Alexander   Reid's    deposition,    taken    in    1801,    recorded   in   Deed 
Book  E.   page   2  4  8. 

Alexander  Reid  of  Garrard  County  in  1808. 

History  and  Genealogies  231 

The  following  named  John  Reid's  appear  on  the  records. 

John  Reid,  of  Caswell  County,  N.  C,  in   ISIO. 

John  Reid,  of  Lincoln  County,  in  1795. 

John    Reid,    of   Nelson   County,   Va.    to   Arichibald   Woods    and    Will- 
iam Kavanaugh,  land  and  mill  on  Main  Muddy  Creek  in  179  9. 

John  Reid,  senior  in   1814,  died  in   1816.    (wife  Mary  Woods.) 

See  Chapters  21,  2  9,  30,  31,  32  and  4  8  for  additional  facts. 
In    an    old    Bible    found    in    the    Madison    Circuit    Court    Clerk's 
office  is  a  family  record,  from  which  the  following  was  copied: 

"Ellen  Leake  the  daughter  of  Walter  Leake,  and  Susannah 
his  wife  was  born  Sept.  15,  1813,  and  died  the  22  of  April  1814,  at 
or  about  11  o'clock  with  the  plague  or  epidemic  fever  raging  among 
us    in    the    Western    Hemisphere. 

"Isaac  Shelby  Reid  the  son  of  John  Reid,  and  Judith  his  wife, 
was  born   Sept.    28,   1813. 

"Susan  Reid  was  born  ye  Aug.  2,  1815;  she  is  the  daughter  of 
John  Reid,  and  Judith  his  wife. 

"Mary  Leake,  the  daughter  of  Walter  Leake,  and  Susannah 
his  wife  was  born  the  14th  of  Oct.   1815. 

"Josiah  Leake,  was  born  Sept.  23,  1811,  the  son  of  Walter 
Leake,    and    Susannah    Leake. 

"Oct.  29,  1828;  Mary  Samuel  Leake  Marshall  was  born,  the 
daughter  of  Isham  Marshall  and  Judith,  his  wife. 

"Hannah  Walters,  born  1833,  Dec.  29.  Sarah  was  born  July 
9,  1836;  these  are  children  of  Caroline  and  Pleasant  her  husband. 
"April  8,  1809:  John  Newman  and  wife  Nancy,  late  Nancy 
Reid  of  the  one  part  conveyed  to  the  heirs  of  Alexander  Reid,  % 
of  all  land  of  said  heirs,  except  300  acres,  tract  on  Cumberland  river 
in  Knox  County,  called  the  Flat  Lick  tract,  which  Newman  and  wife 
agree  to  take  for  their  third.  Two  of  the  heirs  namely,  Richard 
Oldham  and  Goodman  Oldham,  agree,  etc.        (Signed) 

For  himself  and  John  Reid,  one  of  the  heirs. 
Gdn.  for  Polly  and  Hannah   Reid. 

Teste: — Overton  Harris,  John  Oldham,  James  Smith. 

JOHN   W.    REID. 

(Named  in  Chapter  29,  Section   2.) 

Article  1. — -John  W.  Reitl,  a  son  of  Samuel  Reid  and  Suity  Woods, 
his  wife,  Avas  born  in  Virjiinia  in  1784,  and  came  with  his 
parents  to  Paint  Lick,   Gai'iard  County,  Ky.,   in   1795. 

He  married  Jensie  (Jennie)  Murrell  (who  died  in  1852).  They 
lived  for  over  forty  years  on  the  Old  Paint  Lick  farm  and  died 
there.     Their  children  were: 

Section    1.      Amanda   Reid,    born    1811;    she    married    Mr.    Lewis 

232  History  and  Genealogies 

McMurtry.     In   1905  she  was  alive  and  then  94  years  old;   she  died 

recently.      Their  son: 

1.  Dr.  Lewis  McMurtry;  his  wife  died  in  child-birth.  Dr. 
McMurtry  has  an  infirmary  on  James  Court,  Louisville,  Ky.,  and 
is  one  of  the  finest  surgeons  in  the  United  States,  specially  treat- 
ing diseases  of  women. 

Section  2.  James  M.  Reid;  married  Mary  G.  Hays.  A  fuller 
history  of  them  is  set  forth  in  Chapter  31. 

Section  3.  John  M.  Reid;  married  Bettie  A.  Hays.  A  fuller 
history  of  whom  is  set  forth  in  Chapter  32. 

Section    4.      Sallie   Reid;    married   Dr.   P.    S.   Reid. 

Section  5.      Eliza  Reid;   married  Mr.  Lee;  she  is  dead. 

Section    6.      Susannah    Reid. 

Section    7.      William    Reid. 



(Named  in  Chapter  3  0,  Section   2.) 

Artich'  1 . — .lames  ]M.  Reid,  a  son  of  John  W.  Reid,  and  Jensey 
Murrell,  his  wife,  was  born  in  1812..   He  died  in  1878. 

He  married  Mary  Y.  Hays,  a  daughter  of  Hugh  Hays  and  Eliz- 
abeth Blaine,  his  wife.  She  was  born  in  1<S20,  and  died  in  1SS4. 
Their  home  was  in  Lincoln   County,   Ky.      Their  children: 

Section  1.  Forrestus  Reid,  was  born  on  the  old  Reid  farm  on 
Paint  Lick  Creek,  in  Garrard  County,  Ky.,  was  a  number  of  years 
a  resident  of  Lincoln  County,  and  a  i)rosperous  farmer.  Some  years 
since  he  moved  to  Danville,  Ky.  where  he  now  lives.  He  married 
Katherine  Withers,  a  daughter  of  Horace  Withers  of  Lincoln  County, 
Ky.     To  them  were  born  seven  children,  two  of  whom  are  dead. 

Section  2.  Sallie  E.  Reid;  married  Dr.  Wiett  Letcher,  a  prom- 
inent i)hysician  of  Danville,  Ky.  To  whom  three  children  have 
been  born. 


JOHN   M.   REID. 

(Named  in  Chapter  30,  Section   3.) 

Ai'tick*  1. — Johiv  >I.  Reid,  a  son  of  John  W.  Reid  and  Jensey  IMiiri-ell 
his  wife,  was  horn  at  the  old  home  in  Garrard  County,  Ky.,  in 
1823.      He  died  in  1878. 

He  married  Bettie  A.  Hays,  a  daughter  of  Hugh  Hays  and  Eliz- 
abeth Blaine,  his  wife,  in  1854.     She  died  in  1881.     Their  children: 
Section   1.      Dr.   Hugh   Reid,   of  Stanford,   Ky.   born   in   18  56. 
Section  2.      Fanny  M.  Reid;   married  Mr.  Jones. 
Section    3.      James   C.   Reid. 
Section  4.      Mary  Reid;   married  Mr.  Foster. 
Section    5.      Bessie   Reid. 

llislurji  and  Genealogies  233 

CIIAJ'TET^  ;?:i 

(Named  in   Section    7,   Chapter   4.) 

Article    1. — Richard    Woods,    a    son    of    Michael    Woods,    senior,    of 
Blair  I*aik,  and  IMary  Cainjihell  his  wife,  was  born  about  1715. 

He   married   Jean  .      He   lived   in   a  region   of  country   that 

Boutetourt  County,  created  in  1769,  covered.  He  died  in  1779, 
leaving   children: 

Section    1.      Samuel   Woods. 

Section    2.      Benjamin   Woods. 


(Named   in   Section    S,   Chapter   4.) 

Article  1. — Archibald  Woods,  a  son  of  Michael  AVoods  senior  of  Blair 
Park  and  >Iary  Campbell,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Ireland  about 

He  came  with  his  parents  to  America,  and  finally  settled  in 
Virginia,  living  for  a  time  in  Albermarle  County;  afterwards  on  Cat- 
awaba  Creek  in  what  is  now  Roanoke  County.  Va.,  known  as  Indian 
Camp,  where  he  lived  till  his  death  in  1783.  He  married  Isabella — , 
To  whom   were  born: 

William  Woods,  17  44. 

A   daughter,   born    1745;    married   Mr.    Brazeal. 
Isabella  Woods,    1747. 

John  Woods,  1748.     A  further  account  of  whom  will 
Chapter  3  5. 

A  daughter  1750;   married  Mr.  Cowan. 
A  daughter  1752;  married  Mr.  Trimble. 
James    Woods    1755,    of    whom    a    further    account 
Chapter  36. 

Archibald   Woods   1757. 

Andrew  Woods,  17  60;   moved  to  Kentucky. 
Joseph     Woods,     1763.       Lived    on     Indian     Camp 
died   in    1832. 








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is  rendered 










234  History  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in  Section  4,  Ctiapter  3  4.) 

Article  1. — John  AVoods,  a  son  of  Archibald  AVoods,  and  Isabella  — 
his  wife,  married  Elizabeth  Smith,  and  died  at  Indian  Camp  in 

To  them  were  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming  sections: 
Section    1.      James  Woods.      He  died  Nov.    5,    1856.      His  wife's 
name   is    unknown.      He    left    these    children: 

1.  John  Woods,  went  to  Illinois  and  left  three  children:  Mary 
Woods  Hatfield,  Addie  Woods  Boston  and  William  Woods. 

2.  George  Washington  Woods;  went  to  Illinois  and  then  to 
Nevada,  and  left  one  daughter:  Virginia  Lee  Woods,  of  Los 
Angeles,  California. 

3.  Gabriel    Woods,   went   to   Missouri. 

4.  Joseph    Woods. 

Section  2.  Absalom  Woods,  born  in  18  01;  died  in  1871.  He 
never   married. 

Section  3.  Archibald  Woods;  died  in  Craig  County,  Va.  in 
1875,  leaving  four  children,  viz:  1.  John  T.  Woods,  2.  Absalom 
Woods,   3.   Oliver  D.   Woods,    4.   Alice  Woods  married  Mr.   Beard. 

Section  4.  Sarah  S.  Woods;  married  William  Loosing.  They 
died    leaving    the    following    issue: 

1.  Eliza  Loosing;    married  Mr.  Hoffman,  of  Catawaba  Valley. 

2.  John  W.  Loosing,  of  Catawaba  Valley. 

3.  A    daughter;    married    Charles    Thomas,    of    Portland,    Oregon. 

4.  Martha    Loosing,    of    Catawba    Valley. 

5.  Ann  Loosing,  of  Catawba  Valley. 

6.  Adaline  Loosing,   of  Catawba  Valley. 

Section   5.      Joseph  Woods. 

Section  6.  William  Woods,  1817-1882.  Home  at  old  Indian 
Camp,  on  the  Catawba.  He  first  married  Harriet  Pander,  by  whom 
he  had  these  children: 

1.  Mary  Woods:    married  John  W.  Thomas,  and  went  to  Oregon. 

2.  Sarah  Woods;   married  George  W.  Lewis,  of  Catawba. 

3.  Archibald   Woods,    of  Vine   Grove,   Ky. 

4.  Caroline  Woods;  married  Major  M.  P.  Spessard,  of  Craig 
County,   Virginia. 

5.  Susan  C.  Woods;    married  G.  W.  Wallace,  of  Catawba,  Valley. 

6.  John  Woods;    died   in   infancy. 

The  said  Wiliam  Woods,  survived  his  wife,  Harriet  Pander,  and 
afterwards  married  Sarah  Jane  Edington,  by  whom  he  had  these 
children : 

1.  John  W.  Woods,  of  Roanoke,  Va. 

2.  Annie  B.   Woods;    died   in    1884. 

3.  Joseph  R.  Woods,  on  old  Indian  Camp  homestead. 

4.  Anna    S.    Woods,    of    Catawba    Valley. 

5.  James  Pleasant  Woods,  of  Roanoke,  County. 

6.  Oscar  W.  Woods,  was  surgeon  in  U.  S.  Army,  and  is  now  in 
the  Philliphine  Islands. 

Illslory  and  Genealogies  .  235 

CITAPTEll  ;5(i. 


(Named  in  Section  7,  Chapter  3  4.) 

.Vrticle   1. — .Tames   Woods,   a   son   of  Archibald  Woods,   and  Isabella 
,  his  wife,  was  born  in  Alberniarle  Connty,  Va. 

He  first  married  Jane ,  moved  to  Kentucky,  and  died  in  Mer- 
cer or  Fayette  County  about  1797.  To  him  and  his  wife  were  born 
these  children: 

Section  1.      Peggy  Woods. 

Section    2.      Joseph  Woods. 

Section  3.      Archibald  Woods;   married  Ann  Adams. 


(Named  in   Section   10,   Chapter   4.) 

Article  1. — Andrew  Woods,  a  son  of  >Iichael  Woods  senior  of  Blair 
Park  and  Mary  Campbell  his  Avife,  man-ied  Martha  Poage  a 
daughter  of  Robert  Poage  of  Augusta  County,  Va. 

His  plantation  was  in  Albermarle  near  his  father.  After  his 
father's  death  he  moved  to  Boutetourt  County,  near  Mill  Creek 
church,  and  was  one  of  the  first  Justices  of  the  Peace  of  that  County. 
He  died  in  17S1.      He  left  the  following  named  children: 

Section  1.  James  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  will  be  found 
in  chapter  XXXVHI. 

Section  2.  Elizabeth  AVoods.  An  account  of  whom  will  be 
found  in  chapter  XXXIX. 

Section  3.  Rebecca  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  will  t)e 
found  in  chapter  XL. 

Section    4.      Robert  Woods.     See  account  in  chapter  XLI. 

Section  5.  Andrew  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  is  rendered 
in   chapter  XLII. 

Section  6.  Archibald  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  will  be 
found   in   chapter   XLIH. 

Section  7.  Mary  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  will  l)e  found 
in    chapter    XLHII. 

Section  8.  Martha  Woods.  An  account  of  whom  will  be  found 
in  chapter  XLV. 

236  -  Histonj  (ind  Genealogies 



(Named  in  Section  1,  Chapter  3  7.) 

Article  1 . — James  Woods,  a  son  of  Andrew  Woods,  and  Martha 
I'oage,  his  wife,  married  Xancv  Rayhurn,  Dee.  26,  1776,  and 
lived  in  IMontgimiery  County,  Va.  wliere  he  died  Jan.  27,  1817. 

To  them  were  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section    1.      Andrew   Woods,   of  St.    Charles,   Mo.;    married  

■ and   had   these   children: 

1.  Andrew  Woods,  of  Louisana;   married  Elizabeth  . 

2.  Adaline  Woods;    married  Courtney. 

3.  Robert  Woods. 

4.  Emily  Woods;   married  Whitman. 

Section  2.  Joseph  Woods,  born  June  22,  17  79,  died  April 
20,    1859,   at   Nashville   Tenn. 

Section  3.  Margaret  Woods,  born  Sept.  12,  1781;  married 
John  Moore  Walker,  of  Lyon  County,  Ky.  left  issue  towit: 

1.  James  Walker. 

2.  Catherine  Rutherford  Walker;  married  Rev.  Robert  A.  Lapsley. 

3.  Agnes  Walker;   married  Joseph  Norvell. 

4.  Mary  Jane  Walker;   married  Dr.  John  D.  Kelley. 

5.  Jeseph  W.  Walker. 

6.  Robert   W.    Walker;    married   Lelia   Taylor. 

7.  John    M.    Walker. 

8.  Elsie  Walker;    married    Reuben    Kay. 

Section  4.  Robert  Woods,  born  Dec.  25,  1786,  of  Nashville, 
Tenn.,  married  Sarah  West,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  James  Woods;   married  Elizabeth  Campbell. 

2.  Josephine  Woods;    married  John  Branch. 

3.  Robert  F.  Woods;   married  Mariah  Cheatham. 

4.  Joseph    Woods;     married    Frances    Foster. 

5.  Theodora  Woods;   married  Handy. 

6.  Robina  Woods;   married  William  Armistead,  of  Nashville, Tenn. 

7.  Julia   Woods;    married   R.    C|    Foster,    of   Memphis,    Tenn. 

Section  5.  Martha  Woods,  born  Oct.  4,  1790;  married  Alex- 
ander H.  Robertson  of  Montgomery  County,  Va.  To  whom  were 
born  the  following  named  children: 

1.  James  W.   Robertson;    married  Miss  Graham,   of  Dover,  Tenn. 

2.  Robert    Robertson. 

3.  Joseph   Robertson. 

4.  Alexander    H.    Robertson,    Jr. 

Section  6.  James  Woods,  born  Dec.  10,  1793;  married  Eliz- 
abeth A.  Kay,  and  lived  in  Nashville,  Tenn.  To  whom  were  born 
the  following  named  children: 

1.  Robert  K.  Woods;  married  Susan  Berry  and  lived  in  St.  Louis, 
and  had  three  children:  1.  Susan  Woods;  married  Givens  Camp- 
bell, 2.  Margaret  Woods;  married  Greenleaf,  3.  Anne  Lee  Woods; 
married  Mr.  Bliss,  4.   Robert  K.  Woods,  Jr. 

Histortj  and  Genealogies  237 

2.  Margaret  Woods;   married  Mr.  Handy. 

3.  Anna  Woods;  married  R.  B.  Castlenian  of  Nasliville,  Tenn. 
To  whom  were  born:  1.  Elizabeth  Castleman,  2.  James  Woods 

4.  Joseph    Woods. 

5.  James  Woods;  married  Adeline  Milam,  and  left  one  son: 
Mark    Milam    Woods. 

6.  Andrew  Woods;  married  Love  Washington,  and  lived  in  \ash- 
ville,  Tenn.  To  whom  were  born  these  children:  1.  James  Woods, 
2.   Mary   Woods. 

7.  Elizabeth  Woods;  married  Samuel  Kirkman,  and  lived  in 
Xashville.  Tenn.  To  whom  were  born:  1.  Elizabeth  Kirkman. 
?.     Susan  Kirkman. 

S.  Susan  Woods;  married  G.  G.  O'Bryan,  of  Nashville,  Tenn. 
To  whom  were  born:   1.    Susan  O'Bryan,  2.    Barsha  O'Bryan. 

Section  7.  Elsie  Woods,  born  May  10,  1795,  and  lived  in  Nash- 
ville,   Tenn. 

Section  8.  Archibald  Woods,  born  May  29,  1787,  and  lived  in 
Nashville,   Tenn. 

Section  9.  Agnes  Green  Woods,  married  Charles  C.  Trabue,  and 
lived  in  Ralls  County,  Mo.      To  whom  were  born: 

1.  Joseph    Trabue. 

2.  Robert  Trabue:    married  Mary  Bibb. 

3.  Anthony  Trabue;  married  Christina  Manley,  and  lived  at 
Hanibal,    Missouri. 

4.  Charles   C.   Trabue. 

5.  Sarah  Trabue;  married  first  John  B.  Stevens,  secondly  William 

6.  George  Trabue;    married   Ellen  Dunn. 

7.  Jane  Trabue;  married  J.  H.  Reynolds. 

8.  Martha  Trabue,  married  George  Thompson  of  Nashville,  Tenn. 
To  whom  were  born:  1.  Agnes  Thompson,  married  G.  G.  O'Bryan, 
of  Nashville,  Tenn.  To  whom  were  born  a  daughter,  Agnes  O'Bryan, 
2.  Elizabeth  Thompson,  married  John  P.  W.  Brown,  3.  Charles 
Thompson,  married  Elizabeth  Weeks.  4.  Martha  Thompson.  5. 
Frances  Thompson.  6.  John  Hill  Thompson,  married  Agnes  Rickets. 
7.  Jane  Thompson,  married  Alfred  Howell.  8.  Catherine  Thompson, 
married  Joseph  L.  Weakley. 



(Named  in  Sec.    2,  Chap.   37.) 

Article  1. — Elizabeth  Woods,  u  daughter  of  Andrew  Woods,  and 
Mai'tha  I'oa^e,  his  wife,  lived  in  Rixkhridge  County,  Va.  and 
died  in  Jan.  1797. 

She   married   David   Cloyd.      To   whom    were   born    the   following 
named  children: 

Section   1.      Martha  Cloyd;    married  Matthew  Houston,  and  lived 
at  Natural  Bridge,  Va.     To  whom  were  born: 

1.    Sophia    Huston.       2.    Emily    Houston.     3.    Andrew    Houston.       4. 
David   Houston.      .5.      Matthew   Hale   Houston.      6.    Cvnthia  Houston. 

238  History  and  Genealogies 

Section   2.      David  Cloyd,  Junior. 

Section  3.  Margaret  Cloyd;  married  Matthew  Houston  and 
lived  at  Lebanon  Ohio.  To  v^^hom  were  born:  1.  Andrew  C.  Houston. 
2.   Romaine  F.  Houston. 

Section  4.      Mary  Cloyd;  married  Mr.  McClung. 

Section  5.      Andrew  Cloyd. 

Section  6.      James  Cloyd. 

Section    7.      Elizabeth    Cloyd. 

Section  8.      Joseph  Cloyd. 

Section    9.      Cynthia    Cloyd. 


(Named  in   Sec.    3,  Chap.   37.) 

Article  1. — Rebecca  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Andrew  Woods  and  Mar- 
tha Poage  his  wife;  married  Isaac  Kelley,  and  lived  in  Ohio 
County,  now  West  Virginia. 

To  whom  were  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming  sections: 
Section    1.      Isaac  Kelley  junior;    married   Miss   Gad.      To  whom 

were    born:       1.    Hamilton    Kelley.      2.    Simeon    Kelley.      3.    Wesley 

Kelley.     4.   Benjamin  Kelley. 

Section    2.      John    Kelley,    born    178  4,    died    1820.      He    married 

Elizabeth  Wilson  and  lived  in  Ohio  County,  West  Va.     To  whom  were 

born  these  children: 

1.  Jane  Kelley;   married  William  Miller. 

2.  Isaac    Kelley. 

3.  A.  Wilson  Kelley. 

4.  Aaron  Kelley. 

5.  Sarah    Kelley. 

6.  Rebecca   Kelley. 

7.  Rev.  John  Kelley. 

Section    3.      James    Kelley;     married    first    Jane    Robinson,    and 
secondly,  Eliza  Gooding.     He  left  the  following  children: 

1.  Isaac  Kelley. 

2.  Samuel  Kelley. 

3.  Joseph  Kelley. 

4.  David  Kelley. 

■  5.   Alexander  Kelley. 

6.  Otis  Kelley. 

7.  Eliza    Kelley. 

Section  4.     Benjamin  Kelley;   married  Charlotte  Cross,  to  whom 
were  born:    1.   Isaac  Kelley.     2.   Eliza  J.  Kelley. 

Section  5.      Nancy  Kelley;  married  Robert  Poage.     To  whom  were 
born:      1.   Rebecca  Poage.      2.   Isaac  K.   Poage.      3.   Gabriel  Poage. 
4.   Elijah   Poage. 

Section    6.      Martha  Kelley;     married    Alexander    Mitchell.      To 

whom    were    born:       1  Nancy    Mitchell.       2.   Samuel    Mitchell.       3. 

Isaac   Mitchell.    4.   Jane  Mitchell.      5.   Elizabeth   Mitchell.      6.   Zach- 
ariah  Mitchell. 


Jllslori/   (iitil   (icncdhxjies  239 

Section    7.      Rebecca    Kelley;    married   John    Mays,    and    lived    at 
West   Alexander,   Pennsylvania. 
Section  8.      Simeon  Kelley. 
Section   9.      Narcissa  K('ll(>y;    married   .Jonathan   McCullock. 

ruArTET]  II. 


(Named   in   Sec.    4,   Chap.    o7.) 

Artick'    1. — Itolx'it    Woods,    a    son    of    .liidrow    Woods    and    Martha 
Poaj-t'  his  wife,  lived  in  Ohio  County,  West  Va. 

He  married  first  Lovely  Caldwell,  secondly  Elizabeth  Eoff.  To 
whom  were  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming  sections,  but 
it   is  not   known  by  which  wife: 

Section  1.  Robert  C.  Woods;  married  Margaret  A.  Quarrier, 
and  lived  in  Wheeling,  West  Va.     To  whom  were  born: 

1.  Emily  Woods:  married  Thomas  G.  Black. 

2.  Mary  Woods;  married  Alexander  Q.  Whittaker. 
:3.    Harriett  Woods;  married  Beverly  M.  Eoff. 

4.  Helen  Woods;    married  William  Tallant. 

5.  Margaret  Woods;   married  Robert  A.  McCabe. 

6.  Alexander    Woods;    married    Josephine    McCabe. 
Section    2.      Andrew   P.   Woods. 

Section    3.      Eliza  Jane  Woods. 

CHAPTEE  4-2. 

(Named  in   Sec.   5,   Chap.    3  7.) 

Article  1. — Andrew  Woods,  a  son  of  Andrew  Woods,  and  Martha 
Poage,  his  wife,  was  horn  1759,  died  Feb.  19,  18;57;  married 
Mary  jMitchell  McCulhick. 

Their  home  was  at  Wheeling,  West  Va.  To  them  were  born  these 

Section  1.  Jane  Woods;  married  Rev.  James  Hoge  of  Colum- 
bus, Ohio.     To  them  were  born: 

1.  Elizabeth   Hoge;    married   Rev.   Robert  Nail   of  Tuskegee,   Ala. 

2.  Mary  M.   Hoge;    married   Robert   Neil  of  Columbus,   Ohio. 

3.  Susannah  P.  Hoge:  married  Rev.  M.  A.  Sackett,  of  Cleveland, O. 

4.  Rev.   Moses   A.   Hoge;    married  first   Mary   B.   Miller,   secondly, 
Eliza  Wells. 

5.  John    J.    Hoge;    married   first,    Ann   I^.   Wilson    secondly,    Mary 

6.  Margaret  J.  Hoge;    married  J.  William  Baldwin. 

7.  Martha  A.  Hoge;  married  Alfred  Thomas. 

240  History  and  ClcnpaJogies 

Section  2.  Andrew  Woods;  married  Rebecca  Brison.  To  whom 
were  born: 

1.  James  Woods  of  New  Orleans,  Loiiisana. 

2.  Oliver  B.  Woods;   married  Ann  M.  Anderson. 

3.  Luther  T.  Woods;  married  first,  Mary  E.  Neil,  secondly,  Mary 

4.  John  Woods;    married  Marilla  Hale. 

5.  Archibald  Woods;   married  Mary  Matthews. 

6.  Alfred  Woods;    married  Jane  Railey. 

7.  Rev.   Henry  Woods:    married  Mary  Ewing. 

8.  Rev.  Francis  M.  Woods;  married  Julia  Jenkins.  To  whom 
were  born:  1.  Rev.  David  J.  Woods  of  Blacksburg,  Va.  2.  Mitch- 
ell Woods.  3.  Andrew  H.  Woods.  4.  Janet  Woods.  5.  Mary 
Woods.      6.   Rebecca  Woods. 

Section  3.  Samuel  Woods  of  Woodbfidge,  California;  married 
Elizabeth  Leffler.     To  whom  were  born  these  children: 

1.  Andrew  Woods;   married  E.  Liffler. 

2.  Mary  Jane  Woods;    married  William  L.   Manley. 

3.  Margaret  T.  Woods;  married  J.  Henderson  of  Stockton, 

4.  Jacob   Woods;    married    Elizabeth   V.    Ward. 

5.  Hugh  M.  Woods. 

6.  Rebecca  Woods. 

7.  Samuel  Woods;  married  Anona  Ellis. 

8.  Susan  E.  Woods;    married  Lafayette  Creech. 

Section  4.  Robert  M.  Woods;  married  Rebecca  Vance;  lived 
at  Urbana,  Ohio.     To  whom  were  born  the  following  named  children: 

1.  Rachael   Woods. 

2.  Alfred  A.  Woods. 

3.  Mary  M.  Woods;  married  J.  W.  Ogden,  and  had  one  child: 
Anne  W.   Ogden. 

4.  William  N.  Woods;   married  Ann  McPherson. 

5.  Jane   H.   Woods;    married   Griffith   Ellis. 

6.  Robert  T.  Woods. 

Section  5.  Margaret  Woods;  married  Martin  L.  Todd,  lived  at 
Bellaire,  Ohio,  and  had' one  child,  Jane  Todd. 

Section  6.      Mary  Ann  Woods;   married  Archibald  Todd. 

Section  7.  Alfred  Woods;  married  Elizabeth  Sims;  lived  at 
Bellaire,  Ohio.     To  them  were  born  the  following  named  children: 

1.  Margaret  T.  Woods;  married  Joseph  S.  Miller. 

2.  Louisa  Woods;    married  S.  Colin  Baker  of  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

3.  Isabel  Woods. 

4.  T.  Sims  Woods;  married  Mary  Pancoast. 

5.  Robert  Woods. 

6.  William  A.  Woods;    married  Emma  Zinn. 

7.  Launcelot  Woods;   married  Charlotte  Teagarten. 

8.  Elizabeth  Woods;  married  John  W.  Carroll. 

9.  Mary  Ann  Woods;    married  Henry  Basel  of  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

10.  Martha  N.  Woods;    married  Richard  Ritey. 

11.  Alfred  Woods;   married  Esther  Vogel. 

12.  Edgar  Woods;   married  Louisa  James. 


History  and  Genealogies  241 



(Named  in  Sec.   6,   Chap.   37.) 

Aiticlc  1. — Aichibahl   W()(»<ls,  a  son  of  Andrew  Woods,  and  Martha 
l»oage,  his  wife,  born  Nov.  14,  1764,  died  Oct.  26,  1846. 

He   lived   in    Ohio   County,    West    Va.,    and    marraed   Ann   Poage. 
To  them  were  born  the  chilren  named  in  the  coming  secrions: 

Section  i.      Elizabeth  Woods;  married  George  Paull  of  St.  Clairs- 
ville,    Ohio.      To   them   were   born: 

1.   Rev.  Alfred  Paull;   married  Mary  Weed. 

Section    2.      Thomas    Woods;     married    Mary    Brison    and    lived 
in  Wheeling,  West  Virginia.     To  them  were  born  these  children: 

1.  Ann  Eliza  Woods;  married  James  S.  Polhemus. 

2.  Sarah  M.   Woods. 

3.  Theodore  Woods. 

4.  Archibald  Woods. 

5     Rev.    Edgar    Woods    of    Charlottsville,    Va.;     married    Mariah 
C.  Baker. 

6.  Lydia   Woods. 

7.  John  Henry  McKee  Woods. 

Section  3.      Martha  Woods:   married  Charles  D.  Knox  of  Wheel- 
ing, West,  Va.     To  whom  were  born  the  following  named  children: 

1.  Franklin   Woods   Knox;    married   Ruth   Stewart. 

2.  Stewart  Knox. 

3.  Robert    Knox. 

Section  4.      Franklin  Woods. 
Section   5.      Nancy  Woods. 
Section  6.      Mary  Woods. 

Section   7.      George  W.  Woods;    married  Cresah  Smith. 
Section    8.      William   Woods;    died   in   infancy. 
Section   9.      John  Woods;    married  Ruth  Jacob.     To  whom  were 

1.  Archibald  Woods. 

2.  Joseph  Woods. 

3.  George  W.  Woods. 

4.  Hamilton  Woods. 

5.  Anne  M.  Woods. 

6.  Martha  V.  Woods. 

Section    10.      Emily  Woods,  of  whom  we  have  no  history. 
Section   11.      William   Woods    (second   of  name  In   this  family). 
Section    12.      Hamilton  Woods. 


243  History  and  Genealogies 


(Named  in   Sec.   7,   Chap.    37.) 

Article  1. — Mary  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Andrew  Woods,  and  Martha 
Poage  his  wife,   was  horn  Feb.    19,    1766,   died  May  25,    1830. 

She  married  James  Poage,  and  lived  at  Ripley,  Ohio.  To  them 
were  born  the  children  named  in  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.      Martha  Poage;    married  George  Poage. 

Section    2.      John  C.  Poage. 

Section  3.  Rev.  Andrew  W.  Poage,  lived  at  Yellow  Springs, 
Ohio,  and  married  Jane  Gray,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Nancy  M.   Poage;    married  Thomas  H.  Reynolds. 

2.  James  Poage. 

3.  John  G.  Poage;    married  Sarah  J.  Jones. 

4.  Andrew    Poage,    lived    at    Pamona,    California,    tind    married 
Mary  B.  Kline. 

5.  Mary  Jane  Poage. 

6.  Margaretta  E.   Poage. 

Section   4.      Mary   Poage. 
Section   5.      James  Poage  Junior. 

Section  6.  Robert  Poage,  lived  at  Ripley,  Ohio,  married  Sarah 
Kirker.      To  whom  were  born  these  children: 

1.  Rev.    James    S.    Poage:     married    first    Ann    Voris,    secondly, 
Susan    L.    Evans. 

2.  Thomas  K.  Poage;  married  first  Sarah  J.  Henry,  secondly,  Jane 

3.  John  N.  Poage;    married  Eliza  Ann  McMillan,  to  whom  were 
born:    1.   Alice  E.  Poage. 

4.  Sarah  E.  Poage. 

5.  Alfred  B.  Poage;   married  Esther  A.  Work. 

6.  William  C.  Poage. 

7.  Joseph  C.  Poage. 

8.  Mary  Jane   Poage. 

9.  Ann  E.   Poage;    married  first,  William  W.  Wafer,  second,  An- 
drew Hunter. 

Section    7.      Elizabeth    Poage,    lived    at    Ripley,    Ohio;     married 
Rev.    Isaac   Shepherd,   to   whom   were   born: 
1.   James  Hoge  Shepherd. 

Section  8.      Ann  Poage,  lived  at  Ripley,  Ohio;   married  Alexander 
Mooney.     To  whom  were  born: 

1.  John   Mooney. 

2.  James  Money. 

3.  Elizabeth  Mooney. 

4.  Sophia  Mooney. 

5.  Thomas  Mooney. 

6.  Sarah  Ann  Mooney. 

Section  9.  Rebecca  Poage;  married  John  B.  Kncx,  and  lived 
at  Yellow  Springs,  Ohio. 

Ilishiri/  iiikI   (Irncdinf/ies  243 

Section  10.      Margaret  Poage;   married  Rev.  Thomas  S.  William- 
son,  and   lived   at   St.    Peter,   Minnesota.      To   whom   were  born: 

1.  William    B.    Williamson. 

2.  Mary  P.  Williamson. 

0.  .lames  G.  Williamson. 

4.  Elizabeth  P.  Williamson;  married  Andrew  Hunter,  to  whom 
were  born:  1.  Elizabeth  lIuiittM-:  married  Rev.  E.  .J.  Lindsay. 
2.  John  K.  Hunter. 

5.  Rev.  John  P.  Williamson;    married  Sarah  A.   Vannice. 

6.  Prof.  Andrew  W.  Williamson,  of  Rock  Island,  Illinois. 

7.  Nancy  J.  Williamson. 

8.  Smith  B.  Williamson. 

9.  Martha  Williamson;  married  William  Stout  of  Great  Falls, 
Montana.     To  whom  were  born: 

1.   Thomas  Stout.      2.   Alfred  Stout. 

10.  Henry  M.  Williamson;  married  Helen  M.  Ely.  To  whom 
were   born: 

1.    Sumner  Williamson.      2.   William   Williamson. 

Section  11.      Sarah  Poage;   married  Rev.  Gideon  Pond.     To  whom 
were  born: 

1.  Ruth  Pond.  2.  Edward  Pond.  3.  Sarah  Pond.  4.  George 
Pond.      5.  Mary  Pond.      (i.   Elizabeth  Pond.      7.   Ellen  Pond. 

Section  12.      Thomas  H.  Poage. 

Section  13.     Rev.  George  C.  Poage;  married  Jane  Riggs,  to  whom 
were  born  the  following  named  children: 

1.  James  Poage. 

2.  Stephen  Woods  Poage. 
o.   Mary  Ann  Poage. 

4.  George  Poage. 

5.  Arabella  Poage. 



(Named   in   Sec.    8,   Chap.    3  7.) 

Article  1. — Miutha  W<  <ds,  a  <laiij>litei'  of  Andrew  Woods,  and  Martha 
roage  lii.s  wife,  dird   Pec.   14,   1«;?4. 

She  lived  in  Boutetourt  County,  Va.  and  married  Henry  Walker. 
To  whom   were   born   the  children   named  in      the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Andrew  W.  Walker  of  Patts  Creek,  Va.;  married 
Elizabeth  Handly,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Henry  Walker;   married  Maria  Shawver. 

2.  John  Walker;  married  Miss  Nutten. 

3.  Archibald  Walker. 

4.  Margaret   Walker;    married   Thomas   Harvey. 

5.  Martha  Walker;   married  Joseph  Harvey. 

6.  Emily  Walker;    married   Israel   Morris. 

7.  Mary  Walker;   married  George  Dondermilk. 

8.  Elizabeth  Walker;    married  Andrew  Elmore. 

9.  Jane  Walker;   married  John  Ferrier. 

10     Malvina  Walker;    married  James  Richardson. 
11.   Andrew  Walker. 

"3^4  Hisionj  and  Genealogies 

12.  Floyd  Walker. 

13.  Newton  Walker;    married  Julia   Raiu),   to  whom   were  born: 

1.  Euphemia  Walker. 

2.  Beirne  Walker. 

3.  Morris  Walker. 

4.  Samuel   Walker. 

14.  Cynthia  Walker. 

Section  2.  William  Walker,  of  Warren  County,  Ky.;  married 
first,  Eleanor  Moore,  secondly,  Sarah  Lapsley.  He  left  these 

1.  Robert  Walker. 

2.  Henry  Walker. 

3.  Martha  Walker. 

4.  John  L.  Walker. 

5.  Catherine  Walker. 

6.  Adeline  Walker:   married  W.  J.  Landrum. 

Section  3.  Robert  Walker,  of  Gap  Mills,  West  Virginia;  mar- 
ried  Jane   Allen.      To   whom    were   born: 

1.  Ann    Eliza   Walker. 

2.  Henry  Walker;    married   Agnes   Johnson. 

3.  Robert   Walker;    married  Miss  Robertson. 

4.  Martha  Walker;    married  Jackson  Clarke. 
.5.   Lydia   Walker. 

Section  4.  James  Walker,  of  McDonough  County,  Illinois;  mar- 
ried Margaret  Bailey,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  William   S.   B.   Walker;    married   Elizabeth   Head. 

2.  Martha  Walker;   married  James  M.  Wilson. 

3.  Henry  M.  Walker;   married  Isabel  Head. 

4.  James   W.    Walker;    married    Julia    Head. 

Section  o.  Henry  Walker,  of  Mercer  County,  West  Va.;  married 
Mary   Snidow,   to  whom   were  born; 

1.  Martha  Walker;    married   George  Snidow. 

2.  William   H.   Walker. 

3.  Christian   Walker. 

4.  Mary  Walker. 

5.  James  Walker. 

6.  Eliza   Walker. 

7.  Lewis   Walker;    married   Jane    Carr. 
S.   Sarah  Walker. 

9.   Elvira  Walker. 

Section   6.      Archibald  Walker. 

Section  7.  Joseph  Walker,  of  Braxton  County,  West  Va.;  mar- 
ried  Maria   Gray,   to  whom   were  born: 

1.  Lucretia  Walker. 

2.  Martha  Walker. 

3.  Robert  Walker. 

4.  Henry  Walker. 

Section     8.      George    Walker,    of    Giles    County,    Va.;     married 
Susan  Eakin,   to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Edwin  Walker. 

2.  Leander  Walker. 

3.  John  A.  Walker. 

4.  Avininta  Walker. 

Jlisluri/  ttitd   (icnciiloyics  245 

Section    9.      Mary     Walker:    married     Tilghman      Snodgrass,    to 
whom  were  born: 

1 .  Robert   L.   Snodgrass. 

2.  Henry   W.    Snodgi-ass. 

3.  Newton   Snodgrass. 

4.  James   Woods   Snodgrass. 

5.  Cyrus  Snodgrass. 

6.  Charles  E.  Snodgrass. 

7.  Thomas  Snodgrass. 
S.   Lewis  A.  Snodgrass. 
9.   Jane  Snodgrass. 

10.    Mary   M.   Snodgrass. 



(Named  in  Sec.  2,  Chap.  4.) 

Ai  tide  I . — Saiali  AVcods,  a  dawjihtcr  of  Michael  Woods,  sciiioi-  of 
Blair  I'ark,  and  Mary  Campbell  his  wife,  married  Joseph  Laps- 
ley,  «'f  Virginia. 

To  whom  were  born  the  children  named  In  the  coming  sections: 

Section  1.  Joseph  Lapsley,  junior,  born  1743:  died  1792,  was 
a  Revolutionary  soldier,  made  his  will  Dec.   2  3,   1791. 

Section  2.  Jean  Lapsley,  1748;  married  James  Cloyd,  and  moved 
to  Lincoln  County,  Ky. 

Section  3.  Mary  Lapsley,  1750:  married  John  Hall,  and  moved 
to  Lincoln  County,  Ky. 

Section  4.  John  Lapsley,  1753.  Of  whom  an  account  will  be 
given  in  chapter  XLVH. 

Section  5.  Martha  Lapsley,  1756:  married  John  Tomlin  of 
Lincoln  County,  Ky. 

Section  6.  James  Lapsley,  1760:  of  whom  we  have  no  further 
definite   account. 


(Named  in  Sec.  4.  Chap.  4  6.) 

Article  1. — John  Lapsley,  a  son  of  Joseph  Lapsley,  and  Sarah  Woods, 
his  wife,  was  bom  Dec.  20,  1753,  enlisted  in  the  Revolution- 
ary Ai-niy  of  Morgan's  mounted  men,  was  in  the  batth'  of 
Brandy  wine,  Sept.  11,  1777,  where  he  was  wounded  while  carry- 
ing (trders  across  tlie  battlefield. 

Dec.  22,  1778,  he  was  married  to  Mary  Armstrong.  In  1795,  he 
emigrated  to  Kentucky,  and  settled  in  Lincoln  County.  Of  the  union 
with  Miss  Armstrong  the  following  named  children  were  the  fruits: 

Section    1.      Joseph   B.   Lapsley,   born  Oct.    5,    1779,   was   a   Pres' 

'i4(j  '        History  and  Genealogies 

byterian  preacher.  His  field  of  labor  was  in  Kentucky  and  Tennes- 
see. He  was  twice  married,  first  to  Rebecca  Aylett,  Sept.  27,  1804, 
secondly  to  his  cousin,  Sallie  Lapsley.  By  his  first  wife,  Rebecca  Ay- 
lett he  begot  the  children  named: 

1.  John  W.  Lapsley,  a  lawyer  of  Selma,  Alabama,  died  in  1889. 

2.  William  Fairfax  Lapsley;    lived  in  Alabama. 

0.  Joseph  M.  Lapsley:    died  in  Selma,  Alabama,  left  two  child- 
ren : 

1.  George  H.  Lapsley. 

2.  Emma  Baker.     They  live  in  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Section  2.  Priscilla  Catherine  Lapsley,  boi'n  June  23,  1781; 
married  Colonel  John  Yantis,  of  Garrard  County,  Ky.  Colonel  John 
Yantis  was  of  German  birth,  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier.  He  also 
commanded  a  regiment  in  the  war  of  1812.  For  many  years  he 
represented  Garrard  County  in  the  Kentucky  Legislature. ,  He  was  a 
son  of  Jacob  Yantis.  He  lived  near  Lancaster  until  1832,  when  he 
moved  to  Lafayette  County,  Mo.,  and  died  there  in  1837. 

Section  3.  John  A.  Larsley  born  Sept.  5,  1783;  married 
Aug.  10,  1805,  Mary  Wear  McKee,  who  was  born  Nov.  20,  1783,  she 
was  a  daughter  of  William  McKee,  a  commissioned  officer  in  the 
Revolutionary  Army.  He  emigrated  to  America  from  Ireland  in 
172.5,  went  to  Virginia  in  1745,  and  to  Kentucky  in  1793,  where  he 
died  Oct.  8,  1816,  at  the  age  of  92  years.  His  wife  was  Miriam  Wear. 
To  them  were  born: 

1.  Mary  Jane  Lapsley. 

2.  Amanda   Lapsley;    married   Robert   A.    McKee. 

3.  Miriam  Lapsley:   married  Warner  Wallace. 

4    Priscilla  Lapsley:  married  Robert  Robertson. 

5.  Joseph  Lapsley. 

6.  William   M.   Lapsley;    married   Miss   Baron   of   Perry   County, 
Alabama,  and  left  one  child,  Mary  Lapsley. 

7.  John  Lapsley. 

8.  Samuel  Lapsley. 

9.  Robert  Lapsley,  went  to  Australia. 

10.  James  Lapsley. 

11.  David  Nelson  Lapsley,  born  April  16,  1830;  married  Marga- 
ret Jane  Jenkins,  father  of  Dr.  Robert  McKee  Lapsley,  of  Keokuk, 

Section  4.  James  F.  Lapsley,  born  Jan.  7,  1786:  married  Char- 
lotte Cleland,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Eliza  Lapsley;    married  Lanta  Armstrong. 

2.  Sarah  Lapsley;  married  Mr.  Robertson. 

3.  John    P.    Lapsley;    married    first,    Eliza    Johnston,    secondly, 
Jennie  . 

4.  James  T.  Lapsley;  married  first,  Fannie  Ewing  and  secondly, 
Elizabeth   Bosemond. 

Section  5.  Samuel  Lapsley,  born  Sept.  22,  1789:  married 
Sallie  Stevens. 

Section  6.  Sarah  W.  Lapsley,  born  Feb.  1,  1791;  married 
William    Walker,    to    whom    were    born: 

1.  Catherine  Walker. 

2.  Adeline  Walker;  married  General  W.  J.  Landrum,  a  Brig- 
adier General  in  the  Federal  Army,  lived  at  Lancaster,  Ky,  and 
was  at  one  time  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue. 

/fislori/  (iiiiJ  Genealogies  247 

Section  7.  William  Lapsley,  born  Sept.  28,  1793,  lived  in  Tenn- 

Section  8.  Mary  C.  Lapsley,  born  Feb.  26,  1796:  married  James 
McKee,  to  whom  were  born: 

1.  Miriam  McKee;  married  Mr.  Kelsey,  and  went  to  Denver, 

2.  Mary  Charlotte  McKee;  married  William  Dodd,  of  Koski- 
usko,   Mississippi,  and  had  besides  others  these  children: 

1.  John  L.   Dodd. 

2.  Joseph  C.   Dodd.     Both  were  prominent  lawyers  of  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

3.  Margaret  McKee;   married  Mr.  Henning. 

4.  John  L.  McKee;   married  Sarah  Speake. 

5.  Samuel  McKee;  married  Sallie  Campbell.  Samuel  McKee  was 
Colonel  of  1st  Ky.  Regiment  in  the  Federal  Army,  and  was  killed 
in  battle  at  Miirfreesborough,  Tenn. 

6.  James  Finley  McKee:   married  Margaret  Speake. 

Socrion  9.  Robert  Armstrong  Lapsley,  born  Jan.  11,  1798; 
married  Catherine  Rutherford  Walker,  a  daughter  of  John  Moore 
Walker  who  married  Margaret  Woods,  a  daughter  of  James  Woods, 
and  Nancy  Rayburn,  his  wife.  (See  Chap.  3  8,  Sec.  3.)  To  whom 
were  born : 

1.  Joseph    W.    Lapsley;    died    unmarried. 

2.  John  D.  Lapsley;    died  unmarried. 

3.  Norvall    A.    Lapsley;    died    unmarried. 

4.  Robert  ^apsley,  born  Feb.  10,  1833;  married  first,  Alberti 
Pratt,  and   secondly,   Mary  Willie   Pettus,   by   whom   he  had: 

1.  Robert    K.    Lapsley. 

2.  John  Pettus  Lapsley. 

3.  Edmund  Winston  Lapsley. 

4.  William   Weeden   Lapsley. 

5.  James    Woods    Lapsley. 

6.  Margaret  Lapsley,  born  June  4,  1838;  married  first,  Dr. 
James  W.  Moore,  and  secondly,  James  H.  Franklin. 

7.  Samuel  Rutherford  Lapsley,  born  June  25,  1842,  was  a 
confederate  soldier  and  received  a  fatal  wound  at  the  battle  of 
Shiloh  in  18  62,  while  bearing  the  colors  of  his  regiment. 

8.  Samuel  McKee  Lapsley,  was  a  soldier  in  the  Federal  Army, 
died   in    1862. 

After  the  death  of  his  first  wife,  Robert  Armstrong  Lapsley, 
married  Mrs.  Alither  Allen,  whom  he  also  survived,  and  afterwards 
married  Mrs.  Mary  Richardson,  who  out  lived  him.     He  died  in  1872. 

Section  10.  Harvey  Lapsley,  born  April  1,  1800.  He  died  un- 

Section  11.  Margaret  Lapsley,  born  Feb.  17.  1802;  married 
Moses   Jarvis,    to   whom   were   born    the    following   named    children: 

1.  Mary  Jane  Jarvis;   married  Mr.  Sharpe,  no  issue. 

2.  John  L.  Jarvis;  married  Miss  Sharpe,  left  five  children. 

248  Hisiorij  and  Genealogies 



(Named  in  Chap.  19,  Sec.  6.) 

Article  1. — Anna  Woods,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  John  Woods  of  Albe- 
marle and  Susannah  xlnderson  his  wife,  was  born  in  Albemarle 
County,  Va.,  whei-e  she  was  married  to  John  N.  (or  Jonathan) 
Reid,  of  Nelson  County,  Va.,  about  the  year  1788,  (See  Chap. 
19,  Sec.  6,  and  Cliap.  29,  Sec.  3.) 

It  is  set  forth  in  tlie  Woods — -McAfee  memorial  that  she  sur- 
vived her  husband,  and  married  her  cousin,  William  Woods.  (See 
Chap.  12.)  It  is  believed  she  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky.,  where 
she   died   Aug.    9,    1805. 

One  John  Reid  and  his  wife,  Anna  Reid  were  members  of  the 
Viney  Fork  church,  which  was  organized  in  1797,  but  they  were 
another  couple.  It  is  known  that  some  of  her  children  lived  in  and 
were  married  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  as  shown  below. 

There  is  a  record  in  the  Clerk's  office  of  the  Madison  County 
Court,  of  a  power  of  Attorney,  bearing  date  Mch.  2,  1819  from  Alex- 
ander Reid  and  James  Reid  of  the  city  of  Richmond,  Va.,  appointing 
Andrew  Wallace  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  their  attorney  in  fact  to  inves- 
tigate, sue  out,  or  compromise,  or  do  any  other  lawful  act,  in  ascer- 
taining their  rights  and  title  to  all  lands  in  the  state  of  Kentucky  to 
which  they  are,  or  may  be  entitled  as  heirs  of  "John  N.  Reid"  for 
Jonathan  Reid,  deceased,  both  being  of  the  County  of  Nelson,  (for- 
merly Amherst)  and  state  of  Virginia  conjointly  with  the  other  heirs 
of  said  descendents.  It  seems  that  Anna  Woods  husband,  John  N. 
Reid,  was  a  native  of  Nelson  County,  formerly  Amherst  County, 
Va.,  and  an  heir  of  Alexander  Reid  deceased,  but  the  relation  is 
not  very  explicitly  stated  in  the  power  of  Attorney.  The  name  was 
written  "John  N."  for  "Jonathan."  The  children  of  Anna  Woods, 
and  John  N.  Reid,  or  Jonathan  Reid,  were: 

Section  1.  Alexander  Reid,  who  it  seems  was  in  the  year  1819, 
a  resident  of  the  city  of  Richmond,  Va.,  and  joined  with  his  brother 
James  in  the  power  of  Attorney  to  his  brother-in-law,  Andrew  Wal- 
lace of  Richmond,   Ky.   above  named.      He  was  born  Jan.    22    1789. 

Section  2.  Susannah  Anderson  Reid,  born  Dec.  27,  1787,  she 
married  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  Benjamin  Moberly,  Oct.  4,  1808, 
whom  she  survived,  and  on  the  30th  day  of  Oct.  1826,  she  married 
again  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  William  Oldham,  son  of  Richard 
Oldham  of  Estill  County,  Ky.,  and  Ann  Pepper  his  wife.  (See  Part 
VI,  Chap.  11.)  Said  William  Oldham  was  born  April  23,  1777,  and 
died  Sept.  2  6,  1849,  she  was  his  second  wife,  and  he  was  her  second 
husband.     She  died  May  13,  1851.     Children  of  her  first  marriage: 

1.  Susannah  Moberley. 

2.  Polly  Moberley. 

3.  Jane   Reid   Moberley;    married   John    R.    Oldham.    (See    Part 
VI,  Chap.  37.) 

4.  Thomas  Jenkins  Moberley,   went   to  Missouri  and  settled  in 
Jackson  County. 

5.  John  Reid  Moberley.   (the  eldest)      He  went  to  Missouri,  and 

Jlisfiiri/  nil  (J   (lcnc(i/(j(/i('s  249 

settled  in  Jackson  County,  where  he  married and  had 

two  sons: 

1.  John  Moberley. 

2.  Moberley. 

6.  Ann  Moberley;  married  Adam  Hill  in  Madison  County,  Ky., 
Aug.  14,  1828,  they  afterwards  emigrated  to  Missouri,  and  in  Miss- 
ouri, one  of  her  daughters  Roena  Hill,  married  a  man  by  the 
name  of  Ralston,  and  a  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ralston,  towit: 
Annie  Ralston,  married  Fi-ank  James  the  famous  Missouri  bandit, 
and  whose  son  is  a  lawyer  of  Kansas  City. 
For  children  of  the  second  marriage  of  Susannah  Anderson  Reid 
Moberley  and  William  Oldham,  see  Part  VI,  Chap.  11. 

Section  ;!.  John  Woods  Reid,  born  June  10,  119?,:  died  Oct. 
11,  1799. 

Section  4.  Jane  Reid,  born  Dec.  9,  1794;  she  married  Andrew 
Wallace  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  Oct.  5,  1813.  She  died  April  14, 
1863.      (See  Part  IV,  Chap.  7,  Sec.  6,  and  Chap.  8.) 

Section  5.  James  Reid,  born  Oct.  29,  179  6.  It  seems  that  in 
the  year  1819,  he  was  a  resident  of  the  city  of  Richmond,  Va.,  and 
joined  with  his  brother  Alexander  Reid  in  the  power  of  attorney  to 
his  brother-in-law,  Andrew  Wallace,  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  above  men- 
tioned.    He  died  in  the  South  Oct.  9,  1S37. 

Section    6.      Anna    Woods    Reid,    born    Sept.    12,    1799,    died   — . 



(Named  in  Chap.   7,  Sec.   1.) 

Article  1. — AVilliam  Woods,  a  son  of  Adam  Woods,  and  Anna  Kav- 
ananjih.  liis  A\ife,  (1772-184())  niaiiied  Susan  B.  Clark  a 
dairghter  of  Benjamin  Clark,  and  Jane  >Iidlins,  his  wife.  (See 
Part  V,  Chap.  13,  Sec.  7.)      Their  childr<'n: 

Section  1.  David  Woods,  (1800-1882)  married  Margaret  Maupin, 
a  daughter  of  Cornelius  Maupin  and  Ann  Bratton  his  wife.  Their 

1.  Samira  Woods;    (1826-1901)   married  .James  Veal. 

2.  Angelina  Woods;    (1S28 )    married  Aaron  Dvsart. 

3.  Overton   Woods.    (1S30-1887.) 

4.  David  Woods;    (1832-1900)    married  Mattie  A.   Robinson  of 
Bourbon,  County,  Ky.      Their  children: 

1.  Colonel  Charles  A.  R.  Woods;    (1865 )  married  firstly, 

Dora  Lee  Snoddy,  secondly,  Martha  W.  Clark,  of  Covington,  Ky. 

Colonel  Charles  A.  R.  Woods  is  some  what  of  a  genealogist,  and 
takes  much  interest  in  pedigrees.  He  made  us  a  visit  a  few  years 
since,  and  we  visited  several  old  grave  yards  and  copied  inscriptions 
from   the  tombs.      Children   of  his   first    marriage: 

1.  Gladys   A.    Woods,    1887. 

2.  Archibald  Douglas  Woods,   1890. 

2.  Harry  E.  Woods;    (1866 )   married  Mary  Ellen  Crum- 

packer.     They  live  in  Xorborne,  Mo. 

3.  Leon  E.  Woods,  1872^ 

.5.   Cornelius  Maupin  Woods,    (1834 ) 

PART  111. 



Article   1. — Genealogical   Table. 

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■sija-BH   l.iaqoH    'f^M 

//ishjri/   (111(1    (lcii('(ll()(/i('>i  2o3 


1.  Christopher.      Chap.    2,    See.    1. 

2.  Rol)t'rt,    m   Mourning   Glenn.      (Chap.    3.) 


1.  Chri.-:toplicr.   ni    (1)    Mary  Dabney,    (2)   Agnes  McCord.     "C". 

(Chap.    I.) 

2.  Roliert.    ni   Lucretia   Brown.      (Chap.    3,    Soc.   2.) 

3.  Tyre.     (Chap.   3,   Sec.   3.) 

4.  James,    m   Mary    Harris.      (Chap.    3,    Sec.   4.) 

5.  William,    m    Hannah   Jameson.      (Chap.    3,    Sec.    5.) 

6.  LiPby.   m   William   Shelton.      (Chap.   3,    Sec.    6.) 

7.  Sarah,    m  John   Rodes.     (Chap.    3,    Sec.    7.) 

8.  Miss  ,    m   William   Dalton.    (Chap.   3,    Sec.    S.) 

9.  Mourning,    m   Jului   Jouett.      Chap.   3,    Sec.   9.) 

10.  Elizabeth,    m   William  Crawford.  (    Chap.    3.    Sec.    10.) 

11.  Nancy,   m  Joel  Crawford.     (Chap.   3,   Sec.   11.) 

12.  Anna,    m   John   Dabney.     (Chap.    3,    Sec.   12.) 


1.  Dabney.      (Chap.    4,   Sec.    1.) 

2.  Sarah,   m  James  Martin.    (Chap.   5.) 

3.  Robert,   m  Nancy  Grubbs.      (Chap.    6.) 

4.  Mourning,   m   Foster  Jones.      (Chap.    11.) 

5.  Christopher,   m  Elizabeth   Grubbs.      (Chap.   12.) 

6.  Mary,    m   George   Jones.      (Chap.   4,    Sec.    6.) 

7.  Tyre.     (Chap.   4.    Sec.    7.) 

S.  John,   m  Margaret  Maupin.     "D".     (Chap.    16.) 

9.  Benjamin,  m   (1)   Miss  Jones,    (2)  Nancy  Burgin.    (Chap.   43.) 

10.  William,   m   Anna   Oldham.     (Chap.    44.) 

11.  Barnabas,    m   Elizabeth   Oldham.     (Chap.    45.) 

12.  James,    m   Susannah   Gass.     (Chap.   4,    Sec.    12.) 

13.  Samuel,   m   Nancy   Wllkerson.     (Chap.   4,    Sec.    13.) 

14.  Jane,   m  Richard  Gentry.     (Chap.   46.) 

15.  Margaret.     (Chap.    4,    Sec.    15.) 

16.  Isabella,    m  John^ennett.     (Chap.    47.) 

17.  Overton,   m  Naij^Oldham.     (Chap.  48.) 

1.  Robert,   m  Jael  Ellison.      (Chap.    17.) 

2.  Christopher,    m    Sallie   Wallace.      "E".      (Chap.    28.) 

3.  Overton,   in  Mary  Rice  Woods.     (Chap.   37.) 

4.  James,   m  Mourning  Bennett.     (Chap.   38.) 

5.  John.     (Chap.    16,    Sec.   5.) 

6.  William,    m   Malinda   Duncan     (Chap.    39.) 

7.  Elizabeth,    m  Anderson   Woods.     (Chap.   40.) 

8.  Frances,   m  James  Miller.     (Chap.   41.) 

9.  Susan,    m   Dr.   Wm.    H.    Duncan.      Chap.    42.) 

1.  Ann    Eliza,    m   Robert   Covington.     (Chap.    29.) 

2.  Talitha,  m  Chris.  Irvine  Miller.   (Chap.30  &  Part  I,  Chap. 13.) 

3.  James  Anderson,  m  Susan  Taylor.     (Chap.  31.) 

4.  Christopher.     (Chap.   32.) 

5.  John    Miller   Wallace.     (Chap.    33.) 

6.  Polly,   m   Elder  John  M.   Park,     (Chap.    34.) 

7.  Margaret   Frances,   m  Joseph  Warren  Moore.     (Chap.   35.) 

8.  Sarah   Overton,   m   Thomas   M.   Oldham.     (Chap.   36.) 


History  and  Genealogies 





Article  2. — Early  marriages  in   Madison   County,   Ky.   gleaned  from 
first  Marriage  Register  of  County  Court. 

Harris,  James — 'Susannah,  Grass,  Dec.  2,  1790. 

Harris,  Lucy — Jones,  Wm.,   Feb.   2,   1790. 

Harris,  Wm. — Oldham,  Anna,  Feb.   4,   1790. 

Harris,  Mary — Wall^;er,  John,  Dec.   25,   1792. 

Harris,   Rebecca — Province,   Andrew,   Aug.    9, 

Harris,    Benjamin — Burgin,   Nancy,   June    14, 

Harris,  Isabel — Bennett,  John,  Oct.  2,  1794. 

Harris,    Parmarla — McCord,    Robert,    Dec.    31, 

Harris,   Samuel — Province,   Sarah,   Sept.    2,   17  95. 

Harris,  Thomas — Barnes,  Rachael,  Dec.   7,  1796. 

Harris,   Thursa — ^Holland   Allen   March    8,    1796. 

Harris,   Nancy,    Mrs. — Tevis,   Nathaniel   Aug.    8, 

Harris,  Foster — ^Manning,  Sally,  Oct,  19,  1797. 

Harris,    Anna — Leburn,    Jacob,    Feb.    28,    1799. 

Harris,  Mourning — Thorpe,  Zacheriah,  Oct.   17 

Harris,  Nancy — Thorpe,  Josiah,  Oct.  17,  17  99. 

Harris,  Lucy — Wilkerson,  Wm.,  Feb.  26,   1801. 

Harris,   Nancy — ^Woods,   Wm.,   Sept.   25,    1802. 

Harris,    Higgason — Garland,   Mary,   Dec.    16,    1800. 

Harris,   Polly — Woods,  Wm.,  June   5,   18  02. 

Harris,  William  Elliot, — Maunion,  Mary,  March  17,  18  02. 

Harris    Tyre — Garland,    Sally,    June    2,     1803. 

Harris,  Barnabus — Oldham,  Elizabeth,  19,  1803. 

Harris,   Nancy — Stone,   Wm.,    Oct.    22,    1805. 

Harris  David — Cooksey,  Nancy,  May  30,  1805. 

Harris,  John — ^^Warren,  Jenny,  March  21,  1805. 

Harris,   Samuel — Kennedy,   Elizabeth,   April    13, 

Harris  Tabitha — Joel,  Bermam,  March   16,  1809. 

Harris,  David — Maxwell,  Nancy,  Nov.  1,  1811. 

Harris,  Sally — David,  Joseph,  July  20,   1812. 
Harris,  Elizabeth — Rynot,  James,   Feb.   28,   1811. 

Harris,    Elizabeth — Davis    Uriah,    Nov.    29,    1813. 
Harris,  Jesse — Fowler,  Jennina,  Aug.   10   1813. 
Harris,   Robert — Taylor,   Polly,  July   7,   1814. 
Harris,  Becky — Dent,  Bailey,  April   13,   1815. 
Harris,  Weston — Delaney,  Elizabeth,  Feb.  2  1815. 
Harris,    Lavina — King,   Henry,    Nov.    11,    1815. 
Harris,   Robert — Lancaster,   Elizabeth,   July 
Harris,  Nancy — Pasley,   Henry,   May   18,   1815. 
Harris  Wm., — Smith,   Anna,   Dec.    5, 
Harris,   Polly — Richardson,   Thomas, 
Harris,  Milly — Sale  Samuel,  Nov.  21, 

Harris,   Elizabeth — Staguer,   Richmond,   June   21,    1821. 
Harris,  Nancy — Reed,  Thomas,  April  19,  1821. 
Harris  Leander — Clancker,   Howard,  Dec.   5,   1821. 
Harris,   Frances,    M., — Miller,   James,   July   24,    1823. 
Harris,   Margaret — Wright,  Thomas,  Jan.   1,   1824. 
Harris,  Paulina — Lancaster,  Jeremiah,  March  15,  1825. 
Harris,  Kettura, — Easter,  Wm.,  Nov.   8   1827. 
Harris,   Eizira — Gordon,   Jefferson,   June   18,   1827. 
Harris,   John — Vaughn,   Sally,   Oct.    15,    1828. 
Harris,   Sherwood — Brumback,   Theodosia,   Oct.    22, 
Harris,  John,  C, — Floyd,  Sally,  Nov.  11,  1830. 
Harris,  Agnes,  M., — Oldham,  Milton,  Feb.  3,  1831. 
Harris,   Mary — Wheeler,   Wm.,   Feb.    4,   1830. 


3,    1815. 

Dec.   25, 



Ilislorji   (iNil   (ii'NciiJof/ics 



Eliza — Stephen,  B.,  Eiibanlv,  March   12,   1835. 
Anderson — Araminta,    .Jane,   Atkinson,    Sept.    2?,,    1S35. 
Elizabeth — George    Roberts,    .June    29,    1S36. 
Leniniy — Richard  Toinlin,  Oct.   3,   1836. 
Thomas — Thursa  Madison,   Nov.   7,   1836. 
Solon — Sallie  Ann  Miller,  July  25,  1837. 
Nancy — Anderson  Chenault,  Aug.  3,  1837. 
Mary,  Ann,  E. — .James  Cooper,  Aug.   10,   1837. 
Sallie — Willis   Tomlin,   Sept.    6,    1836. 
Hawkins — Didama  Cradleburgh,  Nov.  13,  1835. 
Margaret — James  Roberts,  Jan.  24,  1840. 
David — Elizabeth    Moore,   May    30,    1838. 
Jael  Kavanaugh — Martin  B.  Garvin,  Oct.   17,   1S4]. 
Gabriella — John  Crigler,  Oct.  20,  1840. 
Lucien,   J. — Sallie   F.   Bush,   Dec.   8,   1832. 
Talitha — Waller  Chenault,   Oct.   30,   1833. 
Margaret — Simeon  Hume.  Dec.   6,   18  38. 
Sidney,   W. — Mary  A.   E.   Miller,   Apr.   4,   1844. 
Caroline — Michael  I..  Stoner,  May  4,   1843. 
Elizabeth — Joseph  Pearson,  July  21,  18  47. 
John,  D. — Nancy  Jane  White,  Sept.   20,  1849. 
Malinda — Anderson    Yates,    Aug.    2,    1849. 
Sarah — Thomas  Oldham,  Aug.   14,   1849. 
Sallie  W. — John  E.  Elmore,  Nov.  24,  1853. 
John  K. — Mrs.  Elizabeth  K.  Harris,  Dec.  29,  1853. 
Mrs.   Elizabeth   K. — John   K.   Harris.   Dec.    29,    1853. 
Christopher,  C. — Frances  J.   Atkins,  July  26,   1853. 
Overton — Navmi   Fielding,   Feb.    3,    1842. 
Christopher — Elizabeth   Berry,   Oct.    3,    183  9. 
James,   A. — Susan   A.    Taylor,   Jan.    1,    184  5. 
Nancy — Samuel    Best,    Aug.    15,    1846. 
Frances — David    A.    Singleton,    July    20,    1848. 
Margaret — Joseph  W.  Moore,  Feb.  9,  1848. 
Shelton — Caroline  Duncan,  April   19,  1849. 
Fannie — Thomas  Coyle,   Feb.   3,   1853. 
Susan,  M. — Benjamin  F.  Crooke,  Dec.  22,  18  53. 
Mary   W. — John    M.    Park,    Jan.    15,    1852. 
Talitha — Chris.    Irvine    Miller,    Sept.    1,    1836. 

Article    3. — Items    coiinectiiif>    the 
Histf)i"y  and  Court  records. 

Harris    nanu'    with    events,    from 

Section  1.  The  Muster  Roll  of  Captain  James  Brown's  Comi)any 
of  Mounted  Ky.,  Volunteers  in  the  United  States  service  against  the 
Wiaw  Indians,  commanded  by  Brigadier  General  Charles  Scott, 
mustered  in  at  the  Rapids  of  the  Ohio,  June  15,  1791,  by  Captain 
B.  Smith,  1st  U.  S.  Regiment,  shows  therein  the  name  Randolph 

Section  2.  Cynthiana,  the  County  seat  of  Harrison  County,  was 
named  for  Cynthia  and  Anna,  two  daughters  of  the  original  pro- 
prietor, Robert  Harris  established  Dec.  10,  1793,  incorporated  as 
a   town  in   1802,   and   was  a  city  in    1860. 

Section  3.  Christopher  Harris,  (our  ancestor)  prior  to  1790, 
located  and  entered  claim  to  lands  on  the  waters  of  Licking  river, 
referred  to  in  his  will  published  in  Chapter  IV,  as  well  as  lands  in 
Madison    County,    where    he    finally    settled. 

25G  Histori/  and  Genealogies 

Section  4.  Christopher  Harris,  junior,  (son  of  the  Christopher 
named  in  Article  3)  was  a  pioneer  Baptist  preacher  of  Madison 
County,   Ky. 

Section  5.  William  B.  Harris,  was  one  of  the  Deputy  Survey- 
ors for  James  Thompson,  the  first  surveyor  of  Lincoln  County, 
appointed  in  Jan.   1781. 

Section  6.      Members  of  the  Kentucky  General  Assembly. 

In  the  Senate: 
David  K.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Floyd,  1827-1834. 
Henry   C.   Harris,   from  the  County  of  Floyd,   1843-7. 
Sylvester  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Meade,  18  5  3-7. 
John  D.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Madison,   1885-9. 

In  the  House  of  Representatives: 
William  G.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Simpson,  182  6. 
H.    G.    Harris,   from   the   County   of  Simpson   1865-7. 
Horatic  T.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Campbell,  1832. 
John  Harris,   from  the  County  of  Madison,    1799. 
Robert   Harris,   from  the  County   of  Madison,   1826-8. 
Robert  R.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Madison,  1844. 
William  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Madison,  1851-2. 
Sylvester  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Meade,  1847. 
Tyre  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Garrard,  1829-30. 
John  B.  Harris,  from  the  County  of  Johnson,  1848. 

Section  7.  June  24,  1788.  "On  motion  of  Christopher  Harris; 
his  ear  mark  towit:  A  crop,  slit  and  under  keel  in  the  right  ear,  and 
slit  and  under  keel  in  the  left  is  ordered  to  be  recorded." 

August  2  6,  17SS.  "Ordered  that  Christopher  Harris  be  exempt 
from  paying  a  County  levy  for  one  black  tythe  more  than  he  has." 

Oct.  28,  1788.  "Ordered  that  Alexander  McKey,  Christopher 
Harris  and  John  Manion  be  appointed  and  authorized  to  celebrate 
the  Rites  of  marriage  in  this  County."  And  on  the  23rd  of  Dec. 
following,  Christopher  Harris  took  the  oath  of  fidelity,  and  gave 

Oct.  2,  1792,  Christopher  Harris,  authorized  to  celebrate  the 
Rites  of  marriage. 

From  these  orders  of  the  Court  it  seems  that  two  Christopher 
Harrises,  were  ministers  of  the  Gospel,  and  were  authorized  to  sol- 
emnize the  Rites  of  marriage,  one  in  1788,  the  other  in  1792,  prob- 
ably father  and  son. 

Section  8.  March  5,  1789.  "On  motion  of  Thomas  Harris,  a 
Ferry  is  established  in  his  name  across  the  Kentucky  river  at  the 
mouth  of  Sugar  Creek,  on  the  upper  side  thereof,  and  the  rates  of 
Ferriage  to  be  as  follows:  For  a  man  three  pence,  for  a  horse  the 
same,  and  proportion  for  other  things." 

Section  9.  March  6,  179  8.  "On  the  motion  of  Samuel  Harris, 
his  ear  mark  towit:  A  smooth  crop  in  each  ear,  and  a  slit  in  the 
right  was  ordered  to  be  recorded." 

Section  10.  Dec.  3,  1799.  "Ordered  that  the  following  bounds 
be  alloted  to  Robert  Harris  and  David  Thorpe,  as  Constables  in 
the  County,  towit:  Beginning  at  the  mouth  of  Otter  Creek,  thence 
up  the  Otter  Creek  road  to  Archibald  Woods,  from  thence  with  the 
Tates  Creek  road  to  the  mouth  of  said  Creek,  thence  up  the  Kentucky 
river  to  the  beginning." 

Section  11.  The  first  station  in  what  is  now  Shelby  County,  Ky., 
was  established  in  1779,  and  was  Squire  Boones  station  at  the  Paint- 
ed Stone,  and  among  the  dwellers  there  at  that  time  was  Jeremiah 
Harris,    (Collins.) 

IlisUtrij   (IikI    Uciir(ilu(/irs  257 

Section  12.  David  Harris  was  one  of  the  seven  first  Justices 
of  ilie  Peace  who  organized  the  Allen  County  Court.  Ai)ril   10,   1S15. 


Section  13.  Isham  G.  Harris,  born  in  Tennessee,  in  1S18  admit- 
ted to  the  bar  in  1841,  Tennessee  Legislator  1849-53,  Governor  of  the 
state  from  1857  until  its  occupation  by  the  Federal  Army.  He  was 
Aide  on  General  Johnstcn'.s  staff,  and  served  in  the  west  throughout 
the  war.  He  was  U.  S.  Senator  from  1877  until  his  death,  .July  18, 
1897.    (  Amer.  Cy. ) 

Section  14.  Joel  Chandler  Harris,  born  in  Georgia  in  1848.  He 
was  admitted  to  the  bar.  Editor  of  the  Atlanta,  Georgia.  Consti- 
tution, and  author  of  "Uncle  Remus.  His  Songs  and  Sayings,"  and 
other  stories  of  Southei'n  life. 

Section  15.  James  Harris,  an  English  philologist,  born  in  Salis- 
burg  July  20,  1709,  died  Dec.  22,  1780.  He  was  educated  at  Ox- 
ford, as  gentleman  Commoner,  and  thence  passed  as  a  studeftt__qf 
law  to  Lincoln's  Inn.  His  father  died  when  he  was  twenty  four^ 
years  of  age,  leaving  him  a  fortune,  so  that  he  abandoned  the  law, 
retired  to  his  native  town,  and  devoted  himself  to  more  congen- 
ial pursuits.  He  was  elected  to  parliament  for  the  borough  of 
Christ  Chuch  17  61,  and  filled  that  seat  during  the  rest  of  his  life. 
In  17  62,  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  Lords  of  the  Admiralty,  and 
in  the  following  year  a  Lord  of  the  Treasury,  but  went  out  of  office 
with  the  change  of  Administration  in  1765.  In  1774  he  was  appoin- 
ted Secretary  and  Comptroller  to  the  Queen.  In  1744,  he  published 
"Three  Treatises:  I.  Art.  II.  Music,  Painting,  and  Poetry.  III.  Hai^pi- 
ness,  and  in  1751,  his  famous  work,  "Hernies,  or  a  Philisophical 
Inquiry  concerning  Universal  Grammar,"  which  has  been  consid- 
ered a  model  of  ingenious  analysis  and  clear  exposition.  Lowth 
claiming  for  it,  that  it  is  the  best  specimen  of  analysis  since  the  time 
of  Aristotle.  In  1775,  he  published  "Philisophical  Arrangements" 
as  a  part  of  a  projected  work,  upon  the  "Logic"  of  Aristotle.  His 
"Philisophical  Inquiries"  was  published  after  his  death  in  1781. 
His  collected  works  were  published  in  1792.  A  fine  edition  with  a 
biography  was  published  by  his  son  in  1801.     (Amer-Cyclo) 

Section  16.  John  Harris  an  English  Clergyman,  born  at  Ugbor- 
ough  Devonshire  in  1804,  died  in  London  Dec.  21,  1856.  He  studied 
Divinity,  in  Haxton  Independent  College,  and  became  pastor  of  the 
Independent  church  in  Epsom.  When  in  1850,  it  was  determined 
to  consolidate  the  various  independent  colleges  in  and  about  the 
Metropolis  into  one,  he  was  chosen  principal  of  the  new  institu- 
tion called  New  College  in  which  he  was  also  professor  of  theology. 
While  at  Epsom  he  wrote  his  prize  Essay  against  covetousness, 
under  the  title  of  "Mammon,  in  1836."  Other  works  written  for 
prizes  were  "Britannia"  1837,  an  appeal  in  aid  of  the  objects  of  the 
British  and  foreign  sailors  society,  and  "The  Great  Commission" 
1842,  an  essav  on  Christian  Missions.  His  most  important  works 
are  "The  Pre-Adamite  Earth"  1847,  "Man  Primeval"  1849,  and 
"Patriarchy,   or   the   Family,   its   Constitution   and   Probation,"    1855. 

(Amer-Cy. ) 

^Section  17.  Thadeus  William  Harris,  an  American  Natural- 
ist, born  in  Dorchester,  Mass.  Nov.  12,  1795,  died  in  Cambridge, 
Jan.  16,  1856.  He  graduated  at  Harvard  College.  In  1815,  studied 
Medicine,  and  practiced  his  profession  at  Milton  Hill  till  18  31,  when 
he  was  appointed  Librarian  of  Harvard  College.  For  several  years 
he  gave  instructions  in  botany  and  general  Natural  Histo^ry,  m 
the  College,  and  he  originated  the  Howard  Natural  History  Society 
for  the  students.  He  was  chiefly  distinguished  as  an  entomolo- 

258  Histonj  and  Genealogies 

gist.  In  183  7  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  Commissioners  for  a 
Zoological  and  botanical  survey  of  Massachusetts,  the  result  of  which 
was  his  systematic  catalogue  of  the  insects  of  Massachusetts,  ap- 
pended to  Prof.  Hitchcock's  report.  In  1841,  appeared  his  "Report 
on  insects  injurious  to  Vegatation"  published  by  the  Legislature 
It  was  repeated  in  1852,  some  what  enlarged  and  a  new  and  enlarged 
edition  by  Charles  L.  Flint  with  engravings  drawn  under  the  sujier- 
vision  of  Prof.  Agassiz,  by  direction  of  the  Legislature  appeared 
in  1862.      (Amer-Cy) 

Section  18.  Thomas  Lake  Harris  an  American  Reformer  born 
at  Finny  Stratford,  England,  May  15,  182  3.  He  was  brought  to 
America  when  four  years  old  by  his  father  who  engaged  in  Mer- 
cantile pursuits  in  Utica,  N.  Y.  By  his  mother's  death  and  finan- 
cial reverses  he  was  thrown  from  boyhood  on  his  own  efforts  for 
education  and  support.  He  from  a  very  early  age,  had  strong 
religious  tendencies,  became  a  great  reformer,  and  organized  the 
society  "Brotherhood  of  the  New  Life." 

Section  19.  William  Harris,  an  American  Clergyman,  born  in 
Springfield,  Mass.,  April  29,  1765,  died  Oct.  18,  1829.  He  graduated 
at  Harvard  College  in  1786,  was  ordained  priest  in  the  Episcopal 
Church  in  1792,  and  took  charge  at  once  of  the  Church  and  Academy 
in  Marblehead,  Mass.  In  1802  he  became  Rector  of  St.  Marks 
Church,  In  N.  Y.  where  he  established  a  classical  school.  He  was 
chosen  in  1811  to  succeed  Bishop  Moore,  as  president  of  Columbia 
College,  and  for  six  years  retained  his  rectorship  in  connection 
with  this  office.  He  was  assisted  in  the  duties  of  the  presidency 
by  Dr.  J.  M.  Mason,  under  the  title  of  provost,  an  office  which  was 
established  in  1816,  from  which  time  until  his  death.  Dr.  Harris 
devoted  himsely  entirely  to  the  college.   (A-C) 

Section  20.  William  Torrey  Harris,  an  American  philosopher, 
born  in  Killingly,  Conn.,  Sept.  10,  1835.  He  entered  Yale  College 
in  1854,  but  did  not  graduate.  The  degree  of  A.  M.  was  conferred 
upon  him  by  the  College  in  1869.  In  1857  he  went  to  St.  Louis, 
and  in  the  following  year  became  a  teacher  in  one  of  the  public 
schools.  Ten  years  later  he  was  made  Superintendent  of  Schools, 
a  post  which  he  was  holding  in  1874.  He  was  one  of  the  founders 
of  the  philosophical  society  of  St.  Louis  in  1866,  and  in  1867,  estab- 
lished the  Journal  of  Speculative  Philosophy,  a  quarterly  magazine, 
and  to  which  he  contributed  many  philosophical  articles  of  his  own, 
besides  translations  of  the  principal  works  of  Hegel.  The  Journal 
has  also  published  translations  from  Liebnitz,  Descartes,  Kent, 
Pichte  and  Schilling,  and  from  recent  German  and  Italian  philoso- 
phers, and  many  remarkable  papers  on  art.  In  1874,  Mr.  Harris  was 
elected   President   of  the  ational   Teacher's  Association.    (A-C.) 

Section  21.  The  first  permanent  settlement  on  the  site  of  Harris- 
burg,  Pennsylvania,  was  made  about  1726,  by  an  Englishman,  named 
John  Harris,  who  in  Dec.  1733,  obtained  from  the  proprietaries  of 
Pennsylvania  a  grant  of  300  acres  of  land,  near  his  residence,  and 
purchased  of  others  300  acres  adjoining.  He  carried  on  a  consider- 
able trade  with  the  Indians  of  the  vicinity.  In  17  52,  the  Penns  grant- 
ed to  his  son,  John  Harris  junior,  the  right  to  establish  a  ferry  over 
the  Susquehanna,  and  the  place  was  long  known  as  Harris  Ferry.  It 
became  the  Capital  of  the  state  in  1812,  and  received  a  city  charter 
in    1860.    (A-C.) 

Section  22.  Samuel  Harris  of  Virginia  known  as  "Father  Harris" 
and  sometimes  addressed  as  "Colonel,"  was  a  Baptist  minister  and 
often  moderator  of  the  meetings  and  associations  of  the  Virginia 
Baptists,  who  opposed  the  unholy  union  of  church  and  state  taxation 

Ilisliirij  (iiitl  Genealogies  259 

to  Rupiiort  the  established  ehuvch,  and  her  clergy  and  the  glebes,  and 
jiresenled  many  petitions  and  'nioniorials  to  the  law  making  ])ower, 
in  their  valiant  fight  for  religious  liberty. 

One  of  his  meetings  in  Culpeper  was  invaded  by  a  band  of  oppo- 
sers,  headed  by  Captain  Ball,  to  prevent  his  preaching  bringing  on 
a  scuffle  and  tumult,  closing  the  meeting  in  confusion.  On  another 
occasion  while  preaching  at  Ft.  Mayo,  he  was  summarily  interrup- 
ted and  outrageously  accosted.  These  were  turbulent  times  in  old 
Virginia  for  Baptist  preachers,  who  were  struggling  for  a  better  day 
to  come.  He  and  his  co-workers,  and  contemporaries,  such  as  Elders, 
.John  Burrus,  John  Young,  Ed  Herndon,  James  Goodrich,  Barthol- 
omew Choning,  John  Waller,  William  Webber,  James  Greenwood, 
Robert  Ware,  Jeremiah  Moore,  David  Barrow,  Lewis  Craig,  Elijah 
Craig,  John  Dulaney,  James  Childs,  Nathaniel  Saunders,  William 
M.  Clannahan,  John  Corbley,  Thomas  Amnion,  Anthony  Moffett, 
John  Piclvett,  Adam  Banks,  Thomas  Maxfield,  Jeremiah  Walker, 
John  Weatherford,  David  Tinsley,  John  Shackelford,  Ivison  Lewis, 
John  Tannor,  David  Thomas,  Augustine  Eastin  and  others,  and  the 
Baptist  societies  they  represented  were  in  derision  called  and  referred 
to  in  such  reproachful  names  as  "disturbers  of  the  peace,"  "ignorant 
and  illiterate  set,"  "poor  and  contemptible  class,"  "schismatics" 
"false  prophets,"  "wolves  in  sheeps  clothing,"  "perverters  of  good 
order"  "callers  of  unlawful  assamblics,"  for  the  purpose  of  cast- 
ing odium  upon  tliem,  but  they  patiently  endured  all,  and  stood 
firm  in  the  Lord,  suffering  persecutions,  imprisonments,  and  fines  for 
conscience  sake,  and  trusting  in  the  salvation  of  the  Lord,  fought, 
bravely  for  civil,  as  well  as  religious  liberty,  contesting  every  step 
of  ground,  which  \vas  most  gloriously  won.  No  other  religious  so- 
ciety stood  so  firm  and  unrelenting",  in  the  struggle  as  did  the  Bap- 
tists, conspicious  among  whom  was  Samuel  Harris,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch. 

Section  2  3.  List  of  towns,  creelts,  etc.,  named  for  Harris  found 
on  Map: 


New   Hampshire — Harrisville. 

Harrisville  Lake. 
New   York —  Harrisburg. 

Harris  Hill. 


Maryland —  Harris  Creeek. 

Harris  Lot. 
Virginia —  Harris. 

Harris  Creek. 


South   Carolina —  Harris  Springs. 
Georgia —  Harris. 


Harris  City, 
Mississippi —  Harris  Bayou. 


Kentucky —  Harris. 


Harris  Grove. 


Histori/  (iiuJ  Genealogies 

Indiana — 






Wisconsin — 


Minnesota — 


Iowa — 


Arlvansas — 



Texas — 

Harris  County. 



Harris  Creek. 

Harris  Ferry. 

Colorado — 



California — 

Harris.    C-6. 

Harris.  J-17. 

Washington — 


Massachusetts — 


Rhode   Island. 


New  Jersey — 



Pennsylvania — 

Harris.   1-21. 

Harris.   K-22. 



Harrisville  Station. 

West   Virginia — 

Harris  Ferry. 


North    Carolina— 

-  Harris  Mines. 



Alahama — 

Harris.  B-6. 

Harris.  Ml. 


Tennessee — 



Ohio — 


Harrisburg.  C-18. 

Harrisburg.  J-18. 

Harris  Station. 

Illinois — 




Michigan — 




Missouri — 




Indian  Territory 


Kansas — 


Nebraska — 


South  Dakota — 


Montana — 




I/islori/    iiinl    (li'iirii/(i)/!cs  -ICyl 

Arizona —  Harrisburg. 

Oregon —  Harris. 

Florida —  Harris   halve. 



Aiticli"  1. — Tli(>  ancestor  of  this  family  rainc  to  Anx'iica  from  Wales, 
pi'obably  noai-  tlie  middle  of  the  scvcntiH'nth  century,  and  set- 
tled in  the  Colony  (tf  Virginia.      The  stock  beinj?  Anjilo- Welsh. 

In  the  period  1780-1790,  there  was  a  great  migratory  movement 
from  Virginia  and  other  states  to  the  new  and  fertile  regions  of  Ken- 
tucky, "The  Dark  and  Bloody  Ground."  Among  the  emigrants  from 
Albemarle  and  adjacent  counties  of  Virginia,  were  Christopher  Har- 
ris, senior,  his  second  wife,  Agnes  McCord,  besides  a  greater  number 
of  his  sons  and  daughters,  in  two  sets,  numbering  in  all  seventeen 
and  a  host  of  grand  children,  who  composed  an  amazing  throng 
for  one  family  to  swell  the  population  of  the  new  country,  some  of 
whom  were  in  Kentucky  as  early  as  17  8:;!,  many  at  later  dates  moved 
to  the  Territory  of  Missouri.  Christopher  Harris,  Sr.  travelled  a  great 
deal  over  the  Kentucky  wilds  and  entered  lands  on  the  waters  of  the 
Licking  river,  but  settled  and  established  his  home  in  Madison  Coun- 
ty, Kentucky,  where  he  owned  lands  on  Silver,  Muddy  and  Downing 
Creeks,  in  addition  to  a  large  body  of  land  in  Albemarle,  and  he  owned 
a  number  of  negro  slaves,  which  he  had  brought  to  iventucky. 

Schedule  of  his  family  who  came  besides  collateral  branches 
of  the  Harris  family. 

Robert  Harris,  (wife  Nancy  Grubbs)  Elder  Christopher  Harris, 
(wife  Elizabeth  Grubbs  J  .lohn  Harris,  (wife  Margaret  Maupin) 
Benjamin  Harris,  (first  wife,  Miss  Jones,  second  wife,  Nancy  Burgin) 
William  Harris;  (wife  Anna  Oldham)  Barnabas  Harris;  (wife 
Elizabeth  Oldham)  James  Harris;  (wife  Susannah  Gass)  Samuel 
Harris:  (wife  Nancy  Wilkerson)  Overton  Harris;  (wife  Nancy  Old- 
ham) Mournin  Harris,  husband,  Foster  Jones,  and  her  children, 
Tyre  Harris  Jones,  Mosias  Jones,  Nancy  Jones,  Christopher  Jones, 
Elizabeth  Jones,  Lucy  Jones.  Tyre  Harris;  (wife  Sallie  Garland) 
Higgason  Harris;  (wife  Nancy  Garland (  Sarah  Harris,  and  husband, 
James  Martin,  and  children,  Tyre  Martin,  Robert  Martin;  (wife 
Polly  Noland)  Nathan  Martin,  Mary  Martin  and  husband,  J.  Pleas- 
ant Profit,  young  David  Martin,  son  of  James  Martin  deceased. 
Thomas  Harris;  (wife  Mary  Ann  Booten)  Robert  Harris;  (wife  Mary 
Taylor)  Robert  Harris;  (wife  Jael  Ellison  )  Christopher  Harris  (wife 
Sallie  Wallace)  Mary  Harris,  and  husband,  George  Jones,  Jane 
Harris  and  husband,  Richard  Gentry,  all  children,  and  children  in 
law,  and  grand  children  of  Christopher  Harris,  senior,  besides  a 
number  of  his  negro  slaves,  and  collateral  branches,  viz: 

Randolph  Harris,  of  Captain  Brown's  comi)any  against  the  Wiaw 
Indians,  in  1791.  Sherwood  Harris,  James  Harris,  Sterling  Harris, 
(wife  Silva  )  and  son,  Solomon  Harris,  and  brother,  Benjamin  Harris, 
William  Harris,  Thomas  Harris,  (wife  Rachael)  Weston  Harris, 
(wife  Elizabeth  Dulaney)  Samuel  Harris,  William  Harris,  (wife 
Mary    Manion)    David    Harris,    (wife    Nancy     Cooksey)  John  Harris; 

262  History  and  Genealogies 

(wife  Jennie  Warren)  and  Foster  Harris,  (wife  Sallie  Manning)  and 
others.  (See  notes.)  All  came  to  Kentucky  prior  to  1790  (some  of 
whom  were  here  several  years  before  said  date)  from  their  old  Vir- 
ginia homes,  and  travelled  the  wilderness  road.  Some  of  them  mar- 
ried in  Kentucky;  one  married  in  Madison  County,  Ky. 

Note — ^Since  the  above  was  written  we  are  indebted  to  Mrs. 
Cassius  M.    Clay,   of  Paris,  Ky.,   for  the  following  additional   facst: 

"Major  Robert  Harris  was  a  member  of  the  Virginia  House  oT 
Burgesses  from  Hanover  County,  173  6-17  3  8,  1740-1742,  and  Justice- 
of  the  Peace  of  Louisa  County  in  1742,  and  Surveyor  in  1744. 

"His  wife,  Mary  Rice  nee  Claiborne,  was  a  daughter  of  Sec- 
retary William  Claiborne  who  came  to  Virginia  with  George  Wyant 
in  1621.  William  Claiborne  was  born  in  1587,  and  died  in  1676, 
he  married  Elizabeth  Butler.  He  was  secretary  of  state  in  Virginia 
in  1625-1635,  1652-1660,  treasurer  in  1642-1660.  Surveyor  Gen- 
try in  1621-1625.  He  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  York  and  Nor- 
thumberland in  1653.  Member  of  the  Council  in  1623.  In  1629 
he  commanded  an  expedition  against  the  Indians;  again  in  1644,  he 
did  the  same.  In  the  Northampton  records,  April  1653,  is  an  order 
referring  to  the  worshipful  Colonel  William  Claiborne  Esq.  Deputy 
Governor.  "Temperance  Overton,  (the  wife  of  William  Harris)  came 
to  this  country  with  three  brothers  and  settled  in  Virginia.  She  was  a 
daughter  of  William  Overton,  and  Mary  Waters,  William  Overton 
was  a  Colonel  under  Oliver  Cromwell,  and  commanded  one  wing 
of  the  army  at  the  battle  of  Dunbar;  for  some  cause  he  was  cast 
into  the  Tower  of  London  by  Cromwell,  and  died  there." 

Article  2. — One  Robert  Hanis  of  AVales,    (1G30-1700)    about  1650, 
married  Mrs.  Rice,  whose  maiden  name  was  Claibourne,  daugh- 
ter of  Secretary  William  Claiborne,  to  whom  was  boiii,  in  llSSi.  J  ' 
a  son,  William  Harris.  .| 

They  came  to  America,  and  settled  in  the  Colony  of  Virginia,  on 
the  James  River,  near  Weyanoke.  The  said -William  Harris,  married 
Temperance  Overton,  a  daughter  of  a  wealthy  tobacco  grower, 
William   Overton,   and    Mary   Walters,    his   wife.      The   said   William 

Overton,    was   a   son   of   Colonel   Overton,    who   commanded   a 

Brigade  of  Iron  sides  under  Oliver  Cromwell. 

William  Harris  became  also  a  tobacconist,  raising  and  dealing 
in  that  weed,  which  was  at  that  time  a  medium  of  exchange,  and 
became  fairly  well  off  in  this  world's  goods,  but  he  died  before  he 
reached  old  age,  and  a  bronze  tablet  and  stone,  marked  the  resting 
place  of  his  mortal  remains.  From  this  emigrant,  sprang  our 
American  family,  the  blood  courses,  in  the  veins  of  hundreds  and 
hundreds  of  families  and  persons  of  other  names,  scattered  all  over 
America  and  elsewhere.  The  family  as  such  is  noted  for  courage, 
brain,  strength,  and  industry,  endurance,  honesty,  and  influence; 
many  have  held,  and  many  yet  hold  high  positions  or  trust,  in  polit- 
ical, in  economical,  in  agriculturaal  and  in  commercial  industry, 
in  the  ministry  fearless,  but  God-fearing  servants,  in  the  various 
branches  of  learning,  in  the  army,  in  the  navy,  and  in  every  calling 
and  profession,  some  noted  lawyers,  some  famous  as  physicians, 
some  humorous  and  learned  writers. 

William  Harris,  died  March  8,  1687,  at  the  age  of  thirty  five 
years.  His  remains  were  buried  in  an  old  Colonial  church  at  Wey- 
anoke on  the  James  river,  and  a  bronze  tablet,  commemorating  his 

Ilislniji  iiiiil   <lf'm'(i/ij(jics  263 

death  and  ase  marked  his  bui'ial  ])lace.  The  old  chr.rch  Ions  since 
going  to  ruins,  on  the  first  of  July  1875  the  tablet  was  removed  to 
Xoi'folk,  Va.,  and  placed  in  the  walls  of  Si.  I^auls  old  church.  En- 
graved on   the  tablet  is  the  following. 

"Here    lyeth    ye    body    of 

William    Harris 

who  dei)arted  this  life  ye  Sth  day  of  March,  16S7 

.\ged   :]5   years. 

On  the  1st  day  of  July,  1875,  this  stone  and 
tablet  was  brought  from  Weyanoke  ,  on  the 
James  River.  It  was  found  among  ruins  of  an 
old   Colonial    Church." 

Proof  is  sufficient  for  stating  that  .said  (ablet  marked  the 
grave  of  our  ancestor. 

To  William  Harris,  and  his  wife,  Temperance  Overton,  were 
born  three  sons: 

Section  1.      Christopher  Harris. 

Section  2.  Major  Robert  Harris.  He  married  xVIourning  Glenn. 
He  died  in  Brown's  Cove,  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  in  1765.  A  fuller 
history  of  whom  is  given  in  Chapter  o. 

Section  3.  Overton  Harris;  married  Anne  Nelson.  The  subject 
of  Chapter  49. 

Notes  from   Madison   County  Court   Records: 

July  6,  1795,  Benjamin  Harris  and  wife  Nancy  (nee  Burgin)  con- 
veyed to  Evan  Watson,  72  acres  of  land  on  Muddy  Creek,  about 
two  miles  form  Mulberry  Lick.  The  deed  was  not  acknowledged 
by  the  wife  till   1809. 

Oct.  1,  1814.  Their  daughter  Polly  Harris  conveyed  her  one 
third  interest  in  ?>4  acres,  Sept.  2  5,  1815,  to  Overton  Harris.  Their 
other  children,  Tyre  Harris,  and  Nancy  Harris  and  her  husband, 
Henry  Pasley,  conveyed  to  Overton  Harris  their  two  thirds  as  heirs 
of  Benjamin  Harris'  deed,  in  lands  on  Otter  Creek. 

Feb.  1.  1808,  Barnabas  Harris,  and  wife  Elizabeth  (nee  Oldham) 
conveyed  to  Evan  Watson  135  acres  on  Muddy  Creek,  deed  not 
acknowledged  by  wife  till  March  21,  1S09.  The  first  date  they  also 
conveyed  to  John  Harris,  50  acres  on  Muddy  Creek,  adjoining  Evan 
Watson,  John  Harris  and  William  Harris. 

Sept.  6,  1809.  Barnabas  Harris  executed  a  power  of  attorney  to 
Overton  Harris,  (his  brother)  to  settle  his  business,  and  convey  to 
Samuel  Mc^Iullens,  his  interest  of  one  half  of  800  acres  entered  in 
the  name  of  his  father  (Christopher  Harris)  on  Hinkston's  Fork 
of  Licking  in  Bourbon,  County,  Ky. 

Sept.  1,  1809.  Samuel  Harris  and  wife,  (Nancy  nee  Wilkerson,) 
conveyed  to  James  Jones,  150  acres  on  Paint  Lick  Creek,  part  of 
William  Van  Cleaves  patent  of  720  acres.  Aug.  4,  1830.  They 
conveyed  to  Richard  Fowler,  land  in  ^Madison  County,  Ky.  Sept. 
21,  1831.  They  conveyed  to  Edwin  Phelps,  the  farm  upon  which 
they  were  living  on  Calloways  Creek. 

Dec.  2,  1809.  Richard  Gentry,  and  wife  Jane  (nee  Harris),  Chris- 
topher Harris,  John  Harris,  Thomas  Burgin,  guardian  of  Polly 
Harris,  infant  (child)  of  Benjamin  Harris  deceased,  William  Harris, 
Margaret  Harris,  John  Bennett  and  wife,  Isabella  (nee  Harris)   Sam- 

2()4  llislunj  (ind   (jenealogies 

uel  Harris,  Barnabas  Harris  and  Overton  Harris,  heirs  and  devises 
of  Cliristoplier  Harris,  deceased,  conveyed  to  Samuel  McMullens,  and 
James  Gutlirie,  600  out  of  1200  acres  on  Hinkston's  Pork  of  Liclv- 
ing  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky. 

Sept.  5,  1816.  William  Harris  and  wife  Anna  (nee  Oldham) 
conveyed  to  John  Speed  Smith  42  acres  on  Muddy  Creek. 

Jan.  1,  1799.  Inventory  and  appraisement  of  the  estate  of 
James  Harris,  who  died  in  1797-8,  was  made  by  Colonel  John  Mil- 
ler and  Robert   Rodes,   and  returned   to  the  Court. 

Aug.  4,,  1814.  Christopher  Harris  and  wife  Sallie  (nee  Wallace) 
conveyed  to  James  Held  24  acres,  2  roods,  and  14  poles,  on  Mud 
Branch  of  Otter  Creek,  which  Michael  Wallace  lived  and  died  pos- 
sessed of   (near  Richmond). 

May  5,  1816.  Robert  Harris  and  wife  (nee  Grubbs)  con- 
veyed to  Frances  Stone  85  acres,  2  roods,  and  2  8  poles,  on  Tates 

1799.  Christopher  Harris,  and  wife,  Elizabeth  (nee  Grubbs) 
conveyed  to  William  Shackelford  100  acres,  on  Muddy  Creek. 

April  3,  1815.  They  conveyed  to  Zachariah  Thorpe,  (their 
son-in-law)  25  acres,  including  the  Mill  and  Mill  seat  of  said 
Thorpe  on  Muddy  Creek. 

Aug.  29,  1797.  James  Harris  conveyed  to  John  Mullens,  Jr. 
the  land  conveyed  to  grantor  by  Green  Clay,  adjoining  James 
Berry  and  others. 

Dec.  2,  17  90.  James  Harris  married  Susannah  Gass,  (daughter 
of  David  Gass,  and  Sarah,  his  wife.)  In  179  6  James  Harris  was 
riding  along  the  road  between  Silver  Creek  and  the  residence  of 
David  Gass  in  company  with  Squire  Boone  (brother  to  Colonel 
Daniel  Boone )conver.sing  about  old  times  and  the  old  mill  seat  of 
Squire  Boone  at  St.  Asaph's,  and  Gerusha's  Grove,  on  Silver  Creek, 
and  he  told  Boone  of  the  black  walnut  tree  upon  which  Boone  had 
cut  his  letters  S.  B.  in  1775,  which  circumstance  Boone  had  not 
forgotten.  Shortly  after  this  conversation,  towit:  April  29,  1796, 
Squire  Boone  gave  his  deposition  at  St.  Asaphs,  and  Gerusha's 
Grove  in  regard  to  the  land,  and  the  letters  and  date  on  the  trees. 

David  Gass  died  in  180  6.  and  in  his  will  he  mentions  his  child- 
ren towit:  John  Gass,  William  Gass,  James  Gass,  David  Gass, 
Mary  Black,  (and  her  children,  Amy,  Eleanor,  James  and  David) 
Margaret  Gass  wife  of  John  Mitchell,  (and  her  son  James)  Thomas 
Gass,   Susannah  Harris  and   Sarah   Black. 

Sept.  25,  1807.  James  Harris,  John  Mitchell  and  David  Gass, 
executed  a  power  of  attorney  to  John  Gass,  of  Bourbon  County, 
Ky.  to  prosecute  suits  etc.  in  their  name  etc. 

Oct.  5,  1807.  James  Harris  and  wife  Susannah,  executed  a 
quit  claim  deed  to  David  Gass,  as  heir  of  David  Gass,  sr.,  deceased  to 
land  on  Silver  Creek. 

Oct.  16,  1807.  They  conveyed  to  James  White  60  acres  on  the 
east  side  of  Muddy  Creek. 

Aug.  20,  1798.  Edward  Harris  of  Newburn,  North  Carolina, 
conveyed  to  James  Harris  7  50  acres  on  both  sides  of  Muddy  Creek, 
witnesses,    James    Harris,    Archibald    Harris    and    Andrew    Province. 

Sept.    12,    179  5.      Samuel   Harris;    married   Sarah    Province. 

Dec.  1,  1800.  James  Harris  conveyed  to  Higgason  Grubbs,  all 
his  right  to  land  on  west  side  of  Muddy  Creek,  granted  to  Edward 
Harris  and  conveyed  by  Edward  Harris  to  James  Harris. 

Dec.  14,  1809.  James  Harris  of  Albemarle  conveyed  to  Jesse 
Noland    50    acres   on   Tates   Creek.      Dec.    2  8,    1809,   he   conveyed   to 

Ilishirif   II  11(1    I icii<'ii/(j)jics  2^5 

William  Boone  17  acres,  and  to  Jesse  Nolaiul  2<)  acres  on  tlie  same 
waters.     (See  Chap.   ?,,  Sec.   4.) 

Aug.  17,  1S09.  Andrew  Harris  and  wife  Ede,  l).v  Josepli  Ken- 
nedy agent  in  fact  of  Williamson  County,  Tenn.  convcved  to  Thomas 
C.   Ballard   77   acres   on    i^iint    Lick   Creek. 

July  3,  1792.  Sherwood  Harris,  wife  Henrietta  Harris,  acknowl- 
edged deed  to  Barney  Stagner  per  certificate  of  John  Harris  and 
Asa  Searcy. 

Dec.  6.  179S.  Joel  Harris,  of  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  executed 
a  power  of  attorney  to  John  Harris,  Daniel  Maupin  and  James  Berry 
to  act  for  him  and  convey  lands  etc.  Nov.  17,  1807,  the  said  Joel 
Harris  conveyed  to  Daniel  Maupin  an  undivided  moiety  of  1000 
acres  on  waters  of  Cow  Creek  and  Indian  Creek,  emptying  into  the 
Salt  Spring  Fork  of  Licking  granted  to  Joel  Harris  June  26,  1799, 
witnesses,  John  Patrick,  John  Harris  and  William  Dulaney,and  other 
conveyances  as  follows:  200  acres  to  Joseph  Holdman,  200  acres 
to  Richard  Johnson  in  the  forks  of  Tates  Creek,  and  200  acres  to 
John  Denham,  adjoining  above.  April  10,  1817,  Daniel  Maupin 
attorney  in  fact  for  Joel  Harris  of  Albermarle  conveyed  to  Samuel 
Robinson   288 1/2    acres  on   Muddy  Creek.    (See  Chap.   Ill,  Sec.   IV.) 

Dec.  7,  179  6.     Thomas  Harris;  married  Rebecca  Barnes. 

Aug.  28,  1804.  Thomas  Harris  conveyed  to  William  Titus  40 
acres  on  Silver  Creek. 

April  1,  1805.  Henry  Harris  for  love  and  affection  conveyed  to 
Elizabeth  Eastes  91   acres  on  Downing  Creek. 

Feb.  21,  1815.  Henry  Harris  and  wife  Anna  for  love  and  affec- 
tion conveyed  to  Bettie  Jameson  114  acres  on  Downing  Creek. 

Sept.  4,  1806.  Thompson  Harris  executed  an  obligation  in 
trust  for  his  wife,  Fannie    (probably  Fannie  Jones)      Children: 

1.  Wiley  Rodes  Harris. 

2.  Tempe   Barnes   Harris. 

Oct.  2,  1809.  Thompson  Harris  and  wife  Fannie  conveyed  to 
George  Hubbard,  135  acres  in  the  forks  of  lower  Woods  Fork  of 
Muddy    Creek. 

Oct.  17,  1817.  They  conveyed  to  Archibald  Woods,  150  acres 
(excepting  50)  on  Woods  Fork  of  Muddy  Creek,  the  same  land 
conveyed  by  the  latter  to  John  Wilburn  and  by  the  latter  to  Thomp- 
son Harris. 

Sept.  29,  1813.  William  Harris  and  wife  Jane  of  Jessamine 
County,  Ky.,  conveyed  to  Reason  Nichols  55  acres  on  the  Kentucky 

June  19,  1818.  John  Harris  and  wife,  Polly  conveyed  to  Gid- 
eon Gooch,  60  acres  on  Baughs  Branch  of  Silver  Creek. 

May  30,  1805.     David  Harris:    married  Nancy  Cooksey. 

Nov.   1,   1811.     David  Harris;    married  Nancy  Maxwell. 

Oct.  28,  1819.  David  B.  Harris,  and  wife  Nancy  conveyed  to 
Tandy  C.  Page  140  acres  on  Silver  Creek. 

Oct.  1,  1796.  Mosias  Jones  executed  a  power  of  attorney  to 
his  son,  Thomas  Jones  of  Greenbrier  County,  Va.  to  convey  130 
acres  to  James  Kincaid. 

Jan.  8  1808,  Mosias  Jones'  will  probated.  May  2,  18  08,  child- 
ren; William  Jones  given  land  on  Otter  Creek,  ad.1oining  Isaac 
Newland,  Lucy  Maupin,  Mosias  Jones,  Foster  Jones,  Frances  Harris, 
Elizabeth  Daverson,  George  Jones,  Ann  Gamison,  Thonuis  Jones, 
Roger  Jones,  Sarah  Curroum,  and  John  Jones,  witnesses,  Martin  Gen- 
try, Moses  Bennett  and  John  Maupin. 

April  13,  1816.  Inventory  of  estate  of  William  Jones,  deceased 

■>()()  Historij  and  Genealogies 

Nov.  15,  and  27,  1814.  Foster  Jones  (wife  Peggy;)  In- 
vent ori'-s  of  his  estate  made,  by  Jolin  Brown,  Thomas  Collins.  Sam- 
uel Gilbert  and  William  Douglas,  widow,  Peggy,  alloted  dower  of 

Dec.  3,  1796.  Foster  Jones  and  wife.  Mourning  (nee  Harris) 
conveyed  to  Margaret  Black,  of  Woodford  County,  37%  acres  on 
Otter  Creek. 

Nov.  16,  1797.  Thomas  Jones  of  Franklin  County,  Va.  conveyed 
to  representatives  of  Jesse  and  Hosea  Cook,  of  Franklin  County,  Ky. 
400  acres  on  Silver  Creek  in  Madison  County,  Ky. 

Feb.  25,  1814.     Robert  Jones  deceased,  inventory  made. 

June  3,  1815.    Elizabeth  Jones,  deceased,  inventory  made. 

July  21,  1815.  James  Jones  will  probated  Feb.  5,  1816,  broth- 
ers, Humphrey  and  William,  besides  other  brothers  and  sisters 
not  named. 

June  1,  1826.  Irvine  Jones,  deceased,  inventory  made,  wife 
Rachael   alloted  dower,  Nov.   6,   1826. 


(Named   in   Chap.    2,    Sec.    2.) 

Article  1. — ^NEa.jor  Robert  Harris,  a  son  of  AVilliain  Harris,  the  omi- 
j^raiit,  who  came  from  AVales,  and  Temperance  Overton,  his  wife, 
was  born  about  the  year  168-,  and  his  home  was  m  Virginia, 
Bro^vn's  Cove,  Albemarle  County. 

He  married  Mourning  Glenn.  She  was  a  remarkable  woman, 
kind,  generous,  charitable,  a  devout  christian,  and  much  beloved 
bv  her  acquaintances  and  offspring.  Her  children  and  descendants 
down  through  the  generations  gave  a  daughter  her  name  "Mourn- 
ing, showing  their  high  estimation   of  Mourning  Glenn  Harris. 

Note — Glenn. 

1.  David  Glenn  and  Thomas  Glenn  were  of  Captain  James 
Harrod's  Company,  of  thirty  one  men,  who  in  May  1774,  came 
down  the  Monongahela  and  Ohio  rivers  in  canoes  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Kentucky  river,  and  up  it  to  the  mouth  of  Landing  Run, 
(Oreson)  in  Mercer  County,  east  of  where  Salvisa  is.  thence  across 
to  Salt  River  near  McAffe's  station,  and  up  it  to  Fountain  Blue, 
and  on  to  where  Harrodsburg  is.     (Harrods  Station.) 

2  David  Glenn  was  one  of  Captain  James  Harrod's  Company, 
of  thirtv  men,  who  on  Jan.  2,  1777,  went  from  Harrodsburg  by 
McClellon's  Fort,  (Georgetown)  the  Lower  Blue  Licks,  and  Mays- 
lick  and  struck  the  Ohio  river  near  the  mouth  of  Cabin  Creek, 
for  '  gun    powder,    which    they    obtained    and    returned    with    to 

Harrodsburg.  -,nnn  o 

3.   David   Glenn,  was  a  resident  of  Harrods  Fort,   177 /-s. 
4     Moses  F.  Glenn,  legislator  from  Nicholas  County,  Ky.  18;:.7-9. 
s'.   Robert    B.    Glenn, '  state    senator    from    Todd    County,    Ky. 

6.    Robert  E.   Glenn,  legislator  from   Todd  County,   1843-6. 

Ills/ or//   (I III/    I (cnciiloijies  "^iOi 

7.  Williiini    Glenn,    representative    from    Daviess    County,    Ky 

8.  William  Glenn  of  the  Fleminssburg  Messenger  1849-51,  and 
the  Pittsburs-,   (Illinois)   Biigie,  1S51-56. 

!».    GlennsforU.  a  town  in  Adair  County. 

Major  Robert  Harris,  took  up  land  in  Brown's  Cove,  in  Albe- 
marle County  in  1750,  he  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  on  Doyle's 
River.  He  obtained  patent  for  more  than  3000  acres  in  that  vicin- 
ity. He  died  in  1765.  His  will  bears  date  .June  18,  1765,  probated 
Aug.   8,   17  65,  in  words  and   figures  as  follows  towit : 

"In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  I  Robert  Harris  of  the  County 
of  All)emarle,  being  of  perfect  mind,  and  memory,  do  make  and 
ordain  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  in  manner  and  form  follow- 
ing: first  and  principally  I  recommend  my  soul  to  God,  who  gave 
it  me,  not  doubting  but  through  the  merits  of  my  blessed  saviour 
to  have  full  pardon  and  remission  of  my  sins,  and  my  body,  I  rec- 
ommend to  the  earth  from  whence  it  came,  to  be  buried  in  such  man- 
ner, as  my  executors  hereafter  named  shall  see  fit.  And  as  touch- 
ing such  temporal  estate  as  it  hath  pleased  God  to  bestow  on  me,  I 
give  and  dispose  of  in  manner  and  form  following.  Imprimis:  I 
give  and  bequeath  to  my  son,  Christopher  Harris  forty  acres  of 
woodland,  ground  lying  and  being  in  the  County  of  Albemarle,  on 
a  large  spur  of  the  Blue  Ridge  of  Mountains  near  to  a  place  common- 
ly called  and  known  by  the  name  of  the  "Bear  cornfield,"  to  him  and 
his  heirs  and  assigns  forever. 

Item:  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son,  William  Harris,  after 
the  decease  of  my  loving  wife,  Morning  (Mourning)  Harris,  all  tne 
land  which  I  hold  in  the  County  of  Albemarle  to  him  and  his 
heirs  forever. 

Item:  I  leave  to  my  loving  wife  Mourning  Harris,  the  sole 
use  and  benefit  of  all  the  lands  and  plantations  during  her  natural 
life,  which  is  above  given  to  my  son,  William  Harris  after  her  de- 

Item:  I  leave  to  the  said  loving  wife,  the  sole  use  and  benefit 
during  her  natural  life,  six  slaves,  that  is  to  say,  Harry,  Peter 
Dick  and  Aaron,  men,  Patta  and  Nanny,  women. 

Item:  My  will  and  desire  Is,  after  the  decease  of  my  wife,  that 
if  my  negro  man,  Harry  should  be  then  living,  in  that  case  I  give 
and  bequeath  the  said  Harry,  to  my  son,  Robert  Harris,  junior,  to 
him  and  his  heirs. 

Item:  My  will  and  desire  is,  after  the  decease  of  my  wife,  thaf 
if  my  negro  man,  Peter,  should  be  then  living,  in  that  case  I  give 
and  bequeath  the  said  Peter  to  my  son.  Tyre  Harris,  to  hiui 
and  his  heirs. 

letm:  My  will  and  desire  is,  after  the  decease  of  my  wife,  that 
II  my  other  four  negroes,  Dick  and  Aaron,  men,  and  Patta  and 
Nanny,  women,  be  then  living,  I  give  and  bequeath  them  and  their 
increase  to  my  son,  William  Harris,  to  him  and  his  heirs. 

Item:  My  will  and  desire  is,  that  if  my  son,  William  Harris 
should  die  before  he  attains  the  lawful  age,  or  without  issue,  that 
in  that  case,  he  the  said  W^illiam  Harris  should  be  further  educated, 
the  charges  thereof  shall  be  paid  out  of  the  estate  given  him,  after 
the  whole  being  sold,  by  my  executors  herein  after  named,  and  the 
remainder  of  the  money  arising  from  such  sale  be  equally  divided 
amongst  all  my  children,  or  their  legal  representatives. 

Item:  My  will  and  desire  is,  that  my  son  William  Harris  to 
be  under  the  tuition,  direction  and  government  of  my  son-in-law, 
.John   Rodes,   until   he   shall   attain   to   lawful   age. 

'^()S  Tlisioiji  (iitil  (rcitcii/of/ips 

Item:  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  loving  wife,  wlien  all  my  law- 
ful debts,  and  funeral  expenses  is  paid  all  the  residue  of  my  estate, 
be  it  of  whatever  nature  or  quality  soever,  to  her  and  her  heirs 
forever.  I  do  constitute  and  nominate  and  appoint  my  sons-in-law, 
John  Rodes  and  William  Shelton,  to  be  my  executors  of  this  my  last 
will  and  testament.  As  witness  my  hand  and  seal  this  eighteenth 
day  of  June  in  the  year  of  Our  Lord,  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  sixty  five. 

(Signed)  Robert  Harris.  (L.  S.) 

Signed,  sealed,  etc.,  in  the  presence  of  Daniel  Maupin,  John  Mul- 
lins,   James  William   Maupin,    Courtley   Mullins. 

At  a  Court  held  for  Albemarle  County,  the  Sth  day  of  Aug. 
1765,  this  will  presented  in  Court,  proved  by  the  oath  of  Daniel 
Maupin  and  William  Maupin  witnesses  thereto,  and  ordered  to  be 
recorded,  and  on  the  motion  of  John  Rodes  and  William  Shelton, 
the  executors  therein  named,  certificate  is  granted  them  for  obtain- 
ing a  probate  thereof,  in  due  form  on  giving  security.  Whereupon 
they  with  David  Rodes  and  Christopher  Harris  their  securites  entered 
into    and    acknowledged    their    bond    according    to    law. 

Teste,    Henry    Frye,    C. 

A  copy.  Teste,  W.  L.  Maupin,  Clerk. 

Major  Robert  Harris,  and  his  wife  Mourning  Glenn,  had  ten 
children,  towit: 

Section  1.  Christopher  Harris;  married  first  Mary  Dabney,  and 
second,  Agnes  McCord.     For  further  particulars  see  Chapter  4. 

Section  2.  Robert  Harris,  was  a  Captain  of  Virginia  state  milita 
in  the  Revolutionary  war.  He  married  Lucretia  Brown,  a  daughter 
of  Benjamin  Brown  senior,  and  Sarah  Dabney  his  wife  of  Albemarle 
(See  Part  VHI,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  7.)  He  emigrated  to  Surry  County, 
North  Carolina,  where  he  died  in   1796. 

Section  3.  Tyre  Harris,  emigrated  to  Caswell  County,  North 
Carolina,  where  in  1783  he  was  deeded  real  estate  by  Jesse  Old- 
ham and  wife,  Elizabeth.    (See  Part  VI,  Chap.  11.) 

Section  4.  James  Harris;  married  Mary  Harris  of  Albemarle. 
He  died  in   1792.      They  had  ten  children,  viz: 

1.  Thomas  Harris;  married  Susan  Dabney.  (See  Chap.  XV, 
Sec.  11.) 

2.  Joel  Harris,  of  Albemarle,  was  appointed  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace  in  ISOl,  was  commissioner  of  Revenue  of  said  County,  from 
about  1811,  till  his  death  in  1826.  He  patented  and  owned 
1000  acres  of  land  on  the  waters  of  Cow  Creek  and  Indian  Creek, 
emptying  into  Salt  Spring  Fork  of  Licking,  Ky.,  granted  to  him 
June  26,  1799,  besides  large  tracts  in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  on 
the  waters  of  Muddy  Creek,  and  Tales  Creek.  On  Dec.  6,  1798, 
said  Joel  Harris  of  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  executed  a  power  of 
attorney  to  John  Harris,  Daniel  Maupin  and  James  Berry,  of 
Madison    County,    Ky.,    creating    them    his    attorney    in    fact    etc. 

Nov.  17,  1807,  he  conveyed  to  Daniel  Maupin  the  undivided 
moiety  of  the  1000  acres  on  Cow  and  Indian  Creeks  branches 
of  the  Licking  river,  (the  deed  witnessed  by  John  Patrick,  John 
Harris  and  William  Dulaney)  and  on  the  same  date  he  made  the 
following  conveyances:  200  acres  to  Joseph  Holdman  in  Madison 
Countv,  and  200  acres  to  Richard  Johnson  in  the  forks  of  Tates 
Creek'in  Madison  County,  Ky.,  and  200  acres  to  John  Denham  ad- 
joining above.  April  10,  1817,  Daniel  Maupin  attorney  in  fact 
for  Joel  Harris  of  Albemarle,  conveyed  to  Samuel  Robinson 
288  1/2   acres  on  Muddy  Creek,  in  Madison  County,  Ky.    (See  notes 

Chap.  11)  Joel  Harris,  married  Anna .  They  had  four  child- 
ren, three  sons,  and  a  daughter,  viz: 

1.  Ira  Harris;  married  Sarah  Lewis,  daughter  of  Howell 
Lewis  of  Albemarle.     He  died  in  18  63.     Issue  of  marriage: 

1.  Charles  Warren  Harris,  born  Feb.  1.5,  1.S22;  married 
Angeline  Mildred  Brown,  May  16,  185:].  (See  Part  VIII,  Chap. 
14,  Section  S.)  He  died  April  23,  1850,  and  afterwards 
his  widow  married  .lohn  Harris  Miller,  of  Lincoln  County, 
Ky.(See  Part  1,  Chap.  VIII,  Sec.  V.)  The  children  of  Charles 
W.   Harris  and  Angeline  M.   Brown   were: 

1.  Mary  Howell  Harris;  born  Sept.  15,  1^54;  died 
Jan.    12,    1857. 

2.  Charles  Lee  Harris;  born  July  24,  1857;  when  grown 
purchased  a  farm  near  Stanford  in  Lincoln  County,  Ky., 
where  he  died  several  years  ago. 

2.  Benjamin  Harris;   died  unmarried. 

3.  Lewis    Harris;    died    unmarried. 

4.  Waller  Harris;  married  Mary  Prances  Brown,  daughter 
of  Bezaleel   Brown,    (See   Part  VIII,   Chap.   XI,   Sec.   VII.) 

5.  Mary  Ann  Harris;  married  Burlington  Dabnev  Brown. 
(See  Part  VIII,  Chap.  XIV,  Sec.   11.) 

2.  Joel  Harris. 

3.  Clifton  Nathan  Harris;  married  Mary  Lewis  daughter 
of  Howell  Lewis  of  Albemarle,  moved  to  Lexington,  Va.,  where 
he  made  his  home  till  his  death. 

3.  Nathan  Harris;  married .     Of  their  children  were: 

1.  Hon.  John  T.  Harris. 

2.  Rev.  William  A.  Harris,  for  many  years  principal  of  the 
Female   Seminary   at   Staunton,  Virginia. 

4.  James   Harris;    married   Mary   McCullock,   daughter   of  John 

McCullock,  and  Mary  his  wife.     He  was  appointed  a  Justice 

of  the  Peace  of  Albemarle  County  in  1807.  In  1822  he  sold  his 
property  and  moved  to  another  part  of  the  Country.  (See  notes 
Chap.  11.) 

5.  Lucy    Harris;    married    Thomas    Grubbs,    who    in    1758,    was 
in  actual  service  against  the  Indians  on  the  Virginia  frontier. 

6.  Mourning    Harris;     married    Cornelius    Maupin.     (See    Part 
V,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  111.) 

7.  Sarah    Harris;     married    James    Harrison,    son    of    Richard 
Harrison  and  his  wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  Peter  Clarkson. 

8.  Susan   Harris;    married   Nicholas   Burnley.      They   had   three 
children,  viz: 

1.  James  Harris  Burnley,   moved   to  Pickaway   County.   Ohio. 

2.  Joel   Burnley;    moved   to  Pickaway  County,  Ohio. 

3.  Mary   Burnley;    married   John   T.   Wood. 

9.  Ann  Harris;   married  Mr.  Hayden. 

10.   Jane    Harris;    married    Cornelius    Dabney.     (See    Chap.    15.) 

Section  5.  William  Harris;  married  Hannah  Jameson.  He  died 
in  1776,  and  his  widow  married  Daniel  Maupin.  being  his  third 
wife.   (See  Part  V,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  11.) 

Section  6.  Lucy  Harris;  maried  William  Shelton,  who  was  an 
executor  of  Robert   Harris  will   probated   in    1765.      He  survived   his 

wife  and  married  secondly  Sarah .     William  Shelton  was  a  signer 

of   the   Albemarle   Declaration    of   Independence    of    .4pril    21,    1779. 

270  Historj/  mid  Genealogies 

He  died  in  1803.     The  children  of  Lucy  Harris  and  William  Shelton: 

1.  William  Harris  Shelton,  emigrated  from  Albemarle  to  Ken- 

2.  Mourning  Shelton;  married  Archibald  Woods  (See  Part  11, 
Chap.  8.)  They  emigrated  from  Albemarle  to  Madison  County, 

3.  Dabney  Shelton,  sold  out  in  1817  to  Francis  McGee,  in  which 
year  he  was -living  in  Augusta  County,  Va. 

4.  Sarah  Shelton;   died. 

5.  Lucy  Shelton;    married  Elliott  Brown. 

6.  Agnes  Shelton;    died. 

7.  Weatherston  Shelton;  married  Elizabeth  Harrison  and 
moved  to  Mason  County,  Va. 

8.  Thomas  Shelton,  sold  out  in  1817,  to  Francis  McGee,  at  the 
time  was  living  in  Augusta  County. 

Note — Rev.  Edgar  Woods,  in  his  History  of  Albemarle  men- 
tions as  a  daughter  of  Lucy  Harris  and  William  Shelton:  Eliz- 
abeth Shelton,  married  Richard  Moberly,  who  emigrated  to  Madison 
County,  Ky.  In  Part  VHI,  Chap.  IV,  Sec.  11,  Elizabeth  Shelton 
who  married  Richard  Moberly  is  set  forth  as  a  daughter  of  Thomas 
Shelton  and  Elizabeth  Kavanaugh,  nee  Woods,  his  wife,  which  we 
believe  to  be  correct,  their  marriage  occured  in  Madison  County, 
Ky.  March,  3,  18  02,  and  their  son  was  named  Thomas  Shelton  Mober- 

Section  7.  Sarah  Harris;  married  John  Rodes,  who  was  born 
in  Albermarle  Nov.  16,  1729,  their  marriage  occured  May  24,  1756. 

John  Rodes  was  a  son  of  John  Rodes,  and  Miss  Crawford  his 

wife,  who  were  married  in  17  23. 

(See  "The  Rodes  Family"  note  at  the  foot  of  this  Chapter.)  He 
was  an  executor  of  the  will  of  his  father-in-law,  Maj.  Robert  Harris, 
probated  in  1765.     The  children  of  Sarah  Harris  and  John  Rodes: 

1.  Mary  E.  Rodes;   born  Feb.   14,  1757. 

2.  Robert  Rodes,  born  in  Albemarle  May  11,  17  59.  He  was 
a  Captain  in  the  Revolutionary  army,  and  was  taken  captive  at 
Charleston,  S.  C.  He  married  Elizabeth  Dulaney,  sister  to  the 
wife  of  Colonel  'John  Miller  and  in  17  83,  they  emigrated  from 
Albemarle  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  Robert  Rodes  was  one  of 
the  noblest  of  Kentucky  pioneers.  They  settled  on  Shallow  Ford 
Creek  and  lived  there  in  1780.  He  was  one  of  tue  first  Justices  of 
the  Court  of  Quarter  Sessions  of  the  County.  In  1787  he  was  made 
one  of  the  Trustees  of  the  town  of  Boonsborough.  In  177  4  Han- 
cock Taylor,  an  uncle  of  President  Zachary  Taylor  came  to  Ken- 
tucky as  a  surveyor,  was  killed  by  Indians  and  buried  on  Taylor's 
Fork  of  Silver  Creek,  in  Madison  County,  the  Fork  taking  its 
name  from  said  event,  and  in  1803,  Colonel  Richard  Taylor,  a 
brother  of  Hancock  Taylor  came  to  the  County  hunting  the  grave 
of  his  brother,  and  Captain  Robert  Rodes  and  his  son,  William 
went  with  Colonel  Taylor,  and  showed  him  the  giave.  The  child- 
ren of  Robert   Rodes  and  Elizabeth  Dulaney  his  wife,  were,  viz: 

1.  Mary  Eddings  Rodes,  born  June  27,  1782;  married  James 
Estill,  June  10,  1800.  Their  home  was  "Castle  Wood"  Madison 
County,  Ky.      Their  children  were: 

1.   Eliza    Estill;    married    William    Harris    Caperton.    (See 

Part    11,   Chap   IX,   Sec.   IV.)      Their  children,   viz: 

1.  Woods  Caperton. 

2.  Mary    Pauline    Caperton;    married    Leonidas    B.    Tal- 
bott  of  Boyle  County,  Ky.  issue: 

I/is/ori/   (iiiil    (i('iic(tl(i(ii('s  271 

1.   William  C.   Talbott;    married  Annie  French,  issue: 
1.   Clyde    Talbott;     married    Samuel    Phel])s    Todd 
of  Madison  County,  Ky. 

3.  Colonel  James  W.  Caperton,  a  prominent  and  well 
known  lawyer,  banker,  captalist  and  land  owner  of  Mad- 
ison County,  Ky.  residence  West  Main  street,  Richmond, 
"Blair  Park"  named  in  honor  of  his  ancient  ancestor,  Mich- 
ael Woods  of  Blair  Park,  Albemarle  County,  Va.  He 
married  Catherine  Cobb  Phelps.  (See  Part  11,  Chap.  IX, 
Sec.    4.)    issue,   viz: 

1.  Mary  James  Caperton. 

2.  Catherine  Phelps  Caperton. 

2.  Maria  Estill;  married  Archibald  Woods  Goodloe.  (See 
Part   11,  Chap.  XI,  Sec.  IV.)   issue,  viz: 

1.  Anna  Goodloe. 

2.  Archibald  Goodloe;  married of  New  Or- 
leans, issue: 

1.    Mary  Goodloe;   married .     Living  in  New 

York  City. 

?,.  Mary  Eliza  Goodloe;  married  Dulaney  M.  Lackey,  liv- 
ing  in    Lancaster,   Ky.    (See   Part    1,    Chap.   XIV,    Sec.   X.) 

3.  James  M.  Estill;  married  Martha  Ann  Woods,  Sept. 
22,  1831,  issue,  viz: 

1.  Elizabeth  Estill;  married  William  R.  Garrison,  live 
in   New   York   City,   issue: 

1.  Minnie  Garrison;  married  Easton  de  Chandon,  Nice, 

2.  Estille  Garrison;  married  Charles  Ramsay,  uncle 
to  the  present  Earl  of  Dalhmire,  Scotland. 

3.  William  Garrison,  Jr.;  married  Cathline  Conduit 
daughter  of  Frederick  R.  Conduit  eminent  lawyer  of 
New   York   City. 

2.  Josephine  Estill. 

3.  Martha  Estill:   married  W.  W.  Craig. 

4.  Maud  Estill. 

5.  Robert  Estill. 

4.  Rodes  Estill:  married  Eliza  Payne  of  Fayette  County, 
Ky..  had  no  children,  but  an  elegant  home,  "Estill  Hurst" 
Georgetown,  Ky.  now  owned  by  his  niece  Mrs.  Lizzie  Holmes 

5.  Mary  Estill;  married  William  E.  Holmes,  of  Natches, 
Miss.,  lived  in  Carroll   Parish,  Louisiana,  issue: 

1.   Lizzie  Rodes   Holmes;    married   Dr.   —  Lewis   of  Va. 
,     issue: 

1.  Estill  Lewis;  married  Dr.  —  Yager  of  Georgetown, 
Ky.   issue: 

1.  Rodes  Estill  Yager. 

2.  Dianna  Lewis  Yager. 

3.  Arthur  Holmes  Yager. 

4.  Elizabeth  Dunbar  Yager. 

2.  Sallie  Harris  Rodes;  married  Dr.  Anthony  W.  Rollins,  July 
18,  1809,  in  Richmond,  Ky.,  afterwards  moved  to  Boone 
County,  Missouri,  where  both  died  and  were  buried.  Their 

1.   James  Sidney  Rollins;  born  1812. 

272  Ilistori/  and  Genealogies 

2.  Robert   Rodes  Rollins. 

3.  Eliza  Rollins;    married  Dr.   James   Bennett.    (See  Chap. 

4.  John  C.  Rollins;   married  Nancy  Stephens. 

5.  Clifton  C.   Rollins;    died  unmarried. 

6.  Sarah  H.  Rollins;  married  Hon.  Curtis  F.  Burnam,  dis- 
tinguished and  learned  lawyer,  and  member  of  the  Richmond 
bar,  born  in  Richmond,  Ky.  March  24,  1820,  graduated  at 
Yale  College  in  1840,  and  in  the  Law  Department  of  Tran- 
sylvania University  in  1842,  since  he  has  enjoyed  the  fruits 
of  a  lucrative  practice  of  the  law.  He  represented  Madison 
County,  in  the  State  Legislature  1851-3,  and  1859-63,  serv- 
ing on  important  committees.  AVas  Presidential  Elector  for 
Scott  and  Graham  in  1852.  A  strong  supporter  of  the  Union 
during  the  Civil  War.  Had  the  support  of  the  Republican 
party  for  the  U.  S.  Senatorship  in  1863,  republican  elector 
for  the  state  at  large  in  1864.  In  1875  Mr.  Grant  gave  him 
the  appointment  as  first  assistant  secretary  of  the  Treasury, 
which  position  he  resigned  the  next  year.  In  1846,  he  had 
conferred  on  him  the  degree  of  A.  M.  by  Yale  College  and 
that  of  L.  L.  D.  by  Centre  College  afterwards.  In  1883,  he 
visited  the  principal  places  of  Europe  and  the  Holy  Land,  was 
President  of  the  Kentucky  Bar  Association  in  1884,  Delegate 
elect  from  Madison  County  to  the  Convii?ntion  wjliich  framed 
the  present  State  Constitution  in  1792.  He  has  been  an  im- 
portant factor  in  State  and  National  politics.  Is  now,  and  has 
been,  for  a  term  or  more,  State  Senator  from  Madison  County. 
He  is  an  honest  and  just  man,  and  highly  esteemed  by  his 
constituents.  Has  been  for  a  long  time  the  stay  of  the 
Regular  Baptist  Church  of  Richmond,  Ky.  He  has  passed 
eighty  seven  winters.  The  children  of  Sarah  H.  Rollins  and 
Hon.  Curtis  F.  Burnam,  viz: 

1.  Judge  Anthony  Rollins  Burnam.  An  eminent  lawyer 
and  jurist  of  Richmond,  Ky.  Late  Judge,  and  Chief  Justice 
of  the  Court  of  Appeals  of  Kentucky,  one  of  the  first  lawyers 
of  the  State,  and  of  the  Richmond  bar,  for  a  long  time 
partner  of  his  father  in  the  practice  of  the  law,  under  the 
firm  name  of  C.  F.  &  A.  R.  Burnam.  In  July  1906,  he  was 
for  the  second  time  selected  as  a  member  of  the  State  Board 
of  Election  Commissioners  by  the  Republican  State  Central 
Committee.  He  married  Miss  Margaret  Summers,  an  ele- 
gant christian  lady. 

2.  Thompson  S.  Burnam,  born  1852,  one  of  the  fore- 
most farmers  of  the  County  of  Madison;  married  first. 
Miss  Bettie  Moran,  and  second.  Miss  Logan. 

3.  Miss  Sallie  Burnam. 

4.  Miss  Lucy  Burnam. 

5.  Judge  James  R.  Burnam,  at  one  time  represented 
Madison  County  in  the  Ky.  Legislature,  also.  Judge  of  the 
Madison  County  Court,  one  "term  of  four  years;  married 
Miss  Gay.     His  widow  now  resides  in  Richmond,  Ky. 

6.  Robert  Rodes  Burnam,  a  popular  banker,  of  the  Mad- 
ison National  Bank,  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  married  Miss  Cyn- 
thia Smith  of  Richmond. 

7.  Edmund  Tutt  Burnam,  an  attorney  at  law,  of  the 
Richmond  bar,  once  represented  Madison  County  in  the 
Kentucky  Legislature.  He  married  Miss  Jessie  Kennedy,  of 
Covington,  Ky.,  their  home  is  Richmond,  Ky. 

Nisi  Dill  (I  in/  (Inirii/ogies  273 

s;.  :\liss  :\Iary  Burnani;  niarried  Waller  Bennett,  a  i)op- 
ulai-,  wealthy,  and  influential  citizen  of  Riehniond,  Kv  (See 
Chap.    XI.VII.) 

3.  Elizabeth  Rodes:    married  Wallace  Estill.  Their  children: 

1.  William  Estill,  of  Fayette  County,  Ky.,  married  Miss 

2.  Robert  Rodes  Estill  of  Missouri:  married  Miss  —  Tur- 

3.  John  H.  Estill:  married  Miss  Ann  Sullinser  .June  20, 

4.  Jonathan  T.  Estill,  late  of  Madison  Countv,  Kv. ;  married 
Louisa  Oldham  July  24,  1849.  (See  Part  VI,  Chap.  XIV,  Sec. 

5.  Clifton  Rodes  Estill;  died  in  Madison  County,  Ky. 

6.  Miss Estill:    married   first,   Mr.  —  Curie,   second, 

Mr.  —  Wright.     Their  grand  daughter  Eliza  J.  Curie,  married 
Thomas  Varnon,  of  Stanford,  Ky. 

4.  Nancy  Rodes:  married  Samuel  Stone,  of  their  children 

1.  Robert  R.  Stone;  married  Elizabeth  Walker.  Their  home 
was  in  Lexington,  Ky. 

2.  James  C.  Stone,  was  Colonel  of  a  Ky.  Regiment  in  the 
Mexican  War:    married  Matilda  Hanson.      Of  their  children: 

1.  Samuel  Hanson  Stone;  married  Patter  Harris  daugh- 
ter of  John  D.  Harris  and  Nancv  J.  White  his  wife.  (See 
Chap.  XXXIX.) 

2.  James  Stone. 

5.  John  Rodes:  died  unmarried. 

6.  William  Rodes,  (called  Colonel  Wm.  Rodes)  was  an  ele- 
gant and  refined  gentleman,  was  for  a  number  of  years,  master 
Commissioner  of  the  Madison  Circuit  Court,  and  was  County 
School  Commissioner  and  held  other  positions  of  trust,  and 
lived  to  an  old  age.     He  married  Miss  Pauline  G.  Clay.  Children: 

1.  Eliza  Rodes:  married  Robert  H.  Stone  May  1,  184  4.  (See 
Chap.  VIII,  Sec.  V.) 

2.  Sallie  Rodes;    married  John  Watson  Nov.   14,   18  44. 

3.  Belle  Amelia  Rodes:  married  Colonel  John  H.  McDowell 
December  22,  18  52. 

5.  Gl'een  Clay  Rodes:    died  unmarried. 

6.  William   Cassius   Rodes;    died   at   the   age   of   ten  years. 

7.  Clifton  Rodes:    married  Amanda  Owsley.     Their  children: 

1.  Hon.  Charles  H.  Rodes,  a  prominent  citizen,  lawyer  and 
capitalist  of  Danville  Ky.  was  collector  of  Internal  Revenue 
for  the  Eighth  District  of  Kentucky,  under  President  Grover 
Cleveland's  second  administration.  He  married  Miss  Mary 

2.  John   S.    Rodes:    died   unmarried. 

3.  Sallie  E.  Rodes;   married  Thomas  E.  Tutt. 

4.  Myra  S.  Rodes;    died  unmarried. 

5.  Boyle  O.  Rodes,  a  popular  clever  gentleman  of  Danville, 
Ky.,  married  Miss  Susan  C.  Cromwell,  died  19  0-. 

6.  William  Rodes:   died  unmarried. 

7.  Clifton  Rodes:    died  unmarried. 

8.  Ann  E.  Rodes;    married  John  G.  Barrett. 

9.  Amanda  Rodes:  married  first,  William  C.  Anderson,  and 

27-1:  History  and  Genealogies 

second,  Stephen  L.  Yerkes. 

10.  Elizabeth  Rodes;    married  Joseph  Helm. 

11.  Robert  Rodes;    married  Mary  Grider. 

3.    Henrietta  Rodes,  born  May  2  5,  1761;   married  Rev.  Bernis 
Brown.   (See  Part  VHI,  Chap.  11,  Sec.  IV.) 

4.  Ann  Rodes,   born  July   22,    17  63;    married  John   Garth. 

5.  Captain  John  (Jack)  Rodes,  born  June  2,  1766,  died  1839. 
He  married  Francina  Brown.  (See  Part  VHI,  Chap.  IV.)  He 
dived  on  hiS/ fathers  estate,  south  of  Moorman's  river,  vin  lAJbemarle; 
was  appointed  a  Magistrate  in  1808,  was  sheriff  in  1832  and  died 
in  1839.     Their  children  were: 

1.  William  Rodes;    married  Clarissa  Yancey. 

2.  Sydney  Rodes;    married   Powhatan   Jones. 

3.  Sarah   Rodes;    married  Samuel  Woods,   of  Nelson  County, 
Va.,  (See    Part    II,    Chap.    15.) 

4.  Lucy  Rodes;    married  Mr.  Newlands,  emigrated  west. 

5.  Frances  Rodes;    married  Garland  Brown. 

6.  Tyre  Rodes. 

7.  Ryland  Rodes;   married  Miss  Virginia  Woods. 

8.  John  Rodes;   married  Mrs.  Ann  Morris,  no  issue. 

9.  Cynthia  Rodes;    married  Jack  M.  Smith. 
10.   Virginia  Rodes;   married  Wilson  C.  Smith. 

6.  Clifton  Rodes,  born  Aug.  8,  1768,  was  Captain  of  Co.  2, 
2  Bat.  47th,  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  Reg.  1794-1802,  acting 
Magistrate  in  1807.  He  lived  near  Ivy  Depot  on  a  farm  given  him 
by  his  father,  which  he  sold  in  1810.  He  married  Elizabeth 
daughter  of  John  Jouett,  and  was  administrator  of  Jouett's  estate. 
He  afterwards  emigrated  from  Albemarle  to  Kentucky. 

7.  Tyre  Rodes,  born  Dec.  24,  1770,  emigrated  from  Albemarle 
to  Giles  County,  Tenn. 

8.  Charles   Rodes,    born    Feb.    22,    1774. 

9.  Sarah  Harris  Rodes,  born  July  3,  1777;  married  first,  Mr. 
William  Davenport,  and  second,  Micajah  Woods. 

10.  Mary   Rodes. 

Section  8.      Miss  —  Harris;   married  William  Dalton. 

Section  9.  Mourning  Harris;  married  John  Jouett  in  Albe- 
marle. He  was  a  Captain  of  Virginia  State  Militia  in  the  Revolution, 
also,  he  was  a  signer  of  the  Albermarle  Declaration  of  Independence 
April  21,  1779,  as  was  his  son  John.     He  died  in  1802.     Children: 

1.  Matthew   Jouett,   was  a  Captain  in   the   Revolution   and   fell 
■  in   the  battle  of  Brandywine. 

2.  John  Jouett,  was  Captain  of  Va.  State  Milita  in  the  Revolu- 
tion. He  married  Sarah  Robards,  sister  of  the  first  husband  of 
President  Jackson's  wife.  They  emigrated  from  Albemarle  to 
Ky.  and  settled  in  Mercer  or  Woodford,  in  1784-5.  He  was  a 
very  phominent  man  in  the  formation  of  the  state,  represented 
Mercer  in  the  Ky.  Legislature  in  1792,  and  Woodford  in  1795-7. 
Was  one  of  the  many  subscribers  to  the  "Proposals  for  establish- 
ing a  Society  to  be  called  "The  Kentucky  Society,  for  promoting 
useful  knowledge"  Dec.  1,  1787,  was  among  the  prominent  men 
of  the  state  whose  names  were  presented,  from  which  were  selec- 
ted the  five  commissioners  under  the  act  of  1792,  to  fix  on  the 
place  for  the  permanent  seat  of  State  Government.  John  Jouett 
Jr.  was  a  signer  of  the  Albermarle  Declaration  of  Independence, 
April  21,  1779.     His  son: 

ni^lori/  (ind  (renealogies  .  275 

1.  Matthew  Harris  .Toiiett,  was  born  in  Mercer  County,  Ky. 
April  23,  17S8,  and  died  in  Fayette  County,  Ky.  Aug.  10,  1827, 
at  the  ase  of  thirty  one  years.  He  was  a  very  celebrated  artist, 
although  he  died  young,  he  had  brought  himself  into  public 
notice  by  his  i)roductions  of  elegant  portraits  of  many  distin- 
guished Kentuckains,  which  gave  him  fame.  Tn  many  of  the 
old  Ky.  homes  suspend  priceless  i)ictures  of  noble,  grand  ances- 
tors, the  work  of  his  hands,   which   testify  of  his  talent. 

?,.  Robert  Jouett,  was  a  Captain  in  the  Revolution  and  after- 
wards a  member  of  the  Albemarle  bar,  at  CharlottesviIl(\  He 
died  in  1796.  He  was  also  Colonel  of  Artillery  7th  Va.  2nd.  div. 
in  the  Revolution.  His  daughter  married  James  W.  Boulden  of 
Charlotte  County. 

4.  Margaret    Jouett;    married    Nathan    Crawford. 

5.  Mary  Jouett;   married  Thomas  Allen. 

6.  Frances    Jouett;    married    Menan    Mills. 

7.  Elizabeth  Jouett;    married   Clifton   Rodes. 

8.  Charles  Jouett  was  a  Captain  in  the  47th  Regiment  2nd.  divi- 
sion Albemarle  troops  1794-1802.  He  emigrated  westward  and 
in  the  latter  part  of  1804,  was  in  Detroit. 

9.  Susan  Jouett;   married  Thomas  C.  Fletcher. 

Section    10.      Elizabeth    Harris;    married   William    Crawford.     Of 
their  children,  was: 

1.   William  Harris  Crawford  U.  S.  Senator,  from  Georgia,  Minis- 
ter to  France,  Secretary  U.  S.  Treasury  under  President  Monroe, 
and  a  prominent  candidate  for  the  Presidency,  in  1824. 
Section  11.      Nancy  Harris;   married  Joel  Crawford. 
Section  12.      Anna  Harris;  married  John  Dabney.  (See  Chap.  XV, 
Section  11.) 

Note — The  Kodes  Family  of  Albemarle. 
The  first  of  the  name  to  settle  in  Albemarle,  was  John  Rodes, 
born  in  169  7,  he  came  to  Albemarle  in  17  49,  and  in  that  year  bought 
from  James  Armor,  400  acres  of  land  on  the  North  Fork  of  Rock- 
fish,  and  in  the  conveyance  was  described  as  of  St.  Martin's  parish, 
Louisa.  He  also,  purchased  land  on  Moorman's  River,  and  died  in 
17  7.5.  His  wife  was  Mary  Crawford.  He  left  five  daughters  and 
four   sons: 

1.  David  Rodes,  came  to  Albermarle  in  1756,  and  lived  on  the 
north  side  of  Moormans  River.  Managed  his  plantation  and  con- 
ducted a  store,  was  appointed  Magistrate,  and  served  as  sheriff 
probably  in  1776-7.  He  was  twice  married,  first  it  is  believed  to 
Mary,  daughter  of  Matthew  Mills,  secondly,  to  Susan,  daughter 
of  Nelson  Anderson.  He  died  in  1794.  Children  of  the  first 

1.  John  Rodes;   died  in  182  3,  unmarried. 

2.  Matthew  Rodes;    married  Nancy   Blackwell. 

3.  Charles    Rodes. 

4.  Mary  Rodes;    married  Robert  Douglas. 

5.  Elizabethh  Rodes;  married  Horsley  Goodman. 

6.  Nancy  Rodes;   married  William  Dulaney. 

7.  Ann   Rodes;    married   James  Ballard,    (see   Part  V,   Chap. 

8.  Lucy  Rodes;   married  Joseph  Twyman. 

9.  Martha  Rodes;    married  Joel  Yancey.    (See  Part  V,   Chap. 
Xlll,  Section  VL) 

10.  Mildred  Rodes;    married  William  Waldin. 

276  .  Histor;/  mid  (Iciicdlogies 

2.  John  Rodes;  married  Sarah  Harris  (See  Sec.  VII  preceding.) 

3.  Clifton  Rodes,  first  lived  at  the  foot  of  Buck's  Elbow,  on  a 
place  he  bought  in  17  69,  from  Matthew  Mullins,  and  afterwards 
sold  to  Cornelius  Maupin.  In  1773  he  purchased  from  William 
Lewis  a  plantation  near  Ivy  Depot,  where  he  lived  till  1788,  when 
he  sold  it  and  soon  thereafter  removed  to  Kentucky.  He  was  a 
magistrate  and  served  as  sheriff  in  1783.  He  married  Sarah  Wal- 
ler after  coming  to  Kentucky  he  settled  in  Fayette  County,  about 
1789.      His  son: 

1.   John   Rodes;    married  Jane  Stapleton  Burch. 

4.  Charles  Rodes,  lived  where  his  father  first  bought,  on  the 
waters  of  Rockfish.  The  land  now  lies  in  Nelson  County.  He 
died  in  1798.     His  daughters  names  are  not  given. 



(Named   in   Chap.    3,    Sec.    8.) 

Article  1. — Christopher  Harris,  a  Mm  of  >Iajor  Robert  Harris,  and 
Mourning  Glenn,  his  wife,  the  emigrant  from  Virginia  to  Mad- 
ison County,  Ky.  related  in  Cliap.  2,  lirst  settled  in  Albemarle 
County,  Va.  in  1750,  and  patented  three  thousand  acres  of  land 
on  Doyles   lliver. 

Afterwards  he  emigrated  to  Kentucky,  and  acquired  lands  in  the 
County  of  Madison,  also  on  the  waters  of  Lickin  River,  besides  the 
lands  he  owned  in  Albemarle  County,  Va.,  and  was  the  owner  of  a 
number  of  slaves.  He  made  many  visits  to  Colonel  Daniel  Boone"s 
old  Fort  at  Boonsborough,  and  was  often  sheltered  there,  and  sat 
around  the  cabin  fires  and  enjoyed  the  company  of  the  old  pioneers, 
he  being  one  himself.  Two  of  his  sons  married  daughters  of  the  old 
pioneer,  Higgason  Grubbs.    (See  Chap.  I,  Sec.   7.) 

He  first  married  Mary  Dabney,  a  daughter  of  Cornelius  Dab- 
ney,  senior,  and  Sarah  Jennings,  his  wife.  (See  Chap.  XV,  Sec.  IV.) 
A  "brief  history  of  the  Dabneys  and  Jennings  is  given  in  Chap.  XV. 
He  survived  his  wife,  Mary  Dabney,  and  married  secondly,  Agnes 
McCord,  evidently  a  daughter  of  John  McCord  whose  will  was  pro- 
bated March  8,  1764,  in  the  Albemarle  Court,  and  a  copy  certified  to 
by  the  clerk,  is  in  the  following  words  and  figures: 

"John   McCord's  Will. 

"In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  The  last  will  and  testament  of  John 
McCord,  senior,  of  Moorman's  River  is  as  followeth:  I  being  sound 
in  judgment,  do  commit  my  soul  to  Jesus  Christ  and  my  body  to 
be  buried  at  the  direction  of  my  executors,  within  my  own  plantation 
or  elsewhere  as  they  may  think  proper.  I  do  order  my  sons,  John 
and  Benjamin  McCord,  my  executors.  I  do  further  will  and  bequeath 
this  plantation  that  I  am  now  dwelling  on,  on  Moorman's  River,  to 
my  said  son  John,  only  he  is  to  pay  unto  Christopher  Harris 
the  sum  of  two  pounds,  and  I  do  order  that  my  dear  wife  sliall  have 
her  bed  and  one  cow,  and  mare  or  horse,  and  my  Bible  during  her 
life,  which  Bible  is  to  be  returned  to  John,  and  I  do  further  bequeath 
to  mv  son  Benjamin  McCord,  that  plantation  at  Ivy  Creek,  the  little 

//ish/ri/   II ml    ( icncd/iii/ifs  277 

horse  and  the  gray  colt,  and  that  what  iron  tools  for  working  the 
plantation  be  equally  divided  between  Benjamin  and  John  McCord, 
and  whatever  stock  or  plennishing  is,  may  be  disposed  of  at  my  wife's 
direction,  between  John  and  Benjamin  McCord.  J  do  order  what 
debts  or  fiuuial  charges  be  paid  out  of  the  whole  all  which  I  con- 
clude as  my  last  will  this  second  day  of  March,  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  sixty  four.  I  do  order  my  son  William  Duram  on  the 
commands,    and    Mr.    Thompson's    chatecise.      As    witness    my    hand. 

John  McCord.  (L.  B.) 
Delivered  in  iiresence  of  Gabriel  :Maupin,  James  L.ttle. 

At  a  Court  held  for  Albermarle  County,  the  Sth  day  of  March 
1764,  this  last  will  and  testament  was  presented  in  Court  and  proved 
by  the  oath  of  Gabriel  Maupin  a  witness  thereto,  and  the  dentity 
of  the  testators  hand  through  the  whole  will  was  ])roved  by  the 
oaths  of  Samuel  Black  and  John  Price,  and  ordered  to  be  recorded, 
and  on  motion  of  John  and  Benjamin  McCord,  the  executors  therein 
named  who  made  oath  according  to  law,  certificate  is  granted  them 
for  obtaining  a  probate  thereof  in  due  form,  giving  security,  where- 
upon they  with  William  Woods  and  William  Owens  their  security 
entered  into  and  acknowledged  their  bond  according  to  law. 

Teste,    HENRY    FRY,    Clerk. 

A  copy  Testo,  W.  L.  Maupin,  Clerk. 

Christopher  Harris  died  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  17  94,  and 
his  will  bearing  date  Feb.  20,  1794,  was  probated  March  4,  1794,  and 
recorded,  same  is  in  the  following  words  and  figures: 

"Christopher  Harris'  Will." 

"In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  I  Christopher  Harris  being  through 
the  abundant  mercy  and  goodness  of  God.  tho  weak  in  body,  yet  of 
l)erfect  understanding  and  memory,  do  constifute  this  my  last  will 
and  testament,  and  desire  it  should  be  received  by  all  as  such.  Im- 
primis: That  I  will  and  desire  that  my  first  children,  viz:  Dabney 
Harris,  Sarah  Martin,  Robert  Harris,  Mourning  Jones,  Christopher 
Harris  and  Mary  Jones  should  have  the  following  negroes,  (excepting 
thirty  iiounds  out  of  my  son,  Dabney's  legacy,  which  is  to  be  paid 
by  the  executors  of  this  part  of  my  will  for  the  use  and  benefit  of  my 
wife,  and  other  children)  viz:  Ritter  and  her  children.  Pomp,  Moses, 
Alice,  George,  Betty,  Lucy  and  Deephy,  the  above  negroes,  to  be 
divided  agreeable  to  Cornelius  Dabney,  Sr.  I  will  and  I  do  appoint 
Foster  Jones  and  Christopher  Harris  as  executors  of  the  above  part 
of  this  will,  and  as  to  the  balance  of  my  estate,  I  direct  that  just 
my  debts  shall  be  paid  out  of  what  money  I  have  by,  or  is  owing  to 

The  house  where  I  live  I  direct  shall  be  furnished,  which,  together 
with  the  tract  of  land  whereon  I  live  I  leave  to  my  dear  and  loving 
wife   during  her  life   and   at  her   death   to   my  son   Overton   Harris. 

As  to  the  balance  of  my  negroes,  David,  Cato,  Fanny,  Stephen 
and  Eady,  together  with  my  house  hold  furniture,  stock  of  every  kind 
and  plantation  utensils  I  desire  that  my  wife  may  have  the  whole 
benefit  of  them  during  her  life  or  widow-hood,  and  if  she  should 
marry  the  whole  to  be  sold,  and  equally  divided  amongst  her,  and 
her  children.  As  to  my  lands  on  Muddy  Creek,  I  will  and  bequeath 
them  as  follows:  The  Drowning  Creek  tract  of  land  I  will  and  be- 
queath to  my  son,  John  Harris.  The  Sycamore  Spring  tract  to  my 
son,  Benjamin  Harris.  The  tract  on  which  my  son  William  has 
built  to  my  son,  William  Harris,  and  the  tract  called  the  Holly  Tract, 
to  my  son,  Barnabas  Harris.      And  my  lands  in  Albermarle  County, 

378  Histonj  and  Genealogies 

together  with  the  stock  that  is  thereon,  I  direct  shall  be  sold,  and 
that  my  sons,  James  and  Samuel  Harris,  shall  receive  of  the  money 
as  much  as  Colonel  John  Miller  and  Robert  Rodes  shall  judge  the 
land  to  be  worth  that  I  willed  to  my  other  sons,  viz:  to  be  made 
equal  to  them. 

As  to  my  three  daughters,  viz:  Jane  Gentry,  Margaret  Harris  and 
Isabel  Harris,  my  will  and  desire  is  that  Jean  Gentry  should  receive 
ten  pounds,  and  Margaret  and  Isabel  Harris  to  have  fifty  pounds 
apiece  out  of  the  balance  of  what  my  Albemarle  land,  and  the 
profits  arising  from  that  place,  and  if  that  should  not  be  sufficient 
that  it  shall  be  made  up  to  them  out  of  any  personal  estate  that 
my  wife   and   executors   after   mentioned   shall    think   best. 

As  to  my  lands  on  Licking  waters  my  will  is  that  if  they  are 
obtained  it  should  be  sold  and  equally  divided  amongst  my  last  set 
of  children. 

And  I  do  appoint  my  dear  and  loving  wife,  with  John  Sapping- 
ton,  and  John  Harris  to  execute  that  part  of  my  will  that  respects 
my  wife  and  her  children.  As  witness  my  hand  and  seal  this  twen- 
tieth day  of  February,  one  thousand  and  seven  hundred  and  ninety 
four.  Christopher  Harris.   (Seal) 

Witness:    Hartly  Sappington,  Richard  Sappington,  Joseph  Wells. 

At  a  Court  held  for  Madison  County  on  Tuesday,  the  4th  day 
of  March  179  4,  this  will  was  proved  to  be  the  last  will  and  testa- 
ment of  Christopher  Harris,  by  the  oath  of  Joseph  Wells,  Hartly 
and    Richard    Sappington,    witnesses    thereto,    and    ordered    to    be 


Teste,   Will    Irvine. 

Tuesday  March  4,  1794. 

On  motion  of  Foster  Jones,  Christopher  Harris  Jr.,  Agnes  Harris 
John  Sappington  and  John  Harris  the  executors  therein  named,  a 
certificate  is  granted  them  for  obtaining  a  probate  thereof  in  due 
form,  they  having  first  made  oath,  and  together  with  John  Miller, 
James  Berry,  William  Jones,  William  Irvine  and  Joseph  Pelpithier 
securities,  entered  into  and  acknowledged  their  bond  in  the  penalty 
of  two  thousand  pounds,  conditioned  as  the  law  directs." 

In  the  will  which  speaks  for  itself  he  styles  the  children  by  his 
first  wife,  his  "first  children,"  and  those  by  his  last  wife  his  "last 
set  of  children,"  and  refers  to  the  will  of  Cornelius  Dabney,  Sr. 
(father  of  his  first  wife.)  He  appoints  Foster  Jones  and  Christopher 
Harris  (his  son-in-law,  and  son)  executors  of  the  first  part  of  his 
will  applying  to  his  first  children  and  his  wife  (Agnes)  and  John 
Sappington  and  John  Harris  (his  son)  executors  of  the  part  applying 
to  his  last  wife  and  her  children. 

Article  3. — By  his  first  wife,  Mary  Dabney,  Christopher  Harris  had 
the  cliiUlri'ii  named  in  the  cmoing  sections.: 

Section  1.  Dabney  Harris,  who  was  a  resident  of  Surry  County, 
North  Carolina  on  May  5th  1795,  and  whose  son  Christopher  Hams 
at  that  time  being  a  man  of  maturity,  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky., 
from  North  Carolina,  with  a  power  of  attorney  from  his  father 
(Dabney  Harris)  authorizing  his  said  son  to  receipt  for  his  (Dabney 
Harris)  part  of  his  fathers  estate,  and  from  this  it  is  known  that 
Dabney  Harris  had  one  child  but  as  to  any  other  children,  no  history 
is  at  hand: 

Ilisloni  mill   (i(ii('iih)i/ics  279 

1.    Christopher    Harris,   of  North     Carolina,   Surry    County. 
He  doubt les  had  several  other  children. 

Section  2.  Sarah  Harris;  married  James  Martin  whom  she 
survived.     To  whom  Chapter  V,  will  be  devoted. 

Section  3.  Robert  Harris,  who  married  Nancy  Grubbs,  will 
be  the  subject  of  Chapter  VI. 

Section  4.  Mourning  Harris,  who  married  Foster  Jones,  the 
subject  of  Chapter  11. 

Section  5.  Christopher  Harris;  married  Elizabeth  Grubbs,  the 
subject  of  Chapter.  XH. 

Section  6.  Mary  Harris;  married  George  Jones,  son  of  Mosias 
Jones,  of  whom  no  further  history  is  at  hand.* 

Section   7.   Tyre  Harris. 

By  his  second  wife,  Agnes  McCord,  Christophher  Harris  had 
the  children   mentioned  in  the  following  sections: 

Section  8.  John  Harris;  married  Margaret  Maupin,  a  daughter 
of  John  Maupin  and  Frances  Dabney,  his  wife,  the  subject  of  Chap- 
ter XVI. 

Section  9.  Benjamin  Harris;  married  firstly.  Miss  —  Jones,  and 
secondly,  Nancy  Burgin,  the  subject  of  Chapter  XLIII. 

Section  10.  William  Harris;  married  Anna  Oldham,  a  daughter 
of  Jesse  Oldham  and  Elizabeth  Simpson  his  wife,  Feb.  4,  1790,  the 
subject  of  Chapter  44. 

Section  11.  Barnabas  Harris;  married  Elizabeth  Oldham,  a 
daughter  of  Ready  Money  Richard  Oldham  and  Ursley  Williams, 
his  wife  in  1803.     The  subject  of  chapter  5. 

Section  12.  James  Harris,  was  a  devisee  of  his  fathers  will,  but 
died  about  1797-8.  An  inventory  and  appraisement  of  his  estate 
made  Jan.  1,  1799,  by  Colonel  John  Miller  and  Robert  Rodes  was 
returned  to  the  Court,  and  he  was  not  living  to  join  in  the  deed 
made  Dec.  2,  1809  by  the  heirs  of  Christopher  Harris  deceased,  and 
his  second  wife,  Agnes  McCord,  to  Samuel  Williams  and  James 
Guthrie  to  600  acres  on  Hinkston's  Fork  of  Licking  in  Bourbon 
County,  Kentucky.  His  wife  was  Susannah  Gass,  daughter  of  David 
and  Sarah  Gass,  see  Chap.   2,  notes. 

Section  13.  Samuel  Harris,  was  a  devisee  of  his  father's  will. 
He  married  Nancy  Wilkerson.  It  appears  from  the  Court  records 
that  Samuel  Harris  entered  as  one  of  the  sureties  on  the  bond  of 
his  brother,  Overton,  and  brother-in-law,  John  Bennett  as  executors 
of  the  will  of  his  sister,  Margaret  Harris,  who  died  testate  and  un- 
married in  the  year  1814.  On  Aug.  4,  1830,  Samuel  Harris  and 
his  wife,  Nancy,  conveyed  to  Richard  Fowler  land  in  Madison  County 
and  on  the  21st  of  Sept.  1831,  they  were  living  on  their  farm,  on 
Calloway's  Creek  in  Madison  County,  Ky.  which  on  that  date  they 
conveyed  to  Edwin  Phelps  and  they  emigrated  westward,  probably 
to  Missouri.  (See  Chap.  1,  Sec.  IX,  and  also  note  at  the  foot  of 
Chapter  XLV.) 

Section   14.      Jane  Harris;    married  Richard  Gentrv,   the  subject  - 
of  Chapter  XLVI. 

Section  15.  Margaret  Harris;  died  testate  and  unmarried  and 
in  her  will   gave  her  property  to  her  sisters,  Jane  Gentry  and   Isa- 

280  •  Histori/  ami  Genealogies 

bella  Bennett,  and  appointed  her  brother,  Overton,  and  her  brother- 
in-law,  John  Bennett,  executors  thereof. 

Section  16.  Isabella  Harris;  married  John  Bennett,  Oct.  2,  1794, 
the  subject  of  Chapter  XLVII. 

Section  17.  Overton  Harris;  married  Nancy  Oldham  a  daughter 
of  Ready  Money  Richard  Oldham,  and  Ursley  Williams  his  wife,  the 
subject  of  Chapter  XLVIH. 

Seventeen  children  were  born  to  Christopher  Harris,  the  fruits 
of  his -marriages  to  Mary  Dabney  and  Agnes  McCord.  all  of  whom 
lived  to  maturity,  and  all  raised  families  of  their  own,  except  his 
daughter  Margai-et.     Such  a  record  is  hard  to  surpass. 



(Named  in    Chap.    4,   Sec.    2.) 

Article  1. — Sarah  Harris  a  daughter  of  CTiristopher  Harris,  the  old 
Kentucky  pioneer,  and  >Iary  Dabney  his  first  wife,  was  born  in 
Albemarle  County,  Va.,  and  was  mari'ied  there  to  James  IMai-tin. 

They  came  with  their  children  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  in  the 
immigration  named  in  Chapter  2.  James  Martin  died  in  Madison 
County,  Ky.  about  the  first  of  the  year  17  99,  having  first  made  and 
published  his  last  will  and  testament,  which  bears  date  July  .5,  179  6, 
probated  March  5,  1799,  and  his  wife  Sarah  and  sons,  William,  Tyre 
and  Robert  Martin  were  appointed  executrix  and  executors,  (Will 
book  A.  page  192)  when  this  will  was  written  they  had  a  grand-son, 
David  Martin,  son  of  his  deceased  son,  James  Martin.     Their  children: 

Section  1.  Azariah  Martin,  was  born  in  Albemarle  County, 
Va.  and  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  prior  to  1784.  His  wife's  name 
we  haven't  found  out.  He  was  well  acquainted  with  Estill's  old 
Station,  and  other  noted  places.  He  was  a  scout,  Indian  spy,  hunter 
and  skilled  woodsman,  and  went  into  what  was  then  a  wild,  unset- 
tled country,  and  made  his  home,  on  Station  Camp  Creek,  about  two 
miles  from  the  Little  Picture  Lick,  or  Blue  Banks,  where  the  Indians 
blazed  the  trees  with  their  tomahawks,  and  painted  figures  and 
pictures  on  the  blazes  with  red  and  black  paint,  directly  on  the 
War  Path,  which  Lick  was  noted,  and  often  mentioned  and  it  also 
was  directly  on  the  War  Road,  and  on  the  trace  leading  from  Estill's 
Station  bv  "the  Mulberry  Lick,  Hoys  Lick,  Station  Camp  Ford,  oppo- 
site the  Little  Picture  Lick  to  Miller's  Bottom  on  the  Kentucky  river, 
and  the  mouth  of  Millers  Creek,  and  so  on.  He  seemed  to  be  well  ac- 
quainted with  the  woods,  the  licks,  traces,  etc.,  in  that  whoJe  section 
as  well  as  with  Estill  Station  settlements.  In  April  1784,  he 
in  company  with  Samuel  Estill,  Harris  Massie,  John  Woods,  William 
McCreery  and  several  others,  among  the  others  being  Humphrey, 
Baker,  (iolonel  Estill,  Alex  Reid,  Benjamin  Estill,  Benjamin  Cooper, 
Braxton  Cooper,  Sharswell  Cooper,  Patrick  Woods,  Charles  Shuiiey, 
Higgason  Harris,  Daniel  Hancock  and  Jesse  Noland,  went  in  pur- 
suit of  an  Indian  Camp,  near  the  mouth  of  Station  Camp  Creek,  and 
pursued  the  Indian  trail  up  said  creek,  across  the  Red  Lick  Fork,  for 
some    distance.      Shortly   after   this    scout,    he   and   William    Cradle- 

l/islnri/   II ml    liiniiii(ii/i('s  'ISl 

hough,  a  noted  sr-out,  woodsman  and  Indian  fighter  went  th(>  same 
route,  Cradlebough  was  an  unusually  hardy,  brave  and  adventurous 
spirit  and  well  acqnainted  from  Boonsborough  to  the  Middle  F'ork  of 
th(>  Kentucky,  and  up  the  latter  deep  into  the  country  seldom  trodden 
l)y  white  men,  and  was  one  of  the  earliest  ])ioneers,  and  Avho  with 
Hrooks  and  Talloway.  (Thomas  Brooks  and  John  Calloway)  in  1780 
had  hunted  and  encafped  for  days  and  days,  up  the  Middle  Fork,  and 
made  and  named  Rock  Back  Encampment,  Williams  Creek,  Cabin 
Creek  were  named  by  them,  and  Martin  got  much  information  from 
Cradlel)ough  of  the  woods,  the  Little  Picture  Lick,  and  other  Licks, 
the  War  Road  and  other  traces,  and  of  Indian  habits. 

In  Nov.  or  Dec.  1780,  Cradlebough,  Thomas  Brooks  and  .Tohn 
Calloway,  hunted  and  spied  into  the  wilds  of  the  Middle  Fork  and 
camped  several  days  at  a  place  on  the  south  side  of  said  fork,  nearly 
opposite  where  one  McWillard  was  living  in  1805,  and  at  this  place 
they  made  a  canoe  in  which  they  paddled  up  and  down  the  river, 
and  they  cut  on  a  beech  tree  the  first  or  initial  letters  of  their 
names:  W.  C.  1780,  and  ,J.  C.  and  which  they  named  Rock  Back 
Encampment,  and  then  about  four  miles  above  on  the  south  side  of 
the  river  at  a  Buffalo  Lick  on  a  branch  near  the  mouth  they  marked 
"Brooks  1780,"  and  F.  C."  they  camped  in  a  botom  about  four  miles 
above  the  mouth  of  the  creek,  that  they  named  Williams  Creek 
because  William  Cradlebough  whilst  out  hunting  first  found  it, 
and  here  they  encamped  and  cut  down  several  trees,  and  cut  on  a 
tree  the  letters  W.  C.  B.  (but  in  180.5  this  was  called  upper  Twins) 
and  on  a  creek  they  built  a  cabin  and  called  the  creek  Cabin  Creek, 
(which  in  1805  was  called  Lower  Twins.)  At  this  place  in  an  oak 
and  beech  they  cut  out  cutlets,  and  their  initial  letters,  which  marks 
were  there  in  1805,  the  place  is  about  three  quarters  of  a  mile  up 
from  the  mouth  of  the  creek.  When  this  party  of  three  left  Estill 
Station  on  this  hunt  they  no  doubt  went  the  trace  that  led  by  Aza- 
riah  Martins  place,  and  the  Litle  Picture  Lick. 

In  1805  James  McCormick  and  William  Bryant  were  commiss- 
ioned by  the  Court  to  take  depositions  to  perpetuate  testimony  and 
with  William  Cradlebough  went  to  Rock  Back  Encampment,  and 
there  commenced  the  taking  of  the  deposition  of  Cradlebough,  and 
adjournment  from  one  to  another  of  the  Encampments  of  Cradle- 
bough, Brooks  and  Calloway  of  1780  made  twenty  five  years 
prior  thereto,  and  found  the  facts  as  Cradlebough  had  described 
to  them  two  years  previous,  which  their  depositions  and  statements 
prove.  James  McCormick  then  being  on  the  Middle  Fork,  made  this 
statement  in  writing: 

In  the  fall  of  1798  James  Trabue  applied  to  him  to  survey  for 
him  on  the  Middle  Fork  of  the  Kentucky,  and  furnished  him  with 
several  entries,  one  calling  for  a  Buffalo  Lick  at  the  mouth  of  a 
small  creek  on  the  north  side  with  a  tree  marked  thus  "Brooks  1780" 
which  tree  and  lick  he  saw  the  same  fall  and  the  marks  that  were 
on  the  tree  appeared  to  be  very  old  or  old  enough  to  have  been  mark- 
ed at  the  same  date.  There  were  several  entries  that  called  for 
another  encampment,  called  the  Rock  Back  Encampment  which  by 
the  direction  of  William  Cradlebough  he  found  at  the  same  time 
with  W.  C.  1780,  and  J.  C.  1780,  cut  on  a  small  beech  tree,  which 
mark  also  appeared  old  enough  for  that  date  which  Rock  and  Tree 
William  Cradlebough  this  day  swore  to  in  his  presence,  also  the 
bottom  he  surveyed  for  Daniel  Trabue,  with  the  trees  fell  down,  was 
so  well  described  by  William  Cradlebough,  and  the  course  of  the 
river  that  he  verily  believed  it  to  be  the  same  bottom,  notwithsiand- 

382  Hisiorji  and   Gcncnl ogles 

ing  the  trees  were  rotted  and  gone,  and  being  present  with  him  in 
search  of  the  bottom  Aug.   12,   1805.  James  McCormick." 

It  seems  that  the  old  scout  and  indian  fighter,  Joseph  Proctor, 
who  was  47  years  old  in  1805,  and  who  had  been  in  Kentucky  ever 
since  before  the  big  battle  at  Boonsborough,  was  perfectly  familiar 
with  the  geography  and  topography  of  the  country  from  personal 
observation  and  experience  and  knew  all  the  stations,  traces,  licks, 
water  courses  and  all  places  of  note  and  was  a  mighty  hunter.  Ac- 
cording to  Proctor,  the  Indians  who  travelled  the  south  fork  of 
Station  Camp  generally  crossed  the  river  about  the  mouth  of  said 
creek,  and  came  through  the  Little  Picture  Lick  up  the  creek  oppo- 
site where  Azariah  Martin  lived  in  1801,  on  the  east  side  of  the 
creek  through  a  large  caney  bottom,  to  the  South  Fork  of  Station 
Camp.  He  describes  the  War  Road  and  says,  "what  I  mean  by  the 
War  Road,  is  that,  that  runs  up  the  South  Fork  of  Station  Camp  fiom 
the  Indian  Picture  Lick  out  at  the  head  of  the  War  Fork,  and  on  out 
to  the  Wilderness  Road.  Speaking  of  the  place  called  Blue  Banks 
to  which  the  Little  Picture  Lick  is  near  he  says,  on  a  high  ridge  the 
banks  on  the  south  side  are  naked  to  the  blue,  where  the  buffaloes 
used  to  wallow.  The  same  remains  as  he  said  in  1805  to  this  good 
day  19  07,  one  hundred  and  two  years  after  he  gave  his  deposition. 
He  located  all  the  licks  and  traces  in  that  whole  section,  and  men- 
tions a  bark  camp,  nearly  thirty  yards  long,  (Indian  Camp)  on  the 
War  Road.  In  1780  or  1781  he  and  Samuel  Estill  were  pilots  for 
Colonel  George  Adams  and  his  company  of  scouts,  in  pursuit  of,  and 
on  the  trail  of  Indians,  and  night  came  on  them  when  they  had 
reached  a  point  above  where  Azariah  Martin  lived  and  above  the 
Forks  of  Station  Camp  Creek,  and  they  lost  the  trail  of  the  indians, 
but  the  next  morning  they  found  the  indian  trail  where  they  crossed 
the  Red  Lick  Fork.  During  the  pursuit  a  free  negro  by  the  name  of 
Hines,  and  another  man,  by  the  name  of  John  Dumford  came  to 
Hines  Lick  and  there  Hines  was  killed  by  the  indians  at  the  Lick, 
from  which   occurence  said  lick   took   its  name. 

He  and  Peter  Hackett  speak  of  Shelby  and  Logan's  campaign  up 
the  Kentucky  river.  Hackett  was  on  Station  Camp  in  the  fall  of 
17  80,  the  fall  after  James  E.still  was  killed  and  with  the  Shelby 
Campaign  in  pursuit  of  indians  since  then,  when  he  passed  up  on 
Station  Camp  by  the  Little  Picture  Lick.  Azariah  Martin  had  besides 
other  children,  sons: 

1.  Littleberry  Martin. 

2.  Liberty  Martin:    married  Elizabeth  Coz,  April   30,   1840. 

Section  2.  Christopher  Martin;  married  Anna  Turner  July  28, 

Section  3.      David  Martin:   married  Sallie  Turner. 

Section  4.  William  Martin;  married  Winifred  G-entry,  this 
wedding  occured  most  probable  in  Albemarle  County,  Va.  but 
thev  came  to  Madison  County,  Ky.  where  William  Martin  died  in 
the"  early  part  of  the  year  1841,  having  made  and  published  his 
last  will  and  testament  which  bears  date  April  13,  1839,  probated 
May  31,  1S41.  (Will  Book  G.  page  418.)  In  which  he  names  his 

1.    Richard    Gentry    Martin:     married    Susannah    Jones,    Sept. 

15,  1840.     Their  children. 

1.  William  Martin;    married  Mollie  O'Bannon. 

2.  Humphrey  Martin;    married  Jennie  Yantis. 

3.  Winifred    Martin;    married    John    Black,    her    cousin    (See 
Section  12.) 

//is/nri/  (111(1   (Icncdlogics  283 

4.  Richard  G.   Martin;    died  unmarried. 

5.  Nannie   Martin;    married   James   Brat  ton. 

6.  Robert    Martin;    married    Paltie   Jones. 

2.  John  Martin;  married  Mary  Barnett  April  5,  1821,  Children: 

1.  William  Martin;  married  his  cousin,  Mary  Tliomas.  (See 
Section  X.) 

2.  Margaret   ]\Tartin;    married   William    Cofhr;ni. 

3.  Mary  Martin;   married  Solon  Moran. 

4.  Nathan    Martin,    when    a   bachelor   emigrated    to   Missouri. 

3.  James  Martin,  emigrated  to  Missouri  and  there  married 
and  raised  a  large  family  and  had  a  son: 

1.   William  Martin. 

4.  Lucy  Martin;   married  Austin  Ballard,  no  issue. 

5.  Tyre  Martin,  emigrated  to  Missouri,  where  he  married. 

6.  Elizabeth  Martin;  married  Elias  Sims,  besides  other  child- 
ren she  had   a  son: 

1.  William  Sims,  known  as  Buffalo  Bill,  who  was  a  Banker 
in  Mexico,  Missouri. 

7.  David  Martin;  married  Samiramus  Brassfield,  was  a  farmer 
and  a  very  prominent  and  useful  and  beloved  citizen  of  Madison 
County,  Ky.,  and  represented  the  County  in  the  Legislature.  He 
married  Samiramus  Brassfield,  a  daughter  of  James  Brassfleld  and 
Polly  Moberley  his  wife.      Their  children: 

1.  William  Martin;    married  Martha  Wagle  issue: 

1.  Peyton  Martin. 

2.  Samiramus   Martin.  ( 

3.  William  Martin. 

2.  Minerva  Martin;  married  Albert  A.  Curtis, Feb.  3,  1845. 
Mr.  Curtis  was  at  one  time  a  prosperous  merchant  in  Irvine, 
Ky.  popular  and  influential  and  elected  to  the  State  Legis- 
lature.    Their  children: 

1.  William  P.  Curtis. 

2.  Ann  Curtis. 

3.  David  Curtis. 

4.  Mary  Curtis. 

.5.  Albert  A.  Curtis. 

6.  Ed   Curtis. 

7.  Thomas  Curtis. 

8.  Bessie  Curtis. 

3.  James  Martin;  married  Henrietta  Lipscomb.  They  emi- 
grated to  Texas,  where  Mr.  Martin  died  a  few  years  ago.  Their 

1.  Duke  Martin. 

2.  John  Martin. 

3.  David  Martin. 

4.  William  Martin. 
.5.  Walter  Martin. 

6.  Frank  Martin. 

7.  Clinton  Martin. 

8.  James  Martin. 

9.  Samiramus  Martin. 

10.  Ida  Martin. 

4.  Bettie   Martin;    died   in    Madison    County,    Ky.    unmarried. 

5.  David   Gentry   Martin;    married   firstly,   Sallie   Oldham,   the 

•^84  llislorti  iiinl   (Irnrdlof/ics 

only  daughter  of  Thomas  M.  Oldham,  and  Sarah  Overton  Harris 
his  wife.  (See  Part  VI,  Chap.  38,  Section  1.)  She  died  without 
living  issue,  and  Mr.  Martin  married  secondly.  Temperance 
C.  Oldham  a  daughter  of  Othniel  R.  Oldham  and  Svdonia 
Noland  his  wife.    (See   Part  VI,   Chap.   XVII,   Section   VI.) 

8.  Mary  Martin;  married  Garland  Maupin.  (See  Part  V,  Chap. 
Xll,   Section   1.) 

9.  Nancy  Martin;   married  John  Holman.  Their  children: 

1.  Sallie  Ann  Holman;   married  Jamison  Arvine,  Oct.  4,  1842. 

2.  Nancy  J.  Holman;   married  Allen  Tudor,  Mch.  8,  1849. 

3.  Minerva  Holman;   married  William  Pullins,  Nov.  30,  1848. 

4.  Helen    Holman;     married    William    S.    Atkinson,    May    2, 

5.  Nancy  Holman;    married  Haman  Million,   Sept.    28,    1852. 

6.  Elizabeth  Holman;  married  Wm.  S.  Million,  Oct.  18,  1853. 

7.  James  M.  Holman;   married  Fannie  Newby,  Nov.  21,  183  9. 

10.  Sarah  Martin;  married  Athenasius  Thomas,  Nov.  21,  1826. 
Their  children; 

1.  William  M.   Thomas;    married  first   Lucy  Hensley,  second, 
Nancy  Pigg. 

2.  Tyre  Thomas;  died  in  Texas,  unmarried. 

3.  Mary  Elizabeth  Thomas;  married  her  cousin,  William  Mar- 
tin.  (See  Section  IV-11.) 

4.  Winifred  Thomas;   married  William  F.  Broaddus. 

11.  Minerva  Martin;  married  first  Thomas  Cox,  no  issue,  and 
second,  Mr.  Ferrill,  and  they  emigrated  to  Missouri,  and  raised 
children.     She  was  living  in  1905. 

12.  Winifred  Martin;  married  James  Black,  March  29,  1836, 

1.  Sarah    Black;    married   Jacob    S.    Bronston.    (See    Part    V, 
Chap.   13,  Sec.   7.) 

2.  Almira  Black;    married   George   Smith. 

3.  John    Black;    married    his    cousin    Winifred    Martin.    (See 
1-3  of  Section  4  above.) 

Section  5.  Tyre  Martin;  married  his  cousin.  Mourning  Jones. 
Sept.  22,  1798.  They  emigrated  to  St.  Louis,  Territory  of  Missouri. 
(See   Chap.    11,   Sec.    6,    Part   I,   Chap.    13,   Sec.    3,   note.) 

Section  6.  Robert  Martin;  married  Polly  Noland  Jan.  17,  1799. 
Their  children: 

1.  Jack  Martin;   married 

2.  William  Martin;   married 

3.  Nancy  Martin;   married  Noah  D.  Creed. 

4.  Miss  Martin;   married  David  Black. 

5.  Miss Martin  Cleve  Black. 

6.  Miss  Martin;   married  Ril  Keys. 

Section  7.  Hudson  Martin,  a  second  Lieutenant  in  the  9th 
Virginia,  during  the  Revolution.  For  a  number  of  years  he  was  Dep- 
uty Clerk  of  the  County  Court,  and  later  on  a  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
He  married  Jane  Lewis  the  eldest  daughter  of  Nicholas  Lewis. 
About  1800  he  moved  to  Amherst  in  the  vicinity  of  Fabers  Mills, 
where  his  descendants  now  live.  In  1834  Captain  John  Thomas  tes- 
tified before  the  County  Court  on  behalf  of  his  heirs,  that  Hudson 
Martin  served  in  the  Revolutionary  Army.  He  was  Lieutenant  of 
the  9th  Va.     Of  his  children  were: 

II isIdi-ij   mill   < li'iii'iilij(/iri^  285 

1.  John    M.    Martin,    he    became    a    member    of    Ihe    Albemarle 
Bar  in   1809. 

2.  Hudson  Murlin;    married   Mildred  Minor  a   daughter  of   Dalj- 
riey  Minor.     He  at  one  time  lived  in 

Section  8.      Nathan  Martin. 

Section  9.  James  Martin;  married  in  Virginia,  where  he  died 
leaving  a  son,  named  and  called  by  liis  father  in  his  will,  his  grand 

1.    David   Marl  in. 

Section  10.  MaryMartin;  married  .lulian  Pleasant  Profit  as  shown 
in  her  fathers  will.  Pleasant  Profit  died  in  Madison  Countv,  Kv., 
in  1818,  calls  his  wife  Polly  in  his  will  but  fails  to  call  the  "names 
of  his  children: 

1.    Sallie   Profit;    married   Smallwood   V.   Xoland,   July   Z,    1H2?,. 

Sarah  Martin  survived  her  husband,  James  Martin,  "and  after- 
wards married  George  Jones.  Her  children  (except  James  who  died 
and  Hudson  who  remained  in  Virginia)  came  with  them  to  Madison 
County,  Ky.  At  the  time  the  most  of  them  were  grown  and  some  of 
them  brought  wives  with  them,  and  had  families  of  their  own. 

The  >Iartin  family  of  Albemarle. 

The  year  Albemarle  County  was  organized,  1745,  Captain  Joseph 
Martin  as  he  w^as  called  in  the  patents,  obtained  grants  for  more  than 
1400  acres  of  land  on  Priddy's  Creek,  and  800  acres  on  Piney  Run. 
His  will  disposing  of  lands  in  Essex  County  leads  to  the  thought 
that  he  came  from  that  part  of  the  Colony  to  Albemarle.  He  and 
his  wife,  Ann,  had  eleven  children: 

1.  Brice  Martin. 

2.  William  Martin. 

3.  Joseph   Martin. 

4.  John  ..lartin. 

5.  George  Martin. 

6.  Sarah  Martin;    married  John  Burrus. 

7.  Mary  Martin;  married  Mr.  Hammock. 

8.  Susan  Martin. 

9.  Martha  Martin. 

10.  Ann  Martin. 

11.  Olive  Martin;  married  probably  Ambrose  Edwards. 
Captain  Joseph  Martin,  died  in  176i. 

James  Martin  owned  at  an  early  date  a  considerable  tract  of 
land  that  now  belongs  to  the  Grayson  family  near  the  present  site 
of  the  Miller  School.  In  1759  he  gave  200  acres  to  each  of  his 
six  sons,  viz: 

1.  Ste]ihen  Martin. 

2.  John  Martin. 

o.  Ob  diah   Martin. 

4.  James  Martin. 

5.  William  Martin. 

6.  David  Martin. 

Most  of  these  sons  emigrated  from  Albemarle  to  Kentucky,  and 
some  it  is  believed  to  North  Carolina,  about  the  time  of  the  Revolu- 
tion or  about  its  close. 

One  John  Martin  lived  in  the  western  part  of  North  Garden. 
His  place  v^'as  formerly  known  as  the   Pocket   Plantation.      He  was 

286  History  and  Genealogies 

prosperous,  and  became  the  owner  of  more  than  1500  acres.  He 
died  in  1812.  His  wife  was  Elizabeth,  believed  to  have  been  Eliz- 
abeth Wheeler.     Their  children  were: 

1.  Benjamin  Martin. 

2.  Sarah  Martin;   married  John  Watson. 

3.  Mary  Martin;   married  William  Wood. 

4.  Susan  Martin;   married  Hickerson  Jacob. 

5.  Clarisa  Martin. 

One  John  Martin  in  17  62,  purchased  from  Joseph  Thomas  up- 
wards of  600  acres  of  land  in  the  Southern  part  of  the  County  on 
Ballingers  Creek.  He  died  in  1810.  He  married  Ann  Tooley  daugh- 
ter of  James  Tooley.      Their  children   were: 

1.  Sarah  Martin;   married  James  Wood. 

2.  Ann  Martin;  married  John  Dawson. 

3.  Dabney  Martin. 

4.  James  Martin. 

5.  Celia  Martin. 

6.  Alice  Martin. 

7.  Simeon  Martin. 

8.  Massie  Martin. 

9.  Lindsay  Martin. 

Thomas  Martin  was  already  settled  on  the  South  Fork  of  the 
Hardware  in  1764,  where  his  descendants  have  been  residents  ever 
since.     He  died  in  179  2.     He  and  his  wife,  Mary  had  ten  children: 

1.  Abraham  Martin. 

2.  George  Martin;    married  Barbara  Woods,  and  died  in   1799. 

3.  Thomas  Martin. 

4.  Charles  Martin   and   his  wife,   Pattie  probably  went   to  Hal- 
ifax County. 

5.  John  Martin,  was  a  Captain  in  the  Revolutionary  Army.     He 
married   Elizabeth   Lewis,   and  emigrated   to  Fayette   County,   Ky. 

6.  Pleasant  Martin,  moved  to  Amherst  County. 

7.  Letitia  Martin;  married  Richard  Moore. 

8.  Mildred  Martin;   married  Oglesby. 

9.  Ann  Martin;    married  Mr.  Plain. 

10.   Mary  Martin;   married  Penjamin  Dawson. 

Hudson  Martin  was  a  second  Lieutenant  in  the  9th  Va.  during  the 
Revolution  and  for  a  number  of  years  Deputy  Clerk  of  the  Albe- 
marle Court,  and  subsequently  a  Magistrate.  He  married  Jane  Lewis 
about  1800,  he  moved  to  Amherst,  in  the  vicinity  of  Fabers  Mills. 
(See  Section  7.) 

•  Earl;  10  the  last  century,  a  Thomas  Martin,  married  Mary  Ann 
White,  lauyhter  of  Daniel  White.  His  home  was  west  of  Bates- 
ville,  :it>rth  of  the  place  now  occupied  by  William  H.  Turner,  Jr. 
He  died  in  1821,  his  children  were: 

1.  Ann  Mil-tin;  married  John  L.  White. 

2.  Azariah   Martin. 

3.  Dianna  Martin;   married  James  Lobban. 

4.  Thomas  Martin. 

.5.  Mary  Martin;   married  William  Stone. 

6.  Charles  Martin. 

7.  Elizabeth  Martin. 

8.  David  Martin. 

9.  Henry  Martin. 

10.  Parbara  Martin;  married  John  Lobban. 

11.  Lucy  Martin;  married  William  H.  Garland. 

History  aud  Genealogies  287 



(Named  in  Sec.  3,  Art.  ?,,  Chap.  4,  See  Item  10,  Cliap.  1.) 

Artit'h"  1. — Robert  Harris,  a  son  of  ('hristoi>lu>r  Harris,  the  old  Ken- 
tuckv  pioiu'or,  and  .Mary  Dabncy  liis  wife,  was  born  in  Virf-inia, 
\vln'r«'  \\v  married  \aney  CJrubbs,  daufihter  of  Hifif;ason  Grubbs, 
an  old  Madison  Cctuntv  pioneer,  and  one  of  the  early  holdeiN  of 
the  Fort  at   lJoonsborouf;h. 

In  the  migration  named  in  Chapter  2,  Robert  Harris,  and  hi.s 
wife  Nancy  Grubbs  came  from  Virginia,  and  settled  in  Madison 
County,  and  often  visited  their  father  and  father-in-law,  aforenamed 
at  Boonsborough  and  Grubbs  Fort,  where  they  enjoyed  the  company 
of  old  holders  of  the  fort,  and  were  all  acquainted  with  the  old  p